Test Report

FCC ID: KL7-600SP-V1

Test Report

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                                Electromagnetic Emissions Test Report
                            Application for Grant of Equipment Authorization
                                               pursuant to
                              FCC Part 15, Subpart C Specifications for an
                                       Intentional Radiator on the
                                          Savi Technology, Inc.
                             Model: EchoPoint Signpost, Model SP-600-101

                                                 FCC ID:          KL7 - 600SP- V1

                                             GRANTEE:             Savi Technology, Inc.
                                                                  615 Tasman Drive
                                                                  Sunnyvale, CA. 94089-1707

                                             TEST SITE:           Elliott Laboratories, Inc.
                                                                  684 W. Maude Avenue
                                                                  Sunnyvale, CA 94086

                                      REPORT DATE:                February 8, 2002

                                FINAL TEST DATE:                  January 18 and February 5, 2002

                   AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY:                          ______________________________
                                                                  Mark Briggs
                                                                  Director of Engineering

  This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Elliott Laboratories, Inc.

File: R46200
Page 1 of 12

Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                                                                                        Test Report
                                                                                                                                                   Report Date: February 8, 2002
                                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

COVER PAGE...................................................................................................................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 2

SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

OBJECTIVE................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE.............................................................................................................................................. 3

EMISSION TEST RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
     LIMITS OF CONDUCTED INTERFERENCE VOLTAGE.....................................................................................................4
     LIMITS OF RADIATED INTERFERENCE FIELD STRENGTH..........................................................................................4
     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES ....................................................................................................................................4
EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) DETAILS.......................................................................................................................... 5
     ENCLOSURE ..............................................................................................................................................................................5
     SUPPORT EQUIPMENT...........................................................................................................................................................5
     EUT INTERFACE PORTS ........................................................................................................................................................5
     EUT OPERATION .....................................................................................................................................................................5
TEST SITE...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
     GENERAL INFORMATION.....................................................................................................................................................6
     CONDUCTED EMISSIONS CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................................................................6
     RADIATED EMISSIONS CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................................................6
MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTATION.................................................................................................................................. 7
     RECEIVER SYSTEM..................................................................................................................................................................7
     INSTRUMENT CONTROL COMPUTER...............................................................................................................................7
     LINE IMPEDANCE STABILIZATION NETWORK (LISN)................................................................................................7
     ANTENNA MAST AND EQUIPMENT TURNTABLE.......................................................................................................8
     INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION..............................................................................................................................................8
TEST PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
     EUT AND CABLE PLACEMENT ...........................................................................................................................................9
     CONDUCTED EMISSIONS......................................................................................................................................................9
     RADIATED EMISSIONS .........................................................................................................................................................9
SPECIFICATION LIMITS AND SAMPLE CALCULATIONS ...........................................................................................10
     CONDUCTED EMISSIONS SPECIFICATION LIMITS, SECTION 15.207......................................................................10
     RADIATED EMISSIONS SPECIFICATION LIMITS, SECTION 15.209 .........................................................................10
     SAMPLE CALCULATIONS - CONDUCTED EMISSIONS...............................................................................................11
     SAMPLE CALCULATIONS - RADIATED EMISSIONS ..................................................................................................12
       APPENDIX 1: Test Equipment Calibration Data......................................................................................................... 1
       APPENDIX 2: Test Data Log Sheets ............................................................................................................................... 2

File: R46200                                                                                                                                                          Page 2 of 12 Pages

Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                    Test Report
                                                                               Report Date: February 8, 2002

         An electromagnetic emissions test has been performed on the Savi Technology model
         EchoPoint Signpost, Model SP-600-101 pursuant to Subpart C of Part 15 of FCC Rules for
         intentional radiators. Conducted and radiated emissions data has been collected, reduced, and
         analyzed within this report in accordance with measurement guidelines set forth in ANSI C63.4-
         1992 as outlined in Elliott Laboratories test procedures.

         The intentional radiator above has been tested in a simulated typical installation to demonstrate
         compliance with the relevant FCC performance and procedural standards.

         Final system data was gathered in a mode that tended to maximize emissions by varying
         orientation of EUT, orientation of power and I/O cabling, antenna search height, and antenna

         Every practical effort was made to perform an impartial test using appropriate test equipment of
         known calibration. All pertinent factors have been applied to reach the determination of

         The test results recorded herein are based on a single type test of the Savi Technology model
         EchoPoint Signpost, Model SP-600-101 and therefore apply only to the tested sample. The
         sample was selected and prepared by Eugene Schlindwein of Savi Technology, Inc.


         The primary objective of the manufacturer is compliance with Subpart C of Part 15 of FCC
         Rules for the radiated and conducted emissions of intentional radiators. Certification of these
         devices is required as a prerequisite to marketing as defined in Part 2 the FCC Rules.

