User manual


Users Manual

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Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Globalstar Europe Satellite Services Ltd., declares that this SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger, is in compliance
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The declaration of conformity
may be consulted at

© 2009, SPOT, LLC. For more information visit

Declaración de conformidad
Por la presente, Globalstar Europe Satellite Services Ltd., declara que este Mensajero Satelital GPS SPOT cumple
con los requerimientos esenciales y otras disposiciones relevantes del Directivo 1999/5/EC. La declaración de
conformidad puede ser consultada en

©2009, SPOT, LLC. Para mayor información visite

Declaração de Conformidade
Pelo presente, a Globalstar Europe Satellite Services Ltd. declara que este Mensageiro SPOT via Satélite GPS está
de acordo com as exigências essenciais e outros termos relevantes das Diretrizes de nº 1999/5/EC. A declaração de
conformidade pode ser consultada no endereço eletrônico
Este produto está homologado pela Anatel de acordo como os procedimentos regulamentados pela Resolução                                gps
Nº 242/2000, “Regulamento para Certificação e Homologação de Produtos para Telecomunicações”, e atende os
requisitos técnicos aplicados, incluindo os limites de exposição da Taxa de Absorção Específica referente a campos                    messenger
elétricos, magnéticos e eletromagnéticos de radiofrequência de acordo com a Resolução Nº 303/2002.

©2009, SPOT, LLC. Para mais informações, visite o endereço eletrônico
                                                                                                                        USER’S GUIDE
                                                                                                                        GUIA DEL USUARIO
Déclaration de conformité
Par la présente, Globalstar Europe Satellite Services Ltd., déclare que ce dispositif de messagerie GPS par satellite
SPOT est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres provisions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/UE. On peut
consulter la déclaration de conformité sur le site à l’adresse suivante :

Tous droits réservés. SPOT Inc. ©2009, Pour plus de détails, visitez
                                                                                                                        Manual do Usuário
                                                                                                                        Guide de l’utilisateur

                                                                                                           HOW SPOT WORKS
                                                                              ERNET (EMAIL)
                                                                           INT                         u   GPS satellites provide signals.

                                                                                                       v   SPOT messenger’s onboard GPS chip determines your GPS location and sends
             ELLITE SYS                       L SATELLITE                                                  your location and preselected message to communication satellites.
         SAT           TE                 CIA             SY
    PS                                  ER



                                                                                                       w   Communication satellites relay your message to specific satellite antennas

                                 CO M

                                                                                                           around the world.

                                                                                    HONES (SM          x   Satellite antennas and a global network route your location and message to the
                                                                                LL P         S)
                                                                           CE                              appropriate network.

                                                                                                       y   Your location and messages are delivered according to your instructions via email,
                                                                                                           text message, or emergency notification to the GEOS Rescue Coordination Center.

                                                                                  Y RESPONSE
                                                                             NC                CE

                                                                                                                                                  Powered by Google Maps™

                                                                                                                                                  When SPOT sends a text or email message
    SP                       R                                                                                                                    to one of your contacts or to the GEOS
         OT M           GE                 ANTEN NAS                                                                                              Rescue Coordination Center, it includes
                                                                                                                                                  your GPS coordinates and a web link to
                                                                                                                                                  view your location using Google Maps™.

                                                                SPOT gives you and your loved ones peace of mind by allowing you to:

Section 1: WELCOME                                              • Notify them or the GEOS International Emergency Rescue Coordination Center of your
                                                                  GPS location.
                                                                • Send for assistance in time of need around the world.
   Life is full of adventures. Now you have a way to share      • Be completely independent of mobile phone or other land-based radio coverage.

   yours and be prepared wherever you roam. You have just       To begin using SPOT, we recommend you spend a few minutes reading through this User’s Guide,
                                                                then visit to learn more about SPOT, select a service plan and activate your SPOT
                                                                Satellite GPS Messenger.
   purchased the best peace of mind available for the active

   outdoor adventurer or smartly-prepared individual. SPOT      Section 2: Getting Started
                                                                Before you start, here are a few important things to remember to get maximum reliability from SPOT:
   is the world’s first satellite messenger. SPOT uses the
                                                                u    SPOT needs a clear view of the sky to obtain a GPS signal
   GPS satellite system to determine your location and global       and provide the most accurate location information.
                                                                    It is not reliable indoors, in a cave, or in very dense woods.

