Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                   TEST REPORT
                                                        Report Number: 100691933ATL-001

                                                                       April 27, 2012

                                                           Product Designation: RF4CE

                           Standard: FCC 15.249 - Operation within the bands 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz,
                                     5725-5875 MHZ, and 24.0-24.25 GHz.
                                     RSS-210, Issue 7, 2007

                Tested by:                                                                                        Client:
     Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.                                                                            CISCO
     1950 Evergreen Blvd., Suite 100                                                                     5030 Sugarloaf Parkway
             Duluth, GA 30096                                                                            Lawrenceville, GA 30044
                                                                                                            Contact: Bob Lyall
                                                                                                          Phone: 770.236.7439
                                                                                                           Fax: 770.236.3089

     Tests performed by:                                                                            Report reviewed by:

     Jeremy O. Pickens                                                                              Troy J. Ihle
     Senior Staff Engineer                                                                          EMC Project Engineer

All services undertaken are subject to the following general policy: This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to
the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek
assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use
of this report. Only the Client is authorized to copy or distribute this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its
marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test
results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been
under an Intertek certification program. This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by A2LA, NIST, or any agency of the US

EMC Report for CISCO on the RF4CE                                                                                                                 Page 1 of 25

Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                Issued: 04/27/2012

1.0    Introduction and Conclusion
The tests indicated in section 2.0 were performed on the product constructed as described in section 3.0. The remaining
test sections are the verbatum text from the actual data sheets used during the investigation. These test sections include
the test name, the specified test Method, a list of the actual Test Equipment Used, documentation Photos, Results and
raw Data. No additions, deviations, or exclusions have been made from the standard(s) unless specifically noted.

Based on the results of our investigation, we have concluded the product tested complies with the requirements of the
standard(s) indicated. The results obtained in this test report pertain only to the item(s) tested.

2.0    Test Summary
Section Test Full Name                                                                                                         Test Date    Result
 4.0    System setup including cable interconnection details, support equipment and simplified block diagram. (System Setup)
 5.0    Overview of EUT (Low Power Transmitters) (FCC 15C - EUT Overview)
 6.0    Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)                             03/30/2012   PASS
 7.0    Occupied Bandwidth (FCC Part 2.1049)                                                                                   03/30/2012   PASS
 8.0    15.249(b): Requirements for fixed, point-to-point operation (FCC 15C - 15.249(b))
 9.0    Additional provisions to the general radiated emission limitations. (FCC 15C - 15.215)
 NA     Conducted emissions on AC power lines (Conducted Emissions) was waived due to the modeul does not connect to
        the AC mains.

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                 Issued: 04/27/2012

3.0    Description of Equipment Under Test

                                                       Equipment Under Test
              Description                    Manufacturer               Model Number                       Serial Number
             Radio Module                      CISCO                        RF4CE                                NA

               EUT receive date:     March 29, 2012
           EUT receive condition:    Good

      Description of EUT provided by Client:
      The RF4CE is a 2.4GHz Zigbee radio module for use in cable set top boxes for remote control.

      Description of EUT exercising:
      During testing, the device was configured in standby mode, low channel, mid channel, and high channel for testing to FCC
      Part 15. The module was powered through a ribbon cable from a remotely-located set top box.

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                             Issued: 04/27/2012

4.0        System setup including cable interconnection details, support equipment and simplified block
           diagram. (System Setup)

Record the details of EUTcabling, document the support equipment, and show the interconnections in a block diagram.


                                                                 EUT Cabling
      ID        Description            Length Shielding Ferrites                       From                                To
      A        Ribbon Cable              3m    None      None                         Module                              STB

                                                         Support Equipment
               Description                     Manufacturer             Model Number                                  Serial Number
           Set Top Box (STB)                     CISCO                     9KG8                                             NA

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                         Issued: 04/27/2012

5.0       Overview of EUT (Low Power Transmitters) (FCC 15C - EUT Overview)

Complete the overview spreadsheet.

