Test Report

FCC ID: L2599500

Test Report

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                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                     Page 1 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     Applicant (SUT002):                      Supreme Toys Hong Kong Limited.
                                              Rm. 1114-15, 11/F Tower, New Mandarin Plaza, 14 Science
                                              Museum Road, TST East, Kln., Hong Kong.

     Manufacturer:                            JACKPOT MANUFACTURING LIMITED
                                              GUAN JING TOU, FENG GANG TOWN, DONG GUAN
                                              CITY,GUANG DONG PROVINCE, CHINA

     Description of Samples:                  Product:                4 Transistor Walkie Talkie
                                              Brand Name:             N/A
                                              Model Number:           99500 (99501)
                                              FCC ID:                 L2599500

     Date Samples Received:                   2008-02-27

     Date Tested:                             2008-03-03 to 2008-03-04

     Investigation Requested:                 Perform ElectroMagnetic Interference measurement in
                                              accordance with FCC 47CFR [Codes of Federal Regulations]
                                              Part 15: 2007 and ANSI C63.4:2003 for FCC Certification.

     Conclusions:                             The submitted product COMPLIED with the requirements of
                                              Federal Communications Commission [FCC] Rules and
                                              Regulations Part 15. The tests were performed in accordance
                                              with the standards described above and on Section 2.2 in this
                                              Test Report.

     Remarks:                                 ----

                                                                            Dr. LEE Kam Chuen,
                                                                   ElectroMagnetic Compatibility Department
                                                                             For and on behalf of
                                                                The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.

                            The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
     For full text of “Conditions of Issuance of Test Report”, please refer to overleaf or refer to the website of Homepage.

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                    Page 2 of 15
     No. : HM161218


               Cover                                                                                  Page 1 of 15
               Content                                                                                Page 2 of 15

     1.0       General Details

     1.1       Test Laboratory                                                                        Page 3 of 15

     1.2       Applicant Details                                                                      Page 3 of 15

     1.3       Equipment Under Test [EUT]                                                             Page 4 of 15
               Description of EUT operation

     1.4       Date of Order                                                                          Page 4 of 15

     1.5       Submitted Samples                                                                      Page 4 of 15

     1.6       Test Duration                                                                          Page 4 of 15

     1.7       Country of Origin                                                                      Page 4 of 15

     2.0       Technical Details

     2.1       Investigations Requested                                                               Page 5 of 15

     2.2       Test Standards and Results Summary                                                     Page 5 of 15

     3.0       Test Results

     3.1       Emission                                                                               Page 6-9 of 15

     3.2       Bandwidth Measurement                                                                  Page 10-12 of 15

               Appendix A

               List of Measurement Equipment                                                          Page 13 of 15

               Appendix B

               Photographs                                                                            Page 14-15 of 15

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                    Page 3 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     1.0       General Details

     1.1       Test Laboratory

               The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
               EMC Laboratory
               10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate
               New Territories, Hong Kong

               Telephone:              852 2666 1888
               Fax:                    852 2664 4353

     1.2       Applicant Details

               Supreme Toys Hong Kong Limited.
               Rm. 1114-15, 11/F Tower, New Mandarin Plaza,
               14 Science Museum Road, TST East, Kln., Hong Kong.



                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                    Page 4 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     1.3       Equipment Under Test [EUT]
               Description of Sample

               Model Name:                    4 Transistor Walkie Talkie
               Manufacturer:                  JACKPOT MANUFACTURING LIMITED
               Brand Name:                    N/A
               Model Number:                  99500 (99501)
               Input Voltage:                 9Vd.c. (“6F22” size battery x 1)

     1.3.1     Description of EUT Operation

               The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is a Supreme Toys Hong Kong Limited., 4 Transistor
               Walkie Talkie. The transmitter is a button transmitter. The EUT continues to transmit while
               button is being pressed. It is voice transmission, Modulation by microphone, and type is
               frequency modulation.

     1.4       Date of Order


     1.5       Submitted Sample(s):

               1 Sample

     1.6       Test Duration

               2008-03-03 to 2008-03-04

     1.7       Country of Origin


                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                               10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
             Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                    Page 5 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     2.0       Technical Details

     2.1       Investigations Requested

               Perform ElectroMagnetic Interference measurement in accordance with FCC 47CFR [Codes of
               Federal Regulations] Part 15:2007 and ANSI C63.4:2003 for FCC Certification.

