User Manual

FCC ID: KE3-3002789

Users Manual

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GPS Containment: RF Sniffer/Status Unit PC Interface Manual v3
Initial File Date: 04/03/2012     Author: Scott McFarland        Revision File Date: 09/10/2012

Related Documents:
[1] US Patent - Maddox 6,903,682 B1
[2] GPSC System Manual v4
[3] GPSC Mobile Unit PC Interface Manual v4
[4] GPSC Base Unit PC Interface Manual v41
[4] 37287.00 DRAFT Revised Application (clean) (00259633).PDF "Actionable Position and Speed"

Revision History:

04/03/2012         Version v1

Initial release.

09/10/2012         Version v2

SAM                Converted TRACE200000 to a single line trace. Effects S23, S24, S25, S26, S27, S28, and S32.

09/10/2012         Version v3

Updated "Base Ping" with "Base GPS" and "Mobile Ping" with "Mobile GPS" per our current naming conventions.
Changed from using the word "Packet" to describe an RF transmission to the word "Block".

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1.0 Connection Diagram

2.0 Personal Computer Requirements
        2.1 Hardware
        2.2 Software
        2.3 Port Settings

3.0 Input and Output Formats
        3.1 Input Format
        3.2 Output Format

4.0 Available Commands
       4.1 Commands For All Likely Users
       4.2 Commands Specific to Factory Test, Engineering, and/or Emissions Compliance

5.0 Decoding Output Headers and Messages
       5.1 (Trace) Headers
       5.2 [Task] Headers

6.0 Hex Bit Maps
       6.1 Event Types (HEX):

7.0 RF Transmissions
        7.1 Block Types

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1.0 Connection Diagram

    PC App

                                                      RF Antenna
         PC’s USB Port   USB
                                  RF Sniffer/Status
                         Std A

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2.0 Personal Computer Requirements
2.1 Hardware
A "GPSC RF Sniffer/Status" assembly.
A personal computer equipped with at least one USB port.
Connect per figure in section 1.0.

2.2 Software
Terminal Emulation Software: i.e. TeraTerm
TeraTerm ( is available at
Device Drivers: FTDI USB drivers for the FT232RQ at

RSC GPSC PC application software.

2.3 Port Settings
Baud Rate: 38400.
Data/Stop/Parity: 8 1 None.
Flow Control: None.
Pay particular attention to which port the USB Interface Board was assigned when installed. Note that subsequent
USB Interface Boards will be assigned different port numbers.

For text file transfers, under Setup/Serial Port, set "Transmit Delay" as follows:
5 msec/character                   500 msec/line

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3.0 Input and Output Formats
A Sniffer/Status Command Prompt will appear on the terminal emulator screen as, “SNIFF> “. Prior to entering or
transferring command text, depress the <enter> key to force a Sniffer command prompt. If a command prompt does
not appear, check all connections and PC port settings.

3.1 Input Format
A Command is entered or transferred as text in CAPITAL LETTERS. The characters entered are echoed and
appended to the end of the command prompt. A command is executed by depressing the <enter> key following the
command text. For example, SNIFF> COMMAND<enter>. Some commands have a numeric input value which may
accompany the command. For these commands, the input sequence is SNIFF> COMMANDxx..x<enter>, where
xx..x is the numeric input value. The number of digits and range of the numeric value is command dependent. DO
NOT put a SPACE between the command and the numeric input value. The numeric input value is always a WHOLE
number, NO DECIMAL POINT. Items that typically require a decimal point (i.e. latitude and longitude) are entered in
units that provide sufficient accuracy without a decimal point (i.e. 10e-06 degrees). If a text entry cannot be executed
as typed, the SNIFFER will respond with either a [?] or it will display the command and setting as it is currently (i.e. did
not accept the numeric input or one was not provided).

3.2 Output Format
All responses from the unit will begin with one of two HEADERs.
A (trace header) – precedes a display message activated by a command (i.e. the TRACExx..x command).
A [task header] – precedes an informative message from a specific task. Informative [task] output may occur at
any time.

