User Manual


Users Manual

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                                This guide is based on the Globalstar Sat-Fi2 and Sat-Fi2 Apps. Software changes may have
                                occurred after this printing.

                                Globalstar reserves the right to make changes in technical and product specifications without prior

                                Globalstar Inc.
                                300 Holiday Square Blvd.
                                Covington, LA 70433

                                Copyright© 2018 Globalstar® Incorporated.
                                All rights reserved.

                                Globalstar® is a registered trademark of Globalstar Incorporated.
                                Sat-Fi2© is a registered trademark of Globalstar Incorporated.
                                Android® is a registered trademark of Google Incorporated.
                                iPhone® is a registered trademark of Apple Incorporated
                                All other trademarks and registered trademarks are properties of their respective owners.

                                Printed in the United States of America.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide

Table of Contents
                                                                                                                                                                                       EMAIL ............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
WELCOME ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
                                                                                                                                                                                             OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
      W HAT’S IN THE BOX? .................................................................................................................................................... 1                Inbox Screen ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
      ACTIVATING THE SAT-FI2 .............................................................................................................................................. 1                   Compose Message Screen ............................................................................................................................... 14
      OWNER AND GUEST ACCOUNTS .................................................................................................................................... 1                           View Email Screen ............................................................................................................................................. 14
REGISTERING A MY ACCOUNT PROFILE .................................................................................................................... 2                                      CONFIGURING EMAIL ACCOUNTS ................................................................................................................................. 15
                                                                                                                                                                                                Email Accounts – Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, Outlook, Hotmail & AOL .................................................................... 15
      EXISTING GLOBALSTAR CUSTOMER REGISTRATION ......................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.                                                              Email Accounts – Exchange .............................................................................................................................. 16
      NEW USER REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................................ 2                      Email Accounts – IMAP & IMAPS ...................................................................................................................... 17
                                                                                                                                                                                             VIEWING EMAIL .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
                                                                                                                                                                                             COMPOSING AND SENDING EMAIL ............................................................................................................................... 18
      SAT-FI DEFAULT USERNAME & PASSWORDS.................................................................................................................. 3
      STEP 1    CHARGE THE SAT-FI .................................................................................................................................... 3               HIBERNATION MODE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………18
      STEP 2    INSTALL THE SAT-FI APP ON A SMART DEVICE .............................................................................................. 3
      STEP 3    POWER ON THE SAT-FI AND OPEN THE SAT-FI APP ...................................................................................... 3                                   S.O.S. / GEOS ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
      STEP 4    CONFIGURING THE SAT-FI APP AS AN OWNER .............................................................................................. 4                                      INITIATING AN S.O.S. .................................................................................................................................................. 20
      STEP 5    TEST SAT-FI CONFIGURATION AND CONNECTION .......................................................................................... 5                                             S.O.S. from the Device ...................................................................................................................................... 20
      BEST PRACTICE USES................................................................................................................................................... 5                     S.O.S. from the Sat-Fi App ................................................................................................................................ 20
      CONFIGURING AND CREATING A SAT-FI APP GUEST ACCOUNT .....................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.                                                                  COMMUNICATING WITH GEOS .................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
SAT-FI 2 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................... 6                       Voice Communications with GEOS ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Text Communications with GEOS ..................................................................................................................... 21
      SAT-FI 2 AT A GLANCE .................................................................................................................................................. 6              CANCELING AN S.O.S. ................................................................................................................................................ 22
      SAT-FI 2 LEDS ............................................................................................................................................................. 6               S.O.S. from the Device ...................................................................................................................................... 22
      SAT-FI 2 APP HOME SCREEN ........................................................................................................................................ 6                         S.O.S. from the Sat-Fi App ................................................................................................................................ 22
      LOG INTO THE SAT-FI 2 APP.......................................................................................................................................... 7
      LOGGING OUT OF THE SAT-FI 2 APP .............................................................................................................................. 8                 SAT-BROWSE ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
      CLOSING THE SAT-FI APP ............................................................................................................................................. 8                 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
VOICE COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 9                          INITIAL CONFIGURATION OF SAT-BROWSE ................................................................................................................... 23
                                                                                                                                                                                             W EB BROWSING ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
      OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
      MAKING A VOICE CALL .................................................................................................................................................. 9         SOCIAL MEDIA .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
      RECEIVING A VOICE CALL............................................................................................................................................ 10                  FACEBOOK ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
      VOICEMAIL.................................................................................................................................................................. 10            Configuring the Sat-Fi App for Facebook .......................................................................................................... 24
          Voicemail using a Sat-Fi Connected Smartphone ............................................................................................. 10                                        Posting to Facebook .......................................................................................................................................... 25
          Voicemail using a Landline/Mobile Phone.......................................................................................................... 10                               TWITTER .................................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
SMS/TEXT MESSAGING ............................................................................................................................................... 12                           Configuring the Sat-Fi App for Twitter ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Posting to Twitter ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
      SENDING AN SMS/TEXT MESSAGE .............................................................................................................................. 12
      RECEIVING AND REPLYING TO AN SMS/TEXT MESSAGE ............................................................................................... 12                                 WEATHER ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26
      SENDING SMS/TEXT MESSAGES TO MULTIPLE CONTACTS ........................................................................................... 12                                          CURRENT W EATHER SCREEN ..................................................................................................................................... 26
      DELETING MESSAGE THREADS .................................................................................................................................... 12                       FORECAST W EATHER SCREEN.................................................................................................................................... 26
      DELETING INDIVIDUAL MESSAGES ................................................................................................................................ 13                       VIEW CURRENT W EATHER .......................................................................................................................................... 27
                                                                                                                                                                                             W EATHER RADAR....................................................................................................................................................... 27
                                                                                                                                                                                       QUEUE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 28
                                                                                                                                                                                             QUEUE SCREEN ......................................................................................................................................................... 28

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide

     DELETE A MESSAGE FROM THE QUEUE ........................................................................................................................ 28                        SAT-FI CERTIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 54
     ADD A MESSAGES TO THE QUEUE ............................................................................................................................... 29
                                                                                                                                                                                             FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT................................................................................................................................... 54
APP SETTINGS .............................................................................................................................................................. 30                   Radio & Television Interference ......................................................................................................................... 54
                                                                                                                                                                                             INDUSTRY CANADA CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................. 54
     APP SETTINGS SCREEN .............................................................................................................................................. 30
                                                                                                                                                                                             CE CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
     VIEWING THE APP SETTINGS SCREEN .......................................................................................................................... 31
                                                                                                                                                                                        SAT-FI GENERAL WARNINGS ..................................................................................................................................... 55
DEVICE SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
     VIEWING THE DEVICE SETTINGS .................................................................................................................................. 33
     ADMIN CONSOLE......................................................................................................................................................... 33
     USERS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 34
     W I-FI CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................................... 34
         Wi-Fi Configuration – Settings Tab .................................................................................................................... 34
         Wi-Fi Configuration – Clients Tab ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
         Wi-Fi Configuration – Advanced Tab ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
     FIREWALL ................................................................................................................................................................... 35
         Firewall – Domains Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 35
         Firewall – Ports Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 35
     DEVICE INFO............................................................................................................................................................... 36
         Status ................................................................................................................................................................. 36
         Settings ................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
GLOBALSTAR MY ACCOUNT ...................................................................................................................................... 38
     LOGGING INTO MY ACCOUNT....................................................................................................................................... 38
        I Forgot My Username.......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
        I Forgot My Password .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
     MY DEVICES MAIN SCREEN ......................................................................................................................................... 39
        Filtering Devices ................................................................................................................................................. 39
        View Device Details ............................................................................................................................................ 40
        View/Edit ............................................................................................................................................................ 40
     MY ACCOUNT – MY DEVICES....................................................................................................................................... 41
        Sat-Fi My Devices Overview .............................................................................................................................. 41
        Name Tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
        S.O.S. Tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 42
        Voice/Text Blocker Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 43
        Support Tab........................................................................................................................................................ 45
        Factory Reset Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 45
     MY ACCOUNT – SETTINGS & BILLING ........................................................................................................................... 46
        Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 46
        Username Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 46
        Password Settings.............................................................................................................................................. 47
        Credit Card Information ...................................................................................................................................... 47
        Customer Information......................................................................................................................................... 48
        Monitor Message Usage .................................................................................................................................... 48
        Billing History ...................................................................................................................................................... 51
TROUBLESHOOTING & FAQ ....................................................................................................................................... 52

SAT-FI SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 53

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide

No matter how far off the grid you go, Globalstar’s Sat-Fi2 satellite Wi-Fi hotspot keeps you connected to what
matters. Sat-Fi2 fills the gap when your cellular or radio coverage is gone, keeping voice and data communication
channels open when you need it the most. With Sat-Fi2, you can use your personal Wi-Fi enabled devices and stay
                                                                                                                           Activating the Sat-Fi2
connected over the newest and most modern mobile satellite network with data speeds up to 72 kbps! Up to 8                 In order to begin using the Sat-Fi2, please ensure you have an active subscription. Please check to see if you have
different users can connect to a single Sat-Fi2 for web browsing, email, 2-way texting, voice calls, data, weather         received a Globalstar Activation Submission email from This email will have the
updates and much more. Sat-Fi2 is lightweight, water & impact resistant and fits right in the palm of your hand. Sat-Fi2   Account Number (i.e. AC00123456), needed for registering a My Account Profile. If you do not have an active
is the last device you’ll ever need to stay in touch with family, friends, business contacts and emergency services.       subscription or encounter any issues with your device please visit for assistance.

