Exh E Test Report


Test Report

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                     ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851


DESCRIPTION OF TEST ITEM: 900MHz Channelized Paging Repeater

MODEL NO: Selectamp NBPCS-900-3                  PART    NO:   650937-5949-310

SERIAL NO: None Assigned



APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS:       FCC Parts 2, 22, 24 and 90
                                 IC RSS-131, Issue 1


                       Downers Grove, Illinois 60515

DATES TESTED: July 1 through 13, 1999

     CUSTOMER: No Andrew Corp. personnel were present.
     ELITE ELECTRONIC: Daniel E. Crowder

ELITE JOB NO.: 27474

ABSTRACT: The Model Selectamp NBPCS-900-3, P/N 650937-5949-310, 900 MHz
Channelized Paging Repeater complies with the technical requirements in

FCC Parts 22, 24 & 90 and the IC RSS-131, Issue 1. See test results and

data pages for more details.

                      ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

                             TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.0   INTRODUCTION                                                  1
      1.1 DESCRIPTION OF TEST ITEM                                  1
      1.2 PURPOSE                                                   1
      1.3 DEVIATIONS, ADDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS                      2
      1.4 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS                                      2
      1.5 SUBCONTRACTOR IDENTIFICATION                              2

2.0   TEST ITEM SETUP AND OPERATION                                 2
      2.1 SETUP                                                     2
      2.2 RF OUTPUT                                                 2
      2.3 GAIN SETTINGS                                             2
      2.4 FREQUENCY SELECTION                                       3
      2.5 MODULATION                                                3

3.0   TEST EQUIPMENT                                                3

4.0   REQUIREMENTS, PROCEDURES AND RESULTS                          3
      4.1 POWER OUTPUT AND GAIN MEASUREMENTS                        3
           4.1.1 REQUIREMENTS                                       3
           4.1.2 PROCEDURES                                         4
           4.1.3 RESULTS                                            5
      4.2 OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH MEASUREMENTS                           6
           4.2.1 REQUIREMENTS                                       6
           4.2.2 PROCEDURES                                         7
           4.2.3 RESULTS                                            8
           ANTENNA TERMINAL                                          8
           4.3.1 REQUIREMENTS                                        8
           4.3.2 PROCEDURES                                          9
           4.3.3 RESULTS                                            10
      4.4 FIELD STRENGTH OF SPURIOUS EMISSIONS                      10
           4.4.1 PRELIMINARY RADIATED MEASUREMENTS                  10
        REQUIREMENTS                               10
        PROCEDURES                                 10
        RESULTS                                    11
           4.4.2 FINAL RADIATED EMISSIONS                           11
        REQUIREMENTS                               11
        PROCEDURES                                 12
      4.5 FREQUENCY STABILITY                                       13
           4.5.1 REQUIREMENTS                                       13
           4.5.2 PROCEDURES                                         13
           4.5.3 RESULTS OF TESTS                                   14

5.0   CONCLUSION                                                    15

6.0   CERTIFICATION                                                 15

7.0   ENDORSEMENT DISCLAIMER                                        15

TABLE I - EQUIPMENT LIST                                            16

                      ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851


                    A 900MHz CHANNELIZED PAGING REPEATER

              MODEL SELECTAMP NBPCS-900-3, P/N 650937-5949-310


      1.1     DESCRIPTION OF TEST ITEM: This report present the results of
the   radio    interference    measurements      were      performed     on    a        900MHz

Channelized Paging Repeater, Model SelectAmp NBPCS-900-3, P/N 650937-

5949-310, (hereinafter referred to as the test item). No serial number

was assigned to the test item. The tests were performed for Andrew Corp.

of Richardson, Texas.

      The SelectAmp NBPCS-900-3 is a bi-directional channelized paging

repeater    which   provides   selective       frequency    amplification          of    user

specified frequencies in the 901-902, 929-931, and 940-941 MHz paging

bands. The unit can be configured with up to three channelizers allowing

the user to configure the unit to suit their needs. The channelizers are

available in two versions:      A 930MHz, 12.5kHz bandwidth version intended

for POCSAG/FLEX and a 940MHz, 50kHz bandwidth version intended for

ReFLEX. Frequency selection, gain adjustment and fault monitoring is

accomplished with monitor and control circuity and firmware.

