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Test Report

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          Supplemental “Dual Xmit” Test Report

                       REPORT NO.:       RF970909H06-01
                        MODEL NO.:       SPA525G
                         RECEIVED:       Sep. 09, 2008
                           TESTED:       Oct. 07 to 14, 2008
                           ISSUED:       Oct. 17, 2008

                        APPLICANT: Cisco Systems Inc

                             ADDRESS: 170 W Tasman Dr, San Jose, CA95134, USA

                             ISSUED BY: Advance Data Technology Corporation

                    LAB LOCATION: No. 81-1, Lu Liao Keng, 9 Ling, Wu Lung Tsuen,
                                  Chiung Lin Hsiang, Hsin Chu Hsien,
                                  Taiwan, R.O.C.

  This test report consists of 15 pages in total. It may be duplicated completely for legal
  use with the approval of the applicant. It should not be reproduced except in full,
  without the written approval of our laboratory. The client should not use it to claim
  product endorsement by TAF or any government agencies. The test results in the report
  only apply to the tested sample.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                      1                        Report Format Version 2.0.0

                                            Table of Contents
1.      CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................... 3
2.      DUAL XMIT, CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMENT.................................................. 4
2.1     LIMITS OF CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMENT.................................................... 4
2.2     TEST INSTRUMENTS....................................................................................................... 4
2.3     TEST PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................... 5
2.4     DEVIATION FROM TEST STANDARD............................................................................... 5
2.5     TEST SETUP .................................................................................................................... 5
2.5     EUT OPERATING CONDITIONS....................................................................................... 6
2.7     TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................ 7
3.      DUAL XMIT, RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT....................................................... 9
3.1     LIMITS OF RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT......................................................... 9
3.2     TEST INSTRUMENTS..................................................................................................... 10
3.3     TEST PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 11
3.4     DEVIATION FROM TEST STANDARD............................................................................. 11
3.5     TEST SETUP .................................................................................................................. 12
3.6     EUT OPERATING CONDITIONS..................................................................................... 12
3.7     TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 13
4. INFORMATION ON THE TESTING LABORATORIES............................................................... 15

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                                         2                                         Report Format Version 2.0.0


           PRODUCT :               5-Line IP Phone
     BRAND NAME :                  cisco
         MODEL NO. :               SPA525G
              TESTED :             Oct. 07 to 14, 2008
        APPLICANT :                Cisco Systems Inc
     TEST SAMPLE :                 R&D SAMPLE
        STANDARDS :                47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C
                                   ANSI C63.4-2003

 PREPARED BY                 :                                    ,   DATE:   Oct. 17, 2008
                                    ( Sunny Wen, Specialist )

 ACCEPTANCE                  :                                    ,   DATE:   Oct. 17, 2008
 Responsible for RF              ( Hank Chung, Deputy Manager )

 APPROVED BY                 :                                    ,   DATE:   Oct. 17, 2008
                                  ( May Chen, Deputy Manager )


Per a request of the FCC, the 5-Line IP Phone was tested for conducted and radiated
emissions in restricted bands while transmitting on both 2.4 GHz and bluetooth at

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                           3                        Report Format Version 2.0.0



   FREQUENCY OF EMISSION (MHz)                           CONDUCTED LIMIT (dBµV)
                                                        Quasi-peak                  Average
                       0.5-5                             66 to 56                   56 to 46
                       5-30                                 56                         46
                                                            60                         50
  NOTE:      1. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
             2. The limit decreases in line with the logarithm of the frequency in the range of
                0.15 to 0.50 MHz.
             3. All emanations from a class A/B digital device or system, including any network of
                conductors and apparatus connected thereto, shall not exceed the level of field
                strengths specified above.


   DESCRIPTION &                                                    CALIBRATE        CALIBRATE
                              MODEL NO.             SERIAL NO.
   MANUFACTURER                                                     D DATE           D UNTIL
                              ESCS 30               100287          Mar. 11, 2008    Mar. 10, 2009
   Test Receiver
   Stabilization Network     KNW-407                8-1395-12       May 07, 2008     May 06, 2009
   (for EUT)
   Stabilization Network      ENV-216               100072          June 13, 2008 June 12, 2009
   (for Peripheral)
   RF Cable (JYEBAO)          5DFB                  COACAB-001 July 24, 2008         July 23, 2009
   50 ohms Terminator         50                    3               Nov. 16, 2007    Nov. 15, 2008
   Software                   ADT_Cond_V7.3.2       NA              NA               NA

