

Cover Letter(s)

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                            MASTER AGREEMENT

This Master Agreement is made and entered into as of the ___ day of _____,
201_ (the “Effective Date) by and between:

      Aclara RF Systems Inc. an Ohio corporation
      30400 Solon Road
      Solon, OH 44139
      (Referred to herein as “ACLARA”)


      (Referred to herein as (“Purchaser”)

Collectively, ACLARA and Purchaser may be referred to as “Parties.”

Whereas, ACLARA has developed a proprietary Radio Frequency (RF)
communication system comprised of equipment and software (the “STAR®
Network System”) that provides for communication with electric, gas and water
meters and other devices; and

Whereas, Purchaser desires to acquire from ACLARA a STAR Network System
to be utilized by Purchaser for the automated meter reading of residential,
industrial and commercial meters and for other purposes;

Now, Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, and
intending to be legally bound, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions. The following words and phrases shall have the following
   meanings for the purposes of this Master Agreement.

   a) “Master Agreement” means this document and the following Exhibits all of
      which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, and any amendments,
      modifications or supplements thereto or attachments incorporated therein:

      i) Exhibit A—List of Deliverables and Pricing
      ii) Exhibit B—Software License Agreement
      iii) Exhibit C—Warranties

   b) “Deliverables” mean the Equipment, Software License and Services listed
      on Exhibit A—List of Deliverables and Pricing.

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    c) “Commercially Reasonable Efforts” means taking all such steps and
       performing in such a manner as a well managed company would
       undertake where it was acting in a determined, prudent and reasonable
    d) “Contract Manufacturers” means those entities that manufacture
       proprietary ACLARA designed equipment.

    e) “ACLARA Licensed Software” shall have the meaning as it is defined in
       Exhibit B—Software License Agreement.

    f) “ACLARA Personnel” means all employees of ACLARA, ACLARA’s
       subcontractors and their employees, or any other personnel assigned by
       ACLARA to provide work pursuant to this Master Agreement. ACLARA
       Personnel shall not include any Purchaser Personnel.

    g) “Delivery” means, in the case of Equipment purchased hereunder, the
       loading of the equipment on the means of transport of the carrier selected
       by ACLARA pursuant to Article 9, below. ”Delivery” means, in the case of
       Services provided hereunder, the periodic performance of such Services
       as described herein.

    h) “Equipment” means that equipment described on Exhibit B—List of
       Deliverables, Pricing and Delivery Dates that is manufactured by ACLARA
       or by a Contract Manufacturer. “Equipment” shall not include equipment
       manufactured by a third party not a Contract Manufacturer, purchased by
       ACLARA and re-sold pursuant to this Master Agreement.

    i) “Project Schedule” shall mean the schedule developed in accordance with
       Article 3, below.

    j) “Purchaser Personnel” means all employees of Purchaser, Purchaser’s
       subcontractors and their employees, or any other persons or entities
       assigned by Purchaser to provide materials, services or labor in
       furtherance of Purchaser’s installation, deployment and use of Purchaser’s
       STAR Network System. Purchaser Personnel shall not include any
       ACLARA Personnel.

    k) “Services” shall mean those services to be performed by ACLARA as
       described in herein.

    l) “Third Party Licensed Software” shall have the meaning as it is defined in
       Exhibit B—Software License Agreement.

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     m) “Work” means all obligations, duties and responsibilities of the Parties
        necessary to be performed by them in order to accomplish all of their
        respective obligations under this Master Agreement.

2. Work.

Upon the effective date of this Master Agreement, ACLARA shall provide all
necessary equipment, software, management, supervision, materials, tools,
supplies, facilities and resources necessary to perform its Work in accordance
with the terms of this Master Agreement. Upon the effective date of this Master
Agreement, Purchaser shall provide all necessary management, supervision,
resources and materials required (but not to be supplied by ACLARA hereunder)
to perform its Work in accordance with the terms of this Master Agreement.

