test report


Test Report

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                                                                                          Report No. 034H046F

                                       Test Report

                       Product Name: Rugged Wireless Keyboard
                                         Model No.: RKB
                                      FCC ID. : MAU1011

Address : No. 1, R&D Road 2, Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park,
                 Taiwan, R.O.C.

                             Date of Receipt : Apr. 14, 2003

                             Date of Test        : May 6, 2003

                             Report No.          : 034H046F

The test results relate only to the samples tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP any agency of the U.S. Government

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                                                                                                 Report No. 034H046F

                             Test Re port Certification
                                                                                      Test Date : May 6, 2003
                                                                                      Report No. : 034H046F

                                              Accredited by NIST (NVLAP)
                                                 NVLAP Lab Code: 200347-0

       Product Name                  : Rugged Wireless Keyboard
       Applicant                     : MITAC THCHNOLOGY CORP.
       Address                       : No. 1, R&D Road 2, Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park,
                                        Taiwan, R.O.C.
       Manufacturer                  : MITAC THCHNOLOGY CORP.
       Model No.                     : RKB
       FCC ID.                       : MAU1011
       Rated Voltage                 : AC 120V/60Hz
       Trade Name                    : MITAC
       Measurement Standard          : FCC Part 15 Subpart B: 2002, CISPR 22: 1997
       Measurement Procedure         : ANSI C63.4: 1992
       Classification                : Class B
       Test Result                   : Complied
The Test Results relate only to the samples tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP any agency of the U.S. Government

          Documented By                :
                                                      (       Ellie Cheng )

          Tested By                    :
                                                          (   James Wu        )

          Approved By                  :
                                                      (       Kevin Wang )

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                                                                                                                                     Report No. 034H046F

                                                  TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S
Description                                                                                                                                                    Page
1.                  GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................4

1.1.                EUT Description...........................................................................................................................4
1.2.                Tested System Details...................................................................................................................5
1.3.                Configuration of tested System ....................................................................................................6
1.4.                EUT Exercise Software ................................................................................................................6
1.5.                Test Facility ..................................................................................................................................7

2.                  Conducted Emission...................................................................................................................8

2.1.                Test Equipment.............................................................................................................................8
2.2.                Test Setup .....................................................................................................................................8
2.3.                Limits ...........................................................................................................................................9
2.4.                Test Procedure ..............................................................................................................................9
2.5.                Test Result ....................................................................................................................................9

3.                  Radiated Emission....................................................................................................................10

3.1.                Test Equipment...........................................................................................................................10
3.2.                Test Setup ...................................................................................................................................10
3.3.                Limits .........................................................................................................................................11
3.4.                Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................12
3.5.                Test Result ..................................................................................................................................12

4.                  EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing ...........................................................13
5.                  Summary of Test Datas ............................................................................................................14

5.1.                Test Data of conducted Emission ...............................................................................................15
5.2      Test Data of Radiated Emission...............................................................................................................17
       Attachment 1:        EUT Test Photographs
       Attachment 2:        EUT Detailed Photographs

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                                                                                      Report No. 034H046F


1.1.   EUT Description

       Product Name              : Rugged Wireless Keyboard
       Trade Name                : MITAC
       Model No.                 : RKB
       Power Adapter             : FAIRWAY, VE20-120
                                   Cable Out: Non-Shielded, 1.8m
                                   Power cord: Non-Shielded, 1.8m

        1. This EUT is a Rugged Wireless Keyboard.
        2. QuieTek has verified both construction and function in typical operation. All the test modes were
            carried out with the EUT in normal operation, which was shown in this test report and defined
                  EMI Mode: Mode 1: Normal Operation

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                                                                                         Report No. 034H046F

1.2.   Tested System Details
       The types for all equipment, plus descriptions of all cables used in the tested system (including
       inserted cards) are:
              Product          Manufacturer         Model No.             Serial No.           Power Cord
                                                                                         Non-shielded, 1.8m,
       (1) PC               MITAC               CA25                N/A
                                                                                         a ferrite core bonded
       (2) USB Mouse        Logitech            M-BE58              LZE11405011          --
       (3) CD-ROM           MITAC               N/A                 N/A                  --
       (4) USB Mouse        Logitech            M-BE58              LZE11403949          --
             Microphone &
       (5)                  TOKTO               SX-MI               N/A                  --
       (6) Modem            ACEEX               DM-1414             960011397            Non-shielded, 1.6m