  NOTE: 1. The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations
           are traceable to NML/ROC and NIST/USA.
        2. The test was performed in ADT Shielded Room No. A.
        3. The VCCI Con A Registration No. is C-817.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                         4                            Report Format Version 2.0.0


  a. The EUT was placed 0.4 meters from the conducting wall of the shielded room
     with EUT being connected to the power mains through a line impedance
     stabilization network (LISN). Other support units were connected to the power
     mains through another LISN. The two LISNs provide 50 ohm/ 50uH of
     coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.

  b. Both lines of the power mains connected to the EUT were checked for
     maximum conducted interference.

  c. The frequency range from 150kHz to 30MHz was searched. Emission levels
     under (Limit - 20dB) were not recorded.


No deviation


                        V e r t ic a l G r o u n d
                        R e fe re n c e P la n e                                          T e s t R e c e iv e r


     L IS N

                                                      H o r iz o n ta l G r o u n d R e f e r e n c e P la n e

       N o t e : 1 .S u p p o r t u n its w e r e c o n n e c te d to s e c o n d L IS N .
                2 .B o th o f L IS N s (A M N ) a r e 8 0 c m fr o m E U T a n d a t le a s t 8 0
                   fr o m o t h e r u n it s a n d o th e r m e ta l p la n e s

For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related item – Photographs of
the Test Configuration.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                               5                                   Report Format Version 2.0.0


Set the transmitter part of EUT under transmission condition continuously at
specific channel frequency.

     Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all possible
      combinations between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with
      antenna diversity architecture).
      Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.

      Power Line Conducted Emission Test:
                      Available    Tested    Modulation Modulation Data Rate
                      Channel     Channel    Technology   Type      (Mbps)
        WLAN +         1 to 11       11        OFDM       BPSK         6
        Bluetooth      0 to 78       78         FHSS      GPSK         -

      Radiated Emission Test:
                      Available    Tested    Modulation Modulation Data Rate
                      Channel     Channel    Technology   Type      (Mbps)
        WLAN +         1 to 11       11        OFDM       BPSK         6
        Bluetooth      0 to 78       0          FHSS          GPSK           -

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                        6                              Report Format Version 2.0.0

                              120Vac, 60 Hz        6dB BANDWIDTH         9 kHz
  ENVIRONMENTAL               25deg. C, 60%RH,
                                                   PHASE                 Line (L)
  CONDITIONS                  959hPa
  TESTED BY                   Rex Huang

                             Reading             Emission
          Freq.       Corr.                                       Limit             Margin
                              Value                Level
  No                 Factor [dB (uV)]            [dB (uV)]     [dB (uV)]            (dB)
         [MHz]        (dB)  Q.P. AV.             Q.P. AV.      Q.P. AV.          Q.P.    AV.
   1      0.267        0.47      39.65    -      40.12   -     61.20   51.20     -21.09        -
   2      0.412        0.40      36.17    -      36.57   -     57.61   47.61     -21.04        -
   3      0.533        0.42      36.02    -      36.44   -     56.00   46.00     -19.56        -
   4      0.943        0.46      31.24    -      31.70   -     56.00   46.00     -24.30        -
   5      7.695        0.57      33.18    -      33.75   -     60.00   50.00     -26.25        -
   6      20.223       0.76      31.93    -      32.69   -     60.00   50.00     -27.31        -

REMARKS: 1. Q.P. and AV. are abbreviations of quasi-peak and average individually.
         2. "-": The Quasi-peak reading value also meets average limit and
             measurement with the average detector is unnecessary.
         3. The emission levels of other frequencies were very low against the limit.
         4. Margin value = Emission level - Limit value
         5. Correction factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss
         6. Emission Level = Correction Factor + Reading Value.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                         7                           Report Format Version 2.0.0

                              120Vac, 60 Hz        6dB BANDWIDTH         9 kHz
  ENVIRONMENTAL               25deg. C, 60%RH,
                                                   PHASE                 Neutral (N)
  CONDITIONS                  959hPa
  TESTED BY                   Rex Huang

