SAR report 1


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                                TEST REPORT

                Product : Notebook Personal Computer
                Model(s): V100
                (with SIERRA 3G Module, Model:MC5725V)
                Brand:      GETAC
                Applicant: MITAC Technology Corporation
                Address: 4F, No.1, R&D Road 2,
                         Hsinchu Science-Based industrial Park,
                         Hsinchu 300, Taiwan

                Test Performed by:
                International Standards Laboratory
                <Lung-Tan LAB>
                *Site Registration No.
                BSMI: SL2-IN-E-0013; TAF: 0997; NVLAP: 200234-0;
                IC: IC4164-1; VCCI: R-1435, C-1440, T-299; NEMKO: ELA 113B
                No. 120, Lane 180, San Ho Tsuen, Hsin Ho Rd.
                Lung-Tan Hsiang, Tao Yuan County 325, Taiwan
                *Tel : 886-3-407-1718; Fax: 886-3-407-1738

                Report No.: ISL-07LR029SAR-F
                Issue Date : 2007/11/26


                                                                    -i-                                   FCC ID:MAU026

                                                      Contents of Report

1.   General...............................................................................................................................1
  1.1      Certification of Accuracy of Test Data......................................................................1
  1.2      Applicant & Manufacturer Information.....................................................................2
2. Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT)....................................................................3
  2.1      Test Environment.......................................................................................................4
3. SAR Measurement System ................................................................................................5
  3.1      ALSAS-10U System Description ..............................................................................5
     3.1.1      Applications .......................................................................................................5
     3.1.2      Area Scans .........................................................................................................5
     3.1.3      Zoom Scan (Cube Scan Averaging) ..................................................................6
     3.1.4      ALSAS-10U Interpolation and Extrapolation Uncertainty................................6
  3.2      Isotropic E-Field Probe ..............................................................................................7
     3.2.1      Isotropic E-Field Probe Specification................................................................8
  3.3      Boundary Detection Unit and Probe Mounting Device.............................................8
  3.4      Daq-Paq (Analog to Digital Electronics)...................................................................9
  3.5      Axis Articulated Robot ..............................................................................................9
  3.6      ALSAS Universal Workstation................................................................................10
  3.7       Universal Device Positioner ...................................................................................10
  3.8      Phantom Types.........................................................................................................11
     3.8.1      APREL Laboratories Universal Phantom........................................................11
4. Tissue Simulating Liquid.................................................................................................12
  4.1      The composition of the tissue simulating liquid ......................................................12
  4.2      Tissue Calibration Result.........................................................................................12
  4.3      Tissue Dielectric Parameters for Head and Body Phantoms ...................................14
5. SAR Measurement Procedure..........................................................................................15
  5.1      SAR System Validation ...........................................................................................15
     5.1.1      Validation Dipoles ...........................................................................................15
     5.1.2      Validation Result .............................................................................................16
  5.2      Arrangement Assessment Setup ..............................................................................17
  5.2.1       Test Positions of Device Relative to Head ..........................................................17
  5.2.2       Definition of the “Cheek” Position ......................................................................17
  5.2.3       Definition of the “Tilted” Position.......................................................................19
  5.2.4       Test Positions for body-worn...............................................................................19
  5.3      SAR Measurement Procedure..................................................................................20
6. SAR Exposure Limits ......................................................................................................21
7. Test Equipment List.........................................................................................................22
8. Measurement Uncertainty................................................................................................23
9. EUT test Position .............................................................................................................24
  9.1.     EUT Test Position : Laptop Mode .........................................................................24
  9.2.     EUT Test Position: Tablet Mode .............................................................................24

International Standards Laboratory                                             Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                               -ii-                                FCC ID:MAU026

10.     Test Result Summary...................................................................................................25
  10.1.      FCH_RC1 ............................................................................................................25
  10.2.      FCH_RC1 ............................................................................................................26
  10.3.      1xEVDO Rev.0 RTAP 153.6K............................................................................27
  10.4.      1xEVDO Rev.0 RTAP 153.6K............................................................................27
  10.5.      1xEVDO Rev.A RTAP 12288K ..........................................................................28
  10.6.      1xEVDO Rev.A RTAP 12288.............................................................................28
11.     Appendix A: Photographs of Test Setup .....................................................................29
12.     Appendix B: Photographs of EUT...............................................................................29
13.     Appendix C: SAR System Validation Data .................................................................29
14.     Appendix D: SAR Measurement Data.........................................................................29
15.     Appendix E: Probe Calibration Data ...........................................................................29
16.     Appendix F: Dipole Calibration Data ..........................................................................29

International Standards Laboratory                                        Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F


1. General
1.1     Certification of Accuracy of Test Data

       Standards:                         FCC Oet65 Supplement C June 2001
                                          IEEE Std. 1528-2003
                                          47CFR § 2.1093
       Equipment Tested:                  Notebook Personal Computer
       Model:                             V100
       Applied by                         MITAC Technology Corporation
       Sample received Date:              2007/10/26
       Final test Date :                  refer to the date of test data
       Report Engineer:                   Ivy Yang
       Test Site:                         SAR test site
       Test Summary                       Body Maximum SAR Measurement (1g)
                                          EVDO835MHz: 0.210 W/g
                                          EVDO1900MHz: 0.661 W/g
       Test Engineer:
                                          Jerry Chiou

All the tests in this report have been performed and recorded in accordance with the standards
described above and performed by an independent test lab, International Standards Laboratory.
The test results contained in this report accurately represent the measurements of the
characteristics and the energy generated by sample equipment under test at the time of the test.
The sample equipment tested as described in this report is in compliance with the limits of above
Approve & Signature

Roy Hsieh / Manager

       Test results given in this report apply only to the specific sample(s) tested under stated test conditions.
This report shall not be reproduced other than in full without the explicit written consent of ISL. This report totally
          contains 31 pages, including 1 cover page, 2 contents page, and 28 pages for the test description.
This report must not be use to claim product endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any agency of the federal government.

