Bluetooth Test Report Part 1


Test Report

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          Part 2--Tested with Bluetooth Module
                       Test Report
              FCC Part 15 Subpart B & C
                                                   Product Name

                              Notebook Personal Computer


                       (With WLAN & Bluetooth & WWAN Module)

                                                Applied by:
                                       MITAC Technology Corporation
                                          4F, No.1, R&D Road 2,
                                           Hsinchu Science-Bas
                                              Taiwan,R. O. C.

                                                Test Performed by:
                                    International Standards Laboratory
                                                 Lung-Tan LAB
                                                Site Registration No.
                                 BSMI: SL2-IN-E-0013; TAF: 0997; NVLAP: 200234-0;
                               IC: IC4164-1; VCCI: R-1435, C-1440; NEMKO: ELA 113B

                               No. 120, Lane 180, San Ho Tsuen, Hsin Ho Rd.
                                  Lung-Tan Hsiang, Tao Yuan County 325
                                              Taiwan, R.O.C

Report Number: ISL-07LR008FC                                                           Issue Date: 2007/04/04
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                                   -i-                                  FCC ID: MAU023

                                                      Contents of Report
1.         General ...................................................................................................... 1
     1.1     Certification of Accuracy of Test Data.......................................................................... 1
2.         Test Results Summary................................................................................ 2
3.         Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT).............................................. 3
4.         TEST RESULTS (Bluetooth)...................................................................... 7
     4.1 Powerline Conducted Emissions................................................................................... 7
       4.1.1 EUT Configuration.................................................................................................. 7
       4.1.2 Test Procedure........................................................................................................ 7
       4.1.3 EMI Receiver/Spectrum Analyzer Configuration (for the frequencies tested)........ 7
       4.1.4 Test Data: ............................................................................................................... 8
     4.2 FHSS Maximum Peak Output Power...........................................................................10
       4.2.1 Test Procedure......................................................................................................10
       4.2.2 Test Setup .............................................................................................................10
       4.2.3 Test Data ..............................................................................................................10
     4.3 Radiated Emission Measurement ................................................................................12
       4.3.1 Band Edge Measurement ......................................................................................12
       4.3.2 Test Procedure (Conducted).................................................................................12
       4.3.3 Test Setup (Conducted) ........................................................................................12
       4.3.4 Test Data ..............................................................................................................12
       4.3.5 Test Procedure (Radiated)....................................................................................14
       4.3.6 Test Setup (Radiated)...........................................................................................14
       4.3.7 Test Data ..............................................................................................................15
     4.4 Bandwidth & Hopping Channel Separation.................................................................18
       4.4.1 Standard Applicable.............................................................................................18
       4.4.2 Test Procedure......................................................................................................18
       4.4.3 Test Setup .............................................................................................................18
       4.4.4 Test Data ..............................................................................................................19
     4.5 Number of Hopping Frequency Used ..........................................................................23
       4.5.1 Test Procedure......................................................................................................23
       4.5.2 Test Setup .............................................................................................................23
       4.5.3 Test Data ..............................................................................................................23
     4.6 Dwell Time .................................................................................................................25
       4.6.1 Test Procedure......................................................................................................25
       4.6.2 Test Setup .............................................................................................................25
       4.6.3 Test Data ..............................................................................................................26

International Standards Laboratory                                            Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                               -ii-                              FCC ID: MAU023

5.        Appendix ................................................................................................. 32
     5.1 Appendix A: Measurement Procedure for Power line Conducted Emissions..............32
     5.2 Appendix B: Test Procedure for Radiated Emissions .................................................33
     5.3 Appendix C: Test Equipment ......................................................................................34
       5.3.1 Test Equipment List..............................................................................................34
       5.3.2 Software for Controlling Spectrum/Receiver and Calculating Test Data .............34
     5.4 Appendix D: Layout of EUT and Support Equipment..................................................35
       5.4.1 General Conducted Test Configuration.................................................................35
       5.4.2 General Radiation Test Configuration..................................................................36
     5.5 Appendix E: Description of Support Equipment .........................................................37
       5.5.1 Description of Support Equipment........................................................................37
       5.5.2 Software for Controlling Support Unit..................................................................38
       5.5.3 I/O Cable Condition of EUT and Support Units....................................................39
     5.6 Appendix F: Accuracy of Measurement .....................................................................40
     5.7 Appendix G: Photographs of EUT Configuration Test Set Up.....................................42
     5.8 Appendix H: Antenna Spec. ........................................................................................45

