Users Manual

FCC ID: KL7-696T-V1

Users Manual

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Installation Guide
Savi Tag ST-696-001
ISO Container Door Tag
with GPS/GPRS and Sensors

Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


Published December 2007
Part number 805-02001-001 Rev 01
Documentation for Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPS/GPRS and Sensors
Copyright ©2007 Savi Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Unpublished rights reserved
under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
EchoPoint, Savi, Savi Tag, Savi SmartChain, Savi SmartStart,
Savi Technology, SaviTag, SmartChain, the EchoPoint Logo, the Savi Logo, the UDAP Logo,
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   Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


 About Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container
 Door Tag with GPS/GPRS and Sensors
 Features . . .                                                                4
 Description . . .                                                             5
 For More Information . . .                                                    7
 Guides to Read . . .                                                          7
 Contacting Savi Global Support Services . . .                                 7

 Installing Savi Sensor Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container
 Door Tag with GPS/GPRS and Sensors
 Required Tools and Materials . . .                                            8
 Commissioning the Tag with SaviTag Write Cable STA-1030 . . .                 8
 Replacing the Battery . . .                                                  10
 Tag Placement . . .                                                           11

 ST-696-001 ISO Container
 Door Tag with GPS/GPRS and Sensors Specifications                            13

Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


About Savi Sensor Tag ST-696-001 ISO
Container Door Tag 1
Savi® Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPS/GPRS and Sensors is a high performance active RFID tag
that works with Savi software to track and
monitor the security status of containers as they move through the global
supply chain. This device is fully compatible with fixed and portable Savi readers and features up to 300 feet (91.44
meters) of omni-directional line-of-sight range. In addition, ST-696-001 Tag utilizes GPS receiver to report and
recorded asset location using GSM/GPRS cellular network.

Rechargeable Lithium Ion battery life is typically 90 days between the charges. The ST-696-001 tag is available with
128K of programmable memory. It includes a door clamp and external antennas. Using the door clamp, you affix the
tag to the left door of an ISO-compliant container.

Note: Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag only supports ISO 668: 1995(E) Series 1 freight containers.

◆   433 MHz, active RFID technology with up to 300-foot (91.44-meter)
    range for monitor, wake-up, RF write/read
◆   123 KHz receiver for slot level, portal, or chokepoint tag wake-up and
    short range commissioning (12 feet [3.7 meters] or less)
◆   GSP Receiver for asset real time location
◆   GSM/GPRS modem for worldwide communication to cellular networks
◆   Small form factor, ideally suited for shipping containers
◆   Rugged, weatherproof design
◆    Powered by a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery
◆   Intrusion detection sensors monitor door and light status
◆   Expandable sensor port connects to third-party sensor equipment
◆   Temperature, humidity, and shock sensors monitor the internal
    environment of a container
◆   128KB nonvolatile memory for logging GPS location coordinates and sensor data

    Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide



         Figure 1-1 Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag

Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


Intrusion Detection Sensors
The ST-696-001 tags include door and light sensors. The door sensor monitors the amount of pressure
between the door and the device. If the door is open and the device has not been electronically unsealed, the
device sends a message to the monitoring software indicating that the device has been tampered. It also
writes the time and date of the tamper to an event log. The device also includes a light sensor that triggers an
alarm if light is detected inside the container.

Environmental Sensors
The environmental sensors on the ST-696-001 tags monitor the temperature and humidity within the
container. You can set the maximum and minimum values, and if the temperature or humidity rises above or
falls below this range, the device writes the time and date of the breach to the event log. For example, if you
are shipping a product that needs to be kept at temperatures between x and y degrees, you can set the ST-
696-001 tag to record the date and time whenever the temperature breaches the maximum or minimum value.

Tamper-Protection Plate
The tamper-protection plate’s right angle flaps are bent to extend and protect the gap behind the plate as well
as the tag plate. This plate prevents anyone from inserting a foreign object in an attempt to hold the tag plate in
the closed position.

RFID Communication Module
The communication module is positioned on the outside of the container and operates at 433 MHz. This
enables the Savi Tag ST-696-001 to communicate back to the Savi network with excellent RF performance
in both heavy metal and non line-of-sight environments.

GPS/GPRS Communication Modules
The GPS receiver communication module is positioned on the outside of the container and it periodically
turns on to acquire the location information which gets logged and subsequently reported through GPRS
module to the application. The GPRS modem is a quad band radio that support worldwide deployment on
GSM/GPRS cellular networks.

   Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


For More Information
Guides to Read
For information about using:
◆   Signposts, see the Savi Signpost SP-65X Series Installation Guide
◆   Fixed readers, see the Savi Fixed Reader SR-650-101 Installation Guide
◆ Mobile readers, see the Savi Mobile Reader SMR-650 for the Intermec
751G/A Mobile Computer and PC User Guide

Contacting Savi Global Support Services
If you cannot find the information you need, contact Savi Global Support Services.
◆ Check for contact information.
◆ Send email to
◆ Call 1-888-994-SAVI (North America only) or 1-650-316-4760 between
  9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific time.
When you contact Savi Global Support Services by telephone or email, have the following information
◆   Contact information (company name, your name, email, and phone number)
◆   Problem description
◆   Product type
◆   Software version
◆   Serial number or license information

    Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


Installing Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO
Container Door Tag

Required Tools and Materials
Before you begin installation, make sure the following materials are available:
◆ Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPS/GPRS
◆ SaviTag Write Cable STA-1030
◆ Wall Adapter (provided)

Tag commissioning with SaviTag Write Cable STA-1030
You can commission Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag using SaviTag Write Cable STA-1030. You
can also commission a tag using Savi software that operates on a mobile device, such as the Intermec® 741G/A or
751G/A Mobile Computer with an attached Savi® Mobile Reader SMR-650. You can purchase the cable,
software, and mobile device separately.

The antenna used for GSM transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of
at least 20cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with
any other antenna or transmitter to ensure compliance with FCC (and other, national) rf
exposure requirements.

Note: Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag is shipped from the factory with the battery at 50% charge.
Before you attempt to commission the tag, make sure the battery is fully charged. |
See “Charging the Tag Battery ” on page 11.

    Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


1. Connect SaviTag Write Cable STA-1030 to an available serial port
   on the host computer.
2. Locate the tag commissioning port on the Savi ST-696-001 ISO
   Container Door Tag.

3. Unplug the rubber cap covering the port.

4. Insert SaviTag Write Cable STA-1030, with the LED up, into the Tag
   ST-696-001 commissioning port. Start the tag commissioning
   application. The LED is lit when the application writes data to the tag.

   Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


Charging the Tag Battery
Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag is equipped with
non-volatile memory, which means stored data is not lost when the
battery is fully depleted.

1. Using a coin or flat-head screwdriver, turn the charging plug
   cover counterclockwise.
   When removing the charging plug cover, hold on to it to avoid
   dropping it.
2. Plug wall adapter (provided) into the standard AC outlet.

3. Plug the wall adapters’ plug into the power jack on the tag.
   Charging of fully depleted battery may take from 10-12 hours. In
   order to check whether the battery if fully charged remove that
   plug and wait for the tag to complete power up sequence. After
   several seconds the Tag will beep with 4 consecutive beeps. The
   fourth beep indicates battery charge state. If the fourth beep is
   short then the battery is full. If the fourth beep is long than the
   battery is low and if it is missing (only 3 beeps heard) the battery
   is still not fully charged. If the battery is not fully charged reconnect the wall adapter plug back into the units and
   wait until tag reports fully charged battery status.

4. After completing the battery charging using a coin or screwdriver.
   With the coin placed in the power plug cover groove, push the cover in. Turn the plug cover
   counterclockwise 1/4 to 1/2 of a turn to properly seat the cover. Turn the battery cover clockwise until it
   fits flush with the tag case. Be careful not to overtighten. Make sure the plug cover is completely closed
   and that it is not cross-threaded.

   Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


Tag Placement
Savi Technology recommends that you fit the Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag above the door bracket
and on the lefthand door of the container. The recommended mounting location for the tag is shown in the following

        1. Open the right door of the container.

        2. Align the device with the bracket on the right door, if possible.

        3. Using both hands, secure the device on the left door until it is flush. This is a view
           from inside the container.

   Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


    4. Move the door sensor to the left and ensure that the
       lever is fully extended before closing the container
       door. This is a side view of the device mounted on the left
       door. This is a view of the outside of the container

    5. Close the right door. This is a view of the tag on the container with both
       doors closed.

    6. Seal the tag using the software on your mobile device. The door sensor
       recognizes when the right door is closed and when the container is
    7. After successfully sealing the tag, insert the container’s bolt into the

Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door
Tag Specifications                                            A
      Specification               Description

      Physical characteristics    Tag
                                  Height: 10 inches
                                  Width: 6 inches
                                  Depth: 5 inches

      Total weight of tag         2 lb 12 ounces (1.3 Kg)

      Environment                 Temperature: -20ºC to +60ºC)
                                  operating; -40ºC to +85ºC storage
                                  Humidity: 100% non-condensing
                                  Altitude: Maximum altitude = 40,000 feet (12,192m); MIL-STD-810E Method 500.3,
                                  Procedure I