International Standards Laboratory                                 Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                          -2-                      FCC ID:MAU026

1.2 Applicant & Manufacturer Information
   Applicant:     Mitac Technology Corp
                  No. 1, R&D 2nd RD., Hsin-Chu Science Based Industrial Park
                  Hsin-Chu Hsien,

   Manufacturer 1:Mitac Technology Corp
                  No. 1, R&D 2nd RD., Hsin-Chu Science Based Industrial Park
                  Hsin-Chu Hsien,

   Manufacturer 2:Getac Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd
                  No. 269, 2nd Road, Export Processing Zone,
                  Changjiang South, Road,
                  Kunshan, Jiangsu, P.R.C Zip code: 215300

International Standards Laboratory              Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                          -3-                     FCC ID:MAU026

2. Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT)

  Product Name                Notebook Personal Computer
  Model No.                   V100
  FCC ID                      MAU026
                              CDMA2000 Cellular : 824MHz~849MHz
  TX Frequency
                              CDMA2000 PCS : 1850MHz ~ 1910MHz
                              CDMA2000 Cellular : 869MHz~894MHz
  Rx Frequency
                              CDMA2000 PCS : 1930MHz ~ 1990MHz
                              CDMA2000 1xRTT (RC1)
                              Cellular : 24.11 dBm
                              PCS : 23.79 dBm
                              CDMA2000 1xEVDO Rev.0 (153.6k)
                              Cellular : 24.26 dBm
                              PCS : 23.8 dBm
                              CDMA2000 1xEVDO Rev.A (12288)
                              Cellular : 23.04 dBm
                              PCS : 23.52 dBm
  Power Rating                DC 3.3/1.2A
  Antenna Type                PIFA Antenna
  Antenna Gain                0.52dBi(850MHz), 2.06dBi(1900MHz)
  Type of Antenna Connector   I-PEX
  HW version                  SIERRA, Model:MC5725V, REV2.0
  SW version                  0.6.55
  Power Type                  Tablet PC
  Antenna Type                Internal
  Device Category             Portable
  RF Exposure Environment Uncontrolled

International Standards Laboratory              Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                     -4-                   FCC ID:MAU026

2.1   Test Environment

US Cellular :
Ambient conditions of test site
        Item             Required     Actual
Temperature (°C)           18-25       22.5
Humidity (%RH)             30-70        52

Ambient conditions of test site
        Item             Required     Actual
Temperature (°C)           18-25       22.6
Humidity (%RH)             30-70        53

International Standards Laboratory         Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                              -5-                       FCC ID:MAU026

3. SAR Measurement System
3.1     ALSAS-10U System Description
ALSAS-10-U is fully compliant with the
technical and scientific requirements of IEEE
1528, IEC 62209, CENELEC, ARIB, ACA, and
the Federal Communications Commission. The
system comprises of a six axes articulated robot
which utilizes a dedicated controller.

ALSAS-10U uses the latest methodologies and
FDTD odeling to provide a platform which is
repeatable with minimum uncertainty.

3.1.1 Applications
Predefined measurement procedures compliant
with the guidelines of CENELEC, IEEE, IEC,
FCC, etc are utilized during the assessment for
the device. Automatic detection for all SAR
maxima are embedded within the core
architecture for the system, ensuring that peak
locations used for centering the zoom scan are
within a 1mm resolution and a 0.05mm
repeatable position. System operation range
currently available up-to 6 GHz in simulated

3.1.2 Area Scans
Area scans are defined prior to the measurement process being executed with a user defined
variable spacing between each measurement point (integral) allowing low uncertainty
measurements to be conducted. Scans defined for FCC applications utilize a 10mm² step integral,
with 1mm interpolation used to locate the peak SAR area used for zoom scan assessments.

Where the system identifies multiple SAR peaks (which are within 25% of peak value) the
system will provide the user with the option of assessing each peak location individually for
zoom scan averaging.

International Standards Laboratory                  Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                -6-                         FCC ID:MAU026

3.1.3 Zoom Scan (Cube Scan Averaging)
The averaging zoom scan volume utilized in the ALSAS-10U software is in the shape of a cube
and the side dimension of a 1 g or 10 g mass is dependent on the density of the liquid
representing the simulated tissue. A density of 1000 kg/m³ is used to represent the head and body
tissue density and not the phantom liquid density, in order to be consistent with the definition of
the liquid dielectric properties, i.e. the side length of the 1 g cube is 10mm, with the side length
of the 10 g cube 21,5mm.

