DFS report

FCC ID: LDK102094

Test Report

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1525337

                  Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) Test Report

                                            FCC ID: LDK102094
                                             IC: 2461B-102094

                                    5250-5350, 5470-5725 MHz

                                      Against the following Specifications:

                                                CFR47 Part 15.407

                                                  Cisco Systems
                                              170 West Tasman Drive
                                               San Jose, CA 95134

                                                                        Approved By:

                                                                        Bud Chiller – Compliance Engineer
                                                                        Revision: 2

This report replaces any previously entered test report under EDCS – 1525337.This test report has been electronically
authorized and archived using the CISCO Engineering Document Control system.

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

This test report has been electronically authorized and archived using the CISCO Engineering Document Control system.

SECTION 1: OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2: ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 4
   2.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
   2.2 DATE OF TESTING ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
   2.3 REPORT ISSUE DATE .................................................................................................................................................. 6
   2.4 TESTING FACILITIES .................................................................................................................................................... 6
   2.5 EQUIPMENT ASSESSED (EUT) .....................................................................................................................................6
SECTION 3: RESULT SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 7
   3.1 RESULTS SUMMARY TABLE .........................................................................................................................................7
SECTION 4: SAMPLE DETAILS .............................................................................................................................. 8
APPENDIX A: DYNAMIC FREQUENCY SELECTION (DFS) ........................................................................................ 9
   A.1 UNII DEVICE DESCRIPTION .........................................................................................................................................9
   A.2 DFS DETECTION THRESHOLDS ...................................................................................................................................10
   A.3 RADAR TEST WAVEFORMS .......................................................................................................................................11
APPENDIX B: DYNAMIC FREQUENCY SELECTION / TEST RESULTS........................................................................15
   B.1 TEST PROCEDURE/RESULTS ......................................................................................................................................18
   B.2 UNII DETECTION BANDWIDTH ..................................................................................................................................20
   B.3 INITIAL CHANNEL AVAILABILITY CHECK TIME ................................................................................................................ 21
   B.4 RADAR BURST AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CHANNEL AVAILABILITY CHECK TIME .................................................................. 22
   B.5 RADAR BURST AT THE END OF THE CHANNEL AVAILABILITY CHECK TIME ............................................................................ 23
   B.7 STATISTICAL PERFORMANCE CHECK ............................................................................................................................ 26

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

Section 1: Overview

The samples were assessed against the tests detailed in section 3 under the requirements of the following


CFR47 Part 15.407

RSS-247 section A9.3a allows the use of applicable FCC KDBs
Measurements were made in accordance with
      KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v01r02

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Section 2: Assessment Information

2.1 General
This report contains an assessment of an apparatus against Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards based upon tests
carried out on the samples submitted. The testing was performed by and for the use of Cisco systems Inc:

With regard to this assessment, the following points should be noted:

a)        The results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period between the
          date of the initial assessment and the date of issue of the report. Manufactured products will not necessarily
          give identical results due to production and measurement tolerances.
b)        The apparatus was set up and exercised using the configuration and modes of operation defined in this report
c)        Where relevant, the apparatus was only assessed using the susceptibility criteria defined in this report and the
          Test Assessment Plan (TAP).
d)        All testing was performed under the following environmental conditions:
          Temperature                15°C to 35°C (54°F to 95°F)
          Atmospheric Pressure       860mbar to 1060mbar (25.4" to 31.3")
          Humidity                   10% to 75*%

e)        All AC testing was performed at one or more of the following supply voltages:
          110V 60 Hz (+/-20%)

Units of Measurement

The units of measurements defined in the appendices are reported in specific terms, which are test dependent. Where
radiated measurements are concerned these are defined at a particular distance. Basic voltage measurements are
defined in units of [dBuV]
As an example, the basic calculation for all measurements is as follows:
          Emission level [dBuV] = Indicated voltage level [dBuV] + Cable Loss [dB] + Other correction factors [dB]
The combinations of correction factors are dependent upon the exact test configurations [see test equipment lists for
further details] and may include:-
          Antenna Factors, Pre Amplifier Gain, LISN Loss, Pulse Limiter Loss and Filter Insertion Loss..
Note: to convert the results from dBuV/m to uV/m use the following formula:-
          Level in uV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(X dBuV/m)/20] = Y uV/m

