Test Report

FCC ID: LLB2016001

Test Report

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                   Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Report
                        Tests Performed on an Aclara Technologies, LLC

                        Series 3000 MTU Models 2016-001P and 2016-001S

                                  Radiometrics Document RP-8369A

 Product Detail:
 FCC ID: LLB2016001
 IC ID: 4546A-2016001
 Equipment type: 450-470 MHz Transceiver
 Test Standards:
 US CFR Title 47, Chapter I, FCC Part 2 and 90
 FCC Parts 2, 15, and 90 CFR Title 47: 2016
 IC RSS-119 Issue 12: 2015
 IC RSS-GEN Issue 4: 2014
 Tests Performed For:                            Test Facility:
 Aclara Technologies, LLC                        Radiometrics Midwest Corporation
 30400 Solon Rd                                  12 East Devonwood
 Solon, OH 44139                                 Romeoville, IL 60446
                                                 Phone: (815) 293-0772
 Test Date(s): (Month-Day-Year)
 June 9-17, 2016
 Document RP-8369A Revisions:
 Rev.  Issue Date           Affected Sections                     Revised By
 0     August 25, 2016
 1     September 30, 2016 1, 2, 9, 10.1, 10.2.1, 10.4.2, 10.7     Joseph Strzelecki
 2     October 5, 2016      4.3                                   Joseph Strzelecki

Radiometrics Midwest Corporation (815) 293-0772 – www.radiomet.com Page 1 of 32

                                                          Radiometrics Midwest Corporation                                 www.radiomet.com
  Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P

                                                          Table of Contents

1 ADMINISTRATIVE DATA .................................................................................................................... 3
2 TEST SUMMARY AND RESULTS ...................................................................................................... 3
3 EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) DETAILS..................................................................................... 4
  3.1 EUT Description ............................................................................................................................ 4
4 TESTED SYSTEM DETAILS .............................................................................................................. 4
  4.1 Tested System Configuration ....................................................................................................... 4
  4.2 Special Accessories...................................................................................................................... 4
  4.3 Description of Similarity ................................................................................................................ 4
  4.4 Equipment Modifications ............................................................................................................... 4
5 TEST SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS .................................................................. 5
6 RADIOMETRICS’ TEST FACILITIES .................................................................................................. 5
7 DEVIATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FROM THE TEST SPECIFICATIONS ......................................... 5
8 CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................. 6
9 TEST EQUIPMENT TABLE ................................................................................................................ 6
10 TEST SECTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 7
  10.1 Peak Output Power ..................................................................................................................... 7
  10.2 Occupied Bandwidth; Emissions Masks ..................................................................................... 7
    10.2.1 Conducted Spurious Emissions ......................................................................................... 17
  10.3 Occupied Bandwidth ................................................................................................................. 18
  10.4 Field Strength of Unwanted Spurious Radiation ....................................................................... 20
    10.4.1 Test Procedures ................................................................................................................. 20
    Figure 1. Drawing of Radiated Emissions Setup ........................................................................... 21
    10.4.2 Spurious Radiated Emissions Test Results ....................................................................... 23
  10.5 Frequency Stability ................................................................................................................... 24
    10.5.1 Frequency Stability Vs Temperature .................................................................................. 24
    10.5.2 Frequency Stability Vs Supply Voltage .............................................................................. 24
    10.5.3 Test Results for Frequency Stability................................................................................... 24
  10.6 Transient Frequency Behavior .................................................................................................. 25
    10.6.1 Test method ....................................................................................................................... 25
    10.6.2 Limits of transient frequency .............................................................................................. 25
    10.6.3 Test Results ....................................................................................................................... 26
    10.6.4 Results for Time Periods t1 and t2 ..................................................................................... 26
    10.6.5 Results for Time Period between t2 and t3 ........................................................................ 28
    10.6.6 Results for Time Period t3 .................................................................................................. 30
11 MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTATION UNCERTAINTY .............................................................. 32

Notice: This report must not be reproduced (except in full) without the written approval of
        Radiometrics Midwest Corporation.

