RF Exposure Info

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FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700                                                                                      SR2966

          Presented below is a summary of the tested frequencies and associated power outputs for each

                                                       Mobile VHF Radios
                         DVR                 M20KSS9PW1AN            M20KTS9PW1AN
               Frequency         Po (W)    Frequency        Po (W)        Frequency        Po (W)
                  764             4.99      147.0125         55.6          147.4000         55.8
                  770             5.02      155.0125         55.8          155.0000         55.6
                  776             4.97      173.9875         55.6          173.9875         55.8
                  794             4.98
                  800             5.00
                  806             4.98

10.0      Test Set-Up Description

          The following are the mobile antenna test configurations used for this product.
          (for reference, see Illustration of antenna location and test distances in the APPENDIX A)

          a) Each of the ¼ wave 0dBd gain antennas (HAD4007A, HAD4008A, HAD4009A) was
          assessed while mounted at the center of the roof of the test vehicle.

          b) The ¼ wave 0dBd gain antenna model HAF4016A was assessed while mounted at the trunk.

          Assessments were made internal and external to the test vehicle at the specified distances and
          test locations indicated in sections 6.0, 11.0, and the APPENDIX A.

11.0      Test Results Summary

          APPENDIX E presents detailed raw MPE measurement grid information for each test
          configuration; person external or internal to the vehicle, TX frequency, antenna (location, model
          and gain), distance from antenna to probe sensor, E/H field measurements, calibration factor,
          MPE average over body, initial power, power density calc, power density max calc, IEEE/FCC
          controlled and uncontrolled limits, and maximum output power.

          The Average over Body test methodology is consistent with IEEE/ANSI C95.1-1999 guidelines

          MPE results are based on a DVR 100% duty cycle and VHF mobile 50% duty cycle which is in
          accordance with the User Manual instructions.

          Below is an explanation of how the MPE results are calculated.

          External to vehicle - 10 measurements are averaged over the body (Body_Avg).
          Internal to vehicle - 3 measurements are averaged over the body (Body_Avg).
          Narda Survey Meter measures in percent of the controlled limit. Therefore the averages over the
          body used in the calculations below reflect percentages.

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 FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700                                                                                              SR2966


                      Average _ over _ Body = Body _ Avg * Controlled _ Limit

                     Pwr _ Density _ Calc = Average _ over _ Body * _ Duty _ Cycle

                                                                                Max _ Output _ Power
                     Pwr _ Density _ Max _ Calc = Pwr _ Density _ Calc *
                                                                               Initial _ Output _ Power

                     Note; For Initial Output Power> Max_Output_Power, Max_Output_Power / Initial Output Power = 1

 The tables below summarize the highest MPE results of the E and H test configurations for the
 VHF mobiles, DVR, and combined assessments. See APPENDICES A and E respectively for the
 indicated test positions and associated raw measurement grid tables.

                Table 1 - M20KSS9PW1AN VHF Mobile Assessments – Highest MPE result per test position

                                                Test                    Passenger/     Max Calc           % of
                 Antenna          Antenna    Frequency                  By-Stander    Pwr Density      Uncontrolled
Tables            Model           Location     (MHz)      E/H Field        Pos.        (mW/cm2)           limit

Table 2         HAD4007A           Roof      147.0125         E         Passenger         0.16            80.0%
Table 23        HAD4009A           Roof      173.9875         H          Pos. #1          0.04            20.0%
Table 7         HAD4007A           Roof      147.0125         E           Pos. #2         0.07            35.0%
Table 12        HAD4009A           Roof      173.9875         E           Pos. #3         0.06            30.0%
Table 32        HAD4008A           Roof      155.0125         E           Pos. #4         0.04            20.0%
Table 17        HAD4008A           Roof      155.0125         E          Pos. #5          0.04            20.0%

                Table 2 - M20KTS9PW1AN VHF Mobile Assessments - Highest MPE result per test position

                                                Test                    Passenger/     Max Calc           % of
                 Antenna          Antenna    Frequency                  By-Stander    Pwr Density      Uncontrolled
Tables            Model           Location     (MHz)      E/H Field        Pos.        (mW/cm2)           limit

