
FCC ID: L73RM-Y807

Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                        Step 3:’Checking If the Code Number Works
Setting the Code                                                     3 Press the CODE SET button.
                                                                                                                                        1    Aim the Remote Commander at the           —    POWER
                                                                       The TV and CABLE indicators on                        CODE SET        component and press the POWER          cABLE     Tv
Step 1: Entering the Remote Commander‘s ID
                                                                       the Remote commander flash,                            C              button that corresponds to your        C C
                                                                        indicating that the Remote                                           component. The component should
In addition to having infrared transmission, this Remote                Commander is in preset mode.                                         turn on.                                                  PoOwEeR
Commander includes RF transmission, which allows you to              4 Press the FUNCTION button (TV        runction—caBLE      TV
control your Sony brand DSS receiver from another room if               or CABLE) for the component you‘re           @                  2 When the component turns on,                       CH
your component supports RF remote control. However, your                setting up.                                                          check that the Remote Commander                       6
Remote Commander may be interfered with by the same type                                                                                     is operating the other functions of                   4
of Remote Commander that is used nearby. To prevent this,               To set up your VCR or MDP, set the               ViRi2SMD"           your component. Press the CH +/—                     J
set the Commander‘s ID code. For the procedure of setting               slide switch inside the Remote                                       buttons.                                       PAGE
your ID code, see the instruction manual of your DSS receiver.          Commander to any position.

                                                                     5 Enter the component‘s code number.                               If the Remote Commander Doesn‘t Seem to Be

                                                                       For example, if you‘re entering the                              Working ...
Step 2: Entering the Code Number for Your                                                                                               EK First, try repeating these setup procedures using the other
                                                                        code for a Philips VCR, you would
Component                                                               press 3, 1 and 0.                                                  codes listed for your component (see page 16).
1 Turn off the component you want to set up.                                                                                 ENTER
                                                                                                                                        K If — after trying all the codes listed for your component —
                                                                     6 Press the ENTER button to store the
                                                                                                                                            you still cannot get the Remote Commander to work
2 Turn to "Component Code Numbers" on page 16, and find                code number in the Remote
                                                                        Commander‘s memory.                                                 properly, try the learning function described under "Setting
  the three—digit code number for your component.                                                                                           Up a Non—preprogrammed Component" on page 9.
   If more than one code number is listed, use the number            7 Go to "Step 2: Checking if the Code
   that‘s listed first to complete the steps that follow.              Number Works" on page 8 to finish                                If the Remote Commander is Working Properly ...
                                                                       setting up.                                                      N You‘re finished setting up the Remote Commander for this
    Brand     Component Code No.         For example, if you‘re                                                                            component.
                                         setting up a Philips VCR,
    Philips   VCR        310, 308, 309   you would use code          Note                                                               EK You‘ll need to complete these procedures for each
                                         number 310.                 E If more than 10 seconds elapse after you press a button,            component you plan to use with the Remote Commander.
                                                                       preset mode is cancelled automatically.
   If your component is not listed, see "Setting Up a Non—
   preprogrammed Component" on page 9.

