Test Report Rev02-0914


Test Report

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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                                   Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

                                               FCC 15.249
                                             2.4 GHz Report


                               Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd

     12 Jingke 8th Rd Nantun District Taichung 40852 Taiwan

                          Product Name                  : Ceiling Fan Remote Controller
                          Model Name                    : JY1126B
                          FCC ID                        : KUJCE10717

                          Prepared by:                  : AUDIX Technology Corporation,
                                                          EMC Department

                                                                          NVLAP LAB CODE 200077-0

             The statement is based on a single evaluation of one sample of the above-mentioned products. It does not imply
             an assessment of the whole production and does not permit the use of the test lab logo.
             The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP,
             NIST, TAF or any government agencies.

File Number: C1M1806230                                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by AUDIX Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                                                                          Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                                                               Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

     Description                                                                                                                                          Page
     TEST REPORT CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 3
     1. REVISION RECORD OF TEST REPORT ........................................................................... 4
     2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS .......................................................................................... 5
     3. GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 6
        3.1. Description of Application............................................................................................................... 6
        3.2. Description of EUT.......................................................................................................................... 6
        3.3. Antenna Information ........................................................................................................................ 6
        3.4. EUT Specifications Assessed in Current Report ............................................................................. 7
        3.5. Description of Key Components...................................................................................................... 7
        3.6. Test Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 8
        3.7. Tested Supporting System List ........................................................................................................ 8
        3.8. Setup Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 8
        3.9. Operating Condition of EUT ........................................................................................................... 8
        3.10. Description of Test Facility ............................................................................................................. 9
        3.11. Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................ 9
     4. MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT LIST ............................................................................... 10
        4.1. Conducted Emission Measurement ............................................................................................... 10
        4.2. Radiated Emission Measurement................................................................................................... 10
     5. CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMET ...................................................................... 11
        5.1.    Block Diagram of Test Setup......................................................................................................... 11
        5.2.    Conducted Emission Limit ............................................................................................................ 11
        5.3.    Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 11
        5.4.    Test Results .................................................................................................................................... 11
     6. RADIATED EMISSION ........................................................................................................ 12
        6.1.    Block Diagram of Test Setup......................................................................................................... 12
        6.2.    Radiated Emission Limits .............................................................................................................. 13
        6.3.    Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 14
        6.4.    Measurement Result Explanation .................................................................................................. 15
        6.5.    Test Results .................................................................................................................................... 15
     7. EMISSION BANDWIDTH MEASUREMENT ................................................................... 16
        7.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup......................................................................................................... 16
        7.2. Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 16
        7.3. Test Results .................................................................................................................................... 16
     8. DEVIATION TO TEST SPECIFICATIONS....................................................................... 17


File Number: C1M1806230                                                                                              Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by AUDIX Technology
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                                Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                     Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

                         TEST REPORT CERTIFICATION
Applicant                           :   Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd
Manufacturer #1                     :   Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd
Manufacturer #2                     :   Satellite Electronic (Zhongshan) Ltd.
Manufacturer #3                     :   Zhongshan Amity Electronic Ltd.
EUT Description
        (1) Product                 : Ceiling Fan Remote Controller
        (2) Model                   : JY1126B
        (3) Power Supply            : AC 120V, 60Hz

Applicable Standards:

47 CFR FCC Part 15 Subpart C
ANSI C63.10:2013

Audix Technology Corp. tested the equipment mentioned in accordance with the requirements set
forth in the above standards. Test results indicate that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented within this report.
Audix Technology Corp. does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations
drawn from the test results with regard to other specimens and samples.

Date of Report:           2018. 07. 25

Reviewed by:
                   __________________________               (Sabrina Wang/Administrator)

Approved by:
                   __________________________               (Ben Cheng/Manager)

File Number: C1M1806230                                                         Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by AUDIX Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                           Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

       Edition No         Issued Data             Revision Summary                Report Number
             0           2018. 07. 25   Original Report                        EM-F180322

File Number: C1M1806230                                                   Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by AUDIX Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                           Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

                Rule                                Description                      Results
       15.207                       Conducted Emission                                PASS
       15.205/                      Radiated Band Edge and
       15.209/                      Radiated Spurious Emission                        PASS
       15.249(a)                    Fundamental Frequency
       ----                         Occupied Bandwidth 99% Power                 Reference only
       15.203                       Antenna Requirement                               PASS

