User Manual


Users Manual

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                    User's Guide
                    Revision 3.1
                    June 2001

                    PN: M0052203

990 Richard Ave. Suite 110 Santa Clara, CA. 95050
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                                           PDL User's Guide

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                                                                          PDL User's Guide
not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance, or use of this material.

This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved.
No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without
the prior written consent of Pacific Crest Corporation.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

    Throughout this manual this symbol is used to indicate caution or warning. Please pay particular
    attention to these items to assure safe and reliable operation of your radio modem product.

© Copyright 2001 Pacific Crest Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or
translation of this manual is prohibited without prior written permission of Pacific Crest Corporation,
except as allowed under the copyright laws.

Trimtalk and Trimble are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Ltd.


                                                                                                         PDL User's Guide

Notice ............................................................................................................... iii
Cautions and Warnings .................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ............................................................................................. iv-v
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
Welcome .......................................................................................................... 1
Scope ............................................................................................................... 1
Note Concerning this Guide .............................................................................. 1
Features and Benefits ....................................................................................... 3
Setting Up The PDL High Power Base .............................................................. 5
Overview of PDL High Power Base Radio Modem ............................................ 5
PDL High Power Base System Setup ............................................................... 6
Setting Up The PDL Low Power Base/Repeater ............................................... 10
Overview of PDL Low Power Base Radio Modem ............................................. 10
PDL Low Power Base Setup ............................................................................. 11
Setting Up The PDL Rover ................................................................................12
Overview of PDL Rover Radio Modem .............................................................. 12
PDL Rover Setup .............................................................................................. 13
Tips and Techniques for Best Performance ...................................................... 14
Antenna ............................................................................................................ 14
Power Supplies ................................................................................................ 14
How to Use AutoRover™ ................................................................................. 14
How to Use AutoBase™ ................................................................................. 14
Equipment Care ............................................................................................... 15
Error Codes ...................................................................................................... 15
FCC Rules and Regulations ............................................................................. 16
Licensing Requirements ................................................................................... 16
Equipment Compliances ................................................................................... 16
Being Part of the RF community ....................................................................... 16
Automatic Station Identification ......................................................................... 16
Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) .............................................................17
Service and Support ......................................................................................... 18
Contacting Pacific Crest Corporation ................................................................ 18
Warranty ........................................................................................................... 20
Two-year Limited Warranty ............................................................................... 20
Exclusions ........................................................................................................ 20
Warranty Limitations ......................................................................................... 20
Appendix A - Safety Information ....................................................................... 22
Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy .............................................................. 22
Appendix B - Pin-outs and Connectors ............................................................. 23
PDL Base ......................................................................................................... 23
PDL Rover ........................................................................................................ 23
Antenna ............................................................................................................ 23


                                                                                                         PDL User's Guide

Appendix C - Technical Specifications .............................................................. 24
General ............................................................................................................ 24
Radio ............................................................................................................... 24
Modem ..............................................................................................................24
Environmental ................................................................................................... 25

Table of Figures
Figure 1 - PDL High Power Base Front Panel ................................................... 5
Figure 2 - PDL High Power Base Rear Panel ................................................... 6
Figure 3 - PDL High Power Base System Setup ............................................... 7
Figure 4 - PDL Low Power Base …................................................................... 10
Figure 5 - PDL Low Power Base Setup….…………………….......…................... 11
Figure 6 - PDL Rover ………………………………………………......................... 12
Figure 7 - PDL Rover Setup ……………………………………........................…. 13
Figure 8 - PDL Data/Power Connectors………………….. …….......................... 23


                                                                         PDL User's Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Positioning Data Link™ (PDL™) for use with your survey system. The
PDL is an advanced, high speed, wireless data link that is designed specifically for GPS/RTK applications.
Your success in using the PDL is our primary goal. We stand behind our product with expert support and
service. We welcome your comments and questions.

This guide introduces the PDL Base and rover radio link systems used for GPS and RTK applications. It
is written for the first-time user, and gives details concerning system setup, operation and maintenance.
We urge you to take the time to review this short manual completely prior to setting up your system.

Note Concerning this Guide
We believe that the PDL system provides the best value and performance for the user. As such, we
provide our equipment in complete turnkey systems, including all of the items necessary for operation
with your GPS.

You may have purchased your PDL from a third party. On occasion, the bundled product provided by
these sources may differ from the kits provided directly from Pacific Crest Corporation. If this guide does
not accurately reflect the equipment that you received, please contact your supplier for specific
instructions concerning the setup of items that differ.


                                          PDL User's Guide

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                                                                    PDL User's Guide

Fast Over-the-Air Data Rate - 19,200 bits per second
- Reduced latency provides better GPS position information
- Lower power consumption allows longer field operation
- Greater throughput handles both GPS and GLONASS

Enhanced User Interface - Channel display and buttons
- View and change radio channel
- Monitor charge status and other parameters

Intelligent Protocols - Forward Error Correction (FEC), Aut oBase™ and AutoRover™ technology1
- FEC provides improved noise immunity and range
- Base automatically selects channel with AutoBase
- Rover automatically locks to base with AutoRover

Rugged Construction - Designed specifically for GPS RTK fie ld surveying
- Double shock mounted electronics improve reliability
- Water tight operation stands up to bad weather conditions
- Built-in mounts simplify tripod and range pole mounting

Backward Compatible - Interoperable with RDDR, RFM and Trim ble® products
- Benefit by the latest technology with your existing equip ment
- Facilitates GPS equipment mix and match
- Provides upgrade path for existing installations

    1 Patents Pending


                                          PDL User's Guide

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                                                                         PDL User's Guide
Overview of PDL High Power Base (PDL HPB) Radio Modem
Front Panel

Figure 1 - PDL High Power Base Front Pane

The ON/OFF button is used to turn the PDL HPB station on and off. Turn the unit on by pressing the
ON/OFF button and holding it until the channel display indicator is lit. Turn off the PDL HPB by pressing
the ON/OFF button until the display goes blank. There is a one-second turn-off delay in the power button
to prevent inadvertent turn off.

