Previous Response from FCC Regarding System

FCC ID: KL7-696T-V1

Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                                              Robert L. Pettit
1776 K STREET NW            November 30, 2005                                                                 202.719.7019
PHONE        202.719.7000
FAX          202.719.7049

Virginia Office
                            Mr. Julius Knapp
7925 JONES BRANCH DRIVE     Deputy Chief
SUITE 6200                  Office of Engineering and Technology
McLEAN, VA 22102
                            Federal Communications Commission
PHONE        703.905.2800
FAX          703.905.2820
                            445 12th Street, SW
                            Washington, DC 20554                          Re:      Operation of New RFID System from Savi Technology, Inc.

                            Dear Mr. Knapp:

                            Savi Technology, Inc. (“Savi”),1 is developing an RFID system for operation under
                            Sections 15.231(a) and 15.240 of the FCC Rules, and the company respectfully
                            requests that OET confirm Savi’s understanding of the applicability of the technical
                            requirements in these rule sections to the RF devices that comprise the new system.
                            The new approach is made possible by: (i) the recent change to Section 15.231(a)
                            to allow the transmission of data along with a control signal, and (ii) the flexibility
                            afforded to RFID devices by new rule Section 15.240.

                            The Savi RFID system consists of a Low Frequency (“LF”) Transmitter, a UHF
                            Reader and a Tag. LF Transmitters are fixed devices (e.g., they are mounted on a
                            signpost or entranceway to a building). UHF Readers may be fixed or portable.
                            Savi refers to its fixed UHF Reader as the Savi Reader (“SR”) and the portable UHF
                            Reader as the Savi Mobile Reader (“SMR”). Each device’s field strength of
                            emissions and signal bandwidth will comply with the requirements in the applicable
                            rule section. This includes compliance with Section 15.35 of the FCC Rules. The
                            system has a number of operational modes as described below.

                            In accordance with Section 15.231(a), the signals from the UHF Reader and the Tag
                            combine control signals with data. The UHF Reader sends commands along with
                            data to the Tag pursuant to the operational modes described below. Similarly, the
                            Tag signal includes commands that instruct the RFID system to take certain actions

                              Savi Technology is a worldwide leader in RFID solutions that enhance homeland security and
                            deliver value through asset management applications. The company is the primary technology
                            provider for the world’s largest RFID consignment monitoring network for the U.S. Department of
                            Defense, which employs RFID, barcode, cellular and satellite communications systems to track more
                            than 35,000 conveyances daily across a global network of 1,400 locations in more than 45 countries.
                            Savi’s solutions have been proven to enhance operational efficiency, deliver substantial cost savings,
                            reduce capital investment in supply chain assets, and optimize inventory levels.

Mr. Julius Knapp
November 30, 2005
Page 2

in response to the Tag and its associated asset. The Tag’s signal includes the Tag
ID, LF Transmitter (or UHF Reader) ID, as well as asset routing and status

The RFID System uses the information in the UHF Reader and Tag signaling to
regulate, direct, and influence actions of the system. In particular, the ability of the
Tag to direct certain actions is critical to the overall operation of the system.2 Savi’s
RFID system will be used to control and monitor the movement of tagged assets at
border crossings, on planes, trains, boats, and trucks, and in warehouses and retail
stores. The Tag signal provides direction to the RFID system that is used to take
specific actions that control the physical movement of the asset. For example, the
Tag signal sent in response to an LF signpost transmission may control the opening
and closing of doors and gates, or control the automatic routing of a tagged asset to
its intended destination, such as those used with airport baggage handling systems.

The operational modes for the new RFID system are as follows:

1)       LF Transmitter - Signpost Wakeup Command

In the Signpost mode, the short-range LF Transmitter wakes up a Tag using a
123 kHz modulated signal that complies with Section 15.209 of the FCC Rules.

A Tag that receives the Wakeup command responds by transmitting a 433.92 MHz
control signal to a UHF Reader. The Tag may retransmit the same message if the
Tag does not receive an acknowledgement from the UHF Reader, but in no event
will the Tag’s total transmission time exceed 5 seconds. Thus, the Tag transmission
sequence complies with Section 15.231(a).

The UHF Reader acknowledges receipt of the Tag message by transmitting a
control signal to place the Tag into the Sleep mode. A timing diagram depicting the
transmissions from the LF Transmitter, the Tag, and UHF Reader is shown below.

   Savi’s RFID system uses the control information in the Tag signal to take action with regard to
specific assets. For example, the Tag’s request to be interrogated by UHF Readers at inspection
locations leads to segregation (and possible human intervention) if specific assets are identified or if
security, battery maintenance, asset damage, or environmental threshold alarm flags are activated.
The alarm flags associated with an asset may change state at any time. Thus, the Tag transmission
commands the system to evaluate these parameters, to update them where appropriate, and to take
appropriate action. Additionally, based on the Tag’s commands, the system will either initiate
follow-on communication or put the Tag to sleep.

