Test report

FCC ID: M2H-P103-3

Test Report

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  Report on the Radio Testing


          Lodar Ltd



Report No. TRA-034693-47-01B

      26 November 2018

Report Number:       TRA-034693-47-01B
Issue:               A

                               REPORT ON THE RADIO TESTING OF A
                                           Lodar Ltd
                                WITH RESPECT TO SPECIFICATION
                                       FCC 47CFR 15.231

                                TEST DATE: 2018/10/23 to 2018/10/30

                                                  Steve Garwell
                                                  cn=Steve Garwell, o=Element
                                                  Material Technology, ou,            Daniel Moncayola / Steven
                                                  c=GB                                Garwell
      Written by:                                 I am the author of this document
                                                  2018.12.21 11:54:23 Z
                                                                                      Radio Test Engineer

                                              Digitally signed by John Charters
                                              DN: cn=John Charters, o, ou=Element
                                              Materials Technology Ltd.,
                                              email=john.charters@element.com, c=GB   John Charters
                                              Reason: I am approving this document
    Approved by:                              Date: 2018.12.21 11:53:43 Z             Department Manager - Radio
             Date:                26 November 2018



                                                     Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

1   Revision Record

Issue Number      Issue Date                 Revision History
     A         26 November 2018   Original

                                                                           Page 3 of 33

                                                    Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

2   Summary
TEST REPORT NUMBER:           TRA-034693-47-01B

WORKS ORDER NUMBER:           TRA-034693-14

PURPOSE OF TEST:              USA: Testing of radio frequency equipment per
                              the relevant authorization procedure of chapter 47
                              of CFR (code of federal regulations) Part 2,
                              subpart J.

TEST SPECIFICATION:           47CFR15.231


FCC IDENTIFIER:               M2H-P103

MANUFACTURER/AGENT:           Lodar Ltd

ADDRESS:                      60 Sandwell Street
                              West Midlands
                              WS1 3EB
                              United Kingdom

CLIENT CONTACT:               Callum Bassie
                               01922 728352
                               callum@lodar.com

ORDER NUMBER:                 12630

SERIAL NUMBER:                000003, 000006

TEST DATE:                    2018/10/23 to 2018/10/30

TESTED BY:                    Daniel Moncayola / Steven Garwell

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                                                                                    Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

2.1    Test Summary

                                           Requirement Clause
   Test Method and Description                                              to this           Result / Note

Radiated spurious emissions                      15.231(b)                                        PASS

AC power line conducted emissions                 15.207                                          Note 1

Occupied bandwidth                                                                                PASS

Field strength of fundamental                    15.231(b)                                        PASS

Calculation of duty correction                    15.35(c)                                        PASS

Periodic Operation                               15.231(a)                                        PASS


Note 1: Not applicable the EUT is battery operated

The results contained in this report relate only to the items tested, in the condition at time of test, and were
obtained in the period between the date of initial receipt of samples and the date of issue of the report.

The apparatus was set up and exercised using the configurations, modes of operation and arrangements
defined in this report only. Any modifications made are identified in Section 8 of this report.

Particular operating modes, apparatus monitoring methods and performance criteria required by the
standards tested to have been performed except where identified in Section 5.2 of this test report
(Deviations from Test Standards).

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                                                                                                                      Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