                             Reading             Emission
          Freq.       Corr.                                       Limit             Margin
                              Value                Level
  No                 Factor [dB (uV)]            [dB (uV)]     [dB (uV)]            (dB)
         [MHz]        (dB)  Q.P. AV.             Q.P. AV.      Q.P. AV.          Q.P.    AV.
   1      0.193        0.27      38.31    -      38.58   -     63.91   53.91     -25.33        -
   2      0.400        0.17      36.35    -      36.52   -     57.85   47.85     -21.33        -
   3      0.662        0.20      33.03    -      33.23   -     56.00   46.00     -22.77        -
   4      0.927        0.22      31.98    -      32.20   -     56.00   46.00     -23.80        -
   5      7.043        0.35      37.52    -      37.87   -     60.00   50.00     -22.13        -
   6      20.023       0.59      31.54    -      32.13   -     60.00   50.00     -27.87        -

REMARKS: 1. Q.P. and AV. are abbreviations of quasi-peak and average individually.
         2. "-": The Quasi-peak reading value also meets average limit and
             measurement with the average detector is unnecessary.
         3. The emission levels of other frequencies were very low against the limit.
         4. Margin value = Emission level - Limit value
         5. Correction factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss
         6. Emission Level = Correction Factor + Reading Value.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                         8                           Report Format Version 2.0.0



     Field strength limits are at the distance of 3 meters, emissions radiated outside
    of the specified bands, shall be according to the general radiated limits in
    15.209 as following:

            Frequencies                  Field strength            Measurement distance
                 (MHz)                 (microvolts/meter)                (meters)
             0.009-0.490                   2400/F(kHz)                         300
             0.490-1.705                  24000/F(kHz)                          30
              1.705-30.0                         30                             30
                 30-88                          100                              3
                88-216                          150                              3
                216-960                         200                              3
              Above 960                         500                              3
   1. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
   2. Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
   3. As shown in 15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000MHz, the field strength limits are based on
        average detector, however, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the
        maximum permitted average limits, specified above by more than 20dB under any condition
        of modulation.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                       9                           Report Format Version 2.0.0

   DESCRIPTION &                                            CALIBRATED         CALIBRATED
                             MODEL NO.      SERIAL NO.
   MANUFACTURER                                             DATE               UNTIL
    ADVANTEST                R3271A         85060311
    Spectrum Analyzer                                       July 22, 2008      July 21, 2009
    HP Pre_Amplifier         8449B           3008A01922 Sep. 25, 2008          Sep. 24, 2009
    ROHDE &
    SCHWARZ           ESCS 30    841977/002                 Nov. 13, 2007      Nov. 12, 2008
    Test Receiver
    E)                CBL6112B   2798                       April 30, 2008 April 29, 2009
    Broadband Antenna
    Schwarzbeck       BBHA9120-D D123                       Sep. 30, 2008     Sep. 29, 2009
    Horn_Antenna      1
    Schwarzbeck                              BBHA917015
                             BBHA 9170                      Jan. 28, 2008      Jan. 27, 2009
    Horn_Antenna                             3
    RF Switches              MP59B           6100175593 Aug. 11, 2008          Aug. 10, 2009
    RF Cable                                 STBCAB-30 Sep. 02, 2008
                             8DFB                                              Sep. 01, 2009
    Software                 ADT_Radiate NA                 NA                 NA
    CHANCE MOST              AT-100          CM-A007        NA                 NA
    Antenna Tower
    CHANCE MOST              TC-008          CM-T007        NA                 NA
    Turn Table
    CORCOM AC Filter         MRI2030         024/019        NA                 NA
   Note: 1. The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the
           calibrations are traceable to NML/ROC and NIST/USA.
         2. The horn antenna, HP preamplifier (model: 8449B) and Spectrum Analyzer (model:
            R3271A) are used only for the measurement of emission frequency above 1GHz if
         3. The test was performed in ADT Open Site No. B.
         4. The VCCI Site Registration No. is R-847.
         5. The FCC Site Registration No. is 92753.
         6. The CANADA Site Registration No. is IC 3789C-2.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                     10                           Report Format Version 2.0.0


a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground
   at a 10 meter open area test site. The table was rotated 360 degrees to
   determine the position of the highest radiation.
b. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna,
   which was mounted on the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
c. The antenna is a broadband antenna, and its height is varied from one meter to
   four meters above the ground to determine the maximum value of the field
   strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to
   make the measurement.
d. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and
   then the antenna was tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the
   rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum
e. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified
   Bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
f. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10 dB lower than the limit
   specified, then testing could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would
   be reported. Otherwise the emissions that did not have 10 dB margin would be
   re-tested one by one using the quasi-peak method or average method as
   specified and then reported in Data sheet peak mode and QP mode.
g. The emissions up to 40 GHz were examined. Those emission falling within a
   restricted band were evaluated against the “restricted band emission limit” ( 54
   dBµV / 74 dBµV).