File Number: C1M1806230                                                   Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                                  Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                       Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan


     3.1. Description of Application
                                     Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd
                                     12 Jingke 8th Rd Nantun District Taichung 40852 Taiwan

                                     Chungear Industrial Co., Ltd
      Manufacture #1
                                     12 Jingke 8th Rd Nantun District Taichung 40852 Taiwan
                                     Satellite Electronic (Zhongshan) Ltd.
      Manufacture #2                 8 CHUANG YE RD.TORCH DEVELOPMENT
                                     ZONE..ZHONGSHAN.GUANGDONG.528437 CHINA
                                     Zhongshan Amity Electronic Ltd.
      Manufacture #3                 No. 16 Torch Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Zhong Shan
                                     City Guangdong Province China.
      Product                        Ceiling Fan Remote Controller
      Model                          JY1126B

     3.2. Description of EUT
      Test Model                     JY1126B
      Serial Number                  N/A

      Power Rating                   AC 120V, 60Hz

      RF Features                    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
      Sample Status                  Production

       Date of Receipt               2018. 06. 21

       Date of Test                  2018. 07. 23 ~ 25

      Interface Ports of EUT         N/A
                                     Power Wire x 1set:
      Accessories Supplied
                                     Unshielded, Undetachable , 0.15m, Bonded a ferrite core

     3.3. Antenna Information
       Antenna Part Number          Manufacture     Antenna Type     Frequency (MHz)      Max Gain (dBi)
                  ---                   ---         PCB Antenna            2.4GHz               4.33

File Number: C1M1806230                                                          Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                             Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

     3.4. EUT Specifications Assessed in Current Report
                    Fundamental Range
       Mode                                   Channel Number        Modulation             Data Rate
         BLE              2402-2480                 40               GFSK                      1

                                                   Channel List
       Channel       Frequency      Channel   Frequency Channel     Frequency    Channel      Frequency
       Number          (MHz)        Number      (MHz)      Number     (MHz)      Number         (MHz)
         37             2402          09         2422         18       2442        28            2462
         00             2404          10         2424         19       2444        29            2464
         01             2406          38         2426         20       2446        30            2466
         02             2408          11         2428         21       2448        31            2468
         03             2410          12         2430         22       2450        32            2470
         04             2412          13         2432         23       2452        33            2472
         05             2414          14         2434         24       2454        34            2474
         06             2416          15         2436         25       2456        35            2476
         07             2418          16         2438         26       2458        36            2478
         08             2420          17         2440         27       2460        39            2480

     3.5. Description of Key Components

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                             Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

     3.6. Test Configuration
         Mode               Duty Cycle (x)               T (ms)               Duty Cycle Factor (dB)
         BLE                        100%                  N/A                          N/A
     Note: When duty cycle is less than 98% (0.98) that duty cycle factor 10log(1/x) is needed to
           add in conducted test items measured in average detector.

                                                AC Conduction
      Test Case            Normal operation

                                   Item                                    Mode        Test Channel
                    Radiated Band Edge Note1                               BLE            37/39
      Radiated      Radiated Spurious Emission(30MHz-1GHz) Note1           BLE           37/17/39
      Test          Radiated Spurious Emission(Above 1GHz)                 BLE           37/17/39
      Case          Fundamental Frequency                                  BLE           37/17/39
                    Occupied Bandwidth 99% Power                           BLE           37/17/39
     Note 1:■Mobile Device, and 3 axis were assessed. The worst scenario for Radiated Spurious Emission
             as follow: ■ Lie □ Side□ Stand
            □Portable Device, and 3 axis were assessed. The worst scenario for Radiated Spurious
             Emission as follow: □ Lie □ Side□ Stand

     3.7. Tested Supporting System List

     3.8. Setup Configuration


     3.9. Operating Condition of EUT
            To set EUT RF function under continues transmitting and choosing channel.

File Number: C1M1806230                                                      Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                                  Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                       Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

     3.10.Description of Test Facility
                                     Audix Technology Corporation / EMC Department
                                     No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan
      Name of Test Firm              Tel: +886-2-26092133
                                     Fax: +886-2-26099303
                                     Website : www.audixtech.com
                                     Contact e-mail: attemc_report@audixtech.com
                                     The laboratory is accredited by following organizations under
                                     ISO/IEC 17025:2005
                                     (1) NVLAP(USA)
                                         NVLAP Lab Code 200077-0
                                     (2) TAF(Taiwan)
                                         No. 1724
                                     FCC OET Designation Number under APEC MRA by NCC is:
                                     (1) No. 8 Shielded Room
      Test Facilities                (2) Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                         (IC Test Site Registration No.: 5183B-1)
                                     (3) Fully Anechoic Chamber
                                         (IC Test Site Registration No.: 5183B-4)