         Certification is a procedure where the manufacturer or a contracted laboratory makes
         measurements and submits the test data and technical information to the FCC. The FCC issues
         a grant of equipment authorization upon successful completion of their review of the submitted
         documents. Once the equipment authorization has been obtained, the label indicating
         compliance must be attached to all identical units which are subsequently manufactured.


         The tested sample of Savi Technology, Inc. model EchoPoint Signpost, Model SP-600-101
         complied with the requirements of Subpart C of Part 15 of the FCC Rules for low power
         intentional radiators.

         Maintenance of FCC compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Any modification of
         the product which may result in increased emissions should be checked to ensure compliance
         has been maintained (i.e., printed circuit board layout changes, different line filter, different
         power supply, harnessing or I/O cable changes, etc.).

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                              Test Report
                                                                                         Report Date: February 8, 2002

         The following emissions tests were performed on the Savi Technology model EchoPoint
         Signpost, Model SP-600-101. The actual test results are contained in an Appendix of this


         The EUT tested complied with the limits detailed in FCC Rules Part 15 Section 15.207.

         The following measurement was extracted from the data recorded during the conducted
         emissions scan and represents the highest amplitude emission relative to the specification limit.
         The actual test data and any correction factors are contained in an Appendix of this report.
             Frequency      Level      Power                   FCC B               Detector        Comments
                MHz         dBuV        Lead          Limit            Margin      QP/Ave
               0.6578       45.3       Neutral        48.0              -2.7         QP


         The EUT tested complied with the limits detailed in FCC Rules Part 15 Section 15.209.

         The following measurement was extracted from the data recorded during the radiated electric
         field emissions scan and represents the highest amplitude emission relative to the specification
         limit. The actual test data and any correction factors are contained in an Appendix of this

                                         Spurious Emissions, 130kHz – 30 MHz
    Frequency       Level        FCC 15.209             Detector                        Comments
       kHz         dBuV/m      Limit     Margin        Pk/QP/Avg
                                                                       Data extrapolated from 20m to 30m using 40dB
       660          26.5       31.2          -4.8             QP
                                                                       per decade correction factor.

                                         Fundamental Field Strength @ 132kHz
   Frequency       Level            FCC 15.209          Detector                        Comments
       kHz        dBuV/m      Limit         Margin      Pk/QP/Avg
                                                                       Peak Reading, average limit. Data extrapolated
      132          11.2       25.2          -14.0             Pk
                                                                       from 20m to 300m using calculated factor


         ISO Guide 25 requires that an estimate of the measurement uncertainties associated with the
         emissions test results be included in the report. The measurement uncertainties given below are
         based on a 95% confidence level and were calculated in accordance with NAMAS document
         NIS 81.

                Measurement Type       Frequency Range      Calculated Uncertainty
                                            (MHz)                    (dB)

               Conducted Emissions                   0.15 to 30                          ± 2.4
                Radiated Emissions                   30 to 1000                          ± 3.2

File: R46200                                                                                       Page 4 of 12 Pages

Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                  Test Report
                                                                             Report Date: February 8, 2002


         The Savi Technology model EchoPoint Signpost, Model SP-600-101 is a 132 kHz transmitter
         (signpost) that is designed to be used as part of an inventory tracking system.

         Normally, the EUT would be installed at access monitoring and control points, mounted on a
         wall or pole during operation. The EUT was treated as tabletop equipment during testing to
         simulate the end user environment. The device was tested in both the flat and upright
         orientations to ensure that the maximum field strength from the device was recorded. The
         electrical rating of the EUT is 85-250 VAC, 47-440 Hz, 800/400 mA, 24 VDC, 800 mA.

         The sample was received on January 18, 2002 and tested on January 18 and February 5,
         2002. The EUT consisted of the following component(s):
                   Manufacturer/Model/Description                   Serial Number
         Savi Technology SP-600-101 Mobile Signpost Tag                  1005


         The EUT enclosure is primarily constructed of fabricated molded plastic.           It measures
         approximately 17.5 cm wide by 17.5 cm deep by 7.5 cm high.


         The EUT did not require modifications during testing in order to comply with emissions


         No support equipment was used during testing.


         The I/O cabling configuration during emissions testing was as follows:
             Port         Connected To          Description       Shielded or Unshielded   Length(m)
            Sync In        Unterminated          multiwire              Unshielded            15
           Sync Out        Unterminated          multiwire              Unshielded            15
           Sensor 1        Unterminated          multiwire              Unshielded             3
           Sensor 2        Unterminated          multiwire              Unshielded             3
            Power           AC Mains              3 wire                  Shielded             2


         The EUT was continuously transmitting during testing.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                   Test Report
                                                                              Report Date: February 8, 2002


         Final test measurements were taken on January 18 and February 5, 2002 at the Elliott
         Laboratories Open Area Test Site #1 & 2 located at 684 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale,
         California. The test site contains separate areas for radiated and conducted emissions testing.
         Pursuant to section 2.948 of the Rules, construction, calibration, and equipment data has been
         filed with the Commission.

