Test Report


Test Report

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                                                 FCC ID.KUJCE9201       Page 1 of 24

           On Behalf of
     Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd.
Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)
               Model : JY610

          FCC ID:KUJCE9201

  Prepared for : Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd.
                 106 Kanho Rd., Taichung,
                 Taiwan, R.O.C.

  Prepared By : Audix Corporation
                Technical Division EMC Department
                No. 53-11, Tin-Fu Tsun, Lin-Kou,
                Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.

                Tel : (02) 2609-9301, 2609-2133
                Fax : (02) 2609-9303

  File Number      :     EM-G920532
  Report Number    :     TTEMC-F92098
  Date of Test     :     May 19 ~ 20, 2003
  Date of Report   :     May 27, 2003

                                      Audix Corporation   Report No. TTEMC-KUJCE9201

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                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

Description                                                                                                                                             Page
TEST REPORT CERTIFICATION .......................................................................................................3
1. GENERAL INFORMATION..........................................................................................................4
     1.1.    Description of Device (EUT) ............................................................................................................. 4
     1.2.    Description of Test Facility ................................................................................................................ 5
     1.3.    Measurement Uncertainty .................................................................................................................. 5
2.   POWERLINE CONDUCTED TEST ..............................................................................................6
3.   RADIATED EMISSION TEST.......................................................................................................7
     3.1.    Test Equipment................................................................................................................................... 7
     3.2.    Test Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 7
     3.3.    Radiation Limit (§15.231).................................................................................................................. 8
     3.4.    EUT’s Configuration during Compliance Measurement.................................................................... 8
     3.5.    Operating Condition of EUT .............................................................................................................. 8
     3.6.    Test Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 9
     3.7.    Radiated Emission Noise Measurement Results .............................................................................. 10
4.   EMISSION BANDWIDTH TEST ................................................................................................16
     4.1.    Test Equipment................................................................................................................................. 16
     4.2.    Block Diagram of Test Setup ........................................................................................................... 16
     4.3.    Specification Limits (§15.231-(c)) ................................................................................................... 16
     4.4.    EUT’s Configuration during Compliance Measurement.................................................................. 16
     4.5.    Emission Bandwidth Measurement Results ..................................................................................... 16
5.   PERIODIC OPERATED TEST.....................................................................................................18
     5.1.    Test Equipment................................................................................................................................. 18
     5.2.    Block Diagram of Test Setup ........................................................................................................... 18
     5.3.    Specification Limits [§15.231-(a)-(1)] ............................................................................................. 18
     5.4.    EUT’s Configuration during Compliance Measurement.................................................................. 18
     5.5.    Periodic Operated Measurement Results.......................................................................................... 18
     5.6.    Periodic Operated Measurement Results.......................................................................................... 18
6.   DEVIATION TO TEST SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................20
7.   PHOTOGRAPHS ..........................................................................................................................21
     7.1. Photos of Radiated Measurement at Semi-Anechoic Chamber(30~1000MHz) ............................ 21
     7.2. Photos of Radiated Measurement at Semi-Anechoic Chamber (Above 1GHz) ............................. 22
     7.3.    Photo of Emission Bandwidth Measurement ................................................................................... 24
     7.4.    Photo of Periodic Operated Measurement........................................................................................ 24

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             TEST         REPORT CERTIFICATION

Applicant           :     Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer #1     :     Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer #2     :     Satellite Electronic (Zhongshan) Ltd.
EUT Description     :     Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)
FCC ID              :     KUJCE9201
                          (A) MODEL NO. : JY610
                          (B) SERIAL NO. : N/A
                          (C) POWER SUPPLY:DC 9V

Measurement Procedure Used:

AND ANSI C63.4/1992

The device described above was tested by Audix Corporation to determine the maximum
emission levels emanating from the device. The maximum emission levels were compared to
the FCC Part 15 subpart C limits both radiated and conducted emissions.

The measurement results are contained in this test report and Audix Corporation is assumed
full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these measurements. Also, this
report shows that the EUT to be technically compliant with the FCC official limits.

This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in part
without written approval of Audix Corporation.