Table 2         HAD4007A           Roof      147.4000         E         Passenger         0.16            80.0%
Table 3         HAD4008A           Roof      155.0000         E          Pos. #1          0.04            20.0%
Table 8         HAD4008A           Roof      155.0000         E           Pos. #2         0.07            35.0%
Table 29        HAD4008A           Roof      155.0000         H           Pos. #3         0.06            30.0%
Table 31        HAD4007A           Roof      147.4000         H           Pos. #4         0.06            30.0%
Table 35        HAD4008A           Roof      155.0000         H          Pos. #5          0.06            30.0%

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 FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700                                                                                                 SR2966

              Table 3 - DQPMDVR7000P - DVR 700MHz Assessments - Highest MPE result per test position

                                                  Test                    Passenger/       Max Calc             % of
                  Antenna          Antenna     Frequency                  By-Stander      Pwr Density        Uncontrolled
Tables             Model           Location      (MHz)       E/H Field       Pos.          (mW/cm2)             limit

Table 10        HAF4016A             Trunk        800            E         Passenger           0.06             11.3%
Table 11        HAF4016A             Trunk        806            E          Pos. #1            0.07             13.0%
Table 15        HAF4016A             Trunk        776            E           Pos. #2           0.07             13.5%
Table 19        HAF4016A             Trunk        764            E           Pos. #3           0.06             11.8%
Table 27        HAF4016A             Trunk        776            E           Pos. #4           0.10             19.2%
Table 31        HAF4016A             Trunk        764            E          Pos. #5            0.09             17.6%

                       Table 4 - Combined VHF Mobile M20KSS9PW1AN and DVR DQPMDVR7000P
                                           (Calculated % of limit performance)

                                                           Percentage of Limit
                                               M20KSS9PW1AN    DVR                Combined
                               Test Position    (147-174MHz) (700MHz)            Percentages
                              Passenger            80.0%       11.3%               91.3%
                              By-Stander #1        20.0%       13.0%               33.0%
                              By-Stander #2        35.0%       13.5%               48.5%
                              By-Stander #3        30.0%       11.8%               41.8%
                              By-Stander #4        20.0%       19.2%               39.2%
                              By-Stander #5        20.0%       17.6%               37.6%

                      Table 5 - Combined VHF Mobile M20KTS9PW1AN and DVR DQPMDVR7000P
                                          (Calculated % of limit performance)

                                                        Percentage of Limit
                                                 N (147-         DVR         Combined
                               Test Position     174MHz)      (700MHz)      Percentages
                              Passenger           80.0%         11.3%         91.3%
                              By-Stander #1       20.0%         13.0%         33.0%
                              By-Stander #2       35.0%         13.5%         48.5%
                              By-Stander #3       30.0%         11.8%         41.8%
                              By-Stander #4       30.0%         19.2%         49.2%
                              By-Stander #5       30.0%         17.6%         47.6%

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FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700                                                                                  SR2966

12.0      Conclusion

          Depending on the test frequency, both VHF mobile assessments were performed with an output
          power range of 55.6W – 55.8W. The DVR output power across the TX band (with 2dB duplexer
          loss) is 4.97W – 5.02W. The highest power density results for the XTL5000 VHF mobile
          devices scaled to the maximum allowable power output is 0.16mW/cm2 internal to the vehicle
          and 0.07mW/cm2 external to the vehicle. The highest power density results for the DVR device
          scaled to the maximum allowable power output is 0.06mW/cm2 internal to the vehicle and
          0.10mW/cm2 external to the vehicle. The highest combined power density performance is 91.3%
          of the applicable FCC/IEEE MPE limits using the following methodology and formula:

          Because the signals emitted by each individual transmitter are statistically uncorrelated, the
          collective compliance of the transmitters is determined by summing the individual ratios
          between actual (S) and maximum allowed (MPE) exposure. Compliance is achieved if the total
          exposure level (T) is less than one:

                          S1     S2
                    T=         +      + ... < 1
                        MPE1 MPE2
                        0.06 0.16
                    T=       +     = 0.913 < 1
                        0.53 0.20

          The MPE results presented herein demonstrate compliance to the applicable FCC/IEEE
          Occupational/Controlled exposure limit of 1.0mW/cm2 for the frequency range of 30-300MHz
          and f/300 for the frequency range of 300-1500MHz.

          Compliance to the FCC/IEEE General population/Uncontrolled exposure limits of 0.2mW/cm2
          for the frequency range of 30-300MHz and f/1500 for the frequency range of 300-1500MHz is
          also demonstrated herein for both passengers and by-standers.

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Document Created: 2005-12-09 11:17:45
Document Modified: 2005-12-09 11:17:45

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