All fields following a header are comma delimited for easy parsing (i.e. capturing and decoding) by a computer. In
general, the response to a command will be one or more lines starting with a (trace) or [task] header. See
section, “Decoding Output Messages” for the meaning of each of the response fields.

Example - After a POWER UP RESET

As seen on the terminal emulator display:




Above is a multi-line output in response to a reset. [SNV] is a task header. The first line indicates a “power on reset”
has occurred. The second line indicates that non-volatile parameters have been accessed and restored from the flash
file system. [S] is also a task header. In this instance the SHELL task is displaying the firmware revision.

Prior to entering or transferring command text, depress the <enter> key to force a Sniffer command prompt.

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4.0 Available Commands
Commands are initiated by typing or transferring one of the following in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and the <enter> key.
Prior to entering or transferring command text, depress the <enter> key to clear any orphaned characters from the
serial port buffers and force a command prompt.

Commands for all likely users
"VERSION"               Display firmware version.
"PRINTNV"               Display parameter settings.
"DEFAULTNV"             Set parameters to their default settings.
"DEVID"                 Display/Set Sniffer Unit Device ID.
"BASEREFID"             Display/Set Base Reference Unit Device ID.
"CLEARMOBILESTATUS" Clear ALL mobile status information.
"BOOT"                  Cause the unit to enter USB Boot mode.

Commands Specific to Factory Test, Engineering, and/or Emissions Compliance
"LEDTEST"             Execute an LED TEST – Red/Grn.
"TXTEST"              Place RF transceiver into one of several transmit test modes (periodic or continuous).
"TXTESTEND"           Ends TXTEST, restores RF transceiver to normal operation.
"RXTEST"              Place RF transceiver into continuous receive mode.
"RXTESTEND"           Ends RXTEST, restores RF transceiver to normal operation.
"DEST"                Send a TEXT COMMAND to a remote device via the RF link.
"TRACE"               Selects one or more diagnostic messages, numeric value in HEX.
"......"              Provided on a need to know only basis for setting Manufacturing ID 1.
"......"              Provided on a need to know only basis for setting Manufacturing ID 2.

4.1 Commands For All Likely Users
See section, “Decoding Output Headers and Messages” for the meaning of each of the response fields.

        Description: Display firmware version.
        Numeric Input Range: N/A
        Example (Inquiry):


        Description: Display parameter settings.
        Numeric Input Range: N/A
        Example (Inquiry):





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        Description: Display parameter settings.
        Numeric Input Range: N/A
        Example (Set):



Suggested Numbering Convention:

It is REQUIRED to have a unique DEVID for each Base, Sniffer/Status, and Mobile unit within 2000 ft. of the
BASE ID’s should set for 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
Mobile DEVID’s associated with BASE ID 10 should be set to 11, 12, … 18 (8 max per Base)
Sniffer/Status DEVID associated with BASE ID 10 should be set to 19

Mobile DEVID’s associated with BASE ID 20 should be set to 21, 22, … 28 (8 max per Base)
Sniffer/Status DEVID associated with BASE ID 20 should be set to 29

        Description: Display or set the Sniffer/Status Unit DEVICE ID. If a bad or no numeric input is supplied, the
        current DEVID is displayed. When a valid numeric input is supplied, non-volatile memory will be updated with
        the numeric value and displayed. The Sniffer/Status DEVICE ID (set with this command) must match the ID
        set with the "STATUSID" command on each Base and Mobile reporting to this device.
        Numeric Input Range: 1 - 65535.

        Example (Inquiry):

        SNIFF> DEVID

        Example (Set):
        SNIFF> DEVID29


        Description: Display or set the Base Reference Unit ID. A Sniffer/Status unit periodically communicates
        information with the Base Reference Unit. If a bad or no numeric input is supplied, the current BASEREFID is
        displayed. When a valid numeric input is supplied, non-volatile memory will be updated with the numeric value
        and displayed.
        Numeric Input Range: 1 - 65535.