         The FCC recommends that ambient noise at the test site be at least 6 dB below the allowable
         limits. Ambient levels are below this requirement with the exception of predictable local TV,
         radio, and mobile communications traffic. The test site contains separate areas for radiated and
         conducted emissions testing. Considerable engineering effort has been expended to ensure that
         the facilities conform to all pertinent FCC requirements.


         Conducted emissions testing is performed in conformance with ANSI C63.4-1992.
         Measurements are made with the EUT connected to the public power network through a
         nominal, standardized RF impedance, which is provided by a line impedance stabilization
         network, known as a LISN. A LISN is inserted in series with each current-carrying conductor
         in the EUT power cord.


         The FCC has determined that radiation measurements made in a shielded enclosure are not
         suitable for determining levels of radiated emissions. Radiated measurements are performed in
         an open field environment. The test site is maintained free of conductive objects within the
         CISPR defined elliptical area incorporated in ANSI C63.4 guidelines.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                    Test Report
                                                                               Report Date: February 8, 2002


         An EMI receiver as specified in CISPR 16-1 is used for emissions measurements. The
         receivers used can measure over the frequency range of 9 kHz up to 2000 MHz. These
         receivers allow both ease of measurement and high accuracy to be achieved. The receivers
         have Peak, Average, and CISPR (Quasi-peak) detectors built into their design so no external
         adapters are necessary. The receiver automatically sets the required bandwidth for the CISPR
         detector used during measurements.

         For measurements above the frequency range of the receivers, a spectrum analyzer is utilized
         because it provides visibility of the entire spectrum along with the precision and versatility
         required to support engineering analysis. Average measurements above 1000MHz are
         performed on the spectrum analyzer using the linear-average method with a resolution
         bandwidth of 1 MHz and a video bandwidth of 10 Hz.


         The receivers utilize either a Rohde and Schwarz EZM Spectrum Monitor/Controller or contain
         an internal Spectrum Monitor/Controller to view and convert the receiver measurements to the
         field strength at an antenna or voltage developed at the LISN measurement port, which is then
         compared directly with the appropriate specification limit. This provides faster, more accurate
         readings by performing the conversions described under Sample Calculations within the Test
         Procedures section of this report. Results are printed in a graphic and/or tabular format, as
         appropriate. A personal computer is used to record all measurements made with the receivers.

         The Spectrum Monitor provides a visual display of the signal being measured. In addition, the
         controller or a personal computer run automated data collection programs which control the
         receivers. This provides added accuracy since all site correction factors, such as cable loss and
         antenna factors are added automatically.


         Line conducted measurements utilize a fifty microhenry Line Impedance Stabilization Network
         as the monitoring point. The LISN used also contains a 250 uH CISPR adapter. This network
         provides for calibrated radio frequency noise measurements by the design of the internal low
         pass and high pass filters on the EUT and measurement ports, respectively.


         External filters and precision attenuators are often connected between the receiving antenna or
         LISN and the receiver. This eliminates saturation effects and non-linear operation due to high
         amplitude transient events.

File: R46200                                                                             Page 7 of 12 Pages

Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                  Test Report
                                                                             Report Date: February 8, 2002

         A biconical antenna is used to cover the range from 30 MHz to 300 MHz and a log periodic
         antenna is utilized from 300 MHz to 1000 MHz. Narrowband tuned dipole antennas are used
         over the entire 30 to 1000 MHz range for precision measurements of field strength. Above
         1000 MHz, a horn antenna is used. The antenna calibration factors are included in site factors
         programmed into the test receivers.


         The antennas used to measure the radiated electric field strength are mounted on a non-
         conductive antenna mast equipped with a motor-drive to vary the antenna height.

         ANSI C63.4 specifies that the test height above ground for table mounted devices shall be 80
         centimeters. Floor mounted equipment shall be placed on the ground plane if the device is
         normally used on a conductive floor or separated from the ground plane by insulating material
         from 3 to 12 mm if the device is normally used on a non-conductive floor. During radiated
         measurements, the EUT is positioned on a motorized turntable in conformance with this


         All test equipment is regularly checked to ensure that performance is maintained in accordance
         with the manufacturer's specifications. All antennas are calibrated at regular intervals with
         respect to tuned half-wave dipoles. An Appendix of this report contains the list of test
         equipment used and calibration information.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                      Test Report
                                                                                 Report Date: February 8, 2002


         The FCC requires that interconnecting cables be connected to the available ports of the unit and
         that the placement of the unit and the attached cables simulate the worst case orientation that
         can be expected from a typical installation, so far as practicable. To this end, the position of the
         unit and associated cabling is varied within the guidelines of ANSI C63.4, and the worst case
         orientation is used for final measurements.


