RF Exposure Report


RF Exposure Info

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March 29, 2018

Octagon House, Concorde Way
Segensworth Rd N, Fareham
PO15 5RL

Attention: Director of Certification

RE: Analysis of RF Exposure for Portable and Mobile use per KDB 447498 D01 Mobile Portable RF
Exposure v06 and RSS-102 Issue 5 March 2015.

IC: 8989A-ATFI2

1.   Limits:

Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (Title 47 Subpart J §2.1091 and KDB 447498 D01
referring to limits under §1.1310)

                            Electric Field           Electric Field          Power Density
 Frequency Range                                                                                     Averaging Time
                            Strength (E)             Strength (H)                  (S)
      (MHz)                                                                                            (minutes)
                               (V/m)                    (A/m)                  (mW/cm2)
       0.3 - 1.34                614                     1.63                    *(100)                      30
       1.34 - 30                824/f                   2.19/f                  *(180/f2)                    30
       30 - 300                 27.5                     0.073                     0.2                       30
      300 - 1500                  -                        -                     f/1500                      30
   1500 - 100,000                 -                        -                       1.0                       30
f = frequency in MHz
*Plane-wave equivalent power density

Limits for Devices Used by the General Public (Uncontrolled Environment (RSS-102 Issue 5 March 2015)

                            Electric Field
 Frequency Range                                    Magnetic Field           Power Density          Reference Period
      (MHz)                                          (A/m rms)                  (W/m2)                 (minutes)
                             (V/m rms)
     0.003 - 1021                83                        90                       -                 Instantaneous
       0.1 - 10                   -                      0.73/f                     -                      6**
       1.1 - 10                87/f0.5                      -                       -                      6**
        10 - 20                 27.46                    0.0728                     2                       6
        20 - 48              -58.07/f0.25             0.1540/f0.25              8.944/f0.5                  6
       48 - 300                 22.06                   0.05852                   1.291                     6

          TÜV SÜD AMERICA INC 10040 Mesa Rim Road San Diego, CA 92121-2912 Phone: 858 678 1400 FAX: 858 546 0364

       300 - 6000         3.142 f0.3417                0.008335 f.0.3417      0.02619 f0.6834                6
     6000 - 15000             61.4                          0.163                   10                       6
   15000 - 150000             61.4                          0.163                   10                   616000/f1.2
  150000 - 300000          0.158f0.5                    4.21 x 10.-4 f0.5      6.67 x 10.-5 f            616000/f1.2
f is frequency in MHz
*Based on nerve stimulation (NS)
** Based on specific absorption rate (SAR)

2.     Mobile MPE Calculation Summary using a 20cm separation distance:

                Mode                                   Output Power                     Power Density (mW/cm2)
L-Band Mobile Satellite Service                        1.17dBW EIRP                                0.23428
WLAN (802.11 b)                                          14.4 dBm                                  0.00909

3.     Co-Located Transmitters transmission table:

          Transmitter type                         Transmitter type that can transmit at the same time
L-Band Mobile Satellite Service           WLAN
WLAN                                      L-Band Mobile Satellite Service

4.     Simultaneous Transmission MPE:

     Transmitter           MPE               FCC Limit           IC Limit        FCC MPE ratio         ISED MPE ratio
        type             (mw/cm2)           (mW/cm2)            (mW/cm2)          (MPE/Limit)            (MPE/Limit)
Mobile Satellite
                          0.23428                1.0              0.40848            0.23428                0.57354
WLAN                      0.00909                1.0              0.53660            0.00909                0.01694
                                     Sum of the ratios (should be <1.0)              0.24337                0.59047

5.     Mobile MPE Calculation using a 20cm separation distance (L-Band Mobile Satellite Service):

       Using Power Density formula:

           TÜV SÜD AMERICA INC 10040 Mesa Rim Road San Diego, CA 92121-2912 Phone: 858 678 1400 FAX: 858 546 0364

       where: S = power density
              P = power input to the antenna
              G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to isotropic
              R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

                  Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal:                   27.41           (dBm)
                  Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal:                  550.81           (mW)
                                                       Antenna gain(typical):             3.3            (dBi)
                                                     Maximum antenna gain:               2.138           (numeric)
                                                          Prediction distance:             20            (cm)
                                     Sourse Based Time Average Duty Cycle:                100            (%)
                                                        Prediction frequency:           1618.11          (MHz)
          FCC MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency:               1.000           (mW/cm2)
         ISED MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency:              0.40848          (mW/cm2)
                                     Power density at prediction frequency:             0.23428          (mW/cm2)
                                     Power density at prediction frequency:              2.343           (W/m2)
                                                  FCC Margin of Compliance:              -6.30           (dB)
                                                 ISED Margin of Compliance:              -2.41           (dB)

6.   Mobile MPE Calculation using a 20cm separation distance (WLAN 802.1 b):

                  Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal:                   14.40           (dBm)
                  Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal:                   27.54           (mW)
                                                       Antenna gain(typical):             2.2            (dBi)
                                                     Maximum antenna gain:               1.660           (numeric)
                                                          Prediction distance:             20            (cm)
                                     Sourse Based Time Average Duty Cycle:                100            (%)
                                                        Prediction frequency:            2412            (MHz)
          FCC MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency:               1.000           (mW/cm2)
         ISED MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency:              0.53660          (mW/cm2)
                                     Power density at prediction frequency:             0.00909          (mW/cm2)
                                     Power density at prediction frequency:              0.091           (W/m2)
                                                  FCC Margin of Compliance:             -20.41           (dB)
                                                 ISED Margin of Compliance:             -17.71           (dB)

        TÜV SÜD AMERICA INC 10040 Mesa Rim Road San Diego, CA 92121-2912 Phone: 858 678 1400 FAX: 858 546 0364


Ferdie S. Custodio
Authorized Signatory
Title: Senior EMC Test Engineer /Wireless Team Lead

         TÜV SÜD AMERICA INC 10040 Mesa Rim Road San Diego, CA 92121-2912 Phone: 858 678 1400 FAX: 858 546 0364

Document Created: 2018-04-03 08:35:07
Document Modified: 2018-04-03 08:35:07

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