Related Submittal(s) Grants: This report is for use with an application for certification of a low power transmitter. One transmitter is included in the


                                      CISCO Systems, Inc.
                          Applicant 170 West Tasman Drive
                                      San Jose, CA 95134
           Trade Name & Model No. Zigbee Module / RF4CE
                       FCC Identifier LDK9KG80001
            Frequency Range (MHz) 2425-2475
              Antenna Type (15.203) PCB
                                      CISCO Systems, Inc.
        Manufacturer name & address 5030 Sugarloaf Parkway
                                      Lawrenceville, GA 30044

                                               This report is for use with an application for certification of a low power transmitter.
      Related Submittals and Grants:
                                               One transmitter is included in the application.

        Additions, deviations and
        exclusions from standards              NA

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                             Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0       Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)

Measurements shall be performed with a quasi-peak detector instrument that meets the requirements of Section One of CISPR 16.

30 MHz to 1000 MHz: 120 kHz RBW and 1 MHz VBW
Above 1000 MHz: 1 MHz RBW and 3 MHz VBW

Equal to or less than 1000 MHz: CISPR quasi-peak detector (alternative: peak detector)
Above 1000 MHz: Average detector (applies to average limit)
Above 1000 MHz: Peak detector (applies to peak limit)

Equal to or less than 1000 MHz, the limits are specified as quasi-peak. If a peak detector is used, the limit does not change.
Above 1000 MHz, the limits are specified as average. The peak limit is 20 dB above the average limit. Both peak and average measurements are
required to be reported.

Frequency range of radiated measurements
For an intentional radiator, the spectrum shall be investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal generated in the device, without going below 9
kHz, up to at least the frequency shown in this paragraph:

(1) If the intentional radiator operates below 10 GHz: to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz, whichever is lower.

(2) If the intentional radiator operates at or above 10 GHz and below 30 GHz: to the fifth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 100
GHz, whichever is lower.

(3) If the intentional radiator operates at or above 30 GHz: to the fifth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 200 GHz, whichever is
lower, unless specified otherwise elsewhere in the rules.

(4) If the intentional radiator contains a digital device, regardless of whether this digital device controls the functions of the intentional radiator or the
digital device is used for additional control or function purposes other than to enable the operation of the intentional radiator, the frequency range
shall be investigated up to the range specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this section or the range applicable to the digital device, as
shown in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, whichever is the higher frequency range of investigation.

Measurement antenna requirements:
Below 30 MHz - Loop antenna
30 to 1000 MHz - Biconical, Log Periodic, or equivalent
Above 1000 MHz - Horn or equivalent

Measurements of the radiated field are made with the antenna located at a distance of 3 or 10 meters from the EUT. The limit applied to the
measurement shall be appropriate for the test distance. The test distance shall be indicated in the results section.

The EUT shall be arranged and connected with cables terminated in accordance with the product specification.

Exploratory tests should be carried out while varying the cable positions to determine the maximum or near-maximum emission level. During
manipulation, cables shall not be placed under or on top of the system test components unless such placement is required by the inherent equipment

The antenna shall be adjusted between 1m and 4m in height above the ground plane for maximum meter reading at each test frequency.

The antenna-to-EUT azimuth shall be varied during the measurement to find the maximum field-strength readings.

The antenna-to-EUT polarization (horizontal and vertical) shall be varied during the measurements to find the maximum field-strength readings.

If the EUT is handheld, it shall be oriented in each of its othogonal axes.

If the EUT is intended for tabletop use, it shall be placed on a table whose top is 0.8m above the ground plane. The table shall be constructed of non-
conductive materials. Its dimensions are at least 1m by 1.5m, but may be extended for larger EUT.

If EUT is floor standing, the EUT was placed on a horizontal metal ground plane and isolated from the ground plane by up to 12 mm of insulating

Equipment setup for radiated disturbance tests shall follow the guidelines of ANSI C63.4:2003.

The test site for radiated emissions is located at 1950 Evergreen Blvd, Suite 100, Duluth, Georgia 30096.

