Test Report_NII

FCC ID: LDK102094

Test Report

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

                                               Test Report

                                   5GHz Spurious Emissions
                                           FCC ID: LDK102094
                                            IC: 2461B- 102094

                                               Also Covers:

                                         AIR-RM3010L -A-K9
                                         AIR-RM3010L -N-K9

                                  Receiver Spurious up to 40 GHz
                                     Against the following Specifications:
                                               CFR47 Part 15.247

                                              Cisco Systems
                                           170 West Tasman Drive
                                            San Jose, CA 95134

                                                                                Revision 1

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                                    Cisco Systems, Inc. Company Confidential

Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

This test report has been electronically authorized and archived using the CISCO Engineering Document Control system.

Section 1: Overview                                                                                                   3
  1.1 Test Summary                                                                                                    3
Section 2: Assessment Information                                                                                     4
  2.1 General                                                                                                         4
  2.2 Date of testing                                                                                                 5
  2.3 Report Issue Date                                                                                               5
  2.4 Testing facilities                                                                                              5
  2.5 Equipment Assessed (EUT)                                                                                        5
  2.6 EUT Description                                                                                                 5
Appendix A: Emission Test Results                                                                                     7
  Radiated Spurious Emissions                                                                                         7
Appendix B:     Test Equipment/Software Used to perform the test                                                     20

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Section 1: Overview
1.1 Test Summary

The samples were assessed against the tests detailed in section 3 under the requirements of the following

 Emission                                                     Immunity

 CFR47 Part 15                                                N/A

The specifications listed above represent actual tests performed to demonstrate compliance against the
specifications and basic standards listed on the front cover of this report. This list is not a one to one match to the
front cover for one or more of the following reasons.
1. Basic standards call up many different test phenomena specifications such as the 61000-4-X series. The basic
     standards define which elements and levels shall be applied from these specifications and as such it is not
     appropriate to list the individual specifications on the front cover.
2. A Standard listed on the front cover may be required in a particular country but is not appropriate for the
     particular technologies included in the equipment under test. E.g. You cannot test a DC product to the mains
     Harmonics requirements in EN61000-3-2. See section 3.2.
3. Test results against a particular standard or specification may be included in a different test report. See section
     3.2 for an EDCS reference of this data.
4. Where appropriate, Cisco may have substituted a later revision of a basic standard to those referenced in the
     specification on the front sheet of this test report. This decision was based upon improved test methodology and
     repeatability and/or where the newer revision represented a more stringent test.
5. Where relevant, testing has been carried out to the requirements of both EN and IEC Specifications. This was
     possible because of the similarities of the test methods involved and the Cisco EMC test procedures.
6. Testing may have been performed to an equivalent test that satisfies the requirements of the standards and
     specifications listed on the front cover of the report. See section 3.2.
7. Where radiated emissions testing has been performed to EN55022/CISPR22 the additional requirements of
     VCCI: V- 3/2006.04, EN55022: 1994 +A1/2 and CAN/CSA- CISPR 22-02 have also been evaluated unless
     otherwise stated.
8. Testing to the requirements of CFR47 Part 15 was performed against the CISPR22 limits. The results are
     therefore deemed satisfactory evidence of compliance with Industry Canada Interference Causing Equipment
     Standard ICES-003.
9. Where assessment has been performed to CISPR24, all the applicable test requirements may have not been
     covered. Refer to the results section for the tests performed.

1)    Where a specification listed on the front cover of this report has deviations from the basic standards listed above,
      the additional technical requirements of the specification were also assessed.
2)    Where appropriate, Cisco may have substituted a later revision of a basic standard to those referenced in the
      specification on the front sheet of this test report. This decision was based upon improved test methodology and
      repeatability and/or where the newer revision represented a more stringent test.
3)    Where relevant, testing has been carried out to the requirements of both EN and IEC Specifications. This was
      possible because of the similarities of the test methods involved and the Cisco EMC test procedures.

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                                       Cisco Systems, Inc. Company Confidential

Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Section 2: Assessment Information

2.1 General
This report contains an assessment of an apparatus against Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards based upon
tests carried out on the samples submitted. The testing was performed by and for the use of Cisco systems Inc.

With regard to this assessment, the following points should be noted:

a)         The results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period between
           the date of the initial assessment and the date of issue of the report. Manufactured products will not
           necessarily give identical results due to production and measurement tolerances.
b)         The apparatus was set up and exercised using the configuration and modes of operation
           defined in the operations manual.
c)         Where relevant, the apparatus was only assessed using the susceptibility criteria defined
           in this report and the Test Assessment Plan (TAP).
d)         All testing was performed under the following environmental conditions:
           Temperature              15°C to 35°C (54°F to 95°F)
           Atmospheric Pressure      860mbar to 1060mbar (25.4" to 31.3")
           Humidity                 10% to 75*%

           *[Where applicable] For ESD testing the humidity limits used were 30% to 60% and for EFT/B tests the
           humidity limits used were 25% to 75%.
      e)   All AC testing was performed at one or more of the following supply voltages:
            110V 60 Hz (+/-20%)
            220V 50 Hz (+/-20%)

This report must not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of Cisco Systems.

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                                       Cisco Systems, Inc. Company Confidential

Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

2.2 Date of testing
February - March 2015

2.3 Report Issue Date
Cisco uses an electronic system to issue, store and control the revision of test reports. This system is called the
Engineering Document Control System (EDCS). The actual report issue date is embedded into the original file on
EDCS. Any copies of this report, either electronic or paper, that are not on EDCS must be considered uncontrolled.