3. Project Schedule.

ACLARA and Purchaser shall meet as expeditiously as possible after the
execution of this Agreement to discuss the Start Up Checklist or Project
Schedule and related matters (“the kickoff meeting”). Program Managers from
ACLARA and Purchaser are responsible for monitoring the Start Up Checklist or
Project Schedule so that the delivery dates shown on Exhibit B are met.

4.    Term.

The term of this Master Agreement shall become effective on the date first above
written and shall continue in full force and effect (unless earlier terminated in
accordance with this Master Agreement) for a period of ___ months. The Work
shall be substantially accomplished within this period unless the Parties agree to
an extension of the term of this Master Agreement. Notwithstanding such
termination, certain rights and obligations arising under this Master Agreement,
including, but not limited to, those contained in Exhibit C—Software License
Agreement shall survive the termination of this Master Agreement. The term of
this Master Agreement may be extended by mutual agreement of the Parties.

The Parties acknowledge that Purchaser may desire to purchase additional
equipment following the Expiration of this Agreement. In such case, any such
purchases shall be at such prices and delivery shall occur on such dates as the
Parties may then agree. All other terms and conditions contained in this Master
Agreement shall apply to such Purchases.

5. Time for Performance.

     a) ACLARA shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to deliver the
        Equipment and Software and provide the Services within the times set
        forth on Exhibit A. Purchaser understands and agrees that the ability of
        ACLARA to make such deliveries and provide such Service within such

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      times is dependent upon the timely issuance of Purchase Orders (if
      required) and timely performance of Purchaser’s Work by Purchaser
      Personnel and Purchaser agrees that it will use Commercially Reasonable
      Efforts to cause Purchaser Personnel to perform their respective
      obligations in a timely fashion and to cooperate with ACLARA in
      scheduling their respective Work.

   b) Neither Party shall be liable to the other for failure or delay in performance
      of a required obligation if such failure or delay is caused by an act or
      omission of the other Party or such Party’s Personnel.

   c) Neither Party shall be liable to the other for failure or delay in performance
      of a required obligation if such failure or delay is caused by delays in
      shipment, delivery or taking receipt of any items sold hereunder, or loss or
      damage thereto, acts of God, acts of the other Party, acts of civil, regulatory
      or military authority, U.S. Governmental restrictions or embargoes, war,
      terrorism, riot, fires, strikes, flood, epidemics, quarantine, restrictions, default
      or delay by supplier, breakdown in manufacturing facilities, machinery or
      equipment, delays in transportation or difficulties in obtaining necessary
      materials, labor or manufacturing facilities due to such causes, or any other
      cause beyond a Party’s reasonable control. In the event of such
      occurrence, performance shall be suspended to the extent made necessary
      by such forces, and the time for performance shall be extended by a period
      equal to the time of delay. Upon the occurrence of such an event the Party
      whose performance is adversely affected shall promptly notify the other
      Party of the nature and extent of the occurrence and the anticipated period
      of delay in performance. Any Party so adversely affected shall use all
      Commercially Reasonable Efforts to minimize the extent of the delay in
      performance. No event of Force Majeure shall apply to any obligation by
      either Party to pay money.

   d) If either Party causes a delay not otherwise excused hereunder in the
      progress of the Work, such Party shall use Commercially Reasonable
      Efforts (all without additional cost to the other Party) to complete its Work
      within the times set forth on the Project Schedule.

6. Purchase, Sale and License. Purchaser agrees to purchase the Equipment
   and Services and license the ACLARA Licensed Software and the Third Party
   Licensed Software from ACLARA and ACLARA agrees to sell to Purchaser
   the Equipment and Services and to license the ACLARA Licensed Software
   and the Third Party Licensed Software at the prices and in the quantities set
   forth on Exhibit A and on the terms and conditions set forth in this Master

7. Purchaser’s Responsibilities.

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   a) Purchaser shall perform those tasks and assume those responsibilities
      specified herein and as set forth in this Master Agreement.