Test Equipment Used:
Description:                                        Manufacturer:               Model:                 Asset Number:           Cal Date:           Cal Due:
Antenna, BiLog, 20-2000MHz                          Chase                       CBL6112B               211386                  10/25/2011          10/25/2012
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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                                            Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0                 Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)
Test Equipment Used:
Description:                                              Manufacturer:                  Model:                  Asset Number:            Cal Date:                  Cal Due:
Antenna, Horn, <18 GHz                                    EMCO                           3115                    213061                   05/07/2010                 05/07/2012
Antenna, Horn, 18-40 GHz                                  EMCO                           3116                    213023                   07/06/2011                 07/06/2012
Cable E403, 40 GHz, 2.9, 9"                               Megaphase                      TM40 K1K1 9             E403                     07/07/2011                 07/07/2012
Cable MP3, 18 GHz, N, 10m                                 Megaphase                      G919-NKNK-394           MP3                      05/12/2011                 05/12/2012
Cable, 7 meters, 1-18GHz                                  Storm Products Co.             PR90-195-7MTR           ST-3                     09/07/2011                 09/07/2012
Cable, N-N 3 meters, 18GHz                                Megaphase                      TM18 NKNK 118           E203                     05/12/2011                 05/12/2012
Cable, N-N, 3 meters, 18GHz                               Megaphase                      TM18-NKNK-118           E204                     05/12/2011                 05/12/2012
EMI Receiver                                              Hewlett Packard                8546A                   213109                   12/29/2011                 12/29/2012
EMI Receiver, Preselector section                         Hewlett Packard                85460A                  213108                   12/29/2011                 12/29/2012
Excel spreadsheet for radiated emissions                  Software                       Excel - RE Worksh       SW004                    12/08/2011                 12/08/2012
Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 2000 MHz, 30 dB gain              Mini-Circuits                  ZKL-2                   200069                   02/23/2012                 02/23/2013
Preamplifier, 18-40GHz, 29 dB Gain                        Miteq                          JS41800400-30-5P        200080                   07/06/2011                 07/06/2012
Preamplifier, 18-40GHz, 29 dB Gain                        Miteq                          JS41800400-30-5P        200106                   07/06/2011                 07/06/2012
Spectrum Analyzer                                         Agilent                        E7405A                  AGL001                   05/13/2011                 05/13/2012
Tile - software profile for radiated and                  Software                       Tile - Emissions        SW006                    12/08/2011                 12/08/2012
conducted emissions testing.

Results: The sample tested was found to Comply.

                                                                      EUT - STB Remote RF Module                                                  Limit
                                                                      M/N - RF4CE                                                                 6dB Margin
                                                                      S/N - NA                                                                    Vertical Data
        FCC Part 15.209                                               Notes - Transmit High Channel
                                                                                                                                                  Horizontal Data
        E-Field 30MHz-1GHz                                                                                                         Class: B, Distance:3m


         Amplitude (dBuV/m)





                                30.0M   130.0M   230.0M      330.0M           430.0M           530.0M       630.0M        730.0M         830.0M             930.0M
                                                                                           Frequency                      Company: CISCO
        Operator: JOP                                                                                                     Oracle#: TBD

Peak Plot - 30-1000MHz (Tx High Channel)

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                      Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0                          Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)

                                                               EUT - STB Remote RF Module                                   Average Limit
                                                               M/N - RF4CE                                                  Peak Limit
                                                               S/N - NA                                                     Vertical Data
        FCC Part 15                                            Notes - Transmit High Channel
                                                                                                                            Horizontal Data
        E-Field 1GHz - 3GHz                                                                                 Class: B, Distance: 3m


        Amplitude (dBuV/m)






                                 1.0G                 1.5G                             2.0G          2.5G                                       3.0G
        Operator: JOP                                                               Frequency    Company: CISCO
        10:01:57 AM, Friday, March 30, 2012                                                      Oracle#: TBD

Peak Plot - 1-3GHz (Tx High Channel)

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                                                                            Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0                 Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)