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

Measurement Uncertainty Values

                                  voltage and power measurements            ± 2 dB

                                   conducted EIRP measurements             ± 1.4 dB

                                       radiated measurements               ± 3.2 dB

                                      frequency measurements              ± 2.4 10-7

                                     temperature measurements               ± 0.54º

                                       humidity measurements                ± 2.3%

                                DC and low frequency measurements           ± 2.5%

Where relevant measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the apparatus. This
uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence level using a
coverage factor of k=2.
Radiated emissions (expanded uncertainty, confidence interval 95%)

         30 MHz - 300 MHz                    +/- 3.8 dB
         300 MHz - 1000 MHz                  +/- 4.3 dB
         1 GHz - 10 GHz                      +/- 4.0 dB
         10 GHz - 18GHz                      +/- 8.2 dB
         18GHz - 26.5GHz                     +/- 4.1 dB
         26.5GHz - 40GHz                     +/- 3.9 dB

Conducted emissions (expanded uncertainty, confidence interval 95%)

         30 MHz – 40GHz                      +/- 0.38 dB

A product is considered to comply with a requirement if the nominal measured value is below the limit line. The product
is considered to not be in compliance in case the nominal measured value is above the limit line.

This report must not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of Cisco Systems.

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

2.2 Date of testing
2.3 Report Issue Date

Cisco uses an electronic system to issue, store and control the revision of test reports. This system is called the
Engineering Document Control System (EDCS). The actual report issue date is embedded into the original file on
EDCS. Any copies of this report, either electronic or paper, that are not on EDCS must be considered uncontrolled.
2.4 Testing facilities
This assessment was performed by:

Testing Laboratory
                                                Cisco Systems, Inc.,
                                              125 West Tasman Drive
                                             San Jose, CA 95134, USA

         Registration Numbers for Industry Canada

     Cisco System Site                         Address                           Site Identifier
  Building P, 10m Chamber                125 West Tasman Dr                  Company #: 2461N-2
                                         San Jose, CA 95134
   Building P, 5m Chamber                125 West Tasman Dr                  Company #: 2461N-1
                                         San Jose, CA 95134
   Building I, 5m Chamber              285 W. Tasman Drive                   Company #: 2461M-1
                                     San Jose, California 95134

Test Engineers
Bud Chiller
2.5 Equipment Assessed (EUT)

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

Section 3: Result Summary

3.1 Results Summary Table

Conducted emissions
Basic Standard       Technical Requirements / Details                                                    Result
FCC 15.407           Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
RSS-247                                                                                                  NA
                     Detection Threshold
FCC 15.407           Channel Availability Check Time
RSS-247                                                                                                  NA
FCC 15.407           Channel Move Time
RSS-247                                                                                                  Pass
FCC 15.407           Channel Closing Time                                                                Pass
FCC 15.407           Non-Occupancy Period                                                                NA
FCC 15.407           U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                                           NA

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

Section 4: Sample Details
Note: Each sample was evaluated to ensure that its condition was suitable to be used as a test sample prior to the
commencement of testing.
4.1 Sample Details

Sample                                                   Hardware    Firmware        Software
              Equipment Details        Manufacturer                                                   Serial Number
  No.                                                      Rev.         Rev.           Rev.
 S01      AIR-RM3010L-B-K9             Cisco Systems        P1         15.2      (20150119:173904)

 S02      AIR-PWR-C                      Meanwell           A0          NA              NA            EB46E93226

4.2 System Details

System                                                                          System under         Support
             Description                        Samples
Number                                                                          test                 equipment
             AIR-RM3010L-B-K9                   S01
             Support Power Supply               S02

4.3 Mode of Operation Details

  Mode#            Description                                          Comments
    1        Continuous Transmitting    Continuous Transmitting

All measurements were made in accordance with
       KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v01r02

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

Appendix A: Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)

15.407: U-NII devices operating in the 5.25-5.35 GHz band and the 5.47-5.725 GHz band shall employ a TPC
         mechanism. The U-NII device is required to have the capability to operate at least 6 dB below the mean EIRP
         value of 30 dBm. A TPC mechanism is not required for systems with an e.i.r.p. of less than 500 mW.