Remote Commander ButtonDescriptions                                             Button         Operates    Function                                          Button            l Operates l Function
Note:                                                                                          DSS         Changes the channel.                              (Inside the lid of the Commander)
Buttons that are highlighted in the following table operate in                                 IV          For
                                                                                               Cable box   5. example, to go to channel 5, press 0 and        vTRi23moe
                                                                                                                                                               @                VCR
                                                                                                                                                                                MoOP         Switches to various VCR or MDP mode.
any component operation mode.
                                                                                               DSS         Used for setting up the Remote Commander
 Button            Operates    Function                                                    4 Pgble box     to operate your component.                            roweRr         VCR          Turns the VCR or MDP on or off.
———rowen           DSS         Turns the component on and off.                                                                                                   C              MDP
casie     TV       TV                                                                          DSS         Displays the Program Banner on DSS.                                                       —
C O @              Cable box                                                               [ Tv            Displays the on—screen information (e.g.              @2             ;\/ACDRP     Rewind
                                                                                           |               current channel) on TV.
        SLEEP      TV          Shuts off automatically after the time you
                               specify.                                                        DSS         Changes to the next or previous channel.              E)             }\//ICDRP    Play
                                                                                               TV          For DSS operation, used to page through the
                               Mutes the sound.                                                Cable box   guide while the program guide is displayed.           B              VCR          Fast—forward
                               Press again to restore the sound.                                                                                                                MDP
                                                                                                                                                                               VCR           Eject
——runcnon——        DSS         Switches to the component‘s operation mode.         MENU        Ds$         Displays the Main Menu.                               CG             MDP          Used only with Sony brand components.
came _  oss        TV                                                                          TV          Used only with Sony brand components.                 &             VCR           Changes the channel or chapter.
CLJ C C            Cable box                                                                                   —        —   —    =——       —      —                             MDP
                                                                                               DSS         Moving the joystick highlights items in the           é
        auvibe     DSS         Displays the Master Guide.                                      TV          menus, program guides, etc.
                               Each press cycles through all the available                                 Pressing the joystick selects or stores the                         VCR           Record .
                               time slots in the guide.                                                    highlighted items. During normai DSS
                                                                                                           viewing, pressing the joystick displays the
    Fravorite      DSS         Displays your favorite stations guide on the                                Station index.
        C                      screen if you‘ve preset it.                                                 Used only with Sony brand comiponents.                an            ;\/ACDF:'-'   Pause
                                                                                               DSsS        Turns off the on—screen displays including
   Te~             DSS         Selects an alternate audio track for the                        TV          menus, program guides, etc.                   .       C             VCR           Stop
                               current program if one is available.
                                                                                    exit                   If you press this button before you complete                        MDP
                                                                                                             our selection, the previous selections are       e            j
                 § psSs        Switches to the last channel that you selected                              ¥estored‘            previous selecti                               VCR           Changes the VHF/UHF output of the VCR.
                   TV          with the 0—9 buttons.                                                       Used only with Sony brand components.
                   Cable box
                                                                                                           Raises and lowers the volume.                                       DSS           Used for setting up the Remote Commander
        tvmss      DSS         Changes the VHF/UHF output of DSS.                                                  >                                           cone ser        TV         to operate your component ({listed in the
                                                                                                                                                                               Cable box} "Component Code Numbers").
                                                                                                                                                                               VCR        Also used for setting the Remote
                   TV          Changes the VIDEO input mode of the TV.                                                                                                         MODP       Commander‘s ID code.

    o                                                                              i                                                                                o
    Component COde Numbe I‘S                                                       Component Code Numbers (continued)                                               Component Code Numbers (continued)