                                                                                           EUT - STB Remote RF Module                                                             Average Limit
                                                                                           M/N - RF4CE                                                                            Peak Limit
                                                                                           S/N - NA                                                                               Vertical Data
        FCC Part 15.249                                                                    Notes - Transmit High Channel
                                                                                                                                                                                  Horizontal Data
        E-Field 3GHz - 18GHz                                                                                                                                      Class: A, Distance: 3m


         Amplitude (dBuV/m)





                                 3.0G 3.5G 4.0G 4.5G 5.0G 5.5G 6.0G 6.5G 7.0G 7.5G 8.0G 8.5G 9.0G 9.5G 10.0G 10.5G 11.0G 11.5G 12.0G 12.5G 13.0G 13.5G 14.0G 14.5G 15.0G 15.5G 16.0G 16.5G 17.0G 17.5G 18.0G
        Operator: JOP                                                                                           Frequency                               Company: CISCO.
        04:15:40 PM, Thursday, March 29, 2012                                                                                                           Oracle#: TBD

Peak Plot - 3-18GHz (Tx High Channel)

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                            Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0                        Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)

                                                                           EUT - STB Remote RF Module                                 Emissions Limit
                                                                           M/N - RF4CE                                                10dB Margin Line
                         FCC Part 15.249                                   Class - B
                                                                                                                                      Vertical Data
                         Radiated Emissions Testing - 18-26GHz             Test Distance: 1 meter
                                                                                                                                      Horizontal Data
                                                                           Notes: Tx High Channel

      Amplitude (dBuV)





                            18.0G          18.8G           19.6G   20.4G   21.2G          22.0G         22.8G   23.6G        24.4G          25.2G            26.0G
                                                                                     Frequency (MHz)
                         Operator: JOP                                                                           Company: CISCO
                         11:59:34 AM, Friday, March 30, 2012                                                     Oracle Number: TBD

Peak Plot - 18-26GHz (Tx High Channel)

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                                                                                               Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0                          Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)

                                                                                                       EUT - STB Remote RF Module                                                                    Average Limit
                                                                                                       M/N - RF4CE                                                                                   Peak Limit
                                                                                                       S/N - NA                                                                                      Vertical Data
        FCC Part 15                                                                                    Notes - Receive Mode
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Horizontal Data
        E-Field 1GHz - 15GHz                                                                                                                                                         Class: B, Distance: 3m


        Amplitude (dBuV/m)






                                 1.0G   1.5G   2.0G   2.5G   3.0G   3.5G   4.0G   4.5G   5.0G   5.5G    6.0G   6.5G   7.0G   7.5G   8.0G   8.5G   9.0G   9.5G 10.0G 10.5G 11.0G 11.5G 12.0G 12.5G 13.0G 13.5G 14.0G 14.5G 15.0G
        Operator: JOP                                                                                                          Frequency                                   Company: CISCO
        10:24:44 AM, Friday, March 30, 2012                                                                                                                                Oracle#: TBD

Peak Plot - 1-15GHz (Rx Mode)

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                              Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0     Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)


Band Edge - Low - Peak

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                              Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0     Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)


Band Edge - Low - AVG

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                              Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0     Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)


Band Edge - High - Peak

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                              Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0     Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)


Band Edge - High - AVG


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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                           Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0     Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)

                     Date: 3/30/2012                            Test Distance (m):   3
  Frequency Range (MHz): 30-1000                                            Limit:   FCC15 Class B-3m
             Input power: DC from STB          Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
        A           B           C        D          E           F           G            H           I          J
       Ant.                           Antenna     Cable     Pre-amp                     3m                  Detectors /
       Pol.    Frequency Reading       Factor     Loss       Factor        Net         Limit     Margin     Bandwidths
      (V/H)       MHz        dB(uV)   dB(1/m)      dB          dB       dB(uV/m)     dB(uV/m)       dB    Det/RBW/VBW
    Emissions from STB - Wrapped support in aluminum foil
        h        375.000       53.5     15.6       4.1         37.2        36.0        46.0      -10.0     QP/120k/300k
        v        375.000       57.0     15.6       4.1         37.2        39.5        46.0       -6.5     QP/120k/300k
        h        625.000       50.1     19.4       5.3         36.8        38.0        46.0       -8.0     QP/120k/300k
        v        906.130       53.1     21.7       6.4         36.3        44.8        46.0       -1.2     QP/120k/300k
        h        783.000       40.7     20.2       6.0         36.6        30.3        46.0      -15.7     QP/120k/300k
        h        912.750       40.9     20.7       6.4         36.2        31.8        46.0      -14.2     QP/120k/300k
        v        906.130       45.7     21.7       6.4         36.3        37.4        46.0       -8.6     QP/120k/300k
        Calculations             G=C+D+E-F              I=G-H