   b) Purchaser shall provide ACLARA Personnel with such access to
      Purchaser’s property and Personnel as may be necessary for ACLARA to
      perform its Work.

   c) Purchaser shall devote sufficient time and resources, including qualified
      personnel, to perform its Work in accordance with this Master Agreement.

   d) Purchaser agrees that it shall insure that Purchaser Personnel cooperate
      with ACLARA in the timely and efficient performance of ACLARA’s and
      Purchaser’s respective obligations under this Master Agreement.

   e) Purchaser shall secure any permits or licenses, excepting any FCC
      product certification and the FCC Station Operators License, required by
      any federal, state or local authority in connection with the performance of
      Services by ACLARA under this Master Agreement.

8. Invoicing and Payment

   a) Equipment. ACLARA shall invoice for the equipment listed on Exhibit A at
      the prices on Exhibit A upon Delivery.

   b) Services. ACLARA shall invoice for the Services listed on Exhibit A at the
      prices on Exhibit A upon a monthly basis or as otherwise provided in
      Exhibit A.

   c) Software License Fees. ACLARA shall invoice for the Software License
      listed on Exhibit A at the prices on Exhibit A upon installation of the
      Licensed Software.

   d) Payment. Purchaser shall pay ACLARA invoices within thirty (30) days of
      the date thereof. Any amounts not paid when due shall bear interest at
      the lesser of 1 ½% per month or the highest amount permitted by law until

9. Title, Risk of Loss and Insurance. Equipment is sold CPT Destination
   (Carriage Paid To Destination as defined in accordance with INCOTERMS
   2000). Title to and Risk of Loss of Equipment shall pass to Purchaser upon
   the loading of the Equipment on the means of transport of the carrier selected
   by ACLARA. Carriage shall be arranged for by ACLARA on usual terms for
   Purchaser’s account and risk. ACLARA shall have no responsibility to
   arrange or pay for insurance against loss, damage or destruction occurring
   after loading of Equipment.

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10. Sales and Use Taxes. ACLARA shall invoice to Purchaser any applicable
    state, county or local sales or use taxes applicable to the Work. If Purchaser
    should determine that all or part of the Work is not subject to such taxes, then
    in such case, Purchaser shall provide to ACLARA a Sales and Use Tax
    Exemption Certificate.

11. Warranties. In connection with the Deliverables, ACLARA makes the
    warranties set forth on Exhibit C. The remedies stated herein constitute
    Purchaser’s exclusive remedies and Aclara’s entire liability for any breach of

12. Indemnity. For the purpose of this Article 12 only, “Purchaser Parties” shall
   mean Purchaser, its directors, officers, agents and employees, contractors
   and subcontractors (other than ACLARA), assignees, subsidiaries and
   affiliates, and each of them; “ACLARA Parties” shall mean ACLARA, its
   directors, officers, agents and employees, contractors and subcontractors at
   any tier, and the subcontractor’s directors, officers, agents and employees,
   and each of them; and “Claims” shall mean claims, demands, suits or causes
   of action. The Parties obligations under this Article 12 shall not be limited to
   their respective insurance coverage.

   a) General Indemnity. ACLARA shall indemnify Purchaser Parties for any
      and all loss or liability, including the costs of settlements, judgments,
      damages and direct expense including reasonable attorney’s fees, costs
      and expenses arising from Claims, whether based on statute or regulation
      or on theories of contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise, which are
      brought against one or more Purchaser Parties by or on behalf of persons
      other than Purchaser Parties involving injuries or damages to persons or
      property arising from or in any manner relating to negligent acts or
      omissions of ACLARA Parties under this Master Agreement provided that
      (a) Purchaser promptly notifies ACLARA in writing of such claims; (b)
      Purchaser fully cooperates with ACLARA in assisting in the defense or
      settlement of such claims; and (c) ACLARA has the sole right to conduct
      the defense of such claim or to settle such claim. ACLARA shall defend at
      its own expense, with counsel of its choosing, but reasonably acceptable
      to Purchaser, any suit or action brought against Purchaser Parties based
      upon such Claims. Further, provided that Purchaser promptly notifies
      ACLARA in writing of any alleged violations described below, ACLARA
      shall also indemnify Purchaser Parties for any and all loss or liability for
      fines, fees or penalties for violations of any statutes, regulations, rules,
      ordinances, codes or standards applicable to the Work arising from or
      relating to acts or omissions of ACLARA Parties. ACLARA’s obligations
      under this Article 12 a) shall be reduced to the extent of the negligence,
      gross negligence or willful misconduct of Purchaser Parties.

