Test Report


Test Report

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       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                              Report No.: HA141017-RA

                      FCC COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT
                                      Technical Statement of Conformity
                              in accordance with 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C

                                              The product

                         Equipment Under Test        :Transmitter
                         Model Number                :TP36RF315
                         Product Series              :N/A
                         Report Number               :HA141017-RA
                         Issue Date                  :28-JAN-2015
                         Test Result                 :Compliance

                                               is produced by
                                     FEGO Precision Industrial Co., Ltd
                         947 Lin-Sen Rd. Wu-Fong Tai-Chung 413 Taiwan ROC.

         HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
NO.15-1, CWEISHUH KENG, CWEIPIN VILLAGE,                TEL: +886-2-26030362
LINKOU, TAIPEI COUNTY,                                  FAX: +886-2-26019259
TAIWAN, R. O. C.                                        E-mail: hatlab@ms19.hinet.net

BSMI Registration No.: SL2-IN-E-0023, SL2-A1-E-0023,    FCC Designation No.: TW1071
                       SL2-IS-E-0023, SL2-R1-E-0023,    TAF Accreditation No.: 1163
                       SL2-R2-E-0023, SL2-L1-E-0023     VCCI Registration No.:R-2156, C-2329, T-219, G-696

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         HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                      Report No.: HA141017-RA

1 General Description                                                          5
  1.1     Description of EUT                                                   5
  1.2     Test Instruments                                                     6
  1.3     Auxiliary Equipments                                                 7
  1.4     EUT SETUP                                                            7
  1.5     Identifying the Final Test Mode                                      7
  1.6     Final Test Mode                                                      8
  1.7     Condition of Power Supply                                            8
  1.8     EUT Configuration                                                    8
  1.9     Test Methodology                                                     8
  1.10    General Test Procedures                                              8
  1.11    Modification                                                         8

2 Power line Conducted Emission Measurement                                    9
  2.1     Test Instruments                                                     9
  2.2     Test Arrangement and Procedure                                       9
  2.3     Limit                                                                9
  2.4     Test Result                                                          10

3 Radiated Emission Test                                                       11
  3.1     Test Instruments                                                     11
  3.2     Test Arrangement and Procedure                                       11
  3.3     Limit (§ 15.205 & § 15.231(b))                                       12
  3.4     Test Result                                                          14

4 Conditions for intentional radiators to comply with periodic operation       21
  4.1     Test Instruments                                                     21
  4.2     Test Arrangement and Procedure                                       21
  4.3     Limit (§ 15.231(a))                                                  21
  4.4     Test Result                                                          22

5 Emission Bandwidth                                                           24
  5.1     Test Instruments                                                     24
  5.2     Test Arrangement and Procedure                                       24
  5.3     Limit (§ 15.231(c))                                                  24
  5.4     Test Result                                                          24

6 Antenna requirement                                                          26
  6.1     Limit (§ 15.203)                                                     26
  6.2     Test Result                                                          26

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       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                               Report No.: HA141017-RA

                                Test Result Certification
           Applicant                      : FEGO Precision Industrial Co., Ltd
           Address of Applicant           : 947 Lin-Sen Rd. Wu-Fong Tai-Chung 413 Taiwan ROC.
           Manufacturer                   : FEGO Precision Industrial Co., Ltd
           Address of Manufacturer        : 947 Lin-Sen Rd. Wu-Fong Tai-Chung 413 Taiwan ROC.
           Trade Name                     : N/A
           Equipment Under Test           : Transmitter
           Model Number                   : TP36RF315
           Product Series                 : N/A
           FCC ID                         : M8CTP36RF315
           Filing Type                    : Certification
           Sample Received Date           : 17-DEC-2014
           Test Standard                  :

                                      FCC Part 15 Subpart C §15.231
           Deviations from standard test methods & any other specifications : NONE

1. This report details the results of the test carried out on one sample.
2. The test data, data evaluation, test procedures, and equipment configurations shown in this report were
   made in accordance with the procedures given in ANSI C63.4 (2003) and the energy emitted by the
   sample EUT tested as described in this report is in compliance with the requirements of FCC Rules Part
   15.203, 15.207, 15.209, 15.231.
3. This report applies to the above sample only and shall not be reproduced in part without written
   approval of HongAn Technology Co., Ltd.