          U-NII devices operating in the 5.25-5.35 GHz and 5.47-5.725 GHz bands shall employ a DFS radar detection
          mechanism to detect the presence of radar systems and to avoid co-channel operation with radar systems.

A.1 UNII Device Description
  1. The AIR-RM3010L-B-K9 Cisco Aironet 802.11ac Module operates in the following bands:
           a. 5150-5250 MHz
           b. 5250-5350 MHz
           c. 5470-5725 MHz
           d. 5725-5850 MHz

  2.    The maximum EIRP of the 5GHz equipment is 29 dBm, and the minimum possible EIRP is 10 dBm.

        Below are the available 50 ohm antenna assemblies and their corresponding gains. 0dBi gain was used to set
        the -63 dBm threshold level (-64dBm +1 dB) during calibration of the test setup.

       Frequency               Part Number                             Antenna Type                               (dBi)
          5GHz                      Internal                             omnidirectional                             4

  3.    System testing was performed with the designated MPEG test file that streams full motion video at 30 frames per
        second from the Master to the Client IP based system.

  4.    The Master requires 106.5 seconds to complete its power-on cycle.

  5.    Information regarding the parameters of the detected Radar Waveforms is not available to the end user.

  6.    For the 5250-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz bands, the Master device provides, on aggregate, uniform loading
        of the spectrum across all devices by selecting an operating channel among the available channels using a
        random algorithm.

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A.2 DFS Detection Thresholds

  1.   Interference Threshold values, Master or Client incorporating In-Service Monitoring
       Maximum Transmit Power                                              Value
                                                                           (see note)
       ≥ 200 milliwatt                                                     -64 dBm
       < 200 milliwatt                                                     -62 dBm
       Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna
       Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the
       test transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that
       the test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.

  2.   DFS Response requirement values
       Parameter                                                               Value
       Non-occupancy period                                                    Minimum 30 minutes
       Channel Availability Check Time                                         60 seconds
       Channel Move Time                                                       10 seconds
                                                                               See Note 1.
       Channel Closing Transmission Time                                       200 milliseconds + an aggregate
                                                                               of 60 milliseconds over
                                                                               remaining 10 second period.
                                                                               See Notes 1 and 2.
       U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                               Minimum 100% of the U-NII 99%
                                                                               transmission power bandwidth.
                                                                               See Note 3.
       Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with
       Radar Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
       Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the
       beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate
       a Channel move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The
       aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.
       Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 should be used. For each
       frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 precent. Measurements are performed with
       no data traffic.

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

A.3 Radar Test Waveforms

      This section provides the parameters for required test waveforms, minimum percentage of successful
      detections, and the minimum number of trials that must be used for determining DFS conformance. Step
      intervals of 0.1 microsecond for Pulse Width, 1 microsecond for PRI, 1 MHz for chirp width and 1 for the number
      of pulses will be utilized for the random determination of specific test waveforms.

 1.   Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms

          Radar        Pulse Width             PRI                Number of Pulses           Minimum          Minimum
          Type           (µsec)               (µsec)                                       Percentage of      Numbers
                                                                                            Successful        of Trials
             0               1                 1428                       18                See Note 1        See Note
             1               1           Test A: 15 unique                                      60%              30
                                       PRI values randomly
                                                                Roundup        ∙
                                       selected from the list
                                        of 23 PRI values in
                                             Table 5a
                                         Test B: 15 unique
                                       PRI values randomly
                                        selected within the
                                        range of 518-3066
                                            µsec, with a
                                       minimum increment
                                       of 1 µsec, excluding
                                       PRI values selected
                                             in Test A
            2              1-5                150-230                  23-29                 60%              30
            3              6-10               200-500                  16-18                 60%              30
            4             11-20               200-500                  12-16                 60%              30
       Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                           80%             120
       Note 1: Short Pulse Radar Type 0 should be used for the detection bandwidth test, channel move time, and
       channel closing time tests.