   communications satellites to transmit that information to    v    Orienting SPOT so that the SPOT logo is facing up toward the sky
                                                                     will improve performance as the antenna is located under the logo.
   your chosen contacts.
                                                                w    Keep the Messenger at least 12 inches away from other GPS devices
                                                                     as SPOT can interfere with signal reception of other GPS devices.

SPOT activation requires a combination of hardware and online steps,
outlined below. Complete all steps in each row before moving on.

            With your SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger                                                                         At

 What you need:                                         Initial System Test:                                        Account setup:                                           Leave your personal contact information as one of the
  - Messenger                                           Perform an initial system test to evaluate your entire      1) Log onto, choose your              contacts for future system testing and GPS Acquisition
  - 3 AAA Lithium Batteries (included)                  messaging system, from the operational condition of            country or language, and select the SPOT              before each trip.
  - User’s Guide                                        the SPOT to the readiness of those you’ve chosen to            Account tab. Click the Activate link.
                                                        receive your messages.                                      2) Follow the online instructions to choose a service    What you need:
Install the included batteries:                         1) Go outside to where SPOT has a clear view                   plan and activate your SPOT.                          - Personal information
1) Loosen 2 screws holding the battery cover in place      of the sky in all directions.                            3) Select additional services, such as Track Progress.   - Emergency Contact information
2) Write down the ESN and Authorization code for use    2) Press and hold the ON/OFF button until the               4) When entering contact information, add your own       - SMS (Text) and e-mail contacts for messaging
   during service activation.                              indicator light blinks green.                               email or phone number to the Check OK contact list    - Credit card information
3) Install AAA lithium batteries as shown               3) Press and hold the Check OK button until the                for use in the system test.                           - SPOT electronic serial number (ESN) and
4) Replace cover, then tighten screws with                 indicator light blinks green.                                                                                       authorization code. These codes are located
   a screwdriver or coin. It is important that          4) Leave SPOT outdoors. The GPS indicator light             You can update the names and contact information           inside the battery compartment.
   you tighten the battery cover to keep                   blinks green as SPOT acquires a GPS fix, then            anytime via your account on the SPOT website.                                At
  SPOT waterproof.                                         the Message Sending indicator light will blink
                                                           green as SPOT transmits the Check OK message                        
                                                           over the 20 minute message cycle.
                                                        5) Verify that the message was received in the email
                                                           or SMS account(s) that you set up during activation
                                                           in your Check OK contact list.

                                                        If the GPS light blinks red, SPOT does not have a clear
                                                        view of the GPS satellites and you must move to an
                                                        area with a clearer view of the sky for proper operation.
                                                        Then repeat steps 2 through 5.

Keeping Your Contacts In Touch
Up to 10 contacts can be added for receipt of your Check/OK, Custom Message and Help messages,
and you can update these at any time on the website by logging in to your account. You can specify any
combination of text/SMS messages or email for the contacts.

SOS messages will go to the GEOS Rescue Coordination Center. In the event of an SOS message, GEOS
will attempt to contact your primary and secondary SOS contacts. These contacts are required to activate
the account. You can change these at any time under the SOS section at Changing your
other contacts will not change your contacts for SOS.

In some regions, you may choose to send your Help messages to SPOT Assist service providers instead of
friends and family. With this option, you will also need to identify a primary and secondary Assist contact,
this may be the same or different as your SOS contacts. The recommendation is to use your mobile
phone as your SPOT Assist primary contact, and someone not traveling with you, with knowledge of your
itinerary, as your SPOT Assist secondary contact.