Date of Test :      May 19 ~ 20, 2003

Prepared by :
                  (Monica Chang/Officer)

Test Engineer :
                  (Allen Wang/Deputy Manager)

Approve & Authorized Signer :
                                           (Leon Liu/Manager)

                                                          Audix Corporation   Report No. TTEMC-KUJCE9201

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  1.1. Description of Device (EUT)

      Description                   :       Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)

      Model Number                  :       JY610

      FCC ID                        :       KUJCE9201

      Applicant                     :       Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                            160 Kanho Rd., Taichung,
                                            Taiwan, R.O.C.

      Manufacturer #1               :       Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                            160 Kanho Rd., Taichung,
                                            Taiwan, R.O.C.

      Manufacturer #2               :       Satellite Electronic (Zhongshan) Ltd.

                                            No. 15, Zhongshan Torch Hi-Tech Industrial
                                            Development Zone, Zhongshan City, Cuangdong
                                            Province 528437 China

      Fundamental Frequency         :       304MHz

      Power Supply                  :       DC 9V

      Date of Receipt of Sample     :       May 15, 2003

      Date of Test                  :       May 19 ~ 20, 2003

      Fan/Light Remote Control -Receiver
      Model No.: JY326B
      FCC ID :    By DoC


      Antenna requirement: This EUT’s transmitter antenna is soldered to a printed circuit
      board, comply with §15.203 and inform to user that any change and modify is

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1.2. Description of Test Facility

     Site Description          :       May 16, 2003 Re-File on
     (Semi-Anechoic Chamber)           Federal Communication Commission
                                       Registration Number: 90993

     Test Site                 :       Semi-Anechoic Chamber

     Name of Firm              :       Audix Corporation
                                       Technical Division EMC Department
                                       No. 53-11, Tin-Fu Tsun, Lin-Kou,
                                       Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.

     Site Location #1          :       No. 53-11, Tin-Fu Tsun, Lin-Kou,
                                       Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.

     Site Location #2          :       No. 67-4, Tin-Fu Tsun, Lin-Kou,
                                       Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.

     NVLAP Lab. Code          :      200077-0
     (NVLAP is a NATA accredited body under Mutual Recognition Agreement)

1.3. Measurement Uncertainty
                 Test Item          Frequency Range             Uncertainty (dB)
           Conduction Test          150KHz~30MHz                       ±2.66dB
            Radiation Test          30MHz~300MHz              +4.26dB / −4.22dB
            (Distance: 3m)      300MHz~1000MHz                 +5.28dB / −4.0dB
            Remark:Uncertainty = Kµc(y)

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  【The EUT only employ battery power for operation, no conductive emissions
   limits are required according to FCC Part 15 Section §15.207】

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       3.1. Test Equipment
           The following test equipment was used during the radiated emission tests:
           3.1.1. For 30MHz~1000MHz Frequency (at Semi-Anechoic Chamber)
Item         Type        Manufacturer   Model No.       Serial No.  Last Cal.                     Cal.
 1.    Spectrum Analyzer       HP            8593EM    3826A00248 Sep. 23, 02’                   1 Year
 2.    Test Receiver          R&S             ESVP     879691/036 Jul. 09, 02’                   1 Year
 3.    Pre-Amplifier           HP             8447D    2944A06305 Mar. 13, 03’                   1 Year
 4.    Computer                --            PC-486        N/A        N/A                         NA
 5.    Printer                NEC             P5200     603095067     N/A                         N/A
 6.    Broadband Antenna   Schwarzbeck      BBA 9106       A3L    Feb. 23, 03‘                   1 Year
 7.    Broadband Antenna   Schwarzbeck     UHALP9108-A     0138   Feb. 23, 03‘                   1 Year

           3.1.2. For above 1GHz Frequency (at Semi-Anechoic Chamber)
Item         Type          Manufacturer    Model No.      Serial No.  Last Cal.        Cal.
 1. Spectrum Analyzer          HP             8593EM         3826A00248 Sep. 23, 02’ 1 Year
 2. Pre-Amplifier              HP              8449B         3008A00529 Jan. 07, 03’ 1 Year
 3. Horn Antenna              EMCO              3115          9112-3775 Apr. 21, 03’ 1 Year