International Standards Laboratory                                       Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                       -1-                              FCC ID: MAU023

 1. General
 1.1 Certification of Accuracy of Test Data

     Standards:                              CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart B Class B
                                             CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart C (Section 15.247)

     Test Procedure:                         ANSI C63.4:2003
     Equipment Tested:                       Notebook Personal Computer
     Model:                                  V100
     Applied by:                             MITAC Technology Corporation
     Sample received Date:                   2007/02/05
     Final test Date :                       2007/03/14-2007-03/16
     Test Result                             PASS
     Test Site:                              Chamber 02, Conduction 02
     Temperature                             Refer to each site test data
     Humidity:                               Refer to each site test data

     Test Engineer:                          Jerry Chiou

 All the tests in this report have been performed and recorded in accordance with the standards
 described above and performed by an independent electromagnetic compatibility consultant,
 International Standards Laboratory.
 The test results contained in this report accurately represent the measurements of the
 characteristics and the energy generated by sample equipment under test at the time of the test. The
 sample equipment tested as described in this report is in compliance with the limits of above
 Approve & Signature

 Eddy Hsiung/Director

      Test results given in this report apply only to the specific sample(s) tested under stated test conditions.
This report shall not be reproduced other than in full without the explicit written consent of ISL. This report totally
         contains 48 pages, including 1 cover page , 2 contents page, and 45 pages for the test description.
   This report must not be use to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.

               This test data shown below is traceable to NIST or national or international standard.
   International Standards Laboratory certifies that no party to this application has been denied the FCC benefits
                 pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 853(a).

 International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
 HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
 LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                      -2-                              FCC ID: MAU023

2.   Test Results Summary
The Bluetooth functions of EUT has been tested according to the FCC regulations listed below:
                      Tested Standards: 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C
Standard                    Test Type                Result                Remarks
15.207(a)                     AC Power Line                             Pass
15.247(b) (1)                 Max. Peak Output Power                    Pass
15.209( a )                   Radiated Emissions                        Pass
                              30MHz – 25 GHz
15.247 ( c )                  Band Edge Measurement                     Pass
15.247(a)(1)(iii)             Number of Hopping                         Pass
                              Frequency Used
15.247(a) (1)(ii)             Spectrum Bandwidth                        Pass
                              Of FHSS device
15.247(a)(1)                  Hopping Channel                           Pass
15.247(a)(1)(iii)             Dwell Time                                Pass

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                      -3-                              FCC ID: MAU023

3.   Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT)
Description:                                       Notebook Personal Computer
Condition:                                         Pre-Production
Model:                                             V100
Brand:                                             MITAC
Wireless LAN Module:                               Intel, Model: WM3945ABG
Bluetooth Module:                                  BILLIONTON(Model:GUBTCR42M)
Frequency Range of 802.11a:                        5150 - 5250 MHz
                                                   5250 - 5350 MHz
                                                   5725 - 5850 MHz
Frequency Range of 802.11b/g:                      2400 - 2483.5 MHz
Frequency Range of Bluetooth:                      2400 - 2483.5 MHz
Support channel:
  802.11a Normal mode                              13 Channels
  802.11b/g                                        11 Channels
  Bluetooth                                        79 Channels
Modulation Skill:
  802.11a                                          OFDM (6 Mbps – 54 Mbps)
  802.11b                                          DBPSK(1Mbps), DQPSK(2Mbps),
     802.11g                                       OFDM (6M - 54Mbps)
     Bluetooth                                     GFSK (1Mbps)

Antennas Type:
  WLAN Right antenna:                              PIFA (P/N: IA-060076) White
                                                   made by JOINSOON ELECTRONICS MFG. CO., LTD
     WLAN Left antenna:                            PIFA (P/N: IA-060239) Black
                                                   made by JOINSOON ELECTRONICS MFG. CO., LTD
     Bluetooth antenna:                            PIFA Antenna(P/N: IA060093),
                                                   made by JOINSOON ELECTRONICS MFG. CO.,LTD.