When the cube intersects with the surface of the phantom, it is oriented so that 3 vertices touch
the surface of the shell or the center of a face is tangent to the surface. The face of the cube
closest to the surface is modified in order to conform to the tangent surface.

The zoom scan integer steps can be user defined so as to reduce uncertainty, but normal practice
for typical test applications (including FCC) utilize a physical step of 5x5x8 (8mmx8mmx5mm)
providing a volume of 32mm in the X & Y axis, and 35mm in the Z axis.

3.1.4 ALSAS-10U Interpolation and Extrapolation Uncertainty
The overall uncertainty for the methodology and algorithms the used during the SAR calculation
was evaluated using the data from IEEE 1528 based on the example f3 algorithm:

International Standards Laboratory                    Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                -7-                        FCC ID:MAU026

3.2     Isotropic E-Field Probe
The isotropic E-Field probe has been fully calibrated and assessed for isotropicity, and boundary
effect within a controlled environment. Depending on the frequency for which the probe is
calibrated the method utilized for calibration will change. A number of methods is used for
calibrating probes, and these are outlined in the table below:

  Calibration Frequency       Air Calibration         Tissue Calibration
  835MHz                      TEM Cell                Temperature
  900MHz                      TEM Cell                Temperature
  1800MHz                     TEM Cell                Temperature
  1900MHz                     TEM Cell                Temperature
  2450MHz                     Waveguide               Temperature
  5200MHz                     Waveguide               Temperature
  5800MHz                     Waveguide               Temperature

The E-Field probe utilizes a triangular sensor arrangement as detailed in the diagram below:

SAR is assessed with a calibrated probe which moves at a default height of 5mm from the center
of the diode, which is mounted to the sensor, to the phantom surface (in the Z Axis). The 5mm
offset height has been selected so as to minimize any resultant boundary effect due to the probe
being in close proximity to the phantom surface.

The following algorithm is an example of the function used by the system for linearization of the
output from the probe when measuring complex modulation schemes.

International Standards Laboratory                     Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                -8-                         FCC ID:MAU026

3.2.1   Isotropic E-Field Probe Specification

 Calibration in Air              Frequency Dependent
                                 Below 2GHz Calibration in air performed in a TEM Cell
                                 Above 2GHz Calibration in air performed in waveguide
 Sensitivity                     0.70 µV/(V/m)² to 0.85 µV/(V/m)²
 Dynamic Range                   0.0005 W/kg to 100W/kg
 Isotropic Response              Better than 0.2dB
 Diode Compression point         Calibration for Specific Frequency
 Probe Tip Radius                < 5mm
 Sensor Offset                   1.56 (+/- 0.02mm)
 Probe Length                    290mm
 Video Bandwidth                 @ 500 Hz: 1dB
                                 @1.02 KHz: 3dB
 Boundary Effect                 Less than 2% for distance greater than 2.4mm
 Spatial Resolution              Diameter less than 5mm Compliant with Standards

3.3     Boundary Detection Unit and Probe Mounting Device
ALSAS-10U incorporates a boundary detection unit with a sensitivity of 0.05mm for detecting
all types of surfaces. The robust design allows for detection during probe tilt (probe normalize)
exercises, and utilizes a second stage emergency stop. The signal electronics are fed directly into
the robot controller for high accuracy surface detection in lateral and axial detection modes (X, Y,
& Z).

The probe is mounted directly onto the Boundary Detection unit for accurate tooling and
displacement calculations controlled by the robot kinematics. The probe is connect to an isolated
probe interconnect where the output stage of the probe is fed directly into the amplifier stage of
the Daq-Paq.

International Standards Laboratory                    Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                               -9-                        FCC ID:MAU026

3.4    Daq-Paq (Analog to Digital Electronics)
 ALSAS-10U incorporates a fully calibrated Daq-Paq (analog to digital conversion system)
 which has a 4 channel input stage, sent via a 2 stage auto-set amplifier module. The input
 signal is amplified accordingly so as to offer a dynamic range from 5µV to 800mV.
 Integration of the fields measured is carried out at board level utilizing a Co-Processor which
 then sends the measured fields down into the main computational module in digitized form
 via an RS232 communications port. Probe linearity and duty cycle compensation is carried
 out within the main Daq-Paq module.

 ADC                                    12 Bit
 Amplifier Range                        20mV to 200mV and 150mV to 800mV
 Field Integration                      Local Co-Processor utilizing proprietary integration
 Number of Input Channels               4 in total 3 dedicated and 1 spare
 Communication                          Packet data via RS232

3.5   Axis Articulated Robot
                                       ALSAS-10U utilizes a six axis articulated robot, which is
                                       controlled using a Pentium based real-time movement
                                       controller. The movement kinematics engine utilizes
                                       proprietary (Thermo CRS) interpolation and
                                       extrapolation algorithms, which allow full freedom of
                                       movement for each of the six joints within the working
                                       envelope. Utilization of joint 6 allows for full probe
                                       rotation with a tolerance better than 0.05mm around the
                                       central axis.

 Robot/Controller Manufacturer                       Thermo CRS
 Number of Axis                                      Six independently controlled axis
 Positioning Repeatability                           0.05mm
 Controller Type                                     Single phase Pentium based C500C
 Robot Reach                                         710mm
 Communication                                       RS232 and LAN compatible

International Standards Laboratory                   Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                              -10-                        FCC ID:MAU026

3.6    ALSAS Universal Workstation
 ALSAS Universal workstation allows for repeatability and fast adaptability. It allows users to
 do calibration, testing and measurements using different types of phantoms with one set up,
 which significantly speeds up the measurement process.