The CHANNEL button is used to display and change the channel. Press the CHANNEL button
momentarily to display the selected channel. To change the channel, press the CHANNEL button once
to light the display, and then again to change the channel.

Use the CHANNEL button to select the "b" setting. With "b" selected, the PDL HPB will be placed in
AutoBase mode. This mode selects the channel for transmission automatically.

The seven-segment numeric display is used to indicate the channel or mode selection. To conserve
power, the display is only lit for a short time following the pressing of the CHANNEL or ON/OFF buttons.
Channel selections range from Channel 0 to Channel 15. Two digit channel numbers are displayed by
alternately flashing a 1 followed by the second digit.

The seven-segment display also has a decimal point to the lower right of the number. The decimal point
is lit to indicate that the channel selection was done automatically with AutoRover or AutoBase.

Indicator LEDs
The power LED has two purposes - first, to indicate that the unit is powered, and second, to indicate the
level of charge for the power supply. The power LED will blink to indicate that the base station battery is
at or below 10 Volts and may require charging.

The amplifier power LED indicates the RF power output level selected. When lit, the amplifier power
LED indicates that the RF output power is set to high. When blank, the amplifier power LED indicates
that the RF output power is set to low.

The TX LED indicates that the PDL HPB is actively transmitting. In most RTK applications, the base
station TX LED will blink once per second.


                                                                        PDL User's Guide
The RX LED indicates that the PDL HPB is receiving an RF carrier signal. If the RX LED is lit for
extended periods of time, or continuously, then another radio station is operating on the same frequency.
This competing RF source may interfere with the GPS RTK system, and may require that you change
channels for better performance.

Rear Panel
Data Connector
A five-pin circular LEMO style receptacle accepts both programming and GPS model specific cables.
The supplied cables are labeled "RADIO" on the end that plugs into the base. Align the red dot on the
plug with the red dot on the receptacle and push until a clicking sound is heard.

To remove the cable, grasp the blue cable over-mold, and retract the locking mechanism by pulling the
knurled barrel of the plug toward your palm.

Figure 2 - PDL High Power Base Rear Panel

RF Connector
A BNC jack accepts the BNC male plug coming from the antenna mount.

High/Low RF Power Switch
This toggle switch selects high RF power output in the "up" position and low RF power output in the
"down" position. Select high RF power for situations where long range is required. For short range
applications, select low RF power to reduce power consumption and minimize interference with
co-channel users.

The PDL HPB enclosure is rugged extruded aluminum with integrated heat sink fins. The enclosure is
painted with a weather resistant powder coat blue paint. Black bumpers are integrated with front and
rear gaskets to provide shock protection and watertight operation. The enclosure is not designed to
withstand submersion and must not be allowed to sit in standing water.

      Warning: The PDL HPB enclosure and heat sink may become very hot during operation. This is
      normal depending on the ambient temperature, RF power selection and transmission duty cycle.
      Turn off the unit and allow it to cool prior to handling.

PDL High Power Base System Setup
Antenna and Antenna Mount
Begin your PDL HPB station set up by screwing the Antenna Mount to the top of the Tripod Antenna
Mast. You may want to leave the mount permanently attached to the mast and avoid this step in the


                                                                       PDL User's Guide
Next, screw the Antenna on the Antenna Mount. We recommend inspecting the antenna center push-pin
contact to ensure that it makes good contact with the antenna mount. A good antenna connection is
critical to system performance.

Tripod Antenna Mast
With the Antenna Mount and Antenna connected, extend the
legs of the Tripod Antenna Mast and set up the tripod on level
ground. Spread the tripod legs sufficiently to provide a stable

      Caution: Do not extend the antenna mast in conditions
      of high wind or in situations where the uneven terrain or
      other soil conditions provide an unstable base. Keep the
      area surrounding the Tripod Antenna Mast clear and
      exercise caution to prevent injury or damage to property
      should the Tripod Antenna Mast fall.

Connecting the PDL HPB
The PDL HPB has a built-in tripod mounting bracket that allows
easy mounting to the tripod. Locate the mounting flange at the
top portion of one of the Tripod legs, and hook the PDL HPB in

Connect the antenna, GPS Data Cable and Battery Power
Cable as indicated in Figure 3. You are now ready to turn-on      Figure 3 - PDL High Power Base
the system.                                                       System Setup

Configuring the GPS Reference Station
Refer to the GPS receiver model specific addendum that is included with this manual for specific
instructions on configuring your GPS reference station for optimal performance with the PDL. Detailed
instructions are also available on our web site at

PDL Default Settings
The PDL Base is configured at the factory with settings that have been determined to provide excellent
system performance. Use the PDLCONF software provided with the product to view and change
configuration settings.