        Example (Inquiry):


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       Example (Set):


       Description: Clear ALL mobile status accumulated in RAM data structure.
       Numeric Input Range: N/A
       Example (Inquiry):


       Description: Cause the unit to enter USB Boot mode.
       Numeric Input Range: N/A
       Example (Inquiry):

       SNIFF> BOOT

4.2 Commands Specific to Factory Test, Engineering, and/or Emissions Compliance
Manufacturing ID commands are made available on an as needed basis only! The operator must end the current test
before beginning a new test.

       Description: A red – green sequence will be executed.
       Numeric Input Range: N/A

       Example (Execute):


       Description: The RF transceiver is placed into continuous receive only mode.
       Numeric Input Range: N/A

       Example (Execute):

       [S], RXTEST

       Description: Ends "RXTEST", restores RF transceiver to normal operation.
       Numeric Input Range: N/A

       Example (Execute):

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     Description: Places RF transceiver into one of several transmit test modes.
     Numeric Input Range: NONE, 1, 4, 5

     Examples (Execute):

     SNIFF>   TXTEST<enter>           full data blocks are transmitted every 2 secs (periodic).
     SNIFF>   TXTEST1<enter>          produces a continuous carrier only signal.
     SNIFF>   TXTEST4<enter>          continuous 1010 modulated data signal.
     SNIFF>   TXTEST5<enter>          continuous PN9 modulated data signal (random data).

     Example (Execute a full data block periodic test):


     The following information will be displayed for a TXTEST command and will continue for 100 transmission
     blocks or until a TXTESTEND command is entered.




     Example (Execute a continuous test):


     When performing tests 1, 4, or 5, the RF channel is 100% consumed and no longer available for other routine
     transmissions. Therefore, you will also see the following when performing one of these tests. The following text
     also serves as a reminder to execute a TXTESTEND command.


     Description: Ends "TXTEST", restores RF transceiver to normal operation.
     Numeric Input Range: N/A

     Example (Execute):


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     Description: Forward a text command over the RF channel to a specific unit. Since the RF transceiver in a
     Mobile Unit is predominantly off, commands for a Mobile Unit must be queued and await transmission until the
     destination Mobile is ready to receive.
     Numeric Input Range: Mobile ID (5 digits with leading 0’s) followed by Mobile command text and any numeric

     Example (Execute):




     Description: Selects one or more diagnostic output messages, numeric value in HEX. See section, “Decoding
     Output Headers and Messages” for the meaning of each of the response fields. Setting more than one bit
     location to a one will display each trace diagnostic message. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that only one
     message is selected at a time. The command response includes a timer used to automatically shut all traces
     off after 300 seconds.
     Numeric Input Range: value 0 to FFFFFFFF (HEX), leading zeros are not required

     Example (Execute):

     SNIFF> TRACE200000

     Example (to see how many seconds are left before auto-shutoff):


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5.0 Decoding Output Headers and Messages
Most status and diagnostic messages are turned “ON” and “OFF” by the TRACExx…x command. Trace activated
messages are suitable for parsing by a computer program as part of a GUI. Each (trace) activated display line will
begin with one of the (trace) HEADERs detailed below. A (trace)will automatically shut-off once the (trace)
timer decrements to zero. When a (trace) is executed, the timer is set for 300 seconds.

Individual FIRMWARE TASKS will also display messages deemed informative regardless of the TRACExx…x
command. Their output can occur at any time and is also suitable for parsing by a computer program. Each [task]
output line and will begin with one of the [task] HEADERs detailed below.

Each header, (trace) or [task], can be uniquely identified (either individually or by using the secondary parse
strings that accompany the header). Once identified, the defined comma delimited fields that follow may be decoded.