Additional Services
At you can also purchase additional service options, such as Track Progress,
which allows you to automatically track your progress as you travel, or the GEOS Alliance Global                ASK FOR HELP/               CHECK IN              CUSTOM                TRACK                   SOS
Search and Rescue Member Benefit. In some regions you can also purchase access to enhanced                       SPOTAssist                                       MESSAGE             PROGRESS
services such as product replacement services, SPOT Assist for roadside or boating, or other
valuable options.                                                                                               Request help from        Let contacts know      Let contacts know   Automatically send     Alert emergency
                                                                                                                  your friends and       where you are and      where you are and      and save your      responders to your
To learn more, visit                                                                        family at your GPS      that you’re okay with         send a         location and allow      GPS location.
                                                                                                                  location. Or ask       a pre-programmed        pre-programmed       contacts to track
Spot, LLC( is not affiliated with SPOT Image (
                                                                                                                    for help from             message.               message.       your progress using
                                                                                                                    professional                                                       Google Maps™.
                                                                                                               organizations instead
                                                                                                               of friends and family.                 MESSAGE FUNCTIONS

Section 3: Using SPOT                                                                               • Red –  The GPS light blinks red if SPOT doesn’t see the GPS satellites and /or can’t find your
                                                                                                            GPS location. You should move to a location with a clearer view of the sky.
To turn SPOT on simply press and hold the ON/OFF button until the button blinks green. SPOT
performs a self-diagnostic test. When power is ON, the button will blink green every 3 seconds.
This is helpful for making SPOT more visible in the dark. To turn SPOT off, press and hold the      Message Sending Light
ON/OFF button until the light stops blinking.                                                       The Message Sending light notifies you whether or not your most recent message was
                                                                                                    successfully transmitted.
GPS Performance
                                                                                                    • Green – The Message Sending light blinks green after SPOT successfully sends the most
SPOT uses an advanced GPS chipset with extremely high sensitivity to give you maximum
                                                                                                    recent message until the next scheduled message or until the message cycle is complete.
performance. While the SPOT message transmitter is also very high quality, there may be times
                                                                                                    • Red  – The Message Sending light blinks red if SPOT didn’t send the most recent message.
when SPOT will have a GPS signal, but not be able to send a message. Make sure that you have
a clear view of the sky at all times.
                                                                                                    Self Test
Light indicators                                                                                    If all visible lights flash red, the SPOT self-test has found a failure, and SPOT will not
SPOT uses lights to tell you what it’s doing. Take a moment to become familiar with these lights.   send a message.

Function lights                                                                                     If the On/Off light, GPS light and Message Sending light all blink red, SPOT has a GPS failure,
Each button has a backlight that blinks when that button is active. To activate or cancel           but SPOT may still be able to transmit an SOS or HELP message without your GPS location.
any function, you must press and hold the button until the function light starts blinking           Visit
(approximately 3 seconds).

GPS Light
The GPS light notifies you whether SPOT is able to see the GPS satellites and obtain your
GPS location.
• Green – The GPS light blinks green if SPOT sees the GPS satellites and is looking for a GPS
location. Once the GPS location is obtained, the GPS light and Message Sending light blink
green approximately 15 seconds to notify you that your message was sent with your GPS location.

