User manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                         Section 1 – Installation                            Section 3 – Programming
                                                      SAFETY INFORMATION
       INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS                      This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC       WARNING: Unplug the power cord of your              Note: Each garage door internet gateway can
                                                      Rules. Operation is subject to the following two   garage door opener before installation to           program up to 16 remote devices. If you try to
       Garage door Internet Gateway                   conditions: (1) This device may not cause          ensure power is not connected.                      program a 17 remote devices into the garage
             Model : NV-001                           harmful interference, and (2) This device must                                                         door internet gateway, the first programmed
                                                      accept any interference received, including        Note: The garage door internet gateway              remote device will be erased.
                                                      interference that may cause undesired              can work up to 2 garage doors.
                                                      operation.                                                                                             1. Press the SET1 button once on the garage
                                                                                                         1. Install the mounting bracket to the ceiling         door internet gateway, the blue LED flash
                                                      WARNING:                                              inside the garage.                                  once.
                                                                                                         2. Connect the bell wires from the garage door      2. Activate the garage sensor by tilting it from
                                                      Changes or modifications to this unit not             internet gateway to the wall button.                vertical to horizontal.
                                                      expressly approved by the party responsible for
                                                      compliance could void the user’s authority to
                                                      operate the equipment.
   Congratulations on your purchase of the
                                                      CAUTION: RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK. FOR
Skylink garage door internet gateway model
                                                      INDOOR USE ONLY.
NV-001. This unit allows you to control your
                                                                                                                                                             3. Once the garage sensor is programmed, the
garage door with internet access or remote            Package Contents                                                                                          blue LED flashes quickly and then off. You
transmitter.                                                                                                                                                    have successfully to program the remote.
                                                                                                                                                             4. Refer to the Skylink App to program the
                                                                                                         3. Plug-in the DC adapter to the garage door           smartphone to the garage door internet
ONE YEAR WARRANTY                                                                                          internet gateway.                                    gateway.
This product is guaranteed to be free of defects                                                                                                             Note: To program the remote or sensor to
in materials and workmanship for 1 year from
                                                                   A                        B
                                                                                                         Section 2 - Setup the Garage sensor                 operate the door 2, press the SET1 button twice.
the date of purchase. If this product is defective,                                                                                                          The blue LED flash twice indicating for the door 2
call 1-800-304-1187 for repair or replacement                                                            1. Insert an AA battery to the garage sensor. The   programming.
                                                                                                            red LED will on once.
parts. Guarantee does not include normal wear
and tear or batteries.
                                                               C                            D                                                                 Section 4 – Operation
                                                                                                                                                             Note: Use remote or manually toggle on
If you have any questions, problems or missing                                                           2. Attach the garage sensor to the garage door      A – Use Remote:
parts, please call Skylink Customer Support:                                                                after programming.                               1. Press the programmed button on the remote
9:00am – 5:00pm EST, Monday-Friday.                                                                                                                             to activate the garage door internet gateway
                                                                                                                                                                to open or close the garage door.
1-800-304-1187                                        Parts   Description               Quantity
Or e-mail us at               A       Garage door internet      1                                                                    B – Use the App:
                                                              gateway                                                                                        1. Press the Open button once in the App to                                   B       Garage sensor             1                                                                       open the garage door.
                                                      C       Mounting accessories      1 set                                                                2. Press the Close button once in the App to
P/N:                                                  D       DC adaptor                1                                                                       close the garage door.
                                                      E       Bell wire                 1 roll

