WLAN Test Report Part 2


Test Report

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                                                     -35-                               FCC ID: MAU023

4.2       Bandwidth for DSSS [Section 15.247 (a)(2)]

4.2.1 Test Procedure
The Transmitter output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer. The 6 dB bandwidth
of the fundamental frequency was measured. The setting of spectrum analyzer is as follows
           Equipment mode                                        Spectrum analyzer
           Detector function                                     Peak mode
           RBW                                                   100KHz
           VBW                                                   100KHz

4.2.2      Test Setup

              EUT                                                              Analyzer

4.2.3     Test Data:
                                                   6dB Bandwidth
                                                                        Temp. (deg. C):                                    25
Test Engr:             Jerry Chiou                                      Humidity (%):                                      50

                             Frequency             6dB Bandwidth                   Limit
        Chennel                                                                                                Pass/Fail
                               (MHz)                    (MHz)                     (MHz)
          1                     2412                    16.48                       0.5                          Pass
          6                     2437                    16.48                       0.5                          Pass
          11                    2462                    16.48                       0.5                          Pass

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -60-                               FCC ID: MAU023

5745 MHz:

5785 MHz:

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -61-                               FCC ID: MAU023

5825 MHz:

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -36-                               FCC ID: MAU023

Channel 1:

Channel 6:

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -37-                               FCC ID: MAU023

Channel 11:

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -38-                               FCC ID: MAU023

4.3        DSSS Maximum Peak Output Power [Section 15.247 (b)(1)]

4.3.1 Test Procedure
Ø The Transmitter output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer.
             l Equipment mode: Spectrum analyzer
             l Detector function: Channel Power
             l SPAN:20MHz
             l Channel BW:20MHz
             l RBW: 1MHz
             l VBW: 3MHz
             l Center frequency: fundamental frequency tested.
             l Sweep time= auto
             l Average times = 100.

4.3.2      Test Setup

            EUT                                                                Spectrum

4.3.3      Test Data
                                        Maximum Peak Output Power
                                                                                            Temp. (deg. C):             25
                                              Test Engr:     Jerry Chiou                    Humidity (%):               50

                                Analyzer                      Peak Power Peak Power
                Frequency                      Cable Loss
  Channel                       Reading                         Output     Output            Limit (dBm)       Pass/Fail
                  (Mhz)                          (dB)
                                 (dBm)                          (mW)       (dBm)

      1            2412           17.32            1.1           69.50          18.42              30            Pass
      6            2437           17.34            1.1           69.82          18.44              30            Pass
      11           2462           17.47            1.1           71.94          18.57              30            Pass

Note: Two RF output( MAIN & AUX) have been test,the worse data shown above.

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -39-                               FCC ID: MAU023

Channel 1:

Channel 6:

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -40-                               FCC ID: MAU023

Channel 11:

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -41-                               FCC ID: MAU023

4.4      Radiated Emission Measurement [Section [15.247(c)(4)]

4.4.1 EUT Configuration
The equipment under test was set up on the 10 meter chamber with measurement distance of 3
meters. The EUT was placed on a non-conductive table 80cm above ground.
Any changes made to the configuration, or modifications made to the EUT, during testing are
noted in the following test record.

