User Manual


Users Manual

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GARAGE DOOR REMOTE                                    mopet:mrv—300
        1. PROGRAMMING YOUR NEW TRANSMITTER FOR                                                                            5. WARNING
                  STANLEY® / MULTH—CODE® OPENERS
                                                                               If this fransmitter triggers other garage doors in your neighborhood,
Thank you for your purchase of the Skylink® garage door remote control,        change all your transmitters and receiver to a new code setting.
Model MFV—300. This remote is designed to work with Stanley®/ Multi—Code®
garage door opener with DIP switches. Please follow the details instructions
below to setup the new transmitter to work with your existing opener,                          DO NOT let children use the garage door
                                                                                               transmitter without adult supervision.
1. Open the case with a coin.
                                                                                               Children can injure themselves or others
                                                                                               by the garage door.

2. For code setting:                                                                                                         Cane
   Remove the battery cover on your Stanley®/ Mult—Code® transmitter or        This device complles with Part 16 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjecttothe folowing two conditins:
   the cover on receiver located on your garage door opener. Match the         (1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2)This device must accept any interlerence
   DIP switches on the Skylink® transmitter to already existing transmitter    recaived, including nterference that may cause undesired operation.
   or receiver DIP switches.                                                   WARNING:
                                                                               Changes ormodifcations to this unitnot expressly approved by the party responsiolefor compllance could
                                                                               void the user‘s authoriy to operate the equipment
                                                                               This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the Imis for a Class 8 digtal device, pursuant
                                  Button                                       to Part 15 ofthe FCC Ruls. These limits are designedto provide reasonable protection against harmfut
                                                                               interference in a residentlal nstallation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
                                                                               energy and, fnot installed and used in accordanice with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference
                                                                               toradio communications.
                                                                               Howeverthereis no guarantee thatintrference willnotoocurin a partcular nstalation. fthis equipment does
                              Dip Switch                                       cause hatmfulinterference to radlo ortelevision reception,which can be determined by turning t equipment
                                                                               offand on, the useris encouraged toby to comectthe nterference by one ormore ofthe folowing meastres:
                                                                               + Recrient orrelocale the receiving antenna.
                                                                               —Increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver.
                                                                               — Connectthe equlpmentinto an outlet on a ciroult diferent rom that to which the recelver is connected.
                                                                               —Consultthe dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
          Dip Switch

                                                                                                                     7. WARRANTY
3. Test the transmitter by pressing onto the button (see figure), the
                                                                               if, within one year from date of purchase, this product should become defective
   red LED should come on and it should activate the garage door.              (except battery), due to faulty workmanship or materials, it will be repaired or
   Close the case firmly.                                                      replaced, without charge. Proof of purchase and a Return Authorization are required.

                            2. TROUBLESHOOTING                                                                   8, CUSTOMER SERVICE

If the garage door cannot be activated, check the followings:                  Skylink will not be held lfable or responsible for any misuse or application of this
                                                                               product other than for its intended use.
— Ensure the DIP switch setting on the Skylink® is identical to the existing
  Stanley®! Multi—Code® remote.                                                If you would like to order Skylink‘s products or have difficulty getting them to
                                                                               work, please :
« Ensure all the DIP switches are pushed either all the way to the top, or
  bottom, not somewhere in the middle                                          If you would like to order Skylink‘s products or have difficulty getting them to work,
— The red light LED should come on when the button is pressed, if not,         please:
  check the battery and its polarity, ensure it is inserted properly.          1. visit our FAQ section at, or
                                                                               2. email us at, or
                                                                               3. call our toll free at 1—800—304—1187 from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm EST.
                        3. VISOR CLIP INSTALLATION                               Fax 1—800—286—1320

 12 volt alkaline battery
 (size 23A) included.                                                          CUSTOMER SERVICE
                                                                               17 Sheard Avenue, Brampton, Ontario, Canada LGY 1J3
                                                                               US Pat. 377458
                                                                               PIN 1012501
                                                                               © 2007 SKYLINK GROUP
                                                                               ® are registered trademarks of their respective corporations

Document Created: 2019-06-03 03:40:57
Document Modified: 2019-06-03 03:40:57

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