3.7    Universal Device Positioner
 The universal device positioner allows complete
 freedom of movement of the EUT. Developed to
 hold a EUT in a free-space scenario any
 additional loading attributable to the material
 used in the construction of the positioner has
 been eliminated. Repeatability has been
 enhanced through the linear scales which form
 the design used to indicate positioning for any
 given test scenario in all major axes. A 15° tilt
 indicator is included for the of aid cheek to tilt
 movements       for head SAR analysis. Overall
 uncertainty for measurements have been reduced
 due to the design of the Universal device
 positioner, which allows positioning of a device
 in as near to a free-space scenario as possible,
 and by providing the means for complete

International Standards Laboratory                    Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                             -11-                       FCC ID:MAU026

3.8     Phantom Types
 The ALSAS-10U allows the integration of multiple phantom types. SAM Phantoms fully compliant
 with IEEE 1528, Universal Phantom, and Universal Flat.

 APREL SAM Phantoms
 The SAM phantoms developed using the IEEE SAM CAD file. They are fully compliant with
 the requirements for both IEEE 1528 and FCC Supplement C. Both the left and right SAM
 phantoms are interchangeable, transparent and include the IEEE 1528 grid with visible NF
 and MB lines.

3.8.1 APREL Laboratories Universal Phantom
The Universal Phantom is used on the ALSAS-10U as a
system validation phantom.The Universal Phantom has
been fully validated both experimentally from 800MHz
to 6GHz and numerically using XFDTD numerical
software. The shell thickness is 2mm overall, with a
4mm spacer located at the NF/MB intersection providing
an overall thickness of 6mm in line with the requirements
of IEEE-1528.

The design allows for fast and accurate measurements, of
handsets, by allowing the conservative SAR to be
evaluated at on frequency for both left and right head
experiments in one measurement.

International Standards Laboratory                  Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                -12-                         FCC ID:MAU026

 4. Tissue Simulating Liquid
 4.1      The composition of the tissue simulating liquid

                                835MHz               835MHz         1900MHz           1900MHz
INGREDIENT                       Head                 Body            Head              Body
      (% Weight)
 Water                             40.45               52.40          54.90                 40.5
 Salt                              1.45                1.400          0.18                  0.50
 Sugar                             57.60               45.00          0.00                  58.0
 HEC                                0.40                1.00           0.00                 0.50
 Preventol                          0.10                0.10           0.00                 0.50
 DGBE                               0.00                0.00          44.92                 0.00

 4.2      Tissue Calibration Result
 The dielectric parameters of the liquids were verified prior to the SAR evaluation using
 Agilent Dielectric Probe Kit and Agilent E5071B Vector Network Analyzer


Head Tissue Simulant Measurement
  Frequency                                      Dielectric Parameters               Tissue Temp.
    [MHz]                                       εr                 σ [s/m]               [°C]
                   Reference result             41.5                 0.9
   835MHz           ± 5% window            39.42 to 43.57        0.85 to 0.94
                   19-Nov-2007                 42.78                 0.92                   22.3

Body Tissue Simulant Measurement
  Frequency         Description/                 Dielectric Parameters               Tissue Temp.
    [MHz]          Calibration date             εr                 σ [s/m]               [°C]
                   Reference result             55.2                 0.97
   835MHz           ± 5% window            52.44 to 57.96        0.92 to 1.02
                   19-Nov-2007                 55.98                 0.95                   22.3

Head Tissue Simulant Measurement
  Frequency                                      Dielectric Parameters               Tissue Temp.
    [MHz]                                       εr                 σ [s/m]               [°C]
                   Reference result             40.0                 1.4
  1900MHz           ± 5% window               38 to 42           1.33 to 1.47
                   19-Nov-2007                 40.57                 1.42                   22.4

 International Standards Laboratory                      Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                          -13-                        FCC ID:MAU026

Body Tissue Simulant Measurement
 Frequency      Description/               Dielectric Parameters            Tissue Temp.
   [MHz]       Calibration date           εr                σ [s/m]             [°C]
               Reference result           53.3                1.52
  1900MHz       ± 5% window          50.64 to 55.96       1.45 to 1.59
               19-Nov-2007               51.16                1.48              22.4

International Standards Laboratory               Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                -14-                          FCC ID:MAU026

4.3      Tissue Dielectric Parameters for Head and Body Phantoms

The head tissue dielectric parameters recommended by the IEEE SCC-34/SC-2 in P1528 have
been incorporated in the following table. These head parameters are derived from planar layer
models simulating the highest expected SAR for the dielectric properties and tissue thickness
variations in a human head. Other head and body tissue parameters that have not been specified
in P1528 are derived from the tissue dielectric parameters computed from the 4-Cole-Cole
equations described in Reference [12] and extrapolated according to the head parameters
specified in P1528.