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      Purchaser shall indemnify ACLARA Parties for any and all loss or liability,
      including the costs of settlements, judgments, damages and direct
      expense including reasonable attorney’s fees, costs and expenses from
      Claims, at law or in equity, whether based on statute or regulation or on
      theories of contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise, which are brought by
      or on behalf of persons other than ACLARA Parties for injuries or
      damages to persons or property arising from or in any manner relating to
      acts or omissions of Purchaser Parties under this Master Agreement
      provided that (a) ACLARA promptly notifies Purchaser in writing of such
      claims; (b) ACLARA fully cooperates with Purchaser in assisting in the
      defense or settlement of such claims; and (c) Purchaser has the sole right
      to conduct the defense of such claim or to settle such claim. Purchaser
      shall defend at its own expense, with counsel of its choosing, but
      reasonably acceptable to ACLARA, any suit or action brought against
      ACLARA Parties based upon such Claims. Further, provided that
      ACLARA promptly notifies Purchaser in writing of any alleged violations
      described below, Purchaser shall also indemnify ACLARA Parties for any
      and all loss or liability for fines, fees or penalties for violations of any
      statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, codes or standards applicable to
      the Work arising from or relating to acts or omissions of Purchaser Parties.
      Purchaser’s obligations under this Article 12 a) shall be reduced to the
      extent of the negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct of
      ACLARA Parties.

   b) Intellectual Property Indemnity. ACLARA shall defend, indemnify, save
      and hold harmless Purchaser from and against any claims, losses,
      damages, fees, costs and expenses incurred by Purchaser arising out of
      or in connection with a third party’s claim of infringement or alleged
      infringement of any United States patent, copyright, trademark, trade or
      business secret, service mark or any other proprietary right based solely
      on the use or design of any Equipment furnished or the ACLARA Licensed
      Software licensed hereunder and used by Purchaser strictly in accordance
      with the terms of this Master Agreement provided that (a) in the case of
      ACLARA Licensed Software, it is the latest released version of the
      ACLARA Licensed Software; (b) Purchaser promptly notifies ACLARA in
      writing of such claims; (c) Purchaser fully cooperates with ACLARA in
      assisting in the defense or settlement of such claims; and (d) ACLARA
      has the sole right to conduct the defense of such claim or to settle such
      claim. In addition, in the event any such Equipment furnished or ACLARA
      Licensed Software licensed hereunder are held in such suit to be
      infringing or misappropriating or their use by Purchaser is enjoined or
      limited in any manner, or ACLARA believes that such holding or enjoining
      is likely, ACLARA shall at its expense: (a) procure for Purchaser the right
      to continue use of such Equipment or ACLARA Licensed Software, or (b)
      replace or modify the same with an equivalent non-infringing product with
      functionality substantially similar to the product it is replacing.

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       Notwithstanding the foregoing, ACLARA shall not be liable for any claim
       based on the combination or use of the Equipment or ACLARA Licensed
       Software with any other equipment or software not supplied or authorized
       by ACLARA, or any claim based on Purchaser’s possession or use of any
       altered version of the Equipment or ACLARA Licensed Software unless
       such alteration has been performed or expressly authorized by ACLARA.