Antenna Connected:                                 Connected to RF connector on the PCB of the Bluetooth
                                                   or WLAN module .The user is not possible to change the
                                                   antenna without disassembling the notebook computer.
Antenna peak Gain:
  WLAN Right antenna                               1.61dBi(11b,11g), 2.45dBi(11a)
  WLAN Left antenna                                -0.55 dBi (11b,11g), 3.97 dBi (11a)
  Bluetooth antenna                                -0.8 dBi

Power Type of wireless module:                     3.3V DC from Notebook PC
Power Type of Bluetooth module:                    3.3V DC from Notebook PC

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                      -4-                              FCC ID: MAU023

     The channel and the operation frequency of 802.11a listed below:
                 Channel Frequency(MHz)        Channel Frequency(MHz)
                   01      5180                    02       5200
                   03      5220                    04       5240
                   05      5260                    06       5280
                   07      5300                    08       5320
                   09      5745                    10       5765
                   11      5785                    12       5805
                   13      5825

       The channel and the operation frequency of 802.11b and 802.11g listed below:

                Channel Frequency(MHz)         Channel Frequency(MHz)
                    01     2412                     07      2442
                    02     2417                     08      2447
                    03     2422                     09      2452
                    04     2427                     10      2457
                    05     2432                     11      2462
                    06     2437
 The channels and the operation frequency of Bluetooth listed below:

                      Channel      Frequency(MHz)   Channel Frequency(MHz)
                        00         2402                01     2403
                        02         2404                03     2405
                        04         2406                05     2407
                        … … …      … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
                        75         2477                76     2478
                        77         2479                78     2480

WWAN card:                                         SIERRA(Model:MC5720)
 TX Frequency:                                     824MHz~849MHz(CDMA800)
                                                   1850MHz ~ 1910MHz(CDMA1900)
  RX Frequency:                                    869MHz~894MHz(CDMA800)
                                                   1930MHz ~ 1990MHz(CDMA1900)
  Antennas Type:
   WWAN Right antenna:                            PIFA (P/N: IA-060094) Blue
                                                  made by JOINSOON ELECTRONICS MFG. CO., LTD
     WWAN Left antenna:                           PIFA (P/N: IA-060240) Red
                                                  made by JOINSOON ELECTRONICS MFG. CO., LTD
  Antenna peak Gain:
    WWAN Right antenna                             1.1dBi(800MHz), 2.02dBi(1900MHz)
    WWAN Left antenna                              1.1dBi(800MHz), 2.02dBi(1900MHz)

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                      -5-                              FCC ID: MAU023

CPU:                                             Genuine intel U2500 1.2GHz
Adapter Type:                                    Auto Switching AC Adapter
                                                 100-240V,1.2A 50-60Hz
                                                 EPS (Model: F10903-A)
Hard Disk Driver:                                Toshiba (Model:MK8032GSX) 80G or
                                                 Toshiba (Model:MK1234GSX) 120G
Modem Card:                                      Conexant (Model: RD-02-D330)
Wireless LAN Card:                               Intel(Model:WM3945ABG)
Bluetooth module:                                BILLIONTON(Model:GUBTCR42M)
USB Connector:                                   two 4 pin
RJ11 Connector:                                  one 2 pin
Serial Port:                                     two 9 pin
RJ45 Connector:                                  one 8 pin
Line out Port:                                   one
Line-in Port:                                    one
SD Card Port:                                    one
PCMCIA Slot:                                     two
DC IN Port:                                      one
Battery:                                         MITAC(Model: BP-LC2600/33-0151), 11.1Vdc,
LCD:                                             Toshiba(Model: LTD104KA1S) or
                                                 Toshiba(Model: LTD121EXEV)
DDR:                                             Infineon(Model:PC2-4200S-444-11-A0) 512M
                                                 Hnnix(Model:PC2-5300S555-12) 1G
Power Cord:                                      Non-shielded, Detachable

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                      -6-                              FCC ID: MAU023

Test configuration:

config                                                               Modem         Wireless
           LCD          CPU        Adapter Type     Hard Disk                                     Battery         DDR
uration                                                               Card        LAN Card
          Toshiba(    Genuine     EPS (Model:      Toshiba        Conexant       Intel(Model:   MITAC(M         Hnnix(M
          Model:      intel       F10903-A)        (Model:MK      (Model:        WM3945A        odel:BP-LC      odel:PC2-
  1       LTD104K     U2500                        1234GSX)       RD-02-D33      BG)            2600/33-015     5300S555
          A1S)        1.2GHz                       120G           0)                            1)              -12)
          Toshiba(    Genuine     EPS (Model:      Toshiba        Conexant       Intel(Model:   MITAC(M         Hnnix(M
          Model:      intel       F10903-A)        (Model:MK      (Model:        WM3945A        odel:BP-LC      odel:PC2-
          LTD121E     U2500                        1234GSX)       RD-02-D33      BG)            2600/33-015     5300S555
          XEV)        1.2GHz                       120G           0)                            1)              -12)