                  Signal Cable Type                                 Signal cable Description
       A. Microphone & Earphone Cable            Non-Shielded, 1.2m
       B     Modem Cable                         Shielded, 1.5m
       C     USB Mouse Cable                     Shielded, 1.0m
       D     CD-ROM Cable                        Shielded, 0.2m, a ferrite core bonded
       E     USB Mouse Cable                     Shielded, 1.0m

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                                                                                      Report No. 034H046F

1.3.    Configuration of tested System


                                                          USB Mouse         D
             Microphone                                                         E
             & Earphone
                                                                CD ROM

        Modem                                                         USB Mouse
         (6)                           EUT                               (4)

1.4.      EUT Exercise Software
 1.4.1 Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on 1.3.
 1.4.2 Turn on the power of all equipment.
 1.4.3 Boot the PC from Hard Disk.
 1.4.4 The PC will check data through PC to EUT.
 1.4.5 The personal computer's monitor will show the transmitting and receiving characteristics when
       the communication is success.
 1.4.6 Repeat the above procedure 1.4.4 to 1.4.5

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                                                                                    Report No. 034H046F

1.5.   Test Facility
       Ambient conditions in the laboratory:
                 Items               Required (IEC 68-1)                   Actual
       Temperature (°C)          15-35                          20-35
       Humidity (%RH)            25-75                          50-65
       Barometric pressure (mbar) 860-1060                      950-1000

       Site Description:   November 3, 1998 File on
                           Federal Communications Commission
                           FCC Engineering Laboratory
                           7435 Oakland Mills Road
                           Columbia, MD 21046
                           Reference 31040/SIT1300F2
                           August 30, 2001 Accreditation on NVLAP
                           NVLAP Lab Code: 200347-0
       Site Name:          Quietek Corporation

       Site Address:       No.75-1, Wang-Yeh Valley, Yung-Hsing,
                           Chiung-Lin, Hsin-Chu County,
                           Taiwan, R.O.C.
                           TEL: 886-3-592-8858 / FAX: 886-3-592-8859
                           E-Mail: service@quietek.com

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                                                                                                Report No. 034H046F

2.     Conducted Emission

2.1.   Test Equipment
       The following test equipment are used during the conducted emission test:

       Item Instrument                Manufacturer     Type No./Serial No          Last Cal..            Remark
       1      Test Receiver           R&S              ESCS 30/825442/17           May, 2002
       2      L.I.S.N.                R&S              ESH3-Z5/825016/6            May, 2002             EUT
       3      L.I.S.N.                Kyoritsu         KNW-407/8-1420-3            May, 2002             Peripherals
       4      Pulse Limiter           R&S              ESH3-Z2                     N/A
       5      No.2 Shielded Room                                                   N/A
       Note: All equipment upon which need to calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year.

2.2.   Test Setup

                                                                            Reference Plane

                    Test Receiver

                 12dBuV                                                    EUT
                 †††                                          Load

                                                   LISN                                           LISN

                                    Ground Plane

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                                                                                              Report No. 034H046F

2.3.   Limits

                              FCC Part 15 Subpart B Limits (dBuV)

            Frequency                      Class A                           Class B

                                     QP              AV               QP                 AV

            0.15 - 0.50              79               66             66-56              56-46

             0.50-5.0                73               60               56                46

              5.0 - 30               73               60               60                50

       Remarks :     In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

2.4.   Test Procedure
       The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization
       network (L.I.S.N.).   This provides a 50 ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the measuring
       equipment. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN that
       provides a 50ohm/50uH coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please refers to the block
       diagram of the test setup and photographs.)
       Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum conducted interference. In order to find the
       maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and the entire interface cables must be
       changed according to ANSI C63.4: 1992 on conducted measurement.
       Conducted emissions were invested over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz using a
       receiver bandwidth of 9kHz.

