OC2L Users Manual


Users Manual

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             OC-2 SERIES OF PRINTERS

     User's Guide

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                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

   OC-2 Printer Views                                6
      Front View                                     6
      Back View                                      6
      Right Side View                                7
      Left Side View                                 7
   Setting Up Your Printer                           8
      Unpacking Your Printer                         8
      Installing Batteries                           8
         Removing Batteries                          9
         Charging the Batteries                      9
      Determining the Batteries' Condition          10
      Loading Printable Media                       11
      Printing a Self-Test                          13
      Connecting the Printer                        13
         Installing a Data Cable                    13
         Bluetooth and/or 802.11b Parameters        15
      Configuring the Printer                       15
   Using the Belt Clip                              16
      Installing the Belt Clip                      16
      Removing the Belt Clip                        16
   Using the Control Panel                          17
      Audio Indicators                              17
      Battery Status LED                            18
      Power Button/LED                              19
      Media Function Button/LED                     19
      Radio Button/LED                              20
      Reset Button/LED                              20
   Using a CardReader                               21
      General Guidelines                            21

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                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

             Using External Charging 22
                Overview 22
             Maintenance and Troubleshooting 23
                Maintenance Guidelines 23
                Preventative Maintenance 23
                Troubleshooting 24
                Help Desk 24
             Supplies 25
             For more information 25

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OC-2 Printer Views
Front View

   Figure X

Back View

   Figure X


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                                                    OC-2 PRINTER VIEWS

Right Side View

  Figure X

Left Side View

  Figure X


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Setting Up Your Printer
 Use the following information to set up your printer:
 •     Unpacking Your Printer on page 8
 •     Installing Batteries on page 8
 •     Loading Printable Media on page 11
 •     Printing a Self-Test on page 13
 •     Connecting the Printer on page 13
 •     Configuring the Printer on page 15
 In addition to the steps outlined in each section, additional
 information may be included if it applies to, or expands upon,
 the step being discussed.
Unpacking Your Printer
 Before using the printer, remove all packaging material and
 inspect the printer for possible shipping damage.
 If the printer has been damaged:
 •     Contact the shipping company and file a damage report.
 •     Contact O’Neil Product Development, Inc.
 •     Keep all shipping materials.
Installing Batteries
 1. Remove any packaging material (if applicable).
 2. Position the battery with its contacts facing toward the
    battery cavity as shown in Figure X.

       Figure X                  Figure X


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                                                    SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER

 3. Slide the battery into the battery cavity so that the edge of
    the battery hits the battery stop as shown in Figure X. The
    printer beeps one time when the first battery is installed.
      Do not force the battery into the battery cavity. When
      inserted properly, the battery easily slides and locks into
      place. If the battery does not easily slide into place, re-
      insert the battery.
 4. Close the printer's cover.
 5. Charge the batteries (batteries are shipped uncharged). For
    more information, see Charging the Batteries on page 9.
Removing Batteries
 1. Lift the battery up and out of the battery cavity while sliding
    it to the left (Figure X).
 2. Remove the battery from the battery cavity.

      Figure X
Charging the Batteries
 If the batteries are low when the printer turns on, the battery
 status LED displays red. For more information, see Using the
 Control Panel on page 17. Perform the following procedure to
 charge the batteries:
 1. Verify the battery is installed correctly.
 2. Plug the AC adapter into the printer's power port (Figure X).


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                                 Power port

       Figure X
 3. Plug the AC Adapter's power cord into an appropriate
    power source.
 4. Charge the batteries. The Battery Status LED turns red
    while the batteries are charging and turns green when the
    batteries are fully charged. One complete charge takes
    4 to 5 hours.
Determining the Batteries' Condition
 The battery status LED displays the batteries' condition. When
 the battery status LED is solid red, the batteries must be
 charged; when solid orange, the batteries are at low power;
 when solid green, the batteries are charged. The batteries'
 voltage varies between 6.2 and 8.4 volts.

  Figure X

 For information on battery error conditions, see Using the
 Control Panel on page 17.


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                                                     SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER

Loading Printable Media
Media Guidelines
Media width            Receipt Paper: 2.25”
                       Label Media:
Roll capacity diameter Receipt Paper: 2.25”
                       Label Media:
Media types            Receipt paper media, thermal paper, hang tag
                            * Depending on the type of media used, you
                            may need to configure your printer. For more
                            information, see Configuring the Printer on
                            page 15.
 Use the following procedure to load printable media:
 1. Position the printer so that the O'Neil logo is facing you
    (Figure X).
 2. Press and hold the printhead release button (Figure X).