4.4.2     Test Procedure

The system was set up as described above, with the EMI diagnostic software running. We
found the maximum readings by varying the height of antenna and then rotating the turntable.
Both polarization of antenna, horizontal and vertical, are measured.
30M to 1GHz: The highest emissions between 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were also analyzed in
details by operating the spectrum analyzer and/or EMI receiver in quasi-peak mode to
determine the precise amplitude of the emissions. While doing so, the interconnecting cables
and major parts of the system were moved around, the antenna height was varied between one
and four meters, its polarization was varied between vertical and horizontal, and the turntable
was slowly rotated, to maximize the emission.
1GHz – 25GHz: The highest emissions were also analyzed in details by operating the
spectrum analyzer and/or EMI receiver in peak mode to determine the precise amplitude of the
emission. While doing so, the interconnecting cables and major parts of the system were
moved around, the antenna height was varied between one and four meters, its polarization
was varied between vertical and horizontal, and the turntable was slowly rotated, to maximize
the emission. During test the EMI receiver and spectrum was setup according to EMI
Receiver/Spectrum Analyzer Configuration.
For the test of 2 nd to 10th harmonics frequencies , the equipment setup was also refer to EMI
Receiver/Spectrum Analyzer Configuration. The frequencies were tested using Peak mode
first, if the test data is higher than the emissions limit, an additional measurement using
Average mode will be performed and the average reading will be compared to the limit and
record in test report.

4.4.3     EMI Receiver/Spectrum Analyzer Configuration (for the frequencies tested)
Frequency Range Tested:                                  30MHz~1000MHz
Detector Function:                                       Quasi-Peak Mode
Resolution Bandwidth (RBW):                              120KHz
Video Bandwidth (VBW)                                    1MHz

Frequency Range Tested:                                  1GHz – 25 GHz
Detector Function:                                       Peak Mode
Resolution Bandwidth (RBW):                              1MHz
Video Bandwidth (VBW)                                    3MHz

Frequency Range Tested:                                  1GHz – 25 GHz
Detector Function:                                       Average Mode
Resolution Bandwidth (RBW):                              1MHz
Video Bandwidth (VBW)                                    10 Hz

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                          -42-                                    FCC ID: MAU023

4.4.4       Test Data (30MHz – 1GHz):
30M – 1GHz Open Field Radiated Emissions (Horizontal) Channel 1, 6, 11
Frequency     RxAmp.       AntFact     CableLoss      PreAmpGain       Corrct.Emi.        Limit       Margin     Ant.Pos    TablePos
  MHz         (dBuV)       (dB/m)        (dB)             (dB)         (dBuV/m)           (dBu         (dB)        (cm)       (deg)
   59.1         20.05        6.72          1.33            0.00            28.10          40.00       -11.90        96.00        217.00
  64.92         20.63        6.35          1.45            0.00            28.44          40.00       -11.56        96.00        243.00
  89.17         19.52        8.73          1.66            0.00            29.92          43.50       -13.58        96.00        217.00
  95.96         16.82        9.91          1.79            0.00            28.53          43.50       -14.97        96.00        59.00
  102.75        14.56        11.10         1.93            0.00            27.58          43.50       -15.92        96.00        32.00
  108.57        17.48        12.14         1.94            0.00            31.56          43.50       -11.94        96.00        32.00
  111.48        16.43        12.43         1.90            0.00            30.76          43.50       -12.74        96.00        32.00
  129.91        13.33        11.81         2.08            0.00            27.21          43.50       -16.29        96.00        138.00
  157.07        19.58        10.13         2.34            0.00            32.05          43.50       -11.45        96.00        217.00
  167.74        16.79        9.64          2.42            0.00            28.85          43.50       -14.65        96.00        217.00
  334.58        12.97        14.03         3.30            0.00            30.30          46.00       -15.70        96.00        32.00
  584.84        6.22         18.79         4.42            0.00            29.43          46.00       -16.57        96.00        296.00