Check OK and Custom Message                                                                            If no GPS signal is found within approximately 15 seconds, the GPS light will blink red.
Let your contacts know where you are and how you’re doing; or mark a single waypoint to review         You should move to a location with a clearer view of the sky. SPOT will keep looking for
later. Your contacts will receive SMS/text or email messages with a link to Google Maps showing        your GPS location for up to 15 minutes.
your GPS location.
                                                                                                       If no GPS location is found in 15 minutes, SPOT does not send your message.
Check OK and Custom Message functions work the same way. This gives you the flexibility to             To try again, simply press and hold the function button.
send different messages to different contacts, or tailor messages for a specific purpose such
as arranging pick-up at the end of your adventure.                                                     To Cancel
                                                                                                       You cannot cancel a Check OK / Custom Message, but you can stop any unsent messages
MESSAGE CYCLE                                                                                          by turning off the Messenger at any time, or by pressing any other function button.
SPOT will send your message and GPS location to the SPOT network three times over 20 minutes           Unsent messages are automatically disabled when you activate SOS, Help or Track Progress.
for maximum reliability (only one email or SMS/text message will actually be sent to your contacts).
If SPOT cannot get a GPS signal, it will not send your Check OK or Custom Message.                     How SPOT prioritizes OK and Custom Messages
                                                                                                       OK and Custom Messages are the lowest priority SPOT messages – if you press the Help, Track
USING THE CHECK OK OR CUSTOM MESSAGE FUNCTION                                                          Progress, or SOS buttons while in Check OK or Custom Message modes, SPOT will cancel any
Press and hold the Check OK or Custom Message button until the function button blinks green.           unsent Check OK or Custom Messages and begin sending Help, Track Progress or SOS messages.
The GPS light will blink green after SPOT sees the GPS satellites and continue while obtaining your
GPS location.                                                                                          Quick Check
                                                                                                       You can send an OK or Custom Message while you’re in Tracking. If Tracking is active, it will
Once your GPS location is obtained, SPOT sends your message and GPS location. The GPS light            be suspended long enough to send the Check OK/Custom Message, then resume once the
and Message Sending light will both blink green for approximately 15 seconds. The Message              Check OK  / Custom Message cycle is complete. This lets you easily update your contacts of
Sending light continues to blink green after it successfully sends the most recent message until       your whereabouts while in tracking. For example, if you’d like to send an “okay” message
the end of the message cycle. Let SPOT work until the end of the message cycle when the Check          at the start of a trip to let your friends know to follow your whereabouts on SPOT Adventures,
OK or Custom Message light stops blinking.                                                   , simply start Track Progress, then press “Check OK”.
                                                                                                       SPOT will send an OK message then continue tracking.

ask for help / spot assist                                                                              TO CANCEL
For non-life threatening situations, ask for help from friends and family or professional assistance    Press and hold the HELP button until it blinks red. Let SPOT work until the Help button stops
providers using SPOT Assist. Your friends and family will receive SMS/text or email messages with       blinking red. The Message Sending light will blink green indicating it has sent the Cancel message.
a link to Google Maps showing your GPS location. SPOT Assist service partners will receive your
SPOT Assist message and current GPS location.                                                           How SPOT prioritizes Help
                                                                                                        Help and SOS messages are top priority for SPOT. When you select Help or SOS, you will disable
Message Cycle                                                                                           Check OK, Custom Message and Track Progress functions.
SPOT will send your message and current GPS location every 5 minutes for an hour for redundancy
and overall reliability. If SPOT cannot get a GPS signal, it will still attempt to send your message–   SOS
without a GPS location.                                                                                 For life-threatening or other critical situations, alert the GEOS International Emergency Rescue
                                                                                                        Coordination Center (IERCC). GEOS notifies the appropriate emergency responders based on your
USING THE HELP FUNCTIONt                                                                                location and personal information – which may include local police, highway patrol, the Coast
Press and hold the HELP button until the function button blinks green. The GPS light will blink         Guard, your country’s embassy or consulate, other emergency response centers, or search &
green after SPOT sees the GPS satellites and continue for up to 4 minutes while obtaining your          rescue teams.
GPS location.
                                                                                                        Message Cycle
Once your GPS location is obtained, SPOT will send your message with GPS location.                      SPOT sends your emergency profile information and current GPS location to GEOS every 5 minutes
The GPS light and Message Sending light will both blink green for approximately 15 seconds.             until cancelled or the batteries run out. If SPOT cannot get a GPS signal, it will still attempt to send
The Message Sending light continues to blink green until the next scheduled message to notify           your message – without a GPS location. There is no test mode. If you activate the SOS function,
you that your most recent message was successfully transmitted.                                         the GEOS Rescue Coordination Center will treat it as a real emergency.

If no GPS signal is found within approximately 15 seconds, the GPS light will blink red. You should     USING THE SOS FUNCTION
move to a location with a clearer view of the sky. SPOT will keep looking for your GPS location for     Press and hold the SOS button until it blinks green. The GPS light will blink green after
up to 4 minutes.                                                                                        SPOT sees the GPS satellites and while obtaining your GPS location.