Test Data - 30-1000MHz (Tx High Channel)

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                          Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0     Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)

                    Date: 3/30/2012                            Test Distance (m):   3
  Frequency Range (MHz): 1000-26000                                        Limit:   FCC15 Class B-3m
             Input power: DC from STB         Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
        A          B           C         D        E            F           G            H           I          J
       Ant.                           Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                     3m                  Detectors /
       Pol.    Frequency Reading       Factor   Loss        Factor        Net         Limit     Margin     Bandwidths
      (V/H)       MHz       dB(uV)    dB(1/m)    dB           dB       dB(uV/m)     dB(uV/m)       dB    Det/RBW/VBW
    Low Channel (2425MHz)
        v       2425.175      99.3      28.5     2.2          32.7        97.3        114.0     -16.7     PK/1M/3M
        v       2425.175      91.3      28.5     2.2          32.7        89.3        94.0       -4.7     AVG/1M/3M
        h       2425.175      99.2      28.5     2.2          32.7        97.2        114.0     -16.8     PK/1M/3M
        h       2425.175      91.5      28.5     2.2          32.7        89.5        94.0       -4.5     AVG/1M/3M
        v       4849.360      57.0      32.8     4.0          33.1        60.7        74.0      -13.3      PK/1M/3M
        v       4849.360      48.8      32.8     4.0          33.1        52.5        54.0       -1.5     AVG/1M/3M
        h       4849.360      56.9      32.8     4.0          33.1        60.6        74.0      -13.4      PK/1M/3M
        h       4849.360      48.7      32.8     4.0          33.1        52.4        54.0       -1.6     AVG/1M/3M
        v       7274.025      57.3      36.4     5.2          31.8        67.1        74.0       -6.9      PK/1M/3M
        v       7274.025      41.0      36.4     5.2          31.8        50.8        54.0       -3.2     AVG/1M/3M
        h       7274.025      45.7      36.2     5.2          31.8        55.3        74.0      -18.7      PK/1M/3M
        h       7274.025      35.5      36.2     5.2          31.8        45.1        54.0       -8.9     AVG/1M/3M
        Calculations            G=C+D+E-F             I=G-H

Test Data - Tx Low Channel

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                          Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0     Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)

                    Date: 3/30/2012                            Test Distance (m):   3
  Frequency Range (MHz): 1000-26000                                        Limit:   FCC15 Class B-3m
             Input power: DC from STB         Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
        A          B           C         D        E            F           G            H           I          J
       Ant.                           Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                     3m                  Detectors /
       Pol.    Frequency Reading       Factor   Loss        Factor        Net         Limit     Margin     Bandwidths
      (V/H)       MHz       dB(uV)    dB(1/m)    dB           dB       dB(uV/m)     dB(uV/m)       dB    Det/RBW/VBW
    Mid-Channel (2450 MHz)
        v       2450.630      98.0      28.6     2.2          32.7        96.2        114.0     -17.8     PK/1M/3M
        v       2450.630      93.4      28.6     2.2          32.7        91.6        94.0       -2.4     AVG/1M/3M
        h       2450.630      98.9      28.5     2.2          32.7        97.0        114.0     -17.0     PK/1M/3M
        h       2450.630      94.3      28.5     2.2          32.7        92.4        94.0       -1.6     AVG/1M/3M
        v       4901.268      57.6      33.0     4.0          33.0        61.6        74.0      -12.4      PK/1M/3M
        v       4901.268      49.5      33.0     4.0          33.0        53.5        54.0       -0.5     AVG/1M/3M
        h       4901.268      54.3      32.9     4.0          33.0        58.1        74.0      -15.9      PK/1M/3M
        h       4901.268      45.9      32.9     4.0          33.0        49.7        54.0       -4.3     AVG/1M/3M
        v       7351.942      44.5      36.5     5.3          31.9        54.4        74.0      -19.6      PK/1M/3M
        v       7351.942      36.3      36.5     5.3          31.9        46.2        54.0       -7.8     AVG/1M/3M
        h       7351.942      46.5      36.5     5.3          31.9        56.4        74.0      -17.6      PK/1M/3M
        h       7351.942      38.2      36.5     5.3          31.9        48.1        54.0       -5.9     AVG/1M/3M
        Calculations            G=C+D+E-F             I=G-H