30M – 1GHz Open Field Radiated Emissions (Vertical) Channel 1, 6, 11
Frequency     RxAmp.        AntFact     CableLoss      PreAmpGain       Corrct.Emi.       Limit       Margin    Ant.Pos.    TablePos
  MHz         (dBuV)        (dB/m)        (dB)             (dB)         (dBuV/m)          (dBu         (dB)        (cm)       (deg)
   59.1         19.20        6.72          1.33            0.00            27.26          40.00       -12.74        96.00        217.00
  66.86         21.20        6.26          1.48            0.00            28.93          40.00       -11.07        96.00        243.00
  90.14         19.67        8.92          1.66            0.00            30.26          43.50       -13.24        96.00        217.00
  92.08         18.64        9.25          1.70            0.00            29.60          43.50       -13.90        96.00        217.00
  95.96         16.94        9.91          1.79            0.00            28.64          43.50       -14.86        96.00        59.00
  105.66        14.09        11.62         1.93            0.00            27.64          43.50       -15.86        96.00        32.00
  108.57        16.52        12.14         1.94            0.00            30.59          43.50       -12.91        96.00        32.00
  111.48        17.71        12.43         1.90            0.00            32.05          43.50       -11.45        96.00        32.00
  140.58        13.71        11.14         2.17            0.00            27.02          43.50       -16.48        96.00        85.00
  159.01        15.27        10.11         2.38            0.00            27.75          43.50       -15.75        96.00        217.00
  169.68        15.19        9.52          2.45            0.00            27.16          43.50       -16.34        96.00        217.00
  919.49        3.60         20.66         5.32            0.00            29.57          46.00       -16.43        96.00        322.00

Ø During the Pre-test, the EUT has been tested for Channel 1 , 6, 11 transmit from Main and Aux antenna respectively to get all
  the critical emission frequencies. In the final test all the critical emission frequencies has been tested and the test data are listed
Ø Margin =         Corrected Amplitude – Limit
  Corrected Amplitude = Radiated Amplitude + Antenna Correction Factor + Cable Loss - Pre-Amplifier Gain
  A margin of -8dB means that the emission is 8dB below the limit
All frequencies from 30MHz to 1GHz have been tested

International Standards Laboratory                                          Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                       -43-                                FCC ID: MAU023

4.4.5     Test Data ( 1GHz – 25 GHz) .
1GHz~ 25 GHz (Horizontal), Channel 1: 2412 MHz
                         Operator:JerryChiou                                                                       RBW:1MHz
Frequency         Rx_R. Ant_F.              Cab_L. PreAmpl Emission Limit  Margin A.Tower T.Table
   MHz            dBuV   dB/m                 dB      dB   dBuV/m dBuV/m     dB     cm      deg
  4803.7         39.79pk 34.05               5.14   27.51  51.47pk 54.00av -2.53    100      20
 7222.78         39.29pk 38.09               3.85   26.60  54.63pk 74.00pk -19.36   101     142
 7229.65         26.41av 38.09               3.85   26.60  41.75av 54.00av -12.25   101     142
 9641.86         32.11pk 38.84               3.94   24.84  50.05pk 54.00av -3.95    102       7

 1GHz~ 25 GHz (Vertical), Channel 1: 2412 MHz
                         Operator:JerryChiou                                                                       RBW:1MHz
Frequency         Rx_R. Ant_F.              Cab_L. PreAmpl Emission Limit  Margin A.Tower T.Table
  MHz             dBuV   dB/m                 dB      dB   dBuV/m dBuV/m    dB      cm      deg
 4818.18         40.86pk 34.11               5.14   27.49  52.62pk 54.00av -1.38    100      18
 7222.78         41.46pk 38.09               3.85   26.60  56.80pk 74.00pk -17.2    101     142
 7228.75         29.12av 38.09               3.85   26.60  44.46av 54.00av -9.54    101     142
 9627.37         39.85pk 38.87               3.93   24.85  57.80pk 74.00pk -16.2    102       7
 9631.19         28.11av 38.87               3.93   24.85  46.06av 54.00av -7.94    102       7
Ø According to the standards used, Where limits are specified by agencies for both average and peak (or quasi-peak) detection , if
        the peak (or quasi-peak) measured value complies with the average limit , it is unnecessary to perform an average
Ø “ * ”: Fundamental Frequency
Ø “**”: Not in the restricted band, Limit level=Fundamental Emission-20dB
Ø “ pk”: peak mode
Ø “av”: average mode
Ø “---“: No meter reading data due to the emission level is smaller than spectrum noise level.
Ø The Spectrum noise level+Correction Factor < Limit - 6 dB
Ø Margin=Corrected Amplitude – Limit
Ø Corrected Amplitude=Radiated Amplitude+Antenna Correction Factor+Cable Loss-Pre-Amplifier Gain
Ø A margin of -8dB means that the emission is 8dB below the limit.
All frequencies from 1GHz to 25 GHz have been tested.