 Documented by:                                                                   Date:    2015-01-28
                                     Zoe Chen/ ADM. Dept Staff

         Tested by:                                                               Date:    2015-01-28
                                     Ben Chen / ENG. Dept. Staff

     Approved by:                                                                 Date:    2015-01-28
                                     Adam Yang / SEC. Manager

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       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                      Report No.: HA141017-RA

                                   Summary of Test Result
                    Test Item                     Applicable Standard          Test Result
      1   Antenna Requirement          FCC part 15 subpart C §203              Compliance
      2       Conducted Limits         FCC part 15 subpart C §207                  N/A
              Radiated Emission
      3                                FCC part 15 subpart C §209              Compliance
           Conditions of Intentional
      4   Radiators to Comply with     FCC part 15 subpart C §231(a)           Compliance
              Periodic Operation
      5           Field Strength       FCC part 15 subpart C §231(b)           Compliance
      6      Emission Bandwidth        FCC part 15 subpart C §231(c)           Compliance
              Requirements for
      7   Devices Operating within     FCC part 15 subpart C §231(d)               N/A
           40.66~40.70MHz Band
          Conditions for Intentional
      8   Radiators to Comply with     FCC part 15 subpart C §231(e)               N/A
              Periodic Operation

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       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                            Report No.: HA141017-RA
1 General Description
1.1   Description of EUT

Equipment Under Test          : Transmitter

Model Number of EUT           : TP36RF315

Product Series                : N/A

Power Supply                  : DC 3 V (AAA Battery * 2pcs)

Frequency Range               : 315.05 MHz

Number of Channels            : 1

Channel Spacing               : N/A

Antenna Specification         : PCB Antenna, 0 dBi Gain

Modulation Technique          : ASK

                                  Dimensions : 9 cm (L) X 5.5 cm (W) X 2.5 cm (H)
                                  Function:The EUT is a Transmitter. Its transmitting frequency is
Specification                 :
                                  ※For more detail specification, please refer to the User Manual.

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          HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                                           Report No.: HA141017-RA
1.2      Test Instruments

1.2.1 Instruments Used for Measurement
      Instrument                                      Model
                           Manufacture                                 Serial Number Last Cal. Date Next Cal. Date
         Name                                       Number

          LISN                  EMCO               3810/2NM               9702-1821            18-Aug-2014            18-Aug-2015

                             Rolf Heine
          LISN             Hochfrequenz           NNB-4/32T                  00001             24-Feb-2014            24-Feb-2015

    EMI Receiver                 R&S                  ESCI                  100931              17-Jul-2014            17-Jul-2015

                                 R&S                  FSL6                  100323             05-Sep-2014            05-Sep-2015
                              Advantest               R3172              101202158             08-Aug-2014            08-Aug-2015
                                 R&S                 FSV30                  101629              30-Jul-2014            30-Jul-2015

      Preamplifier             CHASE              CPA 9231A                   0405             22-Aug-2014            22-Aug-2015

      Preamplifier                HD                HD17187                    004             26-May-2014            26-May-2015

                            Com-Power               PAM-840                 461269              02-Jul-2014            02-Jul-2015

    Bilog Antenna              TESEQ               CBL6111D                  25769             11-Mar-2014            11-Mar-2015

                                EMCO                   3115               9912-5992            22-May-2014            22-May-2015
 Waveguide Horn

    Horn Antenna            Com-Power                AH-840                 101042              03-Jul-2014            03-Jul-2015

Temp. & Humidity                               GTH-150-20-SP
                            Giant Force                                MMA0907-012              09-Jun-2014           09-Jun-2015
       Chamber                                         -AR
※     The test equipments used are calibrated and can be traced to National ITRI and International Standards.

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       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                             Report No.: HA141017-RA
1.3    Auxiliary Equipments

1.3.1 Provided by HongAn Technology Co., Ltd. For Emission Test.
1.3.2 Provided by the Manufacturer

1.4    EUT SETUP



Note: 1. Main Test Sample: TP36RF315
      2. Direction of the EUT
              X Axis            Y Axis             Z Axis

1.5    Identifying the Final Test Mode

      1. Mode 1: EUT in X Position. Transmitting Channel set at 315.05 MHz.
      2. Mode 2: EUT in Y Position. Transmitting Channel set at 315.05 MHz.
      3. Mode 3: EUT in Z Position. Transmitting Channel set at 315.05 MHz.
      1. New battery was used for all testing.
      2. The Final Assessment was performed for the worst case.
      3. According to its specifications, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the Section 15.203,
         15.207, 15.209 and 15.231 under the FCC Rules Part 15 Subpart C.

