RF Exposure Report


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EDCS – 12437518

            Maximum Permissible Exposure Study - Engineering Analysis


                                          FCC ID: LDK-IR510OFDM

                                                  902-928 MHz

                                         Against the following Specifications:
                                        47 Code of Federal Regulations 2.1091

                                                   Cisco Systems
                                                170 West Tasman Drive
                                                 San Jose, CA 95134

This report replaces any previously entered test report under EDCS – #######. This test report has been electronically authorized
and archived using the CISCO Doc Central. Test Report Template EDCS# 11556830.

EDCS – 12437518

Attestation Statement of Compliance

The IR510-OFDM-FCC/K9 radio has been evaluated for Maximum Permissible Exposure in compliance with
47 Code of Federal Regulations 2.1091. The evaluation was in accordance with methodology as referenced
in FCC Bulletin OET 65C (rev 01-01) along with KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance. This
report serves as the additional technical analysis of the Cisco radio modules

This study addresses the addition of an additional pair of transmitters using the data derived in the afore
mentioned report #

Coronado FCC-IC 802.15.4 Report IR510, EDCS#12437517

The limits used for this evaluation are in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organizations
(WHO) International Committee on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) as well as the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) C95.1.

The limits chosen are of General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.

This device must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 35 cm from all persons. Installers
must be provided with antenna installation and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure

Based on the study this case scenario, the General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure and the minimum
recommended distance is around 35cm (14 inches) from the antenna.

Jose Aguirre
Cisco Systems Inc
Corporate Compliance and Certifications
125 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Email: joaguirr@cisco.com

EDCS – 12437518

1.0   EUT Description

EUT description here.

                    Test Mode         Modulation          Rate       Spacing         Mode
                       A                 2FSK            50kbps      200kHz             64
                       B                 2FSK           150kbps      400kHz             66
                       C                 2FSK           150kbps      400kHz             98
                       D                OFDM             50kbps      800kHz            144
                        E               OFDM            200kbps      800kHz            146
                        F               OFDM            400kbps      800kHz            147
                       G                OFDM            800kbps      800kHz            149
                       H                OFDM           1200kbps      800kHz            150
                        I              OQPSK           6.25kbps      200kHz            192
                 Note1: Table above represents the worst case scenarios for all modulation and
                                       data packet type combinations.

The following antennas are supported by this product series.
The data included in this report represent the worst case data for all antennas.

 Frequency                      Part number                    Antenna Type        Antenna Gain (dBi)

 902-928MHz                     External                       Omni-directional    5.6

EDCS – 12437518

2.0   Methodology

All calculations were made in accordance with ANSI C95.1, and FCC OET 65C.

Measurement Uncertainty Values
 Parameter                                           Max MU from    Declared MU

 Occupied Channel Bandwidth                          +/- 5%         +/-2%

 RF Output Power, conducted                          +/- 1,5dB      +/-1.4dB

 Power Spectral Density, conducted                   +/- 3dB        +/- 2dB

 Unwanted emissions, conducted                       +/- 3dB        +/- 2dB

 All emissions, radiated                             +/- 6dB        +/- 3.2dB

 Temperature                                         +/- 3C         +/- 0.7C

 Supply Voltages                                     +/- 3%         +/- 2.5%

 Time                                                +/- 5%         +/-2%

EDCS – 12437518

3.0     Technical Requirements

          3.1     Single Band Operation – Limits

FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
(A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure

      Frequency          Electric Field     Magnetic Field       Power Density     Averaging Time
        Range            Strength (E)       Strength (H)             (S)            |E|2, |H|2 or S
        (MHz)               (V/m)               (A/m)              (mW/cm2)           (minutes)

    0.3-3.0                  614                   1.63             (100)*                6
    3.0-30                  1842/f                4.89/f           (900/f2)*              6
    30-300                   61.4                 0.163               1.0                 6
   300-1500                   --                    --               f/300                6
 1500-100,000                 --                    --                 5                  6

(B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

      Frequency          Electric Field     Magnetic Field       Power Density     Averaging Time
        Range            Strength (E)       Strength (H)             (S)            |E|2, |H|2 or S
        (MHz)               (V/m)               (A/m)              (mW/cm2)           (minutes)

   0.3-1.34                   614                  1.63             (100)*                30
    1.34-30                  824/f                2.19/f           (180/f2)*              30
    30-300                   27.5                 0.073               0.2                 30
   300-1500                    --                   --              f/1500                30
 1500-100,000                  --                   --                1.0                 30

                           f = frequency in MHz    *Plane-wave equivalent power density

NOTE 1: See Section 1 for discussion of exposure categories.