     3.11.Measurement Uncertainty
             Test Item                    Frequency Range                        Uncertainty
         Conduction Test                  150kHz~30MHz                            ±3.50dB
         Radiation Test                  30MHz~1000MHz                            ± 3.68dB
         (Distance: 3m)                     Above 1GHz                            ± 5.82dB
     Remark:Uncertainty = kuc(y)

                                    Test Item                                    Uncertainty
         Occupied Bandwidth 99% Power                                               ± 1kHz

File Number: C1M1806230                                                          Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                                    Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                         Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan


     4.1. Conducted Emission Measurement
       Item              Type         Manufacturer    Model No.      Serial No.       Cal. Date     Cal. Interval
        1.    Test Receiver              R&S            ESR3          101774         2018. 01. 24      1 Year
        2.    A.M.N.                     R&S          ENV4200         100169         2017. 11. 12      1 Year
        3.    L.I.S.N.                  Kyoritsu      KNW-407         8-855-9        2017. 12. 14      1 Year
        4.    Pulse Limiter              R&S           ESH3-Z2        100354         2018. 01. 16      1 Year
        5.    Signal Cable               Yeida        RG/58AU          CE-08         2017. 09. 22      1 Year
              Digital Thermo- Hygro
        6.                                iMax          HTC-1         No.8 S/R       2018. 04. 20      1 Year
        7.    Test Software              Audix            e3         V.6.120424        N.C.R.          N.C.R.

     4.2. Radiated Emission Measurement
       Item              Type         Manufacturer     Model No.      Serial No.      Cal. Date       Cal. Due
        1.    Spectrum Analyzer         Agilent       N9010A-526     MY53400071      2017. 09. 13      1 Year
        2.    Spectrum Analyzer         Agilent       N9030A-526     MY53310269      2018. 01. 04      1 Year
        3.    Test Receiver              R&S            ESCS30         100338        2018. 06. 20      1 Year
        4.    Amplifier                   HP            8447D        2944A06305      2018. 01. 30      1 Year
        5.    Amplifier                   HP            8449B        3008A02678      2018. 03. 06      1 Year
        6.    Loop Antenna               R&S           HFH2-Z2        891847/27      2017. 12. 18      1 Year
        7.    Bilog Antenna             CHASE         CBL6112D         33821         2018. 01. 21      1 Year
        8.    Horn Antenna            COM-POWER         AH-840         101092        2018 .05. 07      1 Year
        9.    Horn Antenna            ETS-Lindgren       3117         00135902       2018. 03. 08      1 Year
        10.   2.4GHz Notch Filter        K&L                              1          2017. 07. 26      1 Year
        11.   3GHz Notch Filter        Microwave      H3G018G1         484796        2017. 08. 22      1 Year
              Digital Thermo-Hygro
        12.                              iMax           HTC-1        No.1 3m A/C     2018. 04. 20      1 Year
              Digital Thermo-Hygro
        13.                              iMax            E-512          RF-02        2018. 04. 20      1 Year
        14.   Test Software              Audix            e3         V.6.110601        N.C.R.          N.C.R.

File Number: C1M1806230                                                            Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan


     5.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup
            5.1.1. Block Diagram of EUT
                     Indicated as section 3.8
            5.1.2. Shielded Room Setup Diagram

                                        EUT         Peripherals
                                                                                   Test Receiver
                                                    Table    80 cm                    Table


                                          Ground Plane
     5.2. Conducted Emission Limit
                                                                 Conducted Limit
                                                 Quasi-Peak Level              Average Level
              150kHz ~ 500kHz                      66 ~ 56 dBμV                56 ~ 46 dBμV
               500kHz ~ 5MHz                         56 dBμV                      46 dBμV
               5MHz ~ 30MHz                          60 dBμV                      50 dBμV
            Remark 1.: If the average limit is met when using a Quasi-Peak detector, the
                       measurement using the average detector is not required.
                   2.: The lower limit applies to the band edges.