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       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                             Report No.: HA141017-RA

1.6    Final Test Mode

      1. Radiated Emission (30~960MHz): Mode 1, 2, 3. Mode 2 is the worst case.
      2. Field Strength (Fundamental & Harmonics ): Mode 1, 2, 3. Mode 2 is the worst case.
      3. Conducted Emission: N/A. The EUT is designed to use AAA Battery * 2pcs.

1.7    Condition of Power Supply

      DC 3 V (AAA Battery * 2pcs)

1.8    EUT Configuration

      1. Setup the EUT as shown in Sec.1.4 Block Diagram.
      2. Turn on the power of all equipments.
      3. Activate the selected Final Test Mode.

1.9    Test Methodology

      The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.4 (2003) and FCC
      CFR 47 2.1046, 2.1047, 2.1049, 2.1051, 2.1053, 2.1055, 2.1057, 15.203, 15.207, 15.209 and 15.231.

1.10 General Test Procedures

      Conducted Emissions
      The EUT is placed on the turntable, which is 0.8 m above ground plane. According to the
      requirements in Section 13.3 of ANSI C63.4 (2003) Conducted emissions from the EUT measured in
      the frequency range between 0.15 MHz and 30 MHz using CISPR Quasi-peak and average detector

      Radiated Emissions
      The EUT is placed on a turn table, which is 0.8 m above ground plane. The turntable shall rotate 360
      degrees to determine the position of maximum emission level. EUT is set 3 m away from the receiving
      antenna, which varied from 1 m to 4 m to find out the highest emission. And also, each emission was
      to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical. The
      EUT was designed to be mounted on back of vehicle seat, according to the requirements in Section
      13.4 of ANSI C63.4 (2003), only one axe of the EUT has to be measured.

1.11 Modification


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        HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                 Report No.: HA141017-RA
2 Power line Conducted Emission Measurement
2.1     Test Instruments

      Refer to Sec. 1.2 Test Instruments.

2.2     Test Arrangement and Procedure

       1. The EUT was placed on a table, which is 0.8m above ground plane.
       2. Maximum procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT compliance.
       3. Repeat above procedures until all frequency measured were complete.

2.3     Limit

   15.207(a) The final test data are shown on the following tables and refer to the following page(s) for the
      graphs. Except as shown in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, for an intentional radiator that is
      designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is
      conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 kHz to 30
      MHz, shall not exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50 μH/50 ohms line
      impedance stabilization network (LISN). Compliance with the provisions of this paragraph shall be
      based on the measurement of the radio frequency voltage between each power line and ground at the
      power terminal. The lower limit applies at the boundary between the frequency ranges.
                                                                  Limits (dBuV)
           Frequency (MHz)
                                             Q.P. (Quasi-Peak)                     A.V. (Average)
                0.15 to 0.50                      66 to 56                             56 to 46
                0.50 to 5.0                          56                                  46
                 5.0 to 30                           60                                  50
      15.247(b) The limit shown in paragraph (a) of this section shall not apply to carrier current systems
      operating as intentional radiators on frequencies below 30 MHz. In lieu thereof, these carrier current
      systems shall be subject to the following standards:
          (1) For carrier current system containing their fundamental emission within the frequency band
          535-1705 kHz and intended to be received using a standard AM broadcast receiver: no limit on
          conducted emissions.
          (2) For all other carrier current systems: 1000 μV within the frequency band 535-1705 kHz, as
          measured using a 50 μH/50 ohms LISN.
          (3) Carrier current systems operating below 30 MHz are also subject to the radiated emission
          limits in §15.205, §15.209, §15.221, §15.223, or §15.227, as appropriate.
      15.274(c) Measurements to demonstrate compliance with the conducted limits are not required for
      devices which only employ battery power for operation and which do not operate from the AC power
      lines or contain provisions for operation while connected to the AC power lines. Devices that include,
      or make provisions for, the use of battery chargers which permit operating while charging, AC adapters
      or battery eliminators or that connect to the AC power lines indirectly, obtaining their power through
      another device which is connected to the AC power lines, shall be tested to demonstrate compliance
      with the conducted limits.
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       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                      Report No.: HA141017-RA
2.4   Test Result

       The EUT applied AAA Battery x 2pcs and has no connection to PC link ; therefore, no
       conducted emission measurement is required.