All types of LCD、CPU、Adapter Type、Hard Disk、Modem Card、Wireless LAN Card、Battery、
DDR with related components have been tested, only shown the worst data using the following
configuration in this report.

config                                                               Modem         Wireless
           LCD          CPU        Adapter Type     Hard Disk                                     Battery         DDR
uration                                                               Card        LAN Card
          Toshiba(    Genuine     EPS (Model:      Toshiba        Conexant       Intel(Model:   MITAC(M         Hnnix(M
          Model:      intel       F10903-A)        (Model:MK      (Model:        WM3945A        odel:BP-LC      odel:PC2-
          LTD121E     U2500                        1234GSX)       RD-02-D33      BG)            2600/33-015     5300S555
          XEV)        1.2GHz                       120G           0)                            1)              -12)

EMI Noise Source:
   GPS board Crystal: 12MHz(X1)
   Touch Panel board Crystal:7.372MHz(X1)
   SD card board Crystal:12MHz(X2)
   Main board Crystal:25MHz(X3),10MHz(X2),14.318MHz(X501)
   Clock Generator: U514

EMI Solution:
   1. Adding shielded tape on LCD Signal cable
   2. Adding Gasket on LCD Signal cable
   3. Adding Gasket on LCD Panel around
   4. Adding Gasket on Bluetooth Module
   5. Adding aluminum foil on 3GCDMA antenna
   6. Adding Copper on Main board
   7. Adding Copper on Modem Card
   8. Adding Gasket on Main board
   9. Adding Gasket on Modem Card
   10. Adding Core(A5 FS 16*5*12) on LAN Signal cable
   11. Adding Core(A3 FS 15*3*11) on Modem Card Signal cable
   12. Adding Core(K5B RH 6.35*15.8*3.3) on DC IN Jack
   13. Adding aluminum foil on Case
   14. Adding Core(FPC 40*2.7*12-K) on Keyboard Signal cable
   15. Adding Core(RC 16*28*9 -M2) on Adapter Type Signal cable

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                      -7-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.   TEST RESULTS (Bluetooth)
4.1 Powerline Conducted Emissions

4.1.1 EUT Configuration

The EUT was set up on the non-conductive table that is 1.0 by 1.5 meter, 80cm above ground.
The wall of the shielded room was located 40cm to the rear of the EUT.
Power to the EUT was provided through the LISN. The impedance vs. frequency characteristic
of the LISN is complied with the limit used.
Both lines (neutral and hot) were connected to the LISN in series at testing. A coaxial-type
connector which provides one 50 ohms terminating impedance was provided for connecting
the test instrument. The excess length of the power cord was folded back and forth at the center
of the lead so as to form a bundle not exceeding 40cm in length.
Any changes made to the configuration, or modifications made to the EUT, during testing are
noted in the following test record.
If the EUT is a Personal Computer or a peripheral of personal computer, and the personal
computer has an auxiliary AC outlet which can be used for providing power to an external
monitor, then all measurements will be made with the monitor power from first the
computer-mounted AC outlet and then a floor-mounted AC outlet.

4.1.2 Test Procedure
The system was set up as described above, with the EMI diagnostic software running. The
main power line conducted EMI tests were run on the hot and neutral conductors of the power
cord and the results were recorded. The effect of varying the position of the interface cables
has been investigated to find the configuration that produces maximum emission.
At the frequencies where the peak values of the emissions were higher than 6dß below the
applicable limits, the emissions were also measured with the quasi-peak detectors. At the
frequencies where the quasi-peak values of the emissions were higher than 6dß below the
applicable average limits, the emissions were also measured with the average detectors.
The highest emissions were analyzed in details by operating the spectrum analyzer in fixed
tuned mode to determine the nature of the emissions and to provide information which could
be useful in reducing their amplitude.