Mr. Julius Knapp
November 30, 2005
Page 2

 Signpost Wake Up                                        Tag Response   LF Transmitter
                                                                        Single Tag

              15.209                      15.231a

                           Tag Response

                                           UHF Reader puts
                                          Tag to Sleep mode
     LF Transmitter

              Min 100 ms

                                          max 5 sec.

2)             UHF Reader Wakeup Command

Fixed Reader. The Wakeup command from a fixed UHF Reader is comprised of a
continuous 31.25 kHz FSK modulated signal on a 433.92 MHz carrier for
4.8 seconds, followed by a silent period and a Hello command. The entire signal
lasts for 4.9 seconds, which complies with the 5 second limit set forth in Section
15.231(a). A timing diagram is depicted below.

A Tag that receives the Wakeup command responds by transmitting a control signal
to the UHF Reader. The Tag transmission is less than 5 seconds in duration and
thus complies with Section 15.231(a).

In locations where operation pursuant to Section 15.240 is permitted (i.e.,
commercial and industrial areas, such as ports, rail terminals, and warehouses that
are at least 40 km away from the sites listed in Section 15.240(e)), the Fixed UHF
Reader may periodically initiate the Wakeup command with a 10 second silent
period in accordance with Section 15.240(b). Fixed UHF Readers equipped to
operate under Section 15.240 will be installed and configured by factory-trained
service personnel.

Mr. Julius Knapp
November 30, 2005
Page 2

      UHF Wake Up                                                                      UHF Reader
       Command                                Tag Response                             Single Tag

        or 15.240                15.231a

    WakeUp          Hello                  Tag Response

         4.8 sec.

Mobile (SMR) Reader. The Wakeup command from a Mobile SMR UHF Reader
is comprised of a continuous 31.25 kHz FSK modulated signal on a 433.92 MHz
carrier for 2.4 seconds followed by a silent period and a Hello command. The entire
signal lasts for less than 5 seconds in compliance with the limit set forth in Section
15.231(a). A timing diagram is depicted below.

A Tag that receives the Wakeup command responds by transmitting a control signal
to the UHF Reader. The Tag transmission is less than 5 seconds in duration and
thus complies with Section 15.231(a).

As noted above, in locations where operation pursuant to Section 15.240 is
permitted, the UHF Reader may periodically initiate the Wakeup command with a
10 second silent period in accordance with Section 15.240(b). SMR Readers
equipped to operate under Section 15.240 will be installed and configured by
factory-trained personnel. Moreover, to enable operation under Section 15.240, the
Mobile SMR Reader must log into a secure computer network that is installed in a
FCC-registered location pursuant to Section 15.240 rules.3

  An SMR Reader that is removed from the registered site will default to operation under Section
15.231 because the required software key to allow operation under 15.240 will be unavailable.

Mr. Julius Knapp
November 30, 2005
Page 2

         UHF Wake Up                                                 UHF Reader
          Command                 Tag Response
                                                                     Single Tag

           or 15.240            15.231a

     WakeUp            Hello              Tag Response

                2.4 sec.

3)         UHF Reader Broadcast Mode

A UHF Reader operating in Broadcast Mode uses control signals to, among other
things, identify the Tags within range of the UHF Reader. A Broadcast Mode
transmission from the UHF Reader is sent automatically in response to a Tag signal
acknowledging receipt of a Wakeup signal from an LF Transmitter or UHF Reader.

UHF Reader Broadcast Mode commands consist of a 433.92 MHz pulsed signal are
comprised of a control signal and data in compliance with Section 15.231(a). UHF
Reader commands that may be issued in Broadcast Mode are:

     •     Sleep_All_But [TAG ID XYZ] to cause all tags within range of the UHF
           Reader to go to sleep except for TAG XYZ; and

     •     Search and Route command that causes each Tag to identify itself and
           request an RFID system query to determine if the Tag matches criteria for
           certain cargo and/or routing.

In locations where operation pursuant to Section 15.240 is permitted, the Tag and
Reader may transmit for up to 60 seconds. Tag operation under Section 15.240
would be enabled by the UHF Reader, which is registered in accordance with the
requirements in Section 15.240(f).

  Mr. Julius Knapp
  November 30, 2005
  Page 2

  Fixed UHF Readers equipped to operate under Section 15.240 will be installed and
  configured by factory-trained service personnel in locations that comply with the
  Section 15.240 site and registration requirements. In all other locations, Tag
  operations will default to modes that comply with Section 15.231 as detailed above.

  A timing diagram depicting operations pursuant to Section 15.231 and 15.240 is
  provided below.

                                                                                                                                        UHF Reader
 UHF Wake Up                                          Broadcast Command (Collection)                                                    Single Tag
   or 15.240                             15.231a                                                          15.240

                                                         Reader puts Tag                                                       Reader puts Tag
                                                          to Sleep mode                                     Tag Response
                               Reader Cmnd                                                                                      to Sleep Mode
          Hello                                                            Reader Cmnd
WakeUp                                                 Tag Response                         Reader Cmnd
                          Tag Response                                                                                       Tag Response
                                                      Reader Cmnd
                                                                                         Tag Response
                                                                                                                        Reader Cmnd

                                 Tag Response

                                         Max 5 sec.                                                       Max 60 sec.