RP-8369A Rev. 1                                                                                                                 Page 2 of 32

                                                 Radiometrics Midwest Corporation                www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P


 Equipment Under Test:
 An Aclara Technologies LLC. Series 3000 MTU
 Models: 2016-001P and 2016-001S; Serial Numbers: 80007699, 80004589
 These will be referred to as the EUT in this Report
 Date EUT Received at Radiometrics: (Month-Day-Year)      Test Date(s): (Month-Day-Year)
 June 9, 2016                                             June 9 to July 28, 2016
 Test Report Written By:                                  Test Witnessed By:
 Joseph Strzelecki                                        The tests were not witnessed by personnel from
 Senior EMC Engineer                                      Aclara Technologies, LLC

 Radiometrics’ Personnel Responsible for Test:            Test Report Approved By

                                                          Chris W. Carlson
                                                          Director of Engineering
                                              Date        NARTE EMC-000921-NE
 Joseph Strzelecki
 Senior EMC Engineer
 NARTE EMC-000877-NE

 Richard L. Tichgelaar
 EMC Technician


The EUT (Equipment Under Test) is a Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001P and 2016-001S,
manufactured by Aclara Technologies, LLC. The detailed test results are presented in a separate
section. The following is a summary of the test results.

                                      Transmitter Requirements
        Environmental Phenomena            Frequency Range FCC Section                 RSS 119 Section   Test Result
 RF Power Output                          450-470 MHz      2.1046                      5.4               Pass
 Occupied Bandwidth Test; Emissions       450-470 MHz      2.1049                      5.5               Pass
 Masks                                                     90.209
 Spurious RF Conducted Emissions          1-4700 MHz       2.1051                      5.8               Pass
 Field Strength of Spurious Radiation     30-4700 MHz      2.1053                      5.3               Pass
 Frequency Vs. Temperature                450-470 MHz      2.1055                      5.3               Pass
 Frequency Vs. Voltage                    450-470 MHz      2.1055                      5.3               Pass
 Transient Frequency Behavior             450-470 MHz      90.214                      5.9               Pass

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                                         Radiometrics Midwest Corporation              www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P


3.1 EUT Description

The EUT is a Series 3000 Gas Remote Meter Transmitting Unit with external antenna, manufactured by
Aclara Technologies, LLC. The RF communications link is encrypted in both directions. The EUT was in
good working condition during the tests, with no known defects.


4.1 Tested System Configuration

The system was configured for testing in a typical fashion. The testing was performed in conditions as
close as possible to installed conditions. Wiring was consistent with manufacturer's recommendations.
The identification for all equipment, used in the tested system, is:

                                   Tested System Configuration List
   Item          Description    Type*        Manufacturer           Model Number            Serial Number
     1       Series 3000 MTU       E Aclara Technologies, LLC       2016-001P                80007699
     2       Series 3000 MTU       E Aclara Technologies, LLC       2016-001S                80004589
     3           Antenna           E     Skywave Antennas           18-4600-A                   None
* Type: E = EUT

4.2 Special Accessories

No special accessories were used during the tests in order to achieve compliance.

4.3 Description of Similarity

The Model 2016-001S and 2016-001P, Series 3000 Gas Remote-External Antenna are electrically
identical, with regards to electromagnetic emissions and electromagnetic compatibility characteristics.
The only difference is strictly in the I/O port circuitry, which is dependent on the type of meter it is
connected to.

4.4 Equipment Modifications

No modifications were made to the EUT at Radiometrics' test facility in order to comply with the
standards listed in this report.

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                                           Radiometrics Midwest Corporation               www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P


 Document           Date      Title
 FCC                2016      Code of Federal Regulations Title 47, Chapter 1, Federal
 CFR Title 47                 Communications Commission, Part 15 & 90 - Radio Frequency Devices
 ANSI               2014      Methods of Measurement of Radio Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage
 C63.4-2014                   Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz
 TIA-603-D          2010      Land Mobile FM or PM Communications Equipment – Measurement and
                              Performance Standards
 IC RSS-Gen         2014      General Requirements and Information for the Certification of
 Issue 4                      Radiocommunication Equipment (RSS-Gen)
 IC RSS-119         2015      Radio Transmitters and Receivers Operating in the Land Mobile and
 Issue 12                     Fixed Services in the Frequency Range 27.41-960 MHz


The results of these tests were obtained at Radiometrics Midwest Corp. in Romeoville, Illinois, USA.
Radiometrics is accredited by A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation) to conform to
ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 "General Requirements for the Competence of Calibration and Testing
Laboratories". Radiometrics’ Lab Code is 121191 and Certification Number is 1495.01. A copy of the
accreditation can be accessed on our web site (www.radiomet.com). Radiometrics accreditation status
can be verified at A2LA’s web site (www.a2la2.org).