     Figure X                      Figure X

 3. Lift the printer's cover.
 4. Place the paper roll between the metal paper roll holders as
    shown in Figure X. Make sure the paper exits “over” the roll
    and is firmly in place.
 5. Unroll enough paper so that paper exits the printer
    (Figure X).


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       Figure X                     Figure X

 6. Close the printer's printhead cover. The printer's printhead
    cover “snaps” into place when completely closed.
 7. Verify the media exits straight.
 8. Push the Media Function button one time to advance the
    media (Figure X).

       Figure X                     Figure X
 9. At either edge of the printer's printhead cover are serrated
    corners. Tear the media by pulling up and away from the
    printer's (Figure X).
  Warning: The tear bar and printhead cover's surface may be
  hot and/or sharp. Use caution when handling the printhead
  and tear bar.

       Figure X


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                                                      SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER

Printing a Self-Test
 1. Press and hold the power button for approximately three (3)
     seconds until printing begins. For information on button
     functions, see Using the Control Panel on page 17.
 2. After printing begins, release the power button.

Connecting the Printer
 The OC-2 printer is designed to transmit and receive data from
 a host terminal. The host terminal may be your computer,
 handheld, or laptop. Communication can occur using one of the
 following methods:
 •     Using a data cable to connect the printer and the host
       terminal (this page), or
Installing a Data Cable
 1. Before connecting your printer to a host terminal, verify your
    printer's settings. For more information, see Printing a Self-
    Test on page 13.
 2. Turn off the printer.
 3. Insert the data cable's plug into your printer's data port
    (Figure 29).

                                 Data port

       Figure X
 4. Connect the data cable to the host and/or device you are


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Removing a Data Cable
     1. Tilt the printer on its side so that the printer's data port is
        visible (Figure 30).
     2. Lift the cable connector's lever and remove the cable.

                                        Data port

           Figure X


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                                                     SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER

Bluetooth and/or 802.11b Parameters
 Your printer is configured with default factory settings. To
 determine your printer's radio configuration, print a self-test
 (For more information, see Printing a Self-Test on page 13). If
 you have multiple printers, configure them specifically for use in
 your environment.
 For proper system operation, set the following parameters on
 your printer and host computer:
802.11b Parameters
 •    ESS ID
 •    IP Address (if not DHCP)
 •    DHCP
 •    Sub Net Mask
 •    WEP Encryption
 •    Port
 •    Network Type
Bluetooth Parameters
 •    Device Name
 •    Authentication
 •    Bondable
 •    Discoverable
 •    Connectable
 •    Encryption
 For information on setting parameters, see Configuring the
 Printer on this page. Contact your network administrator to
 verify the proper radio settings for your environment.

Configuring the Printer
 To configure or upgrade firmware, download the Windows
 configuration program at www.oneilprinters/support.com.


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Using the Belt Clip
Installing the Belt Clip
 1. Place the belt clip's head over the printer's swivel mount
     block (Figure X).
 2. Rotate the belt clip clockwise and/or counter-clockwise 180
     degrees to lock the belt clip into place (Figure X).

       Figure X                     Figure X

Removing the Belt Clip
 1. Rotate the belt clip so that the belt clip is in the “Up”
    position as shown Figure X.

       Figure X
 2. Lift the belt clip off the printer. Do not force the belt clip off
    the printer. When positioned properly, the belt clip easily
    lifts off the printer. If the belt clip does not easily lift off, re-
    position the belt clip.


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                                                 USING THE CONTROL PANEL

Using the Control Panel
 The tables on the following pages document the following:
 • Audio Indicators on page 17
 • Battery Status LED on page 18
 • Power Button/LED on page 19
 • Media Function Button/LED on page 19
 • Radio Button/LED on page 20
 • Reset Button/LED on page 20

 Battery Status Power Button/         Media Function       Radio         Reset
      LED           LED                Button/LED        Button/LED      Button

Audio Indicators
Beep(s)         Description                            Action
1 short         Printer wakes up.                      None.
2 short         Out of paper.                          Install paper.
3 short         Low battery.                           Charge battery.
1 very short    RF power is on.                        None.
                Note: This beep occurs when
                you press the RF power button
                and the RF power was off.
2 very short    RF power is off.                       None.
                Note: This beep occurs when
                you press the RF power button
                and the RF power was on.
1 long          Boot code is starting or               Redownload firmware.
5 short         Error writing comm controller          Redownload comm
                firmware from application.             controller after printer
8 short         CRC error in firmware.                 Redownload firmware.
10 short        Error writing communication            Redownload firmware.
                controller firmware from boot