      Target Frequency                      Head                                Body
          (MHz)                      εr             σ (S/m)             εr             σ (S/m)
            150                     52.3               0.76            61.9             0.80
            300                     45.3               0.87            58.2             0.92
            450                     43.5               0.87            56.7             0.94
            835                     41.5               0.90            55.2             0.97
            900                     41.5               0.97            55.0             1.05
            915                     41.5               0.98            55.0             1.06
           1450                     40.5               1.20            54.0             1.30
           1610                     40.3               1.29            53.8             1.40
        1800 – 2000                 40.0               1.40            53.3             1.52
           2450                     39.2               1.80            52.7             1.95
           3000                     38.5               2.40            52.0             2.73
           5800                     35.3               5.27            48.2             6.00

                  (εr = relative permittivity, σ = conductivity and ρ = 1000 kg/m3)

International Standards Laboratory                     Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                           -15-                      FCC ID:MAU026

5. SAR Measurement Procedure
5.1     SAR System Validation
5.1.1   Validation Dipoles

                                         The dipoles used is based on the IEEE-1528
                                         standard, and is complied with mechanical and
                                         electrical specifications in line with the
                                         requirements of both IEEE and FCC Supplement C.
                                         the table below provides details for the mechanical
                                         and electrical specifications for the dipoles.

  *    Frequency          L (mm)      h (mm)      d (mm)
  V    835MHz             161.0       89.8        3.6
       900MHz             149.0       83.3        3.6
       1800MHz            72.0        41.7        3.6
  V    1900MHz            68.0        39.5        3.6
       2450MHz            51.5        30.4        3.6
       5200MHz            23.6        14.0        3.6
       5800MHz            21.6        12.6        3.6
 *Note: “V” indicates Frequency used of EUT

International Standards Laboratory                Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                              -16-                      FCC ID:MAU026

5.1.2 Validation Result

System Performance Check at 835MHz
Validation Kit: ASL-D-835-S-2
 Frequency                             SAR [w/kg]            SAR [w/kg]      Tissue Temp.
   [MHz]                                  1g                    10g              [°C]
                 Reference result         9.49                   6.1
  835 MHz        ± 10% window         8.54 to 10.43          5.49 to 6.71
                 19-Nov-2007                 9.165              6.178            22.3
Note: All SAR values are 1W forward power.

System Performance Check at 1900MHz
Validation Kit: ASL-D-1900-S-2
 Frequency                             SAR [w/kg]            SAR [w/kg]      Tissue Temp.
   [MHz]                                  1g                    10g              [°C]
                 Reference result         37.96                 19.81
 1900 MHz        ± 10% window         34.16 to 41.75        17.83 to 21.79
                 19-Nov-2007             39.956                20.856            22.4
Note: All SAR values are 1W forward power.

International Standards Laboratory                   Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                               -17-                         FCC ID:MAU026

5.2     Arrangement Assessment Setup
5.2.1   Test Positions of Device Relative to Head
This specifies exactly two test positions for the handset against the head phantom, the “cheek”
position and the “tilted” position. The handset should be tested in both positions on the left and
right sides of the SAM phantom. If the handset construction is such that it cannot be positioned
using the handset positioning procedures described in and to represent normal use
conditions (e.g., asymmetric handset), alternative alignment procedures should be considered
with details provided in the test report.

        Figure 4.1a Fixed Case                    Figure4.1b Clam Shell

5.2.2   Definition of the “Cheek” Position
The “cheek” position is defined as follows:
a. Ready the handset for talk operation, if necessary. For example, for handsets with a cover
   piece, open the cover. (If the handset can also be used with the cover closed both
   configurations must be tested.)
b. Define two imaginary lines on the handset: the vertical centerline and the horizontal line. The
   vertical centerline passes through two points on the front side of the handset: the midpoint of
   the width wt of the handset at the level of the acoustic output (point A on Figures 4.1a and
   4.1b), and the midpoint of the width wb of the bottom of the handset (point B). The horizontal
   line is perpendicular to the vertical centerline and passes through the center of the acoustic
   output (see Figure 4.1a). The two lines intersect at point A. Note that for many handsets, point
   A coincides with the center of the acoustic output. However, the acoustic output may be
   located elsewhere on the horizontal line. Also note that the vertical centerline is not
   necessarily parallel to the front face of the handset (see Figure 4.1b), especially for clamshell
   handsets, handsets with flip pieces, and other irregularly-shaped handsets.

International Standards Laboratory                    Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                              -18-                         FCC ID:MAU026

c. Position the handset close to the surface of the phantom such that point A is on the (virtual)
   extension of the line passing through points RE and LE on the phantom (see Figure 4.2), such
   that the plane defined by the vertical center line and the horizontal line of the handset is
   approximately parallel to the sagittal plane of the phantom.
d. Translate the handset towards the phantom along the line passing through RE and LE until the
   handset touches the pinna.
e. While maintaining the handset in this plane, rotate it around the LE-RE line until the vertical
   centerline is in the plane normal to MB-NF including the line MB (called the reference plane).
f. Rotate the handset around the vertical centerline until the handset (horizontal line) is
   symmetrical with respect to the line NF.
g. While maintaining the vertical centerline in the reference plane, keeping point A on the line
   passing through RE and LE and maintaining the handset contact with the pinna, rotate the
   handset about the line NF until any point on the handset is in contact with a phantom point
   below the pinna (cheek). See Figure 4.2 the physical angles of rotation should be noted.

