Trimmable Antenna


Users Manual

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Title Page

                                             Spectrum Series™
                                    Base Loaded Mobile Antennas
                                               Installation Manual

Motorola Inc.
1301 E. Algonquin Rd.,                                  6880309C12-F
Schaumburg, IL 60196-1078, U.S.A.

This manual applies to mobile radios, unless otherwise specified. It includes instructions for installing antennas in a vehicle
roof-top configuration.

Product Safety and RF Exposure Compliance

                                   Before using this product, read the operating instructions
                                   for safe usage contained in the Product Safety and RF
                      Caution      Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio.


This radio is restricted to occupational use only to satisfy FCC RF energy exposure requirements.
Before using this product, read the RF energy awareness information and operating instructions in the
Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio (Motorola Publication part number
6881095C99) to ensure compliance with RF energy exposure limits.

For a list of Motorola-approved antennas, batteries, and other accessories, visit the following website:

Document Copyrights
No duplication or distribution of this document or any portion thereof shall take place without the express written permission
of Motorola. No part of this manual may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Motorola.

The information in this document is carefully examined, and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is
assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, Motorola reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve
readability, function, or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product
or circuit described herein; nor does it cover any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.

MOTOROLA, the Stylized M logo, and ASTRO are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other products or
service names are the property of their respective owners.
© 2000 – 2010 by Motorola, Inc.

Spectrum™ Series Base Loaded Mobile Antennas
Manufactured by Motorola
           • Antenna Installation
           • Mounting Instructions
           • Cutting Charts
           • Replacement Parts
           • Connector Instructions

                            Read all instructions carefully before starting the installation.

        Thank you for selecting the Spectrum mobile antenna. The Spectrum antennas have been designed
        to withstand demanding and rugged environments. During the design phase, the antennas are put
        through extensive Accelerated Life Testing (ALT), which simulates years of in-field service. As a
        result, potential problems are designed out, helping to ensure that the antennas which you receive
        can give you years of dependable performance.

                               Antenna contact with high voltage wires may result in death
                               from electrocution.

                            Since April 3, 1994, the warranty on Spectrum antennas have been
                            changed to one year. Motorola manufactured Spectrum antennas are
           Important        warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a
                            period of (1) one year from the date of shipment.

        Motorola Communications Part Division
        1313 E. Algonquin Road
        Schaumburg, Illinois 60196
        To order, Call Toll-Free: 1 - 800- 422 - 4210

Before You Start

Roof Mount Safety Precautions and Problem Prevention – for Motor Vehicle Use only
Safe Antenna Installation

                               Be sure to mount the antenna on a horizontal surface to keep
                               the antenna as vertical as possible, thus preventing the
                               antenna from protuding beyond the vehicle and causing
                               bodily injury and/or property damage.

2                                                                                                          Introduction

Entering Garages

                                  Remove the antenna from the vehicle when entering a garage
                                  to prevent damage to the vehicle and the antenna whip/ball
                                  from damaging overhead light fixtures and garage doors.

Automatic Car Wash

                                  Remove the entire antenna from the vehicle before entering
                                  the automatic car wash to prevent damage to the antenna and
                                  vehicle. The antenna mount contact must be wiped dry to
                                  prevent moisture from damaging the contact.


Where to Mount the Antenna
          Motorola recommends that mobile antennas be located as follows:

                                           Recommended Antenna Location

            Standard Metal Passenger vehicles          Recommended Location

            Standard metal passenger vehicles          Center roof or center trunk lid

            Vans, pickups, and other light trucks      Center roof
            (metal roofs)

            Heavy duty equipment with metal roofs      Center cab roof
            (heavy duty trucks, semi-tractors, heavy
            refuse trucks, cement mixer trucks)

            Specialty vehicles (such as T-roofs, sun   Center trunk lid–recommended only for transmitter
            roofs, or convertibles)                    output of less than 7 W.

            Other vehicles                             Contact your Motorola Field Technical

          Select a location for the antenna as near the center of the roof as possible. Probe the headlining with
          your fingers to make sure that all points of obstruction are avoided.

Mobile Antenna Installation                                                                                            3

Mobile Antenna Installation
Mobile Radio Operation and EME Exposure
         Observe the following caution and electromagnetic energy exposure (EME) statements when
         installing antennas:

                                  Use caution when installing antennas with mobile radio
                                  equipment using transmitter powers in excess of 7 W.

                 NOTE: For low power mobile radios (7 W or less), there are no antenna type or installation
         To assure optimal radio performance and that human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic
         energy is within the guidelines references in this document, transmit only when people outside the
         vehicle are at least the minimum distance away from a properly installed, external mounted antenna.
         Table 1 lists the minimum distance from several different ranges of rated radio power.