         Conducted emissions are measured at the plug end of the power cord supplied with the EUT.
         Excess power cord length is wrapped in a bundle between 30 and 40 centimeters in length near
         the center of the cord. Preliminary measurements are made to determine the highest amplitude
         emission relative to the specification limit for all the modes of operation. Placement of system
         components and varying of cable positions are performed in each mode. A final peak mode
         scan is then performed in the position and mode for which the highest emission was noted on all
         current carrying conductors of the power cord.


         Radiated emissions measurements are performed in two phases as well. A preliminary scan of
         emissions is conducted in which all significant EUT frequencies are identified with the system in a
         nominal configuration. At least two scans are performed from 30 MHz up to the frequency
         required by the regulation specified on page 1. One or more of these is with the antenna
         polarized vertically while the one or more of these is with the antenna polarized horizontally.
         During the preliminary scans, the EUT is rotated through 360°, the antenna height is varied and
         cable positions are varied to determine the highest emission relative to the limit.

         A speaker is provided in the receiver to aid in discriminating between EUT and ambient
         emissions. Other methods used during the preliminary scan for EUT emissions involve scanning
         with near field magnetic loops, monitoring I/O cables with RF current clamps, and cycling
         power to the EUT.

         Final maximization is a phase in which the highest amplitude emissions identified in the spectral
         search are viewed while the EUT azimuth angle is varied from 0 to 360 degrees relative to the
         receiving antenna. The azimuth which results in the highest emission is then maintained while
         varying the antenna height from one to four meters. The result is the identification of the highest
         amplitude for each of the highest peaks. Each recorded level is corrected in the receiver using
         appropriate factors for cables, connectors, antennas, and preamplifier gain. Emissions which
         have values close to the specification limit may also be measured with a tuned dipole antenna to
         determine compliance.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                     Test Report
                                                                                Report Date: February 8, 2002

         The limits for conducted emissions are given in units of microvolts, and the limits for radiated
         emissions are given in units of microvolts per meter at a specified test distance. Data is
         measured in the logarithmic form of decibels relative to one microvolt, or dB microvolts (dBuV).
         For radiated emissions, the measured data is converted to the field strength at the antenna in dB
         microvolts per meter (dBuV/m). The results are then converted to the linear forms of uV and
         uV/m for comparison to published specifications.

         For reference, converting the specification limits from linear to decibel form is accomplished by
         taking the base ten logarithm, then multiplying by 20. These limits in both linear and logarithmic
         form are as follows:


                Range                   Limit                      Limit
                (MHz)                   (uV)                      (dBuV)

               0.450 to 30.000                       250                                 48


                Range                    Limit                      Limit
                (MHz)                (uV/m @ 3m)               (dBuV/m @ 3m)

               0.009-0.490                     2400/F KHz @ 300m        67.6-20*log10(FKHz) @ 300m

               0.490-1.705                     24000/F KHz @ 30m         87.6-20*log10(FKHz) @ 30m

                1.705 to 30                        30 @ 30m                         29.5 @ 30m

                 30 to 88                            100                                 40

                 88 to 216                           150                                43.5

                216 to 960                           200                                46.0

                Above 960                            500                                54.0

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                     Test Report
                                                                                Report Date: February 8, 2002

         Receiver readings are compared directly to the conducted emissions specification limit (decibel
         form) as follows:

                             Rr - B = C




                         Rr = Receiver Reading in dBuV

                         B     = Broadband Correction Factor*

                         C     = Corrected Reading in dBuV

                         S     = Specification Limit in dBuV

                         M = Margin to Specification in +/- dB

*        Broadband Level - Per ANSI C63.4, 13 dB may be subtracted from the quasi-peak level if it
         is determined that the emission is broadband in nature. If the signal level in the average mode is
         six dB or more below the signal level in the peak mode, the emission is classified as broadband.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                       Test Report
                                                                                  Report Date: February 8, 2002

         Receiver readings are compared directly to the specification limit (decibel form). The receiver
         internally corrects for cable loss, preamplifier gain, and antenna factor. The calculations are in
         the reverse direction of the actual signal flow, thus cable loss is added and the amplifier gain is
         subtracted. The Antenna Factor converts the voltage at the antenna coaxial connector to the
         field strength at the antenna elements. A distance factor, when used for electric field
         measurements, is calculated by using the following formula:

                                  Fd = 20*LOG10 (Dm/Ds)


                                  Fd = Distance Factor in dB

                                  Dm = Measurement Distance in meters

                                  Ds = Specification Distance in meters

         Measurement Distance is the distance at which the measurements were taken and Specification
         Distance is the distance at which the specification limits are based. The antenna factor converts
         the voltage at the antenna coaxial connector to the field strength at the antenna elements.