If no GPS location is found in 4 minutes, SPOT sends your message without GPS location.
The GPS light blinks red and the Message Sending light blinks green. The Message Sending
light will continue blinking until the next scheduled message until the end of the message cycle.

Once your GPS location is obtained, SPOT sends your message and GPS location. The GPS light            Track Progress
and Message Sending light will both blink green for approximately 15 seconds. The Message              Send your location to allow contacts to track your progress in near real-time using Google Maps™
Sending light continues to blink green until the next scheduled message to notify you that your        or SPOT Adventures, giving them a virtual breadcrumb trail of your adventure. Also automatically
most recent message was successfully transmitted.                                                      mark your waypoints to review later. Your contacts can see your progress on the web links that
                                                                                                       you create in your SPOT account. Additional service fees may apply. See account information at
If no GPS signal is found within approximately 15 seconds, the GPS light will blink red.      to learn more.
You should move to a location with a clearer view of the sky.
                                                                                                       MESSAGE CYCLE
The first message will be sent within (1) minute after activation with or without your GPS location.   Track Progress messages are sent every 10 minutes for 24 hours or until cancelled. You can
For all subsequent messages, SPOT will keep looking for your GPS location for up to to 4 minutes.      re-engage Track Progress at any time to restart the cycle. With each message, SPOT will include
                                                                                                       your GPS location for the 2 previous track positions for a seamlessly reliable breadcrumb trail.
If no GPS location is found in 4 minutes, SPOT sends your message without GPS location.                If SPOT cannot get a GPS signal, it will not send your message, but will try again at the next
The GPS light blinks red and the Message Sending light blinks green. The Message Sending               scheduled interval.
light will continue blinking until the next scheduled message until the end of the message cycle.
                                                                                                       USING THE TRACK PROGESS FUNCTION:
TO CANCEL:                                                                                             Press and hold the Track Progress button until it blinks green. The GPS light will blink
Press and hold the SOS button until it blinks red. Let SPOT work until the SOS button                  green after SPOT sees the GPS satellites and while obtaining your GPS location.
stops blinking red. The Message Sending light will blink green indicating it has sent
the Cancel message.                                                                                    Once your GPS location is obtained, SPOT will send your waypoint. The GPS light and Message
                                                                                                       Sending light will both blink green for approximately 15 seconds. The Message Sending light
How SPOT prioritizes SOS                                                                               continues to blink green until the next scheduled message to notify you that your most recent
Help and SOS messages are top priority for SPOT. When you select Help or SOS, you will                 message was successfully transmitted.
disable Check OK, Custom Message and Track Progress functions. Please see the FAQ section
of for important warnings regarding utilizing SOS and HELP at the same time.        If no GPS signal is found within approximately 15 seconds, the GPS light will blink red. You should
                                                                                                       move to a location with a clearer view of the sky. SPOT will keep looking for your GPS location for
                                                                                                       up to 4 minutes.