      Note: Please refer to the PDLCONF help menu system for detailed information concerning the


                                                                            PDL User's Guide
The following table shows the default factory settings:

Table 1 - PDL Factory Defaults
                                         Factory Defaults
             Setting                     PDL Base                          PDL Rover
             Channel mode                AutoBase                          AutoRover
             GPS Port Data Rate          38.4 k Baud                       38.4 k Baud
             Parity                      None                              None
             Mode                        Transparent with EOT timeout      Transparent with EOT timeout
             EOT value                   5                                 5
             Retries                     3                                 3
             Link rate                   9600 bps (raw data)               9600 bps (raw data)
             Modulation                  GMSK                              GMSK
             FEC                         Enabled                           Enabled
             Data Scrambling             Enabled                           Enabled
             Digisquelch                 Low                               High
             Break to command            Off                               Off
             TX ACK timeout              0.10                              0.10
             CSMA                        Enabled                           Enabled
             Digidelay                   0.0                               0.0
             Repeater                    Off                               Off
             Address (local)             0                                 0
             Address (dest)              255                               255

Battery Care
Base station kit shipments to North America include a 33 AHr deep-discharge gel lead acid battery. This
battery provides all day operation with ample power for both the PDL and the GPS RTK reference station.

International Shipments
For shipments outside of North America, we include battery bag, power cables with fuse, and hardware
for a user supplied battery. Select a deep discharge battery of the type designed for golf cart or wheel
chair operation, and that has a capacity of 33 AHr or greater. Batteries designed for automotive use will
be damaged by the repetitive discharge/charge cycles and should be avoided.

The supplied charger provides two-stage charging and should be connected to the battery following every
full day of operation to assure good battery life and performance. The first stage quickly charges the
battery to capacity and the second stage trickle charges the battery to maintain a full charge.

If the battery is maintained in storage for an extended length of time, it is important to periodically charge
the battery as extended time in a discharged state may damage the battery.


                                          PDL User's Guide

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                                                                        PDL User's Guide
Overview of PDL LPB Radio Modem

Front Panel

The ON/OFF button is used to turn the PDL LPB modem on and off. Turn the unit on by pressing the
ON/OFF button and holding it until the channel display indicator is lit. Turn off the PDL LPB by pressing
the ON/OFF button until the display goes blank. There is a one-second turn-off delay in the power button
to prevent inadvertent turn off.

The CHANNEL button is used to display and change the channel. Press the CHANNEL button
momentarily to display the selected channel. To change the channel, press the CHANNEL button once to
light the display, and then again to change the channel. Release the CHANNEL button when the desired
channel is indicated.

The PDL LPB can be used as a base, rover or repeater. When used as a base, you have access to
AutoBase mode that will aid in the selection of the channel. Use the CHANNEL button to select the " b "
setting. With " b " selected, the PDL LPB
will be placed in AutoBase mode. This
mode selects the channel for transmission

When used as a rover or repeater, you may
wish to use AutoRover mode. Press the
CHANNEL button to select the "r" setting.
With "r" selected, the PDL LPB will be
placed in AutoRover mode. This mode
automatically selects the channel being
used by the PDL Base. If you are
operating in an area with more than one
PDL Base station active, you should
manually select the channel of operation
to assure proper

The seven-segment, numeric display is used
to indicate the channel or mode selection.
To conserve power, the display is only lit
for a short period following the pressing of
the CHANNEL or ON/OFF buttons.                Figure 4 - PDL Low Power Base
Channel selections range from Channel 0 to
Channel 15. Two digit channel numbers are displayed by alternately flashing a "1" followed by the
second digit.

Indicator LEDs
The power LED indicates the power status and also provides a low external voltage supply indicator.
When lit, power is turned on. The power LED will blink to indicate if the external voltage supply is
approaching the minimum value. If the power LED does not respond to the ON/OFF button, then the
level of the external voltage supply should be inspected.


                                                                       PDL User's Guide
The RX LED indicates that the PDL LPB is receiving an RF carrier signal from another PDL Base or from
another source of interference. During normal operation, the RX LED will flash at a once-per-second rate
indicating the transmissions from the PDL Base. If the RX LED is on continuously, then a source of
interference may be impacting the ability of the PDL LPB to receive data. Try repositioning the antenna,
or you may need to change to another channel at both the base and rover to reduce or eliminate the

The TX LED indicates that the PDL LPB is broadcasting. In most GPS RTK applications, the TX LED will
flash approximately one time per second.

The PDL LPB enclosure is a tough, impact resistant blue polycarbonate with machined aluminum end
caps. Black bumpers with integrated gaskets provide the first level of shock protection for the internal
components. An additional isolation system inside the enclosure reduces vibration impact to the sensitive
radio receiver board.

Antenna Mount
The integrated antenna mount provides an industry standard NMO style RF connector that is compatible
with a wide range of mobile whip antennas.

Range Pole Mount
The bottom end cap is female threaded with 5/8-11 UNC that is compatible with common range poles.
The unit is easily mounted in the place of a
stand-alone antenna and eliminates the need
for an antenna cable.

PDL Low Power Base Setup
Antenna and Antenna Mount
Screw the Antenna on the antenna mount of the
PDL LPB. We recommend inspecting the
antenna center push-pin contact to make sure
that it makes good contact with the antenna
mount. A good antenna connection is critical to
 system performance.