      For the Forward channels, the test item has a maximum rated gain of

95dB and a rated output power of 1 watt composite.

      For the Reverse channels, the test item has a maximum rated gain of

85dB and a rated output power of 500 milliwatts composite.

      1.2     PURPOSE: The test series was performed to determine if the
test item meets the technical requirements of the FCC Parts 22, 24, & 90

and IC RSS-131, Issue 1.

      1.3       DEVIATIONS,    ADDITIONS   AND     EXCLUSIONS:         There   were        no


                       ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

deviations, additions to, or exclusions from the test specification

during this test series.

        1.4    APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS: The following documents of the exact
issue designated form part of this document to the extent specified


        -     Federal   Communications    Commission   "Code    of                Federal
              Regulations", Title 47, Part 22, dated 1 October 1998

        -     Federal   Communications    Commission   "Code    of                Federal
              Regulations", Title 47, Part 24, dated 1 October 1998

        -     Federal   Communications    Commission   "Code    of                Federal
              Regulations", Title 47, Part 90, dated 1 October 1998

        -     Federal   Communications    Commission   "Code    of                Federal
              Regulations", Title 47, Part 2, dated 1 October 1998

        -     ANSI C63.4-1992, "American National Standard for Methods of
              Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage
              Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to
              40 GHz"

        -     IC RSS-131, Issue 1, "Radio Signal Enhancers for the Mobile
              Telephone Service"

        1.5     SUBCONTRACTOR    IDENTIFICATION:       This   series    of     tests    was

performed      by    the   Elite       Electronic     Engineering      Company,        radio

interference consultants of Downers Grove, Illinois.


        2.1   SETUP: The test item was powered with 115VAC, 60Hz power. The
test item was grounded only through the third wire of its input power


        2.2 RF OUTPUT: The test item was operated at its rated output level
of 1 watt composite power for the Forward channels and 500 milliwatts

composite power for the Reverse channels.

        2.3   GAIN   SETTINGS:   The    test   item   was   operated    with    the    gain

adjusted for the maximum level.


                        ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

      2.4   FREQUENCY SELECTION:          For the RF output, occupied bandwidth,

radiated    emissions       measurements,       and   frequency    stability     test   the

frequency in the center of the band was selected. For the Forward

channels,   929.5MHz,       930.5MHz,    and     940.0MHz   were   used,   and    for   the

Reverse channel, 900.0MHz was used.

      For the intermodulation and spurious emissions measurements, three

inband frequencies were selected for the Forward channels, two inband

frequencies were selected for the Reverse channels. For the Forward

path, the frequencies were 929.5MHz, 930.5MHz, and 940.0MHz. For the

Reverse path, the frequencies were 900.0MHz and 900.05MHz.

      2.5     MODULATION: The test signal was modulated with a typical
modulation for 900MHz digital paging services. The external modulation

function of Rohde & Schwarz M/N SMHU Signal Generator was used in

conjunction     with    a    LeCroy     LW420    waveform   generator.     The     digital

modulation was generated with the aid of Rohde & Schwarz IQSIM ver 4.04

software package installed on a PC. The software generates the digital

modulation protocols per the industry standards.

      A list of the test equipment used can be found on Table I. All

equipment was calibrated per the instruction manuals supplied by the




            4.1.1      REQUIREMENTS:
      In accordance with paragraph 22.535(f), the effective radiated

power (ERP) of signal boosters must not exceed 5 watts ERP under any

normal operating condition.


                             ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

        In     accordance         with         paragraphs     24.132(a)     &    (c),      Stations

transmitting in the 901-902MHz band are limited to 7 watts ERP. Base

stations transmitting in the 930-931MHz and 940-941MHz bands are limited

to 3500 watts ERP per authorized channel.