3       Contents
1    Revision Record ................................................................................................................................ 3
2    Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 4
   2.1     Test Summary ........................................................................................................................... 5
3    Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 6
4    Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 7
5    Test Specifications ............................................................................................................................ 8
   5.1     Normative References .............................................................................................................. 8
   5.2     Deviations from Test Standards ................................................................................................ 8
6    Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................................. 9
7    Equipment Under Test .................................................................................................................... 10
   7.1     EUT Identification .................................................................................................................... 10
   7.2     System Equipment .................................................................................................................. 10
   7.3     EUT Mode of Operation .......................................................................................................... 10
     7.3.1      Transmission ................................................................................................................... 10
   7.4     EUT Radio Parameters ........................................................................................................... 11
     7.4.1      General ........................................................................................................................... 11
     7.4.2      Antennas ......................................................................................................................... 11
   7.5     EUT Description ...................................................................................................................... 11
8    Modifications ................................................................................................................................... 12
9    EUT Test Setup............................................................................................................................... 12
   9.1     Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 12
   9.2     General Set-up Photograph .................................................................................................... 13
10      General Technical Parameters.................................................................................................... 14
   10.1 Normal Conditions................................................................................................................... 14
   10.2 Varying Test Conditions .......................................................................................................... 14
11      Radiated emissions ..................................................................................................................... 15
   11.1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 15
   11.2 Test Parameters...................................................................................................................... 15
   11.3 Test Limit ................................................................................................................................ 16
   11.4 Test Method ............................................................................................................................ 17
   11.5 Test Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 18
   11.6 Test Results ............................................................................................................................ 19
12      Occupied Bandwidth ................................................................................................................... 20
   12.1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 20
   12.2 Test Parameters...................................................................................................................... 20
   12.3 Test Limit ................................................................................................................................ 21
   12.4 Test Method ............................................................................................................................ 21
   12.5 Test Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 21
   12.6 Test Results ............................................................................................................................ 22
13      Transmitter output power (fundamental radiated emission) ........................................................ 24
   13.1 Definition ................................................................................................................................. 24
   13.2 Test Parameters...................................................................................................................... 24
   13.3 Test Limit ................................................................................................................................ 24
   13.4 Test Method ............................................................................................................................ 25
   13.5 Test Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 25
   13.6 Test Results ............................................................................................................................ 26
14      Duty Cycle ................................................................................................................................... 27
   14.1 Definition ................................................................................................................................. 27
   14.2 Test Parameters...................................................................................................................... 27
   14.3 Test Limit ................................................................................................................................ 27
   14.4 Test Method ............................................................................................................................ 28
   14.5 Test Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 28
   14.6 Test Results ............................................................................................................................ 29
15      Periodic Operation ...................................................................................................................... 30
   15.1 Definition ................................................................................................................................. 30
   15.2 Test Parameters...................................................................................................................... 30
   15.3 Test Limit ................................................................................................................................ 30
   15.4 Test Method ............................................................................................................................ 31
   15.5 Test Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 31
   Test Results ........................................................................................................................................ 32
16      Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................................... 33

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                                                                         Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

4    Introduction
This report TRA-034693-47-01B presents the results of the Radio testing on a Lodar Ltd, P103 to
specification 47CFR15 Radio Frequency Devices: Category I Equipment.

The testing was carried out for Lodar Ltd by Element, at the address detailed below.

        Element Hull                                        Element North West
        Unit E                                              Unit 1
        South Orbital Trading Park                          Pendle Place
        Hedon Road                                          Skemersdale
        Hull                                                West Lancashire
        HU9 1NJ                                             WN8 9PN
        UK                                                  UK

This report details the configuration of the equipment, the test methods used and any relevant
modifications where appropriate.

All test and measurement equipment under the control of the laboratory and requiring calibration is
subject to an established programme and procedures to control and maintain measurement
standards. The quality management system meets the principles of ISO 9001, and has quality
control procedures for monitoring the validity of tests undertaken. Records and sufficient detail are
retained to establish an audit trail of calibration records relating to its test results for a defined
period. Under control of the established calibration programme, key quantities or values of the test
& measurement instrumentation are within specification and comply with the relevant traceable
internationally recognised and appropriate standard specifications, which are UKAS calibrated as
such where these properties have a significant effect on results. Participation in inter-laboratory
comparisons and proficiency testing ensures satisfactory correlation of results conform to Elements
own procedures, as well as statistical techniques for analysis of test data providing the appropriate
confidence in measurements.

Throughout this report EUT denotes equipment under test.

FCC Site Listing:
Element is accredited for the above sites under the US-EU MRA, Designation number UK0009.

The test site requirements of ANSI C63.4-2014 are met up to 1 GHz.

The test site SVSWR requirements of CISPR 16-1-4:2010 are met over the frequency range 1 GHz
to 18 GHz.

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                                                                      Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

5     Test Specifications

5.1       Normative References

          FCC 47 CFR Ch. I – Part 15 – Radio Frequency Devices.
          ANSI C63.10-2013 – American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of
           Unlicensed Wireless Devices.
          ANSI C63.4-2014 – American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-
           Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9
           kHz to 40 GHz.

5.2       Deviations from Test Standards

There were no deviations from the test standard.

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                                                                        Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

6   Glossary of Terms
§           denotes a section reference from the standard, not this document
AC          Alternating Current
ANSI        American National Standards Institute
BW          bandwidth
C           Celsius
CFR         Code of Federal Regulations
CW          Continuous Wave
dB          decibel
dBm         dB relative to 1 milliwatt
DC          Direct Current
DSSS        Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
EIRP        Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power
ERP         Effective Radiated Power
EUT         Equipment Under Test
FCC         Federal Communications Commission
FHSS        Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
Hz          hertz
IC          Industry Canada
ITU         International Telecommunication Union
LBT         Listen Before Talk
m           metre
max         maximum
MIMO        Multiple Input and Multiple Output
min         minimum
MRA         Mutual Recognition Agreement
N/A         Not Applicable
PCB         Printed Circuit Board
PDF         Portable Document Format
Pt-mpt      Point-to-multipoint
Pt-pt       Point-to-point
RF          Radio Frequency
RH          Relative Humidity
RMS         Root Mean Square
Rx          receiver
s           second
SVSWR       Site Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
Tx          transmitter
UKAS        United Kingdom Accreditation Service
V           volt
W           watt
Ω           ohm