                                                                                                                           Owner and Guest Accounts
                                                                                                                           There are two types of user accounts associated with the Sat-Fi2:

                                                                                                                                  Owner Account – Actual owner or designated administrator of the Sat-Fi device

                                                                                                                                       o   Voice calls - Make voice calls

                                                                                                                                       o   Text messaging – Send and receive text messages

                                                                                                                                       o   Email – Access personal email account

                                                                                                                                       o   Social Media – Send posts to individual Facebook or Twitter accounts

                                                                                                                                       o   Weather – View local weather conditions

                                                                                                                                       o   Administrative privileges

                                                                                                                                                  Change Sat-Fi Wi-Fi password

                                                                                                                                                  Delete messages from Queue
NOTE:      Before using the Sat-Fi2, Globalstar recommends spending a few minutes reading through this                                 o   My Account access
           User Guide prior activation ensuring a successful Sat-Fi2 configuration. Complete each step
           before moving on to the next step.                                                                                     Guest User Account – Uses Owner’s voice minutes, text messages allotment and data to perform the

                                                                                                                                       o   Voice calls - Make voice calls using the Owner’s Sat-Fi Mobile Device Number
What’s in the Box?
                                                                                                                                       o   Text messaging – Send and receive texts using the Owner’s Sat-Fi 2 Mobile Device Number
       Sat-Fi2 Unit
                                                                                                                                       o   Email – Access personal email account
       18” Micro USB Data/Power Cable
                                                                                                                                       o   Social Media – Send posts to individual Facebook or Twitter accounts
       AC (Wall) Power Adapter
                                                                                                                                       o   Weather – View local weather conditions
       GEOS Reference Guide
       Quick Start Guide
       Warranty Card

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 1


User Registration
In order to access the Sat-Fi2, users will have to first register their account. Perform the following steps for new user registration.

    1. In a web browser enter

    2. Select Register

    3. Enter e-mail address used when activating the device and Globalstar Account Number located on the activation email confirmation

    4. Select Confirm

    5. Select Language Preference

    6. Create username, password and secret question information

    7. Select Register

    8. My Account registration is complete.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                             Page 2

The following instructions are for iOS and Android users only. If you are not an iOS or Android user, please visit 2Support for setup instructions.
                                                                                                                          Step 2 Install the Sat-Fi2 App on a Smartphone
                                                                                                                              1.   Using an Internet or cellular connection, download and install the Sat-Fi App from the Google Play Store
Sat-Fi2 Default Username & Passwords                                                                                               or the Apple Store.
       Sat-Fi Wi-Fi

             o     Username:        No username by default
                                                                                                                          Step 3 Power on the Sat-Fi2 and Open the Sat-Fi App
                                                                                                                              1.   Power on the Sat-Fi2.
             o     Password:        satfi1234
                                                                                                                              2.   Ensure the smartphone has a cellular or Wi-Fi Internet connection.
       Sat-Fi Admin
                                                                                                                              3.   Open the Sat-Fi2 app by selecting             .
             o     Username:        admin                                                                                                                               Sat-Fi

             o     Password:        admin

                                                                                                                              NOTE: The Sat-Fi2 App will download a few files necessary for
Step 1             Charge the Sat-Fi2                                                                                               setup/configuration. Do not close the Sat-Fi2 App during the
The Sat-Fi must have a sufficient charge before it can be configured for use. Perform the following steps to charge the
Sat-Fi battery:

        1.       Remove the USB Data/Power Port cover by turning the D-Ring screws
                 counter-clockwise. Place the USB Data/Port cover in a secure location.
        2.       Connect the Micro USB Data/Power Cable to the Sat-Fi2 USB
                 Data/Power port and plug into either a computer or the AC Power
                 Adapter (included in the box.) The Sat-Fi2 will perform a self-test (the
                 LEDs will blink in a right-to-left then left-to-right sequence) If the Power
                 LED is blinking RED, the battery requires further charging.
        3.       Let the Sat-Fi charge until the Power LED turns Solid GREEN.
        4.       Disconnect the Micro USB Data/Power Cable and re-connect the USB
                 Data/Power cover on the Sat-Fi by turning the D-Ring screws
        NOTE:        The USB/Data Power Port cover needs to be properly installed
                     to ensure water resistant integrity.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 3

Step 4 Configuring the Sat-Fi2 App as an Owner                                                                     Configuring the Sat-Fi2 App as a Guest
                                                                                                                   Guest accounts give Sat-Fi2 owners the ability to allow guests to sign on and use the Sat-Fi2. Perform the
Perform the following to configure the Sat-Fi2 App as an Owner:
                                                                                                                   following steps to create a Sat-Fi2 Guest Account
    1. Select the Sat-Fi2 icon
                                                                                                                       -   Follow steps from 1-2 on the Set up as Owner guide
    2. Select Allow for the following steps:
                                                                                                                       1. Select WI-FI SETTINGS
         Taking photos, alternate GPS locations, sending and attaching photos, access contacts, talk when making
                                                                                                                       2. Turn on the smartphone’s Wi-Fi
         a voice call, and make a phone call.
                                                                                                                       3. Select the Sat-Fi2 Wi-Fi – The default Wi-Fi name is satfi2 _<xxxx>
    3. Select I’M THE OWNER
                                                                                                                       4. Enter the default Sat-Fi2 password: satfi1234
    4. Enter My Account username and password
                                                                                                                       5. Select CONNECT/JOIN
    5. Configure Social Accounts
                                                                                                                       6. Select I’M A GUEST
    6. Turn on Sat-Fi2
                                                                                                                       7. Create a Guest account by completing the form and selecting SUBMIT
    7. Turn on the smartphone’s Wi-Fi and select the Sat-Fi2 Wi-Fi – Default name is: satfi2_ <xxxxxx>
                                                                                                                       8. Creating a Guest Account is complete
    8. Enter the default Sat-Fi2 password: satfi1234

    9. Go back to the Sat-Fi2 app

    10. Select CONNECT

    11. Enter the default admin password: admin

    12. Select VALIDATE
    For Android: A background battery usage message will be displayed, select OK. Then select NO when

    prompted to ignore battery optimizations

    13. Creating an Owner Account is complete

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 4

                                                                                                                           Best Practice Uses
Step 6 Test Sat-Fi2 Configuration and Connection                                                                                The Sat-Fi2 WILL NOT work indoors and needs to be outside
Perform the following to make a satellite call, send a text message, receive a call or browse and confirm the Sat-Fi2 is         (Indoor use will require a Remote Antenna and Mobile
configured and operational:                                                                                                      Docking Station – Sold Separately)

                                                                                                                                The Sat-Fi2 co-located antenna needs to be fully extended in
                                                                                                                                 the upright position
    1. Verify the following:
                                                                                                                                Power On the Sat-Fi2 prior to use – The Sat-Fi2 can take up
            -    The Sat-Fi2 is outside with 360 clear view of the sky with no obstructions (buildings, trees, etc.)
                                                                                                                                 to 5 minutes to boot up and acquire a GPS fix
            -    The Sat-Fi2 is facing up – logo/power button facing up
                                                                                                                                For optimal performance:
            -    The Sat-Fi2 co-located antenna is fully extended in the upright position and powered on
                                                                                                                                     o   The Sat-Fi2 needs a clear 360° view of the sky with
                                                                                                                                         no obstructions (buildings, trees, etc.)

                                                                                                                                     o   The Sat-Fi2 should be placed on a flat surface with the Power Button and Sat-Fi Logo facing up
    2. Verify the      and the      are displayed on the Sat-Fi2 app indicating the Sat-Fi2 has a good satellite                         towards the sky

    3. Select the Phone icon

    4. On the telephone key pad either:

            -    Enter a telephone number

            -    Select a contact

    5. Select the phone icon to place the call

    6. Within a few seconds you will hear a dial tone and be connected

    7. Select                        to disconnect/hang-up

    8. The Sat-Fi2 is now configured and operational

                                                                                                                                Ensure all users download and install the Sat-Fi2 App prior to leaving Internet/Cellular service

                                                                                                                                Before making a voice call or sending a text message, ensure         and     are displayed on the Status Bar of
                                                                                                                                 the Sat-Fi2 App, indicating that the Sat-Fi2 has a good satellite connection

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 5


Sat-Fi2 at a Glance                                                                                            Sat-Fi2 LEDs

                                                                                                               Powering On/Powering Off the Sat-Fi2
                                                                                                                        LED Status                    Power LED                 Satellite LED                SOS LED

                                                                                                               Powering On/Self-Test                 LEDs Blink in Forward/Reverse Direction until Sat-Fi2 Powers On

                                                                                                               Powering Off                      Fast Blink ORANGE          Fast Blink ORANGE          Fast Blink ORANGE

                                                                                                                       LED Status                     Power LED                 Satellite LED                SOS LED

                                                                                                               Powered On                       Normal Blink GREEN                     -                          -

                                                                                                               Powered Off                              No LED                     No LED                      No LED
       Co-Located Antenna – Must be fully extended and pointing straight to the sky for optimal performance   Battery Full – 100%                   Solid GREEN                       -                          -
       Power LED – Displays Power status                                                                      Battery Charging                 Double Blink GREEN                     -                          -
       Satellite LED – Displays Satellite connectivity status
                                                                                                               Battery <25%                         Fast Blink RED                     -                          -
       S.O.S. LED – Displays S.O.S. status
                                                                                                               Connected to Satellite                       -              Normal Blink GREEN                     -
       USB Power/Data Port
                                                                                                               Not Connected to Satellite                   -                Normal Blink RED                     -
            o    Remove cover to access USB Power/Data Port
                                                                                                               SOS Mode                                     -                          -               Normal Blink GREEN
            o    Use port to charge the battery and connect the device to a computer
       External Power Port – Use with 12V charger (sold separately)                                           Cancel SOS Mode                              -                          -                Normal Blink RED

       Power Button                                                                                                                             GREEN + ORANGE
                                                                                                               Hibernation Mode                                                    No LED                      No LED
            o    Power On – Press and hold for 1 second                                                                                            Bright/Dims/Off
            o    Power Off – Press and hold for 3 seconds                                                      LED Pattern Definitions
       S.O.S. Button                                                                                             1.   Normal blink: Blinks in slow rate
            o    Initiate S.O.S. with GEOS – Press and hold S.O.S. button until S.O.S. LED blinks GREEN           2.   Fast blink: Blinks in fast rate
                                                                                                                  3.   Double blink: Blinks twice and off
            o    Cancel S.O.S. with GEOS – Press and hold the S.O.S. button until S.O.S. LED blinks RED
                                                                                                                  4.   Forward Reverse: The boot up LED pattern scrolls green from the power to the S.O.S. then all 3 blink green.
                                                                                                                  5.   Solid ON: Stays ON continuously
                                                                                                                  6.   Power Mode dimming: LED slowly dims / turns OFF & turns ON /s lowly brightens in slow smooth pace