  1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120kHz
      for Quasi-peak detection at frequency below 1GHz.
  2. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz for
      Peak detection (PK) at frequency above 1GHz.
  3. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and the video bandwidth
      is 300 Hz for Average detection (AV) at frequency above 1GHz.


No deviation

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                      11                           Report Format Version 2.0.0



Set the transmitter part of EUT under transmission condition continuously at
specific channel frequency.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01            12                    Report Format Version 2.0.0


  INPUT POWER                                             FREQUENCY
                             120Vac, 60Hz                                      30MHz~1000MHz
  (SYSTEM)                                                RANGE
                                                          DETECTOR             Peak (PK)
  ENVIRONMENTAL 24deg. C, 74%RH,
  CONDITIONS    959 hPa                                   FUNCTION &           Average (AV)
                                                          BANDWIDTH            1 MHz
  TESTED BY                  Phoenix Huang

                          Emission                        Antenna     Table        Raw        Correction
            Freq.                       Limit    Margin
  No.                       Level                          Height     Angle        Value       Factor
           (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                          (dBuV/m)                           (m)    (Degree)      (dBuV)       (dB/m)
    1      71.12          32.29 QP     40.00      -7.71    2.94 H      144         18.78        13.51
    2      111.58         27.75 QP     43.50     -15.75    1.63 H      263         14.68        13.07
    3      200.00         28.35 QP     43.50     -15.15    1.37 H      257         14.56        13.79
    4      250.00         41.30 QP     46.00      -4.70    1.00 H      245         24.97        16.33
    5      300.00         34.12 QP     46.00     -11.88    1.00 H      307         16.27        17.85
    6      375.00         38.61 QP     46.00      -7.39    1.07 H       20         17.56        21.05
    7      500.00         38.31 QP     46.00      -7.69    1.58 H       21         14.29        24.02
    8      725.00         36.33 QP     46.00      -9.67    1.14 H      254          7.15        29.18
    9      800.00         36.50 QP     46.00      -9.50    1.00 H       51          5.07        31.43
   10      825.00         35.01 QP     46.00     -10.99    1.00 H      325          3.35        31.66
   11      875.00         34.56 QP     46.00     -11.44    1.00 H     265          2.39         32.17

                          Emission                        Antenna     Table        Raw        Correction
            Freq.                       Limit    Margin
  No.                       Level                          Height     Angle        Value       Factor
           (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                          (dBuV/m)                           (m)    (Degree)      (dBuV)       (dB/m)
   1       67.45          36.22 QP     40.00     -3.78     1.00 V      294         22.23        13.99
    2      120.00         35.74 QP     43.50      -7.76    1.00 V     314         21.26         14.48
    3      125.00         31.46 QP     43.50     -12.04    1.00 V      62         16.68         14.78
    4      137.51         35.15 QP     43.50      -8.35    1.00 V     264         19.61         15.54
    5      200.00         32.33 QP     43.50     -11.17    1.00 V     187         18.54         13.79
    6      250.00         34.29 QP     46.00     -11.71    1.00 V     140         17.96         16.33
    7      375.00         36.99 QP     46.00      -9.01    1.00 V      20         15.94         21.05
    8      500.00         33.47 QP     46.00     -12.53    1.00 V     122          9.45         24.02
    9      700.00         31.09 QP     46.00     -14.91    1.37 V     305          2.65         28.44
   10      825.00         35.42 QP     46.00     -10.58    1.23 V      5           3.76         31.66
   11      875.00         37.08 QP     46.00      -8.92    1.00 V      71          4.91         32.17
   12      975.00         41.12 QP     54.00     -12.88    1.00 V     126          7.45         33.67

 REMARKS: 1. Emission level(dBuV/m)=Raw Value(dBuV) + Correction Factor(dB/m)
                    2. rrection Factor(dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB)
                    3. The other emission levels were very low against the limit.
                    4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                          13                             Report Format Version 2.0.0

  INPUT POWER                                             FREQUENCY
                             120Vac, 60Hz                                      1000MHz~25000MHz
  (SYSTEM)                                                RANGE
                                                          DETECTOR             Peak (PK)
  ENVIRONMENTAL 24deg. C, 74%RH,
  CONDITIONS    959 hPa                                   FUNCTION &           Average (AV)
                                                          BANDWIDTH            1 MHz
  TESTED BY                  Phoenix Huang