If no GPS location is found in 4 minutes, SPOT will not send this particular waypoint. Both the              SPOT: The Center of Your Connected Adventures
GPS light and the Message Sending light will blink red. SPOT will rest for up to 6 minutes and               SPOT is continually working to enhance its customers’ experience and add new services to the SPOT
try again at the time of the next scheduled message.                                                         web service. For example, is a new, fun, easy way to share your adventures
                                                                                                             with your friends or with the world. Visit frequently to find out about new and improved
The Message Sending light will continue blinking until the next scheduled message                            services that make it easy to share your life and adventures with others. Not all services are available in
and throughout the message cycle.                                                                            all languages or regions.
                                                                                                                         Function                                                  Operation
TO CANCEL:                                                                                                                                        - Messages scheduled 3 times over 20 minutes to contacts on your
You can stop any unsent messages by pressing and holding the                                                   Check OK and Custom Message          contact list
Track Progress button until the light turns off, or by turning off SPOT.                                                                          - Message not sent if GPS location cannot be determined
                                                                                                                                                  - Suspends Track Progress until message is sent, then Track Progress
                                                                                                                                                    resumes automatically
How SPOT prioritizes Track Progress Messages
Help and SOS are prioritized over Track Progress - if you press the Help or SOS buttons while                              HELP                   - Messages scheduled every 5 minutes for one hour with updated location
                                                                                                                                                    to your friends and family, or SPOT Assist provider
tracking, SPOT will cancel any unsent messages and begin sending Help or SOS messages.                                                            - Message scheduled even if GPS location cannot be determined
                                                                                                                                                  - Overrides Check OK, Custom Message, and Track Progress
Track Progress is prioritized over Check OK and Custom Message. If you are in Check OK                                      SOS                   - Messages scheduled every 5 minutes until cancelled (or batteries are
or Custom Message and press Track Progress, it will start tracking and cancel your unsent                                                           depleted) with updated location to GEOS Rescue Coordination Center
Check OK or Custom Messages.                                                                                                                      - Message scheduled even if GPS location cannot be determined
                                                                                                                                                  - Overrides Check OK, Custom Message, and Track Progress
Quick Check                                                                                                       Combined HELP and SOS           - Messages scheduled every 5 minutes to GEOS Rescue Coordination
You can send an OK or Custom Message while you’re in Tracking. If Tracking is active, it will be                                                    Center until cancelled (or batteries are depleted) with updated location
                                                                                                                                                  - Message scheduled every 5 minutes for one hour with updated location
suspended long enough to send the Check OK/Custom Message, then resume once the Check OK /                                                          to your contacts
Custom Message cycle is complete. This lets you easily update your contacts of your whereabouts                                                   - Message scheduled even if GPS location cannot be determined
while in tracking. For example, if you’d like to send an “okay” message at the start of a trip to let your                                        - Overrides Check OK, Custom Message, and Track Progress
friends know to follow your whereabouts on SPOT Adventures, simply start                        Track Progress             - Updated location and two previous locations scheduled for transmission
Track Progress, then press “Check OK”. SPOT will send an OK message then continue tracking.                                                         to your account every 10 minutes for 24 hours
                                                                                                                                                  - Message not sent if GPS location cannot be determined

Section 4: System Function and Indicators                                                                                      How the Lights BLINK - By Function
SPOT Message Schedule                                                                                                                              IF SPOT FINDS YOUR GPS LOCATION
SPOT is designed to provide outstanding quality and reliability. With a perfect view of the entire
                                                                                                                                     Message Function                                   Message
sky, the SPOT Messenger is designed to successfully send virtually every message. In everyday                     Function                                       GPS Light                                   Message Status
                                                                                                                                          Light                                       Sending Light
conditions, the view of the sky is often blocked due to hills, buildings, or other obstructions so it is
normal for some messages to be blocked. That is why the SPOT Messenger automatically sends                        Check OK
multiple messages in every mode, giving you excellent overall reliability. In some modes this means            Custom Message
                                                                                                                                                             GPS Light blinks          Blinks green
multiple attempts to send the same message, while in other modes it means regularly updating GPS                    Track              Function light
                                                                                                                                                            green while getting     after successfully
coordinates and sending a new message. Placement of your SPOT unit can make a difference.                          Progress              blinks green
                                                                                                                                                            your GPS location,       sending the most         Message and
Experiment with placement until you are familiar with the reliability of your operating environment.                                       until the                                                      location successfully
                                                                                                                    Help                                      for ~15 seconds        recent message
                                                                                                                                       message cycle                                                      sent to the satellites.
                                                                                                                 SPOT Assist                                  afterward, then         as appropriate
Message Indicators                                                                                                                      is completed
                                                                                                                                                                turns off until     for each message
                                                                                                                                        or canceled.
For all functions, SPOT lets you know what it is doing.                                                                                                        next message.       cycle, then turns off.
         Indicator                         Blinking Green                           Blinking Red                  Emergency

