12LR098FCE _Part15.407 (NII) rev01


Test Report

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                         TEST REPORT
               FCC PART 15 SUBPART E
             New Application;          Class I PC;            Class II PC

  Limited Modular Approval for Notebook Model V100-G4/V200-G2

Product :              Wireless LAN Module

Brand:                 N/A

Model:                 Advanced-N 6235

Model Difference:      N/A

FCC ID:                MAU046

FCC Rule Part:         §15.407, Cat: NII

Applicant:             Getac Technology Corporation

Address:               5F., Building A, No. 209, Sec. 1, Nangang Rd.,
                       Nangang Dist., Taipei City 11568, Taiwan,
Test Performed by:
International Standards Laboratory
<Lung-Tan LAB>
*Site Registration No.
BSMI: SL2-IN-E-0013; MRA TW1036; TAF: 0997; IC: IC4067B-3;
No. 120, Lane 180, San Ho Tsuen, Hsin Ho Rd.
Lung-Tan Hsiang, Tao Yuan County 325, Taiwan
*Tel : 886-3-407-1718; Fax: 886-3-407-1738
Report No.: ISL-12LR098FCE
Issue Date : 2012/07/16
                                Test results given in this report apply only to the
                                specific sample(s) tested and are traceable to nation-
                                al or international standard through calibration of the
                                equipment and evaluating measurement uncertainty
                                This report MUST not be used to claim product en-
                                dorsement by TAF, NVLAP or any agency of the
                                This test report shall not be reproduced except in
                                full, without the written approval of International
                                Standards Laboratory.

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                                             -2 of 32-                       FCC ID: MAU046

                           VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE

Applicant:                     Getac Technology Corporation
Product Description:           Wireless LAN Module
Brand Name:                    N/A
Model No.:                     Advanced-N 6235
Model Difference:              N/A
FCC ID:                        MAU046
FCC Rule Part:                 §15.407
Date of test:                  2012/05/16 ~ 2012/06/28
Date of EUT Received:          2012/05/16

We hereby certify that:
All the tests in this report have been performed and recorded in accordance with the standards de-
scribed above and performed by an independent electromagnetic compatibility consultant, Interna-
tional Standards Laboratory.
The test results contained in this report accurately represent the measurements of the characteristics
and the energy generated by sample equipment under test at the time of the test. The sample equip-
ment tested as described in this report is in compliance with the limits of above standards.

    Test By:                                             Date:            2012/07/16

                       Dion Chang / Engineer

 Prepared By:                                            Date:            2012/07/16

                   Eva Kao / Technical Supervisor

 Approved By:                                            Date:            2012/07/16

                  Vincent Su / Technical Manager

International Standards Laboratory                            Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

                                     -3 of 32-                         FCC ID: MAU046


  Version No.      Date                Description
   00              2012/07/16           Initial creation of document

International Standards Laboratory                   Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

                                                                    -4 of 32-                                           FCC ID: MAU046

                                                           Table of Contents

1.   GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 5
     1.1      Product Description ....................................................................................................................... 5
     1.2      Related Submittal(s) / Grant (s) ..................................................................................................... 7
     1.3      Test Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 7
     1.4      Test Facility .................................................................................................................................... 7
     1.5      Special Accessories ........................................................................................................................ 7
     1.6      Equipment Modifications............................................................................................................... 7
1.1. SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................... 8
     1.2.     EUT Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 8
     1.3.     EUT Exercise ................................................................................................................................. 8
     1.4.     Test Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 8
     1.5.     Configuration of Tested System ..................................................................................................... 9
2.   SUMMARY OF TEST RESULT ............................................................................................ 10
3.   DESCRIPTION OF TEST MODES ....................................................................................... 10
4.   AC POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST ......................................................... 11
     4.1.     Standard Applicable ..................................................................................................................... 11
     4.2.     Measurement Equipment Used: ................................................................................................... 11
     4.3.     EUT Setup:................................................................................................................................... 11
     4.4.     Measurement Procedure: ............................................................................................................. 12
     4.5.     Measurement Result: ................................................................................................................... 12
5.   PEAK OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENT....................................................................... 15
     5.1.     Standard Applicable ..................................................................................................................... 15
     5.2.     Measurement Procedure............................................................................................................... 15
     5.3.     Measurement Equipment Used: ................................................................................................... 15
     5.4.     Measurement Result..................................................................................................................... 16
6.   UNDESIRABLE EMISSION - RADICTED MEASUREMENT ......................................... 18
     6.1.     Standard Applicable ..................................................................................................................... 18
     6.2.     EUT Setup .................................................................................................................................... 20
     6.3.     Measurement Procedure............................................................................................................... 21
     6.4.     Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration) ......................................................................... 22
     6.5.     Measurement Equipment Used: ................................................................................................... 23
     6.6.     Field Strength Calculation ........................................................................................................... 24
     6.7.     Measurement Result..................................................................................................................... 24
7.   ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ................................................................................................. 32
     7.1.     Standard Applicable ..................................................................................................................... 32
     7.2.     Antenna Connected Construction ................................................................................................ 32

International Standards Laboratory                                                             Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

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1.1 Product Description
Product Name            Wireless LAN Module
Brand Name              Getac
Model Name              Advanced-N 6235
Model Difference        N/A