The following is a list of shielded enclosures located in Romeoville, Illinois used during the tests:

Chamber A: Is an anechoic chamber that measures 24’ L X 12’ W X 12’ H. The walls and ceiling are
           fully lined with ferrite absorber tiles. The floor has a 10’ x 10’ section of ferrite absorber tiles
           located in the center. Panashield of Rowayton, Connecticut manufactured the chamber.
           The enclosure is NAMAS certified.

Chamber B: Is a shielded enclosure that measures 20’ L X 12’ W X 8’ H. Erik A. Lindgren & Associates
           of Chicago, Illinois manufactured the enclosure.

Chamber C: Is a shielded enclosure that measures 17’ L X 10’ W X 8’ H. Lindgren RF Enclosures Inc. of
           Addison, Illinois manufactured the enclosure.

Chamber E: Is a custom made anechoic chamber that measures 52’ L X 30’ W X 18’ H. The walls and
           ceiling are fully lined with RF absorber. Pro-shield of Collinsville, Oklahoma manufactured
           the chamber.

A separate ten-foot long, brass plated, steel ground rod attached via a 6 inch copper braid grounds each
of the above chambers. Each enclosure is also equipped with low-pass power line filters.

The FCC has accepted these sites as test site number US1065. The FCC test site Registration Number
is 732175. Details of the site characteristics are on file with the Industry Canada as site number


There were no deviations or exclusions from the test specifications.

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                                                  Radiometrics Midwest Corporation                www.radiomet.com
  Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P


Radiometrics Midwest Corporation certifies that the data contained herein was taken under conditions
that meet or exceed the requirements of the test specification. The results relate only to the EUT listed
herein. Any modifications made to the EUT subsequent to the indicated test date will invalidate the data
and void this certification.


                                                                                 Frequency Range Cal         Cal
RMC ID      Manufacturer    Description             Model No.      Serial No.                    Period      Date
ANT-03      Tensor          Biconical Antenna       4104           2231          20-250MHz       24 Mo.      12/07/15
ANT-04      Tensor          Biconical Antenna       4104           2246          20-250MHz       24 Mo.      05/16/16
ANT-06      EMCO            Log-Periodic Ant.       3146           1248          200-1000MHz     24 Mo.      11/25/15
ANT-13      EMCO            Horn Antenna            3115           2502          1.0-18GHz       24 Mo.      12/01/14
ANT-36      Ailtech-Eaton   Horn Antenna            96001          2013          1.0-18GHz       24 Mo.      10/20/14
ANT-04      Tensor          Biconical Antenna       4104           2246          20-250MHz       24 Mo.      05/16/16
ANT-06      EMCO            Log-Periodic Ant.       3146           1248          200-1000MHz     24 Mo.      11/25/15
ANT-44      Impossible      Super Log Antenna       SL-20M2G       1002          20-2000MHz      24 Mo.      01/19/16
ATT-28      Narda           Attenuator(20dB)        757B-20        3131          DC - 6 GHz         24 Mo.    09/24/14
CAB-114E    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A            114E          DC-18 GHz          24 Mo.    04/22/16
CAB-1090    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A            1090          DC-18 GHz          24 Mo.    04/21/16
CAB-160B    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A            160B          DC-18 GHz          24 Mo.    04/20/16
CAB-106A    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A            106A          DC-2 GHz           24 Mo.    04/19/16
CAB-142G    Storm           Coaxial Cable           N/A            142G          DC-18 GHz          24 Mo.   04/21/16
CAB-142H    Storm           Coaxial Cable           N/A            142H          DC-18 GHz          24 Mo.   04/27/16
CDT-01      Wiltron         Crystal RF Detector     75N50          CDT-01        DC-18GHz           N/A      NCR
COM-01      Anaren          Coupler                 10023-3        COM-01        250-1000MHz        N/A      NCR
DIR-07      Werlatone       Directional Coupler     C3908          6929          80-1000MHz         24 Mo.   06/10/15
DIR-19      Narda           Directional Coupler     3000-10        01174         200-500MHz         N/A      NCR
DMM-10      Keithley        DMM                     2010           0773679       DC-10 kHz          24 Mo    11/22/14
PWM-01      Boonton         Power Meter             4230           22503         50kHz-18GHz        24 Mo.   12/11/15
REC-11      HP / Agilent    Spectrum Analyzer       E7405A         US39110103    9Hz-26.5GHz        12 Mo.   06/23/15
                                                    85460A/84562   33330A00135
REC-20         HP / Agilent  Spectrum Analyzer      A              3410A00178     30Hz-6GHz         24 Mo.   06/26/15
REC-21         Agilent       Spectrum Analyzer      E7405A         MY45118341     9kHz-26.5 GHz     12 Mo.   12/22/15
REC-43         Adventest     Spectrum Analyzer      U3772          150800305       9kHz-43GHz       12 Mo.   03/07/16
SIG-28         Hittite       RF Synthesizer          HMC-T2240     0000426        10MHz - 40GHz     12 Mo.   03/31/16
SCP-02         Tektronix     Oscilloscope           TDS784A        B040258        DC-1GHz           24 Mo.   11/15/14
               Rohde &
SIG-30         Schwarz       Signal Generator            SMC100A   102914             9k-3.2GHz     24 Mo.   10/07/15
THM-02         Fluke         Temp/Humid Meter          971         93490471       N/A               12 Mo.   08/03/15
Note: All calibrated equipment is subject to periodic checks.
NCR – No Calibration Required. Device monitored by calibrated equipment. N/A: Not Applicable.