International Standards Laboratory                                      Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                       -44-                               FCC ID: MAU023

 1GHz~ 25 GHz (Horizontal) , Channel 6 : 2437 MHz
                         Operator:JerryChiou                                                                      RBW:1MHz
Frequency         Rx_R. Ant_F.              Cab_L. PreAmpl Emission Limit  Margin A.Tower T.Table
   MHz            dBuV   dB/m                 dB      dB   dBuV/m dBuV/m     dB     cm      deg
 4861.64         44.74pk 34.27               5.13   27.43  56.72pk 74.00pk -17.28   100      14
 4882.06         33.24av 34.27               5.13   27.43  45.22av 54.00av -8.78    100      14
  7295.2         39.20pk 38.38               3.88   26.57  54.89pk 74.00pk -19.11   101     152
  7298.1         27.76av 38.38               3.88   26.57  43.45av 54.00av -10.55   101     152
 9714.29         35.00pk 38.71               3.99   24.79  52.91pk 54.00av -1.09    102       6

 1GHz~ 25 GHz (Vertical), Channel 6 : 2437 MHz
                         Operator:JerryChiou                                                                      RBW:1MHz
Frequency         Rx_R. Ant_F.              Cab_L. PreAmpl Emission Limit  Margin A.Tower T.Table
   MHz            dBuV   dB/m                 dB      dB   dBuV/m dBuV/m     dB     cm      deg
 4861.64         47.22pk 34.27               5.13   27.43  59.20pk 74.00pk -14.8    100      14
 4872.30         33.56av 34.27               5.13   27.43  45.64av 54.00av -8.46    100      14
  7295.2         43.39pk 38.38               3.88   26.57  59.09pk 74.00pk -14.91   101     152
 7298.12         29.43av 38.38               3.88   26.57  45.13av 54.00av -8.87    101     152
 9728.77         41.75pk 38.69               4.00   24.78  59.65pk 74.00pk -14.35   102       5
 9728.77         27.71av 38.69               4.00   24.78  45.61av 54.00av -8.39    102       5
Ø According to the standards used,Where limits are specified by agencies for both average and peak (or quasi-peak) detection , if
        the peak (or quasi-peak) measured value complies with the average limit , it is unnecessary to perform an average
Ø “ * ”: Fundamental Frequency
Ø “**”: Not in the restricted band, Limit level=Fundamental Emission-20dB
Ø “ pk”: peak mode
Ø “av”: average mode
Ø “---“: No meter reading data due to the emission level is smaller than spectrum noise level.
Ø The Spectrum noise level+Correction Factor < Limit - 6 dB
Ø Margin=Corrected Amplitude – Limit
Ø Corrected Amplitude=Radiated Amplitude+Antenna Correction Factor+Cable Loss-Pre-Amplifier Gain
Ø A margin of -8dB means that the emission is 8dB below the limit.
All frequencies from 1GHz to 25 GHz have been tested.

International Standards Laboratory                                     Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                       -45-                                FCC ID: MAU023

1GHz~ 25 GHz (Horizontal), Channel 11: 2462 MHz
                         Operator:JerryChiou                                                                       RBW:1MHz
Frequency Rx_R. Ant_F.                      Cab_L. PreAmpl Emission Limit  Margin A.Tower T.Table
  MHz     dBuV   dB/m                         dB      dB   dBuV/m dBuV/m    dB      cm      deg
 4919.58 38.41pk 34.49                       5.13   27.35  50.69pk 54.00av -3.31    100      8
 7367.63 34.44pk 38.67                       3.92   26.54  50.49pk 54.00av -3.51    101     163