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 6

Sat-Fi2 App Home Screen                                                                                      Logging Into the Sat-Fi2 App
                                                                                                             NOTE: The configuration of the Sat-Fi2 App as an Owner or the creation of a Guest User Account is
                                                                                                                   mandatory before being able to log into the Sat-Fi2 App.
                                                                                                             Perform the following steps to log into the Sat-Fi2 App:

                                                                                                             For Android:
                                                                                                                 1. Open the Sat-Fi2 App
                                                                        Status Bar
                                                                                                                 2. Select WI-FI SETTINGS
                                                                                                                 3. Select the Sat-Fi2 Wi-Fi – The default Wi-Fi name is: satfi2_<xxxxx>
                                                                                                                 4. Go back to the Sat-Fi2 App
                                                                                                                 5. Select RECONNECT

                                                                                                                 6. Enter username
                                                                                                                 7. Enter Password
Current GPS Location                                                                                             8. Select Sign in
                                                                                                                 9. Login is complete

Connected Users                                                                                                  NOTE: If the phone has its Wi-Fi on, but isn't connected to anything, it will go to the
                                                                        Application Menu                         Sat-Fi2 app login page. The user must enter username and password then hit Sign
                                                                                                                 in. The reconnect page will appear. This is where you select WI-FI SETTINGS,
                                                                                                                 choose the Sat-Fi2's Wi-Fi, and then the app will automatically connect and go to the
                                                                                                                 main app screen.

Application Menu                                                                                             For iPhone:
       Phone – Make and receive phone calls to friends, family and contacts                                     1. Open the Sat-Fi2 App
       Text – Send and receive SMS/Text messages to friends, family and contacts                                2. Select WI-FI SETTINGS
       Web – Browse the Internet using Sat-Browse                                                               3. Select the Sat-Fi2 Wi-Fi – The default Wi-Fi name is: satfi2_<xxxxx>
       Email – Send and receive emails from personal or corporate email accounts                                4. Go back to the Sat-Fi2 App
       Social – Share photos and post updates to linked social media accounts                                   5. Re-enter your login credentials if you did not select auto login when setting up the
       Weather – View local weather conditions anywhere in the world
                                                                                                                 6. Select RECONNECT
       Emergency – Initiate an S.O.S. with direct 2-way voice and text communications with GEOS Emergency
        Response Coordination Center                                                                             7. Login is complete

    Queue – View a list of messages in the queue that are waiting to be sent                                NOTE: If credentials have already been entered before, the phone will auto-login and go
Curren                                                                                                       straight to the reconnect screen. Here the user needs to select WI-FI SETTINGS, choose
                                                                                                             the Sat-F2i's Wi-Fi, and then the app will automatically connect and go to the main app

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                              Page 7

Logging Out of the Sat-Fi2 App                                                                                Closing the Sat-Fi2 App
NOTE: If logged out of the Sat-Fi2 App, the smartphone will not receive any Sat-Fi2 voice calls, emails and
                                                                                                              NOTE: To receive voice calls and texts, the Sat-Fi2 App needs to remain running in the background. If
      texts until logged back into the Sat-Fi2 App.
                                                                                                                    the Sat-Fi2 App is closed, the smartphone will not receive any Sat-Fi2 voice calls, emails and
Perform the following steps to log out of the Sat-Fi2 App:                                                          texts until logged back into the Sat-Fi2 App.
                                                                                                                      Globalstar recommends closing the Sat-Fi2 App only if powering off the Sat-Fi2 device.
                                                                                                              Perform the following steps to close the Sat-Fi2 App:
      1. From the main menu screen:
                  Select the Menu icon (For Android)
                                                                                                              For Android:
                  Select the Logout icon (For iPhone)                                                            1. Select the Menu icon
      2. Select Logout (For Android) / Confirm (For iPhone)                                                       2. Select close app
      3. The Login screen will be displayed and logging out is complete                                           3. Confirm you want to close the app by selecting Yes
                                                                                                                  4. The Sat-Fi2 app will close and the smartphone will be brought to its home screen.
                                                                                                                  5. Press the multitasking button (usually a square next to the home button)
                                                                                                                  6. Swipe left or right or tap the X to close the app.

                                                                                                              For iPhone:

                                                                                                                      1. Double press the circular button on the bottom of your iPhone

                                                                                                                      2. The screen will shrink

                                                                                                                      3. Slide up.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                            Page 8


   Overview                                                             Making a Voice Call
                                                                        Perform the following steps to make a voice call on the Sat-Fi2.

                                                                            1. Open the Sat-Fi2 app and log in as Owner or Guest

                                                                            2. Select the

                                                                            3. Verify    and     are displayed indicating the Sat-Fi2 has a good satellite connection

                                                                            4. Enter a phone number on the telephone key pad or select a contact

                                                                            5. Press the green phone icon to dial. Within a few seconds you will hear a dial tone and be connected

Dials the smartphone’s contact list

Displays the smartphone’s contact list

Displays the number of voicemails and dials voicemails (Android only)

Dials voicemail while pressing and holding down (Android and iPhone)

Displays the dialing pad

Displays the call history

   Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                        Page 9

                                                                                                                     NOTE: Hibernation mode does not affect voicemail. Hibernation shuts down a lot of processes to save battery
Receiving a Voice Call                                                                                               and just prevents the user from receiving calls and push notifications.
Perform the following to receive a voice call on the Sat-Fi2:
                                                                                                                     Accessing Voicemail using the Sat-Fi2
                                                                                                                     Perform the following steps to setup and configure voicemail using a Sat-Fi2 connection:
    1. An incoming call will be displayed on the screen.
                                                                                                                             1.    On the main screen, select phone icon          .
    2. Answer the phone by selecting the green phone icon on Android or
                                                                                                                             2.    The telephone keypad on the Android version will display the voicemail icon which can be selected to
        the accept icon on iPhone                                                                                                  access voicemail. On the iPhone, voicemail can be accessed by pressing and holding the 1.       .
                                                                                                                             3.    At the voice prompt, select your desired language.

Voicemail                                                                                                                    4.    At the voice prompt, enter the Sat-Fi2 telephone number.
                                                                                                                                     Example: 1-254-555-1234 (<Country Code>+<Telephone Number>)
With voicemail you can check your messages from your Sat-Fi2 connected smartphone at standard airtime rates.
There is no connection fee from Globalstar to receive a message or check your messages from a landline/mobile                5.    At the voice prompt, enter your Pass Code. Then follow the audible instructions.
phone (local carrier fees may apply).

       Store up to 25 messages                                                                                      Voicemail using a Landline/Mobile Phone
       Callers can record a message up to 3 minutes in length                                                       Voicemail Setup & Configuration using a Landline/Mobile Phone
       Once a message has been played it will only be stored for 30 days                                            Perform the following steps to setup and configure voicemail using a landline/mobile phone:

                                                                                                                             1.    On a landline/mobile phone, dial:
Voicemail using a Sat-Fi2 Connected Smartphone                                                                                             North America                     1-877-426-0308
                                                                                                                                           Caribbean & Latin America         1-985-327-7500
Voicemail Setup & Configuration using the Sat-Fi2
                                                                                                                                           Europe                            +353-828-80420
Perform the following steps to setup and configure voicemail using a Sat-Fi2 connection:
                                                                                                                                           Africa                            +353-1-290-9505
        1.     On the main screen, select the phone icon           .
                                                                                                                             2.    At the voice prompt, select your desired language.
        2.     The telephone keypad on the Android will display the voicemail icon, press and hold. For the iPhone
               press and hold the 1.                                                                                         3.    At the voice prompt, enter the Sat-Fi2 telephone number.

        3.     At the voice prompt, enter the Sat-Fi2 telephone number.                                                              Example: 1-254-555-1234 (<Country Code>+<Telephone Number>)

                 Example: 1-254-555-1234 (<Country Code>+<Telephone Number>)                                                 4.    At the voice prompt, select your desired language.

        4.     At the voice prompt, select your desired language.                                                            5.    At the voice prompt, setup/configure the following voicemail settings:

        5.     At the voice prompt, setup/configure the following voicemail settings:                                                      Voicemail Greeting

                   Voicemail Greeting                                                                                                     Voicemail Pass Code

                   Voicemail Pass Code                                                                                      6.    At the voice prompt, select 4 to manage the following greetings:

        6.     At the voice prompt, select 4 to manage the following greetings:                                                            Name

                   Name                                                                                                                   Unavailable

                   Unavailable                                                                                                            Temporary

                   Temporary                                                                                                7.    When finished, hang up and voicemail will be setup and configured.

        7.     When finished, select                            to disconnect/hang-up. Setup and configuration of
               voicemail is complete.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 10

Accessing Voicemail using a Landline/Mobile Phone
Perform the following steps to access voicemail using a landline/mobile phone”

        1.     On a landline/mobile phone, dial:
                   North America                         1-877-426-0308
                   Caribbean & Latin America             1-985-327-7500
                   Europe                                +353-828-80420
                   Africa                                +353-1-290-9505

        2.     At the voice prompt, select your desired language.
        3.     At the voice prompt, enter your Sat-Fi2 telephone number/MDN followed by #
                 Example:        254-555-5555#.
        4.     A voice prompt, enter your pass code.
        5.     At the voice prompt, select 1 to listen to voicemail messages.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                               Page 11


Sending an SMS/Text Message                                                                  Sending SMS/Text Messages to Multiple Contacts
                                                                                             NOTE: Sending SMS/text messages to multiple contacts is not group texting. When sending SMS/Text to multiple
Perform the following steps to send an SMS/Text message using the Sat-Fi2:
                                                                                                   contacts the Sat-Fi2 App will create individual message threads for each individual contact and send
                                                                                                   multiple messages. You will be charged for each SMS/Text message that is sent.