      A minimum of 30 unique waveforms are required for each of the Short Pulse Radar Types 2 through 4. If more
      than 30 waveforms are used for Short Pulse Radar Types 2 through 4, then each additional waveform must also
      be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms. If more than 30 waveforms are used for Short Pulse
      Radar Type 1, then each additional waveform is generated with Test B and must also be unique and not
      repeated from the previous waveforms in Tests A or B.

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     For example if in Short Pulse Radar Type 1 Test B a PRI of 3066 µsec is selected, the number of pulses would
     be Roundup              ∙                Roundup 17.2           18

                                 Table 5a – Pulse Repetition Intervals Values for Test A

                   Pulse Repetition       Pulse Repetition Frequency              Pulse Repetition
                   Frequency              (Pulses Per Second)                     Interval (Microseconds)
                            1                             1930.5                             518
                            2                             1858.7                             538
                            3                             1792.1                             558
                            4                             1730.1                             578
                            5                             1672.2                             598
                            6                             1618.1                             618
                            7                             1567.4                             638
                            8                             1519.8                             658
                            9                             1474.9                             678
                           10                             1432.7                             698
                           11                             1392.8                             718
                           12                              1355                              738
                           13                             1319.3                             758
                           14                             1285.3                             778
                           15                             1253.1                             798
                           16                             1222.5                             818
                           17                             1193.3                             838
                           18                             1165.6                             858
                           19                              1139                              878
                           20                             1113.6                             898
                           21                             1089.3                             918
                           22                             1066.1                             938
                           23                              326.2                            3066

     The aggregate is the average of the percentage of successful detections of Short Pulse Radar Types 1-4. For
     example, the following table indicates how to compute the aggregate of percentage of successful detections.

        Radar Type                     Number of Trials            Number of Successful        Minimum Percentage of
                                                                   Detections                  Successful Detection
        1                         35                               29                          82.9%
        2                         30                               18                          60%
        3                         30                               27                          90%
        4                         50                               44                          88%
        Aggregate (82.9% + 60% + 90% + 88%)/4 = 80.2%

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

 2.   Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform

           Radar      Pulse         Chirp       PRI       Number of      Number of         Minimum           Minimum
           Type       Width        Width       (µsec)     Pulses per      Bursts         Percentage of        Trials
                      (µsec)       (MHz)                    Burst                         Successful
             5        50-100        5-20       1000-          1-3           8-20             80%                 30

      The parameters for this waveform are randomly chosen. Thirty unique waveforms are required for the Long
      Pulse radar test signal. If more than 30 waveforms are used for the Long Pulse radar test signal, then each
      additional waveform must also be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms.

      Each waveform is defined as follows:

      1)    The transmission period for the Long Pulse Radar test signal is 12 seconds.
      2)    There are a total of 8 to 20 Bursts in the 12 second period, with the number of Bursts being randomly
            chosen. This number is Burst_Count.
      3)    Each Burst consists of 1 to 3 pulses, with the number of pulses being randomly chosen. Each Burst within
            the 12 second sequence may have a different number of pulses.
      4)    The pulse width is between 50 and 100 microseconds, with the pulse width being randomly chosen. Each
            pulse within a Burst will have the same pulse width. Pulses in different Bursts may have different pulse
      5)    Each pulse has a linear FM chirp between 5 and 20 MHz, with the chirp width being randomly chosen. Each
            pulse within a Burst will have the same chirp width. Pulses in different Bursts may have different chirp
            widths. The chirp is centered on the pulse. For example, with a radar frequency of 5300 MHz and a 20 MHz
            chirped signal, the chirp starts at 5290 MHz and ends at 5310 MHz.
      6)    If more than one pulse is present in a Burst, the time between the pulses will be between 1000 and 2000
            microseconds, with the time being randomly chosen. If three pulses are present in a Burst, the time between
            the first and second pulses is chosen independently of the time between the second and third pulses.
      7)    The 12 second transmission period is divided into even intervals. The number of intervals is equal to
            Burst_Count. Each interval is of length (12,000,000 / Burst_Count) microseconds. Each interval contains
            one Burst. The start time for the Burst, relative to the beginning of the interval, is between 1 and
            [(12,000,000 / Burst_Count) – (Total Burst Length) + (One Random PRI Interval)] microseconds, with the
            start time being randomly chosen. The step interval for the start time is 1 microsecond. The start time for
            each Burst is chosen independently.