Range Pole or Tripod Side Bracket Mount
Before connecting any cables, screw the PDL
LPB onto the range pole (for tripod-top use) or
tripod side mount bracket.

Connecting the PDL LPB
The PDL LPB is connected to the GPS RTK
receiver using the supplied cable. After
connecting the cable, press the ON/OFF
button. Use the CHANNEL button to select the
 channel of operation, or select "r" for the
AutoRover function or select " b " for the
AutoBase function. Refer to the How to Use
AutoRover and How to Use AutoBase sections
of this manual for detailed instructions
concerning these features.

                                                    Figure 5 - PDL Low Power Base Setup


                                                                           PDL User's Guide
Configuring the GPS Rover
See the GPS receiver model addendum that is included with this manual for specific instructions on
configuring your GPS rover for optimal performance with the PDL. Detailed instructions are also
available on our web site at

PDL LPB Default Settings
Refer to Table 1 in Setting Up the PDL HPB for the default factory settings of your PDL LPB.

Overview of PDL Rover Radio Modem

Front Panel

The ON/OFF button is used to turn the PDL Rover modem on and off. When not in use, the PDL Rover
should be turned off to conserve battery power.

Turn the unit on by pressing the ON/OFF button and holding it until the channel display indicator is lit.
Turn off the PDL Rover by pressing the ON/OFF button until the display goes blank. There is a
one-second turn-off delay in the power button to prevent inadvertent turn off.

The CHANNEL button is used to display and change the channel. Press the CHANNEL button
momentarily to display the selected channel. To change the channel, press the CHANNEL button once
to light the display, and then again to change the channel. Release the CHANNEL button when the
desired channel is indicated.

Use the CHANNEL button to select the "r" setting. With "r" selected, the PDL Rover will be placed in
AutoRover mode. This mode automatically selects the channel being used by the PDL Base. If you are
operating in an area with more than one PDL Base station active, you should manually select the channel
of operation to assure proper operation.

The seven-segment, numeric display is used
to indicate the channel or mode selection. To
conserve power, the display is only lit for a
short period following the pressing of the
CHANNEL or ON/OFF buttons. Channel
selections range from Channel 0 to Channel
15. Two digit channel numbers are displayed
by alternately flashing a "1" followed by the
second digit.

Indicator LEDs
The power LED indicates the power status
and also provides a low battery indicator.
When lit, power is turned on. The power LED
 will blink to indicate that the internal battery
requires recharging. If the power LED does
not respond to the ON/OFF button, then the
internal battery may be fully discharged and
must be charged prior to further operation.
                                                      Figure 6 - PDL Rover


                                                                         PDL User's Guide
The RX LED indicates that the PDL Rover is receiving an RF carrier signal from the PDL Base or from
another source of interference. During normal operation, the RX LED will flash at a once-per-second rate
indicating the transmissions from the PDL Base. If the RX LED is on continuously, then a source of
interference may be impacting the ability of the PDL Rover to receive data. Try repositioning the antenna,
or you may need to change to another channel at both the base and rover to reduce or eliminate the i

The PDL Rover enclosure is a tough, impact resistant blue plastic with machined aluminum end caps.
Black bumpers with integrated gaskets provide the first level of bump protection for the internal
components. An additional isolation system inside the enclosure reduces shock impact to the sensitive
radio receiver board.

Antenna Mount
The integrated antenna mount provides an industry standard NMO style RF connector that is compatible
with a wide range of mobile whip antennas. With the internal antenna option, the top end cap NMO style
mount is replaced with a 5/8-11 UNC stud, allowing the PDL Rover to be used as part of the pole system
with a GPS antenna. See Figure 5.

Range Pole Mount
The bottom end cap is female threaded with 5/8-11 UNC that is compatible with common range poles.
The unit is easily mounted in the place of a stand-alone antenna and eliminates the need for an antenna

PDL Rover Setup
Antenna and Antenna Mount
Screw the Antenna on the antenna mount of the PDL Rover. We recommend inspecting the antenna
center push-pin contact to make sure that it makes good contact with the antenna mount. A good
antenna connection is critical to system performance.

Range Pole Mount
Before connecting any cables, screw the PDL Rover onto the range pole.

Connecting the PDL Rover
The PDL Rover is connected to the GPS RTK receiver using
the supplied cable. After connecting the cable, press the
ON/OFF button. Use the CHANNEL button to select the
channel of operation, or select "r" for the AutoRover function.
Refer to the How to Use AutoRover section of this manual for
detailed instructions concerning this feature.

Configuring the GPS Rover
See the GPS receiver model addendum that is included with
this manual for specific instructions on configuring your GPS
rover for optimal performance with the PDL. Detailed
instructions are also available on our web site at

PDL Rover Default Settings
Refer to Table 1 in Setting Up the PDL Base for the default
factory settings of your PDL Rover.

                                                              Figure 7 - PDL Rover Setup


                                                                         PDL User's Guide
Battery Care
The PDL Rover has an internal power supply that allows all-day operation without taking power from the
GPS. The light-weight Lithium-Ion single cell battery can be recharged more than 1000 times, providing
3+ years of normal use. We recommend daily charging for best battery life and performance.

      Warning: The internal Lithium-Ion battery is NOT USER SERVICEABLE. Do not attempt to open
      the enclosure or replace the battery. Lithium-Ion batteries can be dangerous if mishandled.