    1. From the main menu, select Text                                                       Perform the following steps to receive and reply to an SMS/Text message using the Sat-Fi2:

    2. On Android phones, select the + sign to create a new message                              1. From the main menu, select Text

        On iPhone, select the compose icon to create a new message                               2. On Android phones, select the + sign to create a new message

    3. Select contacts or enter a text number on the Android                                         On iPhone, select the compose icon to create a new message

        Select the plus sign to add a contact                                                    3. On Android select SEND TO MULTIPLE CONTACTS

    4. Enter text message and send                                                                   On iPhone, select the contact by pressing the plus sign. Once a contact is selected, press the plus sign and repeat
                                                                                                     again to add more.
    5. The text message will be sent and displayed as a message thread
                                                                                                 4. After selecting the contacts, type the text message, then send.

                                                                                                     *On the Android, it will show a disclaimer asking you if you are sure you want to send the message to multiple
Receiving and Reply to an SMS/Text Message                                                           contacts. Select OK to proceed.
Perform the following steps to receive and reply to an SMS/Text message using the Sat-Fi2:
                                                                                                 5. The message will be sent and the Sat-Fi2 App will create two separate message threads for each contact.

    1. When an incoming text message arrives, the following will be displayed:
                                                                                             Deleting Message Threads
                An incoming text message pop up                                             Perform the following steps to delete a message thread:
                The number of unread text messages received                                     1. On the Android, select and press down on the message thread to be deleted
    2. To view the text messages, select text                                                        On the iPhone, select and slide to the left and the word delete will appear
    3. Select the text threat to view                                                            2. On Android, you will be asked if you want to delete the conversation
    4. To reply, type the text message and select send when finished                                 On iPhone, you will select “delete”

                                                                                                 3. The selected message thread will be deleted

                                                                                                 1. The selected message will be deleted

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                             Page 12

Deleting Individual Messages
Perform the following steps to delete an individual message within a message thread:


    1. Select and press down on the individual message to be deleted

    2. Select Yes when asked if you want to delete the message

    3. The selected message will be deleted


    1. Select and slide to the left and the word delete will appear

    2. Select delete

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                          Page 13


Overview                                                                              Compose Message Screen
Sat-Fi2 allows for the use of most personal and corporate email accounts including:

       Gmail

       Yahoo

       Exchange

       iCloud

       Outlook

       Hotmail

       AOL

       Other IMAP and IMAPS Accounts
                                                                                         Dispays the contact list on iPhone

Inbox Screen
                                                                                      View Email Screen

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                 Page 14

Configuring Email Accounts

Email Accounts – Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, Outlook, Hotmail & AOL
Perform the following to configure personal email using the Sat-Fi2 App:
                                                                                                                                For iPhone:

For Android:                                                                                                                       1. Select Email icon

    1. Select Email icon                                                                                                           2. Select the Plus icon at the bottom left corner

    2. Select the Menu icon                                                                                                        3. Enter the Account Description to be displayed within the Sat-Fi2 App

    3. Select Account Settings                                                                                                     4. Enter the Email address to be used with Sat-Fi2

    4. Select the plus icon                                                                                                        5. Enter the Username associated with the Email address

    5. Enter the Account Name to be displayed within the Sat-Fi2 App                                                               6. Enter the Password associated with the Email address

    6. Select the Email type to be used with Sat-Fi2                                                                               7. Select the Email type to be used with Sat-Fi2

    7. Enter the Email address to be used with Sat-Fi2                                                                             8. Select the number of Email messages to be displayed

    8. Enter the Username associated with the Email address                                                                        9. Select the number of Days to Sync

    9. Enter the Password associated with the Email address                                                                        10. Turn on or turn off Auto Sync

    10. Email defaults to Text Email Format- To display Email in HTML format and/or display HTML                                   11. Turn on or turn off Text Only

        Images, place a checkmark in the appropriate checkboxes                                                                        (NOTE: Displaying Email and/or images in HTML will use more data)

        (NOTES: Displaying Email and/or images in HTML will use more data)                                                         12. Turn on or turn off Load Images

                                                                                                                                   13. Select the number of Retries on Error
    11. Select       and choose the number of Email messages to be fetched and displayed
                                                                                                                                   14. Select Save

    12. Select      and choose the Email Fetch Start Date                                                                          15. The Email account will be configured and ready for use

        (NOTE: Selecting this option will bring up a calendar so the user can select from what day to start fetching emails.)

    13. Select      to verify the account settings are correct – If not, repeat Step 5 through Step 12

    14. Select     to save the Email account settings

    15. The Email account will be configured and ready for use

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                Page 15

Email Accounts – Exchange
Perform the following to configure personal email using the Sat-Fi 2 App:

For Android:                                                                                                                    For iPhone:

    1. Select Email icon                                                                                                           1. Select Email icon

    2. Select the Menu icon                                                                                                        2. Select the Plus icon at the bottom left corner

    3. Select Account Settings                                                                                                     3. Enter the Account Description to be displayed within the Sat-Fi2 App

    4. Select the plus icon                                                                                                        4. Enter the Email address to be used with Sat-Fi2

    5. Enter the Account Name to be displayed within the Sat-Fi2 App                                                               5. Enter the Username associated with the Email address

    6. Select the Email type to be used with Sat-Fi2                                                                               6. Enter the Password associated with the Email address

    7. Enter the Email address to be used with Sat-Fi2                                                                             7. Select the Email type to be used with Sat-Fi2

    8. Enter the Username associated with the Email address                                                                        8. Select the number of Email messages to be displayed

    9. Enter the Password associated with the Email address                                                                        9. Select the number of Days to Sync

    10. Enter the Exchange Active Directory Domain                                                                                 10. Turn on or turn off Auto Sync

    11. Email defaults to Text Email Format- To display Email in HTML format and/or display HTML                                   11. Turn on or turn off Text Only

        Images, place a checkmark in the appropriate checkboxes                                                                        (NOTES: Displaying Email and/or images in HTML will use more data)

        (NOTES: Displaying Email and/or images in HTML will use more data)                                                         12. Turn on or turn off Load Images

                                                                                                                                   13. Select the number of Retries on Error
    12. Select       and choose the number of Email messages to be fetched and displayed
                                                                                                                                   14. Enter the Exchange Domain Information
    13. Select      and choose the Email Fetch Start Date                                                                          15. Select Save
        (NOTE: Selecting this option will bring up a calendar so the user can select from what day to start fetching emails.)      16. The Email account will be configured and ready for use

    14. Select      to verify the account settings are correct – If not, repeat Step 6 through Step 12

    15. Select     to save the Email account settings

    16. The Email account will be configured and ready for use

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                Page 16

Email Accounts – IMAP & IMAPS
Perform the following to configure personal email using the Sat-Fi2 App:
                                                                                                                                 For iPhone:
For Android:
                                                                                                                                    1. Select Email icon
    1. Select Email icon
                                                                                                                                    2. Select the Plus icon at the bottom left corner
    2. Select the Menu icon
                                                                                                                                    3. Enter the Account Description to be displayed within the Sat-Fi2 App
    3. Select Account Settings
                                                                                                                                    4. Enter the Email address to be used with Sat-Fi2
    4. Select the plus icon
                                                                                                                                    5. Enter the Username associated with the Email address
    5. Enter the Account Name to be displayed within the Sat-Fi2 App
                                                                                                                                    6. Enter the Password associated with the Email address
    6. Select the Email type to be used with Sat-Fi2
                                                                                                                                    7. Select the Email type to be used with Sat-Fi2
    7. Enter the Email address to be used with Sat-Fi2
                                                                                                                                    8. Select the number of Email messages to be displayed
    8. Enter the Username associated with the Email address
                                                                                                                                    9. Select the number of Days to Sync
    9. Enter the Password associated with the Email address
                                                                                                                                    10. Turn on or turn off Auto Sync
    10. Enter the IMAP Server information
                                                                                                                                    11. Turn on or turn off Text Only
    11. Enter IMAP Server Port number
                                                                                                                                        (NOTES: Displaying Email and/or images in HTML will use more data)
    12. Enter SMTP Server Information
                                                                                                                                    12. Turn on or turn off Load Images
    13. Enter SMTP Sever Port number
                                                                                                                                    13. Select the number of Retries on Error
    14. Email defaults to Text Email Format- To display Email in HTML format and/or display HTML
                                                                                                                                    14. Enter the Email Server
        Images, place a checkmark in the appropriate checkboxes
                                                                                                                                    15. Email Port
        (NOTES: Displaying Email and/or images in HTML will use more data)
                                                                                                                                    16. SMTP Server

    15. Select       and choose the number of Email messages to be fetched and displayed                                            17. SMTP Port

                                                                                                                                    18. Select Save
    16. Select      and choose the Email Fetch Start Date
                                                                                                                                    19. The Email account will be configured and ready for use
        (NOTES: Selecting this option will bring up a calendar so the user can select from what day to start fetching emails.)