4.1.3 EMI Receiver/Spectrum Analyzer Configuration (for the frequencies tested)
       Frequency Range                         150 KHz--30MHz
       Detector Function                       Quasi-Peak/Average
       Bandwidth (RBW)                         9KHz

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                      -8-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.1.4 Test Data:

                   Power Line Conducted Emissions (Hot) Channel 00, 39, 78

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                      -9-                              FCC ID: MAU023

                 Power Line Conducted Emissions (Neutral) Channel 00, 39, 78

* NOTE:      During the test, the EMI receiver was set to Max. Hold then switch the EUT Channel between 00, 39,
             78 to get the maximum reading of all these channels.
             Margin = Amplitude + Insertion Loss- Limit
             A margin of -8dB means that the emission is 8dB below the limit

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -10-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.2 FHSS Maximum Peak Output Power

4.2.1 Test Procedure
    The Transmitter output of EUT was connected to the peak power analyzer.
4.2.2 Test Setup

            EUT                                                              Peak Power

4.2.3 Test Data
                                        Maximum Peak Output Power
                                                                                              Temperature (℃):25
Test Engineer:Jerry Chiou                                                                     Humidity (%):55

                                 Analyzer        Cable       Peak Power Peak Power
                 Frequency                                                                        Limit
  Channel                        Reading          Loss         Output     Output                                Pass/Fail

                   (Mhz)           (dBm)          (dB)           (mW)             (dBm)          (dBm)
      00            2402            2.17          1.10            2.12             3.27            30             Pass
      39            2441            3.11          1.10            2.64             4.21            30             Pass
      78            2480            3.34          1.10            2.78             4.44            30             Pass

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -11-                              FCC ID: MAU023

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -12-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.3 Radiated Emission Measurement

4.3.1 Band Edge Measurement
4.3.2 Test Procedure (Conducted)

    1.       The transmitter output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer.
             Equipment mode: Spectrum analyzer
             Detector function: Peak mode
             SPAN: 100MHz
             RBW: 100KHz
             VBW: 100KHz
             Center frequency: 2.4GHz, 2.4835GHz.
    2.       Using Peak Search to read the peak power of Carrier frequencies after Maximum
             Hold function is completed
    3.       Find the next peak frequency outside the operation frequency band
4.3.3 Test Setup (Conducted)

            EUT                                                                Analyzer

4.3.4 Test Data
                             Table: Band Edge measurement (Conducted)
                                                                                  Temperature (℃):25
Test Engineer:Jerry Chiou                                                         Humidity (%):55
                                                                                         Carrier -
                                  Frequency                                            Outsideband
         Channel                                               Reading                                          Pass/Fail
                                                                                       Limit: >20dB
                                     (MHz)                      (dBuV)                      (dB)
            00                       2401.8                      108.8                       ---                   ---
     Outside band                    2400.0                       66.3                       42.5                 Pass
            78                       2479.8                      110.0                        ---                  ---
     Outside band                    2484.0                       64.8                       45.2                 Pass

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -13-                              FCC ID: MAU023

Band Edge Conducted Measurement

Band Edge Conducted Measurement

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -14-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.3.5 Test Procedure (Radiated)
    1.   Antenna and Turntable test procedure same as Radiated Emission Measurement.
         Equipment mode: Spectrum analyzer
         Detector function: Peak mode
         SPAN: 100MHz
         RBW: 1MHz
         VBW: 3MHz
         Center frequency: 2.375GHz, 2.500GHz.
    2.   Using Peak Search to read the peak power of Carrier frequencies after Maximum
         Hold function is completed.
    3.   Find the next peak frequency outside the operation frequency band
    4.   For peak frequency emission level measurement in Restricted Band ,
         Change RBW: 1MHz
         VBW: 10Hz
         Span: 100MHz.
    5.   Get the spectrum reading after Maximum Hold function is completed.
4.3.6 Test Setup (Radiated)
   Same as Radiated Emission Measurement

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                         -15-                                FCC ID: MAU023

 4.3.7 Test Data
                                 Table Band Edge measurement (Radiated)
Test Engineer:Jerry Chiou                                                                                  Temperature (℃):25

Data Rate                                                                                                  Humidity (%):60
                                   Spectrum Correction Emission                    dBc                      Equip.     Pass
                     Frequency                                                                  Limit
  Description                       Reading  Factor     Level                    ( Limit:                   Setup       or
                       (MHz)         (dBuV)         (dB/m)       (dBuV/m) > 20dBc) (dBuV/m)                  VBW       Fail
               2402.40                29.13          35.48          64.61           ---              ---     10Hz       ---
(average mode)
                      2402.00         67.91          35.48         103.39           ---              ---     3MHz       ---
 (peak mode)
 Outside band
                      2400.00         44.26          35.48          79.74         23.65              ---     3MHz      Pass
 (peak mode)