Notebook Platform Information:
Model Name              V100-G4/ V200-G2
Model Difference        V100-G4: panel size 10”, V200-G2: panel size 12”
                        10.8Vdc from Li-ion Battery or 19Vdc AC/DC Adapter or Car Charge
Power Supply
                        Adapter:      Model: ADM-6019M, Supplier: Getac

                        V2.1 + EDR (GFSK + π /4
Bluetooth Version                                        V4.0(GFSK)
                        DQPSK + 8DPSK)

Frequency Range:        2402 – 2480MHz                   2402 – 2480MHz

Channel number:         79 channels                      40 channels
                        Frequency Hopping Spread Spec- Digital Modulation
Modulation type:
                        trum                           (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
Transmit Power:         5.36 dBm                         5.50dBm

Dwell Time:             <= 0.4s                          N/A

Operating Mode:         Point-to-Point
                        PIFA Antenna, 2.6dBi
Antenna Designation:
                        P/N: 422125500011
The EUT is compliance with Bluetooth EDR V2.1 +V4.0 Standard.

International Standards Laboratory                     Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

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             Frequency Range                                                 Modulation
   Wi-Fi                                 Channels        Rated Power
                  (MHz)                                                      Technology
  802.11b   2412 – 2462(DTS)                11           15.33dBm               DSSS
   802.11g         2412 – 2462(DTS)         11           15.34dBm           DSSS, OFDM
                                            11           17.58dBm
                   2412 – 2462(DTS)
                                            4            11.44dBm
                    5180 – 5240(NII)
                                            4            12.69dBm
                    5260 – 5320(NII)
                                            8            12.99dBm
                    5500 – 5700(NII)
                                            5            15.85dBm
   802.11n                                                                     OFDM
                                            7            17.84dBm
                   2422 – 2452(DTS)
                                            2            11.75dBm
                    5190 – 5230(NII)
                                            2            12.90dBm
                    5270 – 5310(NII)
                                            4            13.39dBm
                    5510 – 5670(NII)
                                            2            15.98dBm
                   5755 – 5795(DTS)
                    5180 – 5240(NII)         4       11.83dBm
                    5260 – 5320(NII)         4       12.87dBm
   802.11a                                                               OFDM
                    5500 – 5700(NII)         8       12.87dBm
                   5745 – 5825(DTS)          5       15.65dBm
                                       CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK for DSSS
Modulation type
                                       64QAM. 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK for OFDM
Transition Rate:                       Upto 300Mbps
                                       PIFA Antenna
                                       R Site P/N: 422125500010; L Site P/N: 422125500011
Antenna Designation:
                                       R Site: 1.61dBi / L Site: 2.60dBi for 2.4GHz
                                       R Site: 2.45dBi / L Site: 3.97dBi for 5GHz

The EUT is compliance with IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n Standard.
Remark: The above DUT's information was declared by manufacturer. Please refer to the specifi-
cations or user's manual for more detailed description.
This report applies for frequency bands 5150 MHz– 5250 MHz, 5250MHz-5350MHz and 5470
MHz– 5725 MHz.

International Standards Laboratory                           Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

                                           -7 of 32-                   FCC ID: MAU046

1.2 Related Submittal(s) / Grant (s)
    This submittal(s) (test report) is intended for FCC ID: MAU046 filing to comply with Section
    15.407 of the FCC Part 15, Subpart E Rules. The composite system (digital device) is com-
    pliance with Subpart B is authorized under a DoC procedure.

1.3 Test Methodology
    Both conducted and radiated testing were performed according to the procedures in ANSI
    C63.4 (2003). Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT distance 3 meters.

    Tested in accordance with KDB789033

1.4 Test Facility
    The measurement facilities used to collect the 3m Radiated Emission and AC power line con-
    ducted data are located on the address of International Standards Laboratory
    <Lung-Tan LAB> No. 120, Lane 180, San Ho Tsuen, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Hsiang, Tao Yuan
    County 325, Taiwan which are constructed and calibrated to meet the FCC requirements in
    documents ANSI C63.4: 2003. FCC Registration Number is: TW1036, Canada Registration
    Number: 4067B-3.

1.5 Special Accessories
    Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

1.6 Equipment Modifications
    Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

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1.2. EUT Configuration
    The EUT configuration for testing is installed on RF field strength measurement to meet the
    Commissions requirement and operating in a manner which intends to maximize its emission
    characteristics in a continuous normal application.

1.3. EUT Exercise
    The EUT (Transmitter) was operated in the engineering mode to fix the Tx frequency that was
    for the purpose of the measurements.

1.4. Test Procedure
    2.3.1 Conducted Emissions
    The EUT is a placed on as turn table which is 0.8 m above ground plane. According to the re-
    quirements in Section 7 and 13 of ANSI C63.4-2003.Conducted emissions from the EUT
    measured in the frequency range between 0.15 MHz and 30 MHz using CISPR Quasi-Peak
    and Average detector mode.