1GHz~ 25 GHz (Vertical), Channel 11 : 2462 MHz
                         Operator:JerryChiou                                                                       RBW:1MHz
Frequency         Rx_R. Ant_F.              Cab_L. PreAmpl Emission Limit  Margin A.Tower T.Table
  MHz             dBuV   dB/m                 dB      dB   dBuV/m dBuV/m     dB     cm      deg
 4919.58         42.75pk 34.49               5.13   27.35  55.02pk 74.00pk -18.92   100      8
 4924.00         27.62av 34.49               5.13   27.35  39.89av 54.00av -14.11   100      8
 7367.63         39.91pk 38.67               3.92   26.54  55.96pk 74.00pk -18.04   101     163
 7381.02         25.10av 38.67               3.92   26.54  41.15av 54.00av -12.85   101     163
 9830.17         33.78pk 38.51               4.07   24.72  51.64pk 54.00av -2.36    101      3
Ø According to the standards used, Where limits are specified by agencies for both average and peak (or quasi-peak) detection , if
        the peak (or quasi-peak) measured value complies with the average limit , it is unnecessary to perform an average
Ø “ * ”: Fundamental Frequency
Ø “**”: Not in the restricted band, Limit level=Fundamental Emission-20dB
Ø “ pk”: peak mode
Ø “av”: average mode
Ø “---“: No meter reading data due to the emission level is smaller than spectrum noise level.
Ø The Spectrum noise level+Correction Factor < Limit - 6 dB
Ø Margin=Corrected Amplitude – Limit
Ø Corrected Amplitude=Radiated Amplitude+Antenna Correction Factor+Cable Loss-Pre-Amplifier Gain
Ø A margin of -8dB means that the emission is 8dB below the limit.
All frequencies from 1GHz to 25 GHz have been tested.

International Standards Laboratory                                      Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -46-                               FCC ID: MAU023

4.5        Band Edge Measurement

4.5.1      Test Procedure (Conducted)

      1.     The transmitter output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer.
             Equipment mode: Spectrum analyzer
             Detector function: Peak mode
             SPAN: 100MHz
             RBW: 100KHz
             VBW: 100KHz
             Center frequency: 2.4GHz, 2.4835GHz.
      2.     Using Peak Search to read the peak power of Carrier frequencies after Maximum
             Hold function is completed
      3.     Find the next peak frequency outside the operation frequency band

4.5.2      Test Setup (Conducted)

             EUT                                                               Analyzer

4.5.3      Test Data:
                             Table: Band Edge measurement (Conducted)
                                                                         Temp. (deg. C):                                   25
Test Engr:                      Jerry Chiou                              Humidity (%):                                     50

                                                         Spectrum           Carrier - Outsideband
           Channel                                        Reading              Limit: >20dB                    Pass/Fail

                                      (MHz)               (dBuV)                      (dB)
              1                      2414.5                108.5                       ---                       ---
        Outside band                  2400                 76.92                     31.58                      Pass
              11                     2464.5               108.36                       ---                       ---
        Outside band                 2483.8                63.32                     45.04                      Pass

Note: Two RF output( MAIN & AUX) have been test,the worse data shown above.

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -47-                               FCC ID: MAU023

Band Edge Conducted measurement

Band Edge Conducted Measurement

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -48-                               FCC ID: MAU023

4.5.4 Test Procedure (Radiated)
    1.  Antenna and Turntable test procedure same as Radiated Emission Measurement.
        Equipment mode: Spectrum analyzer
        Detector function: Peak mode
        SPAN: 100MHz
        RBW: 1MHz
        VBW: 3MHz
        Center frequency: 2.395GHz, 2.48GHz.
    2.  Using Peak Search to read the peak power of Carrier frequencies after Maximum
        Hold function is completed.
    3.  Find the next peak frequency outside the operation frequency band
    4.  For peak frequency emission level measurement in Restricted Band ,
        Change RBW: 1MHz
        VBW: 10Hz
        Span: 100MHz.
    5.  Get the spectrum reading after Maximum Hold function is completed.

