SAR Report Revised


RF Exposure Info

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FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                      Report ID: P8142-EME-00003


                                       December 11, 2017

               Saw Sun Hock, Giorgi Bit-Babik, Ph.D., and Antonio Faraone, Ph.D.
                    Motorola Solutions EME Research Lab, Plantation, Florida

This report summarizes the computational [numerical modeling] analysis performed to document
compliance of the DVR 700, model # MOBEXCOM DVRS 700 (DQPMDVR7000P) with FCC
ID # LO6-DVRS700 and IC # 2098-DVRS700 interfaced with, and transmitting simultaneously
with companion mobile radio, model #M37TSS9PW1AN and vehicle-mounted antennas with
the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Innovation, Science and Economic
Development (ISED) Canada guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency (RF) emissions.
The devices operate in the following frequency bands:

         Regions             Device             Bands             Frequency Band (MHz)
                            DVR 700            700 MHz                769-775; 799-806

                                             LMR VHF                   150.8 – 173.4
        FCC US                               LMR UHF1                   406.1 – 470
                                             LMR UHF2                    450 -512
                                             LMR 7/800           769-775; 799-824; 851-869
                            DVR 700           700 MHz                 769-775; 799-806

                                             LMR VHF                     138 - 174
      ISED Canada                            LMR UHF1              406.1 – 430; 450 -470
                                             LMR UHF2                    450 -470
                                             LMR 7/800           769-775; 799-824; 851-869

       This computational analysis supplements the measurements conducted to evaluate the
compliance of the exposure from this DRV and companion mobile radio with respect to


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                        Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

applicable maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits. All test conditions (19 in total) that did
not conform with applicable MPE limits were analyzed to determine whether those conditions
complied with the specific absorption rate (SAR) limits for general public exposure (1.6 W/kg
averaged over 1 gram of tissue and 0.08 W/kg averaged over the whole body) set forth in FCC
guidelines, which are based on the IEEE C95.1-1999 standard [1]. The same test conditions were
also analyzed to determine compliance with the SAR limits set forth in the ICNIRP [3]
guidelines and IEEE Std. C95.1-2005 standard [4] (2.0 W/kg averaged over 10 gram of tissue
and 0.08 W/kg averaged over the whole body). In total 36 independent simulations had been
performed addressing exposure of back seat passenger to the DVR 700 repeater with trunk-
mounted antennas and Companion mobile radio (VHF, UHF R1, UHF R2 and 7/800) with roof-
mount antennas.
       For all simulations a commercial code based on Finite-Difference-Time-Domain (FDTD)
methodology was employed to carry out the computational analysis. It is well established and
recognized within the scientific community that SAR is the primary dosimetric quantity used to
evaluate the human body’s absorption of RF energy and that MPE limits are in fact derived from
SAR. Accordingly, the SAR computations provide a scientifically valid and more relevant
estimate of human exposure to RF energy.

       The simulation code employed is XFDTD™ v7.6.0, by Remcom Inc., State College, PA.
This computational suite provides means to simulate the heterogeneous full human body model
defined according to the IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard and derived from the so-called
Visible Human [2], discretized in 3 mm voxels. The IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard dielectric
properties of 39 body tissues are automatically assigned by XFDTD™ at any specific frequency.
The “seated” man model was obtained from the standing model by modifying the articulation
angles at the hips and the knees. Details of the computational method and model are provided in
the Appendix A to this report. The evaluation of the computational uncertainties and results of
the benchmark validations are provided in the Appendix B attached to this report. The XFDTD
code validation performed according to IEEE/IEC 62704-1 draft standard by Remcom Inc., is
provided in conjunction with this report.


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                            Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

       The car model has been imported into XFDTD™ from the CAD file of a sedan car
having dimensions 4.98 m (L) x 1.85 m (W) x 1.18 m (H), and discretized with the minimum
resolution of 3 mm and the maximum resolution of 8mm. The Figure 1 below show both the
CAD model and the photo of the actual car This CAD model has been incorporated into the
IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard.