                   Figure 4.2 – Phone position 1, “cheek” or “touch” position.

International Standards Laboratory                   Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                  -19-                          FCC ID:MAU026

5.2.3   Definition of the “Tilted” Position
The “tilted” position is defined as follows:
a. Repeat steps (a) – (g) of to place the device in the “cheek position.”
b. While maintaining the orientation of the handset move the handset away from the pinna along
   the line passing through RE and LE in order to enable a rotation of the handset by 15 degrees.
c. Rotate the handset around the horizontal line by 15 degrees.
d. While maintaining the orientation of the handset, move the handset towards the phantom on a
   line passing through RE and LE until any part of the handset touches the ear. The tilted
   position is obtained when the contact is on the pinna. If the contact is at any location other
   than the pinna (e.g., the antenna with the back of the phantom head), the angle of the handset
   should be reduced. In this case, the tilted position is obtained if any part of the handset is in
   contact with the pinna as well as a second part of the handset is contact with the phantom (e.g.,
   the antenna with the back of the head).

                            Figure 4.3 – Phone position 2, “tilted” position.
5.2.4   Test Positions for body-worn
Body-worn operating configurations should be tested with the belt-clips and holsters attached to
the device and positioned against a flat phantom in normal use configurations. A separation
distance of 1.5 cm between the back of the device and a flat phantom is recommended for testing
body-worn SAR compliance under such circumstances. Other separation distance may be use,
but not exceed 2.5 cm.

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                               -20-                        FCC ID:MAU026

5.3     SAR Measurement Procedure
The ALSAS-10U calculates SAR using the following equation,

               σ: represents the simulated tissue conductivity
               ρ: represents the tissue density

The EUT is set to transmit at the required power in line with product specification, at each
frequency relating to the LOW, MID, and HIGH channel settings.

Pre-scans are made on the device to establish the location for the transmitting antenna, using a
large area scan in either air or tissue simulation fluid.

The EUT is placed against the Universal Phantom where the maximum area scan dimensions are
larger than the physical size of the resonating antenna. When the scan size is not large enough to
cover the peak SAR distribution, it is modified by either extending the area scan size in both the
X and Y directions, or the device is shifted within the predefined area.

The area scan is then run to establish the peak SAR location (interpolated resolution set at 1mm² )
which is then used to orient the center of the zoom scan. The zoom scan is then executed and the
1g and 10g averages are derived from the zoom scan volume (interpolated resolution set at
1mm³ ).

International Standards Laboratory                    Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                              -21-                       FCC ID:MAU026

6. SAR Exposure Limits
SAR assessments have been made in line with the requirements of IEEE-1528, FCC Supplement
C, and comply with ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 “Uncontrolled Environments” limits. These limits
apply to a location which is deemed as “Uncontrolled Environment” which can be described as a
situation where the general public may be exposed to an RF source with no prior knowledge or
control over their exposure.

        Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (W/kg)
                    Type Exposure                             Uncontrolled Environment Limit
                                                             1.60 W/kg
Spatial Peak SAR (1g cube tissue for brain or body)
                                                             0.08 W/kg
Spatial Average SAR (whole body)
Spatial Peak SAR (10g for hands, feet, ankles and wrist)     4.00 W/kg

International Standards Laboratory                   Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                 -22-                           FCC ID:MAU026

7. Test Equipment List
           Instrument            Manufacturer       Model No.           Serial No.     Last
  Vector Network Analyzer       Agilent         E5071B              MY42402726          Apr. 2007
  Dielectric Probe Kit          Aglient         85070E              MY44300124          N/A
  Signal Generator              Anritsu         MG3692A             020311              Sep. 2007
  Power Meter                   Agilent         438A                3513U06187          Apr. 2007
  Power Sensor                  Agilent         84815A              3318A01828          Dec. 2007
  Data Acquisition Package      Aprel           ALS-DAQ-PAQ-2       110-00203           NA
  Aprel Laboratories Probe      Aprel           ALS-E020            266                 Jul. 2007
  Aprel Reference Dipole        Aprel           ALS-D-835-S-2       835-180-00553       Feb. 2007
  Aprel Reference Dipole        Aprel           ALS-D-900-S-2       900-190-00603       Feb. 2007
  Aprel Reference Dipole        Aprel           ALS-D-1900-S-2      1900-210-00703      Feb. 2007
  Aprel Reference Dipole        Aprel           ALS-D-2450-S-2      2450-220-00753      Feb. 2007
  Aprel Reference Dipole        Aprel           ALS-D-5200-S-2      5200-230-00802      Feb. 2007
  Aprel Reference Dipole        Aprel           ALS-D-5800-S-2      5800-240-00852      Feb. 2007
  Boundary Detection Sensor     Aprel           ALS-PMDPS-2         120-00253           N/A
  Universal Work Station        Aprel           ALS-UWS             100-00153           N/A
  Device Holder 2.0             Aprel           ALS-H-E-SET-2       170-00503           N/A
  Left Ear SAM Phantom          Aprel           ALS-P-SAM-L         130-00305           N/A
  Right Ear SAM Phantom         Aprel           ALS-P-SAM-R         140-00355           N/A
  Universal Phantom             Aprel           ALS-P-UP-1          150-00405           N/A
  Aprel Dipole Spacer           Aprel           ALS-DS-U            250-00903           N/A
  SAR Software                  Aprel           ALSAS-10U           B0D5F-112FE         N/A
  CRS C500C Controller          Thermo          ALS-C500            RCF0440278          N/A
  CRF F3 Robot                  Thermo          ALS-F3              RAF0440252          N/A
  Power Amplifier               Mini-Circuit    ZVE-8G              D030305             N/A

Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year.