    2.3.2 Radiated Emissions
    The EUT is a placed on as turn table which is 0.8 m above ground plane. The turn table shall
    rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission level. EUT is set 3m away
    from the receiving antenna which varied from 1m to 4m to find out the highest emission. And
    also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving antenna
    both horizontal and vertical. In order to find out the max. emission, the relative positions of
    this hand-held transmitter (EUT) was rotated through three orthogonal axes and measurement
    procedures for electric field radiated emissions above 1 GHz the EUT measurement is to be
    made “while keeping the antenna in the ‘cone of radiation’ from that area and pointed at the
    area both in azimuth and elevation, with polarization oriented for maximum response.” Is still
    within the 3Db illumination BW of the measurement antenna. According to the requirements
    in Section 8 and 13 and Subclause of ANSI C63.4-2003.

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1.5. Configuration of Tested System

                         Fig. 2-1 Configuration of Tested System



                       Table 2-1 Equipment Used in Tested System

Item Equipment    Mfr/Brand                          Series No.      Data Cable   Power Cord
                                 Type No.

 1    Notebook      Getac        V100-G4               N/A        Un-Shielding     Shielding
 2     Adapter      Getac      ADM-6019M               N/A              N/A        Shielding

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

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             FCC Rules                  Description Of Test                   Result
               §15.207               AC Power Line Conducted                Compliant
             §15.407(a)           Peak Output Power Measurement             Compliant
             §15.407(b)           Undesirable Emission – Radiated           Compliant
             §15.407(a)                 Antenna Requirement                 Compliant

    The EUT has been tested under operating condition.
    Test program used to control the EUT for staying in continuous transmitting mode is pro-

    a mode:
    5150MHz-5250MHz: Channel lowest(5180MHz)、Mid(5220MHz) and Highest(5240MHz).
    5250MHz-5350MHz: Channel lowest(5260MHz)、Mid(5300MHz) and Highest(5320MHz).
    5470MHz-5725MHz: Channel lowest (5500MHz)、Mid(5580MHz) and Highest(5700MHz)
    with 6Mbps data rate are chosen for pre-test testing of radiated emissions.

    n HT 20 mode:
    5150MHz-5250MHz: Channel lowest(5180MHz)、Mid(5220MHz) and Highest(5240MHz).
    5250MHz-5350MHz:Channel lowest(5260MHz)、Mid(5300MHz) and Highest(5320MHz).
    5470MHz-5725MHz: Channel lowest (5500MHz)、Mid(5580MHz) and Highest(5700MHz)
    with 6.5Mbps data rate are chosen for pre-test testing of radiated emissions.

    n HT 40 mode:
    5150MHz-5250MHz: Channel lowest(5190MHz) and Highest(5230MHz).
    5250MHz-5350MHz:Channel lowest(5270MHz) and Highest(5310MHz).
    5470MHz-5725MHz: Channel lowest (5510MHz), Mid(5590MHz) and High-
    est(5670MHz)with 13.5Mbps data rate are chosen for pre-test testing of radiated emissions.

    The spurious radiation emission were measured for both host model V100-G4/V200-G2 as
    EUT notebook position (H) and tablet position (E1) for testing with power adaptors.

    The Worst case of n HT 40 mode: 5470MHz-5725MHz of host V100-G4was reported for Ra-
    diated Emission.

International Standards Laboratory                          Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

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4.1. Standard Applicable
     According to §15.207, frequency range within 150 KHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed the Limit ta-
     ble as below.

          Frequency range                                            dB(uV)
                MHz                                Quasi-peak                          Average
            0.15 to 0.50                             66 to 56                          56 to 46
              0.50 to 5                                 56                                46
               5 to 30                                  60                                50
 1.The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies
 2.The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 MHz to 0.50 MHz.

4.2. Measurement Equipment Used:
                                       Conducted Emission Test Site
  EQUIPMENT                 MFR              MODEL               SERIAL            LAST        CAL DUE.
    TYPE                                     NUMBER              NUMBER            CAL.
  Conduction 03 -1
                           WOKEN            CFD 300-NL          Conduction 0-1   06/27/2011       06/27/2012
                          ROHDE &
  EMI Receiver 12                               ESCI               100804        07/12/2011       07/12/2012
        LISN 07            FCC Inc.                                 07040        07/13/2011       07/13/2012
        LISN 08             FCC                                     07039        07/13/2011       07/13/2012

4.3. EUT Setup:
     1. The conducted emission tests were performed in the test site, using the setup in accordance
        with the ANSI C63.4-2003.

     2. The AC/DC Power adaptor of EUT was plug-in LISN. The EUT was placed flushed with
        the rear of the table.

     3. The LISN was connected with 120Vac/60Hz power source.

International Standards Laboratory                                 Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

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4.4. Measurement Procedure:
    1. The EUT was placed on a table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
    2. Maximum procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT com-
    3. Repeat above procedures until all frequency measured were complete.

4.5. Measurement Result:
    The initial step in collecting conducted data is a spectrum analyzer peak scan of the measure-
    ment range. Significant peaks are then marked as shown on the following data page, and these
    signals are then quasi-peaked.

    Note: Refer to next page for measurement data and plots.