4.5.5 Test Setup (Radiated)
   Same as Radiated Emission Measurement

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                               -49-                               FCC ID: MAU023

     4.5.6      Test Data
                                      Table Band Edge measurement (Radiated)
                                                                                                             Temp. (deg.
                                                                  Test Engr:     Jerry Chiou                 Humidity (%):          50
                     Frequency       Spectrum      Correction         Emission dBc ( Limit:          Limit      Equip.       Pass
  Description          (MHz)          Reading         Factor           Level       > 30dBc)       (dBuV/m)       Setup        or
                                       (dBuV)         (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)                                      VBW         Fail
                      2404.6          59.26           35.48            94.74           ---            ---       10Hz         ---
(average mode)
                      2419.1          70.59           35.48           106.07           ---            ---       3MHz         ---
 (peak mode)
 Outside band
                       2400           26.69           35.48            62.17         32.57            ---       10Hz         Pass
(average mode)

                      2463.1          56.51            35.5            92.01           ---            ---       10Hz         ---
(average mode)
                      2463.2          70.89            35.5           106.39           ---            ---       3MHz         ---
 (peak mode)
 Outside band
                      2483.5          14.36           35.51            49.87         42.14            ---       10Hz         Pass
(average mode)

Restricted band       2389.9          36.91           35.47            72.38           ---            74        3MHz         Pass
 (peak mode)
Restricted band
                       2390           14.17           35.47            49.64           ---            54        10Hz         Pass
(average mode)

Restricted band       2483.5          33.22           35.51            68.73           ---            74        3MHz         Pass
 (peak mode)
Restricted band
                      2483.5          14.36           35.51            49.87           ---            54        10Hz         Pass
(average mode)

      Ø   The Spectrum plot of emission level measurement in Restricted band is attached.
      Ø   Emission Level=Spectrum Reading+Correction Factor
      Ø   Correction Factor=Antenna Factor+cable loss–amplifier gain
      Ø   Both Horizontal and Vertical polarizaion have been tested and the worst data is listed above.

     International Standards Laboratory                                        Report Number: 07LR008FC
     HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
     LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -50-                               FCC ID: MAU023

Band Edge measurement for radiated emission in Restricted Band(Radiated)
Peak Mode (Channel 1)

Band Edge measurement for radiated emission in Restricted Band(Radiated)
Average Mode (Channel 1)

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -51-                               FCC ID: MAU023

Band Edge measurement for radiated emission in Restricted Band(Radiated)
Peak Mode (Channel 11)

Band Edge measurement for radiated emission in Restricted Band(Radiated)
Average Mode (Channel 11)

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -52-                               FCC ID: MAU023

4.6      RF Exposure Measurement [Section 15.247(b)(4) & 1.1307(b)]

See SAR report

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -53-                               FCC ID: MAU023

4.7         DSSS Peak Power Spectral Density [Section 15.247(d) ]

4.7.1 Test Procedure
    1.  The Transmitter output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer.
        Equipment mode: Spectrum analyzer
        Detector function: Peak mode
        RBW: 3KHz
        VBW: 30KHz
        Center frequency: fundamental frequency tested.
        Sweep time= 500 sec.
    2.  Using Peak Search to read the peak power after Maximum Hold function is

4.7.2       Test Setup

             EUT                                                               Analyzer

4.7.3       Test Data
                                  Maximum Peak Output Power Density
                                                                                          Temp. (deg. C): 25
                               Test Engr:            Jerry Chiou                          Humidity (%):        50
                 Frequency           Spectrum         Cable Loss         Peak Power             Limit
  Chennel          (MHz)             Reading              (dB)             Output           (dBm/3KHz)          Pass/Fail
        1           2412               -9.38                1.1             -8.28                  8                Pass
        6           2437                -9.2                1.1              -8.1                  8                Pass
      11            2462               -9.41                1.1             -8.31                  8                Pass

Note: Two RF output( MAIN & AUX) have been test,the worse data shown above.