       3.2. Test Setup
           3.2.1. Block Diagram of connection between EUT and simulators


           3.2.2. Open Field Test Site (3M) Setup Diagram


                         ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1M TO 4M

                             3 METERS                    EUT

                                                     TURN TABLE

                         GROUND PLANE

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3.3. Radiation Limit
       FREQUENCY               DISTANCE             FIELD STRENGTHS LIMITS
            MHz                   Meters             µV/m             dBµV/m
      Fundamental Freq.              3              5620.8      74.93 (Quasi-Peak)
      Spurious Emission              3              562.08      54.93 (Quasi-Peak)
          Above 1GHz                  3               ---         54.93 (Average)
    Remark: (1) Emission level (dBµV/m) = 20 log Emission level (µV/m)
              (2) Where limit of Fundamental Freq. is calculated by :
                  41.6667x304.9-7083.3333= 5620.8uV/m
                                              = 74.93dBuV/m
                         limit of spurious emission is :
                       74.93(dBuV/m) – 20 = 54.93dBuV/m
              (3) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
              (4) Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring
                  instrument antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or
              (5) The limits in this table are based on CFR 47 Part 15.205(a)(b) and Part
                  15.209 (a) and Part15.231(b).
              (6) The field strength of emission appearing within Part 15.205(a) shall
                  not exceed the limits shown in section 15.209.

3.4. EUT’s Configuration during Compliance Measurement
    The following equipment was installed on radiated measurement to meet the
    commission requirement and operating in a manner which tended to maximize its
    emission characteristics in a normal application.
    3.4.1. Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter) (EUT)
           Model Number              :      JY610
           Serial Number             :      N/A
           Manufacturer              :      Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd.
           Fundamental Frequency     :      304MHz

3.5. Operating Condition of EUT
    3.5.1. Setup the EUT and simulator as shown on 3.2.
    3.5.2. Turned on the power of all equipment.
    3.5.3. The EUT (Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)) emitted the fundamental
           frequency with data code.
    3.5.4. The EUT was at working and on maximum transmitting status (high & Light on)
           during all testing.
    3.5.5. Repeated the above procedures from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4.

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3.6. Test Procedure
    The EUT and its simulators were placed on a turn table which was 0.8 meter above the
    ground. The turn table rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum
    emission level. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the receiving antenna which
    was mounted on a antenna tower. The antenna moved up and down between 1 to 4
    meters above reference plane to find out the maximum emission level. Broadband
    antenna such as calibrated biconical and log- periodical antenna or horn antenna was
    used as a receiving antenna. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna
    were set on measurement. In order to find the maximum emission, all of the interface
    cables were manipulated according to FCC ANSI C63.4-1992 regulation.
    The frequency range were measured from 30MHz up to tenth harmonic of the highest
    fundamental frequency according to FCC Part 15.33(a)(1).

    The bandwidth of test receiver using Q.P detector was set at 120kHz below 1GHz
    and resolution bandwidth of spectrum analyzer using Average detector was set at
    1MHz above 1GHz.

    EUT with three kinds of position (on Stand、Side、Lie) were done during radiated
    measurement and all the test results are listed in section 3.7.

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3.7. Radiated Emission Noise Measurement Results
    PASSED. The frequency range from 30 MHz up to tenth harmonic is investigated.
    All the emissions not reported below are too low against the FCC Part 15 official

    Date of Test:                          May 19, 2003                         Temperature: 24℃

    EUT:                 Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)                   Humidity: 71%

    Test Position:                                         EUT on Stand

          Emission Antenna Cable Meter Reading Emission Level
         Frequency Factor Loss                  Horizontal         Horizontal         Limits Margin
            MHz           dB/m        dB           dBµV             dBµV/m          dBµV/m          dB
    Fundamental Freq. (Quasi-Peak Value)
          304.900        14.68        3.90         37.67             56.25             74.93       18.68
    Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Below 1000MHz, Quasi-Peak Value)
         157.980    21.02      2.70     -2.93        20.79                             54.93       34.14
      *3 255.450    24.80      3.56     -5.10        23.26                             46.00       22.74
         293.520    26.50      3.90     -3.32        27.08                             54.93       27.85
         608.400    19.41      6.20      2.93        28.54                             54.93       26.39
         912.500    23.10      7.40     -1.59        28.91                             54.93       26.02
     Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Above 1GHz, Average Value)
      *3 1216.462         25.30        4.61         -0.28             29.63           53.97        24.34
      *3 1520.180         25.50        5.54         -2.00             29.04           53.97        24.93
         1824.898         27.03        6.77         -5.68             28.12           54.93        26.81
         2128.616         28.07        6.02         -6.01             28.08           54.93        26.85
         2432.334         28.68        6.39         -7.19             27.88           54.93        27.05
      *3 2736.420         29.78        6.84         -9.31             27.31           53.97        26.66
         3040.088         30.88        7.26       -11.22              26.92           54.93        28.01
          Remark : 1. Emission Level = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Meter Reading.
                         2. Measurement was up to 10th harmonic , but the emissions level
                             were too low against the official limit and not report.
                         3. The field strength of emission appearing within Part 15.205(a)
                             shall not exceed the limits shown in section 15.209.