    17. Select      to verify the account settings are correct – If not, repeat Step 6 through Step 12

    18. Select     to save the Email account settings

    19. The Email account will be configured and ready for use

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 17

                                                                                                                        Composing and Sending Email
Viewing Email                                                                                                           Perform the following steps to compose and send an email:
Perform the following steps to view an email:

For Android:                                                                                                               1. On Android, select

    1. Select the email to be viewed
                                                                                                                               On iPhone, select
    2. Select Download Email
                                                                                                                           2. Enter an email address or select a contact
    3. The Sat-Fi2 will fetch the selected message
                                                                                                                           3. Enter a subject
    4. The selected message will be downloaded and ready to be viewed
                                                                                                                           4. Enter email message text
        NOTE: If there are attachments to the e-mail, they can be downloaded individually or all at once by selecting
    the paper clip icon. The attachments will not show how big the file is unless the email has been downloaded.
                                                                                                                           5. On Android, select         to send

                                                                                                                               On iPhone select Send
For iPhone:
                                                                                                                           6. The email will be sent and a Email message sent message will be displayed
    1. Select the email to be viewed

    2. Select Download Email                                                                                               NOTE: If the Sat-Fi2 does not have a satellite connection, the email message will be placed in the
                                                                                                                           message Queue and sent when the Sat-Fi2 reconnects to the satellite.
    3. The Sat-Fi2 will fetch the selected message

    4. The selected message will be downloaded and ready to be viewed

        NOTE: If there are attachments to the e-mail, they can be downloaded individually or all at once by selecting
        the paper clip icon.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 18

Attaching images to an Email
Follow steps 1 – 4 from Composing and Sending Email

For Android:                                                                                                           For iPhone:

   1.    For documents, tap the paper clip and then one of the documents and it will be added as an                         1. In the bottom right there is the option “Attach Image”. Currently no way to attach documents.
                                                                                                                            2. To add a photo, tap the center screen that has a camera image and says “Tap to select a Photo”.
   2. For photos, tap the photo+ button                                                                                        User must select a photo or else this screen does not work.
   3. -Bottom left lets the user take a photo with the camera, bottom right lets the user choose from                       3. The option to select from “Camera” or from “Photo Library” will appear.
      existing photos
                                                                                                                            4. The slider bar will adjust the size and quality of the photo. It will also tell the user how large the
   4. -Once a photo is selected, there is an option to rotate it on the right side of the screen, an option                    attachment will be.
      to change the pixel size and quality of the photo in the bottom middle (larger sizes take up more
                                                                                                                            5. In the top right, there is a “Rotate” button. This rotates the image.
      data), and in the top right there is a check mark to attach the photo to the email
                                                                                                                            6. Multiple attachments can be added to an email. Attachments will show up below the “Subject” line.
   5. To remove an attachment, tap it. It will ask if you want to remove an attachment. Select “ok”
                                                                                                                               Tapping an attachment will bring up 2 options, “Remove” or “View”. “View will allow the user to
   6. Multiple attachments can be added to an email                                                                            see how the image at its current size.


As a default setting, the Sat-Fi2 will go into hibernation mode after 15 minutes of no activity. During hibernation, the Sat-Fi2 will power off the satellite modem to increase battery life.

The hibernation timer can be configured from the settings menu in the app or web console.
When the Sat-Fi2 is in hibernation mode, the power LED does a dimming blink in orange and green colors.

To wake up the Sat-Fi2 from hibernation mode, access the app and a notification will be displayed showing that the Sat-Fi2 is waking up from hibernation. You will also see the green lights scrolling through the Sat-Fi2 LED’s.
Additionally, pressing the power button for 7 seconds will start the power off sequence.

NOTE: To initiate S.O.S. while in hibernation mode, press and hold down the S.O.S. button for 3 seconds on the device. This will wake up the device and initiate S.O.S. once a connection has been established.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 19

           SENDING FALSE S.O.S. MESSAGES MAY SJUBJECT YOU TO LIABILITY FOR ADDITIONAL                                     S.O.S. from the Sat-Fi2 App
                                                                                                                          Perform the following steps to initiate an S.O.S. from the Sat-Fi2 App:
Activate the S.O.S. mode to begin communicating and sending alerts directly to GEOS International Emergency
Response Coordination Center (IERCC). GEOS will notify the appropriate emergency responders based on your Sat-
Fi2’s GPS location and your emergency situation. Responders may include local police, Coast Guard, or Search and
Rescue teams. Please note that you may be liable for expenses related to your rescue.

Once S.O.S. is initiated, the Sat-Fi2 will continuously send GEOS your GPS position every 5 minutes until the S.O.S. is
canceled or the device is powered off. While S.O.S. is active, the Sat-Fi2 should remain outside where it has a 360
clear view of the sky with no obstructions in order to maintain network connectivity.

Initiating an S.O.S.

S.O.S. From the Device
Perform the following steps to initiate an S.O.S. from the Sat-Fi2 device:

        1.     Ensure the following:
                   The Sat-Fi2 is outside with a 360 clear view of the sky with no
                    obstructions (buildings, trees, etc.)
                   The Sat-Fi2 is powered on with the co-located antenna fully
                    extended in the up-right position
        2.     Open the Sat-Fi2 S.O.S. protective cover and press and hold the
               S.O.S. button for 3 seconds until the S.O.S. LED blinks GREEN.
               While the Sat-Fi2 is trying to establish a connection with GEOS, the
               S.O.S LED will stay a solid GREEN. After a connection has been
               established, the LED will do a double blink.
               NOTE: If the Satellite LED is blinking RED, move the Sat-Fi2 to a
               location with a better view of the sky. Keep looking for a better                                                          Android                                               iPhone
               location until the Satellite LED starts to blink GREEN.
        3.     Once the Sat-Fi2’s GPS location is determined, Sat-Fi2 will send an
               S.O.S. notification with GPS location to GEOS every 5 minutes until the
               S.O.S. is cancelled or the Sat-Fi2 is powered off.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                            Page 20

Text Communications with GEOS
Perform the following steps to communicate with GEOS via text:

For Android:

    1. Once the S.O.S. has been initiated, the Sat-Fi2 app will show that it is in S.O.S. Mode

    2. At the bottom of the screen, there will be a field to type in the message to send to GEOS

    3. Select         to send the message

    4. A message will be displayed saying the Message was sent to Sat-Fi2 and GEOS will be notified.

For iPhone:

    1. Once the S.O.S. has been initiated, the Sat-Fi2 app will show that it is in S.O.S. Mode

    2. Select Send Message

    3. Type in the message to send to GEOS

    4. Select Send

    5. A message will be displayed saying the Message was sent to Sat-Fi2 and GEOS will be notified.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                          Page 21

Canceling an S.O.S.:                                                                       S.O.S. from the Sat-Fi2 App
IMPORTANT: THE SAT-FI2 WILL REMAIN IN S.O.S. MODE UNTIL CANCELED BY THE USER. THE S.O.S.   Perform the following steps to cancel an S.O.S. from the Sat-Fi2 App.
           THE SAT-FI2 APP IS TURNED OFF.                                                               1. Ensure the following:
                                                                                                              The Sat-Fi2 is outside with a 360 clear view of the sky with no obstructions (buildings, trees, etc.)

S.O.S. From the App                                                                                           The Sat-Fi2 is powered on with the co-located antenna fully extended in the up-right position
                                                                                                   2.     Within 10 seconds from initiating the S.O.S. mode, slide from right to left to cancel the alert.
Perform the following steps to cancel an S.O.S. from the Sat-Fi device:
                                                                                                   3.     The Sat-Fi2 will send a cancellation message to GEOS notifying them that the Sat-Fi2 has entered
        1.     Ensure the following:                                                                      S.O.S. cancelation mode.

                   The Sat-Fi2 is outside with a 360 clear view of the sky with no
                    obstructions (buildings, trees, etc.)
                   The Sat-Fi2 is powered on with the co-located antenna fully
                    extended in the up-right position
        2.     Select the S.O.S. function from the main menu and slide from left to
               right to unlock
        3.     The Sat-Fi2 will send a cancellation message to GEOS notifying them
               that the Sat-Fi2 has entered S.O.S. cancelation mode

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                     Page 22


Sat-Browse provides a dedicated optimized search engine powered by Yippy. Yippy compresses        Web Browsing
web sites and removes advertisements, banners and graphics, greatly reducing the amount of data
usage. Sat-Browse is not designed for banking and secure sites (https), shopping sites and        Perform the following steps to browse the web:
streaming services.                                                                                   1. Select Web

                                                                                                      2. Select Internet Accelerator (requires login)

                                                                                                      3. Select Login
Initial Configuration of Sat-Browse                                                                   4. Enter you Globalstar My Account Username and Password
Perform the following steps to configure Sat-Browse:
                                                                                                      5. Enter Login

                                                                                                      6. Enter search request
    1. Select Web
                                                                                                      7. Select Search
    2. Select Internet Accelerator (requires login)
                                                                                                      8. The search results will be displayed – Select the orange search result to view
    3. Select Login
                                                                                                          (NOTE: Selecting [Standard Version] will download a non-optimized web page, resulting in large data
    4. Enter you Globalstar My Account Username and Password                                              consumption and possible overage costs
    5. Enter Login                                                                                    9. The optimized web page will be displayed
    6. Check the Yippy Customer Agreement

    7. Select Continue

    8. Select Continue when the screen says “Agreement is Required”

    9. Configuration of Sat-Browse is complete

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                           Page 23


Configuring the Sat-Fi2 App for Facebook
NOTE: Globalstar recommends configuring Facebook and/or Twitter accounts over an Internet/Cellular connection. Configuring Facebook and/or Twitter over the Sat-Fi2 will consume data.

Perform the following steps to link the Sat-Fi2 App to Facebook and Twitter:

    1. On the Sat-Fi2 app, select Social
                                                                                                                                   1. Select Social
    2. Select Facebook
                                                                                                                                   2. Select Twitter
    3. Enter Facebook’s account user information
                                                                                                                                   3. Enter Twitter username
    4. Select Login
                                                                                                                                   4. Enter Twitter password
    5. A message will display saying “Globalstar Sat-Fi2 will receive your public profile and email address.” Select Continue
                                                                                                                                   5. Select Sign In
    6. Select who can see the Sat-Fi2 Facebook posts:
                                                                                                                                   6. The Sat-Fi2 Twitter screen will be displayed – Configuring the Sat-Fi2 for Twitter is
                Public                                                                                                               complete

                Friends

                Only me

    7. Select OK – Configuring the Sat-Fi2 for Facebook is complete

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 24

Posting to Facebook and Twitter
Perform the following steps to post to Facebook and Twitter using the Sat-Fi2 App:
                                                                                                       1. Select Social
    1. Select Social
                                                                                                       2. Select Twitter
    2. Select Facebook
                                                                                                       3. Enter Tweet
    3. Enter Facebook post

                                                                                                       4. On Android, select
    4. On Android, select
                                                                                                           On iPhone, select Post
        On iPhone, select Post
                                                                                                       5. The Tweet will be sent
    5. The Facebook post will be sent
                                                                                                       TO POST A PICTURE:
                                                                                                       1. Select Social
    1. Select Social
                                                                                                       2. Select Twitter
    2. Select Facebook
                                                                                                       3. Enter Tweet
    3. Enter Facebook post