     2.2       Test Standards and Results Summary Tables

                                                   Results Summary
     Test Condition                   Test Requirement             Test Method            Class /       Test Result
                                                                                         Severity     Pass    Failed
     Field Strength of                FCC 47CFR 15.235           ANSI C63.4:2003           N/A
     Fundamental Emissions &
     Spurious Emissions
     Radiated Emissions,              FCC 47CFR 15.209           ANSI C63.4:2003           N/A
     30MHz to 1GHz

     Note: N/A - Not Applicable

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                    Page 6 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     3.0       Test Results

     3.1       Emission

     3.1.1     Radiated Emissions (30 – 1000MHz)

               Test Requirement:                FCC 47CFR 15.235 & 15.209
               Test Method:                     ANSI C63.4:2003
               Test Date:                       2008-03-04
               Mode of Operation:               Tx mode

     Test Method:

     The sample was placed 0.8m above the ground plane of Semi-Anechoic Chamber*. Measurements in
     both horizontal and vertical polarities were performed. During the test, each emission was maximized by:
     having the EUT continuously working, investigated all operating modes, rotated about all 3 axis (X, Y &
     Z) and considered typical configuration to obtain worst position, manipulating interconnecting cables,
     rotating turntable, varying antenna height from 1m to 4m in both horizontal and vertical polarizations.
     The emissions worst-case are shown in Test Results of the following pages.

     *:      Semi-Anechoic Chamber located on the G/F of HKSTC with a metal ground plane filed with the FCC
             pursuant to section 2.948 of the FCC rules, with Registration Number: 607756.

     Test Setup:

                   Semi-Anechoic Chamber



                                              Ground Plane

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                               10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
             Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                    Page 7 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     Limits for Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions [FCC 47CFR 15.235]:
            Frequency Range of                       Field Strength of                       Field Strength of
               Fundamental                         Fundamental Emission                    Fundamental Emission
                                                           [Peak]                               [Average]
                    [MHz]                                 [µV/m]                                  [µV/m]
                  49.82-49.90                              100,000                                 10,000

     Results of Tx Mode: PASS

                                Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions
                                               Peak Value
       Frequency       Measured  Correction       Field       Field     Limit @3m                           E-Field
                      Level @3m    Factor       Strength    Strength                                        Polarity
          MHz                      dB/m
          49.86            42.7      9.3            52.0       398.1     100,000                          Vertical

                                Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions
                                             Avreage Value
       Frequency       Measured  Correction       Field       Field     Limit @3m                           E-Field
                      Level @3m    Factor       Strength    Strength                                        Polarity
          MHz                      dB/m
          49.86            41.0      9.3            50.3       327.3      10,000                          Vertical

     According to FCC 47CFR15.35, the limit on the radio frequency emissions as measured using ins trumentation with
     a peak detector function, corresponding to 20dB above the maximum permitted average limit for the frequency
     being investigated unless a different peak emission limit is otherwise specified in the rules.

     For effective averaging, the bandwidth of the video filter must be smaller than the resolution bandwidth.
     The higher the ratio of resolution bandwidth to video bandwidth, the greater the averaging will be
     recorded. Below setting for HP8572A EMI Receiver.
                       Resolution Bandwidth            =3MHz
                       Video Bandwidth                 =1Hz

     Correction Factor includes Antenna Factor and Cable Attenuation.
     Calculated measurement uncertainty             :    30MHz to 1GHz             5.2dB

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                    Page 8 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     Limits for Radiated Emissions [FCC 47 CFR 15.209]:

                          Frequency Range                                         Quasi-Peak Limits
                               [MHz]                                                   [µV/m]
                                30-88                                                      100
                               88-216                                                      150
                              216-960                                                      200
                             Above960                                                      500

     The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurement employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector
     and above 1000MHz are based on measurements employing an average detector.

     Results of Tx Mode: PASS

                                                  Radiated Emissions
       Frequency       Measured         Correction      Field        Field              Limit @3m         E-Field
                      Level @3m          Factor       Strength     Strength                               Polarity
          MHz                             dB/m
          99.72              15.3          8.8            24.1         16.0                 150           Vertical
         149.58       <       1.0         10.2      <     11.2   <      3.6                 150           Vertical
         199.44       <       1.0         11.5      <     12.5   <      4.2                 150           Vertical
         249.30       <       1.0         15.9      <     16.9   <      7.0                 200           Vertical
         299.16       <       1.0         16.9      <     17.9   <      7.9                 200           Vertical
         349.02       <       1.0         17.2      <     18.2   <      8.1                 200           Vertical
         398.88       <       1.0         18.8      <     19.8   <      9.8                 200           Vertical
         448.74       <       1.0         19.7      <     20.7   <     10.8                 200           Vertical
         498.60       <       1.0         20.6      <     21.6   <     12.0                 200           Vertical


     Correction Factor includes Antenna Factor and Cable Attenuation.
     Calculated measurement uncertainty             :    30MHz to 1GHz             5.2dB

                          The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                    Page 9 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     Limits for Radiated Emissions [FCC 47 CFR 15.209]:

                          Frequency Range                                         Quasi-Peak Limits
                               [MHz]                                                   [µV/m]
                                30-88                                                      100
                               88-216                                                      150
                              216-960                                                      200
                             Above960                                                      500

     The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurement employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector
     and above 1000MHz are based on measurements employing an average detector.