     5.3. Test Procedure
            5.3.1. To set up the EUT as indicated in ANSI C 63.10. The EUT was placed on the
                   table which has 80 cm height to the ground and 40 cm distance to the conducting
            5.3.2. Power supplier of the EUT was connected to the AC mains through an Artificial
                   Mains Network (A.M.N.).
            5.3.3. The AC power supplies to all peripheral devices must be provided through line
                   impedance stabilization network (L.I.S.N.)
            5.3.4. To Check frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz and record the emission
                   which does not have 20 dB below limit.

     5.4. Test Results
            Please refer to Appendix A.
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                           Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan


     6.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup
            6.1.1. Block Diagram of EUT
                     Indicated as section 3.8

            6.1.2. Setup Diagram for 9kHz-30MHz

            6.1.3. Setup Diagram for 30-1000 MHz

File Number: C1M1806230                                                   Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                               Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                    Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

            6.1.4. Setup Diagram for above 1GHz

     6.2. Radiated Emission Limits
            6.2.1. General Limit
                   In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band, the radio frequency power
                   produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20dB below that in the
                   100kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level. In addition,
                   radiated emissions which fall in restricted bands, as defined in FCC Section
                   15.205, must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified as below.
                Frequency (MHz)          Distance (m)
                                                                  dBμV/m                 μV/m
                  0.009 - 0.490              300             67.6-20 log f(kHz)        2400/f kHz
                  0.490 - 1.705               30             87.6-20 log f(kHz)       24000/f kHz
                    1.705 - 30                30                     29.5                  30
                      30 - 88                  3                     40.0                 100
                     88- 216                   3                     43.5                 150
                     216- 960                  3                     46.0                 200
                   Above 960                   3                     54.0                 500
                                                                  74.0 dBμV/m (Peak)
                   Above 1000                  3
                                                                    54.0 dBμV/m (Average)
            Remark:(1) dBμV/m = 20 log (μV/m)
                    (2) The tighter limit applies to the edge between two frequency bands.
                    (3) Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna
                        and the closed point of any part of the device or system.
                    (4) Fundamental and emission fall within operation band are exempted from this
                    (5) Pursuant to ANSI C63.10:, if the maximized peak measured value complies
                        with the average limit, then it is unnecessary to perform an average measurement.

File Number: C1M1806230                                                       Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                                 Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                      Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

            6.2.2. Limite for Fundamental & Harmonics Frequency

                 Fundamental           Field strength of fundamental         Field strength of harmonics
                  Frequency             mV/m              dBμV/m              mV/m          dBμV/m
                                                                                            74 (Peak)
             902-928MHz                   50          94 (Quasi-Peak)           500
                                                                                          54 (Average)
                                                         114 (Peak)                         74 (Peak)
             2400-2483.5MHz               50                                    500
                                                        94 (Average)                      54 (Average)
                                                         114 (Peak)                         74 (Peak)
             5725-5875MHz                 50                                    500
                                                        94 (Average)                      54 (Average)
                                                         128 (Peak)                         88 (Peak)
             24.0-24.25GHz                250                                  2500
                                                       108 (Average)                      68 (Average)
                 Remark: mV/m=1000μV/m; dBμV/m = 20 log (μV/m)

     6.3. Test Procedure
            Frequency Range 9kHz~30MHz:
            The EUT setup on the turn table which has 0.8 m height to the ground. The turn table
            rotated 360 degrees and antenna fixed to 1 m to find the maximum emission level.
            In order to find the maximum emission, all of the interface cables were manipulated
            according to ANSI C63.10-2013 regulation.
            (1) RBW = 9kHz with peak and average detector.
            (2) Detector: average and peak (9kHz-490kHz)
                           Q.P. (490kHz-30MHz)

            Frequency Range 30MHz ~ 25GHz:
            The EUT setup on the turn table which has 80 cm (for 30-1000 MHz) and 1.5m (for
            above 1GHz) height to the ground. The turn table rotated 360 degrees and antenna varied
            from 1 m to 4 m to find the maximum emission level. Both horizontal and vertical
            polarization are required. In order to find the maximum emission, all of the interface
            cables were manipulated according to ANSI C63.10-2013 regulation.