NV-100 Series

Section 5 - Erase sensor from the                                                                                                                          soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:
                                                    Section 8 - FAQ                                        interference to radio communications.
garage door internet gateway                                                                               However, there is no guarantee that             (1) Cet appareil ne doit pas causer
                                                    Q: What can I do if the garage door is not             interference will not occur in a particular     d'interférences.
NOTE: To erase unwanted remote or sensor from                                                                                                              (2) Cet appareil doit accepter toutes les
the garage door internet gateway, first erase all   react after I activate the remote or the App           installation. If this equipment does cause
                                                    in the smartphone?                                     harmful interference to radio or television     interférences, y compris celles susceptibles de
remote controls, then learn the ones you would
wish to keep.                                                                                              reception, which can be determined by           provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable de
                                                    A: - Ensure when the button on the remote              turning the equipment off and on, the user      l'appareil.
1. Press and hold the SET 1 button on the garage
                                                         is pressed.                                       is encouraged to try to correct the
   door internet gateway for 10 seconds.
2. Release the SET1 button when the red and           - Ensure the remote has been                         interference by one or more of the following
   blue LED are flashing on the garage door              programmed to the garage door                     measures:                                       WARRANTY
   internet gateway.                                     internet gateway.                                 • Reorient or relocate the receiving            If, within one year from date of purchase, this
3. You have successfully erased all the remotes       - Ensure the button in the App has been              antenna.
   from the garage door internet gateway.                                                                                                                  product should become defective (except
                                                         programmed to the garage door                     • Increase the separation between the           battery), due to faulty workmanship or
                                                         internet gateway.                                 equipment and receiver.                         materials, it will be repaired or replaced,
Section 6 - Indicator Lights                                                                               • Connect the equipment into an outlet on       without charge. Proof of purchase and a
                                                                                                           a circuit different from that to which the      Return Authorization Number are required.
NOTE: The garage door internet gateway is built     FCC                                                    receiver is connected.
in with 12W LED lighting.                                                                                  • Consult the dealer or an experienced
                                                    This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC           radio/TV technician for help.                   CUSTOMER SERVICE
1. Press the Light button once in the App to turn
   on the light.
                                                    Rules. Operation is subject to the following                                                           17 Shread Avenue,
                                                    two conditions: (1) This device may not                This device shall be installed to provide a     Brampton, Ontario,
                                                    cause harmful interference, and (2) This               separation distance of at least 20cm from       Canada L6Y 1J3
                                                    device must accept any interference                    all persons and must not be co-located or
                                                    received, including interference that may              operating in conjunction with any other
                                                                                                           antenna and transmitter                         ©2018 SKYLINK GROUP
                                                    cause undesired operation.
                                                    Warning:                                               ISED                                            US Office
Section 7 – Battery Replacement                     Changes or modifications to this unit not                                                              Securelink Inc.,
                                                    expressly approved by the party responsible            This device contains licence-exempt             1180-D East Francis Street,
The garage sensor comes with an AA battery. It is   for compliance could void the user’s                   transmitters that comply with Innovation,       Ontario, CA 91761, USA
time to change the battery when the red LED on      authority to operate the equipment.
the sensor does not turn on.                                                                               Science and Economic Development                Tel: (909) 673-1778
                                                                                                           Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is
To replace the battery :                            Note:                                                  subject to the following two conditions:
1. Pry out the case on the bottom of the case.      This equipment has been tested and found               (1) This device may not cause interference.
2. Take out the old battery.                        to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
3. Place the new battery in position. Be sure the
                                                                                                           (2) This device must accept any interference,
                                                    device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.          including interference that may cause
   polarity is correct.
                                                    These limits are designed to provide                   undesired operation of the device.
4. Close the case.
                                                    reasonable protection against harmful
                                                    interference in a residential installation. This       Cet appareil contient un émetteur(s) exempt
Battery disposal: Dispose used battery              equipment generates, uses and can radiate
according to local regulations.                                                                            de licence conforme à la norme RSS(s)
                                                    radio frequency energy and, if not installed
                                                                                                           d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement
                                                    and used in accordance with the
                                                                                                           économique Canada. Le fonctionnement est
                                                    instructions, may cause harmful
NV-100 Series

Document Created: 2018-10-26 18:06:45
Document Modified: 2018-10-26 18:06:45

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