                                                                                                       4. On Android, select        to add photo
    4. On Android, select
                                                                                                           On iPhone,
        On iPhone select Attach Image

    5. On Android, select the camera icon to take a photo or select a photo                            5. Select the         to take a photo or select      to select a photo
        On iPhone

    6. Select the camera icon to take a picture                                                        6. On Android, (Optional) Select

    7. Select OK to accept the photo or select RETRY to take another photo                                 On iPhone

                                                                                                       7. On Android, Select OK to accept
    8. Select        to attach the phot to the Facebook post.
                                                                                                           On iPhone

                                                                                                       8. Select OK to accept the photo or select RETRY to take another photo
    9. On Android, select

        On iPhone, select Post
                                                                                                       9. Select        to attach the phot to the Facebook post.
    10. The Facebook post will be sent

                                                                                                       10. On Android, select

NOTE: Multiple photo uploads are not supported at this time, they will have to be uploaded one by          On iPhone, select Post

one.                                                                                                   11. The Tweet will be sent

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                   Page 25


Current Weather Screen                                             Forecast Weather Screen
The Weather screen displays the following information              The Forecast screen displays the following information:

       Weather radar (not active by default)                             Weather forecast for the next 7 days

       Sat-Fi2’s current GPS location                                         o   Day of the Week

       Current weather condition                                              o   Forecasted Weather conditions

       Current temperature                                                    o   High & low temperatures

       High and low temperature for the day

       Current “Feels Like” temperature

       Wind speed & direction

       More Weather Information

                                                                   Weather Configuration
More Details Screen
                                                                   The Weather Configuration allows to make the following changes:
The More Details screen displays the following information:

       Weather summary
                                                                        Weather units can be changed to SI, U.S., Canada, or U.K.
       Maximum and minimum “Feels Like” temperature for the day
                                                                        Enable or Disable Radar
       Precipitation probability percentage for the day

       Sunrise and sunset times
                                                                        Enable or Disable Animate Radar

       Visibility distance                                             Change the Radar Radius

       Ozone level

       Atmospheric pressure

       Percentage of cloud cover

       Precipitation type

       Dew point temperature

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                        Page 26

View Current Weather                                                                     Weather Radar
Perform the following steps to view the weather for the current location:                Perform the following steps to enable and display weather radar:

                                                                                           For Android:
    1. Select Weather
                                                                                               1. Select Settings from the Weather Menu
    2. Select Current Sat-Fi2 location
                                                                                               2. Check Download Radar and Animated Radar
    3. A message will come on asking if you want to load data, select Yes or Load Data
                                                                                               3. Exit out of Settings
    4. The current weather location weather will be displayed
                                                                                               4. Select Current Sat-Fi2 Location

                                                                                               5. The app will ask if you want to download weather,
                                                                                                  select Yes

                                                                                               6. Select the radar icon

                                                                                                   (NOTE: Downloading weather radar will incur
                                                                                                   data usage)

                                                                                               7. The radar map will be displayed

                                                                                           For iPhone:

                                                                                               1. Select the Settings icon from the Main Menu

                                                                                               2. Under Weather Configuration, tap on Enable Radar and
                                                                                                  Animate Radar

                                                                                               3. Exit out of Settings select Close

                                                                                               4. Select the Weather icon

                                                                                               5. Select Current Sat-Fi2 Location

                                                                                               6. Select Load Data when the app asks if you would like to
                                                                                                  load latest weather Data

                                                                                               7. Select the world icon

                                                                                                   (NOTE: Downloading weather radar will incur data usage)

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                Page 27


Queue Screen                                                                                                         Delete a Message from the Queue
The Queue screen displays messages residing in the Sat-Fi2 Queue waiting to be sent. All Queued messages are         Perform the following steps to delete a message from the Queue:
prioritized first by size and then time submitted. Queued message priority cannot be edited, but individual Queued
messages can be deleted.                                                                                              For Android:                                       For iPhone:
The Queue screen displays the following information:                                                                      1. Select the queued message to be                 1. Select the queued message to be deleted
       Message Type                                                                                                         deleted
                                                                                                                                                                             2. Select and hold the queued message that
                                                                                                                          2. Select delete                                      needs to be deleted
            o         Email
                                                                                                                          3. When asked if you want to remove the            3. When asked to select an action, select
                                                                                                                             message from the queue, select Yes                 Delete
            o         Facebook
                                                                                                                          4. The queued message will be deleted              4. The queued message will be deleted
            o         Twitter

       Sender of the message

       Subject or brief summary

       Date/Time placed in Queue

                Adds a message to the Queue (Email, Facebook or Twitter)

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 28

Adding Messages to the Queue
Perform the following steps to add messages to the Queue:

  For Android:                                              For iPhone:

       1. Select the Queue icon                                 1. Select Queue icon

       2. Select the plus sign                                  2. Select Add New Queue Item

       3. Select the message type to add to the Queue.          3. Select the message type to add to the Queue:

           The options are:                                     4. The options are:

                   Facebook                                                 Facebook

                   Twitter                                                  Twitter

                   Email                                                    Email

                   Download                                                 Download

                                                            (NOTE: To download a file, select “View Downloads” from
                                                            the Queue menu. Then tap the + at the top right and then
                                                            enter a URL into the first bar and the name in the second
                                                            bar. Then tap “Add to Queue”

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                           Page 29


App Settings Screen
The Settings screen on the Android App displays the following information:

       General

            o     Log in automatically – Selecting the checkbox toggles on/off the ability
                  to log in automatically to the Sat-Fi2 App

            o     Disable wallpaper – Selecting the checkbox toggles on/off the wallpaper

       System

            o     Show Android notifications - Selecting the checkbox toggles on/off
                  Android notifications (i.e. Email, Social Media)

       Support

            o Website – Selecting Website displays
                  the Globalstar website using an Internet connection or using the Sat-Fi2

            o Website - Selecting Website
                  displays the FindMeSpot website using an Internet connection or using
                  the Sat-Fi2

            o     Log diagnostic data - Selecting the checkbox toggles on/off the ability
                  for the Sat-Fi App to automatically create diagnostic logs

            o     Report bugs - Selecting the checkbox toggles on/off the ability for the
                  Sat-Fi2 App to automatically report bugs logs and notify the user that
                  the logs are being sent

       About

            o     App version – Display the current Sat-Fi2 App version number on the

            o     API version – Displays the current Sat-Fi2 API version number on the

            o     Sat-Fi2 firmware – Displays the current firmware module version
                  residing on the Sat-Fi2 device

            o     Wi-Fi Network – Displays the connection name of the Wi-Fi network
                  (i.e. satfi2_XXXXXX)

            o     Open source licenses – Selecting Open source licenses displays the
                  Open Source projects used in the development of the Sat-Fi App

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                Page 30

The Settings screen on the iPhone App displays the following information:                                                  User Configuration

                                                                                                                               o   Clear Social Configuration
       General
            o     Sat-Fi2 IP Address                                                                                           o   Register Facebook

            o     Log in Automatically – Enable or disable the ability to log in automatically to the Sat-Fi2 App              o   Register Twitter

            o     Reset Network – Reset app to default Sat-Fi2 address

            o     API to Use – Select from Test, Production and Dev

            o     Allow Email Without Sat-Fi2 Connection

            o     Enable Logging

            o     View Logs

       Notifications

            o     Show Notifications – Enabling and disabling iPhone notifications (i.e. Email, Social Media)

       Browser Configuration

            o     Clear Browser Data

            o     Allow browser while not connected to Sat-Fi2

            o     Disable Javascript

       Weather Configuration

            o     Weather Units - Select from SI, United States, Canada or United Kingdom

            o     Enable Radar

            o     Animate Radar

            o     Radar Radius (in nm)

       About

            o     App Version

            o     Sat-Fi2 Firmware Version

            o     Open Source Information

            o     Globalstar Website - Selecting Globalstar Website displays the Globalstar website using an Internet
                  connection or using the Sat-Fi

            o     FindMeSPOT Website - Selecting FindMeSpot Website displays the FindMeSpot website using an
                  Internet connection or using the Sat-Fi2

       Device Configuration

            o     Launch Setup Wizard

            o     Allow FW Download Over Cellular

            o     Firmware Update

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                   Page 31

Viewing the App Settings Screen
Perform the following steps to view the Settings screen:                                                     For iPhone:

                                                                                                                1. Select Settings icon on the main menu

 For Android:                                              For iPhone:                                          2. Select Firmware Update, then the following message will be displayed: “Fetching currently running
                                                                                                                   Sat-Fi2 firmware version”
      1. Select the Menu button and select App                1. Select the Settings icon on the main menu
         settings                                                                                               3. Select Download Update once the following message appears: “A message then will show saying a
                                                              2. The Settings screen will be displayed             New Update is available”
      2. The Settings screen will be displayed
                                                                                                                4. Select OK when the Sat-Fi2 App displays a message asking to disconnect from the Sat-Fi2 before
                                                                                                                   downloading the update

                                                                                                                5. Select OK when prompt to connect to a broadband Wi-Fi connection to download the firmware
                                                                                                                   update or allow download over cellular in the Settings menu

                                                                                                                6. On Settings enable Allow FW Download Over Cellular if no Wi-Fi connections are available
Firmware Update                                                                                                 7. Select Firmware Update in order to begin the download
Perform the following steps to update the firmware on your Sat-Fi2:
                                                                                                                8. After the update has been downloaded, connect to the Sat-Fi2 and press Update Sat-Fi2 to continue.
                                                                                                                   While the Sat-Fi2 is updating, please do not close the app
 For Android:
                                                                                                                9. The Sat-Fi will reboot, so the LEDs will begin their scrolling sequence and disconnects the phone
 Instructions coming soon.                                                                                         from its Wi-Fi. This indicates that the Sat-Fi2 updated