13. Confidentiality. Licensee agrees that the Licensed Software, the
   Documentation and all related information (collectively, the “Information”)
   constitutes confidential and proprietary information of ACLARA and as such,
   such information is deemed to be Company Private and Confidential.
   Licensee agrees as a condition of this license agreement to keep the
   Information confidential and not to disclose any of the Information in any
   manner whatsoever except that the Information may be disclosed to those of
   its officers, employees and agents who have a business need to know the
   Information for the sole purpose of operation of the STAR® Network System.
   Licensee agrees to ensure that all persons who have access to the
   Information are informed of the confidential nature of the Information and
   directed to comply with the terms of this provision. Licensee’s obligations
   with respect to non-disclosure of the Information will survive the termination of
   this Agreement.

   Purchaser agrees that ACLARA’s drawings and data, processes, reports,
   technical data, detailed drawings, internal photographs and specifications,
   know how, technical information and other information furnished under this
   Agreement are deemed confidential information and shall be treated as
   confidential by Purchaser and its employees, Agents and Representatives.
   The equipment is permanently sealed. The opening of the device cannot be
   performed without cutting the sealed unit, resulting in PCB fracture and
   dislodging o the IC’s along with other components. This will result in product

    Purchaser agrees to keep the information confidential and not to disclose
   any of the information in any manner whatsoever except that the information
   may be disclosed to those of its officers, employees and agents who have a
   business need to know the information for the sole purpose of operation of
   the STAR® Network System. Purchaser agrees to ensure that all persons
   who have access to the information are informed of the confidential nature of
   the information and directed to comply with the terms of this provision.
   Purchaser’s obligations with respect to non-disclosure of the Information will
   survive the termination of this Agreement

14. Publicity. Neither Party shall, without the express written consent of the
   other Party, disclose any information or make any news release,
   advertisement, or public communication regarding this Master Agreement.
   Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Master Agreement shall prevent

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   either Party from making such public disclosures as it, in its sole judgment,
   may deem appropriate to satisfy such Party’s (or such Party’s Parent’s)
   obligations under any applicable law or requirement of any stock exchange.

15. Insurance. In the event that ACLARA’s obligations hereunder require or
   contemplate performance of Services by ACLARA’s employees, or persons
   under contract to ACLARA, to be done on Purchaser’s property, or property of
   Purchaser’s customers, ACLARA agrees that all such work shall be done as
   an independent contractor and that the persons doing such work shall not be
   considered employees of the Purchaser. Further, in such event, ACLARA
   shall maintain

   a) general liability insurance on a one million dollar ($1,000,000), per
      occurrence basis;

   b) statutory workers compensation insurance;

   c) business automobile liability; Bodily Injury (including death) and Property
      Damage, one million dollar ($1,000,000) each accident; and

   d) excess liability (umbrella); five million dollar ($5,000,000) each

   Purchaser shall be named an additional insured or loss payee as its interest
   may appear on the policy referred to in a, above.

17.Termination for Convenience. Purchaser reserves the right, at any time, to
   terminate this Master Agreement, or any portion of the Work, for its sole
   convenience. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery of a written
   notice of termination to ACLARA specifying the extent to which the Master
   Agreement and related Work have been terminated and the date upon which
   the termination shall be effective. The date of the effective date of termination
   shall be no earlier than 30 days from the receipt of the notice of termination
   by ACLARA. Upon receipt of such notice, ACLARA, shall in good faith and
   using all Commercially Reasonable Efforts, stop all work hereunder, and shall
   promptly take steps to cancel existing orders, contracts and subcontracts
   relating to the Work. In the event of such termination, ACLARA shall be
   entitled to receive:

   a) the contract price due ACLARA for the Work performed, the equipment
      delivered, the Software licensed and the Services performed;

   b) the contract price for Equipment manufactured but not delivered prior to
      the effective date of termination if Purchaser desires to purchase such

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   c) all costs reasonably incurred by ACLARA prior to the effective date of
      termination including, but not limited to, labor, materials and overhead not
      covered under (a) or (b), above;

   d) the reasonable cost of termination reasonably incurred by ACLARA in
      accordance with Purchaser’s termination notice which costs shall include
      the reasonable cost incurred by ACLARA in preparing any termination
      settlement proposal; and

   e) Fifteen percent (15%) of the amounts payable under (c) and (d), above.