                                       Table 1 Rated Power and Distance

       Rated Power of Vehicle-installed
                                                         Minimum Distance from Transmitting Antenna
           Mobile Two-Way Radios

                  7 to 15 Watts                                           1 foot (30.5 cm)
                 16 to 50 Watts                                            2 feet (61 cm)
               More than 50 Watts                                         3 feet (91.5 cm)

Selecting an Antenna Site
             1. Install the vehicle antenna external to the vehicle and in accordance with the requirements of
                this documents.
             2. The best mounting location for the antenna is at the center of a large, flat, conductive surface.
                In almost all vehicles, mounting the antenna in the center of the roof will satisfy these
                requirements. A good alternative location is in the center of the trunk lid. If you use the trunk
                lid, ensure that the trunk lid is grounded by connecting groundling straps between the trunk lid
                and the vehicle chassis.
             3. Ensure the antenna cable can be easily routed to the radio. Ensure that the antenna cable is
                routed separately and not in parallel to any other vehicle wiring or mobile radio cable wiring.
             4. Check the antenna location for any electrical interference.
         NOTE: Any two metal pieces rubbing against each other, such as seat springs, shift levers, trunk and hood lids,
               exhaust pipes etc.) in close proximity to the antenna can cause severe receiver interference.
             5. If the vehicle is equipped with an electronic anti-lock braking system (ABS), and the antenna
                will be trunk mounted, then install the antenna on the side opposite to the braking modulator
                box. This minimizes radio interference to the modulator box from the radio.
             6. Make sure the mobile radio antenna is installed at least one foot (30.48 cm) away from any
                other antenna on the vehicle.

4                                                                                      Mobile Antenna Installation

Antenna Assembly Instructions
         If antenna mount has not been installed, refer to the Antenna Mount Installation instructions.
         Assemble the antenna assembly (except the whip) onto the mounting base as shown in Figure 1.
            1. Place the lock washer on stud loading coil/base housing.
            2. Assemble either the standard duty or heavy duty spring adaptor to the base housing
               assembly by threading onto the housing stud with lock washer already in place.
            3. Hand tighten the adaptor until the lock washer is fully compressed.
            4. Press rubber gasket onto the bottom of the coil housing.
            5. Do not insert the antenna whip into the antenna adaptor at this time. Refer to the Tuning the
               Antenna section on page 1-12 for further instructions.

    01-80358A37    406 – 420 MHz                                                           Whip
    01-80358A38    445 – 470 MHz                                             47-80369B56    30 – 174MHz
    01-80358A39    470 – 494 MHz
    01-80358A40    494 – 512 MHz

      Standard Duty Whip Adapter
                                                                                        Set Screw

             Lock washer
                                                                                     Heavy Duty Spring

              Loading Coils/Base housing
    01-80358A86 30 – 36 MHz
    01-80358A87 36 – 42 MHz
    01-80358A88 42 – 50 MHz                                                           Rubber Gasket
    01-80358A89 66 – 88 MHz                                                           32-80369B53
    01-80358A90 136 – 174 MHz
    01-80358A91 406 – 512 MHz Heavy Duty Spring
    01-80358A92 406 – 512 MHz Standard Duty

                                                  Figure 1.

Mobile Antenna Installation                                                                                  5

Antenna Mount Installation Instructions
Roof (Permanent 3/4” Hole) Mount Instructions
         Tools Required:
             • Safety glasses
             • Hole saw (Motorola part # RPX-4378A)
             • 15/16” open-end wrench
             • Solder, 60/40 rosin flux
             • Crimp tool, Motorola part # 66-80388A26 (Mini-UHF Connector only)
             • Electric drill
             • Spanner wrench, Motorola part # 66-80371A75
             • Soldering iron, 40 – 75 watts

             1. Drill a 3/4” hole in the vehicle with antenna hole cutting saw, Motorola part # RPX-4378A, and
                remove all burrs. The antenna hold saw will remove paint in a narrow ring around hole to
                assure good metal contact between vehicle and mount.
             2. Apply generous amounts of silicon grease to inner and outer threads of brass lock nut. Feed
                coaxial cable and mount through hole as shown in Figure 2.

                                                  Figure 2.
             3. Thread locking nut onto mount and pull up mount base to properly align in hole. While pulling
                up, finger tighten the locking nut against roof top as show in Figure 3.


                                                  Figure 3.