2.4 Testing facilities
This assessment was performed by:
         Testing Laboratory
         Cisco Systems, Inc.
         170 West Tasman Drive
         San Jose, CA 95134

Testing - Certificate Number: 1178-01

Test Engineers
Bud Chiller
Dennis Thai

2.5 Equipment Assessed (EUT)
2.6 EUT Description

The AIR-RM3010L Series Cisco Aironet 802.11ac Radio Modules support the following 5GHz modes of operation.
The modes are further defined in the radio Theory of Operation. The modes included in this report represent the
worst case data for all modes.

         Non HT/VHT20, One Antenna, 6 to 54 Mbps
         Non HT/VHT20, Two Antennas, 6 to 54 Mbps
         Non HT/VHT20, Three Antennas, 6 to 54 Mbps
         Non HT/VHT20, Four Antennas, 6 to 54 Mbps

         HT/VHT20, One Antenna, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
         HT/VHT20, Two Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
         HT/VHT20, Three Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

       HT/VHT20, Four Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0

       HT/VHT20 STBC, Two Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT20 STBC, Three Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT20 STBC, Four Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0

       Non HT/VHT40 Duplicate, One Antenna, 6 to 54 Mbps
       Non HT/VHT40 Duplicate, Two Antennas, 6 to 54 Mbps
       Non HT/VHT40 Duplicate, Three Antennas, 6 to 54 Mbps
       Non HT/VHT40 Duplicate, Four Antennas, 6 to 54 Mbps

       HT/VHT40, One Antenna, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT40, Two Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT40, Three Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT40, Four Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0

       HT/VHT40 STBC, Two Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT40 STBC, Three Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT40 STBC, Four Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0

       Non HT/VHT80 Duplicate, One Antenna, 6 to 54 Mbps
       Non HT/VHT80 Duplicate, Two Antennas, 6 to 54 Mbps
       Non HT/VHT80 Duplicate, Three Antennas, 6 to 54 Mbps
       Non HT/VHT80 Duplicate, Four Antennas, 6 to 54 Mbps

       HT/VHT80, One Antenna, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT80, Two Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT80, Three Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT80, Four Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0

       HT/VHT80 STBC, Two Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT80 STBC, Three Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0
       HT/VHT80 STBC, Four Antennas, M0 to M7, M0.0 to M9.0

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Appendix A:      Emission Test Results

Radiated Spurious Emissions

15.205 / RSS-210 2.7:

Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in Section 15.205(a), must also
comply with the radiated emission limits specified in Section 15.209(a) (see Section 15.205(c)).

       Using Vasona, configure the spectrum analyzer as shown below (be sure to enter all losses between the
       transmitter output and the spectrum analyzer). Place the radio in continuous transmit mode.

                Span:                    1GHz – 18 GHz
                Reference Level:         80 dBuV
                Attenuation:             10 dB
                Sweep Time:              Coupled
                Resolution Bandwidth:    1MHz
                Video Bandwidth:         1 MHz for peak, 1KHz for average
                Detector:                Peak

       Maximize Turntable (find worst case table angle), Maximize Antenna (find worst case height)

        Save 2 plots:    1) Average Plot (Vertical and Horizontal), Limit= 54dBuV @3m
                         2) Peak plot (Vertical and Horizontal), Limit = 74dBuV @3m

       Place a marker at the end of the restricted band closest to the transmit frequency to show compliance.
       Also measure any emissions in the restricted bands.

This report represents the worst case data for all supported operating modes and antennas.
There are no measurable emissions above 18 GHz.

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5180MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5180MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5200MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5200MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5240MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5240MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5260MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5260MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5320MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5320MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5500MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5500MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5580MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5580MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5700MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5700MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5745MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5745MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5785MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5785MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5825MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Average 1-18 GHz

Radiated Transmitter Spurs, 5825MHz, All Rates, All Modes, Peak 1-18 GHz

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659

Test Equipment used:

 Equipment No     Manufacturer        Model             Description         Last Cal           Next Cal Due
 CIS008469        Bird                5-T-MN            50 Ohm, 5W          03-JUL-14          03-JUL-15
 CIS008496        Fischer Custom      FCC-450B-2.4-     Instrumentation     20-MAY-14          20-MAY-15
                  Communications      N                 Limiter
 CIS019206        TTE                 H785-150K-50-     High Pas            12-SEP-14          12-SEP-15
                                      21378             Filter,Fo=150kHz
 CIS029960        Fischer Custom      FCC-LISN-         LISN                05-MAR-14          05-MAR-15
                  Communications      50/250-50-2-01
 CIS029962        Fischer Custom      FCC-LISN-PA-      Power Adaptor,      05-MAR-14          05-MAR-15
                  Communications      NEMA-5-15         Polarized
 CIS033456        Suhner              RG-223/U          10ft RG223          22-JAN-14          22-JAN-15
 CIS045050        Rohde &             ESCI              EMI Test            28-OCT-14          28-OCT-15
                  Schwarz                               Receiver
 CIS041933        Newport             iBTHP-5-DB9       5 inch              16-DEC-14          16-DEC-15
                                                        Sensor w/20ft
 CIS-50378        Agilent             N9030A            PXA Spectrum        27-FEB-15          17-JAN16

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Custom EMC Test Report No: EDCS - 1514659


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Document Created: 2015-09-03 09:52:57
Document Modified: 2015-09-03 09:52:57

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