      A representative example of a Long Pulse radar test waveform:
      1) The total test signal length is 12 seconds.
      2) 8 Bursts are randomly generated for the Burst_Count.
      3) Burst 1 has 2 randomly generated pulses.
      4) The pulse width (for both pulses) is randomly selected to be 75 microseconds.
      5) The PRI is randomly selected to be at 1213 microseconds.
      6) Bursts 2 through 8 are generated using steps 3 – 5.
      7) Each Burst is contained in even intervals of 1,500,000 microseconds. The starting location for Pulse 1,
          Burst 1 is randomly generated (1 to 1,500,000 minus the total Burst 1 length + 1 random PRI interval) at the
          325,001 microsecond step. Bursts 2 through 8 randomly fall in successive 1,500,000 microsecond
          intervals (i.e. Burst 2 falls in the 1,500,001 – 3,000,000 microsecond range).

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

                        Graphical Representation of a Long Pulse radar Test Waveform

 3.   Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform

      Radar    Pulse       PRI       Pulses     Hopping       Hopping            Minimum            Minimum
      Type     Width      (µsec)    per Hop      Rate        Sequence          Percentage of         Trials
               (µsec)                            (kHz)        Length            Successful
                                                              (msec)             Detection
        6         1        333         9          .333          300                70%                 30

      For the Frequency Hopping Radar Type, the same Burst parameters are used for each waveform. The hopping
      sequence is different for each waveform and a 100-length segment is selected1 from the hopping sequence
      defined by the following algorithm:

      The first frequency in a hopping sequence is selected randomly from the group of 475 integer frequencies from
      5250 – 5724 MHz. Next, the frequency that was just chosen is removed from the group and a frequency is
      randomly selected from the remaining 474 frequencies in the group. This process continues until all 475
      frequencies are chosen for the set. For selection of a random frequency, the frequencies remaining within the
      group are always treated as equally likely.

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

Appendix B: Dynamic Frequency Selection / Test Results

Standards Reference:
FCC 15.407 / RSS-247

Test Procedure

Ref. KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v01r02

Test parameters
Span = 0 Hz
RBW ≥ 3 MHz
VBW ≥ 3 MHz
Detector = Peak
Trace = Single Sweep

System                                                                         System under         Support
             Description                        Samples
Number                                                                         test                 equipment
             AIR-RM3010L-B-K9                   S01
             Support Power Supply               S02

Tested By :                                                Date of testing:
John Liscio                                                26-February-2015
Test Result : NA
See Appendix C for list of test equipment

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The following equipment setup was used to calibrate the conducted Radar Waveform. A spectrum analyzer was used to
establish the test signal level for each radar type. During this process there were no transmissions by either the Master
or Client Device. The spectrum analyzer was switched to the zero span (Time Domain) mode at the frequency of the
Radar Waveform generator. Peak detection was utilized. The spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth (RBW) and
video bandwidth (VBW) were set to 3 MHz.
The signal generator amplitude was set so that the power level measured at the spectrum analyzer was -63dBm.

                                                                                                 6 dB
         Radar Test Signal
          Generator                                                                           Att enuator
                                                          30dB        6 dB
                                        2 - Way        Att enuator Att enuator   4 - Way                    Spectrum Analyzer
                                        Splitter /                               Splitter /
                  30dB                  Combiner                                 Combiner
               Att enuator

            50 Ohm Load

      Conducted Calibration Setup

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Following are the calibration plots for each of the required radar waveforms.