            Frequency below 1 GHz:
            Spectrum Analyzer is used for pre-testing with following setting:
            (1)RBW = 120KHz
            (2)VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
            (3)Detector = Peak.
            (4)Sweep time = auto.
            (5)Trace mode = max hold.
            (6)Allow sweeps to continue until the trace stabilizes.
            (7)When peak-detected value is lower than limit that the measurement using the Q.P.
               detector is not required, otherwise using Q.P. for final measurement.

File Number: C1M1806230                                                          Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                                   Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                        Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

            Frequency above 1GHz to 10th harmonic (up to 25 GHz):
            Peak Detector:
            (1)RBW = 1MHz
            (2)VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
            (3)Detector = Peak.
            (4)Sweep time = auto.
            (5)Trace mode = max hold.
            (6)Allow sweeps to continue until the trace stabilizes.
            (7)When peak-detected value is lower than limit that the measurement using the average
               detector is not required, otherwise using average detector for final measurement.

            Average Detector:
            ■Option 1:
            (1)RBW = 1MHz
            (2)VBW ≥ 1/ T.
              Modulation Type            T (ms)                 1/ T (kHz)     VBW Setting (kHz)
                    BLE                    ---                      ---                10Hz
            N/A: 1/ T is not implemented when duty cycle presented in section 3.7 is ≥98 %.
            (1)Detector = Peak.
            (2)Sweep time = auto.
            (3)Trace mode = max hold.
            (4)Allow sweeps to continue until the trace stabilizes.
            □Option 2:
            Average Emission Level= Peak Emission Level+ D.C.C.F.

     6.4. Measurement Result Explanation
            ■Peak Emission Level=Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Meter Reading
            ■Average Emission Level l=Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Meter Reading
            □Average Emission Level= Peak Emission Level+ DCCF
             Duty Cycle Correction Factor (DCCF)= 20log (TX on/TX on+off) presented in section
            □ERP= Peak Emission Level-95.2dB-2.14dB

     6.5. Test Results
            Please refer to Appendix A.

File Number: C1M1806230                                                          Report Number: EM-F180322
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AUDIX Technology Corp.                                                             Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan


     7.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup

     7.2. Test Procedure
            (1)   Set RBW close to 1-5 % of OBW.
            (2)   Set VBW≥RBW.
            (3)   Detector = Peak.
            (4)   Trace mode = max hold.
            (5)   Sweep = auto couple.
            (6)   Allow the trace to stabilize.
            (7)   Setting channel bandwidth function x dB to -6 dB to record the final bandwidth.

     7.3. Test Results
            Please refer to Appendix A

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
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No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan


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This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by AUDIX Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                         APPENDIX A

Audix Technology Corp.                                                           Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

                                    APPDNDIX A
                                TEST DATA AND PLOTS
                                      (Model: JY1126B)

File Number: C1M1806230                                                   Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by AUDIX Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                                                      APPENDIX A-Page 1 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                                                                    Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                                                        Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

A.1 CONDUCTED EMISSION ...................................................................................................... 2
A.2 RADIATED EMISSION .......................................................................................................... 4
      A.2.1 Emissions Applied to General Requirement................................................................................. 4
      A.2.2 Fundamental Frequency ............................................................................................................. 10
A.3 EMISSION BANDWIDTH MEASUREMENT ................................................................... 13
      A.3.1 Emission Bandwidth ................................................................................................................... 13
      A.3.2 Measurement Plots ..................................................................................................................... 13

File Number: C1M1806230                                                                                       Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                 APPENDIX A-Page 2 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

 Test Date                     2018/07/23        Temp./Hum.                   25℃/54%
 Test Voltage                                      AC 120V 60Hz

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                 APPENDIX A-Page 3 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

 Test Date                     2018/07/23        Temp./Hum.                   25℃/54%
 Test Voltage                                      AC 120V 60Hz

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                 APPENDIX A-Page 4 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

 Test Date                     2018/07/24         Temp./Hum.                  25℃/51%
 Test Voltage                                      AC 120V 60Hz
A.2.1 Emissions Applied to General Requirement
        A.2.1.1 Frequency 9kHz~30MHz
                   The emissions (9kHz~30MHz) not reported for there is no emission be found.