               2480.40                30.07          35.51          65.58           ---              ---     10Hz       ---
(average mode)
                      2480.00         69.11          35.51         104.62           ---              ---     3MHz       ---
 (peak mode)
 Outside band
                      2483.80         27.70          35.51          63.21         41.41              ---     3MHz      Pass
 (peak mode)

Restricted band 2390.00               16.16          35.47          51.63           ---              74      3MHz      Pass
 (peak mode)

Restricted band
                2390.00                5.52          35.47          40.99           ---              54      10Hz      Pass
(average mode)

Restricted band 2483.80               27.70          35.51          63.21           ---              74      3MHz      Pass
 (peak mode)

Restricted band
                2484.10               11.33          35.51          46.84           ---              54      10Hz      Pass
(average mode)

 Ø   The Spectrum plot of emission level measurement in Restricted band is attached.
 Ø   Emission Level=Spectrum Reading+Correction Factor
 Ø   Correction Factor=Antenna Factor+cable loss–amplifier gain
 Ø   Both Horizontal and Vertical polarizaion have been tested and the worst data is listed above.

 International Standards Laboratory                                      Report Number: 07LR008FC
 HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
 LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -16-                              FCC ID: MAU023

Band Edge Restricted Band (Radiated)-Peak Mode (Channel 00)

Band Edge Restricted Band (Radiated)-Average Mode (Channel 00)

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -17-                              FCC ID: MAU023

Band Edge Restricted Band (Radiated)-Peak Mode (Channel 78)

Band Edge Restricted Band (Radiated)-Average Mode (Channel 78)

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -18-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.4 Bandwidth & Hopping Channel Separation

4.4.1 Standard Applicable
   According to §15.247(a) (1), frequency hopping system shall have, hopping channel carrier
   frequencies separated by a minimum of 25 kHz or the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel,
   whichever is greater. The system shall hop to channel frequencies that are selected at the system
   hopping rate from a pseudorandomly ordered list of hopping frequencies.
4.4.2 Test Procedure
n     Bandwidth Test Procedure
    The Transmitter output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer. The 20 dB
    bandwidth of the fundamental frequency was measured. The setting of spectrum analyzer is
    as follows
              Equipment mode                                     Spectrum analyzer
              Detector function                                  Peak mode
              RBW                                                30KHz
              VBW                                                100KHz
n     Hopping Channel Separation Test Procedure
      1. Connect EUT antenna terminal to the spectrum analyzer with a low loss cable.
         Equipment mode: Spectrum analyzer
         RBW: 100KHz
         VBW: 300KHz

      2. By using the Max-Hold function record the separation of two adjacent channels.
      3. Measure the frequency difference of these two adjacent channels by spectrum
         analyzer Marker function.
      4. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured were complete.
4.4.3 Test Setup

            EUT                                                               Analyzer

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -19-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.4.4 Test Data

                                                  20dB Bandwidth
                                                                               Temperature (℃):25
Test Engineer:Jerry Chiou                                                      Humidity (%):55
                          Frequency          20dB Bandwidth                  Limit
     Channel                                                                                            Pass/Fail
                             (MHz)                  (KHz)                    (KHz)
         00                   2402                   884               ≦            1000                   Pass
         39                   2441                   876               ≦            1000                   Pass
         78                   2480                   884               ≦            1000                   Pass

                                          Hopping Channel Separation
                                                                                     Temperature (℃):25
Test Engineer:Jerry Chiou                                                            Humidity (%):55
                               Frequency               Separation                   Limit
      Channel                                                                                                     Pass/Fail
                                 (MHz)                     (KHz)                   (KHz)
          00                      2402                      1008              ≧            884                      Pass
          39                      2441                      1008              ≧            876                      Pass
          78                      2480                      1008              ≧            884                      Pass

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -20-                              FCC ID: MAU023

                                          20dB Bandwidth Channel 00:

                                          20dB Bandwidth Channel 39:

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -21-                              FCC ID: MAU023

                                          20dB Bandwidth Channel 78:

                                      Hopping Channel Separation Channel 00

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -22-                              FCC ID: MAU023