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                                                                         Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

7     Equipment Under Test

7.1       EUT Identification

          Name: P103
          Serial Number: 000003
          Model Number: TX2020
          Software Revision: V1.9
          Build Level / Revision Number: P103-5

          Name: P103
          Serial Number: 000006
          Model Number: TX2020
          Software Revision: V1.9
          Build Level / Revision Number: P103-5

7.2       System Equipment

Equipment listed below forms part of the overall test setup and is required for equipment
functionality and/or monitoring during testing. The compliance levels achieved in this report relate
only to the EUT and not items given in the following list.

Not Applicable – No support/monitoring equipment required.

7.3       EUT Mode of Operation

7.3.1      Transmission

The mode of operation for Transmit tests was as follows:-

The device was supplied with test firmware programmed for both modulated and
unmodulated operation on the required frequency.

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                                                                      Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

7.4     EUT Radio Parameters

7.4.1    General

Frequencies of operation:                      433.050 MHz / 434.790 MHz

Modulation type:                               2-FSK

Occupied channel bandwidth:                    33 kHz

Channel spacing:                               Narrowband

Nominal Supply Voltage:                        6 V dc

Duty cycle:                                    < 30%

7.4.2    Antennas

Type:                                          Printed Antenna

Gain:                                          < 1 dBi

7.5     EUT Description

The EUT is a radio operated remote control for controlling heavy plant machinery.

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                                                                    Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

8     Modifications
No modifications were performed during this assessment.

9     EUT Test Setup

9.1    Block Diagram

The following diagram shows basic EUT interconnections with cable type and cable lengths

                                     Battery Operated

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9.2   General Set-up Photograph

The following photograph shows basic EUT set-up:

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10 General Technical Parameters

10.1 Normal Conditions

The E U T was tested under the normal environmental conditions of the test laboratory, except
where otherwise stated. The normal power source applied was 6 V dc from alkaline batteries.

10.2 Varying Test Conditions

There are no specific frequency stability requirements for the type of device. The results contained
in this report demonstrate that the occupied bandwidth is contained within the authorised band and
the manufacturer has declared sufficient frequency stability (refer to section 7.4).

Variation of supply voltage is required to ensure stability of the declared output power. During
carrier power testing the following variations were made:

                          Category                  Nominal                      Variation

                            Mains                110 V ac +/-2 %             85 % and 115 %

                            Battery                New battery                       N/A

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                                                                        Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

11 Radiated emissions

11.1 Definitions

Out-of-band emissions
Emissions on a frequency or frequencies immediately outside the necessary bandwidth which
result from the modulation process, but exclude spurious emissions.

Spurious emissions
Emissions on a frequency or frequencies which are outside the necessary bandwidth and the
level of which may be reduced without affecting the corresponding transmission of
information. Spurious emissions include harmonic emissions, parasitic emissions,
intermodulation products and frequency conversion products, but exclude out-of-band

Restricted bands
A frequency band in which intentional radiators are permitted to radiate only spurious
emissions but not fundamental signals.

11.2 Test Parameters

Test Location:                              Element Skelmersdale
Test Chamber:                               Chamber 3
Test Standard and Clause:                   ANSI C63.10-2013, Clause 6.5 and 6.6
EUT Frequencies Measured:                   433.050 MHz / 434.790 MHz
EUT Channel Bandwidths:                     33 kHz
Deviations From Standard:                   None
Measurement BW:                             30 MHz to 1 GHz: 120 kHz
                                            Above 1 GHz: 1 MHz

Measurement Detector:                       Up to 1 GHz: quasi-peak
                                            Above 1 GHz: RMS average and Peak

Environmental Conditions (Normal Environment)

Temperature: 22 °C                 +15 ºC to +35 ºC (as declared)
Humidity: 43 % RH                  20 % RH to 75 % RH (as declared)
Supply: 6 V dc                     6 V dc (as declared)

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                                                                               Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

11.3 Test Limit

In addition to the provisions of § 15.205, the field strength of emissions from intentional
radiators operated under this section shall not exceed the following:.

            Fundamental                   Field Strength Of          Field Strength Of Spurious
             Frequency                      Fundamental                       Emissions
                (MHz)                           (μV/m)                          (μV/m)
             40.66-40.70                         2,250                            225
                70-130                           1,250                            125
               130-174                      1,250 to 3,7501                   125 to 3751
               174-260                           3,750                            375
               260-470                     3,750 to 12,5001                 375 to 1,2501
              Above 470                         12,500                           1,250
    Linear Interpretations

The above field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3 meters. The tighter limits apply
at the band edges.