        In accordance with paragraph 90.493(c), Paging operations on the

exclusive           channels      in     the     929-930MHz    band   are       subject    to   the

transmitting power limits set forth in part 22 of this chapter for

paging stations operating in the 930-931MHz band, instead of power

limits elsewhere in this part. In accordance with paragraph 22.535(f),

the effective radiated power (ERP) of signal boosters must not exceed 5

watts ERP under any normal operating condition.

        IC RSS-131:           In accordance with paragraph 6.1, the passband gain

shall not exceed the nominal gain by more than 1 dB. The 20 dB bandwidth

shall        not     exceed      the     nominal    bandwidth     that    is     stated    by   the

manufacturer. Outside of the 20 dB bandwidth, the gain shall not exceed

that at the 20 dB point.

                   4.1.2    PROCEDURES:
        (a)        The test item was setup for the Forward direction. The gain

was set to its maximum.

        (b)        The input signal was set to 940.0MHz and unmodulated.

        (c)        A spectrum analyzer was connected to the output of the test

item. The bandwidth was set to 100 kHz bandwidth.

        (d)        The amplitude of the input signal was adjusted until the test

item reached rated output. The output power level was measured and


        (e)        With    the   input    signal connected       directly       to   the   spectrum

analyzer. The input signal level was then measured and recorded.


                         ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

       (f)     The gain was calculated by subtracting the input level from

the output level and recorded.

       (g)     Steps (a) through (f) were repeated with the input signal set

to 929.5MHz and 930.5MHz.

       (h)     The input and output were reversed to measure the Reverse

direction. Steps (b) through (f) were repeated with the input signal set

to 900.0MHz.

       (i)     The input signal was switched to the tracking generator. The

frequency      versus    gain   was   plotted       with    1dB/div   resolution   for   the

passband response curve. The spectrum analyzer bandwidth was reduced to

increase resolution. Since the amplifier is channelized, a family of

gain   curves     was    created   for   each       band.   The   channel   frequency    was

incremented in 500kHz steps starting with fisrt frequency in the band.

       (j)     The frequency versus gain curve was plotted with 10dB/div

resolution to measure the 20 dB bandwidth of the amplifier.

       (k)     The frequency versus gain curve was expanded to show the out-

of-band gain response. The gain was plotted for the midband frequency to

at least +/- 250% of the 20 dB bandwidth of the amplifier.

               4.1.3    RESULTS: The input power, output power and calculated
gain are presented on data page 101. The response curve plots are

included as data pages 102 through 110. The test data shows that the

amplifier is capable of operating at its rated output power. All other

tests were performed at this power level.

       Power    output    complies    with   the      FCC    requirements.   The   maximum

Forward power output is rated at 1 watt (30dBm) composite which is below

the 100 watt maximum limit for mobile station. The maximum Reverse power

output is rated at 500 milliwatts (27dBm) composite which is also below


                   ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

the 100 watt maximum limit for mobile station. The EIRP limit does not

apply to the power output alone, but the combination of the power output

and the antenna. Compliance to the power output will be based on the

system configuration. Therefore, the EIRP requirement cannot be applied

to a repeater.

     Since the amplifier is channelized, a family of gain curves were

plotted.   The center frequency of the channel was adjusted in 500kHz

increments starting at the first channel for each diplexer. The maximum

gain varies from 91.0dB to 94.8dB. The gain complies with the IC RSS-131



           4.2.1   REQUIREMENTS: In accordance with paragraph 22.359, For
transmitters that operate in the frequency range 929MHz to 932MHz, the

power of any emission shall be attenuated below the transmitter power

(P), as measured in accordance with the following schedule:

     (1)   On any frequency removed from the center of the assigned
           channel by a displacement frequency of more than 5.0 kHz, but
           no more than 10.0 kHz: At least 83 log (f/5) dB;

     (2)   On any frequency removed from the center of the assigned
           channel by a displacement frequency of more than 10.0 kHz, but
           no more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At least
           116 log (f/6.1) dB, or 50 + 10 log (P) dB, or 70 dB, whichever
           is the lesser attenuation;

     (3)   On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized
           bandwidth by a displacement frequency by more than 250 percent
           of the authorized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

     In accordance with Paragraph 24.131, the authorized bandwidth of

narrowband PCS channels will be 45kHz for 50kHz channels.