                                      Hopping Channel Separation Channel 39

                                      Hopping Channel Separation Channel 78

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -23-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.5 Number of Hopping Frequency Used

4.5.1 Test Procedure
    1.     Connect EUT antenna terminal to the spectrum analyzer with a low loss cable.
           Equipment mode: Spectrum analyzer
           RBW: 300KHz
           VBW: 1MHz

    2.     Set the spectrum analyzer on Max-Hold Mode, and then keep the EUT in hopping
           mode. Record all the signals from each channel until each one has been recorded.
    3.     Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured were complete.
4.5.2 Test Setup

            EUT                                                               Analyzer

4.5.3 Test Data

              Number of Hopping Frequency Used
          Test result                                                                          Pass/Fail

                 79                                      >75                                       Pass

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -24-                              FCC ID: MAU023



International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -25-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.6 Dwell Time

4.6.1 Test Procedure

    1.       Connect EUT antenna terminal to the spectrum analyzer with a low loss cable.
             Equipment mode: Spectrum analyzer
             RBW: 1MHz
             VBW: 1MHz
             SPAN: Zero Span

    2.       Adjust the center frequency of spectrum analyzer on any frequency be measured.
    3.       Measure the Dwell Time by spectrum analyzer Marker function.
    4.       Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured were complete.
4.6.2 Test Setup

            EUT                                                               Analyzer

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -26-                              FCC ID: MAU023

4.6.3 Test Data

                                                      Dwell Time
                                                                                                   Temperature (℃):25
Test Engineer:Jerry Chiou                                                                          Humidity (%):55
                                                 Spectrum                 Test
                          Frequency                                                              Limit
       Mode                                       Reading                Result                                  Pass/Fail
                            (MHz)                   (µs)                  (ms)                    (ms)
       DH1                    2402                  414                  264.96              <           400       Pass
       DH3                    2402                  1660                 354.13              <           400       Pass
       DH5                    2402                  2904                 371.71              <           400       Pass

                                                 Spectrum                 Test
                          Frequency                                                              Limit
       Mode                                       Reading                Result                                  Pass/Fail
                            (MHz)                   (µs)                  (ms)                    (ms)
       DH1                   2441                   416                  266.24              <           400       Pass
       DH3                   2441                  1668                  355.84              <           400       Pass
       DH5                   2441                  2912                  372.74              <           400       Pass

                                                 Spectrum                 Test
                          Frequency                                                              Limit
       Mode                                       Reading                Result                                  Pass/Fail
                            (MHz)                   (µs)                  (ms)                    (ms)
       DH1                   2480                   414                  264.96              <           400       Pass
       DH3                   2480                  1664                  354.99              <           400       Pass
       DH5                   2480                  2920                  373.76              <           400       Pass
A period time=79x0.4(s)=31.6(s)
CH00            DH1 time slot=                               414 (µs)*(1600/(1*79))*31.6=                264.96 (ms)
                DH3 time slot=                              1660 (µs)*(1600/(3*79))*31.6=                354.13 (ms)
                DH5 time slot=                              2904 (µs)*(1600/(5*79))*31.6=                371.71 (ms)

CH39                  DH1 time slot=                         416 (µs)*(1600/(1*79))*31.6=                266.24 (ms)
                      DH3 time slot=                        1668 (µs)*(1600/(3*79))*31.6=                355.84 (ms)
                      DH5 time slot=                        2912 (µs)*(1600/(5*79))*31.6=                372.74 (ms)

CH78                  DH1 time slot=                         414 (µs)*(1600/(1*79))*31.6=                264.96 (ms)
                      DH3 time slot=                        1664 (µs)*(1600/(3*79))*31.6=                354.99 (ms)
                      DH5 time slot=                        2920 (µs)*(1600/(5*79))*31.6=                373.76 (ms)

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

                                                     -27-                              FCC ID: MAU023

Channel 00 DH1:

Channel 00 DH3:

International Standards Laboratory                                   Report Number: 07LR008FC
HC LAB:NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-341,C-354; NEMKO:ELA 113A;BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0037;SL2-R1-E-0037;CNLA:1178; IC:IC4067
LT LAB: NVLAP:200234-0;VCCI: R-1435,C-1440;NEMKO:ELA 113B; BSMI:SL2-IN-E-0013;CNLA:0997; IC:IC4164-1

Document Created: 2007-04-04 14:13:43
Document Modified: 2007-04-04 14:13:43

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