         The margin of a given emission peak relative to the limit is calculated as follows:

                                  Rc = Rr + Fd


                                  M = Rc - Ls


                                  Rr = Receiver Reading in dBuV/m

                                  Fd = Distance Factor in dB

                                  Rc = Corrected Reading in dBuV/m

                                  Ls = Specification Limit in dBuV/m

                                  M = Margin in dB Relative to Spec

File: R46200                                                                               Page 12 of 12 Pages

Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                      Test Report
                                                                Report Date: February 8, 2002

                         APPENDIX 1: Test Equipment Calibration Data

File: R46200                                                            Appendix Page 1 of 12

                   Conducted Emissions, 21-Jan-02
                   Engineer: jay
                   Manufacturer         Description                         Model #           Assett # Cal interval Last Calibrated Cal Due
                   Rohde & Schwarz      Test Receiver, 9kHz-2750MHz         ESCS 30 EMI        1337         12        12/26/2001    12/26/2002
                   Solar Electronics Co LISN                                8028-50-TS-24-BNC   904         12         5/18/2001     5/18/2002
                   Rohde & Schwarz      Pulse Limiter                       ESH3 Z2             372         12         7/27/2001     7/27/2002

                   Radiated Emissions, 30 - 1000 MHz, 05-Feb-02
                   Engineer: jmartinez
                   Manufacturer         Description                         Model #                Assett # Cal interval Last Calibrated    Cal Due
                   EMCO                 Biconical Antenna, 30-300 MHz       3110B                   1320         12        5/23/2001       5/23/2002
                   EMCO                 Log Periodic Antenna, 0.2-1 GHz     3146                    1294         12        3/27/2001       3/27/2002
                   Rohde & Schwarz      Test Receiver, 20-1300 MHz          ESVP                    1317         12         5/9/2001        5/9/2002

                   Conducted Emissions, 05-Feb-02
                   Engineer: jmartinez
                   Manufacturer         Description                         Model #                Assett # Cal interval Last Calibrated Cal Due
                   Elliott Laboratories FCC / CISPR LISN                    LISN-3, OATS             304         12        6/14/2001     6/14/2002
                   Rohde& Schwarz       Pulse Limiter                       ESH3 Z2                  812         12        1/23/2002     1/23/2003
                   Rohde & Schwarz      Test Receiver, 0.009-30 MHz         ESH3                    1316         12         5/9/2001      5/9/2002

                   Fundamental and Harmonic below 30MHz, 05-Feb-02
                   Engineer: jmartinez
                   Manufacturer        Description                      Model #                    Assett # Cal interval Last Calibrated Cal Due
                   EMCO                Magnetic Loop Antenna, 10k-30MHz 6502                        1299         12        12/26/2001    12/26/2002
                   Rohde & Schwarz     Test Receiver, 0.009-30 MHz      ESH3                        1316         12         5/9/2001      5/9/2002

File: T45873.xls                                                      Test Equipment (Emissions)                                                       1 of 1

Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                         Test Report
                                                                   Report Date: February 8, 2002

                                APPENDIX 2: Test Data Log Sheets

                                     ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONS

                                               TEST LOG SHEETS


                                           MEASUREMENT DATA

                                                T45873 12 Pages

File: R46200                                                               Appendix Page 2 of 12

                                                                EMC Test Data
              Client: Savi                                 Job Number: J45866
              Model: SP-600-101                          T-Log Number: T45873
                                                              Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
             Contact: Gene Schlindwein
      Emissions Spec: FCC                                        Class:       A
       Immunity Spec: -                                   Environment:        -

                                         EMC Test Data
                                             For The



T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                      Cover                                 Page 1 of 10

                                                                                               EMC Test Data
                  Client: Savi                                                          Job Number: J45866
                  Model: SP-600-101                                                   T-Log Number: T45873
                                                                                           Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
              Contact: Gene Schlindwein
       Emissions Spec: FCC                                                                     Class:         A
        Immunity Spec: -                                                                Environment:          -

                                               EUT INFORMATION

                                                   General Description
  The EUT is a 132 kHz transmitter (signpost) which is designed to be used as part of an inventory tracking system. Normally,
  the EUT would be installed at access monitoring and control points, mounted on a wall or pole during operation. The EUT
  was, therefore, treated as table-top equipment during testing to simulate the end user environment. The electrical rating of
  the EUT is 85-250 VAC, 47-440 Hz, 800/400 mA, 24 VDC, 800 mA.

                                                 Equipment Under Test
     Manufacturer                   Model                  Description            Serial Number                FCC ID
                                                       mobile Signpost Tag
Savi Technology                   SP-600-101                                           1005

                                                    Other EUT Details
  The SP-600-101 and SP-600-201 are identical except for antenna. The SP-600-101 has the internal antenna and the SP-600-
  201 has the external antenna.

                                                       EUT Enclosure
  The EUT enclosure is primarily constructed of fabricated molded plastic. It measures approximately 17.5 cm wide by 17.5 cm
  deep by 7.5 cm high.