     In accordance with paragraph 24.133, the power of any emission

shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P), as measured in


                    ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

accordance with the following schedule:

     (1)   On any frequency outside the authorized bandwidth by a
           displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of up to and including
           40kHz: at least 116 log ((fd+10)/6.1) or 50 + 10 log (P) dB or
           70 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation;

     (2)   On any frequency outside the authorized bandwidth by a
           displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 40kHz: at
           least 43 + 10 log (P) dB or 80 dB, whichever is the lesser

     In accordance with Paragraph 90.209(b)(5), the maximum authorized

bandwidth shall be 20kHz for operations in the bands of 929MHz to


     In accordance with paragraph 90.210, Mask G was selected since it

represents the worse case of Mask B and G. For Mask G, the peak power of

any emission shall be attenuated below the unmodulated carrier power (P)

in accordance with the following schedule:

     (1)   On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized
           bandwidth by a displacement frequency of more than 5.0 kHz,
           but no more than 10.0 kHz: At least 83 log (f/5) dB;

     (2)   On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized
           bandwidth by a displacement frequency of more than 10.0 kHz,
           but no more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At
           least 116 log (f/6.1) dB, or 50 + 10 log (P) dB, or 70 dB,
           whichever is the lesser attenuation;

     (3)   On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized
           bandwidth by a displacement frequency by more than 250 percent
           of the authorized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

           4.2.2   PROCEDURES:
     (a)   The test item was setup to measure the Forward direction. The

gain was set to its maximum level. The input signal was set to 929.5MHz.

The input signal level was adjusted for the rated output.

     (b) With the spectrum analyzer bandwidth set to 300 Hz and the span

set to 50 kHz. The output signal was measured and plotted.

     (c)   The input signal was modulated. The measurement was repeated.


                      ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

     (d)    The   analyzer     was   connected      to   the   output   of    the    signal

generator to measure the input signal.

     (e)    Steps (b) through (d) were repeated with the input signal set

to 930.5MHz and 940.0MHz.

     (e)    Steps (b) through (d) were repeated for the test item setup in

the Reverse direction. The input signal set to 900.0MHz.

            4.2.3     RESULTS: The plots of the occupied bandwidth measured
with the modulation of the carrier are presented on data pages 111

through 122.

     The    limits,    shown   on    the   plots,    are   referenced    to    the   power

measured from the unmodulated carrier.

     As can be seen from the data, the test item output met the occupied

bandwidth requirements with the typical modulated carrier. The sideband

emissions measured at the test item output were similar to the sideband

emissions measured from the input signals.


            4.3.1     REQUIREMENTS: This test determines whether the test
item produces excessive spurious emissions or intermodulation products.

     In accordance with FCC paragraphs 22.359, 24.133, and 90.210 and IC

6.3, 6.4 and 6.5, the spurious emissions and intermodulation products

shall be attenuated below the unmodulated carrier power (P) by at least

43 + 10 log(P)dB. For the Forward output power of 1 watt composite

(30dBm), the spurious emissions shall be attenuated by a minimum of 43

dB. For the Reverse output power of 500 milliwatts composite (27dBm),

the spurious emissions shall be attenuated by a minimum of 40 dB. These

requirement translates to a limit of -13dBm. The peak power of the


                      ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

emissions shall be measured at the antenna terminal from 30MHz up to the

10th harmonic of the fundamental frequency.

             4.3.2   PROCEDURES:
     In    general,    this   test   will       measure   spurious   emissions   and

intermodulation products when three inband signals are introduced at the


     (a)     The test item was setup to measure in the Forward direction.

The gain was set to its maximum level.

     (b)     Three   frequencies,    929.5MHz,     930.5MHz,   and   940.0MHz    were

combined and input to the test item. The level of each signal was

adjusted so that each signal was at the composite rated output level.

     (c)     With the BW of the analyzer set at 1kHz, the passband signal

levels were measured and plotted.

     (d) The BW was increased to 100 kHz. The out-of-band signal levels

were measured and plotted over the frequency range from 30MHz to 1GHz.

