Response to ATCB


Cover Letter(s)

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6731 Whittier Ave
McLean, VA 22101


Attention: Dennis Ward
I have a few comments on this Application. Please note that further
comments may arise in response to answers provided to the questions below.

1. Please note that the report states that modifications have been done to the
device during compliance testing. However, it is not clear if this was done
prior to the transmitter testing and thus would be required for 15C
certification, or if it only applies to FCC class B limits for unintentional
radiators. Please explain and please provide a confirmation letter from the
manufacturer stating that the associated modifications will be implemented
in all subsequently manufactured devices.

The modifications made to the EUT were implemented to bring the product
into compliance with FCC Part 15 Class B conducted emissions

Uploaded is a statement by the manufacturer confirming implementation of
the changes into production.

2. Please note that the column heading (uV/m) on page 15 of the report is in
error. Please note that it appears that the 20.1 uV/m was calculated using an
incorrect factor. Please note that below 30MHz the roll off allowed is
40dB/decade (roughly 40logd/d). Thus the correction from 300m to 10 m
should be 40*log(300/10) or 59dB (see 15.31(f)(2)). It appears the you used
60log(d/d) which is not allowed in the current rules. Please note that for

measurements below 30MHz 15.31 clearly states “when performing
measurements at a closer distance than specified, the results shall be
extrapolated to the specified distance by either making measurements at a
minimum of two distances on at least one radial to determine the proper
extrapolation factor or by using the square of an inverse linear distance
extrapolation factor (40 dB/decade).” Please note that using the data in the
table and the estimated 60dB correction factor for distance the device
appears to fail. Consequently, you have two choices. You can take
measurements at 2 or more distances and apply a best fit straight line
approximation of the value at 300meters which would probably closer
approximate the 60dB/decade, or you must measure the fundamental again
using the correct 40dB/decade allowed.

In order to save time and additional cost of testing for our client, we are
requesting that the 60 dB/decade conversion factor be implemented for the
following reasons:

A. The entire history of applications for this client has continually allowed a
   60 dB/decade (60 log (300/10)) conversion factor for frequencies below
   30 MHz. This conversion was a result of conversations with Greg
   Czumak of the FCC as early as the early 90’s. An interpretation was
   posted on the FCC review database, allowing for this conversion at 60

B. A copy of slides presented by the FCC to TCB reviewers is uploaded
   showing a copy of the Question and answer from the FCC database,
   allowing the 60 dB/decade conversion. This interpretation has since been
   lost on the old database.

C. The reviewers at the FCC that have allowed this type of conversion (Greg
   Czumak) are no longer available to confirm the correction factor we seek
   to use.

                     3505 Francis Circle Alpharetta, GA 30004
                       PH: 770-740-0717 Fax: 770-740-1508

D. Employing the Average FCC Limit of 225.4 uV/m at 300 m, and reverse
   calculating the factor necessary for a –65.22 dBm measured value at 10
   m (not 3m, which will be corrected in Table 3. Actual testing was done at
   10m, and the table has a typo) to be compliant, the actual conversion
   factor is –67.6 dB. This yields an X(log(300/10)) where X = 45.8. This
   value is very close to the 40 log(300/10) which you are requesting.

For these reasons, we are requesting that you allow the 60 dB/decade
conversion for Fundamental, and harmonic spurious emissions, even though
the harmonics do pass with the 40 dB/decade conversion.

3. Please note that for frequencies below 30MHz the allowed roll off is
40dB/decade. Please note that your radiated spurious emissions data table on
page 17 of the report shows the use of 60dB/decade. Please note that this is
not allowed in the current rules. Please see item 2 above for the rule part
reference. Please correct your data to show use of either the correct
40dB/decade allowed or by showing the actual distance roll off by making at
least two different distance measurements.

Please see item 2 response above.

4. Please note that there is nothing in the report that states measurements
below 30MHz were performed using the required magnetic loop antenna.
Since the table of equipment listed on page 13 of the report (i.e. Table 2) has
no such antenna listed, it is assumed that measurements were not performed
using the required magnetic loop antenna. Please re-measure all frequencies
below 30MHz using the required magnetic loop antenna and using the
correct distance correction factor.

Actually, all testing below 30 mHz was conducted with a magnetic loop
antenna. Please refer to the test photos for verification of correct antenna

                      3505 Francis Circle Alpharetta, GA 30004
                        PH: 770-740-0717 Fax: 770-740-1508

5. Please provide a manual, which contains the required non-modification
statement per 15.21.

This correction will be uploaded upon receipt from Radio Systems. Please
address our response to items 1-4 above, as we gather this last item.

Please contact me with any further questions you may have.

Louis A. Feudi
Operations Manager
US Technologies
(US Tech Authorized Agent for Axonn, LLC)

                    3505 Francis Circle Alpharetta, GA 30004

PH: 770-740-0717 Fax: 770-740-1508

Document Created: 2019-09-27 02:09:33
Document Modified: 2019-09-27 02:09:33

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