The receive program must check for the correct number of fields associated with each HEADER and/or check each
input character for the beginning of a NEW HEADER (either a "(" or a "["). The receive program may abort the
decoding if the message is garbled due to multiple output messages.

Example: !!WIP

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5.1 (Trace) Headers

A (trace) diagnostic message is turned “ON” or “OFF” by the TRACExx…x command. The xx…x (HEX) numeric input
value represents a 32 bit map. A message is activated by turning on the corresponding bit in the bit map and is de-
activated by turning the bit off. A (trace) header is bracketed by “()”. To end any and all TRACE(s), type TRACE0.
All (traces) will end if the (trace) timer decrements to zero. Below is a list of available (trace) activated

Hex Map:       Message Description:                                           Command:
0x00000010     RF Receive Block in BLOCK Format                               TRACE10
0x00000020     RF Receive Block in WORD Format                                TRACE20

0x00001000     RF Receive Block in BLOCK Format containing Bit Errors         TRACE1000
0x00002000     RF Receive Block in WORD Format containing Parity Error        TRACE2000
0x00004000     Mobile Status                                                  TRACE4000

0x00100000     Low level RF Channel activity                                TRACE100000
0x00200000     RF Received Block in Readable Format                   TRACE200000
0x00400000     RF Noise Floor Measurements                                  TRACE400000

Multiple TRACES (i.e. messages) may be active simultaneously, however it is NOT RECOMMENDED. To end any
and all TRACE(s), type TRACE0 at any time, regardless of the characters being displayed on the screen.

The (S#) header, where # is a unique number, precedes a trace message that has been turned on by command.
Each header identifies the proper way to interpret the comma delimited fields that follow.

(S6) – Header for RF Receive Blocks in BLOCK Format, a continuous response activated by TRACE10 or
Header for RF Receive Block in BLOCK Format containing Bit Errors, a continuous response activated by TRACE1000

       SNIFF> TRACE10 or TRACE1000

       line (parse header) = S6
       field 1: Block Codeword Errors
       field 2: Block Bit Errors
       field 3: Received Signal Strength

       Note, TRACE1000 will only display blocks with bit errors.

(S7) – Body for RF Receive Blocks in BLOCK Format, a continuous response activated by TRACE10 or
Body for RF Receive Block in BLOCK Format containing Bit Errors, a continuous response activated by TRACE1000


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       line (parse header) = S7
       field 1: 32 bit Receive Data Word (HEX)

       Note, TRACE1000 will only display blocks with bit errors.

(S8) – Header for RF Receive Block WORD Format, a continuous response activated by TRACE20 or
Header for RF Receive Block WORD Format containing Parity Error, a continuous response activated by TRACE2000

       SNIFF> TRACE20 or TRACE2000

       line (parse header) = S8
       field 1: Source ID
       field 2: Destination ID
       field 3: Block Type
       field 4: Multi-Block transmission, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 5: Last Block of transmission, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 6: Transmit #
       field 7: Block Codeword Errors
       field 8: Block Bit Errors
       field 9: Block Ones Count
       field 10: Received Signal Strength

       Note, TRACE2000 will only display blocks with errors.

(S9) – Body for RF Receive Block WORD Format, a continuous response activated by TRACE20 or
Body for RF Receive Block WORD Format containing Parity Error, a continuous response activated by TRACE2000


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       line (parse header) = S9
       field 1: 16 bit Receive Data Word (HEX)

       Note, TRACE2000 will only display blocks with errors.

(S16) – Mobile Status, a continuous response activated by TRACE4000. Information presented here is collected
      from received MOBILE GPS and CONTAINMENT STATUS blocks. The information collected is maintained
      in RAM memory. Information is collected for up to 8 Mobile's.