                                                  Modification History
    Mod. #                 Test                 Date                                   Modification

T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                                  EUT Descrip                                                 Page 2 of 10

                                                                                       EMC Test Data
                  Client: Savi                                                   Job Number: J45866
                  Model: SP-600-101                                            T-Log Number: T45873
                                                                                    Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
              Contact: Gene Schlindwein
       Emissions Spec: FCC                                                              Class:      A
        Immunity Spec: -                                                         Environment:       -

                                          Test Configuration #1

                                             Local Support Equipment
     Manufacturer                Model                  Description        Serial Number              FCC ID

                                            Remote Support Equipment
     Manufacturer                Model                  Description        Serial Number              FCC ID

                                                    Interface Ports
         Port                Connected To               Description        Shielded or Unshielded       Length(m)
        Sync In              Unterminated                multiwire               Unshielded                15
       Sync Out              Unterminated                multiwire               Unshielded                15
       Sensor 1              Unterminated                multiwire               Unshielded                 3
       Sensor 2              Unterminated                multiwire               Unshielded                 3
        Power                  AC Mains                   3 wire                  Shielded                  2

                                         EUT Operation During Emissions
  The EUT was in a normal operating mode, continuously transmitting.

T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                         Test Configuration #1                                       Page 3 of 10

                                                                                                  EMC Test Data
    Client: Savi                                                                            Job Number: J45866
   Model: SP-600-101                                                                     T-Log Number: T45873
                                                                                              Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
  Contact: Gene Schlindwein
    Spec: FCC                                                                                     Class: A

                                Conducted Emissions - Power Ports

Test Specifics
          Objective: The objective of this test session is to perform final qualification testing of the EUT with respect to the
                     specification listed above.
      Date of Test: 1/18/2002                                   Config. Used: 1
     Test Engineer: Jay Dickinson                              Config Change: none
     Test Location: SVOATS #1                                    EUT Voltage: 120V/60Hz

General Test Configuration

  For tabletop equipment, the EUT was located on a wooden table, 40 cm from a vertical coupling plane and 80cm from the
  LISN. A second LISN was used for all local support equipment.

Ambient Conditions:                    Temperature: 13°C
                                       Rel. Humidity: 40%

Summary of Results

       Run #                 Test Performed                      Limit             Result            Margin
         1              CE, AC Power 120V/60Hz                  FCC B              Pass        -2.7dB @ .658MHz

Modifications Made During Testing:
  No Modifications performed.

Deviations From The Standard
  No deviations were made from the requirements of the standard.

T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                             (FQ) AC CE 18-Jan-02                                                  Page 4 of 10

                                                                            EMC Test Data
   Client: Savi                                                       Job Number: J45866
   Model: SP-600-101                                                T-Log Number: T45873
                                                                         Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
  Contact: Gene Schlindwein
    Spec: FCC                                                               Class: A

Run #1: AC Power Port Conducted Emissions, 0.15 - 30MHz,120V/60Hz
Frequency Level     AC            FCC B         Detector Comments
   MHz     dBµV     Line    Limit     Margin    QP/Ave
   0.6578 45.3 Neutral      48.0        -2.7       QP
   0.6585 45.1 Neutral      48.0        -2.9       QP
   0.6578 44.8      Line    48.0        -3.2       QP
   0.6585 44.7      Line    48.0        -3.3       QP
   0.9220 42.2 Neutral      48.0        -5.8       QP
   0.9220 41.2      Line    48.0        -6.8       QP
  10.8960 37.0 Neutral      48.0       -11.0       QP
  10.8960 35.0      Line    48.0       -13.0       QP
   5.0000 31.6      Line    48.0       -16.4       QP
   5.0000 29.0 Neutral      48.0       -19.0       QP

T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                   (FQ) AC CE 18-Jan-02                                Page 5 of 10

                                                                                              EMC Test Data
    Client: Savi                                                                       Job Number: J45866
   Model: SP-600-101                                                                 T-Log Number: T45873
                                                                                          Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
  Contact: Gene Schlindwein
    Spec: FCC                                                                                 Class: A

                           Radiated Emissions - FCC 15.209 Radio

Test Specifics
          Objective: The objective is to perform preliminary measurements of the fundamental field strength and field strength
                     of spurious emissions at 3m, 10m, and 20m.
      Date of Test: 2/5/2002                                  Config. Used: See below
     Test Engineer: J Martinez                               Config Change: None
     Test Location: SVOATS #2                                  EUT Voltage: 120Vac, 60Hz

General Test Configuration
  The radio and integral antennae were located on a table during testing.
  For radiated emissions testing below 30 MHz the measurement antenna was located 4.6, 10, and 20 meters from the EUT
  as noted. Radiated magnetic field measurements were made with the loop antenna located one meter above the ground
  plane. The loop was place 0 degress (Open Loop) and 90 degress (Close Loop).

Ambient Conditions:                    Temperature: 14.4°C
                                      Rel. Humidity: 53%

Summary of Results

       Run #                 Test Performed                    Limit            Result           Margin
        1,2                   Fundamental                     15.209            Pass        -14dB @ 132 kHz
        1,3                     Spurious                      15.209            Pass        -4.8dB @ 660 kHz

Modifications Made During Testing:
  No modifications were made to the EUT during testing

Deviations From The Standard
  No deviations were made from the requirements of the standard.