        A.2.1.2 Frequency Below 1 GHz
           Mode                        BLE                Frequency               TX 2402MHz
Antenna at Horizontal Polarization
   Emission          Antenna      Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor       Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
      30.00           24.77        1.20        1.38        27.35    40.00  12.65   Peak
      86.26           14.93        2.09        6.28        23.30    40.00  16.70   Peak
     123.12           18.64        2.54        2.45        23.63    43.50  19.87   Peak
     161.92           16.25        2.95        5.02        24.22    43.50  19.28   Peak
     201.69           15.86        3.35        8.25        27.46    43.50  16.04   Peak
     985.45           27.69        8.74        1.83        38.26    54.00  15.74   Peak
Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna      Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor       Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
      34.85           22.37        1.31        8.00        31.68    40.00   8.32   Peak
      67.83           12.73        1.85       16.77        31.35    40.00   8.65   Peak
      85.29           14.79        2.08       15.01        31.88    40.00   8.12   Peak
     151.25           16.97        2.84        7.88        27.69    43.50  15.81   Peak
     326.82           20.25        4.68        4.76        29.69    46.00  16.31   Peak
     967.99           27.52        8.63        2.29        38.44    54.00  15.56   Peak

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                 APPENDIX A-Page 5 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan
        A.2.1.3 Frequency Above 1 GHz to 10th harmonics
        Band Edge:
           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2402MHz

Antenna at Horizontal Polarization
   Emission        Antenna        Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency         Factor        Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)          (dB/m)         (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2347.92          32.08         6.51        5.81        44.40    74.00  29.60   Peak
    2390.04          32.16         6.57        5.32        44.05    74.00  29.95   Peak
    2402.16          32.16         6.57       46.65        85.38      ---   ---    Peak

Antenna at Horizontal Polarization
   Emission        Antenna        Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency         Factor        Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)          (dB/m)         (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2389.80          32.16         6.57       -6.08        32.65    54.00  21.35 Average
    2390.04          32.16         6.57       -6.33        32.40    54.00  21.60 Average
    2402.04          32.16         6.57       45.89        84.62      ---   ---   Average

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                 APPENDIX A-Page 6 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2402MHz

Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna        Cable     Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor        Loss     Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)         (dB)     (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2374.68           32.13         6.55       5.82        44.50    74.00  29.50   Peak
    2390.04           32.16         6.57       6.14        44.87    74.00  29.13   Peak
    2402.28           32.16         6.57      46.00        84.73      ---   ---    Peak

Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna        Cable     Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor        Loss     Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)         (dB)     (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2389.80           32.16         6.57      -6.11        32.62    54.00  21.38 Average
    2390.04           32.16         6.57      -6.27        32.46    54.00  21.54 Average
    2402.04           32.16         6.57      45.29        84.02      ---   ---   Average

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                 APPENDIX A-Page 7 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2480MHz

Antenna at Horizontal Polarization
   Emission        Antenna        Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency         Factor        Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)          (dB/m)         (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2479.70          32.28         6.67       46.73        85.68      ---   ---    Peak
    2483.50          32.28         6.67        6.66        45.61    74.00  28.39   Peak
    2485.70          32.28         6.67        9.77        48.72    74.00  25.28   Peak

Antenna at Horizontal Polarization
   Emission        Antenna        Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency         Factor        Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)          (dB/m)         (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2480.00          32.28         6.67       46.06        85.01      ---   ---   Average
    2483.50          32.28         6.67       -2.24        36.71    54.00  17.29 Average
    2485.70          32.28         6.67       -0.08        38.87    54.00  15.13 Average

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                 APPENDIX A-Page 8 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2480MHz

Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna        Cable     Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor        Loss     Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)         (dB)     (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2479.70           32.28         6.67      42.46        81.41      ---   ---    Peak
    2483.50           32.28         6.67       6.33        45.28    74.00  28.72   Peak
    2485.60           32.28         6.67       7.13        46.08    74.00  27.92   Peak

Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna        Cable     Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor        Loss     Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)         (dB)     (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2480.00           32.28         6.67      41.61        80.56      ---   ---   Average
    2483.50           32.28         6.67      -5.05        33.90    54.00  20.10 Average
    2485.60           32.28         6.67      -3.47        35.48    54.00  18.52 Average

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                 APPENDIX A-Page 9 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

        A.2.1.3 Frequency Above 1 GHz
           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2402MHz
Antenna at Horizontal Polarization
   Emission          Antenna      Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor       Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    4805.00           34.22        9.54       -0.29        43.47    54.00  10.53   Peak
    7205.00           35.80       11.80       -2.87        44.73    54.00   9.27   Peak
Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna      Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor       Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)  (dB)
    4805.00           34.22        9.54        1.02        44.78    54.00   9.22   Peak
    7205.00           35.80       11.80       -3.79        43.81    54.00  10.19   Peak