The PDL Rover has a built-in charger that monitors and controls the charging of the internal battery. The
internal battery quickly charges in less than 4 hours, and can be charged with the supplied charger, or
from an external 12 volt supply. We recommend charging the internal battery at room temperature.
Charging is inhibited if the ambient temperature is below 0° C or above 40° C.

      Warning: The internal battery must not be subject to operating temperatures below -20° C.
      Subjecting the battery to conditions below -20° C will produce permanent battery damage, and is
      not covered by the warranty.

Antenna placement is critical for good performance. Range and coverage is directly proportional to the
height of the transmitting and receiving antennas. Where possible, select a reference station location that
takes advantage of terrain to get the transmitting antenna as high as possible.

Always use the telescoping antenna mast, and raise the antenna as high as is practical and safe, given
terrain and wind conditions.

Power Supplies
Maintain batteries in a fully charged state. Both the PDL Base and internal PDL Rover batteries will live
longer if not allowed to become completely discharged. We recommend routinely connecting both the
base and rover PDLs to their chargers on a nightly basis. This will assure optimal performance and long
battery life.

How to Use AutoRover™
AutoRover is a feature that allows the PDL Rover to automatically synchronize to the PDL Base. Enable
this feature by pressing the CHANNEL button until an "r" is displayed. After selecting "r", you will note
that the display will flash each programmed channel for approximately 3 seconds, until a base station
broadcast is encountered. The PDL Rover will continue to scan until a broadcast is found.

The next time you turn on your unit, you will see an "r" momentarily, after which the scan process will
begin. To manually select a channel for operation, press the CHANNEL button until the desired channel
is displayed.

With AutoRover the PDL Rover scans each programmed operating frequency, looking for a signal from
the PDL Base. When a signal is found, the PDL Rover selects that channel for operation.

      Caution: Multiple PDL Base stations operating in a single area may lead to the PDL Rover
      selecting the wrong base. In such circumstances, we recommend manually selecting the channel.

How to Use AutoBase™
AutoBase is a feature that allows the PDL Base to automatically select a channel based on a channel
selection algorithm. These features can be selectively turned off to allow you to manually select the
channel of operation on both the PDL Base and Rover.


                                                                         PDL User's Guide
To enable AutoBase, press the CHANNEL button on the PDL Base until an "b" is displayed. After
selecting "b", you will note that the display will flash each programmed channel for approximately
1 minute, during which time the channel is analyzed for background noise and co-channel interference.

After cycling through all channels, the PDL Base will select the channel that appears to provide the
clearest channel access. Following channel selection, the data received from the GPS will automatically
begin transmitting.

      Warning: Depending on the number of channels programmed, channel selection can take from 1 to
      16 minutes. We recommend that you set up and turn on your PDL Base station as soon as
      possible during system setup to prevent delays.

Equipment Care
Routine equipment care will prolong the life and reliability of your PDL family products. Radio
communication equipment is susceptible to damage from shock or environmental extremes. Never
operate the PDL equipment out of the operating specifications contained in Appendix B.

Error Codes
The PDL performs a variety of power-up and run-time tests to assure optimal operation. Tests include
environmental as well as electrical measurements designed to avoid damage to the unit while maintaining
adequate operation. In the event of an error condition, a 3-digit error code is flashed on the display.
Error codes begin with an "E" followed by two numeric digits indicating the failure mode. Table 2 lists the
possible error conditions.

Table 2 - PDL Error Codes

             Code Description
             E01        External voltage too high
             E02        External voltage too low
             E03        External voltage too low for transmission
             E04        Rover internal battery requires replacement
             E05        Rover internal battery charge current too high
             E06        Rover internal battery charge current too low
             E07        Unit temperature exceeds safe limit for 35 W operation
             E08        Unit temperature exceeds safe limit for 2 W operation
             E09        Current consumption too high for 35 Watt operation
             E10        Current consumption too high for 2 Watt operation
             E11        Checksum error
             E12        RAM error
             E13        EEPROM error
             E14        FLASH error
             E16        Synthesizer not locked
             E99        Unknown error

What to do
E01-E03 Check battery or power supply voltage level, check power cables, recharge or replace battery,
check charger.
E07-E10 Check antenna and antenna cables, use 19200 link rate to reduce duty cycle, select low RF
E04-E06, E11-E16, E99 Contact customer service.

Cycle power to clear error codes. If codes persist, contact factory.


                                                                             PDL User's Guide
Licensing Requirements
It is the responsibility of the PDL Base station owner to comply with applicable rules and regulations
concerning the operation of a radio transmitter. In the United States, the FCC regulates the licensing of
this equipment.

Application for a license is made by submitting FCC form 600 along with evidence of frequency
coordination (if required) and applicable fees. Similar licensing requirements exist worldwide. Penalties
for broadcasting without a license can be severe, and may include the confiscation of your radio and GPS

For more information, contact our customer service department.

      Warning: Always obey local licensing requirements and restrictions.

Equipment Compliances
PDL products have been tested and found to comply with Parts 15 and 90 of Title 47 of the Code of
Federal Regulations. The PDL products have also been tested and found compliant for type certification
and approval in many other countries worldwide.

For more information concerning our worldwide compliances, contact our customer service department.