     (e) The measurement BW was increased to 1 MHz. The emissions were

measured over the frequency range from 1 to 10 GHz.

     (f)     With the analyzer connected to the input signal, the input to

the test item was measured and plotted using the same BW used for the

output measurements.

     (g) Steps (b) through (f) were repeated with the input signal


     (i)     Steps (b) through (h) were repeated with the test item set to

measure the Reverse direction. The two input frequencies used were

900.0MHz and 900.05MHz.

             4.3.3    RESULTS: The plots of the intermodulation and antenna
conducted output measurements are presented on data pages 123 through


                        ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

158. The limit lines have been adjusted to include the cable loss

factors. As can be seen from the data, the test item did not produce

spurious emissions or intermodulation products in excess of the -13 dBm

limit when operated at the rated output power.


                  REQUIREMENTS: Because emission levels in the
open field may be masked by interference from sources other than the

test item, preliminary radiated measurements are first performed in the

low ambient environment of a shielded enclosure. The radiated emissions

from the test item were first measured using peak detection. This data

was   then    automatically        plotted.     The     frequencies      with   significant

emission levels were measured in the open field.

                     PROCEDURES:      All     preliminary      tests     were

performed    in   a    32ft.   x    20ft.   x   18ft.       hybrid   ferrite-tile/anechoic

absorber lined test chamber. The walls and ceiling of the shielded

chamber are lined with ferrite tiles. Anechoic absorber material is

installed over the ferrite tile. The floor of the chamber is used as the

ground   plane.       The   chamber    complies      with    ANSI    C63.4   1992   for   site


      The shielded enclosure prevents emissions from other sources, such

as radio and TV stations from interfering with the measurements. All

powerlines and signal lines entering the enclosure pass through filters

on the enclosure wall. The powerline filters prevent extraneous signals

from entering the enclosure on these leads.

      (a)    The preliminary measurements were performed with the test item

operating with an input signal at 900.0MHz, with CW modulation and


                        ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

maximum gain. The broadband measuring antenna was positioned at a 3

meter distance from the test item. The frequency range from 30MHz to

10GHz was investigated. The readings were taken with a peak detector


       (b)   Step (a) was repeated separately with the input signals at

929.5MHz, 930.5MHz and 940.0MHz.

       (c)   Steps     (a)   and     (b)   were    repeated     with    the    input    signals


                RESULTS: The preliminary plots are presented on
data   pages   159     through     174.      Factors    for    the   antenna    and    distance

correction were added to the data before it was plotted.

  This data is only presented for a reference, and is not used as

official     data.     All   significant      radiated     emissions     were     subsequently

measured at an open field test site. From this data, the test mode and

frequency range for the open field measurements was selected.

             4.4.2     FINAL RADIATED EMISSIONS:

                    REQUIREMENTS:             In    accordance       with   FCC

Paragraphs 22.354, 24.133, and 90.210, the spurious on any frequency

removed from the assigned frequency by more than 250 percent of the

authorized     bandwidth,      the    emissions        shall   be    attenuated     below    the

transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log(P)dB. This requirement

translates to a limit of -13dBm. The emissions shall be measured from

30MHz up to the 10th harmonic of the fundamental frequency.

                  PROCEDURES:         Final    radiated      emissions      were

performed     in   a   32ft.   x     20ft.    x   18ft.   hybrid      ferrite-tile/anechoic

absorber lined test chamber. The walls and ceiling of the shielded

chamber are lined with ferrite tiles. Anechoic absorber material is


                      ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

installed over the ferrite tile. The floor of the chamber is used as the

ground   plane.   The   chamber   complies      with   ANSI   C63.4    1992   for   site


     (a)   The test item was placed on a 0.8 meter high non-conductive

stand at a 3 meter test distance from the receive antenna.

     (b)   The antenna output was terminated in 50 ohms.

     (c)   Detected     emissions   were     maximized    at    each    frequency    by

rotating the test item and adjusting the receive antenna height and

polarization. The maximum meter reading was recorded.

