Test Report

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                                            EMC Test Report Number EMC05006

                      The Document Company

                                  EMC Test Group

     FCC Part 15, Subpart C and Industry Canada RSS-210 Compliance Report for
     Xerox Corporation Short Range Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Device
                                   Model: TLST

        Judgement: The Device Under Test (DUT) met the requirements specified in FCC Part 15, Subpart C,
        Sections 15.207, 15.209 and 15.225, and Industry Canada RSS-GEN, Sections 6 and 7.2.2. The FCC and
            Industry Canada specified frequency stability tests were not performed as part of this assessment.

                            Accreditation Certificate Number: 1248-01
                                    Electrical (EMC) Testing
This laboratory is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) and the results shown in this test
report have been determined in accordance with the laboratory’s terms of accreditation unless stated otherwise in the report. The client
is hereby notified that products, materials or other items in this report are in no way approved or endorsed by A2LA unless A2LA
explicitly permits such endorsement or approval.

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                                         EMC Test Report Number EMC05006
Type of Report:         Electromagnetic Emissions Compliance Test Report
Product:                Xerox Corporation RFID Device, Model TLST

Abstract:               This report documents the testing completed on an RFID Model TLST as supplied by the client. The DUT
                        was found to conform with the Federal Communications Commission, and Industry Canada regulatory
                        limits for an intentional radiator and low power licence-exempt radiocommunication device, respectively.
                        FCC is an acronym for “Federal Communications Commission. The FCC acronym is used throughout the
                        document in lieu of the CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart C terminology. The IC acronym is used throughout the
                        document in lieu of the Industry Canada RSS-GEN and RSS-210 terminology.

Laboratory:             Xerox Corporation                             Client:            Heiko Rommelmann
                        EMC Test Group                                                   Xerox Corporation
                        800 Salt Road Building 843                                       XSBG/SDU/PCDU
                        Mail Stop 843-16S                                                800 Phillips Road Building 201
                        Webster, NY 14580                                                Mail Stop 201-03S
                        (585) 422-4120                                                   Webster, NY 14580
                        (585) 422-6449 (fax)                                             (585) 422-0632
                                                                                         (585) 422-9311 (fax)

Notice to Client:       This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the EMC Test Group.
                        The client is hereby notified that the results of this report relate only to the item(s) tested. The client is
                        responsible for ensuring that the appropriate information relating to the configuration of the product tested
                        is documented and retained for future reference in accordance with CFR 47 Parts 2 & 15. The client is also
                        responsible for ensuring the product is properly labeled and the customer documentation has the appropriate
                        statements as noted in FCC Parts 2 and 15, and sections 5.10 and 5.11 of Industry Canada RSS-GEN and

                        By signing below, the client certifies that the report distribution and product configuration documented in
                        this test report is correct and that any modifications to the product noted in Section 2.6 shall be incorporated
                        into all production units of the equipment for which this test report has been written.

Client:                      Heiko Rommelmann                                                     Date: 11/15/05
                        Heiko Rommelmann, Product Manager

Prepared By:                David Spencer                                                         Date: 11/15/05
                        David Spencer, EMC Engineer
                        DSSG / EH&S / EMC Test Group

Approved By:                                                                                      Date: 11/15/05
                        Gary E. Myers, Manager
                        DSSG / EH&S / EMC Group

Distribution:           Heiko Rommelmann                              0201-03S
                        David Spencer                                 843-16S
                        Gary Myers                                    843-16S

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                                                                  EMC Test Report Number EMC05006
                                                                                   Table of Contents

1 GENERAL INFORMATION................................................................................................................4

    1.1 Product Description ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4

    1.2 Related Reports / Approvals ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

    1.3 Tested System Details.................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    1.3.1        Host Equipment..................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    1.4 Test Methodology / Reference Standards.................................................................................................................................... 5

    1.5 Test Facility.................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2 SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................6

    2.1 Justification.................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

    2.2 Run Mode(s) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

    2.3 Video Mode Justification .............................................................................................................................................................. 6

    2.4 DUT Exercise Software................................................................................................................................................................. 6