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                                       Radiometrics Midwest Corporation            www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P


10.1 Peak Output Power

The peak power was measured by connecting the EUT antenna port to the spectrum analyzer via a low
loss coaxial cable and an appropiate power attenuator.

 Model              2016-001P                         Specification     FCC part 90.205
                                                                        RSS-119 Section 5.4
 Serial Number      80007699                          Test Date         June 10, 2016
 Test Personnel     Richard Tichgelaar                Test Location     Chamber B
 Test Equipment     Power meter (PWM-01)

  TX freq Reading      Atten &     Total    Power
   MHz       dBm       Cable       dBm      Watts
 450.0250    9.60       20.1      29.67     0.927
 460.0000    9.40       20.1      29.47     0.885
 469.9875    9.00       20.1      29.07     0.807
Judgement: Pass
The fundamental emission ERP limit is 100 watts (50 dBm) for an 8 km service area radius.

10.2 Occupied Bandwidth; Emissions Masks

 Model              2016-001P                         Specification     FCC Part 90.209 & 90.210
                                                                        RSS-119 Section 5.5
 Serial Number      80007699                          Test Date         06/09/2016
 Test Personnel     Richard Tichgelaar                Test Location     Chamber B
 Test Equipment     Spectrum Analyzer (REC-11)

The spectrum analyzer was set to the MAX HOLD mode to record the worst case of the modulation. The
EUT was transmitting at its maximum data rate. The trace was allowed to stabilize. All Channels are
12.5 kHz. The emissions Mask D is from FCC part 90.210.

 (1)   On any frequency from the center of the authorized bandwidth f0 to 5.625 kHz removed from f0:
 Zero dB.
 (2)   On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement
 frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 5.625 kHz but no more than 12.5 kHz: At least 7.27(fd −2.88 kHz)
 (3)   On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement
 frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 12.5 kHz: At least 50 + 10 log (P) dB.

RP-8369A Rev. 1                                                                        Page 7 of 32

     — Aglent   142002 Jin9,2016                         ROT
450 025Mz PNB MOD; D Mask w2048 Ext Aten                        it 450.02377 Mz
Ref3.dm                    iten 20 dB                                 3771 dm
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  — Aglent   142248 Jn9,2016                          R_T
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Hites BW 300 He                        AVBW 1 lite    Sweep 22.2x (1000 pis

  — Aglent   143817 Jn9,2016                            R_T
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     — Aglent   135049 Jin9,2016                            ROT
460 COOMFHz PNB MOD; D Mask w2048 Ext Aten                     Mket 459990009 Mitz
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   © Adlent 131804 Jin9,2016                         R_T
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                                    Radiometrics Midwest Corporation         www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P

Judgement: Pass

RP-8369A Rev. 1                                                                Page 13 of 32

  — Aglent    152327 Jin9,2016                            ROT
450 025Mz PNB MOD; D Mask w2048 Ext Aten                              Mket 453 Mz
Ref3.dm                    iten 20 dB                                    3489 im

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Start? MHz                                                           Stop 4.75 GHtz
#Rtes BW 100 kitz                    #VBW 300 kite       Sweep 191.4ms (1000 pis

  W Adlent 162057 Jin9,2016                          R _T
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Start? Miz                                                       Stop 1.75 Gitz
ARtes BW 100 Kite                  avrow 300 kite   Sweep 491.4 ms (1000 prs

 © Aglent     145135 Jin9,2016                        ROT
463 97GMHz PNB MOD; D Mask w20d8 Ext Atten                        Mket 472 Mz
Ref dBm                    iten 20 dB                                863 dim