International Standards Laboratory                      Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                   -23-                         FCC ID:MAU026

8. Measurement Uncertainty
                 Exposure Assessment Measurement Uncertainty
                                                                                   Standard   Standard
Source of                 Tolerance Probability                  ci1      ci1      Uncer-     Uncer-
Uncertainty               Value     Distribution                 (1g)     (10g)    tainty     tainty
                                                                                   (1-g) %    (10g) %
Measurement System
Probe Calibration         3.5        normal           1          1        1        3.5        3.5
                                                                 (1-      (1-
Axial Isotropy            3.7        rectangular      √3         cp)1/2   cp)1/2   1.5        1.5
Isotropy                  10.9       rectangular      √3         √cp      √cp      4.4        4.4
Boundary Effect           1.0        rectangular      √3         1        1        0.6        0.6
Linearity                 4.7        rectangular      √3         1        1        2.7        2.7
Detection Limit           1.0        rectangular      √3         1        1        0.6        0.6
Readout Electronics       1.0        normal           1          1        1        1.0        1.0
Response Time             0.8        rectangular      √3         1        1        0.5        0.5
Integration Time          1.7        rectangular      √3         1        1        1.0        1.0
RF Ambient Condition      3.0        rectangular      √3         1        1        1.7        1.7
Probe Positioner
Mech.                     0.4        rectangular      √3         1        1        0.2        0.2
Probe Positioning with
respect to Phantom
Shell                     2.9        rectangular      √3         1        1        1.7        1.7
Extrapolation and
Integration               3.7        rectangular      √3         1        1        2.1        2.1
Test            Sample
Positioning               4.0        normal           1          1        1        4.0        4.0
Device           Holder
Uncertainty               2.0        normal           1          1        1        2.0        2.0
Drift of Output Power     1.6        rectangular      √3         1        1        0.9        0.9
Phantom and Setup
Phantom Uncertainty
(shape & thickness
tolerance)                3.4        rectangular      √3         1        1        2.0        2.0
Liquid Conductivity
(target)                  5.0        rectangular      √3         0.7      0.5      2.0        1.4
Conductivity(meas.)       4.6        normal           1          0.7      0.5      3.2        2.3
Permittivity(target)      5.0        rectangular      √3         0.6      0.5      1.7        1.4
Permittivity(meas.)       2.3        normal           1          0.6      0.5      1.4        1.1
Combined Uncertainty                 RSS                                           9.9        9.5
Combined Uncertainty
(coverage factor=2)                  Normal(k=2)                                   19.8       18.9

International Standards Laboratory                         Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                             -24-                           FCC ID:MAU026

9. EUT test Position
9.1.       EUT Test Position : Laptop Mode
The EUT is put on the laptop of user. The TX Antennas WWAN_Main and WWAN_Aux
are enable.

WWAN                                   Main
Aux                                    (T /R )
(R )

9.2.       EUT Test Position: Tablet Mode
In order to meet SAR requirement, the WWAN TX antennas located in BODY SIDE will be
          Antenna   Laptop                          Tablet Mode                         WWAN

                     Mode1    Mode2              Mode3            Mode4       Mode5

WWAN        Main     Enable   Enable         Enable           Disable         Enable    Tx/Rx

WWAN        Aux      Enable                  Enable               Disable     Enable        Rx

       Screen orientation
           Body side

                                                      Body Side

*Note: System does not function for the mode4, when WWAN is enabled

International Standards Laboratory                    Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                        -25-                           FCC ID:MAU026

10. Test Result Summary

10.1. FCH_RC1
SAR Measurement
Ambient Temperature (°C) : 22.5 ±1                         Relative Humidity (%): 52
Liquid Temperature (°C) : 22.3±1                           Depth of Liquid (cm):>15
Test Mode : US Cellular
                                      Frequency                Conducted
Test Position      Antenna                                                  SAR 1g         Limit
   Body             Type         Channel         MHz                        (W/Kg)        (W/Kg)
   Mode 2          Internal        Low          826.4            23.87        0.208          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        Mid          836.4            24.04        0.169          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        High         846.6            24.11        0.185          1.6
   Mode 3          Internal        Low          826.4            23.87          --           1.6
   Mode 3          Internal        Mid          836.4            24.04        0.029          1.6
   Mode 3          Internal        High         846.6            24.11          --           1.6
   Mode 4          Internal        Low          826.4            23.87         --            1.6
   Mode 4          Internal        Mid          836.4            24.04        0.06           1.6
   Mode 4          Internal        High         846.6            24.11         --            1.6
   Mode 5          Internal        Low          826.4            23.87         --            1.6
   Mode 5          Internal        Mid          836.4            24.04        0.08           1.6
   Mode 5          Internal        High         846.6            24.11         --            1.6
Note: The SAR measured at the middle channel for this configuration is at least 3 dB lower than SAR
limit, testing at the high and low channels is option.