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Date of Test:                          May 19, 2003                         Temperature: 24℃

EUT:                 Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)                   Humidity: 71%

Test Position:                                         EUT on Stand

      Emission Antenna Cable Meter Reading Emission Level
     Frequency Factor Loss                   Vertical            Vertical         Limits Margin
        MHz           dB/m        dB           dBµV             dBµV/m          dBµV/m          dB
Fundamental Freq. (Quasi-Peak Value)
      304.900        14.60        3.90         26.49             44.99             74.93       29.94
Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Below 1000MHz, Quasi-Peak Value)
     139.890    19.30      2.50     -0.26        21.54                             54.93       33.39
     199.290    22.64      3.00     -2.51        23.13                             54.93       31.80
  *3 255.990    25.59      3.56     -4.63        24.52                             46.00       21.48
     608.400    20.20      6.20      3.93        30.33                             54.93       24.60
     912.500    23.20      7.40     -1.91        28.69                             54.93       26.24
 Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Above 1GHz, Average Value)
  *3 1216.462         25.30        4.61          0.26             30.17           53.97        23.80
  *3 1520.180         25.50        5.54         -1.37             29.67           53.97        24.30
     1824.898         27.03        6.77         -4.16             29.64           54.93        25.29
     2128.616         28.07        6.02         -5.56             28.53           54.93        26.40
     2432.334         28.68        6.39         -6.96             28.11           54.93        26.82
  *3 2736.420         29.78        6.84         -9.90             26.72           53.97        27.25
     3040.088         30.88        7.26       -11.84              26.30           54.93        28.63
      Remark : 1. Emission Level = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Meter Reading.
                    2. Measurement was up to 10th harmonic , but the emissions level
                        were too low against the official limit and not report.
                    3. The field strength of emission appearing within Part 15.205(a) shall
                        not exceed the limits shown in section 15.209.

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Date of Test:                          May 19, 2003                         Temperature: 24℃

EUT:                 Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)                   Humidity: 71%

Test Position:                                         EUT on Side

      Emission Antenna Cable Meter Reading Emission Level
     Frequency Factor Loss                  Horizontal         Horizontal         Limits Margin
        MHz           dB/m        dB           dBµV             dBµV/m          dBµV/m          dB
Fundamental Freq. (Quasi-Peak Value)
      304.900        14.68        3.90         43.73             62.31             74.93       12.62
Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Below 1000MHz, Quasi-Peak Value)
     157.980    21.02      2.70     -2.70        21.02                             54.93       33.91
  *3 255.450    24.80      3.56     -4.68        23.68                             46.00       31.25
     293.520    26.50      3.90     -3.43        26.97                             54.93       27.96
     608.400    19.41      6.20      5.64        31.25                             54.93       23.68
     912.500    23.10      7.40     -0.38        30.12                             54.93       24.81
 Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Above 1GHz, Average Value)
  *3 1216.462         25.30        4.61          1.34             31.25           53.97        22.72
  *3 1520.180         25.50        5.54         -0.63             30.41           53.97        23.56
     1824.898         27.03        6.77         -4.79             29.01           54.93        25.92
     2128.616         28.07        6.02         -5.57             28.52           54.93        26.41
     2432.334         28.68        6.39         -7.44             27.63           54.93        27.30
  *3 2736.420         29.78        6.84         -9.56             27.06           53.97        26.91
     3040.088         30.88        7.26       -10.88              27.26           54.93        27.67
      Remark : 1. Emission Level = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Meter Reading.
                    2. Measurement was up to 10th harmonic, but the emissions level
                        were too low against the official limit and not report.
                    3. The field strength of emission appearing within Part 15.205(a) shall
                        not exceed the limits shown in section 15.209.