6                                                                                         Mobile Antenna Installation

                             Locking Nut
                     43-83881B01 (Plated)


                                                                   Bushing Assembly

                   Holes for holding the Bushing                    Cap Insulator
                           with Long Nose Pliers


                                                   Car Roof

                                                                  Paint removed in Ring

                                                    Figure 4.
         4. Insert spanner wrench, part # 66-80371A75 or the tops of a needle nose pliers in bushing
            assembly to prevent mount assembly from slipping. Use a 15/16” open-end wrench to tighten
            locking but firmly against vehicle surface. The locking nut must be in contact with vehicle
            metal to ensure proper antenna radiation. See Figure 4.

Trunk Lid Mount Installation
         1. Trunk lid mount may be placed at the center of trunk lid near the rear window, or to the side,
            preventing the antenna from hitting the rear window when raising the trunk lid. Be sure the
            coaxial cable is not pinched under the mount clamp bracket. Refer to Figure 5.

                                   Figure 5. Coaxial Cable Insertion
         2. Using the allen wrench supplied, tighten the set screws clockwise until the set screws break
            through the paint, creating a good contact.

Mobile Antenna Installation                                                                                 7

             3. Route coaxial cable from the trunk lid to the radio.

Magnet Mount Installation

                               Do not use magnet mount on vinyl roofs, magnet mount will not
                               properly hold the antenna on vehicle because holding power is
                               reduced. Magnet mount will not “hold on” to aluminum and non-
                    WARNING    metallic surfaces.

             1. Remove all dirt and grime that will prevent magnet mount from seating securely.
             2. Place magnet mount in final position. Sliding the mount may scratch paint surface.
             3. Route coaxial cable to the radio,. Refer to Figure 6.

                                   Figure 6. Magnetic Mounted Base
Connector Installation
         Before installing the connector, cut off any excess length of cable (at the radio end) to avoid
         unnecessary signal loss. When the necessary preparations have been made, install the connector
         using the following steps:

UHF Connector (Motorola part # 28-82021G01)
             1. Disassemble the connector as shown in Figure 7A.
             2. Cut off end of cable squarely and remove 3/4” of vinyl jacket. Refer to Figure 7B.
             3. Slide coupling ring and adaptor on cable as in Figure 7C.
             4. Fan braid slightly and fold back as shown in Figure 7D.
             5. Position adaptor to dimension as shown in Figure 7E. Press braid back over body of adaptor
                and trim to 3/8”. Base 5/8” of conductor. Tin exposed center conductor. Add teflon washer for
                470 MHz and higher.

                               Use a hot soldering iron. DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE HEAT
                               OR SOLDER. Solder quickly to avoid melting surrounding

8                                                                                Mobile Antenna Installation

      6. Screw adaptor to the body of plug assembly. Solder braid to body of plus assembly through
         holes. Solder center conductor of cable to plug contact of plug assembly. Refer to Figure 7F.
      7. For final assembly, screw coupling on plug assembly.
      8. Connect cable to antenna connector on radio set. Tighten coupling ring cross section of final
         assembly as shown in Figure 7G.
    NOTE: Coupling ring and plug sub assembly comprise of Motorola part number: 28-82021G01.

                                                   TEFLON Washer
                                                   (470MHZ and higher)

                               Coupling          Adapter         Plug
                               Ring              58-854020       Sub-Assembbly


                                              Adapter            4



               E                                                    5”
                                          TEFLON Washer             8
                                          (470MHZ and higher)
                                          1/8” of Exposed Insulation
                                          for Lower Frequencies



                                          Figure 7.

Mobile Antenna Installation                                                                                     9

Mini-UHF Connector Installation #28-84606M01

Installation Instructions
         Use Motorola tool part # 66-80388A26 (Refer to Figure 8).
             1. Slip ferrule and collar onto cable. See Figure 10.
             2. Prepare cable to strip dimensions as per Figure 11.
             3. Insert stripped cable into plug body until conductor is exposed (front end) and dielectric
                bottoms inside body. See Figure 10.
             4. Crimp center contact using crimp area C of Figure 8 . Crimp at base of center contact, avoid
                crimping at the tip. Refer to Figure 9.
             5. Push collar forward onto plug assembly. Fit cable braid over support sleeve of connector. See
                Figure 10.
             6. Push ferrule over braid until flange butts against connector body. Refer to Figure 10. Using
                the correct crimp area of tool, crimp ferrule close to plug body. Crimp ferrule for a second time
                close to cable end.
             7. Protuding center conductor should be trimmed with end of center contact.