     (d)   Measurement BW was 100kHz below 1000 MHz and 1MHz above 1000

MHz. Peak reading were recorded. No averaging methods or corrections

were applied.

     (e)   The equivalent power into a dipole antenna was calculated from

the field intensity levels measured at 3 meters using the equation shown


     Pg = E24πd2/120π = E2d2/30

     whereP =     power in watts
                  g = arithmetic gain of transmitting antenna                       over
                       isotropic radiator.
                  E = maximum field strength in volts/meter
                  d = measurement distance in meter

Using a dipole gain of 1.67 or 2.2 dB and a test distance of 3

meters, this equation reduces to:

     P(dBm) = E(dBuV/m) - 97.2dB

open field radiated levels are presented on data pages 175 through 182.

The radiated emissions were measured through the 10th harmonic. Ambient

level were recorded if the harmonic signals were not detected above the



                        ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851


            4.5.1     REQUIREMENTS: In accordance with Paragraph 22.355, the
frequency stability shall within +/- 1.5 parts per million (0.00015%)

for base, fixed systems.

     In accordance with Paragraph 24.135, the frequency stability of the

transmitter shall be maintained within +/- 0.0001% (1 ppm).

     In accordance with Paragraph 90.213, the frequency stability shall

within +/- 1.5 parts per million (0.00015%) for base, fixed systems.

     IC    RSS-131:     In   accordance   with    Paragraph   6.8,    the   frequency

stability shall be within +/- 1.5 parts per million (0.00015%).

            4.5.2     PROCEDURES: Two separate procedures were performed for
each of the two tests which are as follows:

     (a) Frequency Stability vs. Temperature

            (1) The test item was placed in a Thermotron temperature

            chamber. The test item was powered up.

            (2) The measurement equipment was connected to the test item's

            antenna port.

            (3) The ambient room temperature was recorded and a reference

            frequency was recorded.

            (4)   The    temperature   was    varied   from   -30    to   +50   degrees

            centigrade in 10 degree increments. The test item was allowed

            to soak from 30 to 45 minutes at each temperature. After this

            time period the unit was set to transmit and the frequency


     (b) Frequency Stability vs. Voltage:

            (1) The measurement equipment was connected to the test item's

            antenna port.


                      ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

             (2) The nominal voltage to the test item is 115 Volts 60Hz.

             The test item was set to transmit and a reference frequency

             was recorded.

             (3) The input voltage was adjusted to 85 percent of the

             nominal voltage or 97.75 Volts 60Hz and the test item set to

             transmit. This frequency was recorded.

             (4) The input voltage was adjusted to 115 percent of the

             nominal voltage or 132.25 Volts 60Hz and the test item set to

             transmit. This frequency was recorded.

             4.5.3      RESULTS    OF   TESTS:      The    results    of    the    frequency

stability vs. temperature tests can be found on data pages 183 and 184.

As can be seen from the data, the frequency stability of the test item

is within +/- 1.0 ppm (worst case limit).

       The results of the frequency stability vs. voltage variation tests

can be seen on data page 185. As can be seen from the data, the

frequency stability of the test item is within +/- 1.0 ppm (worst case


       The 900MHz Channelized Paging Repeater, Model SelectAmp NBPCS-900-

3,    P/N   650937-5949-310,      complies   with    the    RF    output,    the   occupied

bandwidth,     the   intermodulation     products         and    spurious   emissions    at

antenna terminal, and the field strength of spurious emissions, and

frequency stability requirements of the FCC Parts 2, 22, 24 and 90 and

IC RSS-131, Issue 1.

       Elite Electronic Engineering Company certifies that the information

contained in this report was obtained under conditions which meet or


                   ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

exceed those specified in the test specification.

      The data presented in this test report pertains to the test item at

the test date. Any electrical or mechanical modification made to the

test item subsequent to the specified test date will serve to invalidate

the data and void this certification.

      This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP

or any agency of the US Government.

      This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP

or any agency of the US Government.