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Date of Test:                          May 19, 2003                         Temperature: 24℃

EUT:                 Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)                   Humidity: 71%

Test Position:                                         EUT on Side

      Emission Antenna Cable Meter Reading Emission Level
     Frequency Factor Loss                   Vertical            Vertical         Limits Margin
        MHz           dB/m        dB           dBµV             dBµV/m          dBµV/m          dB
Fundamental Freq. (Quasi-Peak Value)
      304.900        14.60        3.90         30.82             49.32             74.93       25.61
Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Below 1000MHz, Quasi-Peak Value)
     139.890    19.30      2.50     -0.25        21.55                             54.93       33.38
     199.290    22.64      3.00     -2.38        23.26                             54.93       31.67
  *3 255.990    25.59      3.56     -5.54        23.61                             46.00       22.39
     608.400    20.20      6.20      5.65        32.05                             54.93       22.88
     912.500    23.20      7.40     -1.48        29.12                             54.93       25.81
 Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Above 1GHz, Average Value)
  *3 1216.462         25.30        4.61          1.41             31.32           53.97        22.65
  *3 1520.180         25.50        5.54         -0.77             30.27           53.97        23.70
     1824.898         27.03        6.77         -3.65             30.15           54.93        24.78
     2128.616         28.07        6.02         -5.02             29.07           54.93        25.86
     2432.334         28.68        6.39         -6.72             28.35           54.93        26.58
  *3 2736.420         29.78        6.84         -9.17             27.45           53.97        18.55
     3040.088         30.88        7.26       -11.10              27.04           54.93        27.89
      Remark : 1. Emission Level = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Meter Reading.
                    2. Measurement was up to 10th harmonic , but the emissions level
                        were too low against the official limit and not report.
                    3. The field strength of emission appearing within Part 15.205(a) shall
                        not exceed the limits shown in section 15.209.

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Date of Test:                          May 19, 2003                         Temperature: 24℃

EUT:                 Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)                   Humidity: 71%

Test Position:                                         EUT on Lie

      Emission Antenna Cable Meter Reading Emission Level
     Frequency Factor Loss                  Horizontal         Horizontal         Limits Margin
        MHz           dB/m        dB           dBµV             dBµV/m          dBµV/m          dB
Fundamental Freq. (Quasi-Peak Value)
      304.900        14.68        3.90         40.74             59.32             74.93       15.61
Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Below 1000MHz, Quasi-Peak Value)
     157.980    21.02      2.70     -2.90        20.82                             54.93       34.11
  *3 255.450    24.80      3.56     -4.92        23.44                             46.00       22.56
     293.520    26.50      3.90     -3.51        26.89                             54.93       28.04
     608.400    19.41      6.20      4.50        30.11                             54.93       24.82
     912.500    23.10      7.40     -0.94        29.56                             54.93       25.37
 Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Above 1GHz, Average Value)
  *3 1216.462         25.30        4.61          0.20             30.11           53.97        23.86
  *3 1520.180         25.50        5.54         -1.41             29.63           53.97        24.34
     1824.898         27.03        6.77         -5.35             28.45           54.93        26.48
     2128.616         28.07        6.02         -5.78             28.31           54.93        26.62
     2432.334         28.68        6.39         -7.48             27.59           54.93        27.34
  *3 2736.420         29.78        6.84         -8.26             28.36           53.97        25.61
     3040.088         30.88        7.26       -11.13              27.01           54.93        27.92
      Remark : 1. Emission Level = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Meter Reading.
                    2. Measurement was up to 10th harmonic , but the emissions level
                        were too low against the official limit and not report.
                    3. The field strength of emission appearing within Part 15.205(a) shall
                        not exceed the limits shown in section 15.209.