       SNIFF> TRACE4000
       line (parse header) = S16
       field 1: Mobile ID
       field 2: Mobile Firmware Version Alias
       field 3: Mobile RF Noise Floor
       field 4: Mobile average receive level for Base RF transmissions
       field 5: Mobile Battery (mV)
       field 6: Mobile Navigation has Started, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 7: Mobile Fix Quality Metric (3=hi, 2=par, 1=lo, 0=no fix)
       field 8: Mobile most recent Time to First Useable Fix
       field 9: Mobile GNSS latitude (decimal degrees)
       field 10: Mobile GNSS longitude (decimal degrees)
       field 11: Mobile within Containment Area, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 12: Mobile is Armed for Corrections, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 13: Mobile Seconds without Motion
       field 14: Mobile Actionable Speed
       field 15: Mobile Distance to Nearest Boundary Segment
       field 16: Mobile Actionable latitude (decimal degrees)
       field 17: Mobile Actionable longitude (decimal degrees)
       field 18: Containment Correction Level Setting
       field 19: WARNING Event Count
       field 20: CORRECTION Event Count
       field 21: DISARM Event Count

(S18) – RF Noise Floor Measurements, a continuous response activated by TRACE400000

       SNIFF> TRACE400000

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       line (parse header) = S18
       field 1: RF Noise Floor (dBm)

(S22) – Header for RF Received RF Blocks in Readable Format, a continuous response activated by
TRACE200000. This header is the generic output for all other RF Blocks that are not otherwise printed in readable
format for by S23, S24, S25, S26, S27, S28, or S32.

       SNIFF> TRACE200000


       line (parse header) = S22
       field 1: Source ID
       field 2: Destination ID
       field 3: Transmit #
       field 4: Block Type
       field 5: Block Bit Errors
       field 6: Received Signal Strength

(S23) – Readable Text for a Transmit Test Block, a continuous response activated by TRACE200000


       line (parse header) = S23
       field 1: Source ID
       field 2: Destination ID
       field 3: Transmit #
       field 4: Block Type
       field 5: Block Bit Errors
       field 6: Received Signal Strength
       field 7: Test Block #

(S24) – Readable Text for a Mobile Post Block, a continuous response activated by TRACE200000


       line (parse header) = S24
       field 1: Source ID
       field 2: Destination ID
       field 3: Transmit #
       field 4: Block Type
       field 5: Block Bit Errors
       field 6: Received Signal Strength
       field 7: Post #
       field 8: RF Received Signal Strength

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       field 9: Hdop Position Error (0.01 meters)
       field 10: Time to Acquire Post (seconds)
       field 11: Post Weight
       field 12: Post Latitude (decimal degrees)
       field 13: Post Longitude (decimal degrees)

(S25) – Readable Text for a Mobile GPS Block, a continuous response activated by TRACE200000

       line (parse header) = B25
       field 1: Source ID
       field 2: Destination ID
       field 3: Transmit #
       field 4: Block Type
       field 5: Block Bit Errors
       field 6: Received Signal Strength
       field 7: Mobile Navigation is Started, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 8: Mobile Navigation Fix is valid, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 9: Mobile Fix Quality Metric (3=hi, 2=par, 1=lo, 0=no fix)
       field 10: Mobile GNSS Latitude (decimal degrees)
       field 11: Mobile GNSS Longitude (decimal degrees)
       field 12: Mobile Average Observable GPS Signal Level
       field 13: Mobile Average Eligible GPS Signal Level
       field 14: Mobile Ephemeris Needed Count
       field 15: Mobile Observable PRN count
       field 16: Mobile Eligible PRN count
       field 17: Mobile used GPS PRN bit map
       field 18: Mobile Actionable Latitude (decimal degrees)
       field 19: Mobile Actionable Longitude (decimal degrees)
       field 20: Mobile RF Noise Floor (dBm)
       field 21: Mobile Signal Level for Received Base RF Transmissions (dBm)
       field 22: Mobile Battery (mV)
       field 23: Mobile Firmware Version Alias
       field 24: System Transmit Power Setting: 0= +13dBm, 1= +5dBm, 2= -3dBm, 3= -11dBm