T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                     (FQ) RE 15.209 Radio 05-Feb-02                                          Page 6 of 10

                                                                                                  EMC Test Data
    Client: Savi                                                                            Job Number: J45866
    Model: SP-600-101                                                                     T-Log Number: T45873
                                                                                               Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
  Contact: Gene Schlindwein
    Spec: FCC                                                                                     Class: A
Run #1: Fundamental Field Strength -CW Mode w/ Unit Parallel to Table.
Below 150kHz a bandwidth of 1 kHz was used (Test receiver ESN)
EUT Loop antenna, Asset #1299, was elevated 1.00 meters from ground plane.
Frequency Reading AF         Level      AF        Level     Detector Distance                Comments
   MHz      dBµV       dB   dBuV/m      dB       dBuA/m                 (m)
    0.132 66.0        10.5   76.5      -41.0      25.0         Pk       20.0                 Open Loop
    0.132 65.5        10.5    76.0     -41.0      24.5         AV       20.0                 Open Loop
    0.132 63.2        10.5    73.7     -41.0      22.2         Pk       20.0                 Close Loop (Antenna Asset # 1299)
    0.132 62.2        10.5    72.7     -41.0      21.2         AV       20.0                 Close Loop (Antenna Asset # 1299)
    0.132 84.7        10.5   95.2      -41.0      43.7         Pk       10.0                 Open Loop
    0.132 83.9        10.5    94.4     -41.0      42.9         AV       10.0                 Open Loop
    0.132 79.3        10.5   89.8      -41.0      38.3         Pk       10.0                 Close Loop
    0.132 78.5        10.5   89.0      -41.0      37.5         AV       10.0                 Close Loop
    0.132 113.7       10.5   124.2     -41.0      72.7         Pk       3.0                  Open Loop
    0.132 113.3       10.5   123.8     -41.0      72.3         AV        3.0                 Open Loop
    0.132 109.1       10.5   119.6     -41.0      68.1         Pk        3.0                 Close Loop
    0.132 108.7       10.5   119.2     -41.0      67.7         AV        3.0                 Close Loop

                                          Data Summary - Extrapolation Factor

                                             Level At Test Distance
                           @3m                     @10m                   @20m
                    dBuV/m dBuA/m           dBuV/m dBuA/m           dBuV/m    dBuA/m
                 132 124.2    72.7            95.2       43.7        76.5      25.0

Extrapolation Factors For Fundamental Signal
The following extrapolation factors are calculated by dividing the difference between the field strengths at the two distances by
the log (base ten) of the ratio of the two distances.
         10m to 20m -62.1
          3m to 10m -55.5
          3m to 20m -57.9
The equation used for extrapolation is:
                                           Extrapolation =[ (Fm - F) / Log (Dm/Ds) ] dB
   Fm = measured field strength in dBuV/m or dBuA/m
   Ds is the specification test distance
   Dm is the actual measurement distance used

T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                      (FQ) RE 15.209 Radio 05-Feb-02                                            Page 7 of 10

                                                                                              EMC Test Data
    Client: Savi                                                                        Job Number: J45866
    Model: SP-600-101                                                                 T-Log Number: T45873
                                                                                           Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
  Contact: Gene Schlindwein
    Spec: FCC                                                                                 Class: A

The calculated extrapolation factor of -55.5dB was used for extrapolating the fundamental signal level. For spurious emissions
the theoretical extrapolation factor of -40dB was used.

FCC Part 15.209 Data
Freq             Level                Limit                   Margin
(kHz)          (dBuV/m)              dBuV/m                    dB                                 Comment
                                                                              Fundamental at 300m using extrapolation factor
        132       11.2                 25.2                    -14.0
                                                                              of -55.5 dB per decade of distance (Note 2)
        264       -15.4                19.2                    -34.6          Field strength extrapolated to 300m (Note 3)
        396         1.4                15.7                    -14.3          Field strength extrapolated to 300m (Note 3)
        528        24.7                33.2                     -8.5          Field strength extrapolated to 30m (Note 3)
        660        26.5                31.2                     -4.8          Field strength extrapolated to 30m (Note 3)
        792        22.0                29.6                     -7.7          Field strength extrapolated to 30m (Note 3)

Limit is an average limit below 150kHz (with an additional peak limit of the stated average limit plus 20dB), QP above 150kHz.
Measurements made with the appropriate detector.
Extrapolation factor was applied to the 20 m reading for the fundamental signal and harmonics. For the fundamental the
calculated extrapolation factor of 55.5dB was used, for all others a 40dB factor was used.
Note 1: All emission levels for the harmonics were noise floor readings. Harmonics were measured with Open Loop, worst
case from Run# 1, at a distance of 20 meters from the EUT.
Note 2 : Peak Measurement at 20m was used as the worst case.
Note 3: Extrapolation factor of 40Log(Test Distance/Specification Distance) was used for the measurements of the harmonics.