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Start? MHz                                                        Stop 4.75 GHtz
#Rtes BW 100 kitz                    #VBW 300 kite   Sweep 191.4 ms (1000 pis

                                         Radiometrics Midwest Corporation            www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P

10.2.1 Conducted Spurious Emissions

 Model               2016-001P                            Specification     FCC Part 90.210
                                                                            RSS-119 Section 5.5
 Serial Number       80007699                             Test Date         June 9, 2016
 Test Personnel      Richard Tichgelaar                   Test Location     Chamber B
 Test Equipment      EMI Receiver (REC-20)

This is a direct measurement from the Antenna port to the EMI Receiver

           Tested     Spec     Att.    Cable                 Power      Margin
 Harm       Freq.      An     Factor   Loss    Total Power    Limit   Under Limit
  #         MHz       dBm       dB      dB        dBm         dBm         dB
  1       450.0250     9.6     19.8     0.3        29.7       50.0       20.3
  2       900.0500    -53.2    19.8     0.3       -33.1      -20.0       13.1
  3      1350.0750    -57.5    19.8     0.3       -37.4      -20.0       17.4
  4      1800.1000    -46.1    19.8     0.3       -26.0      -20.0       6.0
  5      2250.1250    -47.6    19.8     0.3       -27.5      -20.0       7.5
  6      2700.1500    -49.5    19.8     0.3       -29.4      -20.0       9.4
  7      3150.1750    -52.0    19.8     0.3       -31.9      -20.0       11.9
  8      3600.2000    -53.7    19.8     0.3       -33.7      -20.0       13.7
  9      4050.2250    -75.0    19.8     0.3       -54.9      -20.0       34.9
  10     4500.2500    -73.0    19.8     0.3       -52.9      -20.0       32.9
  1       460.0000     9.4    19.8      0.3        29.5        50.0       20.5
  2       920.0000    -62.0   19.8      0.3       -41.9       -20.0       21.9
  3      1380.0000    -58.0   19.8      0.3       -37.9       -20.0       17.9
  4      1840.0000    -47.0   19.8      0.3       -26.9       -20.0       6.9
  5      2300.0000    -50.7   19.8      0.3       -30.6       -20.0       10.6
  6      2760.0000    -52.0   19.8      0.3       -31.9       -20.0       11.9
  7      3220.0000    -55.0   19.8      0.3       -34.9       -20.0       14.9
  8      3680.0000    -54.5   19.8      0.3       -34.4       -20.0       14.4
  9      4140.0000    -74.9   19.8      0.3       -54.9       -20.0       34.9
  10     4600.0000    -69.7   19.8      0.3       -49.6       -20.0       29.6
  1       469.9875     9.0    19.8      0.3        29.1        50.0       20.9
  2       939.9750    -74.0   19.8      0.3       -53.9       -20.0       33.9
  3      1409.9625    -60.0   19.8      0.3       -39.9       -20.0       19.9
  4      1879.9500    -48.4   19.8      0.3       -28.3       -20.0       8.3
  5      2349.9375    -54.0   19.8      0.3       -33.9       -20.0       13.9
  6      2819.9250    -53.0   19.8      0.3       -32.9       -20.0       12.9
  7      3289.9125    -55.2   19.8      0.3       -35.1       -20.0       15.1
  8      3759.9000    -56.4   19.8      0.3       -36.3       -20.0       16.3
  9      4229.8875    -72.6   19.8      0.3       -52.5       -20.0       32.5
  10     4699.8750    -67.7   19.8      0.3       -47.6       -20.0       27.6
The fundamental emission ERP limit is 100 watts (50 dBm) for an 8 km service area radius.

Judgment: Passed by 6.0 dB.

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                                    Radiometrics Midwest Corporation         www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P

10.3 Occupied Bandwidth

                    99% OBW
   Channel            kHz
   450.0250           8.42
   460.0000           8.60
   469.9875           8.58

99% OBW

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                                    Radiometrics Midwest Corporation         www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P

99% OBW

99% OBW

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                                         Radiometrics Midwest Corporation             www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P

10.4 Field Strength of Unwanted Spurious Radiation

10.4.1 Test Procedures

Radiated emission measurements in the Restricted bands were performed with linearly polarized
broadband antennas. The results obtained with these antennas can be correlated with results obtained
with a tuned dipole antenna. A 10 dB linearity check is performed prior to start of testing in order to
determine if an overload condition exists. From 30 to 4700 MHz, a spectrum analyzer with a preselector
was used for measurement. Radiated emissions measurements were performed at the anechoic
chamber at a test distance of 3 meters. The entire frequency range from 30 to 4700 MHz was slowly
scanned and the emissions in the restricted frequency bands were recorded. Measurements were
performed using the peak detector function.