    E:if;:‘;‘ff;;?::;nizfigfitgat                                                     Brand       Component    Code No.         Brand    Component    Code No.        Cable Box Codes                      MDP Codes
    components:                               Brand    __Component Code No.         Marantz VCR             314, 336, 337     Singer   VCR         315              Brand               Tode No:         Brand          Code No.
    TV: Sony                                  Emerson TV          122, 113, 120,    Marta       VCR         332               SamsungVCR_____322,
    VTR1: Sony Beta VCRs                                          121, 123, 103,    Memorex VCR             309, 335                   TV          126, 112, 113.   Hamlin/Regal        222, 223, 224,   Sony           701
    VTR2: Sony 8 mm VCRs                                          115               NMinolta    VCR         305, 304                               103                                  225, 226         Kenwood        707
    VTR3: Sony VHS VCRs                       Fisher   VCR        330, 334, 335,    Mitsubishi                                Sanyo ____330,                         Jerrold4/G.1.      201, 202, 203,   Magnavox       703
    MDP: Sony multi—disc players                                  333                           VCR         323, 324, 325,             TV          125                                  204, 205, 206,   Maranz         702
.                                                    TV           125                                       326               Scott    VCR         312, 313, 321.        L              gg; ggg, gg      :;Aitsubishi   ;gi
                                              Funar__VCR          338                           TV          124, 103, 112                          335, 323, 324,   Oa                     , 28,          anasonic
    TV and VCR Codes                          General Electric                      Multitech                                                      325, 326         Panasonic           219, 220, 221    Philips        703 .
     Brand     Component   Code No.                    VCR        329, 304, 309                 VCR         325, 338, 321              TV          123, 112         Pioneer             214, 215         Pioneer        702
                                                       T          102, 118, 103,    NEC        VeRr  314, 336, 337            Sharp    VCR    327, 328              Sientific Atlanta   209, 210, 211    RCA            702
    Sony       VCR         301 (VTR3: VHS)                        107                          T~—~——10.02____—                        T~V——Tid4i13.1i§ _           Tocom               216, 217         Sanyo          706
                   302 (VTR2: 8 mMm) ~Eoigarar VCR                332               Olympic VCR             309, 308          Shintom VCR        315                Zenith              212, 213         Sharp          705
               _ (VTR1:
                   303        Beta)            TV                 103, 113, 112.    Panasonic                                 Signature 2000 (Montgomery Wards)                                          Yamaha         703
     Sony      TV          101                                    130                           VCR         308, 309, 306,             VCR         338, 327
     Admiral TV            102, 114, 109      Hitachi —VER____306, 304, 305                                 307                        TV          114, 109
    Aiwa       VCR         338                         TV         131, 113, 103,                TV          118. 116, 117,    Syivania VCR         310, 308, 309,
     Audio Dynamic                                                132                                       107                                    338
               VCR         314, 337           instant Replay                        Pentax_ VCR             305. 304                   TV          111. 112, 103
     Bell & Howell (Montgomery Wards)                   veRr      309, 308          Philco VeR              308, 309          Symphonic
               VCR         330, 343           7C Penny VeR        309, 305, 304,            TV              111, 113, 103              vCr         338
               _V          114, 109, 138                          330, 314, 336,    Philips     VCR         310, 308, 309              TV          123, 139
     Brocsonic319                                                 337                           TV          111               Tashiro VCR          337
             TV  103, 112              TV                         103, 102, 130,    Piloneer VCR            308               Tatung VCR           314. 336, 337
     Canon VCR   303, 308                                         107                        TV             137.   118. 119   Teac VCR             314, 336, 338.
     Citizen VCR 332            Ne     VeRr                       314, 336, 337     Portland TV             103,   108                             337
     Craig ____315,                    TV                         128, 129          Guasar VCR              308.   309        Technics VCR         309. 308
             TV  122, 123, 120, Renwood VCR                       314, 336, 332.             TV             118.   107        Toshiba VCR          312, 311
                 121                                              337               Radio Shack                                        TV          119, 114
     Croslex TV  111            av     ~——1~                      133, 113, 103,             TV             102, 112. 124,    Videch_ IV           131, 103, 112
     Curtis Mathis                                                123, 134                                  123               Wards    VCR         327, 328, 335,
               304338309 ~DG Gearg)                                                 REAPROSCAN                                            331, 332
               TV 103, 119, 123    VCR                            332, 305, 333           VCR               304, 305, 308,             ——~~113,
     Daewoo 341,
            VCR 312, 309                                          334, 330, 335                             309, 310, 311,                         112
               TV          135, 136, 103               102                                                  312, 313          Yamaha VCR           330, 314, 336,
     Daytron_IV            113                                    125, 119, 112                 TV          102, 103, 104,                         337
     DBX _ VCR             ___314, 336, 337   Magnavox                                                      105. 106, 107,    Zemth VER___         331
     Dimensia VCR          304                          vCRr      310, 308, 309                             108                        10g110
     Emerson VCR           319, 320, 316,               TV        111. 112. 113.    Realistic VCR           309, 330, 328,
                           317, 318                                103                                      335, 324, 338
                                                                                    Sansui      VCR         314

Using the Remote Commander                                       * If your cable box is a Scientific Atlanta model that does not
                                                                   have a power—on button, you can turn on the cable box by
Before Operating a Component                                       pressing the CH+ or CH—— button on the Remote
Press the FUNCTION button that                                     Commander.
corresponds to the component you       FUNCTNON—CABL
want to operate (DSS to operate a             fi                  Notes on Using the Remote Commander
DSS receiver, TV to operate a TV,                 —              & Using this Remote Commander will not increase the
CABLE to operate a cable box). For                                 functions of your DSS, TV, VCR, MDP or cable box. The
VCR or MDP operation, open the lid                vTRi23 MDP       functions of the Remote Commander are limited to the
of the Remote Commander and set                       G
                                                                   functions of the DSS, TV, VCR, MDP or cable box itself. For
the slide switch to the position you
set for your component when setting                                example, if your TV does not have a JUMP function, the
the code number.                                                   JUMP button on this Remote Commander will not function
                                                                   with your TV.
                                                                 EK If your cable box can control volume, be sure to set its
Operating a Component                                              volume switch to a medium position. If the volume on the
1 Press the POWER button that corresponds to the                   cable box is turned down completely, you will not be able to
  component you want to operate (DSS to turn on a DSS              adjust your TV‘s volume with this Remote Commander.
   receiver, TV to turn on a TV, CABLE to turn on a cable box,
   POWER inside the lid to operate a VCR or MDP).
2 Point the Remote Commander directly at the component.
3 Press the button for the function you want to use.
   See "Remote Commander Button Descriptions" on page 12
   for complete descriptions of the buttons on the Remote
* Some buttons on the Remote Commander work exclusively
  with specific components. Several buttons also function in
  any component operation mode. For example, you can use
  the TV/VTR button to control the VCR even if any
  FUNCTION button is pressed. For a complete list of the
  buttons that work independently, see the highlighted
  buttons in the tables on the following pages.