                                                 ENGINEERING TEST REPORT NO. 21851

                                               ELITE ELECTRONIC ENG. INC.                                        Page: 1
Eq ID Equipment Description      Manufacturer    Model No.    Serial No.   Frequency Range Cal Date Cal Inv Due Date
----- -------------------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------- -------- -------- --------
XYF2 POWER SPLITTER              HEWLETT PACKARD 11667A        11047        DC-18GHZ                 N/A
XYF3 POWER SPLITTER              HEWLETT PACKARD 11667A        11052        DC-18GHZ                 N/A
XZG0 ATTENUATOR/SWITCH DRIVER    HEWLETT PACKARD 11713A        3439A02724   ---             01/29/99 N/A
Equipment Type: AMPLIFIERS
APK0 PRE-AMPLIFIER              HEWLETT PACKARD 8449B          3008A00662   1-26.5GHZ       01/29/99 12       01/29/00
Equipment Type: ANTENNAS
NTA0 BILOG ANTENNA              CHASE EMC LTD.    BILOG CBL611 2057         .03-2GHZ        04/10/99 12       04/10/00
NWF1 DOUBLE RIDGED WAVEGUIDE    EMCO              3105         2041         1-12.4GHGZ      08/26/98 12       08/26/99
Equipment Type:   ATTENUATORS
T1E1 10DB, 25W    ATTENUATOR    WEINSCHEL         46-10-43     AU1883       DC-18GHZ        02/10/99 12       02/10/00
T2D1 20DB, 25W    ATTENUATOR    WEINSCHEL         46-20-43     AV5814       DC-18GHZ        03/09/99 12       03/09/00
T2D8 20DB, 25W    ATTENUATOR    WEINSCHEL         46-20-43     AY9247       DC-18GHZ        02/10/99 12       02/10/00
Equipment Type: CONTROLLERS
CDG3 COMPUTER                   HEWLETT PACKARD D7949T         US91605918   ---                      N/A
CTI0 TEMP. RECORDER/CONTR.      HONEYWELL       Y455X21-B      862268144100 -68 TO 177C     03/01/99 6        09/01/99

Equipment Type: METERS
MFC0 MICROWAVE FREQ. COUNTER    HEWLETT PACKARD 5343A          2133A00591   10HZ-26GHZ      06/15/99 12       06/15/00
MPA0 POWER METER                HEWLETT PACKARD 432A           1141A08696   0.01-40GHZ      12/31/98 12       07/23/99
MPAA THERMISTOR MOUNT           HEWLETT PACKARD 8478B          1144A08340   0.01-18GHZ      07/21/98 12       07/21/99

HRG2 LASERJET 2100XI             HEWLETT PACKARD C4170A        USCD047796   ---                     N/A

Equipment Type: RECEIVERS
RAC1 SPECTRUM ANALYZER          HEWLETT PACKARD 85660B         3407A08369   100HZ-22GHZ     01/26/99 12       01/26/00
RACB RF PRESELECTOR             HEWLETT PACKARD 85685A         3506A01491   20HZ-2GHZ       01/28/99 12       01/28/00
RAF3 QUASIPEAK ADAPTER          HEWLETT PACKARD 85650A         3303A01775   0.01-1000MHZ    01/28/99 12       01/28/00

GBN2 SIGNAL GENERATOR            ROHDE & SCHWARZ SMY 02        DE14046      9KHZ-2.080GHZ   04/23/99 12       04/23/00
GBN3 SIGNAL GENERATOR            ROHDE & SCHWARZ SMY 02        DE12441      9KHZ-2.080GHZ   04/28/99 12       04/28/00
GBQ0 SIGNAL GENERATOR WITH I/Q ROHDE & SCHWARZ SMHU-58         843558/039   1KHZ-4320MHZ    07/02/99 12       07/02/00
GWG0 ARBITRARY WAVEFORM GENERAT LECROY           LW420A        U3093        ---                      NOTE 1

Cal. Interval: Listed in Months I/O: Initial Only    N/A: Not Applicable
Note 1: For the purpose of this test, the equipment was calibrated over the specified frequency range, pulse rate, or
        modulation prior to the test or monitored by a calibrated instrument.

Document Created: 1999-07-19 11:03:32
Document Modified: 1999-07-19 11:03:32

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