(S26) – Readable Text for a Base GPS Block, a continuous response activated by TRACE200000

       line (parse header) = S26
       field 1: Source ID
       field 2: Destination ID
       field 3: Transmit #
       field 4: Block Type
       field 5: Block Bit Errors
       field 6: Received Signal Strength
       field 7: Base RF Noise Floor (dBm)
       field 8: Base Reference Location Valid, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 9: Base Reference Latitude (decimal degrees)

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       field 10: Base Reference Longitude (decimal degrees)
       field 11: Base Reference Altitude (meters)
       field 12: Base used GPS PRN bit map
       field 13: Base Most Recent Fix Latitude (decimal degrees)
       field 14: Base Most Recent Fix Longitude (decimal degrees)
       field 15: Base Most Recent Fix Altitude (meters)
       field 16: Base Hdop Position Error
       field 17: Base Firmware Version Alias
       field 18: System Transmit Power Setting: 0 = +13dBm, 1 = +5dBm, 2 = -3dBm, 3 = -11dBm

(S27) – Readable Text for a Pseudo Range Error Block, a continuous response activated by TRACE200000

       line (parse header) = B27
       field 1: Source ID
       field 2: Destination ID
       field 3: Transmit #
       field 4: Block Type
       field 5: Block Bit Errors
       field 6: Received Signal Strength
       field 7: PRN Count
       field 8: Highest Elevation PRN
       field 9: GPS Week Number
       field 10: Time of Week (msec)
       field 11: Time of Week Fraction (psec)
       field 12: PRN
       field 13: Net Filtered Range Error (0.1 meters)
       field 14: PRN
       field 15: Net Filtered Range Error (0.1 meters)
       .         (repeats until PRN Count is reached)

(S28) – Readable Text for a Containment Status Block, a continuous response activated by TRACE200000

       line (parse header) = S28
       field 1: Source ID
       field 2: Destination ID
       field 3: Transmit #
       field 4: Block Type
       field 5: Block Bit Errors
       field 6: Received Signal Strength
       field 7: Navigation is Started, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 8: Navigation Fix is valid, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 9: Mobile Fix Quality Metric (3=hi, 2=par, 1=lo, 0=no fix)
       field 10: Mobile most Recent Time to First Useable Fix (secs)
       field 11: Mobile GNSS Latitude (decimal degrees)

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       field 12: Mobile GNSS Longitude (decimal degrees)
       field 13: Mobile Seconds without Motion
       field 14: Mobile is within the Containment Area, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 15: Mobile is Armed for Corrections, 1 is yes, 0 is no
       field 16: Mobile Distance to Nearest Boundary Segment (ft.)
       field 17: Mobile Actionable Speed (ft. / sec)
       field 18: Mobile Time to Nearest Boundary Segment (secs) – 1000 if the time is not relevant
       field 19: Mobile Average Observable GPS Signal Level
       field 20: Mobile Average Eligible GPS Signal Level
       field 21: Mobile Actionable Latitude (decimal degrees)
       field 22: Mobile Actionable Longitude (decimal degrees)
       field 23: Containment Correction Level Setting
       field 24: WARNING Event Count
       field 25: CORRECTION Event Count
       field 26: DISARM Event Count

(S29) – not used

(S30) – RF Receive Block in WORD Format containing Parity Error, a continuous response activated by TRACE2000

       line (parse header) = S30
       field 1: Ones Count Sum (Compare to field 9: Block Ones Count of the header line (B8))

(S31) – Low level RF channel activity, a continuous response activated by TRACE100000 !!WIP

       SNIFF> TRACE100000


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       line (parse header) = S31
       field 1: informative text and secondary parse string from the following list
                 RdyRx            - ready RF receiver
                 RdyTx            - ready RF transmitter
                 RxPdn            - power down RF
                 Rx               - receiving an RF block
                 ChnFree          - channel is free to transmit
                 ChnBusy          - channel is occupied
                 QTx              - queue block for RF transmission
                 Q-FULL           - transmit queue is full
                 Tx               - transmitting RF block
                 x                - RSSI diagnostic
                 z                - RSSI diagnostic
                 ,                - waiting to a receive block