                 Figure 1: The photo picture of the car used in field measurements and
                          the corresponding CAD model used in simulations

       For passenger exposure, the antenna position is on the trunk and the distance of trunk
mounted antenna from the passenger head when the passenger is located in the center of the back
seat was set at 85 cm, to replicate the experimental conditions used in MPE measurements.
Figure 2 shows some of the XFDTD™ computational models used for passenger exposure to
trunk mounted antennas

       According to the IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard (2017) for exposure simulations from
vehicle mount antennas the lossy dielectric slab with 30 cm thickness, dielectric constant of 8
and conductivity of 0.01 S/m has been introduced in the computational model to properly
account for the effect of the ground (pavement) on exposure.


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700   Report ID: P8142-EME-00003


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                                Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

              Figure 2: Passenger model exposed to a trunk-mount antenna: XFDTD geometry.
          The antenna is mounted at 85 cm from the passenger located in the center of the back seat.

The computational code employs a time-harmonic excitation to produce a steady state
electromagnetic field in the exposed body. Subsequently, the corresponding SAR distribution is
automatically processed in order to determine the whole-body, 1-g, and 10-g average SAR. The
maximum average output power from DVR 700 repeater is 5W (764-806 MHz) and companion
mobile radio antenna is 60W (136-174MHz). Since the ohmic losses in the car materials, as well
as the mismatch losses at the antenna feed-point are neglected, and source-based time averaging
(100% talk time) for DVR 700 repeater and (50% talk time) for companion mobile radio were
employed, all computational results are normalized full to DVR 700 repeater 5W (764-806 MHz)
and companion mobile radio is half of it, i.e., 30W (136-174MHz) average net output power; less
the corresponding minimum insertion loss in excess of 0.5 dB of the feed cables supplied with
the antennas. This power normalization is in accordance with the IEC/IEEE 62704-2 standard


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                         Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

Results of SAR computations for car passengers
The test conditions requiring SAR computations are summarized in Table 1 (DVR 700, 100%
talk time) and Table 2 (Companion mobile, 50% talk time), together with the antenna data, the
SAR results, and power density (P.D.) as obtained from the measurements in the corresponding
test conditions. The conditions are for antennas mounted on the trunk (DVR 700) and side roof,
offset 20cm from center of the roof (Companion mobile). The antenna length in Table 1&2
includes the 1.8 cm magnetic mount base used in measurements to position the antenna on the
vehicle. The same length was used in simulation model.
       The passenger is located in the center or on the side of the rear seat corresponding to the
respective configurations defined in the IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard.
       All the transmit frequency, antenna length, and passenger location combinations reported
in Table 1 & 2 have been simulated individually. These tables also include the interpolated
adjustment factor and corresponding SAR scaled values following requirement of the
IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard.


            FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                                        Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

                                      Table 1a (configurations exceed FCC MPE limits):
                            Results of the Computations and Adjusted SAR for passenger exposure of
                                              DVR 700 repeater (100% talk-time)
Mount                     Antenna                                                Computations SAR         Interpolated
           Antenna Kit#                            P.D.                                                                     Adjusted SAR Results (W/kg)
                          Length    Freq (MHz)               Exposure Location       (W/kg)            Adjustment Factors
Location                                         (mW/cm^2)
                           (cm)                                                  1g   10 g     WB      1g      10 g    WB     1g       10 g      WB
 Trunk HAF4016A, 1/4                                            Back Center      0.05   0.04   0.002   1.10   1.10   2.24     0.06     0.05     0.004
        Wave (764-         10.8      775.0000      0.04
         870MHz)                                                 Back Side       0.05   0.03   0.002   1.44   1.28   1.95     0.07     0.03     0.003

                                     Table 1b (configurations exceed ISED MPE limits):
                            Results of the Computations and Adjusted SAR for passenger exposure of
                                              DVR 700 repeater (100% talk-time)
Mount                     Antenna                                                Computations SAR         Interpolated
           Antenna Kit#                            P.D.                                                                     Adjusted SAR Results (W/kg)
                          Length    Freq (MHz)               Exposure Location       (W/kg)            Adjustment Factors
Location                                         (mW/cm^2)
                           (cm)                                                  1g   10 g     WB      1g      10 g    WB     1g       10 g      WB