Test Data - Tx Mid Channel

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Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                          Issued: 04/27/2012

6.0     Radiated emissions (E-field) for low power intentional radiators. (Radiated Emissions LPD)

                    Date: 3/30/2012                            Test Distance (m):   3
  Frequency Range (MHz): 1000-26000                                        Limit:   FCC15 Class B-3m
             Input power: DC from STB         Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
        A          B           C         D        E            F           G            H           I          J
       Ant.                           Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                     3m                  Detectors /
       Pol.    Frequency Reading       Factor   Loss        Factor        Net         Limit     Margin     Bandwidths
      (V/H)       MHz       dB(uV)    dB(1/m)    dB           dB       dB(uV/m)     dB(uV/m)       dB    Det/RBW/VBW
    High-Channel (2475 MHz)
        v       2475.638      99.0      28.6     2.3          32.6        97.3        114.0     -16.7     PK/1M/3M
        v       2475.638      94.0      28.6     2.3          32.6        92.3        94.0       -1.7     AVG/1M/3M
        h       2475.638      97.1      28.6     2.3          32.6        95.4        114.0     -18.6     PK/1M/3M
        h       2475.638      88.9      28.6     2.3          32.6        87.2        94.0       -6.8     AVG/1M/3M
        v       4951.388      55.3      33.2     4.0          33.0        59.6        74.0      -14.4      PK/1M/3M
        v       4951.388      48.3      33.2     4.0          33.0        52.6        54.0       -1.4     AVG/1M/3M
        h       4951.388      53.7      33.1     4.0          33.0        57.8        74.0      -16.2      PK/1M/3M
        h       4951.388      45.8      33.1     4.0          33.0        49.9        54.0       -4.1     AVG/1M/3M
        v       7426.963      47.4      36.5     5.3          31.9        57.3        74.0      -16.7      PK/1M/3M
        v       7426.963      37.3      36.5     5.3          31.9        47.2        54.0       -6.8     AVG/1M/3M
        h       7426.963      46.3      36.5     5.3          31.9        56.3        74.0      -17.7      PK/1M/3M
        h       7426.963      37.0      36.5     5.3          31.9        47.0        54.0       -7.0     AVG/1M/3M
        v       8991.000      30.3      37.7     6.4          31.7        42.7         54.0     -11.3     AVG/1M/3M
        Calculations            G=C+D+E-F             I=G-H

Test Data - Tx High Channel

EMC Report for CISCO on the RF4CE                                                                              Page 19 of 25

Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                   Issued: 04/27/2012

7.0       Occupied Bandwidth (FCC Part 2.1049)

The occupied bandwidth is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper frequency limits, the mean powers radiated are
each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power radiated by a given emission.

Connect the antenna port of the EUT to a spectrum analyzer using a calibrated coaxial cable and attenuator. Set the EUT to transmit at its highest
power setting. The 99% bandwidth function of the analyzer was used to automatically generate the occupied bandwidth plots. Repeat for low, mid,
and high channels of each band of the EUT.

For amplifiers, the output bandwidth shall be less than or equal to the input bandwidth.

Test Equipment Used:
Description:                                      Manufacturer:             Model:              Asset Number:        Cal Date:          Cal Due:
Spectrum Analyzer                                 Agilent                   E7405A              AGL001               05/13/2011         05/13/2012

Results: The sample tested was found to Comply.