         USA Bin 0 Radar Calibration

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

B.1 Test Procedure/Results

      A spectrum analyzer is used as a monitor to verify that the UUT has vacated the Channel within the (Channel
      Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time, and does not transmit on a Channel during the
      Non-Occupancy Period after the detection and Channel move. It is also used to monitor UUT transmissions
      during the Channel Availability Check Time.
      Following is the test setup used to generate the Radar Waveforms, and for all DFS tests described herein.

                        Conducted Setup: Radar Test Waveforms are injected into the Master

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

Title: DFS Setup

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

                                      This test in not required for this product
B.2 UNII Detection Bandwidth

      Test Procedure

      Ref. KDB 905462 D02 UNII section 7.8.1

      All UNII 20 MHz channels for this device have identical Channel bandwidths, all 40 MHz channels have identical
      Channel bandwidths, and all 80 MHz channels have identical Channel bandwidths. Therefore, all DFS testing
      was done at 5500 MHz. The 99% channel bandwidth for 20MHz signals is 18 MHz, the the 99% channel
      bandwidth for 40MHz signals is 36 MHz, and the 99% channel bandwidth for 80MHz signals is 72. (See the
      26dB BW section of the RF report for further measurement details).

      The generating equipment is configured as shown in the Conducted Test Setup above. A single Burst of the
      desired radar profile is produced at 5500MHz at a -63dBm level. The UUT is set up as a standalone device (no
      associated Client and no traffic).

      A single radar Burst is generated for a minimum of 10 trials, and the response of the UUT is noted. The UUT
      must detect the Radar Waveform 90% or more of the time.

      The radar frequency is increased in 1 MHz steps, repeating the above test sequence, until the detection rate falls
      below 90%. The highest frequency at which detection is greater than or equal to 90% is denoted as Fh.

      The radar frequency is decreased in 1 MHz steps, repeating the above test sequence, until the detection rate
      falls below 90%. The lowest frequency at which detection is greater than or equal to 90% is denoted as Fl.

      The U-NII Detection Bandwidth is calculated as follows:

      U-NII Detection Bandwidth = FH – FL

      The U-NII Detection Bandwidth must be at least 100% of the UUT transmitter 99% power bandwidth (20 MHz for
      20MHz signals, 40 MHz for 40 MHz signals, and 80 MHz for 80 MHz signals), otherwise, the UUT does not
      comply with DFS requirements.

      For the chirped Bin 5 radar, the U-NII Detection Bandwidth must be at least 80% of the UUT transmitter 99%
      power bandwidth (16 MHz for 20MHz signals, 32 MHz for 40 MHz signals, and 64 MHz for 80 MHz signals),
      otherwise, the UUT does not comply with DFS requirements.

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

                                      This test in not required for this product
B.3 Initial Channel Availability Check Time

      The tests that the UUT does not emit beacon, control, or data signals on the test Channel until the power-up
      sequence has been completed and the U-NII device checks for Radar Waveforms for one minute on the test
      Channel. This test does not use any Radar Waveforms.

      The U-NII device is powered on and instructed to operate at 5500 MHz. At the same time the UUT is powered
      on, the spectrum analyzer is set to zero span mode with a 3 MHz resolution bandwidth at 5500MHz with a 2.5
      minute sweep time. The analyzer’s sweep will be started the same time power is applied to the U-NII device.

      The UUT should not transmit any beacon or data transmissions until at least 1 minute after the completion of the
      power-on cycle.

      The initial power up time of the UUT is indicated by marker 1 in the plot. Initial beacons/data transmissions are
      indicated by marker 1R.