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Date of Test:                          May 19, 2003                         Temperature: 24℃

EUT:                 Fan-Light Remote Controller (Transmitter)                   Humidity: 71%

Test Position:                                         EUT on Lie

      Emission Antenna Cable Meter Reading Emission Level
     Frequency Factor Loss                   Vertical            Vertical         Limits Margin
        MHz           dB/m        dB           dBµV             dBµV/m          dBµV/m          dB
Fundamental Freq. (Quasi-Peak Value)
      304.900        14.60        3.90         27.71             46.21             74.93       28.72
Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Below 1000MHz, Quasi-Peak Value)
     139.890    19.30      2.50     -0.32        21.48                             54.93       33.45
     199.290    22.64      3.00     -2.40        23.24                             54.93       31.69
 *3 255.990     25.59      3.56     -5.64        23.51                             46.00       22.49
     608.400    20.20      6.20      4.85        31.25                             54.93       23.68
     912.500    23.20      7.40     -1.62        28.98                             54.93       25.95
 Spurious / Harmonic Freq. (Above 1GHz, Average Value)
  *3 1216.462         25.30        4.61          0.78             30.69           53.97        23.28
  *3 1520.180         25.50        5.54         -1.17             29.87           53.97        24.10
     1824.898         27.03        6.77         -4.03             29.77           54.93        25.16
     2128.616         28.07        6.02         -5.40             28.69           54.93        26.24
     2432.334         28.68        6.39         -6.64             28.43           54.93        26.50
  *3 2736.420         29.78        6.84         -9.57             27.05           53.97        26.92
     3040.088         30.88        7.26       -11.75              26.39           54.93        28.54
      Remark : 1. Emission Level = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Meter Reading.
                    2. Measurement was up to 10th harmonic ,but the emissions level
                        were too low against the official limit and not report.
                    3. The field strength of emission appearing within Part 15.205(a) shall
                        not exceed the limits shown in section 15.209.

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    4.1. Test Equipment
          The following test equipment was used during the Emission Bandwidth Test:
Item        Type            Manufacturer      Model No.     Serial No.   Last Cal.    Cal.
  1. Spectrum Analyzer           HP            8564EC      3946A00249 Aug. 09, 02’ 1 Year
  2. Wide Band Antenna       DIAMOND           RH799           N/A         N/A        N/A

    4.2. Block Diagram of Test Setup

            SPECTRUM ANALYZER                         RECEIVER ANTENNA


    4.3. Specification Limits (§15.231-(c))
          The bandwidth of emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for
          device operating above 70MHz and below 900MHz. Bandwidth is determined at the
          points 20dB down from the modulated carrier.

    4.4. EUT’s Configuration during Compliance Measurement
          The configuration of EUT were same as section 3.4.

    4.5. Emission Bandwidth Measurement Results

          Fundamental Frequency:        304MHz

          (Test Date: Mar. 20, 2003,   Temperature: 26℃, Humidity: 65% )

           No.     Center Frequency        Bandwidth           Tolerance (%)

            1.         304MHz               43.3kHz              0.0142%
          The graph of bandwidth measured is attached in next page.

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(Graph of Bandwidth Measurement)

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       5.1. Test Equipment
            The following test equipment was used during the Periodic Operated Test:
Item         Type             Manufacturer      Model No.      Serial No.    Last Cal.    Cal.
 1. Spectrum Analyzer             HP                 8564EC     3946A00249 Aug. 09, 02’ 1 Year
 2. Wide Band Antenna          DIAMOND               RH799          N/A       N/A         N/A

       5.2. Block Diagram of Test Setup

              SPECTRUM ANALYZER                              RECEIVER ANTENNA


       5.3. Specification Limits [§15.231-(a)-(1)]
            The operation of this device is manually operated transmitter that is automatically
            deactivated the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released,
            Compliance with §15.231 (a)- (1).

       5.4. EUT’s Configuration during Compliance Measurement
            The configuration of EUT was same as section 3.4.

       5.5. Periodic Operated Measurement Results

       5.6. Periodic Operated Measurement Results
            PASSED.       T = 1.5917sec. (< 5sec.)

            (Test Date: Mar. 20, 2003,   Temperature: 26℃, Humidity: 65% )

            The graph of testing is attached in next page.

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Graph of Periodic Operated Measurement

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                               Audix Corporation   Report No. TTEMC-KUJCE9201

Document Created: 2003-06-17 17:55:03
Document Modified: 2003-06-17 17:55:03

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