    2.5 Special Accessories ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6

    2.6 Equipment Modifications ............................................................................................................................................................. 6

3 CONDUCTED EMISSION DATA .......................................................................................................7

    3.1 Test Procedure............................................................................................................................................................................... 7

    3.2 Measured Data .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8

    3.3 Test Instruments Used, Conducted Measurements .................................................................................................................... 8

    3.4 Environmental Conditions............................................................................................................................................................ 8

4 RADIATED EMISSION DATA............................................................................................................9

    4.1 Test Procedure............................................................................................................................................................................... 9

    4.2 Measured Data ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10

    4.3 Test Instruments Used, Radiated Measurements ..................................................................................................................... 11

    4.4 Field Strength Calculation.......................................................................................................................................................... 12

    4.5 Environmental Conditions.......................................................................................................................................................... 12

5       MEASUREMENT PHOTOGRAPH(S) / DIAGRAM(S) .................................................................13
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                                      EMC Test Report Number EMC05006

1.1 Product Description

      The DUT is a 13.56Mhz Short Range Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Reader/Writer Device that
      uses inductive loop coupling and an integral transmitter/receiver for information exchange between the
      host Xerox printing system and a passive tag placed on an internal Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)
      such as a toner cartridge. The DUT is intended for use within a copier or printer placed in a Class A
      (EME) business environment. The DUT is intended to communicate within the host equipment only.

      Operating frequency: 13.56MHz +/-7KHz.

      Number of Channels: One

      Modulation:             10% ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying)
                              BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying).

      Antenna:                Two Loop Inductive Coil.

      Field Strength:         2.7uA/m (at 3m) Maximum.

      Power Supply:           5Vdc, +/- 500mA (min).

      Duty Cycle:             System-Defined by the host control algorithm.
                              ASK_ Based on 106Kbits data rate.

      Equipment Type:         Category I.

      Model Number:           TLST

The following table reflects the PWBA’s which contain crystals, oscillators or switcher circuitry.

           PWB                    PART              FREQUENCY                        DESCRIPTION
           RFID                 Model TLST              13.56MHz                   RFID for Xerox Printer

1.2 Related Reports / Approvals

This report is the initial compliance report for the Xerox RFID Model TLST. The test data has been filed under
Compliance Test File Number EMC05006.

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1.3 Tested System Details
      The DUT is intended for use in the following classes of electromagnetic emission environment:
      Class A = Limits derived for typical commercial establishments.
      Class B = Limits derived for typical domestic establishments for which a 10m protection distance is used.
       MODEL                                      Device                                                 CLASS
         TLST                                    13.56MHz RFID                                           N/A

1.3.1 Host Equipment
     List any test support equipment that will be used during testing and specify its connection specification. Test support
     equipment is equipment, which is not part of the DUT but is required to enable representative operation of the DUT during test.

              NAME                  DEVICE         MODEL      SERIAL         CABLE TYPE              CABLE            PORT
                                                                NO.                                 LENGTH            NAME
         CRUM Read/Write           I2C Adapter     703T0500      None       Twisted Pair Ribbon        1.3M             I 2C
          Circuit Interface                           1
           Power Supply           Stacor Power     STA-4850      None           2 wire DC              2.1M          DC Power
         Personal Computer          Host PC         E3100     000824709       Unshielded and        1.3M. 2.3M,     Parallel, AC,
                                                                                 Shielded           1.7M, 1.7M,      Keyboard,
                                                                                                     and 2.1M       mouse, Video

1.4 Test Methodology / Reference Standards
Radiated emission testing was performed in accordance with the procedures in ANSI C63.4-2003. Testing was
performed at an antenna to DUT distance of 3 meters (9Khz to 1GHz).

Applicable Documents

       (a)      Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations CFR 47 Part 15, Subpart C.
       (b)      ANSI C63.4-2003, “Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage
                Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 KHz to 40 GHz”.
       (c)      Industry Canada, RSS-210 Issue 6, Sept 2005: Low Power Licence-Exempt
                Radiocommunication Devices (All Frequency Bands).
       (d)      Industry Canada, RSS-Gen Issue 1: Sept 2005: General Requirements and Information for the
                Certification of Radiocommunication Equipment.