The spectrum analyzer was adjusted for the following settings:
      1) Resolution Bandwidth = 100 kHz for spurious emissions below 1 GHz, and 1 MHz for spurious
      emissions above 1GHz.
      2) Video Bandwidth = 300 kHz for spurious emissions below 1 GHz, and 3 MHz for spurious
      emissions above 1 GHz.
      3) Sweep Speed slow enough to maintain measurement calibration.
      4) Detector Mode = Positive Peak.

The transmitter to be tested was placed on the turntable in the standard test site, or an FCC listed site
compliant with ANSI C63.4. The transmitter is transmitting into a non-radiating load that is placed on the
turntable (except for the fundamental reading which had an antenna). Since the transmitter has an
integral antenna, the tests are to be run with the unit operating into the integral antenna. Measurements
were made from the lowest radio frequency generated in the equipment to the tenth harmonic of the
carrier. The transmitter was keyed during the tests.

For each spurious frequency, the test antenna was raised and lowered from 1 m to 4m to obtain a
maximum reading on the spectrum analyzer with the test antenna at horizontal polarity. Then the
turntable was rotated 360°to determine the maximum reading. This procedure was repeated to obtain
the highest possible reading. This maximum reading was recorded.

Each measurement was repeated for each spurious frequency with the test antenna polarized vertically.

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                                           Radiometrics Midwest Corporation            www.radiomet.com
 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P

                            Figure 1. Drawing of Radiated Emissions Setup

                            Substitution                               Test
                            Antenna                                                      Spectrum
                                                                       Antenna           Analyzer

        RF Signal
        Generator            TURNTABLE

                       ANSI C63.4 Listed Test Site

    • Test Antenna height varied from 1 to 4 meters
    • Distance from antenna to tested system is 3 meters
    • Not to Scale

  Frequency     Test       Substitution    Receiver to      Signal
     MHz       Antenna      Antenna         Coupler        Generator
   30 - 200    ANT-44       ANT-03          REC-20          SIG-28
  200 - 1000   ANT-44       ANT-06          REC-20          SIG-28
  1000-5000    ANT-13       ANT-36          REC-20          SIG-28

The transmitter was removed and replaced with a broadband substitution antenna. The substitution
antenna is calibrated so that the gain relative to a dipole is known. The center of the substitution antenna
was approximately at the same location as the center of the transmitter.

The substitution antenna was fed at the transmitter end with a signal generator connected to the antenna
by means of a non-radiating cable. With the antennas at both ends horizontally polarized, and with the
signal generator tuned to a particular spurious frequency, the test antenna was raised and lowered to
obtain a maximum reading at the spectrum analyzer. The level of the signal generator output was
adjusted until the previously recorded maximum reading for this set of conditions was obtained.

The measurements were repeated with both antennas horizontally and vertically polarized for each
spurious frequency.

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The power in dBm into a reference ideal half-wave dipole antenna was calculated by reducing the
readings obtained in steps k) and l) by the power loss in the cable between the generator and the
antenna, and further corrected for the gain of the substitution antenna used relative to an ideal half-wave
dipole antenna by the following formula:
Pd(dBm) = Pg(dBm) – cable loss (dB) + antenna gain (dB)

Pd is the dipole equivalent power and
Pg is the generator output power into the substitution antenna.
The Pd levels record in step m) are the absolute levels of radiated spurious emissions in dBm.

Any emission must be attenuated below the power (P) of the highest emission contained within the
authorized bandwidth as follows:

On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd
in kHz) of more than 12.5 kHz: At least 50 + 10 log (P) dB.

Since by mathematical definition, P(dBm) – (50+10xLOG P(W)) = -20 dBm, the limit for spurious
emissions was set to -20 dBm equivalent radiated power.