           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2440MHz
Antenna at Horizontal Polarization
   Emission          Antenna      Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor       Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    4880.00           34.25        9.56       -1.47        42.34    54.00  11.66   Peak
    7320.00           35.80       11.92       -2.38        45.34    54.00   8.66   Peak
Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna      Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor       Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    4880.00           34.25        9.56       -1.84        41.97    54.00  12.03   Peak
    7320.00           35.80       11.92       -2.60        45.12    54.00   8.88   Peak

           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2480MHz
Antenna at Horizontal Polarization
   Emission          Antenna      Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor       Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    4960.00           34.29        9.60       -0.77        43.12    54.00  10.88   Peak
    7440.00           35.80       12.04       -2.54        45.30    54.00   8.70   Peak
Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna      Cable       Meter       Emission  Limits Margin
   Frequency          Factor       Loss      Reading       Level                  Detector
     (MHz)           (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    4960.00           34.29        9.60        0.74        44.63    54.00   9.37   Peak
    7440.00           35.80       12.04       -2.45        45.39    54.00   8.61   Peak

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                APPENDIX A-Page 10 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

A.2.2 Fundamental Frequency
           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2402MHz

Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna       Cable       Meter     Emission     Limits     Margin
   Frequency           Factor       Loss      Reading      Level                          Detector
     (MHz)            (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV) (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)            (dB)
    2402.30            32.16        6.57       47.05       85.78      94.00       8.22      Peak
Remark: Vertical is the strongest polarization and peak value has complied with average limit, so
        horizontal won’t be listed in test report.

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                APPENDIX A-Page 11 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2440MHz

Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna       Cable       Meter     Emission     Limits     Margin
   Frequency           Factor       Loss      Reading      Level                          Detector
     (MHz)            (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV) (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2440.17            32.23        6.63       44.60       83.46      94.00      10.54      Peak
Remark: Vertical is the strongest polarization and peak value has complied with average limit, so
        horizontal won’t be listed in test report.

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                APPENDIX A-Page 12 of 13
Audix Technology Corp.                                                              Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                  Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

           Mode                     BLE                   Frequency               TX 2480MHz

Antenna at Vertical Polarization
   Emission          Antenna       Cable       Meter     Emission     Limits     Margin
   Frequency           Factor       Loss      Reading      Level                          Detector
     (MHz)            (dB/m)        (dB)      (dBμV) (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
    2479.70            32.28        6.67       46.81       85.76      94.00       8.24      Peak
Remark: Vertical is the strongest polarization and peak value has complied with average limit, so
        horizontal won’t be listed in test report.

File Number: C1M1806230                                                     Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

                                                                                  APPENDIX A-Page
                                                                                           A      13 of 133
Audix Technnology Corp.                                                               Tel: +886 2 260993011
No. 53-11, Dingfu,
           D       Linkouu, Dist.,                                                   Fax: +886 2 260993033
New Taipei City244,
           C         Taiwaan

A.3 EM
           N BANDW
                     H MEASU
 Test Date                      2018/07/25            Temp.//Hum.                224℃/54%
 Test Voltaage                                         AC 120V
                                                          1    60Hz
A.3.1 Em
       mission Banddwidth
           Mode                      Centre Frequuency (MHzz)       999% Occupieed Bandwid
                                                                                         dth (MHz)
                                              24002                               1.0750
            BLE                               24440                               1.0737
                                              24880                               1.0739
A.3.2 Meeasurement Plots

File Numberr: C1M1806230                                                      Repoort Number: EM-F180322
                                                                                              E        2
This test repport may be reproduced in full only. The document may onlyy be updatedd by Audix Technology
Corp. persoonnel. Any chhanges will be
                                    b noted in the
                                                t Documen  nt History seection of the report.

                                                                                         APPENDIX B

Audix Technology Corp.                                                           Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

                                    APPDNDIX B
                                    TEST PHOTOGRAPHS
                                       (Model: JY1126B)

File Number: C1M1806230                                                   Report Number: EM-F180322
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by AUDIX Technology
Corp. personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report.

Document Created: 2018-09-14 09:29:49
Document Modified: 2018-09-14 09:29:49

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