 Intentional radiators operating under the provisions of this section shall demonstrate
compliance with the limits on the field strength of emissions, as shown in the above table,
based on the average value of the measured emissions. As an alternative, compliance with
the limits in the above table may be based on the use of measurement instrumentation with a
CISPR quasi-peak detector. The specific method of measurement employed shall be
specified in the application for equipment authorization. If average emission measurements
are employed, the provisions in § 15.35 for averaging pulsed emissions and for limiting peak
emissions apply. Further, compliance with the provisions of § 15.205 shall be demonstrated
using the measurement instrumentation specified in that section.

The limits on the field strength of the spurious emissions in the above table are based on the
fundamental frequency of the intentional radiator. Spurious emissions shall be attenuated to
the average (or, alternatively, CISPR quasi-peak) limits shown in this table or to the general
limits shown in § 15.209, whichever limit permits a higher field strength.

    General Field Strength Limits for License-Exempt Transmitters at Frequencies above
                                           30 MHz

                             Frequency                        Field Strength
                                (MHz)                         (μV/m at 3 m)
                               30 to 88                             100
                              88 to 216                             150
                             216 to 960                             200
                             Above 960                              500

n.b. per FCC 47CFR15.35(b) peak limit is 20 dB above average.

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                                                                         Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

11.4 Test Method

With the EUT setup as per section 9 of this report and connected as per Figure i, the
emissions from the EUT were measured on a spectrum analyzer / EMI receiver.

Radiated electromagnetic emissions from the EUT are checked first by preview scans.
Preview scans for all spectrum and modulation characteristics are checked, using a peak
detector and where applicable worst-case determined for function, operation, orientation, etc.
for both vertical and horizontal polarisations. Pre-scan plots are shown with a peak detector
and 100 kHz RBW.

If the EUT connects to auxiliary equipment and is table or floor standing, the configurations
prescribed in ANSI C63.10 are followed. Alternatively, a layout closest to normal use (as
declared by the provider) is employed, (see EUT setup photographs for more detail).

Emissions between 30 MHz and 1 GHz are measured using calibrated broadband antennas.
Emissions above 1 GHz are characterized using standard gain horn antennas. Pre-amplifiers
and filters are used where required. Care is taken to ensure that test receiver resolution
bandwidth, video bandwidth and detector type(s) meet the regulatory requirements.

For both horizontal and vertical polarizations, the EUT is then rotated through 360 degrees in
azimuth until the highest emission is detected. At the previously determined azimuth the test
antenna is raised and lowered from 1 to 4 m in height until a maximum emission level is
detected, this maximum value is recorded.

Power values measured on the test receiver / analyzer are converted to field strength, FS, in
dBμV/m at the regulatory distance, using:

                             FS = PR + CL + AF – PA + DC – CF

         PR is the power recorded on the receiver / spectrum analyzer in dBμV;
         CL is the cable loss in dB;
         AF is the test antenna factor in dB/m;
         PA is the pre-amplifier gain in dB (where used);
         DC is the duty correction factor in dB (where used, e.g. harmonics of pulsed
         CF is the distance factor in dB (where measurement distance different to limit

This field strength value is then compared with the regulatory limit.

Figure i Test Setup

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                                                   Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

11.5 Test Equipment

   Equipment                         Equipment   Element                  Due For

   Description        Manufacturer     Type        No                   Calibration

Spectrum Analyser         R&S         FSU50       U544                  2019-05-22

    Pre Amp              Agilent      8449B       L572                  2019-10-12

  1-18GHz Horn           EMCO          3115       L139                  2019-09-25

  1-18GHz Horn           EMCO          3115       U223                  2019-10-25

    Receiver              R&S         ESVS10      L317                  2019-03-22

      Bilog              Chase       CBL611/A     U573                  2019-08-02

 Log Periodic Ant        Chase       UPA6108      L203                  2020-06-11

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                                                                                                                                                                                         Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

 11.6 Test Results

                                                                                                                                                                                        * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                                                                                        * VBW 300 kHz           38.80 dBµV/m
                         90                                                                                                         Ref     110 dBµV/m             * Att   10 dB         SWT 980 ms          4.987179487 GHz

                         85                                                                                                         110

                         80                                               433.050000 MHz                                            100

                                                                           78.004 dBµV/m
                         75                                                                                                1 PK
                                                                                                                           2 AV *
                         65                                                                                                MAXH                                                                                                 TDF

                         60                                                                                                         FCC-PK

                         55                                                                FCC Class B 30MHz-1GHz QP 3m             70
       Level in dBµV/m