     RFID receiver/transmitter   Ultra High Frequency transceiver:
                                 Frequency: 433.92 MHz
                                 Modulation: FSK, deviation +/- 50 KHz Data rate: 27.8 Kbps
                                 Data coding: Manchester
                                 Communication range (unobstructed): Typical range is
                                 up to 300 feet (91.44 meters) line-of-sight when
                                 mounted on a container and communicating with a Savi
                                 Fixed Reader SR-650-101 or SaviReader 410R. Typical
                                 range is 200 feet (61 meters) line-of-sight when mounted
                                 on a container and communicating with a Savi
                                 MobileReader SMR-650P-110 and SMR-650P-111 or
                                 Savi Mobile Reader SMR-650-212
                                 Maximum transmit power: -7.4 dBm (0.18mW) typical;
                                 -2.4 dBm (0.6 mW) with ground reflection (uncommon)
                                 Air protocol: Savi EchoPoint Air Protocol 2.2 (32-bit tag
                                 identification supported)

     GSM/GPRS radio module       GSM quad band radio:
                                 Frequency: 850MHz and 1900MHz
                                 Modulation and Data coding: as per GSM standard

     GPS radio module            GPS receiver:
                                 Frequency: 1575MHz
                                 Modulation and Data coding: as per GPS communication

 Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


    Specification            Description

    LF receiver (downlink)   Low Frequency receiver (downlink)
                             Frequency: 123 KHz
                             Modulation: ASK On-Off Keying
                             Data rate: Average 1.6 Kbps, 50% duty cycle Data coding: Pulse Width
                             Communication range: Up to 4 feet (1.22 meters) from Savi MobileReader SMR-650P-
                             110 and SMR-650P-111 or Savi Mobile Reader SMR-650-212
                             Up to 12 feet (3.66 meters) from Savi Signpost (models SP-600-xxx and SP-65x-xxx)
                             Air protocol: Savi EchoPoint Air Protocol 1.1

    Network                  Wireless: RF read/write capable with Savi software that
                             operates on a mobile device
                             Wired: Serial read/write capable via Savi Tag Write Cable

    Memory                   On board non-volatile 128K memory and 32K sensor

Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


    Specification            Description

    Hardware compatibility   ✦ Savi Mobile Reader SMR650P (model SMR-650P-xxx)
                             ✦ Savi Mobile Reader SMR-650 (models SMR-650-xxx)
                             ✦ Savi Fixed Reader SR-650
                             ✦ Savi Signpost SP 65x series

    Antenna                  Internal loop antenna

    Shock and vibration      Shock: MIL-STD-810E Mechanical Shock, Transit Drop
                             Methods 516.4
                             Vibration: MIL-STD-810E Method 514.4, Category 10 Loose cargo test: MIL-STD-810F
                             Method 514.5

    Protection type          Sealed to IP 54
                             ISO 1496 weatherproofing requirements

    Power                    Battery type: Li-Ion rechargeable 13.8Ah @ 3.7V,

                             user non replaceable
                             Battery life: min 90 days between charges (500 charge cycles)
                             Power management: UHF sleep mode prevents
                             unwanted collections, enabled/disabled by LF link
                             Diagnostics: Reports low tag battery status, diagnostic data

    Regulatory approvals     Radiated emission (intentional): U.S. emission standards
                             as contained in FCC Part 15 and European Community
                             emission standards as contained in EN 300 220 (433 MHz)
                             Electromagnetic immunity: ESD compliance
                             Exposed to 8 kV air discharge or 4 kV contact discharge in accordance with EN 301 489-1
                             Radiated emission (unintentional): U.S. emissions
                             standards as contained in FCC Part 15 and European
                             Community emission standards as contained in EN 301
                             Safety approval: U.S UL 1950; European EN 60950
                             Markings: Savi logo, product model and serial number, EMC compliance (FCC/EN)

Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


Specification         Description

Sensors               Door sensor: Senses the right side of the container door
                      in the closed or open position
                      Light sensor: Senses light coming through the door
                      Temperature sensor: Integrated temperature takes
                      readings every five minutes (default; use Savi software to adjust settings). Mounted in its own
                      compartment to isolate it from other circuit boards
                      Humidity sensor: Integrated humidity sensor takes
                      readings every five minutes (default; use Savi software to adjust settings). Mounted in the same
                      compartment as the temperature sensor
                      Shock sensor: Senses shock in the container above a set threshold

Mounting              Contains a door clamp that clips onto the left-side door of
                      a container

Software              EchoPoint FTMobile, EchoPoint EK-650, and Savi
                      SmartChain Transportation Security System (TSS), Savi
                      SmartChain Site Manager 5.6, Savi SmartChain Client
                      Tools 4.x, TAV Tools 3.6, Savi Retriever 2.1

Accessories           Wall Adapter

 Savi Tag ST-696-001 ISO Container Door Tag with GPRS/GPS and Sensors Installation Guide


Document Created: 2008-01-08 15:19:53
Document Modified: 2008-01-08 15:19:53

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