     Results of Rx Mode: PASS

                                                  Radiated Emissions
       Frequency       Measured         Correction      Field        Field              Limit @3m         E-Field
                      Level @3m          Factor       Strength     Strength                               Polarity
          MHz                             dB/m
          49.86              21.2         10.2            31.4         37.2                 100           Vertical
          99.72       <       1.0          9.4      <     10.4   <      3.3                 100           Vertical
         149.58       <       1.0          9.8      <     10.8   <      3.5                 150           Vertical
         199.44       <       1.0         11.5      <     12.5   <      4.2                 150           Vertical
         249.30       <       1.0         15.9      <     16.9   <      7.0                 200           Vertical
         299.16       <       1.0         17.4      <     18.4   <      8.3                 200           Vertical
         349.02       <       1.0         17.2      <     18.2   <      8.1                 200           Vertical
         398.88       <       1.0         18.8      <     19.8   <      9.8                 200           Vertical
         448.74       <       1.0         19.7      <     20.7   <     10.8                 200           Vertical
         498.60       <       1.0         20.6      <     21.6   <     12.0                 200           Vertical

     Calculated measurement uncertainty             :   30MHz to 1GHz           5.2dB

                          The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                  Page 10 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     3.2       20dB Bandwidth of Fundamental Emission

               Test Requirement:                FCC 47 CFR 15.235
               Test Method:                     ANSI C63.4:2003 (Section 13.1.7)
               Test Date:                       2008-03-03
               Mode of Operation:               On mode

     Test Method:

     The bandwidth is measured at an amplitude level reduced from the reference level by a specified ratio.
     The reference level is the level of the highest amplitude signal observed from the transmitter at the
     fundamental frequency. Once the reference level is established, the equipment is conditioned with typical
     modulating signal to produce the worst-case (i.e. the widest) bandwidth.

               Test Setup:

               As Test Setup of clause 3.1.1 in this test report.

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                  Page 11 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     Limits for 20dB Bandwidth of Fundamental Emission:

              Frequency Range                         20dB Bandwidth                            FCC Limits
                   [MHz]                                  [KHz]                                   [MHz]
                    49.86                                   10.02                            within 49.82-49.90

                            20dB Bandwidth of Fundamental Emission

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                  Page 12 of 15
     No. : HM161218

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                  Page 13 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     Appendix A

     List of Measurement Equipment

                                                     Radiated Emission
      EQP NO.     DESCRIPTION                 MANUFACTURER         MODEL NO.       SERIAL NO.     LAST CAL      DUE CAL
      EM020       HORN ANTENNA                ETS-LINGGREN         3115            4032           2006/07/11    2008/07/11
      EM022       LOOP ANTENNA                ETS-LINGGREN         6502            1189-2424      2006/07/26    2008/07/26
      EM181       EMI TEST RECEIVER           ROHDE & SCHWARZ      ESIB 7          100072         22007/06/08   2008/06/08
      EM215       MULTIDEVICE                 ETS-LINGGREN         2090            00024676       N/A           N/A
      EM216       MINI MAST SYSTEM            ETS-LINGGREN         2075            00026842       N/A           N/A
      EM217       ELECTRIC POWERED            ETS-LINGGREN         2088            00029144       N/A           N/A
      EM218       ANECHOIC CHAMBER            ETS-LINGGREN         FACT-3          --             2007/05/02    2008/05/02
      EM219       BICONILOG ANTENNA           ETS-LINGGREN         3142C           00029071       2006/08/23    2008/08/23
      EM229       EMI TEST RECEIVER           ROHDE & SCHWARZ      ESIB 40         100248         2007/07/11    2008/07/11

     CM    Corrective Maintenance
     N/A   Not Applicable or Not Available
     TBD   To Be Determined

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                  Page 14 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     Appendix B

     Photographs of EUT

                  Front View of the product                                   Rear View of the product

                   Inner Circuit Top View                                    Inner Circuit Bottom View

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

                                                STC Test Report
     Date : 2008-03-05                                                                                  Page 15 of 15
     No. : HM161218

     Photographs of EUT

                                   Measurement of Radiated Emission Test Set Up

                                           ***** End of Test Report *****

                         The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                              10 Dai Wang Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong
            Tel: (852) 2666 1888 Fax: (852) 2664 4353 Homepage: www.hkstc.org E-mail: hkstc@hkstc.org

This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.
                    For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf or Homepage

Document Created: 2019-11-08 10:34:54
Document Modified: 2019-11-08 10:34:54

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