Occupied BW Plot - Low Channel

EMC Report for CISCO on the RF4CE                                                                                                        Page 20 of 25

Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                           Issued: 04/27/2012

7.0     Occupied Bandwidth (FCC Part 2.1049)


Occupied BW Plot - Mid Channel

EMC Report for CISCO on the RF4CE                               Page 21 of 25

Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                           Issued: 04/27/2012

7.0     Occupied Bandwidth (FCC Part 2.1049)


Occupied BW Plot - High Channel


EMC Report for CISCO on the RF4CE                               Page 22 of 25

Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                              Issued: 04/27/2012

7.0      Occupied Bandwidth (FCC Part 2.1049)

                          Frequency    Resolution         Video     Sweep time   Bandwidth
          Mode              MHz       Bandwidth (1)     Bandwidth    Seconds        MHz
       Low Channel           2425        30 kHz          300 kHz        5          2.3778
       Mid Channel           2450        30 kHz          300 kHz        5          2.3511
       High Channel          2475        30 kHz          300 kHz        5          2.3353

      Note (1): Greater or equal to 1% of emission bandwidth.

EMC Report for CISCO on the RF4CE                                                                  Page 23 of 25

Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                         Issued: 04/27/2012

8.0       15.249(b): Requirements for fixed, point-to-point operation (FCC 15C - 15.249(b))

(b) Fixed, point-to-point operation as referred to in this paragraph shall be limited to systems employing a fixed transmitter transmitting to a fixed
remote location. Point-to-multipoint systems, omnidirectional applications, and multiple co-located intentional radiators transmitting the same
information are not allowed. Fixed, point-to-point operation is permitted in the 24.05–24.25 GHz band subject to the following conditions:

(1) The field strength of emissions in this band shall not exceed 2500 millivolts/meter.

(2) The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within ±0.001% of the operating frequency over a temperature variation of -20
degrees to +50 degrees C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary supply voltage from 85% to 115% of the rated supply voltage at
a temperature of 20 degrees C. For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.

(3) Antenna gain must be at least 33 dBi. Alternatively, the main lobe beamwidth must not exceed 3.5 degrees. The beamwidth limit shall apply to
both the azimuth and elevation planes. At antenna gains over 33 dBi or beamwidths narrower than 3.5 degrees, power must be reduced to ensure
that the field strength does not exceed 2500 millivolts/meter.

EMC Report for CISCO on the RF4CE                                                                                                               Page 24 of 25

Report Number: 100691933ATL-001                                                                                                       Issued: 04/27/2012

9.0       Additional provisions to the general radiated emission limitations. (FCC 15C - 15.215)

§ 15.215 Additional provisions to the general radiated emission limitations.
(a) The regulations in §§15.217 through 15.257 provide alternatives to the general radiated emission limits for intentional radiators operating in
specified frequency bands. Unless otherwise stated, there are no restrictions as to the types of operation permitted under these sections.

(b) In most cases, unwanted emissions outside of the frequency bands shown in these alternative provisions must be attenuated to the emission
limits shown in §15.209. In no case shall the level of the unwanted emissions from an intentional radiator operating under these additional provisions
exceed the field strength of the fundamental emission.

(c) Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission limits, as contained in §§15.217 through 15.257 and in
Subpart E of this part, must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be specified in
the specific rule section under which the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band designated in the rule section under which the
equipment is operated. The requirement to contain the designated bandwidth of the emission within the specified frequency band includes the effects
from frequency sweeping, frequency hopping and other modulation techniques that may be employed as well as the frequency stability of the
transmitter over expected variations in temperature and supply voltage. If a frequency stability is not specified in the regulations, it is recommended
that the fundamental emission be kept within at least the central 80% of the permitted band in order to minimize the possibility of out-of-band

EMC Report for CISCO on the RF4CE                                                                                                            Page 25 of 25

Document Created: 2012-08-14 10:52:52
Document Modified: 2012-08-14 10:52:52

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