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        HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                  Report No.: HA141017-RA
3 Radiated Emission Test
3.1    Test Instruments

      Refer to Sec. 1.2 Test Instruments.

3.2    Test Arrangement and Procedure

         Below 1 GHz

                                  1~ 4 m


                                                                  Turn Table
                                                                                            80 cm
        Test Receiver

        Above 1 GHz

                                    1~ 4 m


                                                                   Turn Table
                                                                                             80 cm
         Test Receiver

      1. The EUT is placed on a turntable, which is 0.8 m above ground plane.
      2. The turntable shall be rotated for 360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission
      3. EUT is set 3 m away from the receiving antenna, which is varied from 1 m to 4 m to find out the
         highest emissions.
      4. Maxium procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT compliance.
      5. And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving antenna
         both horizontal and vertical.
      6. Set the spectrum analyzer in the following setting as:
           (a) Below 1 GHz: RBW =100 kHz/ VBW = 300 kHz/ Sweep = AUTO.
           (b) Above 1 GHz: Peak: RBW = VBW = 1MHz/ Sweep = AUTO.
      7. Repeat above procedures until the meausreemnts for all frequencies are complete.

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         HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                               Report No.: HA141017-RA

3.3     Limit (§ 15.205 & § 15.231(b))

3.3.1 Limit of Restricted Band of Operation (§ 15.205)

      (a) Except as shown in paragraph (d) of this section, only spurious emissions are permitted in any of the
      frequency bands listed below:

                                                    Frequency Band

             MHz                          MHz                          MHz                     GHz

         0.090-0.110                   16.42-16.423                  399.9-410               4.5-5.15

         0.495-0.505             16.69475-16.69525                   608-614                5.35-5.46

        2.1735-2.1905            16.80425-16.80475                   960-1240               7.25-7.75

         4.125-4.128                    25.5-25.67               1300-1427                  8.025-8.5

       4.17725-4.17775                  37.5-38.25              1435-1626.5                  9.0-9.2

       4.20725-4.20775                   73-74.6                1645.5-1646.5                9.3-9.5

         6.215-6.218                    74.8-75.2                1660-1710                  10.6-12.7

       6.26775-6.26825                 108-121.94               1718.8-1722.2               13.25-13.4

       6.31175-6.31225                   123-138                 2200-2300                  14.47-14.5

         8.291-8.294                   149.9-150.05              2310-2390                  15.35-16.2

         8.362-8.366           156.52475-156.52525              2483.5-2500                 17.7-21.4

       8.37625-8.38675                 156.7-156.9               2690-2900                 22.01-23.12

       8.41425-8.41475            162.0125-167.17                3260-3267                  23.6-24.0

        12.29-12.293                   167.72-173.2              3332-3339                  31.2-31.8

      12.51975-12.52025                  240-285                3345.8-3358                 36.43-36.5