(S32) – Readable Text for a Ack/Nak Block, a continuous response activated by TRACE200000

       (S32),32,30,0,6,0,-71,TEST ID NUMBER1,TEST ID NUMBER2,0.265,-47
       line (parse header) = S32
       field 1: Source ID
       field 2: Destination ID
       field 3: Transmit #
       field 4: Block Type
       field 5: Block Bit Errors
       field 6: Received Signal Strength
       field 7: Device Mfg ID 1
       field 8: Device Mfg ID 2
       field 9: Device Firmware Version Alias
       field 10: Device RF Received Signal Level for Command that Prompted the ACK/NAK (dBm)

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5.2 [Task] Headers

A [task header] is bracketed by “[]” and identifies the line as an informative task output message. All fields
following the header are comma delimited. Specific task headers are:

        [T] Periodic Task Header
        [P] Protocol Task Header
        [PSwi] Protocol Software Interrupt Header
        [R] RF Comm Task Header
        [S] Shell Task Header
        [Event] Diagnostic Event Activity Header
        [SNV] Sniffer Non-Volatile File Activity Header

5.2.3 [S] task header.
Additional informative text and output fields that accompany the [S] task header.
        [S],“Command Text”                 (See also “Available Commands” section).
        [S],Pls End Current Test First

        Example (“Command Text” Inquiry):

        SNIFF> DEVID

        line 1: [task header] = S
        field 1: DEVID, informative text displaying the command to be executed
        field 2: numeric value for DEVID

        Example (“Command Text” Set):

        SNIFF> DEVID20


        line 1: (parse header) = NV
        field 1: UPDATE, informative text, secondary parse string
        line 2: [task header] = S
        field 1: DEVID, informative text displaying the command to be executed
        field 2: numeric value for DEVID

        Example (“DEST” Command):

        SNIFF> DEST00032TONE



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        line 1: [task header] = S
        field 1: Command-in-Queue informative text indicating the command is in queue and awaiting transmission

        line 2: [task header] = S
        field 1: TONE informative text displaying the command is being forwarded to a device
        field 2: DEVID of the Unit to receive the command
         (Note: this action mimics a typed command, therefore the Base prompt is also displayed.)

        line 3: [task header] = S
        field 1: Command-Accepted informative text indicating the command has been accepted by the device
        field 2: DEVID of the unit accepting the command

        Example (“VERSION” Command):


        line 1: [task header] = S
        field 1: GPSC informative text and secondary parse string
        field 2: Base informative text and secondary parse string
        field 3: Version number
        field 4: Version date
        field 5: RSC copywrite

5.2.4 [SNV] task header.
Additional informative text and output fields that accompany the [SNV] task header. The [SNV] header signifies an
operation involving non-volatile parameter activity. Non-volatile parameters are copied to RAM for real time access.
When a parameter is accessed for display, it is accessed from RAM and a message of type [SNV],informative-
text,value will appear. When a parameter is changed, it is first changed in RAM and then a new file is written to the
non-volatile FLASH FILE SYSTEM. Whenever a change is made to the non-volatile FLASH FILE SYSTEM, the
[SNV],UPDATE message will be displayed.