Being Part of the RF community
Operation of a licensed radio product makes you a member of the RF community. Be aware that virtually
all frequencies licensed are provided on a shared basis with other users. Each frequency used in RTK
GPS activities has certain restrictions and limitations. For complete information, refer to Part 90, Title 47,
of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Most frequencies sharing data transmissions and voice transmissions give priority to voice users. Be
mindful of the persistent nature of a GPS RTK data transmission and always limit your RF transmission
output power when performing close-in survey situations to avoid interference with co-channel users. We
recommend using the low RF power setting for construction site and other line-of-site surveys with
baselines less than 2 miles (depending on terrain).

      Warning: If you are in conflict with a co-channel user, select another frequency to avoid formal
FCC actions. In most cases you are required to vacate a frequency upon complaint by a shared channel
voice user.

Most survey operations are itinerant in that the system is moved on a frequent basis. For fixed system
installations, you should not use frequencies set aside for itinerant operations, but should coordinate a
frequency based on the fixed area operation.

Regulations differ from country to country, so please be aware of the local regulations prior to using the
PDL equipment.

Automatic Station Identification
For operation in the United States, the FCC requires that radio transmitters used for GPS RTK
applications periodically broadcast a station identifier. The station identifier is the call sign assigned to
you on the station license.

The PDL supports the broadcast of station identification in a manner that meets the requirements of the
FCC. Upon receipt of equipment, program your FCC callsign into the configuration of your PDL using
PDLCONF software. This is only required for transmitters.


                                                                          PDL User's Guide
      Warning: Failure to transmit your station identification is in violation of FCC regulations. Use
      PDLCONF software to enter your FCC callsign.

Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)
CSMA is a technology implemented in the PDL Base to meet FCC transmitter requirements. CSMA
holds off the radio transmission if the frequency is currently being used by a co-channel user. On
occasion, you may note that the radio broadcasts stop for short periods of time. Most often, this is a case
of co-channel interference and the PDL Base is holding off broadcasts due to the FCC mandated CSMA.

GPS RTK equipment is designed to function with intermittent gaps in the data. Heavy co-channel use
may limit the ability of the PDL Base to transmit the required information. In areas of heavy co-channel
usage, try changing channels to a less used frequency.


                                                                      PDL User's Guide

Contacting Pacific Crest Corporation
Quality, technology and service are the hallmarks of Pacific Crest Corporation. We provide easy access
to our customer service and the repair departments to keep you running efficiently.

Phone:             1(800)795-1001 (U.S. & Canada toll free)
                   (408) 653-2070 (International)
                   (408) 748-9984 (Fax)


Web:      (Internet web site)

Mail:              Pacific Crest Corporation
                   990 Richard Avenue, Suite 110
                   Santa Clara, CA 95050

Support hours are 8 AM to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Please visit our web site for up-to-date news and product announcements. Firmware and software
upgrades are also available from our web site, in most cases free of charge.


                                           PDL User's Guide

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                                                                         PDL User's Guide

Two-year Limited Warranty
This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to
state or area to area.

Pacific Crest Corporation warrants PDL family products, exclusive of cables and batteries, against
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from receipt by the end user. Cables
and batteries carry a one year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.

Should Pacific Crest Corporationbe unable to repair or replace the product within a reasonable amount
of time, a refund of the purchase price may be given upon return of the product.

The warranty on your PDL radio modem shall not apply to defects resulting from:
- Improper or inadequate maintenance by the customer
- Unauthorized modification or misuse
- Operation outside of the environment specifications
- Negligence or misuse

Warranty Limitations
This warranty set forth above is exclusive and no other warranty, whether written or oral, is expressed or
implied. Pacific Crest Corporation specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose.


                                           PDL User's Guide

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                                                                         PDL User's Guide

Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy
The PDL radio modem products are designed to comply with the following national and international
standards and guidelines regarding exposure of human beings to radio frequency electromagnetic

-   FCC Report and Order FCC 96-326 (August, 1996)
-   American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992)
-   National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (NCRP - 1986)
-   International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNRP - 1986)
-   European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)

To assure optimal radio performance and to ensure that exposure to RF energy is within the guidelines
in the above standards, the following operating procedures should be observed:

- DO NOT operate a transceiver when someone is within the distance noted below of the antenna
      1 m (approx. 40 inches) for PDL HPB 35 Watt
      30 cm (approx. 12 inches) for PDL LPB 2 Watt
      20 cm (approx. 8 inches) for PDL LPB 1/2 Watt
- DO NOT operate the transceiver unless all RF connectors are secure and any open connectors are
  properly terminated.

- DO NOT operate the transceiver with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes in contact
  with the skin, a minor burn may result.
- DO NOT operate the equipment near electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.


Exposition à l'énergie radiofréquence
Les produits modems radio PDL sont conçus pour être conformes aux standards et directives nationaux
et internationaux suivants, qui concernent l'exposition des êtres humains à l'énergie électromagnétique
radiofréquence :

-   le Rapport et arrêté FCC 96-326 de la FCC (août 1996)
-   l'American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992)
-   le National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (NCRP - 1986)
-   la Commission internationale pour la protection contre les rayonnements non-ionisants (ICNRP - 1986)
-   le Comité européen de normalisation électrotechnique (CENELEC)

Afin d'assurer une performance radio optimale et de garantir que l'exposition à l'énergie RF soit dans
les normes des standards ci-dessus, les procédures d'emploi suivantes doivent être respectées :

- NE faites PAS fonctionner un émetteur-récepteur s'il se trouve quelqu'un dont la distance jusqu'à
l'antenne est égale ou inférieure à la longueur notée ci-dessous
       1 m (environ 40 pouces) pour le PDL HPB 35 Watt
       30 cm (environ 12 pouces) pour le PDL LPB 2 Watt
       15 cm (environ 6 pouces) pour le PDL LPB 1/2 Watt
- NE faites PAS fonctionner l'émetteur-récepteur à moins que tous les connecteurs RF soient bien fixés
et que tout connecteur ouvert soit correctement terminé.

