C2PC Request 2


Cover Letter(s)

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 9 t h May 2017

                                  To Whom It May Concern

 Subj ect :       Cla ss I I Pe r m issive Ch a nge Re qu e st

                  Applica n t :   Fu t u r e com Syst e m s Gr ou p ULC
                  Pr odu ct :     M OBEXCOM D VR D igit a l Ve h icula r Re pe a t e r
                  M ode l:        M OBEXCOM D VR 7 0 0
                  FCC I D :       LO6 - D VRS7 0 0

 Dear Sir/ Madam ,

 I hereby appoint Ult raTech Engineering Labs I nc. ( Ult raTech) t o act as m y agent in
 preparat ion of t his applicat ion t o FCC for a Class I I Perm issive Change under FCC
 Rules. This change is one of m any t hat were approved by t he FCC and/ or TI MCO
 and/ or Ult raTech.

 Cust om ers of Fut urecom int end t o use Mobexcom DVR 700, Mot orola VHF, UHF,
 700MHz and 800MHz Digit al Mobile radios and specific ant ennas as a package. The
 Mobile radios t est ed for t his subm ission are aut horized under FCC I D: AZ492FT7089.
 See t he at t ached RF Exposure Report s.

 A Class I I Perm issive Change is required t o cert ify m inim um dist ances bet ween t he
 vehicle and byst anders wit h bot h t he Mobexcom DVR 700 and t he various Mot orola
 m obile radios. MPE m easurem ent s were perform ed on t he Mobexcom DVR 700 and
 t he various m obile radios wit h ant ennas m ount ed on a car. I t was det erm ined t hat
 t he com bined Mobexcom DVR 700 and t he m obile radio m axim um power densit y is
 less t han m axim um allowed value.

 The com bined syst em ( t he DVR and t he Mobile Radio) have no effect on t he RF
 perform ance or power out of t he syst em .

 The operat ion of t he DVR Syst em can be found on pages 6 t hrough 8 of t he draft
 Users Manual.

 All hardware for t his syst em com plies wit h t he requirem ent s of 90.247 and it is t he
 responsibilit y of t he Licensee t o com ply wit h t he operat ional requirem ent s of t his
 sect ion.

 The MPE Report , draft Users Manual, and t he RF Safet y Booklet are at t ached.

 I also cert ify t hat t he inform at ion provided, properly described t he device or syst em
 for which Class I I Perm issive Change is required.


3277 LANGSTAFF ROAD, Concord, Ontario L4K 5P8, Canada, Tel: (905)660-5548   Fax: (905)660-1380

Tony Bom bera, P.Eng.


Document Created: 2017-10-23 08:42:48
Document Modified: 2017-10-23 08:42:48

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