Antenna Specification

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3/11/02                                                                       External Sector Antenna Specifications

                                                                Document Number: EDCS- 256660
                                                                Revision: 1.4
                                                                Author: Jack Trollman
                                                                Manager: Brett Douglas

                   Specification for Pegasus Sector External Antenna

                                      Part number: AIR-ANT58G10SSA-N

This document outlines the technical requirements for the external sector antenna to be
used with the Pegasus bridge system.


                     Department                               Name
                RF Engineering
                Technical Marketing
                Program Manager

                                                 Revision History

      Rev            Date                Author                                  Comment
          1.0       3/11/02            Jack Trollman        Initial Release
          1.1       1/24/03            Jack Trollman        Include new vendor design and out-of-band gains
          1.2       2/12/03            Jack Trollman        Revised to new Maxrad round design
                                                            Revised out of band gains, cross-pol rejection,
                                                            physical size, color specifications and added
          1.3        3/5/03            Jack Trollman        radiation pattern.
          1.4       3/20/03            Jack Trollman        New part numbers and radiation patterns

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3/11/02                                                              External Sector Antenna Specifications

1. Introduction
   This document describes the basic specifications for the sector antenna to be used
   with the Pegasus system.

2. Electrical Specifications
   The electrical specifications for this antenna are summarized in the table below.
   Typical radiation pattern is shown in Figure 1.

                 Sector Antenna Electrical and Mechanical Specifications
           Parameter                                   Value                              Units
           Frequency Range                             5725 – 5825                        MHz
           Gain, measured at end of 1.5 Meter cable    9.5 ± 0.5                          dBi
                      5725-5825 MHz
           Maximum Out-of-band Gains:
           4.50 - 5.15 GHz (Restricted Band)           8                                  dBi
           5.35-5.46 GHz                               9
           7.25-7.75 GHz                               5
           Impedance                                   50                                 ohms
           VSWR                                        1.5:1 max.
           Azimuth half-power beamwidth                60.0, minimum                      degrees
           Elevation half-power beamwidth(1)           60.0, minimum                      degrees
           Linear polarization options                 Hor/Vert                           -
           Cross-polarization discrimination over      18, min                            dB
           boresight ± 25°
           Sidelobe and Front-to-back ratio level from 20, min                            dBc
           120° to 240° (referenced to main lobe peak)
           Input RMS power                             4.0, max                           W
           Approximate Size, (L x W x D) including     2.5 x 2.5 x 1.75                   inches
           Feed cable                                  1.5, Times LMR-                    Meters
                                                       400 or equivalent
           RF Connector                                Type N-Male
           Mounting capability                         Accommodates
           (Either Vert. or Horiz. Polarization)       1.5 2.5 in.
           Elevation adjustment                        None, main beam
                                                       fixed on horizon
          1. Beamwidth symmetrical.
          2. Polarization configurable at installation. Polarization determined by orientation of
             radiating element. Main beam peak to remain on horizon regardless of polarization

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3/11/02                                                              External Sector Antenna Specifications

          Environmental & Regulatory Requirements
           Operating             -30oC                                  Min
                                 +60oC                                  Max
           Storage               -40oC                                  Min
                                 +85oC                                  Max
            Operating            10000 feet                             Max
            Storage              16000 feet                             Max
            Antenna and Radome   UL94HB
          Radome Material        UV Resistant ABS
                                        Plastic or equivalent
          Humidity                      0 - 100% RH                     Condensing
          Wind Speed
           Operational                  100 MPH
           Survival                     125 MPH
          Enclosure                     NEMA 250-1997                   Type 4
          Lightning Protection          All metal parts grounded        DC continuity
                                                                        between connector
                                                                        center conductor and
                                                                        ground of 0.1 Ohm or
          Metal Parts Color             Pantone Cool Gray 2C
                                        (GE Cycolac KJB 1000)
          Plastic Radome Color          Cisco Medium Gray               Cisco Specification
          Cisco labeling                Sticker on rear panel

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3/11/02                                                              External Sector Antenna Specifications