      12.57675-12.57725                 322-335.4                3600-4400


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       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                       Report No.: HA141017-RA
3.3.2 Limit of Field Strength of Fundamental (§ 15.231(b))
   The field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated under these frequency bands shall
   not exceed with the following:
        Fundamental Frequency              Field strength of fundamental           Field strength of spurious
                   (MHz)                            (microvolts/ meter)                (microvolts/ meter)
               40.66-40.70                                   2,250                                     225
                   70-130                                    1,250                                     125
                                                      1                                          1
                   130-174                                1,250 to 3,750                             125 to 375
                   174-260                                   3,750                                     375
                                                     1                                       1
                   260-470                               3,750 to 12,500                         375 to 1,250
                  Above 470                                 12,500                                    1,250
    Remark: 1. Linear interpolations.
    The transmitting frequency of the EUT is from 314MHz to 316MHz. According to Linear interpolations, the
    limits for fundamental and spurious are in the following table:
      Transmitting Frequency          Field strength of fundamental         Field strength of spurious emission
                                     (microvolts/              dBuV/m         (microvolts/                    dBuV/m
                                       meter)                                   meter)
             314-316               6000-6083.33              75.56-75.68      600-608.33                  55.56-55.68
   1. Field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3 meters. The tighter limits apply at the band edges.
   2. Intentional radiators operating under the provisions of this section shall demonstrate compliance with the limits
       on the field strength of emissions, as shown in the above table, based on the average value of the measured
       emissions. As an alternative, compliance with the limits in the above table may be based on the use of
       measurement instrumentation with a CISPR quasi-peak detector. The specific method of measurement
       employed shall be specified in the application for equipment authorization. If average emission measurements
       are employed, the provisions in § 15.35 for averaging pulsed emissions and for limiting peak emissions apply.
       Further, compliance with the provisions of § 15.205 shall be demonstrated using the measurement
       instrumentation specified in that section.
   3. The limits on the field strength of the spurious emissions in the above table are based on the fundamental
       frequency of the intentional radiator. Spurious emissions shall be attenuated to the average (or, alternatively,
       CISPR quasi-peak) limits shown in this table or to the general limits shown in § 15.209, whichever limit permits
       a higher field strength.

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        HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                             Report No.: HA141017-RA
3.3.3 Limit of Spurious Emission (§ 15.209)
      Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated
      by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in §
      15.209, whichever is lesser attenuation.
                  Frequency                        Field strength              Measurement distance
                    (MHz)                        (microvolts/ meter)                  (meters)
                0.009-0.490                         2400/F(kHz)                         300
                0.490-1.705                        24000/F(kHz)                          30
                  1.705-30.0                             30                              30
                    30-88                              100**                             3
                   88-216                              150**                             3
                   216-960                             200**                             3
                  Above 960                             500                              3
      ** Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating
      under this section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or
      470-806 MHz. However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of
      this part, e.g.§§ 15.231 and 15.241.

3.4     Test Result

        The final test data are shown on the following page(s).

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         HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                                       Report No.: HA141017-RA

                                Radiated Emission Test Data (Field Strength of Fundamental)

Temperature              :   22℃                                         Humidity          :   55%
Test Date                :   09-JAN-2015                                 Tested by         :   Ben Chen
Polarization             :   Horizontal                                  Channel           :   315.05MHz
Test Mode                :   Mode 2


1.   All readings are Peak values. None of the peak value reading exceeds the A.V. limit. Hence, A.V. reading was not measured.

2.   Spectrum setting: Peak Setting, RBW = 100kHz, VBW = 300kHz

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         HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                                       Report No.: HA141017-RA

                               Radiated Emission Test Data (Field Strength of Fundamental)

Temperature              :   22℃                                         Humidity          :   55%
Test Date                :   09-JAN-2015                                 Tested by         :   Ben Chen
Polarization             :   Vertical                                    Channel           :   315.05 MHz
Test Mode                :   Mode 2


1.   All readings are Peak values. None of the peak value reading exceeds the A.V. limit. Hence, A.V. reading was not measured.

2.   Spectrum setting: Peak Setting. RBW = 100kHz, VBW = 300kHz

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         HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                                         Report No.: HA141017-RA

                                             Radiated Emission Test Data (Below 1 GHz)

Temperature               :   20℃                                           Humidity         :   55%
Test Date                 :   08-JAN-2014                                   Tested by        :   Ben Chen
Polarization              :   Horizontal                                    Channel          :   315.05 MHz
Test Mode                 :   Mode 2


1.   Measuring frequencies from 30 MHz to 1 GHz.

2.   Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted.

3.   Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were made with an instrument using Peak detector mode. All

     reported emission levels reading were lower than QP limits. Therefore it is deemed to in compliance with the requirements without further QP

     data measurement.

4.   Data of measurement within this frequency range shown “---” in the table above means the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20

     dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.