- NE faites PAS fonctionner l'émetteur-récepteur avec une antenne endommagée. Si une antenne
endommagée entrait en contact avec la peau, une petite brûlure pourrait en résulter.
- NE faites PAS fonctionner l'équipement à côté de détonateurs électriques ou dans une atmosphère


                                                                          PDL User's Guide

Exposition durch Hochfrequenzenergie
Die PDL Hochfrequenzmodem-Produkte sind so konzipiert, dass sie den folgenden nationalen und
internationalen Standards und Richtlinien bezüglich der Exposition durch elektromagnetische
Hochfrequenzenergie auf den Menschen entsprechen:

-   FCC Report und Order FCC 96-326 (August, 1996)
-   American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992)
-   National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (NCRP - 1986)
-   Internationale Kommission zum Schutz vor nicht-ionisierender Strahlung (ICNRP - 1986)
-   Europäische Kommission für elektrotechnische Normung (CENELEC)

Damit eine optimale Hochfrequenzleistung gewährleistet ist und sichergestellt wird, dass sich die
HF-Exposition innerhalb der Richtlinien der oben angegebenen Normen befindet, sollten die folgenden
Betriebsverfahren beachtet werden:

- Sendeempfänger NICHT in Betrieb nehmen, wenn sich Personen innerhalb der folgenden Abstände zur
Antenne befinden:
      1 m f ür PDL HPB 35 Watt
      30 cm f ür PDL LPB 2 Watt
      15 cm f ür PDL LPB 1/2 Watt
- Sendeempfänger ERST in Betrieb nehmen, wenn alle HF-Anschlüsse fest eingesteckt sind und alle
offenen Anschlüsse ordnungsgemäß abgeschlossen wurden.
- Sendeempfänger NICHT bei beschädigter Antenne in Betrieb nehmen. Hautkontakt mit einer
beschädigten Antenne kann zu leichten Verbrennungen führen.
- Das Gerät NICHT in unmittelbarem Umfeld von elektrischen Zündkapseln oder in einer explosiven
Umgebung in Betrieb nehmen.


Esposizione all'energia di radiofrequenza
I prodotti radio-modem PDL sono realizzati per conformarsi ai seguenti standard e direttive nazionali ed
internazionali sull'esposizione umana all'energia elettromagnetica di radiofrequenza:

- Relazione FCC ed Ordinanza FCC 96-326 (agosto 1996)
- American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992)
- NCRP - National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (Consiglio nazionale sulla
radioprotezione e la misurazione di radiazioni) - 1986
- ICNRP - International Commission for Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (Commissione internazionale
per la protezione contro le radiazioni non ionizzanti) - 1986
- CENELEC - European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (Comitato europeo di
normalizzazione elettronica).

Per assicurare prestazioni radio ottimali, nonché controllare che il livello di esposizione all'energia di
radiofrequenza sia compreso nei limiti indicati dagli standard delle direttive sopraindicate, è necessario
osservare le seguenti procedure operative:

- NON attivare un ricetrasmettitore a trasposizione di frequenza quando qualcuno si trova entro le
distanze dall'antenna indicate in basso:
       1 m. per PDL HPB 35 Watt
       30 cm. per PDL LPB 2 Watt
       15 cm. per PDL LPB 1/2 Watt
- NON attivare il menzionato ricetrasmettitore, a meno che tutti i connettori di radiofrequenza siano sicuri
ed i connettori aperti siano inseriti correttamente nelle terminazioni.


                                                                       PDL User's Guide
- NON attivare il ricetrasmettore se l'antenna è danneggiata. Se un'antenna danneggiata viene a contatto
con la pelle, si potrebbe verificare una leggera ustione.
- NON attivare l'apparecchiatura nei pressi di detonatori o in atmosfera esplosiva.

Exposición a la Energía de Radiofrecuencia
Los productos radiomodem PDL están diseñados para cumplir con las siguientes normas y directivas
nacionales e internacionales con respecto a la exposición de seres humanos a la energía
electromagnética de radiofrecuencia:

- Informe FCC y Orden FCC 96-326 (Agosto, 1996) [FCC Report and Order FCC 96-326 (August, 1996)]
- Instituto Americano de Normas Nacionales (American National Standards Institute) (C95.3-1992)
- Consejo Nacional para la Protección y Medición de la Radiación [National Council on Radiation
Protection and Measurement (NCRP - 1986)]
- Comisión Internacional para la Protección de la Radiación No Ionizante [International Commission on
Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNRP - 1986)]
- Comité Europeo para la Normalización Electrotécnica [European Committee for Electrotechnical
Standardization (CENELEC)]

Para asegurar un rendimiento óptimo de radio y para garantizar que la exposición a la energía RF se
mantenga según las directivas de las normas arriba mencionadas, se deben observar los siguientes
procedimientos operativos:

- NO operar un transmisor-receptor cuando alguna persona se encuentre dentro de la distancia indicada
debajo de la antena
       1 m (40 pulgadas aprox.) para PDL HPB 35 Vatios
       30 cm (12 pulgadas aprox.) para PDL LPB 2 Vatios
       15 cm (6 pulgadas aprox.) para PDL LPB 1/2 Vatio
- NO operar el transmisor-receptor a menos de que todos los conectores RF estén asegurados y todo
conector abierto esté apropiadamente terminado.
- NO operar el transmisor-receptor con una antena dañada. Si la antena dañada hace contacto con la
piel, se puede producir una quemadura leve.
- NO operar el equipo cerca a detonantes eléctricos o en un ambiente explosivo.


                                                                  PDL User's Guide

PDL High Power Base
The PDL Base data receptacle is a LEMO PN HGG.1B.305.CLLP. For a mating plug, we recommend
LEMO PN FGG.1B.305.CLAD.72Z. Refer to Table 2 and Figure 6 for pin-outs and orientation.

PDL Low Power Base and Rover
The PDL Rover data receptacle is a LEMO PN HMG.0B.305.CLN. For a mating plug, we recommend
LEMO PN FHG.0B.305.CLAD.52Z. Refer to Table 2 and Figure 7 for connector pin assignments.

Table 3 - PDL Base and Rover Pin Assignments

           Pin #       Description             Cable Wire Color
           1           Power                   Red
           2           Ground                  Black
           3           RS-232 RX Data          Yellow
           4           RS-232 Signal Ground    White
           5           RS-232 TX Data          Green

The PDL High Power Base antenna connector is a BNC female. For a mating plug, we recommend
Amphenol PN 31-320. Use only high quality 50 impedance cable for the antenna connection.

The PDL Low Power Base and Rover antenna connector is an industry standard NMO. The impedence
is 50.

Connector Manufacturer Contacts
Contact LEMO USA by calling 1-707-578-8811
Contact Amphenol by calling 1-203-743-9272

Figure 8 - PDL Data/Power Connectors


                                                                        PDL User's Guide

Serial Port Interface
RS-232 compatible. 1200 to 38400 baud operation with 1 start, 8 data, optional parity, and one stop bit.

Power Supply
9-16 VDC. PDL Rover quiescent/receive power consumption 0.3W. PDL High Power Base
quiescent/receive power consumption is 1.9W. PDL High Power Base in the low/high RF power setting
consumes 13W/125W during transmission. The PDL Low Power Base quiescent/receive power
consumption is 0.9W. The PDL Low Power Base when transmitting consumes 5W/11W. (PDL Base
power consumption measured at 12.5 VDC.)

Frequency Ranges
Contact factory for available frequency ranges. Synthesized frequency control with approximately 1600
channel capability. Channel spacing 25/12.5 kHz. 2.5 ppm frequency reference.

Transmitter (PDL Base)
Carrier power 2-Watts or 35-Watts nominal for the High Power Base. Carrier power for the Low Power
Base is factory programmable for the 0.5W or 2W. Output impedance 50-ohms. Modulation distortion is
less than 5%. Transmitter attack time < 18 ms. Spurious and harmonic FM -55 dBc. FM hum and
noise -40 dBm.

Sensitivity -116 dBm or better (12dB SINAD). Selectivity for the PDL HPB and Rover is >-60 dB.
Selectivity for the PDL LPB is >-70dB. (9600, GMSK, 25 KHz), and >-60 dB (19,200, 4LFSK, 25 KHz).
FM hum and noise -40 dB. Conducted spurious -65 dB. Carrier detect attack time 2 ms.

Transmission Rate
19,200 or 9,600 bits per second (Four-level FSK)
9,600 or 4,800 bits per second (GMSK)

Transmission Protocols
Transparent, packet switched, auto-repeater, fast asynchronous, Trimtalk™.

Forward Error Correction and Detection
With FEC enabled, data is encoded by a block code. The data is interleaved in blocks of 20 words, giving
burst error correction capabilities for up to 20 consecutive corrupted bits. 16-bit CRCs are generated and
sent with every block of data providing 100% error detection for burst errors shorter than 16 bits, and
99.9984% detection of all other burst errors.

Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) with BT of 0.5 (4800, 9600 bps link rate). Four-level FSK
(9600, 19200 bps link rate).


                                                                  PDL User's Guide

PDL LPB and Rover - 8.25"L x 2.40"D (21.0cmL x 6.1cmD)
PDL HPB - 6.23"W x 2.77"H x 6.58"L (15.8cmW x 7.0cmH x 16.7cmL)

PDL Rover - 0.85 lbs. (0.39 Kg)
PDL HPB - 3.22 lbs. (1.46 Kg)
PDL LPB - 0.65 lbs. (0.30 Kg)

Shock and Vibration

Per IEC 144/855420 I.P. 66 Dust-tight and watertight

Temperature Range
PDL Rover Operating - -4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
PDL Rover Storage - -4 to 185 F (-20 to 85 C)

PDL HPB and LPB Operating - -22 to 140 F (-30 to 60 C)
PDL HPB and LPB Storage - -67 to 185 F (-55 to 85 C)

Document Created: 2001-08-31 15:48:50
Document Modified: 2001-08-31 15:48:50

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