Test Report

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                                                                                   Project #:        00E9116
                                                                                   Report #:         9116D2
              FCC, VCCI, CISPR, CE, AUSTEL, NZ
                                                                                Date& Time:          12/21/20 22:10
              UL, CSA, TUV, BSMI, DHHS, NVLAP                                    Test Engr:          Michael Hung
        1366 BORDEAUX DRIVE, SUNNYVALE, CA 94089
        PHONE: (408) 752-8166  FAX: (408) 752-8168

                   Company:                 VISION AUTOMOBILE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIAL
            EUT Description:                SMART FILTER (Alarm TX / 434MHz)
          Test Configuration :              EUT ONLY
                 Type of Test:              FCC 15.231(b)/FCC 15.209
          Mode of Operation:                NORMAL MODE

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                                                                                                              Des e
  Freq.   Pk Rdg Av Rdg        AF    Closs Pre-amp      Dist     Level   Limit Margin        Pol       Az Height Mark
 (MHz)    (dBuV) (dBuV)       (dB)   (dB)    (dB)       dB     (dBuV/m) FCC_B (dB)          (H/V)     (Deg) (Meter) (P/Q/A)

 1302      57.93    50.99     24.8    2.8    43.27      -9.5    25.87    54.0     -28.13    1mV         0     1.2     A
 1736      34.57    27.63     25.8    3.3    43.04      -9.5     4.16    60.8     -56.67    1mV         0     1.2     A

 1303      59.25    52.31     24.8    2.8    43.27      -9.5    27.19    54.0     -26.81    1mH         0     1.2     A
 1736      32.63    25.69     25.8    3.3    43.04      -9.5     2.22    60.8     -58.61    1mH         0     1.2     A

* No other emission were found within 20dB under the limits upto 4.5 GHz.

Total data #: 4                             Peak: RBW=VBW=1MHz                             Distance = 20log(1/3)= -9.5dB
 V.2d                                       Average: Pk Reading - 6.9357dB

Document Created: 2001-01-29 15:10:27
Document Modified: 2001-01-29 15:10:27

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