                                                                Back Center      0.06   0.05   0.002   1.12   1.12   2.25     0.07     0.05     0.004
                                     770.0000      0.04
                                                                 Back Side       0.04   0.03   0.001   1.45   1.29   1.96     0.06     0.03     0.003

                                                                Back Center      0.05   0.04   0.002   1.10   1.10   2.24     0.06     0.05     0.004
                                    #775.0000      0.04
                                                                 Back Side       0.05   0.03   0.002   1.44   1.28   1.95     0.07     0.03     0.003
 Trunk HAF4016A, 1/4
        Wave (764-         10.8                                 Back Center
         870MHz)                                                 Fig 3 & 4       0.09   0.06   0.002   1.00   1.00   2.20     0.09     0.06     0.004
                                     800.0000      0.02
                                                                 Back Side       0.05   0.02   0.002   1.40   1.20   1.90     0.07     0.03     0.003

                                                                Back Center      0.07   0.06   0.002   1.01   1.00   2.19     0.07     0.06     0.004
                                     806.0000      0.02
                                                                 Back Side       0.04   0.02   0.002   1.39   1.19   1.89     0.06     0.03     0.003

            Note: # Same SAR simulation configuration as FCC US.


             FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                                            Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

                                       Table 2a (configurations exceed FCC MPE limits):
                             Results of the Computations and Adjusted SAR for passenger exposure of
                                             Companion mobile radio (50% talk-time)
Mount                      Antenna                                                 Computations SAR          Interpolated
           Antenna Kit#                             P.D.                                                                       Adjusted SAR Results (W/kg)
                           Length    Freq (MHz)               Exposure Location        (W/kg)             Adjustment Factors
Location                                          (mW/cm^2)
                            (cm)                                                   1g   10 g     WB       1g      10 g    WB     1g       10 g      WB

           HAD4007A, 1/4                                         Back Center      0.12   0.11     0.003   1.21   1.01   2.01     0.15     0.11     0.006
 Roof       Wave (144-      50.8      150.8000      0.18
            150.8MHz)                                             Back Side       0.27   0.23     0.004   1.00   1.00   1.50     0.27     0.23     0.006

                                      Table 2b (configurations exceed ISED MPE limits):
                             Results of the Computations and Adjusted SAR for passenger exposure of
                                             Companion mobile radio (50% talk-time)
Mount                      Antenna                                                 Computations SAR          Interpolated
           Antenna Kit#                             P.D.                                                                       Adjusted SAR Results (W/kg)
                           Length    Freq (MHz)               Exposure Location        (W/kg)             Adjustment Factors
Location                                          (mW/cm^2)
                            (cm)                                                   1g   10 g     WB       1g      10 g    WB     1g       10 g      WB

                                                                 Back Center      0.16   0.14     0.006   1.18   1.00   1.91     0.19     0.14     0.011
                                      144.0000      0.11
                                                                  Back Side       0.27   0.23     0.006   1.00   1.00   1.49     0.27     0.23     0.008

 Roof      HAD4016A, 1/4                                         Back Center      0.12   0.11     0.003   1.21   1.01   2.01     0.15     0.11     0.006
            Wave (136-      53.1      150.8000      0.12
             162MHz)                                              Back Side       0.27   0.23     0.004   1.00   1.00   1.50     0.27     0.23     0.006

                                                                 Back Center      0.12   0.10     0.003   1.26   1.06   2.06     0.15     0.11     0.005
                                      156.4000      0.13
                                                                  Back Side       0.17   0.14     0.002   1.02   1.03   1.53     0.17     0.14     0.004

           HAD4017A, 1/4                                         Back Center      0.08   0.07     0.002   1.27   1.07   2.07     0.11     0.08     0.005
 Roof       Wave (146-      48.0      158.0125      0.12
             174MHz)                                              Back Side       0.14   0.12     0.002   1.02   1.03   1.53     0.15     0.12     0.003