5.   The IF bandwidth of SPA between 30 MHz to 1 GHz was 100 kHz.

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         HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                                         Report No.: HA141017-RA

                                             Radiated Emission Test Data (Below 1 GHz)

Temperature               :   20℃                                           Humidity         :   55%
Test Date                 :   08-JAN-2014                                   Tested by        :   Ben Chen
Polarization              :   Vertical                                      Channel          :   315.05MHz
Test Mode                 :   Mode 2


1.   Measuring frequencies from 30 MHz to 1 GHz.

2.   Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted.

3.   Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were made with an instrument using Peak detector mode. All

     reported emission levels reading were lower than QP limits. Therefore it is deemed to in compliance with the requirements without further QP

     data measurement.

4.   Data of measurement within this frequency range shown “---” in the table above means the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20

     dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.

5.   The IF bandwidth of SPA between 30 MHz to 1 GHz was 100 kHz.

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         HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                                        Report No.: HA141017-RA

                     Radiated Emission Test Data (Above and Field Strength to 10th Harmonic)

Temperature              :   19℃                                         Humidity           :   55%
Test Date                :   09-JAN-2015                                 Tested by          :   Ben Chen
Polarization             :   Horizontal                                  Channel            :   315.05 MHz
Test Mode                :   Mode 2

1.   Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10 harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.

2.   Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie:

     margin > 20dB from the applicable limit) and considered that’s already beyond the background noise floor.

3.   Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000 MHz were made with an instrument using Peak detector mode of the emission shown

     in Actual FS column.

4.   All readings are Peak values. None of the peak value reading exceeds the A.V. limit. Hence, A.V. reading was not measured.

5.   Spectrum setting:
             (a)   Peak Setting 1GHz to 10 harmonics of fundamental, RBW = VBW = 1MHz, Sweep = AUTO.

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         HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                                        Report No.: HA141017-RA

                     Radiated Emission Test Data (Above and Field Strength to 10th Harmonic)

Temperature              :   19℃                                         Humidity           :   55%
Test Date                :   09-JAN-2015                                 Tested by          :   Ben Chen
Polarization             :   Vertical                                    Channel            :   315.05 MHz
Test Mode                :   Mode 2

1.   Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10 harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.

2.   Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie:

     margin > 20dB from the applicable limit) and considered that’s already beyond the background noise floor.

3.   Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000 MHz were made with an instrument using Peak detector mode of the emission shown

     in Actual FS column.

4.   All readings are Peak values. None of the peak value reading exceeds the A.V. limit. Hence, A.V. reading was not measured.

5.   Spectrum setting:
             (a)   Peak Setting 1GHz to 10 harmonics of fundamental, RBW = VBW = 1MHz, Sweep = AUTO.

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        HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                               Report No.: HA141017-RA
4 Conditions for intentional radiators to comply with periodic operation
4.1    Test Instruments

      Refer to Sec. 1.2 Test Instruments.

4.2    Test Arrangement and Procedure

                       Spectrum                              EUT

      1. The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer (through an attenuator, if it’s
      2. The transmitting duration time was measured by spectrum analyzer with 1MHz RBW and 3MHz
         VBW. Swept time set at 10 seconds.
      3. The EUT is a manually operated transmitter which employs a switch that will automatically
         deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.
      4. Push down the manual switch. Then, release the manual switch to see if the transmitter deactivate
         within not more than 5 seconds.

4.3    Limit (§ 15.231(a))

      The provisions of this section are restricted to periodic operation within the band 40.66-40.70 MHz
      and above 70 MHz. Except as shown in paragraph (e) of this section, the intentional radiator is
      restricted to the transmission of a control signal such as those used with alarm systems, door
      openers, remote switches, etc. Continuous transmissions, voice, video and the radio control of toys
      are not permitted. Data is permitted to be sent with a control signal. The following conditions shall be
      met to comply with the provisions for this periodic operation:
          (1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the
              transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.
          (2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after
          (3) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted. However, polling
              or supervision transmissions, including data, to determine system integrity of transmitters
              used in security or safety applications are allowed if the total duration of transmissions does
              not exceed more than two seconds per hour for each transmitter. There is no limit on the
              number of individual transmissions, provided the total transmission time does not exceed two
              seconds per hour.

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       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                               Report No.: HA141017-RA
         (4) Intentional radiators which are employed for radio control purposes during emergencies
             involving fire, security, and safety of life, when activated to signal an alarm, may operate
             during the pendency of the alarm condition.
         (5) Transmission of set-up information for security systems may exceed the transmission
             duration limits in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, provided such transmissions are
             under the control of a professional installer and do not exceed ten seconds after a manually
             operated switch is released or a transmitter is activated automatically. Such set-up
             information may include data.