                           Figure 1a. Typical E-plane radiation pattern

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3/11/02                                                              External Sector Antenna Specifications

                          Figure 1b. Typical H-plane radiation pattern

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3/11/02                                                                 External Sector Antenna Specifications

                                                             Document Number: EDCS-256657
                                                             Revision: 1.3
                                                             Author: Jack Trollman
                                                             Manager: Brett Douglas

                             Specification for Pegasus
                          Omnidirectional External Antenna

                                 Part number: AIR-ANT58G9VOA-N

This document outlines the technical requirements for the external omnidirectional
antenna to be used with the Pegasus bridge system.


                  Department                               Name
             RF Engineering
             Mechanical Engineering
             Program Manager

                                              Revision History

      Rev       Date               Author                                Comment
       1.0      3/11/02         Jack Trollman       Initial Release
       1.1      2/12/03         Jack Trollman       Incorporates new gain, cable type and color
                                                    Changed color spec to white, corrected
       1.2      3/5/03          Jack Trollman       Freq. range typo and included typical radiation pattern
       1.3      3/20/03         Jack Trollman       New part numbers and radiation patterns

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3/11/02                                                              External Sector Antenna Specifications

1. Introduction
   This document describes the basic specifications for the omnidirectional antenna to
   be used with the Pegasus system.

2. Electrical Specifications
   The electrical specifications for this antenna are summarized in the table below.
   Typical radiation pattern in shown in Figure 1.

                   Omni Antenna Electrical and Mechanical Specifications
            Parameter                                Value                                  Units
            Frequency Range                          5725 – 5825                            MHz
            Gain, measured at end of 1.5 Meter cable 9.0, +1.0, -0.5                        dBi
                       5725-5825 MHz
            Maximum Out-of-band Gains:
            4.5-5.15 GHz                             7                                      dBi
            5.35-5.46 GHz                            7
            7.25-7.75 GHz                            5
            Impedance                                50                                     ohms
            VSWR                                     1.5 maximum
            H-plane half-power beamwidth             Omnidirectional
            E-plane half-power beamwidth             6 +/- 0.5                              degrees
            Polarization                             Vertical                               -
            Beam Tilt                                None (on horizon)
            E-plane sidelobes below beam peak        -10.0, minimum                         dB
            Input RMS power                          4.0, max                               Watts
            RF Connector                             Type N-Male
            Mounting capability                      Accommodates 1.5
                                            2.5 in. pipe

             1. H-plane shall display 360 degree omni pattern of 9.0 dBi +1.0, -0.5 dB
                 including any incidental beam tilt inherent in the design.

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3/11/02                                                              External Sector Antenna Specifications

          Environmental & Regulatory Requirements
           Operating             -30oC                                  Min
                                 +60oC                                  Max
           Storage               -40oC                                  Min
                                 +85oC                                  Max
            Operating            10000 feet                             Max
            Storage              16000 feet                             Max
            Antenna and Radome   UL94HB
          Radome Material        UV Resistant ABS
                                        Plastic or equivalent
          Humidity                      0 - 100% RH                     Condensing
          Wind Speed
           Operational                  100 MPH
           Survival                     125 MPH
          Lightning Protection          All metal parts grounded        DC continuity
                                                                        between connector
                                                                        center conductor and
                                                                        ground of 0.1 Ohm or
          Color                         White
          Cisco labeling                Sticker on connector end

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3/11/02                                                              External Sector Antenna Specifications

                        Figure 1a. Typical E-Plane (elevation) radiation pattern

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3/11/02                                                              External Sector Antenna Specifications

                        Figure 1b. Typical H-Plane (azimuth) radiation pattern

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3/11/02                                                                 External Dish Antenna Specifications

                                                            Document Number: EDCS- 256668
                                                            Revision: 1.4
                                                            Author: Jack Trollman
                                                            Manager: Brett Douglas

                Specification for Pegasus External Antenna
                               Two-foot Dish
                               Part Number: AIR-ANT58G28SDA-N

This document outlines the technical requirements for the external dish antenna to be
used with the Pegasus bridge system.