2.5.   Test Result
       The emission from the EUT was below the specified limits. The worst-case emissions are shown in
       section 5. The acceptance criterion was met and the EUT passed the test.

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                                                                                                        Report No. 034H046F

3.      Radiated Emission

3.1.   Test Equipment
       The following test equipment are used during the radiated emission test:

         Test Site                     Equipment            Manufacturer           Model No./Serial No.          Last Cal.

       Site # 1                     Test Receiver           R&S                   ESCS 30 / 825442/14           May, 2002
                                    Spectrum Analyzer       Advantest             R3261C / 71720140             May, 2002
                                    Pre-Amplifier           HP                    8447D/3307A01812              May, 2002
                                    Bilog Antenna           Chase                 CBL6112B / 12452              Sep., 2002
                                    Horn Antenna            EM                    EM6917 / 103325               May, 2002
       Site # 2            X Test Receiver                  R&S                   ESCS 30 / 825442/17           May, 2002
                           X Spectrum Analyzer              Advantest             R3261C / 71720609             May, 2002
                           X Pre-Amplifier                  HP                    8447D/3307A01814              May, 2002
                           X Bilog Antenna                  Chase                 CBL6112B / 2455               Sep., 2002
                                    Horn Antenna            EM                    EM6917 / 103325               May, 2002

          Note:       1. All equipments that need to calibrate are with calibration period of 1 year.
                      2. Mark “X” test instruments are used to measure the final test results.

3.2.   Test Setup


                     FRP Dome                                                                                   1m to 4m

                                                                            Antenna Mast
                                                                            Broadband or Dipole
                                                                            Antenna height can be
                                                                            moved from 1m to 4m.
              Non-Conducted Table


                                                           Fully Metal Mesh Ground Plane            To Controller
               Test                                                                                      To Receiver

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                                                                                        Report No. 034H046F

3.3.   Limits

                                     CISPR 22 Limits (dBuV/m)

             Frequency                                          Class B

                 MHz                        Distance

                30 – 230                       10                               30

             230 – 1000                        10                               37

       Remark: 1. The tighter limit shall apply at the edge between two frequency bands.

                  2. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                    antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.
                  3. RF Voltage (dBuV/m) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV/m)

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                                                                                        Report No. 034H046F

3.4.   Test Procedure
       The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The turn
       table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The EUT
       was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 10 meters.
       The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
       emission level.
       Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to find
       the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI
       C63.4:1992 on radiated measurement.
       Radiated emissions were invested over the frequency range from 30MHz to1GHz using a
       receiver bandwidth of 120kHz. Radiated was performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 10

3.5.   Test Result
       The emission from the EUT was below the specified limits. The worst-case emissions are shown in
       section 5. The acceptance criterion was met and the EUT passed the test.

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                                                            Report No. 034H046F

4.   EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing

     No modification was made during testing.

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                                                                                    Report No. 034H046F

5.   Summary of Test Datas
     The test results in the emission was performed according to the requirements of measurement
     standard and process. Quietek Corporation is assumed full responsibility for the accuracy and
     completeness of these measurements. The test data of the emission is listed as below.
     All the tests were carried out with the EUT in normal operation, which was defined as:

             EMI Mode: Mode 1: Normal Operation

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                                                                                     Report No. 034H046F

5.1.       Test Data of conducted Emission
           Product        :   Rugged Wireless Keyboard
           Test Item      :   Conducted Emission Test
           Power Line     :   Line 1
           Test Mode      :   Mode 1: Normal Operation

  Frequency       Cable       LISN           Reading                  Emission   Limits
                  Loss        Factor         Level                    Level
         MHz      dB          dB             dBuV                     dBuV        dBuV
         0.155    -0.01       0.10          44.45                     44.54       65.71
         0.312     0.00       0.17          45.19                     45.36       59.91
        *0.626     0.03       0.24          46.21                     46.47       56.00
         0.786     0.02       0.26          43.94                     44.22       56.00
         1.097     0.03       0.29          44.44                     44.76       56.00
         1.716     0.09       0.33          41.89                     42.31       56.00

         0.155    -0.01       0.10          43.60                     43.69       55.73
         0.312     0.00       0.17          44.10                     44.27       49.92
         0.626     0.03       0.24          42.10                     42.36       46.00
         0.786     0.02       0.26          40.40                     40.68       46.00
         1.097     0.03       0.29          38.10                     38.42       46.00
         1.716     0.09       0.33          32.60                     33.02       46.00

        1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value.
        2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level.
         3. Emission Level = Reading Level + LISN Factor + Cable loss.