4.4   Test Result

       The final test data are shown on the following page(s).

FCC Test Report                                                                                Page 22 of 26

       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                              Report No.: HA141017-RA
Temperature        :   19℃                               Humidity    :   55%
Test Date          :   09-JAN-2015                       Tested by   :   Ben Chen
Test Mode          :   N/A                               Channel     :   315.05 MHz

                                     * RBW 1 MHz
            Att 0 dB                 * VBW 3 MHz             D1[1]                 - 29.87 dB
            Ref -20.00 dBm           * SWT 10s                             380.000000000 ms
                                                             M1[1]                - 41.70 dBm
      1Pk                                                                      2.520000000 s
           -30 dBm
              -40 dBm

              -50 dBm

              -60 dBm

              -70 dBm                 D1

              -80 dBm

              -90 dBm

              -100 dBm

              -110 dBm

              CF 315.0 MHz                           1.0 s/

     Date: 15.JAN.2015           19:16:23

 Duration of being released (sec)          Limit of duration (sec)                    Result
               0.38                                  5                                Pass

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        HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                         Report No.: HA141017-RA
5 Emission Bandwidth
5.1    Test Instruments

      Refer to Sec. 1.2 Test Instruments.

5.2    Test Arrangement and Procedure

                       Spectrum                             EUT

      1. The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer (through an attenuator, if it’s
      2. The transmitting duration time was measured by spectrum analyzer with RBW=100 kHz and VBW
         ≧100kHz. Measured the 20 dB bandwidth and plotted the graph.

5.3    Limit (§ 15.231(c))

      The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for devices
      operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the emission
      shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency. Bandwidth is determined at the points 20 dB
      down from the modulated carrier.

5.4    Test Result

        The final test data are shown on the following page(s).

FCC Test Report                                                                          Page 24 of 26

       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                            Report No.: HA141017-RA
Temperature        :   19℃                            Humidity     :   55%
Test Date          :   09-JAN-2015                    Tested by    :   Ben Chen
Test Mode          :   N/A                            Channel      :   315.05 MHz

                               * RBW 100 kHz
      Att 30 dB                * VBW 100 kHz          M1[1]              - 37.32 dBm
      Ref 9.00 dBm             * SWT 50ms                         314.912200000 MHz
                                                      M2[1]              - 17.52 dBm
1Pk 0 dBm                                                         315.051900000 MHz
View                                                  D1[1]                 - 0.73 dB
                                                                  275.400000000 kHz
       -10 dBm
              D1 -17.520 dBm
       -20 dBm

       -30 dBm
                   D2 -37.520 dBm
       -40 dBm

       -50 dBm

       -60 dBm

       -70 dBm

       -80 dBm

      CF 315.0 MHz                                                      Span 2.0 MHz

Date: 28.JAN.2015            11:33:47

     -20 dB Bandwidth (kHz)               Maximum Limit (kHz)                       Result
              275.40                             787.6                              Pass
Limit = 0.25% of 315.05 MHz is 787.6kHz

FCC Test Report                                                                              Page 25 of 26

       HongAn TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                Report No.: HA141017-RA
6 Antenna requirement
6.1    Limit (§ 15.203)

       An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
      responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an
      antenna that uses a uniue coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply
      with the provisions of this section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna
      can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is
      prohibited. This requirement does not apply to carrier current devices or to devices operated under
      the provisions of § 15.211, § 15.213, § 15.217, § 15.219, or § 15.221. Further, this requirement does
      not apply to intentional radiators that must be professionally installed, such as perimeter protection
      systems and some field disturbance sensors, or to other intentional radiators which, in accordance
      with § 15.31(d), must be measured at the installation site. However, the installer shall be responsible
      for ensuring that the proper antenna is employed so that the limits in this part are not exceeded.

6.2    Test Result

       The EUT applies a PCB antenna with 0 dBi gain.

FCC Test Report                                                                                  Page 26 of 26

Document Created: 2015-01-28 11:45:45
Document Modified: 2015-01-28 11:45:45

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