International Standards Laboratory                         Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

                                     -13 of 32-               FCC ID: MAU046

Operation Mode:   Operation Mode                        Test Date:   2012/6/22
Test By:          Lake

International Standards Laboratory                Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE


              t3                                                                                                Temperature:      26 °C
             100.0      dBuV                                                                                    Humidity:         54 %
                                                                                                                      gp:         —
                                                                                                                     AVG:         —



             1       &
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               0.150                       0.5                       (MHz)                    5                                   30.000
   Site: Conduction 02                                             Phase:             N
   Limit: CISPR22 Class B Conduction

   mo. Frequen®y                    tX     Toos        coreet timt           Margin          Coest       timt       Margin           No
                  MHz                dB      dB         dBuV   dBuV              dB           dBuV       dBuV        dB

     1       0.1540                 9.5    0.01       47.36    65.78         —18.42          27.02     55.78       —28.76
     2       0.1820                 9.55   0.01       42.84    64.39         —21.55          25.65     54.39       —28.74
     3 0.5740                       9.61   0.03       38.67    56.00         —17.33          27.40     46.00       —18.60
     4 1.4780                       9.61   0.06       31.97    56.00         —24.03          22.16     46.00       —23.84
     5 2.6340                       9.61   0.09       27.86    56.00         —28.14          19.84     46.00       —26.16
     & |23.9940                      9.7   0.27       38.77    60.00         —21.23          32.93     50.00       —17.07

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                                              -15 of 32-                   FCC ID: MAU046


5.1. Standard Applicable
   According to §15.407(a)
    1. For the band 5.15-5.25 GHz, the maximum conducted power over the frequency of opera-
       tion shall not exceed the lesser of 50 mW (17dBm) or 4 dBm + 10log B.
    2. For the band 5.25-5.35 GHz and 5.47-5.725GMHz, the maximum conducted power over
       the frequency of operation shall not exceed the lesser of 250 mW (24dBm) or 11 dBm +
       10log B.
    3. For the band 5.725-5.825 GHz, the maximum conducted power over the frequency of op-
       eration shall not exceed the lesser of 1W (30dBm) or 17 dBm + 10log B.

5.2. Measurement Procedure
    1.     Place the EUT on the table and set it in transmitting mode.
    2.     Remove the antenna from the EUT and then connect a low loss RF cable from the antenna
           port to the power meter.
    3.     Record the max. reading.
    4.     Repeat above procedures until all frequency measured were complete.

5.3. Measurement Equipment Used:
                                      Conducted Emission Test Site
   EQUIPMENT                   MFR             MODEL         SERIAL          LAST       CAL DUE.
     TYPE                                      NUMBER        NUMBER          CAL.
  Power Meter 05              Anritsu          ML2495A         1116010     04/17/2012   04/16/2013
  Power Sensor 05             Anritsu          MA2411B        34NKF50      04/16/2012   04/15/2013
Temperature Chamber           KSON            THS-B4H100         2287      03/03/2012   03/02/2013
  DC Power supply              ABM                51850          N/A       06/17/2012   06/16/2013
  AC Power supply            EXTECH             CFC105W          NA        12/19/2011   12/18/2012
         Splitter              MCLI              PS4-199        12465      07/18/2012   07/17/2013
  Spectrum analyzer           Agilent            N9030A     MY51360021     03/11/2012   03/10/2013

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5.4. Measurement Result

       UNII 802.11a
          Mode      Freq(MHz)        channel   power (dBm)   limit(dBm)   result
                       5180             36         8.32         16.98      pass
                       5200             40        10.91         16.98      pass
                       5220             44        11.46         16.98      pass
                       5240             48        11.83         16.98      pass
                       5260             52        12.54         23.97      pass
                       5280             56        12.86         23.97      pass
                       5300             60        12.87         23.97      pass
                       5320             64        12.21         23.97      pass
                       5500            100        12.35         23.97      pass
                       5520            104        12.21         23.97      pass
                       5540            108        12.21         23.97      pass
                       5560            112        12.54         23.97      pass
                       5580            116        12.87         23.97      pass
                       5660            132        11.12         23.97      pass
                       5680            136        11.41         23.97      pass
                       5700            140        11.50         23.97      pass

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    UNII 802.11n
   2*2 MIMO
                                     Output Chain (dBm) Combined
     Mode    Freq(MHz) channel                                   Limit(dBm)   Result
                                     Chain A chain B     Power
                5180        36         7.22       6.13     9.72     16.98     Pass
                5200        40         7.55       7.07    10.33     16.98     Pass
                5220        44         7.98       7.48    10.75     16.98     Pass
                5240        48         8.97       7.82    11.44     16.98     Pass
                5260        52         9.25       7.78    11.59     23.97     Pass
                5280        56         9.28       8.47    11.90     23.97     Pass
                5300        60         9.72       8.73    12.26     23.97     Pass
                5320        64        10.17       9.12    12.69     23.97     Pass
                5500       100         9.91       9.97    12.95     23.97     Pass
                5520       104         9.84      10.12    12.99     23.97     Pass
                5540       108         9.45       9.92    12.70     23.97     Pass
                5560       112         9.57       9.89    12.74     23.97     Pass
                5580       116         8.58       9.88    12.29     23.97     Pass
                5660       132         7.91       8.20    11.07     23.97     Pass
                5680       136         8.03       8.31    11.18     23.97     Pass
                5700       140         8.12       8.39    11.27     23.97     Pass

                                     Output Chain (dBm) Combined
     Mode    Freq(MHz) channel                                   Limit(dBm)   Result
                                     Chain A chain B     Power
                5190        38         7.58       8.52    11.09     16.98     Pass
                5230        46         8.94       8.53    11.75     16.98     Pass
                5270        54         9.14       8.70    11.94     23.97     Pass
                5310        62        10.03       9.74    12.90     23.97     Pass
                5510       102         9.66      10.62    13.18     23.97     Pass
                5550       110        10.21      10.54    13.39     23.97     Pass
                5590       118         9.23      10.71    13.04     23.97     Pass
                5670       134         8.68       9.31    12.02     23.97     Pass

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6.1. Standard Applicable
    According to §15.407(b),
    (b) Undesirable Emission Limits: Except as shown in Paragraph (b)(6) of this section, the peak
    emissions outside of the frequency bands of operation shall be attenuated in accordance with
    the following limits:

  (1)   For transmitters operating in the 5.15-5.25 GHz band: all emissions outside of the
        5.15-5.35 GHz band shall not exceed an EIRP of -27 dBm/MHz.
  (2)   For transmitters operating in the 5.25-5.35 GHz band: all emissions outside of the
        5.15-5.35 GHz band shall not exceed an EIRP of -27 dBm/MHz. Devices operating in the
        5.25-5.35 GHz band that generate emissions in the 5.15-5.25 GHz band must meet all ap-
        plicable technical requirements for operation in the 5.15-5.25 GHz band (including indoor
        use) or alternatively meet an out-of-band emission EIRP limit of -27 dBm/MHz in the
        5.15-5.25 GHz band.
  (3)   For transmitters operating in the 5.47-5.725 GHz band: all emissions outside of the
        5.47-5.725 GHz band shall not exceed an EIRP of -27 dBm/MHz.
  (4)   For transmitters operating in the 5.725-5.825 GHz band: all emissions within the frequency
        range from the band edge to 10 MHz above or below the band edge shall not exceed an
        EIRP of -17 dBm/MHz; for frequencies 10 MHz or greater above or below the band edge,
        emissions shall not exceed an EIRP of -27 dBm/MHz.
  (5)   The above emission measurements shall be performed using a minimum resolution band-
        width of 1 MHz. A lower resolution bandwidth may be employed near the band edge,
        when necessary, provided the measured energy is integrated to show the total power over 1
  (6)   Unwanted emissions below 1 GHz must comply with the general field strength limits set
        forth in Section 15.209. Further, any U-NII devices using an AC power line are required to
        comply also with the conducted limits set forth in Section 15.207.
  (7)   The provisions of Section 15.205 of this part apply to intentional radiators operating under
        this section.
  (8)   When measuring the emission limits, the nominal carrier frequency shall be adjusted as
        close to the upper and lower frequency block edges as the design of the equipment permits.

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    (a) Except as shown in paragraph (d) of this section, only spurious emissions are permitted in
        any of the frequency bands listed below:

            MHz                   MHz                       MHz                    GHz

     0.090 - 0.110           16.42 - 16.423              399.9 - 410            4.5 - 5.15
      0.495 - 0.505       16.69475 - 16.69525             608 - 614             5.35 - 5.46
    2.1735 - 2.1905       16.80425 - 16.80475            960 - 1240             7.25 - 7.75
     4.125 - 4.128            25.5 - 25.67               1300 - 1427            8.025 - 8.5
   4.17725 - 4.17775          37.5 - 38.25              1435 - 1626.5            9.0 - 9.2
   4.20725 - 4.20775           73 - 74.6               1645.5 - 1646.5           9.3 - 9.5
     6.215 - 6.218            74.8 - 75.2                1660 - 1710            10.6 - 12.7
   6.26775 - 6.26825         108 - 121.94              1718.8 - 1722.2         13.25 - 13.4
   6.31175 - 6.31225           123 - 138                 2200 - 2300           14.47 - 14.5
     8.291 - 8.294          149.9 - 150.05               2310 - 2390           15.35 - 16.2
     8.362 - 8.366           156.52475 -                2483.5 - 2500           17.7 - 21.4
   8.37625 - 8.38675          156.52525                  2655 - 2900           22.01 - 23.12
   8.41425 - 8.41475         156.7 - 156.9               3260 - 3267            23.6 - 24.0
     12.29 - 12.293        162.0125 - 167.17             3332 - 3339            31.2 - 31.8
  12.51975 - 12.52025       167.72 - 173.2              3345.8 - 3358          36.43 - 36.5
  12.57675 - 12.57725          240 - 285                 3600 - 4400                 (2)
     13.36 - 13.41            322 - 335.4
     Until February 1, 1999, this restricted band shall be 0.490-0.510 MHz.
     Above 38.6
    (b) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e), the field strength of emissions appearing
        within these frequency bands shall not exceed the limits shown in Section 15.209. At
        frequencies equal to or less than 1000 MHz, compliance with the limits in Section 15.209
        shall be demonstrated using measurement instrumentation employing a CISPR quasi-peak
        detector. Above 1000 MHz, compliance with the emission limits in Section 15.209 shall
        be demonstrated based on the average value of the measured emissions. The provisions
        in Section 15.35 apply to these measurements.

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                                        FCC PART 15.209
                            MEASURING DISTANCE OF 3 METER
         FREQUENCY RANGE                   FIELD STRENGTH               FIELD STRENGTH
              (MHz)                          (Microvolts/m)                 (dBuV/m)
                 30-88                             100                           40
                88-216                             150                          43.5
                216-960                            200                           46
              Above 960                            500                           54

6.2. EUT Setup
    1.   The radiated emission tests were performed in the 3 meter open-test site, using the setup
         in accordance with the ANSI C63.4-1992.
    2.   The EUT was put in the front of the test table. The host PC system was placed on the
         center of the back edge on the test table. The peripherals like modem, monitor printer,
         K/B, and mouse were placed on the side of the host PC system. The rear of the EUT and
         peripherals were placed flushed with the rear of the tabletop.
    3.   The keyboard was placed directly in the front of the monitor, flushed with the front table-
         top. The mouse was placed next to the Keyboard, flushed with the back of keyboard.
    4.   The spacing between the peripherals was 10 centimeters.
    5.   External I/O cables were draped along the edge of the test table and bundle when neces-
    6.   The host PC system was connected with 120Vac/60Hz power source.

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6.3. Measurement Procedure
    1.   The EUT was placed on a turn table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
    2.   The turn table shall rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission
    3.   EUT is set 3m away from the receiving antenna which varied from 1m to 4m to find out
         the highest emissions.
    4.   Maximum procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT com-
    5.   And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving
         antenna both horizontal and vertical.
    6.   Repeat above procedures until all frequency measured were complete.

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6.4. Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)
       (A) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency Below 1000MHz


                                                                                     1m to 4m

               Ground Plane                                          Coaxial Cable

  (B) Radiated Emission Test Set-UP Frequency Over 1 GHz

          Turntable                     3m

                                      0.8 m 1m to 4m

           Ground Plane                                    Coaxial Cable

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6.5. Measurement Equipment Used:
                                          Chamber 14(966)
   EQUIPMENT                 MFR              MODEL         SERIAL        LAST        CAL DUE.
     TYPE                                     NUMBER        NUMBER        CAL.
  Spectrum Analyzer
                             Agilent           N9010A       MY49060537   07/18/2011   07/17/2012
  Spectrum Analyzer
                             Agilent           E4443A       MY48250315   05/24/2012 05/23/2013
  Spectrum Analyzer
                              R&S               FSU43         100143     04/25/2012   04/24/2013
 Loop Antenna9K-30M       A.H.SYSTEM           SAS-564         294       02/28/2011   02/27/2013
  Bilog Antenna30-1G        Schaffner         CBL 6111B        2756      12/27/2011   12/26/2012
  Horn antenna1-18G       COM-POWER             AH118       2011071401   03/01/2012   02/29/2013
Horn antenna1-18G(06)        EMCO                3117        0006665     09/21/2011   09/20/2012
Horn antenna26-40G(05)     Com-power           AH-640          100A      01/11/2011   01/10/2013
Horn antenna18-26G(04)     Com-power           AH-826         081001     05/04/2011   05/03/2013
 Preamplifier9-1000M           HP               8447D          NA        02/10/2012   02/09/2013
   Preamplifier1-18G        MITEQ                            1329256     07/19/2011   07/18/2012
   Preamplifier1-26G          EM             EM01M26G          NA        02/21/2012   02/20/2013
  Preamplifier26-40G        MITEQ                             818471     05/21/2011   05/20/2013
      Cable1-18G         HUBER SUHNER        Sucoflex 106      NA        02/10/2012   02/09/2013
    Cable UP to 1G       HUBER SUHNER         RG 214/U         NA      12/14/2011     12/13/2012
     SUCOFLEX                                             27963/2&3742
                         HUBER SUHNER        Sucoflex 102              09/21/2011     09/20/2012
  1GHz~40GHz cable                                             1/2
      2.4G Filter         Micro-Tronics       Brm50702          76       10/22/2011   10/21/2012
       5G Filter          Micro-Tronics       Brm50716         005       10/22/2011   10/21/2012

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6.6. Field Strength Calculation

     The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor and subtracting
     the Amplifier Gain and Duty Cycle Correction Factor(if any) from the measured reading. The basic equa-
     tion with a sample calculation is as follows:
                 FS = RA + AF + CL - AG

     Where      FS = Field Strength                      CL = Cable Attenuation Factor (Cable Loss)
                RA = Reading Amplitude                   AG = Amplifier Gain
                AF = Antenna Factor

6.7. Measurement Result
    Refer to attach tabular data sheets.
   The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 100kHz
   for Peak detection (PK) and Quasi-peak detection (QP) at frequency below 1GHz.

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (below 1GHz) HT40, 5470~5725 MHz
Operation Mode        TX CH Low                             Test Date 2012/06/15
Fundamental Frequency 5510MHz                               Test By    Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                  Pol        Ver./Hor
Humidity              60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark          Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB                    V/H
  1    271.53      40.38    -12.15     28.23      46.00     -17.77     Peak       VERTICAL
  2    324.88      39.10    -11.15     27.95      46.00     -18.05     Peak       VERTICAL
  3    387.93      42.96     -9.82     33.14      46.00     -12.86     Peak       VERTICAL
  4    409.27      39.88     -9.52     30.36      46.00     -15.64     Peak       VERTICAL
  5    519.85      39.72     -8.35     31.37      46.00     -14.63     Peak       VERTICAL
  6    649.83      35.73     -6.80     28.93      46.00     -17.07     Peak       VERTICAL

  1    258.92      40.28    -12.10     28.18      46.00     -17.82     Peak     HORIZONTAL
  2    387.93      41.39     -9.82     31.57      46.00     -14.43     Peak     HORIZONTAL
  3    409.27      42.21     -9.52     32.69      46.00     -13.31     Peak     HORIZONTAL
  4    456.80      40.81     -9.16     31.65      46.00     -14.35     Peak     HORIZONTAL
  5    505.30      41.28     -8.64     32.64      46.00     -13.36     Peak     HORIZONTAL
  6    649.83      31.72     -6.80     24.92      46.00     -21.08     Peak     HORIZONTAL

    1 No further spurious emissions detected from the lowest internal frequency and 30MHz.
      2 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 1GHz.
      3 Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 9MHz to 1000MHz were made
        with an instrument detector setting 9-90KHz/110-490KHz using PK/AV and other Fre-
        quency Band using PK/QP
      4 Measurement result within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
        reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the
        field strength is too small to be measured.
      5 The IF bandwidth of SPA between 9kHz to 30MHz was 10kHz, VBW= 30kHz; between
        30MHz to 1GHz was 100KHz, VBW=300KHz.

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (below 1GHz)
Operation Mode        TX CH Mid                                      Test Date   2012/06/15
Fundamental Frequency 5590MHz                                        Test By     Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Pol         Ver./Hor
Humidity              60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark          Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB                    V/H
  1    255.04      44.08    -12.47     31.61      46.00     -14.39      Peak      VERTICAL
  2    387.93      39.67     -9.82     29.85      46.00     -16.15      Peak      VERTICAL
  3    409.27      39.79     -9.52     30.27      46.00     -15.73      Peak      VERTICAL
  4    456.80      39.79     -9.16     30.63      46.00     -15.37      Peak      VERTICAL
  5    505.30      40.30     -8.64     31.66      46.00     -14.34      Peak      VERTICAL
  6    649.83      29.60     -6.80     22.80      46.00     -23.20      Peak      VERTICAL

  1    264.74      40.09    -12.07     28.02      46.00     -17.98      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  2    324.88      38.65    -11.15     27.50      46.00     -18.50      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  3    387.93      42.43     -9.82     32.61      46.00     -13.39      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  4    409.27      40.41     -9.52     30.89      46.00     -15.11      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  5    519.85      40.86     -8.35     32.51      46.00     -13.49      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  6    649.83      34.22     -6.80     27.42      46.00     -18.58      Peak     HORIZONTAL

    1 No further spurious emissions detected from the lowest internal frequency and 30MHz.
      2 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 1GHz.
      3 Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 9MHz to 1000MHz were made
        with an instrument detector setting 9-90KHz/110-490KHz using PK/AV and other Fre-
        quency Band using PK/QP
      4 Measurement result within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
        reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the
        field strength is too small to be measured.
      5 The IF bandwidth of SPA between 9kHz to 30MHz was 10kHz, VBW= 30kHz; between
        30MHz to 1GHz was 100KHz, VBW=300KHz.

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (below 1GHz)
Operation Mode        TX CH High                                     Test Date   2012/06/15
Fundamental Frequency 5670MHz                                        Test By     Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Pol         Ver./Hor
Humidity              60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark          Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB                    V/H
  1    270.56      39.43    -12.16     27.27      46.00     -18.73      Peak      VERTICAL
  2    324.88      38.44    -11.15     27.29      46.00     -18.71      Peak      VERTICAL
  3    387.93      42.27     -9.82     32.45      46.00     -13.55      Peak      VERTICAL
  4    409.27      39.96     -9.52     30.44      46.00     -15.56      Peak      VERTICAL
  5    519.85      40.33     -8.35     31.98      46.00     -14.02      Peak      VERTICAL
  6    649.83      34.83     -6.80     28.03      46.00     -17.97      Peak      VERTICAL

  1    258.92      43.77    -12.10     31.67      46.00     -14.33      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  2    360.77      39.74    -10.34     29.40      46.00     -16.60      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  3    387.93      41.19     -9.82     31.37      46.00     -14.63      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  4    409.27      42.23     -9.52     32.71      46.00     -13.29      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  5    456.80      41.09     -9.16     31.93      46.00     -14.07      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  6    505.30      41.77     -8.64     33.13      46.00     -12.87      Peak     HORIZONTAL

    1 No further spurious emissions detected from the lowest internal frequency and 30MHz.
      2 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 1GHz.
      3 Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 9MHz to 1000MHz were made
        with an instrument detector setting 9-90KHz/110-490KHz using PK/AV and other Fre-
        quency Band using PK/QP
      4 Measurement result within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
        reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the
        field strength is too small to be measured.
      5 The IF bandwidth of SPA between 9kHz to 30MHz was 10kHz, VBW= 30kHz; between
        30MHz to 1GHz was 100KHz, VBW=300KHz.

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz) HT40, 5470~5725 MHz
Operation Mode        TX CH Low                                      Test Date    2012/06/15
Fundamental Frequency 5510MHz                                        Test By      Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Humidity     60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark           Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m      dBuV/m       dB                    V/H
 1    2260.00      42.50    -11.82     30.68      74.00     -43.32      Peak      VERTICAL
 2    3282.00      40.79     -8.70     32.09      74.00     -41.91      Peak      VERTICAL
 3    11020.00     34.33     7.08      41.41      74.00     -32.59      Peak      VERTICAL

 1    1966.00      42.36    -12.71     29.65      74.00     -44.35      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 2    3345.00      40.73     -8.52     32.21      74.00     -41.79      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 3    11020.00     33.93     7.08      41.01      74.00     -32.99      Peak     HORIZONTAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental frequen-
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.

 3 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 4 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.

 5 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz,
   Sweep time= 200 ms.

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz)
Operation Mode        TX CH Mid                                      Test Date    2012/06/15
Fundamental Frequency 5590MHz                                        Test By      Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Humidity     60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark           Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m      dBuV/m       dB                    V/H
 1    2253.00      41.66    -11.84     29.82      74.00     -44.18      Peak      VERTICAL
 2    4388.00      37.56     -4.13     33.43      74.00     -40.57      Peak      VERTICAL
 3    11180.00     33.70     7.10      40.80      74.00     -33.20      Peak      VERTICAL

 1    2148.00      41.42    -12.11     29.31      74.00     -44.69      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 2    4353.00      37.74     -4.26     33.48      74.00     -40.52      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 3    11180.00     31.73     7.10      38.83      74.00     -35.17      Peak     HORIZONTAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental frequen-
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.

 3 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 4 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.

 5 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz,
   Sweep time= 200 ms.

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz)
Operation Mode        TX CH High                                     Test Date    2012/06/15
Fundamental Frequency 5670MHz                                        Test By      Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Humidity     60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark           Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m      dBuV/m       dB                    V/H
 1    3765.00      40.32     -6.80     33.52      74.00     -40.48      Peak      VERTICAL
 2    7160.00      37.81     3.92      41.73      74.00     -32.27      Peak      VERTICAL
 3    11340.00     33.29     7.10      40.39      74.00     -33.61      Peak      VERTICAL

 1    2869.00      40.05     -9.98     30.07      74.00     -43.93      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 2    3646.00      39.91     -7.36     32.55      74.00     -41.45      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 3    11340.00     33.14     7.10      40.24      74.00     -33.76      Peak     HORIZONTAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental frequen-
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.

 3 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 4 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.

 5 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz,
   Sweep time= 200 ms.

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Radiated Emission: (worst case: HT40 5470MHz-5725MHz)
Operation Mode        TX CH Low                                      Test Date    2012/06/15
Fundamental Frequency 5510 MHz                                       Test By      Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Humidity     60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark           Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB                    V/H
 1    5460.00     56.11      -0.78     55.33      54.00      -7.28    Average     VERTICAL
 2    5460.00     66.07      -0.78     65.29      74.00      -8.71      Peak      VERTICAL

 1    5460.00     45.04      -0.78     44.26      54.00      -9.74    Average HORIZONTAL
 2    5460.00     65.23      -0.78     64.45      74.00      -9.55     Peak   HORIZONTAL

Operation Mode        TX CH High                                     Test Date    2012/06/15
Fundamental Frequency 5670MHz                                        Test By      Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Humidity     60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark           Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB                    V/H
 1    5725.00     43.57      -0.12     43.45      54.00     -10.55    Average     VERTICAL
 2    5725.00     55.72      -0.12     55.60      74.00     -18.40      Peak      VERTICAL

 1    5725.00     45.31      -0.12     45.19      54.00      -8.81    Average HORIZONTAL
 2    5725.00     57.22      -0.12     57.10      74.00     -16.90     Peak   HORIZONTAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental frequen-
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.

 3 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 4 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.

 5 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz,
   Sweep time= 200 ms.

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7.1. Standard Applicable
  According to §15.203, Antenna requirement.
  An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
  responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an
  antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply
  with the provisions of this Section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna
  can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.
  This requirement does not apply to carrier current devices or to devices operated under the provisions
  of Sections 15.211, 15.213, 15.217, 15.219, or 15.221. Further, this requirement does not apply to in-
  tentional radiators that must be professionally installed, such as perimeter protection systems and
  some field disturbance sensors, or to other intentional radiators which, in accordance with Section
  15.31(d), must be measured at the installation site. However, the installer shall be responsible for en-
  suring that the proper antenna is employed so that the limits in this Part are not exceeded.

7.2. Antenna Connected Construction
  The directional gins of antenna used for transmitting is R Site: 2.45dBi / L Site: 3.97dBi and the
  antenna connector is designed with unique type RF connector and no consideration of replace-
  ment. Please see EUT photo and antenna spec. for details.

International Standards Laboratory                              Report Number: ISL-12LR098FCE

Document Created: 2019-11-17 05:04:45
Document Modified: 2019-11-17 05:04:45

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