1.5 Test Facility

The EMC Group main offices are located at Xerox Corporation’s building 843, 800 Salt Road, Webster, NY
14580. The Semi-Anechoic chamber test site, building 199, located in Webster, NY was used to collect the data.
This facility has been fully described in a report submitted to the FCC and accepted in a letter dated February 4,
2004 (Registration # 91070); additionally, submitted to Industry Canada and accepted in a letter dated February 17,
2005 (File # IC 482).

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                                        EMC Test Report Number EMC05006

2.1 Justification

The system was configured for testing in a stand-alone arrangement. The RFID was connected to an I2C adaptor
and energized using a DC power supply. The RF carrier was configured such that it was transmitting continuously
with no modulation in accordance with ANSI C63.4-2003, Section In the product application the RF
would only be energized 3-5 times daily with 10% AM Modulation (max.).

2.2 Run Mode(s)

The photograph(s) / drawing(s) in Section 4 reflect the following Configuration(s) and Run Mode(s) which
produced the highest radiated and conducted emission levels:

                   Test                                Run Mode
                 Radiated     RF Carrier 100%, No modulation, Continuously Transmitting

2.3 Video Mode Justification

Not Applicable

2.4 DUT Exercise Software

Not Applicable

2.5 Special Accessories

Not Applicable

2.6 Equipment Modifications

No equipment modifications were made to the DUT during testing to achieve compliance.

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Test Personnel:
       Tester Signature            David Spencer                          Date of Testing:   11 / 14 / 05
                              David Spencer, EMC Engineer
                              EH&S EMC Test Group

3.1 Test Procedure

The EUT is grounded in accordance with the user manual and is powered at it’s nominal voltage via a LISN. All
remaining accessories, peripherals and host devices are powered through separate LISN(s) for proper power mains
isolation. The LISN(s) used for testing are 50 ohm / 50 uH, the lines not being tested are terminated in a 50 ohm
impedance. The initial step in collecting conducted data is a spectrum analyzer peak scan of the frequency range
150 KHz to 30 MHz for each of the EUT’s power cord(s) which includes the Neutral and all Hot lines. The
associated EUT cabling is manipulated to ensure that the maximum emissions are recorded. The significant peaks
on the Neutral Line and each Hot line are marked, quasi-peaked and averaged as necessary. Testing is performed
while the EUT is in the standby mode and each available run mode. Run mode(s) are chosen in order to exercise
the EUT’s available options and to maximize the emission profile. When multiple run modes exist, prescanning is
performed to identify the worse case emission profile. The worse case emission profile is then used to complete
the compliance evaluation. The conducted emissions photographs / drawings in Section 5 reflect the worse case
configuration and cabling needed to ensure that the emissions don’t vary more than 2dB due to additional cabling
being installed.

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                                                   EMC Test Report Number EMC05006
3.2 Measured Data

      Conductor                Frequency                Measured Value *           CFR 47 Part 15        CFR 47 Part 15
                               [MHz]                    [dB(uV)]                  Quasi-Peak Limit       Average Limit
                                                                                     [dB(uV)]              [dB(uV)]
      Neutral                         0.150                       46.1                       66.0              56.0
      Neutral                         6.985                       33.7                        60                50
      Neutral                        10.446                       25.9                        60                50
      Neutral                        13.5645                  44.1/43.5***                    60                50
      Neutral                         20.34                       20.1                        60                50
      Neutral                         27.13                   37.6/36.8***                    60                50
      Line 1                          0.150                       45.3                        66                56
      Line 1                         10.446                       24.9                        60                50
      Line 1                         10.567                       24.0                        60                50
      Line 1                         13.564                   43.3/42.8***                    60                50
      Line 1                          20.35                       22.5                        60                50
      Line 1                          27.13                   38.9/37.9***                    60                50

*          All readings are peak unless stated otherwise.
**         Identifies a quasi-peak reading.
***        Identifies an average reading.