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -54-                               FCC ID: MAU023

Channel 1

Channel 6

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -55-                               FCC ID: MAU023

Channel 11

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -56-                               FCC ID: MAU023

5.   TEST RESULTS (802.11a 5725MHz-5850MHz)
5.1      Powerline Conducted Emissions [Section 15.207]

5.1.1    EUT Configuration

The EUT was set up on the non-conductive table that is 1.0 by 1.5 meter, 80cm above ground.
The wall of the shielded room was located 40cm to the rear of the EUT.
Power to the EUT was provided through the LISN. The impedance vs. frequency characteristic
of the LISN is complied with the limit used.
Both lines (neutral and hot) were connected to the LISN in series at testing. A coaxial-type
connector which provides one 50 ohms terminating impedance was provided for connecting
the test instrument. The excess length of the power cord was folded back and forth at the center
of the lead so as to form a bundle not exceeding 40cm in length.
Any changes made to the configuration, or modifications made to the EUT, during testing are
noted in the following test record.
If the EUT is a Personal Computer or a peripheral of personal computer, and the personal
computer has an auxiliary AC outlet which can be used for providing power to an external
monitor, then all measurements will be made with the monitor power from first the
computer-mounted AC outlet and then a floor-mounted AC outlet.

5.1.2 Test Procedure
The system was set up as described above, with the EMI diagnostic software running. The
main power line conducted EMI tests were run on the hot and neutral conductors of the power
cord and the results were recorded. The effect of varying the position of the interface cables
has been investigated to find the configuration that produces maximum emission.
At the frequencies where the peak values of the emissions were higher than 6dß below the
applicable limits, the emissions were also measured with the quasi-peak detectors. At the
frequencies where the quasi-peak values of the emissions were higher than 6dß below the
applicable average limits, the emissions were also measured with the average detectors.
The highest emissions were analyzed in details by operating the spectrum analyzer in fixed
tuned mode to determine the nature of the emissions and to provide information which could
be useful in reducing their amplitude.

5.1.3    EMI Receiver/Spectrum Analyzer Configuration (for the frequencies tested)
         Frequency Range                         150 KHz--30MHz
         Detector Function                       Quasi-Peak/Average
         Bandwidth (RBW)                         9KHz

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -57-                               FCC ID: MAU023

5.1.4    Test Data:
                                  Power Line Conducted Emissions (Hot)

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -58-                               FCC ID: MAU023

                               Power Line Conducted Emissions (Neutral)

* NOTE:      Margin = Amplitude + Insertion Loss- Limit
             A margin of -8dB means that the emission is 8dB below the limit

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -59-                               FCC ID: MAU023

5.2      Bandwidth for DSSS [Section 15.247 (a)(2)]

5.2.1 Test Procedure
The Transmitter output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer. The 6 dB bandwidth
of the fundamental frequency was measured. The setting of spectrum analyzer is as follows
           Equipment mode                                        Spectrum analyzer
           Detector function                                     Peak mode
           RBW                                                   100KHz
           VBW                                                   100KHz

5.2.2      Test Setup

             EUT                                                               Analyzer

5.2.3     Test Data:
                                                   6dB Bandwidth
                                                       Temp. (deg. C):                                             25
Test Engr:                 Jerry Chiou                 Humidity (%):                                               50

        Frequency               6dB Bandwidth                         Limit
         (MHz)                       (MHz)                           (MHz)
          5745                       16.62                             0.5                               Pass
          5785                       16.62                             0.5                               Pass
          5825                       16.62                             0.5                               Pass

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;TAF:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;TAF:0997; IC:IC4164-1

Document Created: 2007-04-04 19:08:49
Document Modified: 2007-04-04 19:08:49

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