                                            FIVE CRIMP AREAS

                                            C               .051

                                            D               .213


                              Figure 8. Motorola Crimping Tool 66-80388A26

10                                                                            Mobile Antenna Installation

                                                                Base of Pin

                                                Suggested Crimp Area

                                                                Tip of Pin
                                                      2 mm

     Figure 9. Coaxial Cable Stripping Dimensions

                       Braid                                Ferrule


         Cable Inserted into
          Connector Body

                       Crimp Center
                       Contact after
     Protruding       Inserting Cable
                                              Push Ferrule Forward
                                               over Braid. Flange
                                             Butts against Connector
                                              Body. Crimp Ferrule to
                                                 Complete Crimp
                            Collar Slipped
                            Forward over
                           Connector Body

                                Figure 10.

     Mobile Antenna Installation                                                                                               11


                                                                                      Dim. A = 15/16"
                                                              C                       Dim. B = 19/32"
                                                                                      Dim. C = 19/64"

                                                    Figure 11.

                                         Table 2 Spectrum Antennas
                                        Max Power
Frequency MHz     Gain        Duty                  Antenna Only     Roof Mount Kit      Trunk Lid Mount Kit      Magnet Mount Kit
   30 – 36        0 dB       Standard      100       RAB-4002A       RAB-4002ARA                  **                RAB-4002AMA

   36 – 42        0 dB       Standard      100       RAB-4003A       RAB-4003ARA                  **                RAB-4003AMA

   42 – 50        0 dB       Standard      100       RAB4004A        RAB-4004ARA                  **                RAB-4004AMA

   30 – 36        0 dB        Heavy        100       RAB-4012A       RAB-4012ARA                  **                RAB-4012AMA

   36 –42         0 dB        Heavy        100       RAB-4013A       RAB-4013ARA                  **                RAB-4013AMA

   42 – 50        0 dB        Heavy        100       RAB-4014A       RAB-4014ARA                  **                RAB-4014AMA

   66 – 88        0 dB       Standard      100       RAC-4000A        RAC-4000ATA                 **                RAC-4000AMA

  140 – 174       3 dB       Standard      150       RAD-4000A       RAD-4000ARA            RAD-400DATA             RAD-4000AMA

  140 – 174       3 dB        Heavy        150       RAD-4010A       RAD-4010ARA            RAD-401DATA             RAD-4010AMA

                                                                   With RG58 A/U Cable   With RG58 A/U Cable     With RG58 A/U Cable

  406 – 420       5 dB       Standard      150       RAE-4002A       RAE-4002ARA            RAE-4002ATA             RAE-4002AMA

  445 – 470       5 dB       Standard      150       RAE-4004A       RAE-4004ARA            RAE-4004ATA             RAE-4004AMA

  470 – 495       5 dB       Standard      150       RAE-4005A       RAE-4005ARA            RAE-4005ATA             RAE-4005AMA

  495 – 512       5 dB       Standard      150       RAE-4006A       RAE-4006ARA            RAE-4006ATA             RAE-4006AMA

                                                                   With Low Loss Cable   With Low Loss Cable

  406 – 420       5 dB        Heavy        150           **           RAE-4002ARL           RAE-4002ATL                   **

  450 – 470       5 dB        Heavy        150           **           RAE-4004ARL           RAE-4004ATL                   **

  470 – 496       5 dB        Heavy        150           **           RAE-4005ARL           RAE-4005ATL                   **

  496 – 512       5 dB        Heavy        150           **           RAE-4006ARL           RAE-4006ATL                   **

                                                                   With RG58 A/U Cable   With RG58 A/U Cable     With RG58 A/U Cable

  406 – 420       5 dB        Heavy        150       RAE-4012A       RAE-4012ARA            RAE-4012ATA             RAE-4012AMA

  450 – 470       5 dB        Heavy        150       RAE-4014A       RAE-4014ARA            RAE-4014ATA             RAE-4014AMA

  470 – 496       5 dB        Heavy        150       RAE-4015A       RAE-4015ARA            RAE-2015ATA             RAE-4015AMA

     12                                                                                                       Mobile Antenna Installation

                                        Table 2 Spectrum Antennas (Continued)
                                              Max Power
Frequency MHz      Gain         Duty                            Antenna Only        Roof Mount Kit      Trunk Lid Mount Kit    Magnet Mount Kit
  496 – 512        5 dB         Heavy             150             RAE-4016A         RAE-4016ARA            RAE-4016ATA          RAE-4016AMA

                                                                                  With Low Loss Cable   With Low Loss Cable

  406 – 420        5 dB         Heavy             150                 **            RAE-4012ARL            RAE-4012ATL                **

  450 – 470        5 dB         Heavy             150                 **            RAE-4014ARL            RAE-4014ATL                **

  470 – 496        5 dB         Heavy             150                 **            RAE-4015-ARL           RAE-4015ATL                **

  496 – 512        5 dB         Heavy             150                 **            RAE-4016ARL            RAE-4016ATL                **
          NOTE:    All antenna mount kits include RG58A/U Cable and PL259 Connector, except cable option that is listed otherwise. ** For low and
                   Mid Band Trunk lid mount kits, order antenna only and trunk lid mounting kit (01-80356A55) separately.