  4)     Tag Beacon Mode

  In the Beacon Mode, a Tag is configured to periodically transmit a UHF signal burst
  in accordance with Section 15.231(e). When Beacon mode is enabled the
  transmission interval is set to a 10 second period. If a tag is momentarily being
  operated under a different mode (e.g., Signpost, Broadcast or Point to Point mode),
  Beacon mode transmissions are temporarily suspended.

  The following tags have been type approved by the FCC under Section 15.231(e)
  for this mode of operation:

                  •   FCC ID No. KL7-612T-V1 for tag model ST-602
                  •   FCC ID No. KL7-604T-V1 for tag model ST-604

Mr. Julius Knapp
November 30, 2005
Page 2

          •   FCC ID No. KL7-654T-V1/V2 for tag model ST-654

                                  Beacon Mode                  Single Tag


                                        Tag Transmission

                                            Tag Transmission
               Tag Transmission

                    Min 10 sec.             Min 10 sec.

5)    Point-to-Point Mode

A UHF Reader operating in Point-to-Point Mode uses control signals to transmit
commands to a specific Tag. The UHF Reader sends such transmissions after the
Tag acknowledges receipt of a Wake Up signal from either the LF Transmitter or
UHF Reader. A timing diagram for point-to-point commands is depicted below.
The duration of the pulsed transmissions from the UHF Reader is less than 5
seconds in compliance with Section 15.231(a).

    Mr. Julius Knapp
    November 30, 2005
    Page 2

                                                                                                                                    UHF Reader
  UHF Wake Up                                               Point to Point Commands                                                 Single Tag
    or 15.240                          15.231a                                                           15.240

                                                              Reader Cmd                                                                 Reader Cmd
WakeUp          Hello
                                            Reader Cmd                                   Reader Cmd            Reader Cmd
                                                                 Tag Response                                                             Tag Response
                        Tag Response         Tag Response                                 Tag Response          Tag Response
                                                                       Reader puts Tag
                                                                       to Sleep Mode

                                                                                                                       Reader puts Tag
                                                                                                                        to Sleep Mode
                                       max 5 sec.                                                        max 60 sec.

    Some point-to-point transmissions include:

         •      A command to apply a routing code to a Tag for automated cargo handling
                at ports and rail and truck terminals en route to a final destination;

         •      A command to apply sensor data to set threshold for measurements and the
                declaration of limits to be logged when exceeded;

         •      A request to identify cargo requiring special handling for hazardous material
                storage and/or security purposes;

         •      A request for sensor status information recorded by the Tag as part of cargo
                security monitoring function to determine the system integrity of the Tag.

    The transmissions from the Tag in response to the UHF Reader transmission are
    less than 5 seconds and comply with Section 15.231a.

    When the UHF Reader reads or writes data to or from the Tag, the transmission will
    not exceed the 5 second limitation of 15.231(a) unless the Reader and Tag are
    operating in commercial and industrial areas, such as ports, rail terminals, and
    warehouses that are at least 40 km away from the sites listed in Section 15.240, i.e.,

Mr. Julius Knapp
November 30, 2005
Page 2

locations where operation pursuant to Section 15.240 is permitted. In these
locations, the Tag and Reader may transmit for up to 60 seconds incompliance with
Section 15.240.

Tag operation under Section 15.240 would be enabled by a UHF Reader registered
in accordance with the site and registration requirements in that section. UHF
Readers equipped to operate under Section 15.240 will be installed and configured
by factory-trained service personnel. In all other locations, Tag operation will
default to the modes that comply with Section 15.231.

6)     Sleep Command

The UHF Reader sends the Sleep command to certain Tags that successfully
acknowledge transmissions from the UHF Reader or LF Transmitter. A Tag also
may receive a Sleep command in response to a service request that the Tag sends to
the UHF Reader. In either case, the maximum transmission duration of the Sleep
command does not exceed 5 seconds and complies with Section 15.231(a). A
typical command sequence that includes the sleep command is shown above.

                         *              *              *

We hope that OET finds this information helpful in its assessment of the operation
of Savi’s new RFID system. We would appreciate confirmation that the devices
described above comply with and may be certified under Rule Section 15.231(a).
Additionally, we request confirmation that Tags and Readers that will operate in
locations permitted under Section 15.240 may be certified under both Sections
15.231 and 15.240.

Please feel free to contact me or John Kuzin at 202.719.3506 and
if OET has any questions regarding the RFID system operation described above.
Thank you for your assistance and consideration of this matter.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            /s/ Robert L. Pettit
                                            Robert L. Pettit
                                            Counsel for Savi Technology, Inc.

Document Created: 2008-01-16 16:02:19
Document Modified: 2008-01-16 16:02:19

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