WARNING                                                                         Troubleshooting                                                             Limited Warranty
                                                                                If you‘re having problems setting up or using the
FCC Statement                                                                   Remote Commander:                                 —                         If this product should prove defective in workmanship or material
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved in                          M When setting up the Remote Commander, carefully go through the            during the period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase a
writing by Sony Corporation may void the user‘s authority to                      procedures described under "Setting the Code" on page 6. If the           retail, the same will be replaced by either the Seller, or Sony Electroni
operate this equipment.                                                           code that‘s listed first for your component doesn‘t work, try all the     Inc.
                                                                                  codes for your component — in the order in which they‘re listed. If
                                                                                  all the codes fail to work (or if your component is not listed in this    SUCH REPLACEMENT SHALL BE THE SOLE REMEDY OF THE
                                                                                  manual), try using the procedures under "Setting up a Non—pre—            CONSUMER, AND THERE SHALL BE NO LIABILITY ON THE PAJ
DSS® is a registered trademark of DIRECTV, Inc., a unit of                        programmed component" on page 9. If, after trying all this, you still
Hughes Electronics Corporation.                                                   cannot get the Remote Commander to operate properly, see                  OF THE MANUFACTURER, DISTRIBUTOR OR SELLER FOR ANY
                                                                                  "Customer Support Information" below.                                     LOSS OR DAMAGE, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, ARISING OU
                                                                                                                                                            OF THE USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, THIS PRODUCT. Some
                                                                                EN For non—RF components, check that you‘re aiming the Remote
Specifications                                                                     Commander directly at the component, and that there are no
                                                                                                                                                            states of the United States do not allow the exclusion of incidental or
                                                                                                                                                            consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you
                                                                                   obstructions between the Remote Commander and the component.
                                                                                                                                                            This warranty gives you specific rights and you may also have other
Operable distance    Approximately 7 m (23 ft). (varies depending on the        N Make sure the batteries you‘re using are not worn out, and that
                                                                                                                                                            rights which vary from state to state.
                     component of each manufacturer)                              they‘re inserted correctly. Note that whenever you remove the
                     Effective range of RF transmission is approximately 30 m     batteries —— to replace them, for example — if too much time is
                     {100 ft).                                                    taken, the code numbers revert to the factory settings and must be        To locate the servicer or dealer nearest you, for service assistance or
                                                                                   reset.                                                                   resolution of a service problem, or for product information or
Power requirements   Two size AA batteries (not supplied)                                                                                                   operation, call:
                                                                                BR When using the Remote Commander, note that some buttons work
Battery life         Approximately six months (varies depending on                 exclusively with specific components. These buttons also function        SONY DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEM INFORMATION CENTER
                     frequency of use)                                             independent of any component operation mode. For example, you            1—800—838—7669.
Dimensions           68 x 210 x 28 mm (w/t/d)                                      can use the TV /VTR to control the VCR even if any FUNCTION
                     (2%% x 8 Yax 1 ‘/s in.)                                       button is pressed. For a complete list of the buttons that work          For an accessory or part not available from your authorized dealer,
                                                                                   independently, see the highlighted buttons in the table on pages 12      call: 1—800—488—SONY (7669).
Mass                 Approximately 180 g (7 oz) (not including batteries)          through 15.
                                                                                N Make sure you‘ve set your Remote Commander‘s ID code if you are
                                                                                  using RF transmission. Note that your Remote Commander may be
                                                                                  interfered with by the same type of Remote Commander that is used
M The operating range of this Remote Commander may                                nearby. See the instruction manual of your Sony DSS receiver with
   decrease due to ambient radio wave conditions, your room‘s                     RF control capability.
   wall, etc.
EK This Remote Commander has both IR and RF transmission                        Customer Support Information
                                                                                If — after you have read through this manual — you still cannot get
  capability.                                                                   the Remote Commander to work properly, call the SONY DIGITAL
Design and specifications subject to change without notice.                     SATELLITE SYSTEM INFORMATION CENTER at 1—800—838—7669.

                                                                                                                                                           Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia

Document Created: 2019-05-30 18:43:40
Document Modified: 2019-05-30 18:43:40

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