3.3 Test Instruments Used, Conducted Measurements

                Type               EMC               Manufacturer /          Serial Number          Last Cal       Cal
                                   Group             Model Number                                     Date       Interval
                                  Barcode                                                           (M/D/Y)
        EME Receiver               042783          Rohde & Schwarz /           DE11158               6/28/05      1 Year
                LISN               36823             Fischer Custom              9703                2/10/05      1 Year
       Temperature &               101224               Omega /              412000738W1            12/22/04      1 Year
      Relative Humidity                                  CT485

                              This equipment complies with the requirements of ANSI C63.4-2003.

3.4 Environmental Conditions

                                       Temperature (ºC)                      Relative Humidity (%)

                                                   21                                   45

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Test Personnel:
         Tester Signature           David Spencer                                          Date of Testing: 05 / 05 / 05
                                David Spencer, EMC Engineer
                                DSSG / EH&S / EMC Test Group

4.1 Test Procedure
The antenna to DUT distance is 3 Meters. The antenna mast and turntable are automated. The antenna mast is capable of searching
from 1 to 4 Meters and the turntable can rotate a full 360 degrees. A magnetic loop antenna is used below 30MHz, a Biconical antenna
is used for the 30 to 200 MHz frequency range and Log Periodic antenna is used for the 200 to 1000 MHz frequency range. A Horn
antenna is used from 1GHz to 40GHz. Correction factors are entered into the automated receiver which include cable loss, attenuators,
pre-amplifiers and antenna factors. While the operator is taking data, the correction factors are always present within the receiver’s
non-volatile memory. The appropriate antenna is placed on the antenna mast at a height of 1 Meter in the vertical polarity. The initial
step in collecting radiated data is through the use of an automated receiver scan. As applicable, the automated receiver scans are
broken into the following frequency ranges: 150Khz – 30Mhz, 30-200, 200-1000 MHz and 1-40 GHz (split up for appropriate display
resolution). Significant peaks are then marked and evaluated using a CISPR quasi-peak detector while the unit is rotated 360 degrees
to find the maximum emission angle. While the DUT is at the maximum emission angle and orthogonal axes, the antenna height is
operated from 1 to 4 meters to determine the maximum emission height. For testing with the magnetic loop antenna: loop antenna
remains at 1 meter from the center of the loop and is rotated about its vertical center axis while the signal level is maximized. The
associated DUT cabling is manipulated to ensure that the maximum emissions are recorded. The maximum quasi-peak signal level,
angle, height and polarity are then recorded. The procedure is then repeated with the antenna placed in the horizontal polarity. The
antenna is placed at a height of 4 Meters for the horizontal automated receiver scan. While the antenna is in the horizontal
polarization, the emissions are maximized as described for the vertical polarity. All scans are performed with the DUT operating in the
run mode. Run mode(s) are chosen in order to exercise the DUT’s available options and to maximize the emission profile. When multiple
run modes exist, pre-scanning is performed to identify the worse case emission profile. The worse case emission profile is then used to
complete the compliance evaluation. The radiated emissions photographs / drawings in Section 4 reflect the worse case configuration and
cabling needed to ensure that the emissions don’t vary more than 2dB due to additional cabling being installed.

DUTs operating above 100 MHz are evaluated against the applicable FCC limits above 1 GHz using a 1 MHz resolution bandwidth. Both
peak and average detectors are used to determine compliance. When testing above 1 GHz, a boresight antenna mast is used and the
operator pays particular attention to the beamwidth of the Horn antenna and the size of the DUT. The antenna mast and turntable
positioning / sequencing is the same as the 30 - 1000 MHz frequency range, except for the boresight capability.

The following data lists the significant emission frequencies, antenna polarity, corrected reading (includes measured reading, cable
correction factor, attenuator factor, preamplifier factor and antenna correction factor) and the legal limit. Explanation of the Corrected
Reading is given in paragraph 3.4. The frequency range investigated was 9KHz to 1000MHz.

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                                      EMC Test Report Number EMC05006
4.2 Measured Data

            Freq        Antenna        Antenna DUT Angle             * Corrected FCC Part
            [MHz]       Height         Polarity [Degrees]/           Reading     15 3 Meter
                        [Meters]       [V/H]    DUT Axis             [dB(uV/m)] Limit
               13.56          1             V            0/X             73.2**            104
               40.68          1             V             0/X             26.2              40
               54.24          1             V            29/X             28.3              40
               67.81          1             V           180/X             21.5              40
               81.39          1             V            57/X             20.5              40
               94.94          1             V            0/X              20.7             43.5
              167.75          1             V            40/X             24.4             43.5
              189.90          1             V           315/X             28.1             43.5
               13.56          1             V            0/Y             76.3**            104
               40.68          1             V            0/Y              25.2              40
               54.24          1             V            30/Y             27.4              40
               67.81          1             V           176/Y             22.1              40
               81.39          1             V            56/Y             17.3              40
               94.94          1             V            0/Y              21.3             43.5
              162.77          1             V            43/Y             24.9             43.5
              189.90          1             V           320/Y             28.1             43.5
               13.56          1             V             0/Z            70.8**            104
               40.68          1             V             0/Z             23.2              40
               54.24          1             V            30/Z             20.1              40
               67.81          1             V           180/Z             20.2              40
               81.39          1             V            60/Z             17.5              40
               94.94          1             V             0/Z             19.8             43.5
              135.64          1             V             0/Z             27.3             43.5
              162.77          1             V             0/Z             23.7             43.5
              189.90          1             V             0/Z             28.5             43.5

*      All readings are quasi-peak, using a 120kHz resolution bandwidth, unless stated otherwise.
**     Identifies a quasi-peak reading, using a 9kHz resolution bandwidth.
***    Identifies an average reading, using a 1 MHz resolution bandwidth.

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                                          EMC Test Report Number EMC05006
4.3 Test Instruments Used, Radiated Measurements

     Type                    EMC           Manufacturer /        Serial              Last         Cal
                             Group         Model Number          Number            Cal Date     Interval
                             Barcode                                               (M/D/Y)
     EME Receiver            24086         Rohde & Schwarz /     100090              1/3/2005   1 Year
                                           ESIB 40
     RF Preamplifier         30907         Hewlett Packard /     2944A08955          9/9/2004   1 Year
     RF 6 dB Attenuator      30828         Hewlett Packard /     37347              3/21/2005   1 Year
     Biconical Antenna       30862         EMCO /                9503-2891           9/5/2004   1 Year
     Log Periodic            30850         EMCO /                9305-3621          9/12/2004   1 Year
     Antenna                               3146
     Temperature &           101920        Omega /               509005420D         5/27/2004   1 Year
     Relative Humidity                     CT-485B
     Magnetic Loop           030998        Rohde & Schwarz/      880665/005          04/05/05   1 Year
     Antenna                               HFH2-Z2

                          This equipment complies with the requirements of ANSI C63.4-2003.

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                                      EMC Test Report Number EMC05006
4.4 Field Strength Calculation
The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor, Attenuator Factor and Cable Factor, and subtracting
the Amplifier Gain (if any) from the measured reading. The basic equation with a sample calculation is as follows.

FS = RA + AF + CF + ATF- AG

where FS       = Field Strength
      RA       = Receiver Amplitude
      AF       = Antenna Factor
      CF       = Cable Attenuation Factor
      ATF      = Attenuator Factor
      AG       = Amplifier Gain

Assume a receiver reading of 52.5 dBuV/m is obtained. The Antenna Factor of 6.4 dB, a Cable Factor of 1.1 dB
and an Attenuator Factor of 1 dB is added. The Amplifier Gain of 29 dB is subtracted, giving a field strength of 32

FS = 52.5 + 6.4 + 1.1 + 1 - 29 = 32 dBuV/m

The 32 dBuV/m value can be mathematically converted to its corresponding level in uV/m.