   No costs incurred after the effective date of the notice of termination shall be
   treated as a reimbursable cost unless it relates to performing the portion of
   the work not terminated, or taking measures reasonably required to comply
   with Purchaser’s notice of termination in a prudent and business-like manner.

18. Termination for Cause. Purchaser may terminate this Master Agreement
    upon delivery to ACLARA of a written notice of termination. Such notice of
    termination shall be given to ACLARA at least ten (10) days prior to the
    effective date of such termination. Such notice of termination may be given
    for any one of the following reasons:

   a) If ACLARA shall become insolvent, commit any act of bankruptcy, make a
      general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or becomes the subject of
      any proceeding commenced under any statute or law for the relief of
      debtors; or

   b) if a receiver, trustee or liquidator of any property or income of ACLARA is
      appointed; or

   c) if ACLARA

      i) defaults in any material manner in the performance of ACLARA’s
         obligations under any of the terms, provisions, conditions or covenants
         contained in this Master Agreement; and

      ii) further fails within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from
          Purchaser to take reasonable steps to remedy such default.

   Purchaser shall be permitted to pursue any and all rights and remedies
   available hereunder or at law or in equity without terminating this Master
   Agreement for cause. In the event of termination for cause by Purchaser,
   ACLARA shall be paid only the portion of the compensation related to Work
   performed prior to the effective date of termination. ACLARA shall also be
   subject to any claim Purchaser may have against ACLARA under other
   provisions of this Master Agreement, or as a matter of law.

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   ACLARA may also terminate this Master Agreement upon delivery to
   Purchaser of a written notice of termination. Such notice of termination shall
   be given to Purchaser at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such
   termination. Such notice of termination may be given for any one of the
   following reasons:

   a) If Purchaser shall become insolvent, commit any act of bankruptcy, make
      a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or becomes the subject
      of any proceeding commenced under any statute or law for the relief of
      debtors; or

   b) if a receiver, trustee or liquidator of any property or income of Purchaser is
      appointed; or

   c) if Purchaser

       i) defaults in any material manner in the performance of Purchaser’s
          obligations under any of the terms, provisions, conditions or covenants
          contained in this Master Agreement; and

       ii) further fails within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from
           ACLARA to take reasonable steps to remedy such default.

   Purchaser shall also be subject to any claim ACLARA may have against
   Purchaser under other provisions of this Master Agreement, or as a matter of

19. Assignment. Neither Party may assign its rights or obligations under this
   Master Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party,
   provided however, that either Party may assign its rights (but not its
   obligations) under this Master Agreement to an Affiliate of such Party or to an
   entity acquiring all or substantially all of the assets of such Party without prior
   approval of the other Party. In such an event, the assigning Party shall
   provide the other Party with prompt written notice of such assignment. As
   used herein, “Affiliate” means a company which either owns or controls a
   Party or which such Party owns or controls directly or indirectly, or is under
   common control directly or indirectly with such Party through a common
   parent company.

20. Representations.

   a) ACLARA represents and warrants the following:

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       i) ACLARA has the authority to execute, deliver and perform its
          obligations under this Master Agreement;

       ii) The execution of this Master Agreement by the individual listed on the
           signature page and the delivery and performance of this Master
           Agreement by ACLARA have been duly authorized by ACLARA;

       iii) ACLARA is an entity duly organized, validly existing and in good
            standing under the laws of the State of Ohio;

       iv) With respect to Equipment sold hereunder, such Equipment will be free
           from any liens and encumbrances and when Delivered will be owned
           by Purchaser; and

       v) With respect to the Licensed Software, ACLARA has the right to grant
          to Purchaser the rights intended to be granted under this Master
          Agreement and Exhibit B—Software License Agreement.

   b) Purchaser represents and warrants the following:

       i) Purchaser has the authority to execute, deliver and perform its
          obligations under this Master Agreement;

       ii) The execution of this Master Agreement by the individual listed on the
           signature page and the delivery and performance of this Master
           Agreement by Purchaser have been duly authorized by Purchaser;

       iii) Purchaser is an entity duly organized, validly existing and in good
            standing under the laws of the State of ___________; and

       iv) Purchaser has obtained all required regulatory approvals to enter into
           and to perform its obligations under this Master Agreement.