                      PART NUMBER                                      ANTENNA MOUNTS
                          01-80352A03       Roof Mount Kit, RG58A/U Cable, PL259 connector

                          01-80356A55       Trunk Lid Mount, RG58A/U cable, PL259 connector

                          01-80356A47       Magnet Mount RG58A/U cable, PL259 connector

                          01-80371A27       Magnet Mount RG58A/U Cable PL259 connector, low band only

    Tuning the Antenna

                                         Adjusting the whip length while radio is keyed may cause burns from
                                         RF radiation.

                NOTE: Tune antenna in an open area at least 12 feet away from any metal objects.
                NOTE: Lengths shown on the cutting chart are approximate. Due to antenna variations and mounting
                      location effects, we recommend cutting the antenna rod 1 1/2” longer than the chart and then
                      cutting 1/2” off at a time until reflected power is minimized.
                      MOUNTING LOCATIONS WILL NEVER ACHIEVE 1.5:1 VSWR. In this case, trim the whip
                      for minimum reflected power. A simple table for converting the radio of forward power and
                      reflected power to VSWR is shown below in Table 3.
                   1. Locate the transmitter frequency on the cutting chart. In the case of multiple transmitter
                      frequencies, calculate the mid-frequency and locate on cutting chart. Read desired whip
                      length from the chart. Cut the whip 1 1/2” longer than this length.
                NOTE: Trim the antenna rod (Low and High band) from the bottom only. On the UHF antenna whip,
                      trim the whip from the bottom of the rod below the phasing coil.
                   2. Use the set screw to secure the antenna whip in the whip adaptor assembly.
                   3. Using the in-line wattmeter, measure forward and reflected power at the desired transmit
                      frequency and calculate VSWR using Table 3.
                   4. If VSWR is >1.5:1, then trim off 1/2” and repeat Step 3.
                   5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until minimum VSWR is obtained.

Mobile Antenna Installation                                                                                   13

             6. Use the adjustment range of the whip in the adaptor in order to minimize the VSWR.
             7. Insert the shorter part of the allen wrench into the screw and tighten the set screw at tight as
                yo can by hand. If a torque wrench is available, tighten set screw to a torque of 25 – 30 inch-

         A simple table for converting the ratio of forward power and reflected power to VSWR is given below:
                                                   Table 3
                                  Pfwd/Pref                   VSWR
                                    440.6                     1.1 : 1
                                     58.8                     1.3 : 1
                                     25.0                     1.5 : 1
                                     14.9                     1.7 : 1
                                     10.4                     1.9 : 1
                                     7.9                      2.1 : 1

         Example: If the forward power (Pfwd) is measured as 100 watts and the reflected power (Pref) is 3
         watts, calculate Pfwd/Pref = 33.3. Since 33.3 is between 25 and 58.8 m, the chart above indicated
         that the VSWR is less than 1.5 : 1.

14                                                                                 Spectrum™ by Motorola

Spectrum™ by Motorola
     Cutting chart lengths are approximate. Whip length will wary with type of vehicle, mount location
     and type of mount. Cut 1-1/2 inches longer than chart length, then trim for minimum reflected power.

        Standard (No Spring)                                     Heavy Duty Spring

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Spectrum™ by Motorola                                                                                     17

Spectrum™ by Motorola
        Cutting chart lengths are approximate. Whip length will wary with type of vehicle, mount location
        and type of mount. Cut 1-1/2 inches longer than chart length, then trim for minimum reflected power.

            Standard (No Spring)                                    Heavy Duty Spring



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Motorola Inc.
1301 E. Algonquin Rd.,
Schaumburg, IL 60196-1078, U.S.A.

MOTOROLA, the Stylized M Logo, and ASTRO are registered in the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names
are the property of their respective owners.
© 2000 – 2010 by Motorola, Inc.
All rights reserved.


Document Created: 2010-10-05 14:55:36
Document Modified: 2010-10-05 14:55:36

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC