07LR033SAR F Appendix F Dipole 835


RF Exposure Info

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                        Calibration File No: DC—734
                 Project Number: QTKB—ALS—D—835—5272


      1t cerifec tatthe eavipment ideniied below has beon calbrated in the
  Nct. CALIBRATION LABORATORIES by valfied personnalfoloving recognized
           procedures and usig ransfr standards vaceable to NRCNIST

                          CuTek Vaitaton Dpole

                       MandfacturerAPREL Latoratores
                          Part numberALS—023552
                               Frequency 635 tz
                            SorialNo: s—1e0.c0sa

                        Customer Quietek Comoration

                           Catbrates: 20 Fob 2007
                          Released on 23 Feb 2007

  Reteased By:

                           ALIBRATION           T
                   TTimsehame         dwaunetrones ton
                  neuin Gtace           To eremanle
                  Cuuon recerr          hxmin

NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divisonof APREL Laboratones


Ambient Temperature of the Laboratory:                 22 °C +/—0.5°C
Temperature of the Tissue:                             21 °C +/—0.5°C

We the undersigned attest that to the best of our knowledge the calibration of
this device has been accurately conducted and that all information contained
within this report has been reviewed for accuracy.

Stuart Nicol
Director Product Development

Member of Engineering Staff
(Calibration Eigineer)

This page has been reviewed for content and attested to by signature witin this document

NCL Calibration Laboratories
Division of APREL Laboraons.

Calibration Results Summary

The following results relate the Calibrated Dipole and should be used as a quick
reference for the user.
Mechanical Dimensions

Length:                  161.0 mm
Height:                   89.8 mm
Electrical Specification

Return Loss:             —27.31 0B
SWR:                      1.09 U
Impedance:                51190

System Validation Results

 Frequency 1 Gram 10 Gram Peak
[ ssemHe     a.49 | 61|   1421

                                  Area Scan
                                        ¥ Axis (mm)
         X s (nn)

                                                                              (un) weyx


                                        ¥ Au tm

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divison of APREL Labortoncs

This Calibration Report has been produced in line with the SSI Dipole Calibration
Procedure SSH—TP—018—ALSAS. The results contained within this report are for
Validation Dipole 835—180—00553. The calibration routine consisted of a three—step
process. Step 1 was a mechanical verification of the dipole to ensure that it meets
the mechanical specifications. Step 2 was an Electrical Calibration for the Validation
Dipole, where the SWR, Impedance, and the Return loss were assessed. Step 3
involved a System Validation using the ALSAS—10U, along with APREL E—020 130
MHiz to 26 GHz E—Field Probe Serial Number 212.


SSI—TP—018—ALSAS Dipole Calibration Procedure
SSI—TP—016 Tissue Calibration Procedure
IEEE 1528 "Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Average
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Body Due: to Wireless
Communications Devices: Experimental Techniques®

Ambient Temperature of the Laboratory:                 22 °C +/ 0.5°C
Temperature of the Tissue:                             20 °C +/— 0.5°C

"This page has been reviewed forcontent and attested to by signature withn this document

 NCL Calibration Laboratories
 Divisin ofAPREL Laboratones

 Dipole Calibration Results

 Mechanical Verification

    APREL         |      APREL            Measured           Measured|
    Length __|___Height                    Length _|           Height _|
   161.0 mm _|                            162.1 mm _|         89.8 mm _]

Tissue Validation

  Head Tissue 835MHz             Measured |

  Dielectric constant, s, _|       41.5
[_Conductivity, 0 [Sim] _|_0.90

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Division of APREL Laborones

Electrical Calibration

        Test             _ Results
      S11 RL                  —27.31 08
        swr               _ 1000
    Impedance               _S1190

The Following Graphs are the results as displayed on the Vector Network Analyzer

S11 Parameter Return Loss

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This page has been reviewed for content and attested to by signature wthin his document

NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divison of APREL Labortones

  s1 rommero revecrion                                                       i 1. 30
                                                                             nererente rlont
  sn                          »ner=1 .200 0            200.000 au/Ot            0.0000 an
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  a. 735000                        6e                         a.s35000       runctions

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divisono APREL Laboratones

Smith Chart Dipole Impedance
  si1 romame rercecrion               i
  mnreomce                                                                      Asdl
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                          a.735000 ~ 0.935000 ie                              runcrions

"This page has been reviewed for content and attested to by signature within tis document

NCL Calibration Laboratories
Division of APREL Labortoris

System Validation Results Using the Electrically Calibrated Dipole

  Head Tissue       1 Gram     10 Gram                Peak
   tre       4                                   Above Feed Point
    835 MHz           9.49           6.1             14.21

                                Area Scan
                                           Y Axis (mm)
                                 #         o d s

                                                                           u) sory x

                                           Y Axis (mm)

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divisin of APREL Labortones

Test Equipment

The test equipment used during Probe Calibration, manufacturer, model number
and, current calibration status are listed and located on the main APREL server
R«NCL\Calibration Equipmentinstrument List May 2006

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Document Created: 2007-03-07 09:11:31
Document Modified: 2007-03-07 09:11:31

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