                          Emission                        Antenna     Table         Raw       Correction
            Freq.                       Limit    Margin
  No.                       Level                          Height     Angle        Value       Factor
           (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                          (dBuV/m)                           (m)    (Degree)      (dBuV)       (dB/m)
    1     1534.89         49.24 PK     74.00     -24.76    1.03 H      303         21.15        28.09
    2     1534.89         46.22 AV     54.00      -7.78    1.03 H      303         18.13        28.09
    3     4804.00         48.80 PK     74.00     -25.20    1.24 H       81         13.37        35.43
    4     4804.00         18.80 AV     54.00     -35.20    1.24 H       81        -16.63        35.43
    5     4924.00         50.73 PK     74.00     -23.27    1.17 H      157         15.10        35.63
    6     4924.00         45.81 AV     54.00      -8.19    1.17 H      157         10.18        35.63
    7     7206.00         50.67 PK     74.00     -23.33    1.56 H       83           8.89       41.78
    8     7206.00         20.67 AV     54.00     -33.33    1.56 H       83         -21.11       41.78
    9     7386.00         50.50 PK     74.00     -23.50    1.23 H      319           8.27       42.23
   10     7386.00         38.10 AV     54.00     -15.90    1.23 H      319          -4.13       42.23

                          Emission                        Antenna     Table        Raw        Correction
            Freq.                       Limit    Margin
  No.                       Level                          Height     Angle        Value       Factor
           (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                          (dBuV/m)                           (m)    (Degree)      (dBuV)       (dB/m)
   1      1534.85         46.71 PK     74.00     -27.29    1.02 V      20          18.62        28.09
   2      1534.85         42.90 AV     54.00     -11.10    1.02 V      20          14.81        28.09
    3     4804.00         48.82 PK     74.00     -25.18    1.25 V      18         13.39         35.43
    4     4804.00         18.82 AV     54.00     -35.18    1.25 V      18         -16.61        35.43
    5     4924.00         50.45 PK     74.00     -23.55    1.09 V     338         14.82         35.63
    6     4924.00         45.32 AV     54.00      -8.68    1.09 V     338          9.69         35.63
    7     7206.00         50.73 PK     74.00     -23.27    1.15 V      18          8.95         41.78
    8     7206.00         20.73 AV     54.00     -33.27    1.15 V      18         -21.05        41.78
    9     7386.00         51.85 PK     74.00     -22.15    1.41 V      26          9.62         42.23
   10     7386.00         48.25 AV     54.00      -5.75    1.41 V      26          6.02         42.23

 REMARKS: 1. Emission level(dBuV/m)=Raw Value(dBuV) + Correction Factor(dB/m)
                    2. rrection Factor(dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB)
                    3. The other emission levels were very low against the limit.
                    4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                          14                             Report Format Version 2.0.0


We, ADT Corp., were founded in 1988 to provide our best service in EMC, Radio,
Telecom and Safety consultation. Our laboratories are accredited and approved
by the following approval agencies according to ISO/IEC 17025.

   USA                       FCC, UL
   Germany                   TUV Rheinland
   Japan                     VCCI
   Norway                    NEMKO
   Canada                    INDUSTRY CANADA , CSA
   R.O.C.                    TAF, BSMI, NCC
   Netherlands               Telefication
   Singapore                 GOST-ASIA(MOU)
   Russia                    CERTIS(MOU)

Copies of accreditation certificates of our laboratories obtained from approval
agencies can be downloaded from our web site:
www.adt.com.tw/index.5/phtml. If you have any comments, please feel free to
contact us at the following:

   Linko EMC/RF Lab:                             Hsin Chu EMC/RF Lab:
   Tel: 886-2-26052180                           Tel: 886-3-5935343
   Fax: 886-2-26052943                           Fax: 886-3-5935342

   Hwa Ya EMC/RF/Safety Telecom Lab:
   Tel: 886-3-3183232
   Fax: 886-3-3185050

   Web Site: www.adt.com.tw

The address and road map of all our labs can be found in our web site also

--- END ---

Report No.: RF970909H06-01                  15                      Report Format Version 2.0.0

Document Created: 2008-11-04 17:46:08
Document Modified: 2008-11-04 17:46:08

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