users manual 4

FCC ID: L2M432

Users Manual

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        Whenthis fealure is turnedoff, exceptions will be chirps during programming
                                                                                           transmitter. To access Features Programming Mode:
        and the single chirp produced when the system arms by Last Door Arming
        and Automatic Rearming.
                                                                                           Step 1: Turn the vehicle‘s ignition "On" then "Off".

    18. 1 or 2 Button Arm/Disarm: (1 Button/+2 Button)                                     Step 2: Within 10 seconds of turning the ignition "Off", press the Valet/Override
       — This feature controls how the transmitter operates the security system.                   Switch 5 times. The system will sound a siren burst, then a single chirp
         Having this feature on the "2 Button"setting has the system operating in a                confirming entry to Features Programming Mode.
        "dedicated button for arming and dedicated button for disarming"fashion. The
        "2 Button" setting is the correct one to be used with the included transmitters.   Step 3: Within 7 seconds of entering Features Programming Mode, press the
        If this feature is set for "1 Button®, a single transmitterbutton will alternate           ValeOverride Switch the numberof times equal to the number of the
        arming and disarming the system with each press of that button. This type of               feature to be programmed. The system will repeat the feature number
        operation is also described as a "single button toggle" for the arming and                 with same numberof siren chirps.
        disarming of the system. Optional transmitters are available for best use of
        this feature. For your reference, if this feature is changed to the "1 Button"®    Step 4: After the system ack\owledges the feature to be programmed, press
        setting, the included transmitters‘ Arm/Lock Button will arm and disarm the                either the Transmitter Arm/Lock Button to turn the feature on (the system‘s
                                                                                                   response will be 1 chirp), or the Disarm/Unlock Button to turn the feature
        system, the Disarm/Unlock Button will operate the Auxiliary Channel, and the
                                                                                                   off (the system‘s response will be 2 chirps).
        Small Button will not operate anything.
                                                                                           To program more features, simply repeat Steps 3 and 4. If seven seconds expire
i                           How to Program Features                                        without any programming activity the system will automatically exit Features Pro—
                                                                                           gramming Mode. Turning on the ignition switch will also exit the system from
    The 18 programmable features, explained in the previous pages, are very easily         Features Programming Mode; in either case the system signals the exit with two
    programmed by a procedure using the ignition key, ValetOverride Switch, and            siren bursts.
                                        Page 22                                                                                Page 23

          Lt Program Transmitters to the System 5                                     easy; the exclusive patented Unauthorized Transmitter Alert feature protects
                                                                                      against someone programming their own transmitter to operate your system.
Whenever a transmitter, new or existing, is programmedto the system, all exist—
ing codes are erased for security. So all of the transmitters which are to operate                                       Installation
the system, which can be up to four, must be programmed at the same time.
                                                                                      Mounting The Main Control Module: The Main Control Module contains the
Step 1: Turn "On" the vehicle‘s ignition.
                                                                                      electronics necessary for the security system‘s operation. Always mount this
Step 2: Within 10 seconds press the Vale/Override Switch 5 times. The system          module in the vehicle‘s interior compartment, in a secure location that is not eas—
        responds with 1 siren burst to confirm Transmitter Programming Mode.          ily accessible. Ensure that moisture, vibration and temperature extremes are
                                                                                      minimized. Acceptable locations may include mounting behind the dash, behind
Step 3: Within 10 seconds, press the Small Button on each transmitter to be pro—      the glovebox or other interior panels.
        grammed. The response to each is 1 and 1, 1 and 2, etc., chirps.              Mounting The Siren:. Find a location in the engine compartment away from the
                                                                                      extreme heat of the engine and manifold. A suitable location will offer a firm
If 17 seconds expire without any programming activity the system will automati—       mounting surface, will also é\uw sound dispersion out of the engine compart—
cally exit Transmitter Programming Mode. Turning off the ignition switch will also    ment, and not be accessible to a thief. The siren must be pointed downward to
exit the system from Transmitter Programming Mode; in either case the system
signals the exit with 1 long siren chirp.                                             avoid moisture collecting inside it and to enhance sound dispersal.
                                                                                      Wiring Connections: The security system‘s wires should be securely connected
Unauthorized Transmitter Alert:         For the next 48 hours after transmitter       to the appropriate vehicle wires with the proper terminals, connectors, or by
programming, every time the vehicle‘s ignition is turned "On", the system will emit   soldering and insulating with quality viny! electrical tape or heat shrink tubing. All
a series of siren chirps, and the LED Status Indicator will show the number of        wiring should be carefully routed to avoid the possibility of chaffing or otherwise
programmed transmitters for 90 seconds instead of 10 seconds. As the instructions     being damaged. Make all required connections, then plug the hamesses into the
above shows, programming extra transmitters to any vehicle security system is         control module.
                                    Page 24                                                                                 Page 25

                                                                         «i                          E§        ol
Right                                                                 LED Status
                                                                      iidibatr             Door Lock Po rt   M
                                                                                      Siren / Horn Jumper
                     — Orange = Starter Kill — ——————I

                                                                                                             0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
            ———————’— Grey = Auxifary Output —
ten                    RedWhite = Flashing Light Input (+
                       White = Flashing Light Output
                       White = Flashing Light Output
                       Brown = Siren / Homn (+—)
                  Pr—Sutch (1                        Vidlet = Door Input +
                                                     Black = Ground ——————i
                                        PinSutch )   Blue = Trigger Input —
                                                     Yellow   Accessory +12V
                                                     Green = Door Input —
                                                     Red =+12 Volls
                                Pe—Suich ()

                                                                              Switch           Sensor Port

        Page 26                                                                                     Page 27

Document Created: 2001-10-10 13:51:54
Document Modified: 2001-10-10 13:51:54

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