                         45                                                                                                         FCC-AV
                         40                                                                                                         50


                         25                                                                                                         30


                         10                                                                                                         10

                         5                                                                                                          Start       1 GHz                              400 MHz/                      Stop   5 GHz

                         30M     50   60   80   100M             200         300     400       500           800   1G
                                                       Frequency in Hz
                                                                                                                           Date: 23.OCT.2018            07:32:28

                                           30 MHz to 1 GHz                                                                                                           1 GHz to 5 GHz

                                                                                            Frequency 433.050 MHz:
                                                                                                              Pre-         Duty                   Distance
                                            Meas’d              Cable              Antenna                                                                                     Field                      Field
                               Freq.                                                                          amp         Cycle                   Extrap’n                                                                            Limit
Detector                                   Emission             Loss                Factor                                                                                   Strength                   Strength
                               (MHz)                                                                          Gain        Corr’n                   Factor                                                                            (μV/m)
                                            (dBμV)               (dB)               (dB/m)                                                                                   (dBμV/m)                    (μV/m)
                                                                                                              (dB)         (dB)                     (dB)
   1                                                                     No Emissions Within 20 dB of The Limit                                                                                                                       PASS

                                                                                                                                                                                        * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                                                                                        * VBW 300 kHz           32.45 dBµV/m
                         90                                                                                                         Ref     110 dBµV/m             * Att   10 dB         SWT 980 ms          1.303846154 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Marker 2 [T1 ]
                         85                                                                                                          110
                                                                                                                                                                                                                38.48 dBµV/m
                         80                                                                                                          100                                                                     3.479487179 GHz     B

                         75                                                                                                1 PK
                         70                                               434.800000 MHz                                             90
                                                                           70.658 dBµV/m
                                                                                                                           2 AV *
                         65                                                                                                MAXH                                                                                                 TDF

                         60                                                                                                          FCC-PK

                         55                                                                FCC Class B 30MHz-1GHz QP 3m              70
       Level in dBµV/m

                         45                                                                                                          FCC-AV
                         40                                                                                                          50

                         25                                                                                                          30


                         10                                                                                                          10

                         5                                                                                                          Start       1 GHz                              400 MHz/                      Stop   5 GHz

                         30M     50   60   80   100M             200         300      400      500           800    1G
                                                       Frequency in Hz
                                                                                                                           Date: 23.OCT.2018            07:14:47

                                           30 MHz to 1 GHz                                                                                                           1 GHz to 5 GHz

                                                                                            Frequency 434.790 MHz:
                                                                                                              Pre-         Duty                   Distance
                                            Meas’d              Cable              Antenna                                                                                     Field                      Field
                               Freq.                                                                          amp         Cycle                   Extrap’n                                                                            Limit
Detector                                   Emission             Loss                Factor                                                                                   Strength                   Strength
                               (MHz)                                                                          Gain        Corr’n                   Factor                                                                            (μV/m)
                                            (dBμV)               (dB)               (dB/m)                                                                                   (dBμV/m)                    (μV/m)
                                                                                                              (dB)         (dB)                     (dB)
   1                                                                     No Emissions Within 20 dB of The Limit                                                                                                                       PASS

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                                                                        Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

12 Occupied Bandwidth

12.1 Definitions

Occupied bandwidth
The width of a frequency band such that, below the lower and above the upper frequency
limits, the mean powers emitted are each equal to 0.5 % of the emitted power. This is also
known as the 99 % emission bandwidth. For transmitters in which there are multiple carriers,
contiguous or non-contiguous in frequency, the occupied bandwidth is to be the sum of the
occupied bandwidths of the individual carriers.

20 dB bandwidth
The emission bandwidth (x dB) is defined as the frequency range between two points, one
above and one below the carrier frequency, at which the spectral density of the emission is
attenuated x dB below the maximum in-band spectral density of the modulated signal.

12.2 Test Parameters

Test Location:                              Element Skelmersdale
Test Chamber:                               Radio Laboratory
Test Standard and Clause:                   ANSI C63.10-2013, Clause 6.9
EUT Frequencies Measured:                   433.050 MHz / 434.790 MHz
EUT Channel Bandwidths:                     33 kHz
EUT Test Modulations:                       2-FSK
Deviations From Standard:                   None
Measurement BW:                             500 Hz
(requirement: 1 % to 5 % OBW)

Spectrum Analyzer Video BW:                 3 kHz
(requirement at least 3x RBW)

Measurement Span:                           75 kHz
(requirement 2 to 5 times OBW)

Measurement Detector:                       Peak

Environmental Conditions (Normal Environment)

Temperature: 22 °C                 +15 ºC to +35 ºC (as declared)
Humidity: 43 % RH                  20 % RH to 75 % RH (as declared)
Supply: 6 V dc                     6 V dc (as declared)

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                                                                          Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

12.3 Test Limit

Federal Communications Commission:
Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission limits,
as contained in §§ 15.217 through 15.257 and in subpart E of this part, must be designed to
ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be
specified in the specific rule section under which the equipment operates, is contained within
the frequency band designated in the rule section under which the equipment is operated.