International Standards Laboratory                              Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                       -26-                             FCC ID:MAU026

10.2. FCH_RC1
SAR Measurement
Ambient Temperature (°C) : 22.6 ±1                        Relative Humidity (%): 53
Liquid Temperature (°C) : 22.4±1                          Depth of Liquid (cm):>15
Test Mode : US PCS
                                       Frequency              Conducted
Test Position      Antenna                                                   SAR 1g         Limit
   Body             Type         Channel         MHz                         (W/Kg)        (W/Kg)
   Mode 2          Internal        Low          1852.4          23.63         0.315           1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        Mid          1880.0          23.77         0.557           1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        High         1907.5          23.44         0.248           1.6
   Mode 3          Internal        Low          1852.4          23.63           --            1.6
   Mode 3          Internal         Mid         1880.0          23.77         0.013           1.6
   Mode 3          Internal        High         1907.5          23.44           --            1.6
   Mode 4          Internal        Low          1852.4          23.63           --            1.6
   Mode 4          Internal        Mid          1880.0          23.77          0.06           1.6
   Mode 4          Internal        High         1907.5          23.44           --            1.6
   Mode 5          Internal        Low          1852.4          23.63           --            1.6
   Mode 5          Internal        Mid          1880.0          23.77         0.088           1.6
   Mode 5          Internal        High         1907.5          23.44           --            1.6
Note: The SAR measured at the middle channel for this configuration is at least 3 dB lower than SAR
limit, testing at the high and low channels is option.

International Standards Laboratory                             Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                       -27-                            FCC ID:MAU026

10.3. 1xEVDO Rev.0 RTAP 153.6K
SAR Measurement
Ambient Temperature (°C) : 22.5 ±1                        Relative Humidity (%): 52
Liquid Temperature (°C) : 22.3±1                          Depth of Liquid (cm):>15
Test Mode : US Cellular
                                      Frequency               Conducted
Test Position      Antenna                                                  SAR 1g         Limit
   Body             Type         Channel         MHz                        (W/Kg)        (W/Kg)
   Mode 2          Internal        Low          824.2           23.98         0.195          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        Mid          836.6           24.03         0.210          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        High         848.8           24.26         0.185          1.6
Note: The SAR measured at the middle channel for this configuration is at least 3 dB lower than SAR
limit, testing at the high and low channels is option.

10.4. 1xEVDO Rev.0 RTAP 153.6K
SAR Measurement
Ambient Temperature (°C) : 22.6 ±1                        Relative Humidity (%): 53
Liquid Temperature (°C) : 22.4±1                          Depth of Liquid (cm):>15
Test Mode : US PCS
                                      Frequency               Conducted
Test Position      Antenna                                                  SAR 1g         Limit
   Body             Type         Channel         MHz                        (W/Kg)        (W/Kg)
   Mode 2          Internal        Low          1850.2          23.69         0.619          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        Mid          1880.0           23.8         0.661          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        High         1909.8           23.5         0.488          1.6
Note: The SAR measured at the middle channel for this configuration is at least 3 dB lower than SAR
limit, testing at the high and low channels is option.

International Standards Laboratory                             Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                                       -28-                            FCC ID:MAU026

10.5. 1xEVDO Rev.A RTAP 12288K
SAR Measurement
Ambient Temperature (°C) : 22.5 ±1                        Relative Humidity (%): 52
Liquid Temperature (°C) : 22.3±1                          Depth of Liquid (cm):>15
Test Mode : US Cellular
                                      Frequency               Conducted
Test Position      Antenna                                                  SAR 1g         Limit
   Body             Type         Channel         MHz                        (W/Kg)        (W/Kg)
   Mode 2          Internal        Low          826.4           22.60         0.182          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        Mid          836.4           22.87         0.189          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        High         846.6           23.04         0.177          1.6
Note: The SAR measured at the middle channel for this configuration is at least 3 dB lower than SAR
limit, testing at the high and low channels is option.

10.6. 1xEVDO Rev.A RTAP 12288
SAR Measurement
Ambient Temperature (°C) : 22.6 ±1                        Relative Humidity (%): 53
Liquid Temperature (°C) : 22.4±1                          Depth of Liquid (cm):>15
Test Mode : US PCS
                                      Frequency               Conducted
Test Position      Antenna                                                  SAR 1g         Limit
   Body             Type         Channel         MHz                        (W/Kg)        (W/Kg)
   Mode 2          Internal        Low          1852.4          23.42         0.490          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        Mid          1880.0          23.52         0.548          1.6
   Mode 2          Internal        High         1907.5           23.4         0.501          1.6
Note: The SAR measured at the middle channel for this configuration is at least 3 dB lower than SAR
limit, testing at the high and low channels is option.

International Standards Laboratory                             Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

                                     -29-                   FCC ID:MAU026

11. Appendix A: Photographs of Test Setup
12. Appendix B: Photographs of EUT
13. Appendix C: SAR System Validation Data
14. Appendix D: SAR Measurement Data
15. Appendix E: Probe Calibration Data
16. Appendix F: Dipole Calibration Data

International Standards Laboratory          Report Number: ISL-07LR029SAR-F

Document Created: 2008-01-16 17:19:54
Document Modified: 2008-01-16 17:19:54

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