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                                     Cisco Systems, Inc. Company Confidential

Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

                                     This test in not required for this product
B.4 Radar Burst at the Beginning of the Channel Availability Check Time

      The steps below define the procedure to verify successful radar detection on the selected Channel during a
      period equal to the Channel Availability Check Time and avoidance of operation on that Channel when a radar
      Burst with a level equal to the DFS Detection Threshold + 1 dB (-63dBm) occurs at the beginning of the Channel
      Availability Check Time.
      The UUT is powered on at T0. T1 denotes the instant when the UUT has completed its power-up sequence. The
      Channel Availability Check Time commences at instant T1 and will end no sooner than T1 + 60 seconds.
      A single Burst of short pulse of radar type 1 at -63 dBm will commence within a 6 second window starting at T1.
      Visual indication on the UUT of successful detection of the radar Burst will be recorded and reported.
      Observation of emissions at 5500MHz will continue for 2.5 minutes after the radar Burst has been generated.
      Verify that during the 2.5 minute measurement window no UUT transmissions occurred at 5500MHz.

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                                     Cisco Systems, Inc. Company Confidential

Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

                                     This test in not required for this product
B.5 Radar Burst at the End of the Channel Availability Check Time

      The steps below define the procedure to verify successful radar detection on the selected Channel during a
      period equal to the Channel Availability Check Time and avoidance of operation on that Channel when a radar
      Burst with a level equal to the DFS Detection Threshold + 1 dB (-63dBm) occurs at the end of the Channel
      Availability Check Time.
      The UUT is powered on at T0. T1 denotes the instant when the UUT has completed its power-up sequence. The
      Channel Availability Check Time commences at instant T1 and will end no sooner than T1 + 60 seconds.
      A single Burst of short pulse of radar type 1 at -63 dBm will commence within a 6 second window starting at T1+
      54 seconds.
      Visual indication on the UUT of successful detection of the radar Burst will be recorded and reported.
      Observation of emissions at 5500MHz will continue for 2.5 minutes after the radar Burst has been generated.
      Verify that during the 2.5 minute measurement window no UUT transmissions occurred at 5500MHz.

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

B.6 In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission Time

      These tests define how the following DFS parameters are verified during In-Service Monitoring; Channel Closing
      Transmission Time, Channel Move Time, and Non-Occupancy Period.

      The steps below define the procedure to determine the above mentioned parameters when a radar Burst with a
      level equal to the DFS Detection Threshold + 1dB (-63dBm) is generated on the Operating Channel of the U-NII

      A U-NII device operating as a Client Device will associate with the UUT (Master) at 5500 MHz. Stream the
      MPEG test file from the Master Device to the Client Device on the selected Channel for the entire period of the

      At time T0 the Radar Waveform generator sends a Burst of pulses for US Bin 0 at -63dBm.

      Observe the transmissions of the UUT at the end of the radar Burst on the Operating Channel for duration
      greater than 10 seconds. Measure and record the transmissions from the UUT during the observation time
      (Channel Move Time). Compare the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time results to the
      limits defined in the DFS Response requirement values table.

      The following plot demonstrates a channel close time of 50ms, with an aggregate of no more than 60
      ms. Type 0 radar was used for this data.

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

     Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission Time for USA Bin 0

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                                    Cisco Systems, Inc. Company Confidential

Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS-1525337

                                      This test in not required for this product
B.7 Statistical Performance Check

      The steps below define the procedure to determine the minimum percentage of detection when a radar burst
      with a level equal to the DFS Detection Threshold + 1dB (-63dBm) is generated on the Operating Channel of the
      U-NII device.

      A U-NII device operating as a Client Device will associate with the UUT (Master) at 5500 MHz. Stream the
      MPEG test file from the Master Device to the Client Device on the selected Channel for the entire period of the

      The Radar Waveform generator sends the individual waveform for each of the radar types 1-6 at -63dbm.
      Statistical data will be gathered to determine the ability of the device to detect the radar test waveforms. The
      device can utilize a test mode to demonstrate when detection occurs to prevent the need to reset the device
      between trial runs. The percentage of successful detection is calculated by:

                               100            = Probability of Detection Radar Waveform

      The Minimum number of trails, minimum percentage of successful detection and the average minimum
      percentage of successful detection are found in the Radar Test Waveforms section. The data represents the
      worst case detection for 20 MHz and 40 MHz signal bandwidths.

                                                  Page No: 26 of 26

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                                     Cisco Systems, Inc. Company Confidential

Document Created: 2015-10-01 16:16:36
Document Modified: 2015-10-01 16:16:36

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