NOTE 2: The averaging time for General Population/Uncontrolled exposure to fixed transmitters is not
         applicable for mobile and portable transmitters. See 47 CFR §§2.1091 and 2.1093 on source-
         based time-averaging requirements for mobile and portable transmitters.

EDCS – 12437518

4.0   Calculations

               E=√(30*P*G)/d and     S=E^2/3770
               E=Field Strength in Volts/meter
               P=Power in Watts
               G=Numeric Antenna Gain
               d=Distance in meters
               S=Power Density in mW/cm^2

  Combine equations and rearrange the terms to express the distance as a function of the remaining

  Changing to units of power in mW and distance in cm, using:
              P(mW)=P(W)/1000       d(cm)=100*d(m)
              d=Distance in cm
              P=Power in mW
              G=Numeric Antenna Gain
              S=Power Density in mW/cm^2

  Substituting the logarithmic form of power and gain using:
                P(mW)=10^(P(dBm)/10)         G(numeric)=10^(G(dBi)/10)
                d=0.282*10^((P+G)/20)/√S                     Equation (1)
                s=((0.282*10^((P+G)/20))/d)^2                Equation (2)
                d=MPE distance in cm
                P=Power in dBm
                G=Antenna Gain in dBi
                S=Power Density in mW/cm^2

EDCS – 12437518

5.0    Results

         Equation (1) and the measured peak power are used to calculate the MPE distance. Note that for
         mobile or fixed location transmitters such as an access point, the minimum separation distance is 20
         cm even if the calculations indicate that the MPE distance may be less.

         S=1mW/cm^2 maximum. Using the peak power levels recorded in the test report along with Equation
         1 above, the MPE distances are calculated as follows.

MPE Calculations:
                                  Power       Transmit      Antenna       MPE
  Frequency        Modulation    Density       Power         Gain       Distance        Limit       Margin
    (MHz)            type        mW/cm2        (dBm)         (dBi)        (cm)          (cm)         (cm)
                    OQPSK           0.6         29.6          5.6          20.95         35          14.05
      902-928        2FSK           0.6         29.7           5.6         21.19         35          13.81
                     OFDM           0.6         28.1           5.6         17.63         35          17.37
*Correlated Gain

To maintain compliance, installations will assure a separation distance of at least 35 cm.

Using Equation 2, the MPE levels (s) at 35 cm are calculated as follows:

                                  MPE         Transmit      Antenna       Power
  Frequency        Modulation   Distance       Power         Gain        Density        Limit       Margin
    (MHz)            type         (cm)         (dBm)         (dBi)      (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)     (mW/cm2)
                    OQPSK           35          29.6          5.6          0.215             0.6     0.385
      902-928        2FSK           35          29.7           5.6         0.220             0.6     0.380
                     OFDM           35          28.1           5.6         0.152             0.6     0.448
* Correlated Gain

EDCS – 12437518


American National Standards Institute (ANSI), "Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3
kHz to 300 GHz," ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 (previously issued as IEEE C95.1-1991). Copyright 1992 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), New York, N.Y. 10017. For copies contact the IEEE: 1-800-678-4333 or 1-908-981-1393.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), "Recommended Practice for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields -
RF and Microwave”. ANSI/IEEE C95.3-1992. Copyright 1992, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), New York, NY
10017. For copies contact the IEEE: 1-800-678-4333 or 1-908-981-1393.

FCC OET 65C Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to RF Fields from 9KHz to 40 Ghz

Document Created: 2018-03-13 11:06:55
Document Modified: 2018-03-13 11:06:55

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