The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for
devices operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz,
the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency. Bandwidth is determined at
the points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

12.4 Test Method

With the EUT setup as per section 9 of this report and connected as per Figure iii, the
bandwidth of the EUT was measured on a spectrum analyser.

The measurements were performed with EUT set at its maximum duty. All modulation
schemes, data rates and power settings were used to observe the worst-case configuration in
each bandwidth.

Figure iii Test Setup

12.5 Test Equipment

       Equipment                                        Equipment         Element           Due For
         Type                   Manufacturer            Description          No            Calibration
  Spectrum Analyser                  R&S                  FSU50              U544         2019-05-22

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                                                                                         Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

12.6 Test Results

                                               Frequency 433.050 MHz:
  Channel                                                             20dB
                           FL                     FH                                  Limit
 Frequency                                                          Bandwidth                               Result
                         (MHz)                  (MHz)                                (MHz)
   (MHz)                                                              (kHz)
   433.05             433.0402644         433.0605529               20.288462         1.08                  PASS

                                                              * RBW 500 Hz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                              * VBW 5 kHz              -16.69 dBm
       Ref    0 dBm               * Att       10 dB            SWT 300 ms       433.050480769 MHz

       0                                                                     Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                       -38.03   dBm
                                                                                433.040264423   MHz    B
                                                          1                  Marker 3 [T1 ]
1 PK                                                                                   -37.14   dBm
       -20                                                                      433.060552885   MHz


                                          2                            3


       -50                                                                                            EXT






       Center   433.05 MHz                            7.5 kHz/                       Span   75 kHz

Date: 23.SEP.2018      03:25:10

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                                                                                      Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

                                             Frequency 434.790 MHz:
  Channel                                                          20dB
                         FL                     FH                                 Limit
 Frequency                                                       Bandwidth                               Result
                       (MHz)                  (MHz)                               (MHz)
   (MHz)                                                           (kHz)
   434.79           434.7794231         434.8002644              20.841346         1.09                  PASS

                                                           * RBW 500 Hz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                           * VBW 3 kHz              -23.03 dBm
       Ref -10 dBm              * Att       10 dB           SWT 300 ms       434.790000000 MHz

       -10                                                                Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                    -43.46   dBm
                                                       1                     434.779423077   MHz    A
                                                                          Marker 3 [T1 ]
1 PK                                                                                -44.71   dBm
       -30                                                                   434.800264423   MHz

       -40                              2








       Center   434.79 MHz                          7.5 kHz/                      Span   75 kHz

Date: 26.OCT.2018    17:13:12

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                                                                                     Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

13 Transmitter output power (fundamental radiated emission)

13.1 Definition

The RF power dissipated in the standard output termination when operating under the rated
duty cycle selected by the applicant for approval.

13.2 Test Parameters

Test Location:                                        Element Skelmersdale
Test Chamber:                                         Chamber 3
Test Standard and Clause:                             ANSI C63.10-2013, Clause 6.5 / 6.6
EUT Frequencies Measured:                             433.050 MHz / 434.790 MHz
EUT Channel Bandwidths:                               33 kHz
Deviations From Standard:                             None
Measurement BW:                                       100 kHz
Spectrum Analyzer Video BW:                           1 MHz
(requirement at least 3x RBW)

Measurement Detector:                                 Up to 1 GHz: Quasi-peak
                                                      Above 1 GHz: Average RMS and Peak

Voltage Extreme Environment Test Range:               Battery Power = new battery.

Environmental Conditions (Normal Environment)

Temperature: 22 °C                            +15 ºC to +35 ºC (as declared)
Humidity: 43 % RH                             20 % RH to 75 % RH (as declared)

13.3 Test Limit

The field strength measured at 3 meters shall not exceed the limits in the following table:

                         Fundamental frequency                    Field strength
                                (MHz)                             (μV/m at 3 m)
                                40.66-40.70                          2,250
                                  70-130                             1,250
                                 130-174                         1,250 to 3,7501
                                 174-260                             3,750
                                 260-470                        3,750 to 12,5001
                                Above 470                            12,500
                     Linear Interpretations

 Intentional radiators operating under the provisions of this section shall demonstrate
compliance with the limits on the field strength of emissions, as shown in the above table,
based on the average value of the measured emissions. As an alternative, compliance with
the limits in the above table may be based on the use of measurement instrumentation with a
CISPR quasi-peak detector. The specific method of measurement employed shall be
specified in the application for equipment authorization. If average emission measurements
are employed, the provisions in § 15.35 for averaging pulsed emissions and for limiting peak
emissions apply. Further, compliance with the provisions of § 15.205 shall be demonstrated
using the measurement instrumentation specified in that section.

n.b. per FCC 47CFR15.249(e) peak limit is 20 dB above average.