                                                                                                                10. Updating Sat-Fi2 firmware update

                                                                                                                (NOTE: When the user reconnects to the Sat-Fi2 via the app, there will be a notification telling the user
                                                                                                                that the firmware was downloaded successfully. If it was interrupted or did not download successfully,
                                                                                                                then the app will give a notification saying the firmware update was interrupted

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                              Page 32


Viewing the Device Settings
The Device Settings screen can only be accessed while logged in as the Sat-Fi2 Owner. Perform the following steps to access the Device Settings screen:

 For Android:                                      For iPhone:

      1. Select the Menu button and                     1. Select the Settings button on the Main Menu
         select Device Settings                         2. Select Configure Device Setting
      2. Enter your My Account                          3. Enter your My Account username and
         username and password                             password
      3. The Admin Console screen will                  4. The Admin Console screen will be displayed
         be displayed

Admin Console

                         Select to display the Users screen

                         Select to display the Wi-Fi Configuration screen

                         Select to display the Firewall screen

                         Select to display the Device Info screen

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                             Page 33

       The user section identifies all usernames that have been created on the Sat-Fi 2, including Owner and Guests accounts. It is editable

Wi-Fi Configuration

Wi-Fi Configuration – Settings Tab
       The Settings Tab identifies the Wi-Fi network name and password.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                   Page 34


Firewall – Domains Tab

       Users are allowed to allow access to specific domains to pass through firewalls if so desired

Firewall – Ports Tab
       Users are allowed to allow access to specific ports to pass through firewalls if so desired

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                           Page 35

Firewall – IP Tab
       Users are allowed to allow access to specific IP addresses through firewalls if so desired

Device Configuration

The Device Info screen displays the following information:

       Battery – Displays the current battery strength percentage

       Signal – Displays the current satellite signal strength percentage

       Last GPS Fix – Displays the date/time of the latest GPS fix

       Latitude – Displays the latest latitude of the current GPS fix

       Longitude – Displays the latest longitude of the current GPS fix

       Voice Connection Status – Displays the current status of the Voice Connection

       Satellite Call in Progress – Displays if a satellite call is in progress

       Data Connection Status – Displays the current status of the data connection

       Connected Users – Displays the number of current connected users to the Sat-Fi

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                        Page 36

Hibernation Mode Configuration:
To make these changes, the user must be logged in as the owner.

 For iPhone:

     1. Select the Settings button from the Main Menu

     2. Select Configure Device Settings

     3. Select Device Configuration

     4. Select Power

     5. In this section, the following options can be enabled or disabled:

                  Hibernate

                  Hibernate with background clients

                  Hibernate with Queued Items

                  Hibernate Timer – Select from 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes

     6. Select Save

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                Page 37

The Globalstar My Account website is a quick and easy way to manage a Sat-Fi Account:

       View and update S.O.S. Emergency Contacts

       Configure Voice/Text Blocking

       Access User Guides and Sat-Fi Apps

       View instructions on how to perform a Factory Reset

       Update User Information

       Display Usage Reports on texts used, Voice minutes used and data used

Logging In to My Account
Perform the following steps to login to My Account

    1. In a web browser enter

    2. Enter your login credentials

    3. Select LOGIN

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                           Page 38

My Devices Main Screen
The My Device Main screen displays all of the Globalstar satellite devices registered within My Account, allowing for
the navigation to individual Globalstar devices for management.

                                                                                                                           3.   The selected Globalstar device(s) will be displayed and all other devices will be hidden from view:

Filtering Devices
Filtering devices allows for a quick search and navigation to a Globalstar device. Perform the following steps to filter
for a specific Globalstar device:

        1.     Click on                          .

        2.     A Filter drop-down menu will be displayed. Select the Globalstar device(s) to View.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 39

View Device Details                                                                                                     View/Edit
Perform the following steps to view the Globalstar device details                                                       Perform the following steps to view and manage the Globalstar device:

        1.     Select View Details to the right of the Globalstar device to be viewed..                                        1.    Select View/Edit, located to the right of the Globalstar device to be viewed..

        2.     A Detail section will appear directly below displaying the following:                                           2.    The selected Globalstar devices’ screen will be displayed:

                        Plan – Displays the plan name associated with the current Globalstar device
                        ICCID - Displays Integrated Circuit Card Identifier of the Sat-Fi 2SIM card – This number is
                         used for identifying and registering the Sat-Fi2
                        Services – Displays any services associated with the Globalstar device

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 40

My Account – My Devices

Sat-Fi My Devices Overview
The Sat-Fi My Devices screen displays key information and allows for the management of the Sat-Fi2.

     1    Device Type - Displays the Globalstar device type, i.e. Sat-Fi2

     2    Renewal Date - Displays the date the Sat-Fi Service plan will automatically be renewed

     3    ICCID- Displays Integrated Circuit Card Identifier of the Sat-Fi SIM card – This number is used for identifying
          and registering the Sat-Fi

     4    MDN - Displays Mobile Device Number assigned to the Sat-Fi2 – The MDN is the Sat-Fi2’s telephone number           2   8

     5    Plan - Displays the plan name associated with the current Sat-Fi2
                                                                                                                            4       9

     6    Name Tab – Used to change the name of the Sat-Fi2 that is displayed throughout My Account                         5

     7    S.O.S. –Displays the Primary and Secondary Emergency Contact information

     8    Voice/Text Blocker – Used to control who can call and send text messages to the Sat-Fi – Defaults to Accept

     9    Support – Used to download the Sat-Fi App and User Guides for supported wireless devices

     10   Factory Reset – Used to restore your Sat-Fi2 to its original system settings

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                            Page 41

Name Tab                                                                                                                 S.O.S. Tab
Give a unique name to the Sat-Fi2. The Sat-Fi2 name will automatically default to the MDN. For accounts with             While S.O.S. is active, two way communications with GEOS International Emergency Response Coordination Center
multiple Sat-Fi2’s or other Globalstar devices, giving a unique name to the device will make it easier to identify and   (IERCC) is available directly from your Sat-Fi via the Sat-Fi App.
select the Sat-Fi2.
                                                                                                                         The S.O.S. Tab displays Primary and Secondary Emergency Contact names and telephone numbers that GEOS
                                                                                                                         contacts when an S.O.S. is initiated.

                                                                                                                         The Primary Emergency Contact information must be different from the Secondary Emergency Contact information.
                                                                                                                         This is required to provide GEOS with additional points of contact in case of an S.O.S./911 emergency.

                                                                                                                         NOTE:    If you would like to make changes to your Primary or Secondary Emergency contact information,
                                                                                                                                  please call Globalstar Customer Relations at:
                                                                                                                                           North America                      1-877-452-5782
                                                                                                                                           Caribbean & Latin America          1-985-327-7500
                                                                                                                                           Europe                             +353-1-296-2525
                                                                                                                                           Africa                             +353-1-290-9505

Perform the following steps to change the Sat-Fi’s display name:

        3.     In the Name field enter the new name of the Sat-Fi.
        4.     Select           .
        5.     My Account will change the name of the Sat-Fi and the following message will be displayed:

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 42

                                                  Selecting a Blocking Mode
                                                  Perform the following steps to select a voice/text blocking mode:

                                                          1.    In the Select a Blocking Mode section, select one of the following:
Voice/Text Blocker Tab
                                                                        Blacklist Mode – (Block all numbers in your blacklist)
Easily control incoming voice and text messages
                                                                        Block All – (Block all numbers – No incoming calls allowed)
                                                                        Accept All – (Accept all numbers)
                                                          2.    Select            .
                                                          NOTE:     If Blacklist Mode was selected, an add telephone numbers to the blacklist section will be
                                                                    displayed below the Save button.

                                                  Adding a Number to the Blacklist
                                                  Perform the following to add a number to the blacklist:

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                 Page 43

                                                                                                            Perform the following to remove a number to the blacklist:

                                                                                                                    1.    In the Blocked Numbers section, select Remove next to telephone number.

                                                                                                                    2.    A Delete from Blacklist pop-up message will be displayed, select         .

                                                                                                                    3.    The selected telephone number will be removed from the blacklist.

                                                                                                                    4.    Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for additional phone numbers to be removed from the blacklist.

                                                                                                            Unblocking a Blacklisted Number
                                                                                                            Perform the following to temporarily unblock a number to the blacklist:

                                                                                                                    1.    In the Blocked Numbers section, select Unblock next to telephone number.

        1.     In the Name field enter the name of the person that will be added to the blacklist.
        2.     In the Phone Number section perform the following:
                       Click on the Phone Number drop-down arrow and select the appropriate Country Code           2.    Unblocked will change to Block next to the telephone number. The telephone number will remain
                                                                                                                          unblocked until Block is selected.
                       In the Phone Number field, enter the phone number to be blocked
        3.     Select                  .
        4.     The name and phone number entered above will be displayed in the Blocked Numbers section.

                                                                                                                    3.    Repeat Step 1 through Step 2 for additional phone numbers to temporarily unblock a number from the

        5.     Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for additional phone numbers to be blocked.

Removing a Number from the Blacklist

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                               Page 44

Support Tab                                                                                                            Factory Reset Tab
                                                                                                                       The Factory Reset Tab provides instructions on how to perform a factor reset of the Sat-Fi.
The Support Tab provides the ability to download the Sat-Fi App and User Guides for the appropriate wireless device.
Simply click on the appropriate link and download the Sat-Fi App or User Guide.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 45

                                                                                                                                   o     Billing History - Select           to view billing history/invoices and basic customer information

My Account – Settings & Billing
                                                                                                                       Username Settings
Overview                                                                                                               Perform the following steps to update/change the My Account username:
The Settings & Billing section allows for the management of account and billing settings                                      1.       In the Username Settings section, select            .
                                                                                                                              2.       The Username Settings fields will be displayed, perform
                                                                                                                                       the following:
                                                                                                                                            In the New Username field, enter a new username
                                                                                                                                            In the Confirm Username field, re-enter the new
                                                                                                                              3.       Select            .