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Battery Status LED
Battery          Description                         Action
Status LED
Red (solid):     • If A/C power is plugged in,       • None. Wait for the
The batteries      charging is in progress.            charge LED to turn
have less than • If A/C power is not plugged           green.
5% power.          in, the printer will soon turn    • Charge batteries.
Orange (solid): • If A/C power is plugged in,        • None. Wait for the
The batteries      charging is in progress.            charge LED to turn
have less than • If A/C power is not plugged           green.
25% power.         in, indicates the batteries       • Charge batteries.
                   are low.
Green (solid): • If A/C power is plugged in,         None.
The batteries      charging complete.
are near, or at, • If A/C power is not plugged
full capacity.     in, batteries are well
Red to orange Battery voltage is too high.           Replace battery.
flash - fast
Orange flash - Charge has timed out.                 Restart battery charge
slow                                                 (battery may be bad).
Orange flash - Internal code error.                  Remove batteries, then
fast                                                 re-connect A/C power.
Orange, red, or When the AC adapter is               None.
green flash -    plugged into the printer's
fast             power port, the battery
                 status LED flashes orange,
                 red, or green (depending on
                 the battery status LED color
                 that is initially displayed) to
                 indicate the AC adapter is
                 plugged in.


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                                                 USING THE CONTROL PANEL

Power Button/LED
Power Button
Short press            If printer is off, turns printer on; if printer is
                       on, turns printer off.
Long press (press and Prints a self-test.
hold for three to five

Power LED
Green                       Power is on.
Off                         Printer is asleep.

Media Function Button/LED
Media Function Button
Short press         If printer is asleep, wakes up printer.
                    If printer is awake, feeds one (1) label.

Media Function LED
Red flash                Media is out; reload media.
Red flash - slow (if the Media is in the presenter.
printer is configured
with the presenter ON)
Off                      Media is present.


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Radio Button/LED
Radio Button
Short press                   Toggles radio power off and on.

Radio LED*
Blue flash - slow*            RF power is on and printer is awake.
Blue flash - fast*            RF power is on and printer is asleep.
Blue flash to solid red       The printer is out of range of the access point
                              and/or infrastructure.
Blue flash to red flash       The printer is not correctly configured for the
                              radio it recognizes.
Off                           RF power is off.
 * If the signal quality option is on (default) and the printer is
 awake, the amount of time the blue radio LED is on indicates
 the signal strength. For example, if the blue LED is on 90% of
 the time, the printer has a very strong signal; however, if the
 blue LED is on only 10% of the time, the printer has a very
 weak signal. When the signal quality option is turned on, the
 blue radio LED indicates signal strength only; it does not
 indicate whether the printer is awake or asleep as described in
 the table above.

Reset Button/LED
Radio Button
Short press                   Re-boots printer and turns power off and on.


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                                                      USING A CARDREADER

Using a CardReader
  Note: The following information applies to printers
  installed with the CardReader option.

     Figure X

General Guidelines
 • To wake up the CardReader, insert a card into the
    CardReader slot. One short beep indicates the CardReader/
    printer is awake.
 • If you are using a Smart CardReader, insert a card with the
    gold contacts facing away from the printer and leave the
    card in CardReader slot.
 • If you are using a Magnetic CardReader, insert a card with
    the stripe facing toward the printer, then slowly remove the
    card from the CardReader slot.
 • For information on CardReader LED indicators and audio
    indicators, see Using the Control Panel on page 17.


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Using External Charging

                                       (2) Charging contact points

Figure X

 OC-2 printers have two charging contact points located on the
 side of the printer's case (Figure X). OC-2 printers can be used
 with various O'Neil accessories such as the swivel lock bracket
 and the external swivel lock depot charger. When an OC-2
 printer is mounted to one of these accessories, the printer's
 batteries are automatically charged. For more information, see
 the instruction sheet(s) included with the accessories.
  Warning: Use of any product not approved by O'Neil
  Product Development, Inc. for use with their printers
  could cause damage to the batteries and/or printer
  and will void the warranty.
  Failure to observe the instructions and/or warnings
  specified in the documentation may result in damage
  to your printer. O'Neil Product Development, Inc. does
  not accept liability for resulting damages or injuries.


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                                    MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Maintenance Guidelines
 • Keep the printer in a cool, dry place, away from direct
    sunlight, high temperature, and moisture.
 • Do not insert foreign objects into the printer.
 • Do not operate the printer if it appears damaged.
 • Do not operate the printer when your hands or body are
 • Do not operate the printer near water.
 • To reduce risk of electric shock, unplug the printer and
    remove the batteries before cleaning.

Preventative Maintenance
     Area                   Method                           Interval
Printhead/       Use an approved cleaning card.       After every ten (10)
roller                                                rolls of media.
Tear bar         Clean thoroughly with 70%            After every five (5)
                 isopropyl alcohol on a cotton        rolls of media.
Exterior         Use a soft cloth and mild cleanser As needed.
                 if necessary. Do not use abrasive
                 cleanser, chemicals or scrubbing
                 pads, which can mark your
                 printer's finish.