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10.4.2 Spurious Radiated Emissions Test Results

 Model            2016-001P                     Specification       FCC Part 90.210
                                                                    RSS-119 Section 5.8
 Serial Number    80007699                      Test Date           06/13/16
 Test Distance    3 Meters                      Notes               Transmit Mode

Results with internal Antenna
                                    Equivalent Radiated
                Tx       Measured     power into Dipole                 Margin Under Limit
 Harmonic      Freq        Freq     Vertical   Horizontal   Limit      Vertical   Horizontal
    #          MHz         MHz       dBm          dBm       dBm          dB           dB
    1        450.0250     450.03      17.4         24.2      50.0       32.6         25.8
    2        450.0250     900.05     -45.6        -45.5     -20.0       25.6         25.5
    3        450.0250     1350.08    -31.4        -33.8     -20.0       11.4         13.8
    4        450.0250     1800.10    -26.2        -27.8     -20.0        6.2          7.8
    5        450.0250     2250.13    -26.0        -27.7     -20.0         6           7.7
    6        450.0250     2700.15    -24.7        -27.1     -20.0        4.7          7.1
    7        450.0250     3150.18    -27.9        -27.8     -20.0        7.9          7.8
    8        450.0250     3600.20    -25.5        -29.9     -20.0        5.5          9.9
    9        450.0250     4050.23    -42.6        -44.1     -20.0       22.6         24.1
    10       450.0250     4500.25    -33.2        -36.6     -20.0       13.2         16.6
    1        460.0000     460.00      24.3         21.9      50.0       25.7         28.1
    2        460.0000     920.00     -45.2        -47.5     -20.0       25.2         27.5
    3        460.0000     1380.00    -33.8        -33.5     -20.0       13.8         13.5
    4        460.0000     1840.00    -27.5        -27.7     -20.0        7.5          7.7
    5        460.0000     2300.00    -27.9        -31.9     -20.0        7.9         11.9
    6        460.0000     2760.00    -31.9        -30.2     -20.0       11.9         10.2
    7        460.0000     3220.00    -27.9        -29.1     -20.0        7.9          9.1
    8        460.0000     3680.00    -31.2        -32.2     -20.0       11.2         12.2
    9        460.0000     4140.00    -41.7        -33.8     -20.0       21.7         13.8
    10       460.0000    4600.00     -31.0        -33.3     -20.0        11          13.3
    1        469.9875     469.99      23.7         20.3      50.0       26.3         29.7
    2        469.9875     939.98     -39.2        -40.8     -20.0       19.2         20.8
    3        469.9875     1409.96    -38.1        -35.7     -20.0       18.1         15.7
    4        469.9875     1879.95    -36.3        -34.5     -20.0       16.3         14.5
    5        469.9875     2349.94    -36.0        -39.6     -20.0       16.0         19.6
    6        469.9875     2819.93    -32.8        -34.1     -20.0       12.8         14.1
    7        469.9875     3289.91    -31.4        -27.8     -20.0       11.4          7.8
    8        469.9875     3759.90    -32.1        -35.0     -20.0       12.1         15.0
    9        469.9875     4229.89    -40.6        -37.9     -20.0       20.6         17.9
    10       469.9875     4699.88    -35.6        -39.0     -20.0       15.6         19.0
The fundamental emission ERP limit is 100 watts (50 dBm) for an 8 km service area radius.
Judgment: Passed by 4.7 dB.

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10.5 Frequency Stability

10.5.1 Frequency Stability Vs Temperature

The chamber was then set to the lowest temperature. The transmitter was in the chamber and allowed
to stabilize for 15 minutes. The transmitter was then keyed and the frequency was recorded. The
chamber was then incremented in 10°C steps with a minimum of 15 minute stabilization period for each
temperature measurement. The transmitter was off during the temperature transitions.

10.5.2 Frequency Stability Vs Supply Voltage

The EUT was allowed to stabilize with the nominal primary power supply voltage applied. The primary
input voltage was varied from the lowest to the highest rated levels specified by the manufacturer.
Frequency readings were taken at increments of 0.5 VDC.

10.5.3 Test Results for Frequency Stability

 Model             2016-001S                         Specification    FCC Part 90.213
                                                                      RSS-119 Section 5.3
 Serial Number    80004589                         Test Date          6/15/2016
 Test Personnel   Richard Tichgelaar               Test Location      Chamber B
 Test Equipment   Spectrum Analyzer (REC-21); Temperature Chamber TC-01
                  Digital Multimeter (DMM-08)
 Notes            15 minutes at each Temperature; 1 min at each voltage
 Nominal Frequency      MHz

          Volts        Freq.         Deviation
          VDC         (MHz)            Hz           PPM
           7.6      460.000332         332          0.72
           7.4      460.000327         327          0.71
           7.2      460.000327         327          0.71
           6.8      460.000332         332          0.72
           6.4      460.000322         322          0.70
           6.0      460.000332         332          0.72
           5.6      460.000332         332          0.72

