Tune Up Procedure

FCC ID: L2V2100-0149

Parts List/Tune Up Info

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                                 Tune Up Procedure
GMSG01 requires no Frequency tunes. The crystal is a TCXO qualified in operating
range at time of manufacture.

Power levels are set as below.

2.3.2   Power
    The output power shall have two settings selectable by a discrete input to the board,
    (sampled during power-up), or by command via the serial port.
    A jumper shall be included on the board to indicate the source of the control.
    If the jumper setting corresponds to the discrete input control, the discrete input
    PWR_LVL is sampled during power up to indicate the output power level.

                         Discrete Control Setting     Power Setting
                         (Sampled at power-up)
                                  Open                    Low
                                 Ground                   High

    If the jumper setting corresponds to a serial control, the power level is set according
    to a value set in the EEPROM. Serial port commands (See Error! Reference source
    not found. ) can modify this EEPROM value.

    The output power on a 50 ohms load after the power amplifier shall be according to
    Table 1, Output Power

                         Discrete Control Setting   Avg Power
                                                    (During 1.28 s)
                                  High               22dBm +/- 2 dB
                                  Low               18 dBm +/- 2 dB
                                    Table 1, Output Power
    The power tolerances shall include the temperature and voltage variations as well as
    the manufacturing tolerances.
    The power measurement shall be made in a 5 MHz bandwidth centered on the carrier
    Closed loop power control should not be required.

I/O Connector and Power/Ground connectors may be combined.

9.1   I/O & Power Connector

      Description                                   RS232 connection for control and test
                                                    Discrete control pins for test
                                                    I/O Pins
                                                    Power pins
      Connector                                     TBD
      Mating Connector                              TBD

                                                    (TOP VIEW)

                    2    4   6    8   10   2        4   2        4   2        4   2        4   2        4

                    1    3   5    7   9    1        3   1        3   1        3   1        3   1        3

                             J2                J3           J4           J5           J6           J7

               J2-1     POWER IN                                          J5-1        NO PIN
               J2-2     POWER IN                                          J5-2        NO PIN
               J2-3     GROUND                                            J5-3        NO PIN
               J2-4     GROUND                                            J5-4        NO PIN
               J2-5     DIGITAL INPUT 1
               J2-6     DIGITAL INPUT 2                                   J6-1        POWER LEVEL
               J2-7     SERIAL TX (INPUT)                                 J6-2        GROUND
               J2-8     RTS (INPUT)                                       J6-3        POWER LEVEL OVERRIDE
               J2-9     SERIAL RX (OUTPUT)                                J6-4        GROUND
               J2-10    CTS (OUTPUT)
                                                                          J7-1        RTC EXTERNAL POWER IN
               J3-1     NO PIN                                            J7-2        GROUND
               J3-2     NO PIN                                            J7-3        LED POWER
               J3-3     NO PIN                                            J7-4        LED CONTROL
               J3-4     NO PIN

               J4-1     TEST INPUT 1
               J4-2     TEST INPUT 2
               J4-3     VDIG (ICP - NOT INSTALLED IN PRODUCTION)
               J4-4     uC RESET (ICP - NOT INSTALLED IN PRODUCTION)

   •     LED_GND may be connected to board ground.
   •     The cable length between the I/O connector and the DTE will not exceed 20 cm
   •     Unused pins of the connector will be left unconnected

   •     The OEM integrator will keep the power cable length to less than 20 cm with a
         minimum gauge wire gauge of 20 AWG

Document Created: 2019-10-23 12:18:10
Document Modified: 2019-10-23 12:18:10

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