                 Department                               Name
            RF Engineering
            Mechanical Engineering
            Technical Marketing
            Program Manager

                                             Revision History

     Rev       Date                Author                                 Comment
      1.0      3/11/02          Jack Trollman        Initial Release
      1.1      1/24/03          Jack Trollman        Revised out-of-band gain specifications
      1.2      2/12/03          Jack Trollman        Included latest vendor changes
                                                     Included final diameter, color updates and radiation
      1.3      3/5/03           Jack Trollman        pattern
      1.4      3/20/03          Jack Trollman        Included new part numbers and polar radiation plots

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3/11/02                                                               External Dish Antenna Specifications

1. Introduction
   This document describes the basic specifications for the high-gain dish antenna to be
   used with the Pegasus system.

2. Electrical Specifications
   The electrical specifications for this antenna are summarized in Table 1 below. A
   typical radiation pattern is shown in Figure 1.

                   Dish Antenna Electrical and Mechanical Specifications
          Parameter                                   Value             Units
          Frequency Range                             5725 – 5825       MHz
          Gain, measured at end of 1.5 Meter cable:   28.0, +/- 0.5     dBi
          5725 to 5825 MHz
          Maximum Out-of-band Gains:
          4.50 - 5.15 GHz (Restricted Band)           19                dBi
          5.35-5.46 GHz                               22
          7.25-7.75 GHz                               29
          Impedance                                   50                ohms
          VSWR                                        1.5:1
          E and H-plane half-power beamwidths         4.75 minimum degrees
          Polarization options (linear)               Hor or Vert       -
          Cross-polarization discrimination over      20, min           dB
          boresight ± 2°
          Sidelobe and Front-to-back ratio level from 20, min           dB
          10° to 350° (referenced to main lobe peak)
          Maximum Input RMS power                     4.0               W
          Diameter                                    29.0 maximum inches
          RF cable                                    Times LMR-
          (Can include segment of smaller dia. cable) 400 or equiv.
          RF Connector on end of 1.5 M cable          N-Male
          Mounting capability                         Accommodates
          (Either Vert. or Horiz. Polarization)       1.5 2.5 in.
          Elevation adjustment range                  ± 12.5 from       degrees
          1. Polarization determined by orientation of antenna, i.e. physically rotate antenna 90°
             to obtain either horizontal or vertical polarization. Must be configurable during
             installation. Mounting bracket to accommodate either polarization without special

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3/11/02                                                               External Dish Antenna Specifications

   Environmental & Regulatory Requirements
    Operating             -30oC                                 Min
                          +60oC                                 Max
    Storage               -40oC                                 Min
                          +85oC                                 Max
     Operating            10000 feet                            Max
     Storage              16000 feet                            Max
     Antenna (aluminum)   N/A
     Feed/radome          UL94HB
   Feed/radome Material   UV Resistant ABS
                                 Plastic or equivalent
   Out-of-band gain              Self-contained within          Loss included in gain
   reduction filter              feed                           calculation
   Humidity                      0 - 100% RH                    Condensing
   Wind Speed
    Operational                  100 MPH
    Survival                     125 MPH
   Enclosure                     NEMA 250-1997                  Type 4
   Lightning Protection          All metal parts grounded       DC continuity
                                                                between connector
                                                                center conductor and
                                                                ground of 0.1 Ohm or
   Color                         Pantone Cool Gray #2C
                                 (GE Cycolac KJB 1000)
   Cisco labeling                Same position as on 24
                                 inch 2.4 GHz dish

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3/11/02                                                               External Dish Antenna Specifications

                      Figure 1a.     Typical radiation pattern - rectangular plot

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3/11/02                                                                 External Dish Antenna Specifications

                      Figure 1b.    Typical azimuth radiation pattern - polar plot

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3/11/02                                                                 External Dish Antenna Specifications

                      Figure 1c.    Typical elevation radiation pattern - polar plot

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Document Created: 2003-04-29 22:39:37
Document Modified: 2003-04-29 22:39:37

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