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                                                                      Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

13.4 Test Method

With the EUT setup as per section 9 of this report and connected as per Figure iv, the
resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyser was increased above the EUT occupied
bandwidth and the peak emission data noted.

The measurements were performed with EUT set at its maximum duty. All modulation
schemes, data rates and power settings were used to observe the worst-case configuration in
each bandwidth.

Figure iv Test Setup

13.5 Test Equipment

      Equipment                                      Equipment        Element            Due For
        Type                   Manufacturer          Description         No             Calibration
  Spectrum Analyser                R&S                 FSU50            U544           2019-05-22
        Bilog                     Chase               CBL611/A          U573           2019-08-02

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                                                                                   Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

           13.6 Test Results

                                                  Pre-    Duty    Distance
                      Meas’d    Cable   Antenna                                Field        Field
             Freq.                                amp    Cycle    Extrap’n                                       Limit
Detector             Emission   Loss     Factor                              Strength     Strength
             (MHz)                                Gain   Corr’n    Factor                                       (μV/m)
                      (dBμV)     (dB)    (dB/m)                              (dBμV/m)      (μV/m)
                                                  (dB)    (dB)      (dB)
  Pk        433.05    59.70     2.83    22.86     N/A    0.00      0.00       85.39      18599.45            109622.0
  Av        433.05     N/A      N/A      N/A      N/A    -10.4      N/A       74.99       5616.94            10962.20

                                                  Pre-    Duty    Distance
                      Meas’d    Cable   Antenna                                Field        Field
             Freq.                                amp    Cycle    Extrap’n                                       Limit
Detector             Emission   Loss     Factor                              Strength     Strength
             (MHz)                                Gain   Corr’n    Factor                                       (μV/m)
                      (dBμV)     (dB)    (dB/m)                              (dBμV/m)      (μV/m)
                                                  (dB)    (dB)      (dB)
  Pk        434.79    62.17     2.85    22.90     N/A    0.00      0.00       87.92      24888.57            110347.0
  Av        434.79     N/A      N/A      N/A      N/A    -10.4      N/A       77.52       7516.23            11034.70

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                                                                         Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

14 Duty Cycle

14.1 Definition

The ratio of the sum of all pulse durations to the total period, during a specified period of
operation. The duty cycle is determined on the basis of one complete pulse train for pulse
trains not exceeding 100 milliseconds. Where the pulse train exceeds 100 milliseconds, the
duty cycle is determined on the basis of the 100 millisecond interval with the highest average
value of emission.

14.2 Test Parameters

Test Location:                                    Element Skelmersdale
Test Chamber:                                     Radio Laboratory
Test Standard and Clause:                         ANSI C63.10-2013, Clause 7.5
EUT Frequency Measured:                           434.790 MHz
EUT Channel loading:                              30%
Deviations From Standard:                         None
Temperature Extreme Environment Test Range:       N/A
Voltage Extreme Environment Test Range:           N/A

Environmental Conditions (Normal Environment)

Temperature: 22 °C                 +15 ºC to +35 ºC (as declared)
Humidity: 32 % RH                  20 % RH to 75 % RH (as declared)
Supply: 6 V dc                     6 V dc (as declared)

14.3 Test Limit

Note, the maximum duty cycle correction factor which may be used is 20dB.

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                                                                          Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

14.4 Test Method

With the EUT setup as per section 9 of this report and connected as per Figure vii, the duty of
the EUT was calculated from the sum of total on and off times over the observation period.

The measurements were performed with EUT set at its maximum duty. All modulation
schemes, bandwidths, data rates and power settings were used to observe the worst-case

[1] Single antenna output devices

Duty was measured at the antenna port / at a distance of 3 m.

[2] Multiple antenna output devices

Duty was measured as the combination of all ports simultaneously / at a distance of 3 m.

The duty cycle correction factor, DC, is used to adjust peak emissions (voltage) to give an
average value and is calculated by:

                                      DC = 20 log (duty ratio)

        Where, duty ratio is total on-time divided by total off-time in the worst-case pulse train
        or 100 ms, whichever is longer.

