RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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Test report No.: 1-0901-1-4/08-A          Date : 2009-03-23          Page 15 of 71

In the frequency range 40 to 240 GHz, spurious frequencies are measured as power densities. The EUT is
operating with FMCW-modulation. The RBW and VBW are set to such a value that spurious power levels are
clearly readable above the fundamental noise level of spectrum analyzer. The measurement distance is chosen to
0.125 m for detecting spurious emission signals.

5. Measurements of maximum safe level for radiated power density

According to FCC § 1.1307, § 1.1310, § 2.1091 and § 2.1093 measurements are carried out in order to evaluate
the impact of human exposure to RF radiation. For this test the EUT is in normal operation mode: FMCW. The
measurement is performed at 6 different distances: 4 m, 2 m, 1 m, 0.5 m, 0.25 m, and 0.125 m.
The measurements are applicable only for far field conditions. The near field area extends to a distance of R
(meters) and can be calculated from the following equation:


with R = distance in meters, L = largest dimension of either measuring horn or transmitting EUT antenna (L ≈
0.1 m), and λ = wavelength in meters. In case of 76.5 GHz (λ = 0.0039 m), the far field theoretically starts at R
= 5.1 m. However, it was shown by variation the test distance that measurements in a distance of 2.0 m provide
accurate results.

The maximum peak power density PD in r = 3 m distance is determined as 0.269 µW/cm2.

Peak Power (EIRP)               EIRP = PD ∗ 4π ∗ r2 = PD ∗1130973.4 cm2
                                EIRP = 0.304 W (see plot 1)

Limit of maximum ERP (EIRP) for frequencies above 1.5 GHz is 3 W (4.9W). See FCC § 2.1091
(eirp = erp + 2.15 dB, EIRP = ERP x 1.64).

RF Exposure for mobile conditions at r = 20 cm distance from EUT

                                PD    = EIRP / (4π ∗ r2 )
                                PD    = 0.0605 mW/cm² = 0.605 W/m²

Limit of maximum permissible exposure (MPE) for uncontrolled environment:1.0 mW/cm². See FCC § 1.1310.

Document Created: 2009-03-25 09:17:03
Document Modified: 2009-03-25 09:17:03

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