T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                     (FQ) RE 15.209 Radio 05-Feb-02                                           Page 8 of 10

                                                                                                 EMC Test Data
    Client: Savi                                                                           Job Number: J45866
    Model: SP-600-101                                                                    T-Log Number: T45873
                                                                                              Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
  Contact: Gene Schlindwein
    Spec: FCC                                                                                    Class: A
Run #2c: Fundamental Field Strength -CW Mode w/ Unit Perpendicular to Table.
Below 150kHz a bandwidth of 1 kHz was used (Test receiver ESN)
EUT Loop antenna, Asset #1299, was elevated 1.00 meters from ground plane.
Frequency Reading AF         Level      AF        Level     Detector Distance
   MHz      dBµV       dB   dBuV/m      dB       dBuA/m                 (m)
    0.132 45.0        10.5   55.5      -41.0        4.0       Pk        20.0                Open Loop
    0.132 40.4        10.5   50.9      -41.0       -0.6        Pk       20.0                Close Loop (Antenna Asset # 1299)
    0.132 66.0        10.5   76.5      -41.0      25.0        Pk        10.0                Open Loop
    0.132 65.6        10.5    76.1     -41.0      24.6        AV        10.0                Open Loop
    0.132 50.3        10.5   60.8      -41.0        9.3        Pk       10.0                Close Loop
    0.132 48.0        10.5   58.5      -41.0        7.0       AV        10.0                Close Loop
    0.132 100.2       10.5   110.7     -41.0      59.2        Pk        3.0                 Open Loop
    0.132 100.0       10.5   110.5     -41.0      59.0        AV         3.0                Open Loop
    0.132 76.0        10.5   86.5      -41.0      35.0         Pk        3.0                Close Loop
    0.132 75.9        10.5   86.4      -41.0      34.9        AV         3.0                Close Loop

                                                       Data Summary

                                             Level At Test Distance
                           @3m                     @10m                   @20m
                    dBuV/m dBuA/m           dBuV/m dBuA/m           dBuV/m    dBuA/m
                 132 100.2    48.7            66.0       14.5        45.0       -6.5

Extrapolation Factors For Fundamental Signal
The following extrapolation factors are calculated by dividing the difference between the field strengths at the two distances by
the log (base ten) of the ratio of the two distances.
         10m to 20m -69.8
          3m to 10m -65.4
          3m to 20m -67.0
The equation used for extrapolation is:
                                          Extrapolation =[ (Fm - F) / Log (Dm/Ds) ] dB
   Fm = measured field strength in dBuV/m or dBuA/m
   Ds is the specification test distance
   Dm is the actual measurement distance used
The calculated extrapolation factor of -65.4dB was used for extrapolating the fundamental signal level. For spurious emissions
the theoretical extrapolation factor of -40dB was used.

T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                      (FQ) RE 15.209 Radio 05-Feb-02                                            Page 9 of 10

                                                                                              EMC Test Data
    Client: Savi                                                                        Job Number: J45866
    Model: SP-600-101                                                                 T-Log Number: T45873
                                                                                           Proj Eng: Mark Briggs
  Contact: Gene Schlindwein
    Spec: FCC                                                                                 Class: A

FCC Part 15.209 Data

Freq             Level                Limit                   Margin
(kHz)          (dBuV/m)              dBuV/m                    dB                                 Comment
                                                                              Fundamental at 300m using extrapolation factor
        132       -31.9                25.2                    -57.1
                                                                              of -65.4 dB per decade of distance (Note 2)
        264       -15.4                19.2                    -34.6          Field strength extrapolated to 300m (Note 3)
        396        -2.8                15.7                    -18.5          Field strength extrapolated to 300m (Note 3)
        528        24.0                33.2                     -9.2          Field strength extrapolated to 30m (Note 3)
        660        24.2                31.2                     -7.1          Field strength extrapolated to 30m (Note 3)
        792        24.0                29.6                     -5.7          Field strength extrapolated to 30m (Note 3)

Limit is an average limit below 150kHz (with an additional peak limit of the stated average limit plus 20dB), QP above 150kHz.
Measurements made with the appropriate detector.
Extrapolation factor was applied to the 20 m reading for the fundamental signal and harmonics. For the fundamental the
calculated extrapolation factor of 65.4dB was used, for all others a 40dB factor was used.
Note 1: All emission levels for the harmonics were noise floor readings. Harmonics were measured with Open Loop, worst
case from Run# 1, at a distance of 20 meters from the EUT.
Note 2 : Peak Measurement at 20m was used as the worst case.
Note 3: Extrapolation factor of 40Log(Test Distance/Specification Distance) was used for the measurements of the harmonics.

T-Log: T45873.xls, Rev 1.0                     (FQ) RE 15.209 Radio 05-Feb-02                                         Page 10 of 10

Document Created: 2002-03-01 10:28:55
Document Modified: 2002-03-01 10:28:55

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