Level in uV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(32 dBuV/m)/20] = 39.8 uV/m

4.5 Environmental Conditions

                             Temperature (ºC)                  Relative Humidity (%)

                                      20                                  42

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                                      EMC Test Report Number EMC05006

                   Figure 1 - DUT Arrangement During Final Radiated Emission Measurements, Rear View

                   Figure 2 - DUT Arrangement During Final Radiated Emission Measurements, Front View

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                                      EMC Test Report Number EMC05006

                        Figure 3 DUT Arrangement During Final Conducted Emission Measurements

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                                        EMC Test Report Number EMC05006

                                                  Figure 4 PWBA Detail

                 Marker:               13.565832 MHz                73.53 dBµV/m
                 Delta Mk:               -4.509 kHz                 -5.59 dB

                 Level [dBµV/m]








                      13.53M            13.55M      13.56M      13.57M     13.58M   13.6M
                                                 Frequency [Hz]
                                              Figure 5 13.56MHz Bandwidth
                                         Resolution BW: 9KHz, Video BW: 30KHz

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                                        EMC Test Report Number: EMC05006
                 Level [dBµV/m]





                     30M          60M          80M      100M     120M   140M   160M      200M
                                                     Frequency [Hz]

                             Figure 6 DUT X Axis Vertical Receive Antenna Polarization

                 Level [dBµV/m]





                     30M          60M          80M      100M     120M   140M   160M      200M
                                                     Frequency [Hz]

                           Figure 7 DUT X Axis Horizontal Receive Antenna Polarization

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                                      EMC Test Report Number: EMC05006
               Level [dBµV/m]





                   200M               400M    500M     600M     700M      800M      900M   1G
                                              Frequency [Hz]
                                Figure 8 DUT X Axis Vertical Antenna Polarization

               Level [dBµV/m]





                   200M              400M     500M      600M    700M      800M      900M   1G
                                              Frequency [Hz]

                            Figure 9 DUT X Axis Vertical Receive Antenna Polarization
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                                      EMC Test Report Number: EMC05006
               Level [dBµV/m]





                   30M          60M      80M      100M     120M   140M   160M           200M
                                               Frequency [Hz]
                          Figure 10 DUT Y Axis Vertical Receive Antenna Polarization

               Level [dBµV/m]





                   30M          60M      80M      100M     120M   140M   160M           200M
                                               Frequency [Hz]

                         Figure 11 DUT Y Axis Horizontal Receive Antenna Polarization
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                                      EMC Test Report Number: EMC05006
               Level [dBµV/m]





                   200M              400M     500M      600M    700M     800M      900M   1G
                                              Frequency [Hz]

                          Figure 12 DUT Y Axis Horizontal Receive Antenna Polarization

               Level [dBµV/m]





                   200M              400M     500M      600M    700M     800M     900M    1G
                                              Frequency [Hz]

                           Figure 13 DUT Y Axis Vertical Receive Antenna Polarization
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                                         EMC Test Report Number: EMC05006
                  Level [dBµV/m]





                      30M          60M          80M      100M     120M   140M   160M      200M
                                                      Frequency [Hz]

                              Figure14 DUT Z Axis Vertical Receive Antenna Polarization

               Level [dBµV/m]





                   30M             60M      80M          100M     120M   140M   160M      200M
                                                      Frequency [Hz]

                            Figure15 DUT Z Axis Horizontal Receive Antenna Polarization
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                                       EMC Test Report Number: EMC05006
               Level [dBµV/m]





                    200M               400M    500M     600M     700M     800M     900M   1G
                                               Frequency [Hz]

                             Figure16 DUT Z Axis Vertical Receive Antenna Polarization

               Level [dBµV/m]





                    200M               400M    500M     600M     700M     800M     900M   1G
                                               Frequency [Hz]

                           Figure 17 DUT Z Axis Horizontal Receive Antenna Polarization

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                                     EMC Test Report Number: EMC05006
                 Level [dBµV]








                      150k   300k   500k      1M        2M     3M   5M   7M 10M   30M
                                              Frequency [Hz]

                                       Figure 18 Conducted Emission Line 1

                 Level [dBµV]








                      150k   300k   500k      1M        2M     3M   5M   7M 10M   30M
                                              Frequency [Hz]

                                       Figure 19 Conducted Emissions Line 2

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Document Created: 2019-09-11 21:35:58
Document Modified: 2019-09-11 21:35:58

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