            GPS                         Searching for GPS signal.              GPS location fix failed.
                                                                               Move to a new location.        IMPORTANT NOTES:

      Message Sending          Message transmission schedule in progress.    In Track Progress, means no
                                                                            GPS fix. N/A in all other modes     1) The blinking green light in each function button lets you know that you have successfully engaged
                                      Check OK message sequence                                                 that function.
Check OK or Custom Message                                                               N/A
                                             in progress.
                                                                                                                2) After you engage the function, SPOT looks for a GPS signal as indicated by the blinking green light.
            HELP                    SPOT Messenger in HELP mode.              HELP has been cancelled.          3) Once the GPS location is obtained, SPOT sends your message and the GPS and Message Sending
                                            SOS is engaged.                                                     lights blink green together for 15 seconds, indicating a successful GPS fix and starting the message
            SOS                                                                SOS has been cancelled.
                                                                                                                sending cycle.
                                        SPOT Messenger in track
       Track Progress                       progress mode.                               N/A

           On/Off                                  On                          Less than 20% of battery
                                                                                    life remaining.

                                      IF SPOT DOESN’T FIND YOUR GPS LOCATION                                                  Section 5: Care and Support
                  Function                              Message     Message
  Function       Button Light          GPS Light      Sending Light  Status                     To Try Again
                                                                                                                              Battery Life and Usage
   Check OK                                                                             Move to an area with a clear          • Use only non-rechargeable AAA Lithium batteries in your SPOT Messenger. Alkaline or other
                   Blinks               Blinks             Blinks    Message                  view of the sky.
Custom Message     Green                 Red                Red      not sent          Press selected function again.           battery technologies, including rechargeable varieties, are not recommended. In an emergency
                                                                                                                                situation, if you only have access to Alkaline or other battery technologies, SPOT might work, but
    Track                       Blinks Red. SPOT looks                             Move to an area with a clear view of the
                                 for GPS for 4 minutes,
                                                           Blinks    Message       sky. SPOT will try to get a GPS location     will not offer the specified battery life or performance.
   Progress        Green        then rests for 6 minutes    Red      not sent         during the next message interval.
                                Blinks Red. SPOT looks               Message       Move to an area with a clear view of the
                                                                                                                              • Lithium batteries properly installed in the SPOT Messenger should last for several years stored.
                   Blinks                                  Blinks
  Help/Assist                    for GPS for 4 minutes              sent without   sky. SPOT will try to get a GPS location     The ON/OFF light will blink red when the lithium batteries have approximately 30% or less of their
                   Green        then rests for 1 minute.   Green                      during the next message interval.
                                                                       GPS                                                      life remaining. If the ON/OFF light flashes red, or if you are unsure as to the battery life remaining,
                   Blinks       Blinks Red. SPOT looks     Blinks
                                                                     Message       Move to an area with a clear view of the     replace the batteries immediately. Always test and verify your SPOT device before any trip.
     SOS                         for GPS for 4 minutes              sent without   sky. SPOT will try to get a GPS location
                   Green        then rests for 1 minute.   Green
                                                                       GPS            during the next message interval.
                                                                                                                              • Under normal usage fully charged batteries in a SPOT Messenger should meet or exceed
 IMPORTANT NOTES:                                                                                                               the following:
                                                                                                                                           – Power on, unused: Approximately 4 months.
 CHECK OK / CUSTOM MESSAGE: SPOT must get a GPS signal before sending your Check OK or Custom Message.
                                                                                                                                           – SOS or Help messages: 1350 (approximately 4 days)
 If no GPS signal is found, the GPS light blinks red and SPOT deactivates the function without sending any messages.
 TRACK PROGRESS: SPOT must get a GPS signal before sending your waypoint. However, SPOT will stay in the                                   – Track Progress: 850 messages (approximately 6 days)
 Track Progress function, and again look for a GPS signal at the next scheduled message interval.                                          – Check OK or Custom Message: 350 messages.
 HELP / SPOT ASSIST: SPOT sends Help / SPOT Assist messages even without a GPS location. SPOT will again look                              – We recommend that you always carry an extra set of batteries.
 for a GPS signal prior to sending the next scheduled message (~4-5 minutes), and repeat the entire message cycle.
 SOS: SPOT sends SOS Emergency messages even without a GPS location. SPOT will again look for a                               Operating Conditions and Climate
 GPS signal prior to sending the next scheduled message (~4-5 minutes after the first message), and repeat                    Your SPOT Messenger is designed to go anywhere. However, like all electronic devices, it has
 the entire message cycle.                                                                                                    its limits. SPOT relies on GPS and low earth orbit satellites to fix your location and send your
 NOTES: If no GPS signal is found in ~15 seconds, the GPS light will blink red and SPOT will keep looking for your
                                                                                                                              messages. To work, the SPOT logo (which is directly above the transmitter) needs to have an
 GPS location for the scheduled time. SPOT does not continuously look for a GPS signal, so the GPS indicator light
                                                                                                                              unobstructed view of the sky, either outdoors or in a glass-enclosed area such as a vehicle
 may continue to blink red even after you’ve moved to a location with a clear view of the sky, depending on where
 SPOT is in the message cycle.                                                                                                dashboard or glass sunroof. For safety, keep the following in mind regarding the care and
                                                                                                                              usage of SPOT:

•   SPOT floats, but the SPOT logo needs to be facing the sky for the unit to work.                 Learn More
•   Waterproof to a depth of 5 meters for up to 1 hour.                                             The SPOT website is updated regularly with training videos and answers to Frequently Asked
•   Operating temperatures: -40°F to +176°F (-40°C to 80°C)                                         Questions (FAQs).
•   Operating altitude: -300 ft to 21,300 ft (-91m to 6500m)
•   Humidity and Salt Fog Rated                                                                     For additional questions or support:
•   Visit for the latest information on certification to OSHA Intrinsically          Visit or call:
    Safe to Class 1, Division 1, Group A-D standards.                                               North American Customers: 1-866-OK1-SPOT (1-866-651-7768).
                                                                                                    European Customers: Tel: +353 12 909 505
SPOT works around the world, including virtually all of North America, Europe, Australia and        Warranty
portions of South America, Northern Africa and Asia, as well as hundreds or thousands of            SPOT is warranted by Axonn, LLC for 12 months (24 months for European Customers) from the date
miles off-shore of these areas. It is important that you check coverage for your destination        of purchase against manufacturing defects. For warranty details and procedures, visit http://www.
before traveling.                                                                          or

Contacts                                                                                            FCC/IC Notice
Additional charges may apply in some regions. Standard text messaging charges from your mobile      This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
phone provider may also apply.                                                                      pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
                                                                                                    This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
Cleaning                                                                                            received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This device complies with the
Follow these general rules when cleaning the outside of your SPOT Messenger:                        requirements for radio astronomy site avoidance as specified by the Globalstar National Science
• Make sure the power is OFF.                                                                       Foundation agreement of 2001. It is compliant with CFR 25.213.
• Use a damp, soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid excess moisture near buttons or openings.
• Do not use aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol or abrasives.                                        This device automatically adjusts its transmission frequency according to its location and is
• Do not attempt to open the SPOT Messenger case.                                                   compliant with international regulatory requirements.

The SPOT Messenger performs a self-diagnostic test each time it is powered on. SPOT                 • ROHS and WEEE compliant
recommends that you send and verify a Check OK message before each trip. This also allows you       • Certified to FCC and CE emissions, immunity and safety regulations.
to evaluate your entire messaging system, from the operational condition of the SPOT Messenger to   • Meets FCC part 25 regulations, Canada type approval, CISPR Publication 22
the readiness of those on your contact list.                                                          (1985 1st Edition), RTTE Directive (1999/EC) and IEC 60950 safety standard.
                                                                                                    Spot, LLC ( is not affiliated with Spot Image (
See FAQ section on for more information.

Document Created: 2009-08-14 11:35:19
Document Modified: 2009-08-14 11:35:19

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