RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                          Report No.: RGMA181022004-00B

§1.1307 (b) (1) & §2.1091 –MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE)
Applicable Standard
According to subpart 15.247 (i) and subpart 1.1307 (b)(1), 2.1091 systems operating under the provisions
of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures the public is not exposed to RF energy level in
excess of the communication guidelines.

                             Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

                            Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
             Frequency        Electric Field     Magnetic Field        Power           Averaging
               Range             Strength           Strength          Density            Time
               (MHz)              (V/m)              (A/m)           (mW/cm2)          (Minutes)
               0.3-1.34             614                1.63             *(100)             30
               1.34-30             824/f               2.19/f          *(180/f )           30
                30-300              27.5               0.073              0.2              30
               300-1500              /                   /              f/1500             30
           1500-100,000              /                   /                1.0              30

f = frequency in MHz
* = Plane-wave equivalent power density

MPE Calculated:

Predication of MPE limit at a given distance

                                                      4R 2
S = power density (in appropriate units, e.g. mW/cm2)
P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., mW).
G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator, the power gain
    factor, is normally numeric gain.
R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units, e.g., cm)

For simultaneously transmit system, the calculated power density should comply with:

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                         Report No.: RGMA181022004-00B


Tune-Up Power Including Tolerance:

                          Antenna Gain        Max Tune-up Power   Evaluation      Power
     Frequency                                                                              MPE Limit
                                                                   Distance      Density
       (MHz)            (dBi)     (numeric)    (dBm)    (mW)                                (mW/cm2)
                                                                    (cm)        (mW/cm2)
                         3.5          2.24      19.0     79.43       20           0.035         1.0
     2402-2480           2.6          1.82      5.5      3.55        20          0.0013         1.0

Note: To maintain compliance with the FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, place the equipment at least 20cm
from nearby persons.

The DECT and BT can transmit simultaneously at engineering mode , but Normal use can not be used at
the same time, worst case result as below:

=SDECT/Slimit- DECT + SBT/Slimit-BT


=0.0363< 1.0

Result: Compliance

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Document Created: 2018-12-12 11:51:33
Document Modified: 2018-12-12 11:51:33

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