                                                                 Back Center      0.16   0.13     0.006   1.18   1.00   1.91     0.19     0.13     0.011
                                      144.0000      0.14
           HAD4021A, 1/4                                          Back Side       0.27   0.23     0.006   1.00   1.00   1.49     0.27     0.23     0.008
 Roof       Wave (136-      53.5
             174MHz)                                             Back Center      0.08   0.07     0.002   1.27   1.07   2.07     0.11     0.08     0.005
                                      158.0125      0.14
                                                                  Back Side       0.14   0.12     0.002   1.02   1.03   1.53     0.14     0.12     0.003
                                                                 Back Center
                                                                  Fig 5 & 6       0.26   0.19     0.006   1.17   1.00   1.86     0.30     0.19     0.010
                                      140.0000      0.19
           HAD4006A, 1/4                                          Back Side       0.27   0.18     0.007   1.00   1.00   1.49     0.27     0.18     0.011
 Roof       Wave (136-      53.8
             144MHz)                                             Back Center      0.16   0.13     0.006   1.18   1.0    1.91     0.19     0.13     0.011
                                      144.0000      0.15
                                                                  Back Side       0.27   0.23     0.006   1.00   1.00   1.49     0.27     0.23     0.009

                                                                 Back Center      0.16   0.13     0.006   1.18   1.00   1.91     0.19     0.13     0.011
                                      144.0000      0.15
           HAD4007A, 1/4                                          Back Side       0.27   0.23     0.006   1.00   1.00   1.49     0.27     0.23     0.008
 Roof       Wave (144-      50.8
            150.8MHz)                                            Back Center      0.12   0.11     0.003   1.21   1.01   2.01     0.15     0.11     0.006
                                     #150.8000      0.18
                                                                  Back Side       0.27   0.23     0.004   1.00   1.00   1.50     0.27     0.23     0.006

             Note: # Same SAR simulation configuration as FCC US.


             FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                                            Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

                                Table 2b continued (configurations exceed ISED MPE limits):
                             Results of the Computations and Adjusted SAR for passenger exposure of
                                             Companion mobile radio (50% talk-time)

Mount                      Antenna                                                Computations SAR           Interpolated
           Antenna Kit#                             P.D.                                                                       Adjusted SAR Results (W/kg)
                           Length    Freq (MHz)               Exposure Location       (W/kg)              Adjustment Factors
Location                                          (mW/cm^2)
                            (cm)                                                  1g   10 g     WB        1g      10 g    WB     1g       10 g      WB

                                                                 Back Center      0.12   0.11     0.003   1.21   1.01   2.01     0.15     0.11     0.006
                                      150.8000      0.17
                                                                  Back Side       0.27   0.23     0.004   1.00   1.00   1.50     0.27     0.23     0.006

 Roof      HAD4008A, 1/4                                         Back Center      0.12   0.10     0.003   1.26   1.06   2.06     0.15     0.11     0.005
            Wave (150.8-    47.3      156.4000      0.17
             162MHz)                                              Back Side       0.17   0.14     0.002   1.02   1.03   1.53     0.18     0.14     0.004

                                                                 Back Center      0.03   0.02     0.001   1.31   1.11   2.11     0.04     0.02     0.003
                                      162.0000      0.18
                                                                  Back Side       0.11   0.09     0.002   1.03   1.05   1.55     0.11     0.10     0.003

                                                                 Back Center      0.08   0.07     0.002   1.31   1.11   2.11     0.11     0.08     0.005
                                      162.0000      0.16
 Roof      HAD4009A, 1/4                                          Back Side       0.14   0.12     0.002   1.03   1.05   1.55     0.15     0.12     0.003
            Wave (162-      44.85
             174MHz)                                             Back Center      0.16   0.13     0.006   1.34   1.14   2.14     0.21     0.15     0.012
                                      165.0125      0.14
                                                                  Back Side       0.27   0.23     0.006   1.04   1.07   1.56     0.28     0.25     0.009


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                              Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

The SAR distribution in the exposure condition that gave highest adjusted 1-g SAR for DVR 700
is reported in Figure 3 (800.0000 MHz, passenger on the center of the back seat, HAF4016A

 Figure 3. SAR distribution at 800.0000 MHz in the passenger model located on the center of the back seat,
 produced by the trunk-mount HAF4016A antenna. The contour plot is relative to the plane where the peak
                           1-g average SAR for this exposure condition occurs.


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                        Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

The two pictures below in Figure 4 show the E and H field distributions in the plane of the
antenna corresponding to the condition in Figure 3.



FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                               Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

Figure 4. (a) E-field magnitude distribution corresponding to exposure condition of Figure 3, and (b) H-field
                  magnitude distribution corresponding to exposure condition of Figure 3.

The highest adjusted 1-g SAR was produced in the passenger exposure condition with
HAF4016A antenna at 800.0000 MHz (passenger on the center of the back seat).


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                              Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

The SAR distribution in the exposure condition that gave highest adjusted 1-g SAR for
Companion mobile radio VHF Band is reported in Figure 5 (140.0000 MHz, passenger on the
center of the back seat, HAD4006A antenna).

 Figure 5. SAR distribution at 140.0000 MHz in the passenger model located on the center of the back seat,
produced by the roof-mount HAD4006A antenna. The contour plot is relative to the plane where the peak 1-g
                             average SAR for this exposure condition occurs.


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                        Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

The pictures below in Figure 6 show the E and H field distributions in the plane of the antenna
corresponding to the condition in Figure 5.



FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                               Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

Figure 6. (a) E-field magnitude distribution corresponding to exposure condition of Figure 5, and (b) H-field
                  magnitude distribution corresponding to exposure condition of Figure 5.

The highest adjusted 1-g SAR was produced in the passenger exposure condition with
HAD4006A antenna at 140.0000 MHz (passenger on the center of the back seat).


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                      Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

Results of SAR computations for combined exposure
From all simulated results the worst case peak SAR values were identified for both DVR 700 and
Companion mobile radio VHF band exposure and then combined to produce the composite peak
SAR value in corresponding locations of the human body model. Table 3 and Table 4 present the
worst case composite peak SAR value.

          Table 3: Worst case peak 1-g average SAR for passenger exposure conditions
                  and composite 1-g average SAR from simultaneous exposure.

                                               DVR 700     VHF mobile radio
                          Passenger location                                  Total [W/kg]
                                                [W/kg]         [W/kg]

                            Back Center             0.06        0.15              0.21
          FCC US
                             Back Side              0.07        0.27              0.34

                            Back Center             0.09        0.30              0.39
     ISED Canada
                             Back Side              0.07        0.28              0.35

            Table 4: Worst case peak whole body average SAR for passenger exposure
         conditions and composite whole body average SAR from simultaneous exposure.

                                               DVR 700     VHF mobile radio
                          Passenger location                                  Total [W/kg]
                                                [W/kg]         [W/kg]

                            Back Center         0.004           0.006            0.010
          FCC US
                             Back Side          0.003           0.006            0.009

                            Back Center         0.004           0.012            0.016
     ISED Canada
                             Back Side          0.003           0.011            0.014

From Table 3 and Table 4 the maximum combined peak 1-g SAR is 0.39 W/kg, less than the 1.6
W/kg limit, while the maximum combined whole-body average SAR is 0.016 W/kg, less than the
0.08 W/kg limit.
In addition, the overall maximum combined peak 10-g SAR is 0.28 W/kg, less than the 2.0 W/kg


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700                       Report ID: P8142-EME-00003

Under the test conditions described for evaluating passenger exposure to the RF electromagnetic
fields emitted by vehicle-mounted antennas used in conjunction with these mobile radio
products, the present analysis shows that the computed SAR values are compliant with the FCC
US and ISED Canada exposure limits for the general public as well as with the corresponding
ICNIRP and IEEE Std. C95.1-2005 SAR limits.

[1] IEEE Standard C95.1-1999. IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human
      Exposure to RF Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
[3]   ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection). 1998.
      Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic
      fields (up to 300 GHz). Health Phys. 74:494–522.
[4]   IEEE. 2005. IEEE standard for safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio
      frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, IEEE Std C95.1-2005
[5]   Simon,W., Bit-Babik, G., “Effect of the variation in population on the whole-body average
      1379 SAR of persons exposed to vehicle mounted antennas W. Simon”, ICEAA
      September 2-7, 2012, Cape 1380 Town.


FCC ID: LO6-DVRS700 / IC: 2098B-DVRS700   Report ID: P8142-EME-00003


Document Created: 2018-03-20 16:53:45
Document Modified: 2018-03-20 16:53:45

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