21. Limitation of Liability. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the
   contrary, the total aggregate liability of ACLARA to the Purchaser for any and
   all liability arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Master
   Agreement shall be limited to the aggregate sum of payments made by
   Purchaser to ACLARA under this Master Agreement. In no case shall either
   Party be liable to the other Party for estimated loss of benefit, loss of
   profit, punitive, special, indirect or consequential damages.

22. Notices. Any notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and
   shall be deemed to be given sent by United States registered or certified mail,
   postage prepaid, to the respective Parties at the addresses shown below.
   Notices so given shall be deemed received three business days from the date
   of deposit in the U. S. Mails.

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   a) If to ACLARA:
      Aclara RF
      Contract Administration Manager
      30400 Solon Road
      Solon, OH 44139

       With a copy to:
       General Counsel
       ESCO Technologies Inc.
       9900A Clayton Road
       St. Louis, MO 63124-1186

   b) If to Purchaser:

23. Compliance with Laws. ACLARA shall comply with all applicable federal,
    state and local laws, and ordinances (“Laws”) in the performance of its duties
    under this Master Agreement. Specifically:

   a) Nondiscrimination and Employment Practices. In connection with the
   performance of this contract, the ACLARA agrees to become informed of and
   comply with all laws and/or regulations that are applicable to employment of
   ACLARA personnel performing under this Agreement. ACLARA further
   agrees that it will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex,
   national origin, age or handicap and that it will become informed of and
   comply with all laws and/or regulations pertaining thereto.

   b) EEO and Small Business Compliance Clauses. During performance under
   this Master Agreement, ACLARA agrees to comply with all applicable equal
   employment opportunity, small business, and affirmative action laws and
   regulations to which ACLARA is subject and agrees to execute and deliver
   such documents as may be required to effect or to evidence such
   compliance. All EEO and affirmative action laws and regulations required in
   agreements of this character are hereby incorporated by this reference,
   including provisions of 38 U.S.C. § 4212, Executive Order 11246, as
   amended, and any subsequent executive orders or other laws or regulations
   relating to equal opportunity for employment on government contracts.

24. Dispute Resolution. Both Parties agree to attempt to settle any dispute
    arising out of this Master Agreement through good faith consultations and
    negotiations. If those attempts fail, the parties agree that any disputes arising
    under, out of, or in relation to this Master Agreement shall be finally and

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   conclusively determined by binding arbitration under the Commercial
   Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association and the judgment on
   the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having
   jurisdiction thereof. The Parties agree that arbitration proceedings shall be
   held in St. Louis, Missouri.

25. Governing Law. This Master Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the
    State of Ohio.

26. Independent Contractor. ACLARA agrees to perform and provide the Work in
    connection with this Master Agreement as an independent contractor and not
    as a subcontractor, agent or employee or Purchaser, its parent, subsidiaries,
    or affiliates.

27. Entire Agreement. This Master Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
   between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. There are no
   oral agreements or representations or additional written materials that revise
   or supplement the terms of the Master Agreement. No modification,
   amendment, revisions or supplements to this Master Agreement shall be
   enforceable unless in writing, signed by both Purchaser and ACLARA.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Master Agreement as
of the date first above written.

Aclara RF Systems Inc.

By: ______________________                      By: __________________
Name: ____________________                      Name: ________________
Title: _____________________                    Title: _________________
Date: _____________________                     Date: _________________

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Document Created: 2011-06-23 08:24:38
Document Modified: 2011-06-23 08:24:38

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