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         Symptom(s)                                      Action
Printer does not print                 • Verify the printer is turned on.
                                       • Recharge or replace the battery.
                                       • Verify the battery is properly installed.
                                       • Check your cable connections. (if
                                       • Check your radio card connections. If
                                         module is installed incorrectly, or
                                         configured incorrectly, data will not be
                                         transmitted from your host terminal to
                                         the printer.
Media/paper jam                        • Open the printhead and reinstall
                                       • Verify the media is properly installed.
                                         For more information, see Loading
                                         Printable Media on page 11.
                                       • Clean the printhead and the media
Reduced battery capacity               • Recharge or replace battery.
Media does not feed                    • Verify the printhead is closed and
                                       • Verify the label sensors are not
Printer does not stop at Q             • Check your printer's configuration.
Mark and/or, printer prints              Verify the configuration matches the
continuously                             type of media it is printing on.

Help Desk
 If you need additional assistance, please contact O'Neil Printer
 Support at (949) 458-0588 ext.302 or e-mail
 printersupport@oneilinc.com. Please have the following
 information ready:
 •     Model number
 •     Serial number


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Media Supplies
 O'Neil Product Development, Inc. offers seven certified grades
 of paper for use in the printer. Our certified supplies are
 guaranteed compatible — this important qualification means
 that rigorous performance and image life testing have been
 performed. Quality supplies are key to obtaining optimal image
 quality and print performance. Quality supplies are also the key
 to extending the life of the printer. O'Neil Product Development
 strongly recommends using O'Neil Certified Supplies only.
 For more information, contact O'Neil Printer Supplies Group at
 (949) 458-6400.

Maintenance Supplies
 We recommend that you follow a regular maintenance schedule
 using our cleaning card. O'Neil's cleaning cards are designed to
 effectively remove dirt and other contaminants from the
 thermal printhead, rollers, and paper path...resulting in a clean,
 crisp image output — every time. Our cleaning kits remove any
 adhesive residue (when using linerless labels) in addition to dirt
 and other contaminants.
 For more information, contact O'Neil Printer Supplies Group at
 (949) 458-6400.

General Supplies
 • Use only supplies certified by the Original Equipment
    Manufacturer (OEM). For OEM supplies, please contact
    O'Neil at (949) 458-0500.

For more information
 •    For more information about using the printer, contact O'Neil
      at (949) 458-0500, or visit www.oneilprinters.com.


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                    OC-2 SERIES OF PRINTERS USER'S GUIDE

        Agency Approvals
                 FCC Notice
         This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
        limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
        Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
        against harmful interference in a residential installation.
           This equipment has been certified to comply with the limits for a
        Class B computing device, pursuant to FCC Rules. The user
        is catuioned that changes and modifications made to the
        equipment without the approval of the manufacturer could
        void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
           This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
        energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
        instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio
        communications. However there is no guarantee that interference
        will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
        cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
        can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
        is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
        the following measures:
             To satisfy RF exposure requirements, this device must not be co-located
         or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
            This product should be used only with body worn accessories that
        do not contain metal.
          This product should only be used with approved body worn accessories.
     • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
     • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
   • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from
        that to which the receiver is connected.
   • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
  (1) this device may not cause interference, and
  (2) this device must accept any interference, including
      interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Applicable Directive
• 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC
Applicable Standards
• EN55022 (1998)
• EN55024 (1998)
• EN60950 (1992)
Applicable Standards
• TS001
• AN/NZS3260


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     This manual and any examples contained herein are provided “as
     is” and are subject to change without notice. O’Neil Product
     Development, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to
     this manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
     of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. O’Neil
     Product Development, Inc. shall not be liable for any errors or for
     incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
     furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the examples
     herein. This guide is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. This
     guide may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced, translated,
     stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
     means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, or otherwise,
     without the prior written consent of O’Neil Product Development,


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    World Headquarters
    O'Neil Product Development
    8 Mason
    Irvine, CA 92618-2705
    Ph: 949.458.0500
    Fx: 949.458.0708

    6 Joplin Court, Crownhill
    Milton Keynes MK8 0JP
    United Kingdom
    Ph: +44 (0) 1908 635360
    Fx: +44 (0) 1908 635361

    1/8 Railway Terrace
    Dutton Park
    QLD 4102
    Ph: +61 (7) 3255 3360
    Fx: +61 (7) 3255 3365


    Part Number 1101XX-00X, April 2006, Made in USA

Document Created: 2006-12-14 06:35:05
Document Modified: 2006-12-14 06:35:05

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