     Temp             Freq.         Deviation
    Deg C            (MHz)            Hz           PPM
       50        460.000481           481          1.05
       40        460.000457           457          0.99
       30        460.000342           342          0.74
       20        460.000352           352          0.77
       10        460.000387           387          0.84
        0        460.000410           410          0.89
      -10        460.000457           457          0.99
      -20        460.000407           407          0.88
      -30        460.000315           315          0.68
Test Requirements: Limit is 2.5 ppm
Judgement: Pass

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  Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P

10.6 Transient Frequency Behavior

10.6.1 Test method

The test was performed in accordance to TIA-603-D Section Alternate Method of Measurement
(Using a Test Receiver). The equipment was connected as shown below.

                                                            RF Signal
                                                            Gen SIG-30                      Combining
      Transmitter                  Standard                  Directional                     CMB-01
      Under Test                  Transmitter                 Coupler
                                 Load ATT-28                  DIR-19

                                                            RF Detector
                                                                                             Test Receiver
                                                                                DOP          Power Meter

DOP is Demodulator Output Port
                                                             Trig    Vert

10.6.2 Limits of transient frequency

                                     Maximum Frequency                       421 to 512 MHz Equipment
       Time intervals 1,2                Difference 3                      Operating on 12.5 kHz Channels

               t14                         ±12.5 kHz                                    10.0 ms

               t2                          ±6.25 kHz                                    25.0 ms

              t3 4                         ±12.5 kHz                                    10.0 ms
      onis  the instant when a 1 kHz test signal is completely suppressed, including any capture time due to phasing.
     t1 is the time period immediately following ton.
     t2is the time period immediately following t1.
     t3is the time period from the instant when the transmitter is turned off until toff.
     toffis the instant when the 1 kHz test signal starts to rise.
       During the time from the end of t2to the beginning of t3, the frequency difference must not exceed the limits
specified in § 90.213.
       Difference between the actual transmitter frequency and the assigned transmitter frequency.
      If the transmitter carrier output power rating is 6 watts or less, the frequency difference during this time period
may exceed the maximum frequency difference for this time period.

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 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P

10.6.3 Test Results

 Model              2016-001P                                   Specification     FCC part 90.214
                                                                                  RSS-119 Section 5.9
 Serial Number      80007699                                    Test Date         June 17, 2016
 Test Personnel     Joseph Strzelecki; Rich Tichgelaar          Test Location     Chamber B

                        Limits for Time interval/Freq difference
          Channel    t1                    t2              t3             Test
 Freq MHz   BW mSec kHz              mSec       kHz    mSec kHz          Result
 450.0250   12.5  10    12.5          25        6.25    10  12.5*        Pass
  460.000   12.5  10    12.5          25        6.25    10  12.5*        Pass
 469.9875   12.5  10    12.5          25        6.25    10  12.5*        Pass
Judgement: Pass

*Since the transmitter carrier output power is less than 6 watts, the frequency difference during the t3
time period may exceed the maximum frequency difference for this time period.

10.6.4 Results for Time Periods t1 and t2

The EUT passed the 6.25 kHz limit so the 12.5 limit is not shown.

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10.6.5 Results for Time Period between t2 and t3

The limit between t2 and t3 on all of the scope traces are calculated for the 450 MHz Channel since this
is the lowest limit. This limit is 450 MHz * 2.5 ppm or 1125 Hz.

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10.6.6 Results for Time Period t3

Since the transmitter carrier output power is less than 6 watts, the frequency difference during the t3 time
period may exceed the maximum frequency difference for this time period.

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 Test Report for the Aclara, Series 3000 MTU, Models 2016-001S & 2016-001P


                            Measurement                                      Uncertainty
Radiated Emissions, E-field, 3 meters, 30 to 200 MHz                            3.3 dB
Radiated Emissions, E-field, 3 meters, 200 to 1000 MHz                          4.9 dB
Radiated Emissions, E-field, 3 meters, 1 to 18 GHz                              4.8 dB
99% Occupied Bandwidth using REC-43                                     1% of frequency span
Conducted power PWM-01 at 460 MHz                                              0.14 dB
Amplitude measurement 1-5000 MHz; REC-11                                        1.5 dB
Temperature THM-02                                                           0.6 Deg C
The uncertainties represent expanded uncertainties expressed at approximately the 95% confidence
level using a coverage factor of k=2 in accordance with CISPR 16-4-2.

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Document Created: 2016-10-06 10:39:34
Document Modified: 2016-10-06 10:39:34

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