Figure vii Test Setup

14.5 Test Equipment

      Equipment                                          Equipment        Element          Due For
        Type                    Manufacturer             Description         No           Calibration
         FSU50                        R&S                                    U544         2019-05-22

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                                                                                                Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

14.6 Test Results

                                                   Frequency 434.79 MHz:
                                                    Total TxOn         Observation                               Calculated
                                   Channel                                                    Duty
 Test Environment                                      time              period                                    Factor
                                  TxOn time                                                   (%)
                                                       (ms)               (ms)                                      (dB)
 Vnominal           Tnominal            15.06            30.12                100             30.12                -10.42

                                                                 RBW 100 kHz        Delta 3 [T1 ]
                                                                * VBW 3 MHz                    -0.33 dB
         Ref       80 dBµV               * Att   10 dB           SWT 100 ms                50.737179 ms

             80                                                                     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                              39.11 dBµV
                                                                                            0.000000 s    A
                                                                                    Delta 2 [T1 ]        SGL
1 AV *                                                                                          0.49 dB
CLRWR                                                                                                    TRG
             60                                                                            15.064103 ms


         1               2                                  3
                     TRG 36.3 dBµV







         Center 434.79 MHz                               10 ms/

Date: 23.OCT.2018            17:50:10

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                                                                          Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

15 Periodic Operation

15.1 Definition

Measurement of the time period a device transmits for after a specified trigger.

15.2 Test Parameters

Test Location:                                     Element Skelmersdale
Test Chamber:                                      Radio Laboratory
Test Standard and Clause:                          ANSI C63.10-2013, Clause 7.4
EUT Frequency Measured:                            433.050 MHz
Deviations From Standard:                          None
Temperature Extreme Environment Test Range:        N/A
Voltage Extreme Environment Test Range:            N/A

Environmental Conditions (Normal Environment)

Temperature: 22 °C                  +15 ºC to +35 ºC (as declared)
Humidity: 32 % RH                   20 % RH to 75 % RH (as declared)
Supply: 6 V dc                      6 V dc (as declared)

15.3 Test Limit

  A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the
  transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.
  A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after
  Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted. However,
  polling or supervision transmissions, including data, to determine system integrity of
  transmitters used in security or safety applications are allowed if the total duration of
  transmissions does not exceed more than two seconds per hour for each transmitter.
  There is no limit on the number of individual transmissions, provided the total transmission
  time does not exceed two seconds per hour.
  Intentional radiators which are employed for radio control purposes during emergencies
  involving fire, security, and safety of life, when activated to signal an alarm, may operate
  during the pendency of the alarm condition
  Transmission of set-up information for security systems may exceed the transmission
  duration limits in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, provided such transmissions
  are under the control of a professional installer and do not exceed ten seconds after a
  manually operated switch is released or a transmitter is activated automatically. Such set-
  up information may include data.

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                                                                       Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

15.4 Test Method

With the EUT setup as per section 9 of this report and connected as per Figure viii, the Unit
was triggered manually and the measurement instrumentation set to trigger on release of the
manual operation.

The measurements were performed with EUT set at its maximum duty. All modulation
schemes, bandwidths, data rates and power settings were used to observe the worst-case

Figure viiI Test Setup

15.5 Test Equipment

      Equipment                                       Equipment        Element          Due For
        Type                   Manufacturer           Description         No           Calibration
         FSU50                      R&S                                   U544         2019-05-22

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                                                                Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

Test Results

                        Frequency 433.050 MHz:
                  Transmit time                 Limit
     Activation                                                             Results
                      (ms)                       (s)
      Manual         123.40                       5                          Pass
     Automatic                Not applicable (no Automatic transmissions)

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                                                                      Report Number: TRA-034693-47-03B

16 Measurement Uncertainty

Calculated Measurement Uncertainties

All statements of uncertainty are expanded standard uncertainty using a coverage factor of
1.96 to give a 95 % confidence:

[1] Carrier power

Uncertainty in test result (Power Meter) = 1.08 dB
Uncertainty in test result (Spectrum Analyser) = 2.48 dB

[2] Spurious emissions

Uncertainty in test result (30 MHz to 1 GHz) = 4.6 dB
Uncertainty in test result (1 GHz to 18 GHz) = 4.7 dB

[3] AC power line conducted emissions

Uncertainty in test result = 3.4 dB

[4] Occupied bandwidth

Uncertainty in test result = 15.5 %

[5] Maximum frequency error

Uncertainty in test result (Power Meter) = 0.113 ppm
Uncertainty in test result (Spectrum Analyser) = 0.265 ppm

[6] Duty cycle

Uncertainty in test result = 7.98 %

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Document Created: 2018-12-21 11:54:23
Document Modified: 2018-12-21 11:54:23

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