                                                                                                                              4.       A Please Login again message will be displayed. Select             .

                                                                                                                              5.       The Login to Your Account screen will be
                                                                                                                                       displayed. Perform the following:
                                                                                                                                            In the Username field, enter the new
                                                                                                                                            In the Password field, enter the password

       GENERAL SECTION                                                                                                                     Select
                                                                                                                              6.       The My Devices screen will be displayed and
            o    Username Settings – Select                to change account username                                                  updating/changing the username is complete.

            o    Password Settings – Select                to change account password


            o    Credit Card Information - Select                 to update or change credit card information

            o    Customer Information – Select                  to update primary contact information

            o    Monitor Message Usage – Select               to view the current billing cycle Sat-Fi message usage

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 46

Password Settings                                                               Credit Card Information
Perform the following steps to change the My Account password                   To ensure there are not interruptions to Sat-Fi service, it is important to keep credit card information up-to-date.

        1.     In the Password Settings section, select            .
        2.     The Password Settings fields will be displayed, perform the
                    In the Old Password field, enter the password to be
                    In the New Password field, enter the new password
                    In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the new password
        3.     Select            .

        4.     A Password Successfully Updated message will be displayed.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                         Page 47

Customer Information
The Customer Information page is used to update primary contact information, including information provided to
emergency services (GEOS).

                                                                                                                 Monitor Message Usage
                                                                                                                 Select individual Text, Voice, Data and Additional Charges links to view detailed report of Sat-Fi usage.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 48

          DEVICE NAME - Displays the My Account name of the Sat-Fi device

          TEXT USED - Displays the number of text messages used (sent and received) and the maximum number
           of text messages allowed before overages will be incurred – Click the link to view a detailed usage report

                 Example:       16/500 where 16 is the current total of text messages used and 500 is the maximum
                                number allowed before overages will be incurred

          VOICE USED - Displays the number of voice minutes used and the maximum number of voice minutes
           allowed before overages will be incurred – Click the link to view a detailed usage report

                 Example:       83.50/500 where 83.50 is the current total of voice minutes used and 500 is the
                                maximum number allowed before overages will be incurred

          DATA MB USED – Displays the amount of data used, in MB, and the maximum amount of data allowed
           before overages will be incurred – Click the link to view a detailed usage report

                 Example:       6.23/71.53 where 6.23 is the current amount of data used and 71.53 is the maximum
                                amount allowed before overages will be incurred
                                                                                                                               DATE - Displays the date and time the text was sent/received
          ADDITIONAL CHARGES - Displays the current total of all additional charges (overages, long distance,
           roaming) before overages will be incurred – Click the link to view a detailed usage report                          DESTINATION – Displays if the text was sent (OUTGOING) or received (INCOMING)

                 Example:       $0.40 is the current total of additional charges                                               NUMBER - Displays the mobile number of where the text originated

          NEXT BILLING DATE – Displays the date of the next billing cycle begins                                              CHARGE - Displays the amount of the additional charge (overages)

Text Usage Detail Report
                                                                                                                        Voice Usage Detail Report

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 49

                                                                                                          Data Usage Detail Report

          DATE - Displays the date and time the voice call was sent/received

          DESTINATION – Displays if the voice call was sent (OUTGOING) or received (INCOMING)

          NUMBER - Displays the mobile number of where the voice call originated

          ADDITIONAL – Displays the additional charge
                                                                                                                 DATE - Displays the date and time that data was used
          MINUTES USED – Displays the duration of the voice call
                                                                                                                 DATA USED – Displays if the amount of data used during that time period (minimum billing increment is
                 o   Voice calls within Home Zone will be billed first minute then 30 second increments
                 o   Roaming and Long Distance Calls will be billed in 60 second increments
                                                                                                                 CHARGE - Displays the amount of the additional charge (overages)
          CHARGE - Displays the amount of the additional charge (Long Distance, Roaming, Overage)

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                         Page 50

Additional Charges Detail Report
                                                                        Billing History
                                                                        View billing history and basic customer information.

          CHARGE - Displays the charge type:

                     o   LONG DISTANCE

                     o   ROAMING

                     o   OVERAGE

          UNIT TYPE – Displays if the unit type that was charged

                     o   MIN

                     o   TEXT

                     o   MB

          UNITS USED - Displays the amount of units used               Jira ticket BSSUP-4016 Submitted requesting – billing history sample

          CHARGE COST - Displays the amount of the additional charge

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                  Page 51

There is No GPS Fix

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide   Page 52


                                                                                                          ENGINEERING – REVIEW SPECS TO ENSURE CORRECT INFORMATION IS DISPLAYED

                                Height                                    1.5 in (38.1 mm)
                                Width                                    3.7 in (93.98 mm)
                                Length                                   5.8 in (147.32 mm)
                                Height with Antenna Deployed             5.3 in (134.62 mm)
                                Weight                                    12.6 oz (357.2 g)
                                Battery Type                   Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery
                                Battery Life                        2 hours talk/4 hours standby
                                Waterproof Rating                                IPX
                                Impact Resistance                    Mil-STD-810 G for Shock
                                Operational Temperature          -4 F to 140 F (-20 C to +60 C)
                                Storage Temperature              -4 F to 140 F (-20 C to +60 C)
                                Operating Altitude             -328 ft to 21,320 ft (-100 m to 6,500 m)

                                Globalstar Antenna Operating      Transmit (TX) 1610 – 1626 MHz
                                Frequency                        Receive (RX) 2483.5 – 2500 MHz
                                Wi-Fi Operating Frequency                2400 – 2500 MHz
                                Input Power                                  10-48 VDC

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                     Page 53


FCC Compliance Statement                                                                                                        FCC Compliance Statement (Need to translate to French)
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This              Cet appareil est conforme à la section 15 des règles de la FCC. Son fonctionnement est assujetti aux deux conditions
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including                 suivantes: (1) Ce dispositif ne doit pas causer d'interférences nuisibles, et (2) Cet appareil doit accepter toute
interference that may cause undesired operation.                                                                                interférence reçue, y compris les interférences pouvant entraîner un fonctionnement indésirable. Cet équipement a été
                                                                                                                                testé et s'est avéré conforme aux limites pour un appareil numérique de classe B, conformément à la section 15 des
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of         règlements de la FCC. Ces limites sont conçues pour fournir une protection raisonnable contre les interférences
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential         nuisibles dans une installation résidentielle.

                                                                                                                                ISED RF Exposure Guidance Statement (in English and French):
FCC Part 15 Clause 15.21 [ Do not Modify warning ]:
                                                                                                                                Afin de se conformer aux exigences d'exposition RF FCC / ISED, cet appareil doit être installé pour fournir au moins 20 cm de
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to      séparation du corps humain en tout temps.
operate the equipment

ISED RF Exposure Guidance Statement (in English and French):
In order to comply with FCC/ISED RF Exposure requirements, this device must be installed to provide at least 20 cm separation
                                                                                                                                Radio & Television Interference
from the human body at all times.                                                                                               Cet équipement produis, utilise et peut émettre de l'énergie radioélectrique. S’il n’est pas installé et utilisé
                                                                                                                                conformément aux instructions, il peut causer des interférences nuisibles aux communications radio. Toutefois, il n'y a
                                                                                                                                aucune garantie que l'interférence ne se produira pas dans une installation particulière. Si cet appareil provoque des
Radio & Television Interference                                                                                                 interférences nuisibles à la réception radio ou télévision, ce qui peut être déterminée en éteignant et rallumant
                                                                                                                                l'équipement, l'utilisateur est encouragé à essayer de corriger ces interférences en appliquant une ou plusieurs des
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance             mesures suivantes: a) Réorienter ou déplacer l'antenne de réception. b) accroître la séparation entre l'équipement et
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that              le récepteur. c) brancher l'équipement à une prise sur un circuit différent de celui auquel le récepteur est branché. d)
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or         consulter le revendeur ou un technicien radio/TV.
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: a) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. b)
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. c) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected. d) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
                                                                                                                                Industry Canada Certification
help.                                                                                                                           Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme à la norme canadienne ICES‐003. Cet appareil est conforme avec
                                                                                                                                Industrie Canada RSS standard exemptes de licence(s). Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions
                                                                                                                                suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne peut pas causer d’interférences et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y
Industry Canada Certification                                                                                                   compris des interférences qui peuvent provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable du périphérique.

This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two             Radio Astronomy Site
conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including             Cet appareil respecte les exigences de Radio Astronomie de limitation d’émission d’onde défini par l'accord de la
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.                                                                  Foundation Nationale de Science Globalstar de 2001. Il est compatible avec CFR25.213
This device complies with the requirements for Radio Astronomy Site avoidance as specified by the Globalstar                    Cet appareil ajuste automatiquement sa fréquence de transmission en fonction de son emplacement et est conforme
National Science Foundation agreement of 2001. It is compliant with CFR25.213.                                                  aux exigences réglementaires internationales
This device automatically adjusts its transmission frequency according to its location and is compliant with international
regulatory requirements.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 54

        Warning – Modifications: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
        compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

        Warning – Internal Battery: The rechargeable battery inside the Sat-Fi2 is not designed to be replaced by
        the consumer. If replacement is needed, have an authorized service person replace the battery with one of the
        same size and type

        Warning – Blasting Area: To avoid interference with blasting operations, turn your Sat-Fi2 off when in a
        “Blasting Area” or in areas posted “Turn off two-way radio.” Obey all signs and instructions.

        Warning – Potential Explosive Atmosphere: Turn off the Sat-Fi2 when in any area with a potentially
        explosive atmosphere and obey all signs and instructions.

        Warning – Driving: Always follow safe driving practices and local rules and regulations regarding the use of
        wireless devices while driving. Always park safely prior to using the Sat-Fi2.

        Warning – Pacemakers: The Health Industry Manufacturers Association recommends that a minimum
        separation of six (6”) inches be maintained between the Sat-Fi2 and a pacemaker to avoid potential
        interference with the pacemaker.

        Warning – Pacemakers: Some digital wireless devices may interfere with some hearing aids. In order to
        prevent such interference, you may want to consult the manufacturer of your hearing aid.

Globalstar Sat-Fi2 User Guide                                                                                           Page 55

Document Created: 2018-03-28 10:59:39
Document Modified: 2018-03-28 10:59:39

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