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                                                                                    Report No. 034H046F

          Product         :   Rugged Wireless Keyboard
          Test Item       :   Conducted Emission Test
          Power Line      :   Line 2
          Test Mode       :   Mode 1: Normal Operation

  Frequency       Cable       LISN           Reading                  Emission   Limits
                  Loss        Factor         Level                    Level
         MHz      dB          dB             dBuV                     dBuV       dBuV
         0.158    -0.01       0.10          45.45                     45.54      65.58
         0.314     0.00       0.17          45.25                     45.42      59.86
        *0.623     0.03       0.24          46.29                     46.55      56.00
         0.783     0.02       0.26          44.77                     45.05      56.00
         1.091     0.03       0.29          45.08                     45.40      56.00
         1.717     0.09       0.33          42.15                     42.57      56.00

         0.158    -0.01       0.10          43.90                     43.99      55.57
         0.314     0.00       0.17          44.10                     44.27      49.86
         0.623     0.03       0.24          40.00                     40.26      46.00
         0.783     0.02       0.26          40.50                     40.78      46.00
         1.091     0.03       0.29          38.00                     38.32      46.00
         1.717     0.09       0.33          33.00                     33.42      46.00

        1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value.
        2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level.
        3. Emission Level = Reading Level + LISN Factor + Cable loss.

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                                                                                      Report No. 034H046F

5.2       Test Data of Radiated Emission
          Product       :      Rugged Wireless Keyboard
          Test Item     :      Radiated Emission
          Test Site     :      No.2 OATS
          Test Mode     :      Mode 1: Normal Operation

        Freq.   Cable   Probe  PreAMP     Reading      Emission     Margin   Limit
                Loss    Factor             Level        Level
         MHz     dB     dB/m       dB      dBuV         dBuV/m        dB     dBuV/m
      *45.060    1.30   10.66      0.00   11.07         23.03        6.97    30.00
      145.250    2.26   11.26      0.00    4.87         18.39       11.61    30.00
      169.235    2.49       9.56   0.00    3.29         15.34       14.66    30.00
      240.000    3.17   11.32      0.00    3.69         18.18       18.82    37.00
      432.000    4.44   16.31      0.00    1.02         21.77       15.23    37.00
      532.000    4.96   18.11      0.00    2.37         25.43       11.57    37.00
      912.225    6.95   21.05      0.00    1.49         29.49        7.51    37.00

    55.245       1.39       6.80   0.00    9.47         17.66       12.34    30.00
       64.265    1.48       6.58   0.00   10.54         18.60       11.40    30.00
      139.525    2.21   11.15      0.00    7.69         21.04        8.96    30.00
      167.135    2.47       9.67   0.00    3.20         15.34       14.66    30.00
      233.525    3.11   10.51      0.00    2.21         15.83       21.17    37.00
      300.350    3.76   13.56      0.00   -0.27         17.04       19.96    37.00
      535.000    4.98   18.11      0.00    2.27         25.36       11.64    37.00
      627.650    5.46   18.50      0.00    0.76         24.72       12.28    37.00
  *746.725       6.09   19.23      0.00    7.11         32.43        4.57    37.00

        1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average
           measurements as necessary.
        2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level.
        3. Emission Level = Reading Level + LISN Factor + Cable loss-PreAMP.

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                                                       Report No. 034H046F

Attachment 1: EUT Test Photographs

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                                                     Report No. 034H046F

Attachment 2: EUT Detailed Photographs

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Document Created: 2003-05-20 16:08:10
Document Modified: 2003-05-20 16:08:10

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