RF Exposure Info

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                Compliance Certification Services Inc.                                   Reference No: T120817N01-RP1
                FCC : KFR-ZA1002US-5                                               Report No.: T151026N04-MF

                                     IEEE C95.1
                                  KDB 447498 D03
                     47 C.F.R. Part 1, Subpart I, Section 1.1310
                     47 C.F.R. Part 2, Subpart J, Section 2.1091

                                 RF EXPOSURE REPORT


                                   Z-Wave Smart Gateway

                                      Model: ZA1002US-5

                              Trade Name:

                                                    Issued to

     Vision Automobile Electronics Industrial Co., Ltd.
No. 78, Gongye 3rd Rd.,Technology Industrial Park,Tainan City
                  70955, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
                                          Issued By
                              Compliance Certification Services Inc.
                                      Tainan Laboratory
                          No.8,Jiucengling, Xinhua Dist., Tainan City
                                     712, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
                                     TEL: 886-6-580-2201
                                     FAX: 886-6-580-2202
                                  E-Mail :
                               Issued Date: December 09, 2015

                                                             Page 1                                                Rev.00
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Compliance Certification Services.

                Compliance Certification Services Inc.                                   Reference No: T120817N01-RP1
                FCC : KFR-ZA1002US-5                                               Report No.: T151026N04-MF

                                          Revision History
Rev.           Issue Date                          Revisions                       Effect Page         Revised By
00        December 09, 2015                        Initial Issue                       ALL            Sunny Chang

                                                             Page 2                                                Rev.00
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Compliance Certification Services.

                        Compliance Certification Services Inc.                                        Reference No: T120817N01-RP1
                        FCC : JFZLP60BT                                                            Report No.: T150826N01-MF

                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. LIMIT .................................................................................................................... 4
2. EUT SPECIFICATION.......................................................................................... 4
3. TEST RESULTS .................................................................................................. 5
4. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE.............................................................. 6

                                                                  Page 3                                                Rev.00
     This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Compliance Certification Services.

                    Compliance Certification Services Inc.                                  Reference No: T120817N01-RP1
                    FCC : JFZLP60BT                                                      Report No.: T150826N01-MF

According to §15.247(i), systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be
operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy
levels in excess of the Commission's guidelines. See § 1.1307(b)(1) of this chapter.

EUT                       Z-Wave Smart Gateway

Model                     ZA1002US-5

RF Module                 Brand: ATHEROS                        Model:               AR9331-AL3A
                             802.11b/g/n HT20: 2.412GHz ~ 2.462GHz
                          802.11n HT40: 2.422GHz ~ 2.452GHz
Frequency band            802.11a/n HT20: 5.180GHz ~ 5.240GHz / 5.745 ~ 5.825GHz
(Operating)               802.11n HT40: 5.190GHz ~ 5.230GHz / 5.755~ 5.795GHz
                          802.11ac VHT80: 5.210GHz / 5.775GHz
                             Portable (<20cm separation)
Device category              Mobile (>20cm separation)
                             Occupational/Controlled exposure (S = 5mW/cm2)
                             General Population/Uncontrolled exposure
                           PCB Antenna / Gain:              5.3 dBi          (Numeric gain:           1.11)       worst
                          IEEE 802.11b Mode :                   2.000 dBm          (1.585 mW)
Maximum                                                         10.500 dBm         (11.220 mW)
                          IEEE 802.11g Mode :
Average output
                          IEEE 802.11n HT20 Mode :              9.000 dBm          (7.943 mW)
                          IEEE 802.11n HT40 Mode :              11.000 dBm         (12.589 mW)
                          IEEE 802.11b Mode :                   1.0 +1.0 dBm
                          IEEE 802.11g Mode :                   10.0 +0.5 dBm
Tune up power
                          IEEE 802.11n HT20 Mode :              8.0 +1.0 dBm
                          IEEE 802.11n HT40 Mode :              10.0 +1.0 dBm
                                MPE Evaluation*
                                SAR Evaluation

                                                                Page 4                                                Rev.00
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                    Compliance Certification Services Inc.                                  Reference No: T120817N01-RP1
                    FCC : JFZLP60BT                                                      Report No.: T150826N01-MF

No non-compliance noted.

              30  P  G        E2
Given     E             & S
                  d             377
         Where E = Field strength in Volts / meter
                P = Power in Watts
                G = Numeric antenna gain
                d = Distance in meters
                S = Power density in milliwatts / square centimeter
Combining equations and re-arranging the terms to express the distance as a function of
the remaining variables yields:
               30  P  G
                377 d 2

Changing to units of mW and cm, using:
         P (mW) = P (W) / 1000 and
         d (cm) = d(m) / 100

               30  P / 1000  G                   PG
          S                            0.0796               Equation 1
                 377  d / 100
         Where d = Distance in cm
               P = Power in mW
               G = Numeric antenna gain
               S = Power density in mW / cm2

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                        Compliance Certification Services Inc.                                  Reference No: T120817N01-RP1
                        FCC : JFZLP60BT                                                      Report No.: T150826N01-MF


Substituting the MPE safe distance using d = 20 cm into Equation 1:
   S  0.000199  P  G
Where P = Power in mW
      G = Numeric antenna gain
      S = Power density in mW / cm2

IEEE 802.11b Mode :
 Ch.      Frq.(MHz)      P (mW)      Gain (num.)      D (cm)     Power density in mW / cm2        Limit (mW/cm2)      Result

High         2462         1.585          3.39           20                  0.0011                        1            Pass

IEEE 802.11g Mode :
 Ch.      Frq.(MHz)      P (mW)      Gain (num.)      D (cm)     Power density in mW / cm2        Limit (mW/cm2)      Result

High         2462        11.220          3.39           20                  0.0076                        1            Pass

IEEE 802.11n HT 20 Mode:
 Ch.      Frq.(MHz)      P (mW)      Gain (num.)      D (cm)     Power density in mW / cm2        Limit (mW/cm2)      Result

High         2462         7.943          3.39           20                  0.0054                        1            Pass

IEEE 802.11n HT 40 Mode:
 Ch.      Frq.(MHz)      P (mW)      Gain (num.)      D (cm)     Power density in mW / cm2        Limit (mW/cm2)      Result

High         2452        12.589          3.39           20                  0.0085                        1            Pass

                                                                    Page 6                                                Rev.00
       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Compliance Certification Services.

Document Created: 2015-12-24 09:55:28
Document Modified: 2015-12-24 09:55:28

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