Instances of the [SNV]HEADER will appear as follows:

        [SNV],UPDATE                                      - a update to non-volatile FLASH FILE SYSTEM
        [SNV],POR                                         - a power on reset
        [SNV],RESTORE                                     - a non-volatile file restore operation
        [SNV],RESTORE-DEFAULTS                            - a non-volatile file restore and set to default operation

        line (parse header) = SNV
        field 1: informative text and secondary parse string

The [SNV] header is also used when accessing and displaying non-volatile memory parameters in response to
various commands, (i.e. PRINTNV). When accessing and displaying non-volatile memory parameters one or more of
the following will appear:

        line (parse header) = SNV

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       field 1: DEVID, informative text and secondary parse string

       line (parse header) = SNV
       field 1: BASEREFID, informative text and secondary parse string
       field 2: BASEREFID, the destination ID that this unit will use to report status information

5.2.5 [Event] task header.
Additional informative text and output fields that accompany the [Event] task header. The [Event] task header
precedes an event diagnostic message. This message type may appear at any time.


       line (parse header) = Event
       field 1: Task ID Number
       field 2: Event ID Number
       field 3: Event Debug Value

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6.0 HEX Bit Maps
6.1 Event Types (HEX)
These flag bits refer to events (recoverable and un-recoverable) as they MAY occur.

        0x00000002      Interrupt Service Task was forced to block an RF block for Transmission

        0x00000010      Enable RF Transceiver Failed
        0x00000020      Set RF Transceiver for Receive Mode Failed
        0x00000040      Illogical Request to go to Receive Mode

        0x00000800      Set RF Transceiver for Transmit Mode Failed

        0x00010000      Illogical Request for an RSSI measurement
        0x00080000      Unsuccessful attempt at an RSSI measurement

        0x00100000      Clear Channel attempts exhausted, transmission blocked by a busy channel
        0x00200000      Transmission blocked due to a test or not in WAIT FOR SYNC mode

        0x00800000      Device is illogically stuck in TX or RX mode

        0x10000000      Too many mobiles reporting status to this device

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7.0 RF Transmissions

7.1 Block Types
Recall, that TRACE200000 activates display messages for "RF Received Block in Readable Format". Each received
block contains a field that identifies its type.

        line (parse header) = S22

        field 4: Block Type

Block types currently used in the GPS Containment System are:

TYPE 1: MOBILE GPS – This block type is sent periodically from a Mobile to its assigned Base and Hub/Sniffer Unit. It
contains a range of navigation status information. When directed to a BASE Unit, the MOBILE GPS Block also serves
as a REQUEST for time or pseudo range correction data.

TYPE 2: PSEUDO RANGE CORRECTIONS - This block type is sent in response to a Mobile GPS. It is sent from a
Base to a Mobile and contains GPS Time and Pseudo Range Corrections.

TYPE 4: ACQUIRED POST LOCATION - no longer used.

TYPE 5: REMOTE TEXT COMMAND - This block type is sent from a Base or Hub/Sniffer to the destination ID

TYPE 6: CONTAINMENT STATUS - This block type is sent periodically from a Mobile to its assigned Base and
Hub/Sniffer. It includes containment status information.

TYPE 8: BASE REFERENCE GPS - This block type is sent periodically to the Hub/Sniffer Unit.

TYPE 9: TRANSMIT TEST - This block type is sent by the unit that has been commanded to execute a TXTEST.
Destination ID is 65535.

TYPE 10: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - This block type is sent by a unit that has received and decoded a valid Remote
Text Command (TYPE 5).

TYPE 11: NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - This block type is sent by a unit that has received and decoded a
Remote Text Command (TYPE 5) which contains an un-executable command.

TYPE 12: REQUEST EPHEMERIS DATA - When sent from a Mobile to a Base, this block type serves as a request for
ephemeris data. When sent from a Base to a Mobile, it contains ephemeris data.

TYPE 13: REQUEST IONOSPHERIC MODEL - When sent from a Mobile to a Base, this block type serves as a
request for ionosphere model data. When sent from a Base to a Mobile, it contains ionosphere model data.

                                Radio Systems Corp. – Proprietary and Confidential

             FCC - USA
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

CAUTION: Modification or changes to this equipment not expressly approved by Radio Systems®
Corporation may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a specific installation. If interference does occur to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult customer care, the dealer, or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Document Created: 2013-10-16 14:02:10
Document Modified: 2013-10-16 14:02:10

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