Test Report


Test Report

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Test Report:             82588-3TRFWL

Applicant:               Paradox Security Systems
                         780 Industrial Blvd
                         Ste-Eustache, Quebec
                         J7R 5V3

Apparatus:               MG6160/MG6130 433MHz Control Panel

FCC ID:                  KDYMG6160

In Accordance With:      FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231
                         Periodic operation in the band 40.66-40.70MHz and
                         above 70 MHz.

Tested By:               Nemko Canada Inc.
                         303 River Road
                         Ottawa, Ontario
                         K1V 1H2

Authorized By:

                         Jason Nixon, Telecom Specialist

Date:                    June 4, 2007

Total Number of Pages:   21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                                        REPORT SUMMARY
                                                                                             Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                              Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Report Summary

These tests were conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of demonstrating
compliance with Part 15, Subpart C. Radiated tests were conducted in accordance with ANSI
C63.4-2003. Radiated emissions are made on an open area test site. A description of the test
facility is on file with the FCC.

The assessment summary is as follows:

Apparatus Assessed:                         MG6160 433MHz Control Panel

Specification:                              FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Compliance Status:                          Complies

Exclusions:                                 None

Non-compliances:                            None

Report Release History:                     Original Release

Author: Xu Jin, Wireless Specialist

Note that the results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in
the period between the date of initial receipt of samples and the date of issue of the report.

This test report has been completed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

Nemko Canada Inc. authorizes the applicant to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for use by the
company’s employees only.

Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of
such third parties. Nemko Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of
decisions made or actions based on this report.

                                                                                                                    Page 2 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                                                                        REPORT SUMMARY
                                                                                                                         Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                                                      Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

Report Summary......................................................................................................................................... 2
Section 1: Equipment Under Test.............................................................................................................. 4
    1.1        Product Identification .................................................................................................................................4
    1.2        Samples Submitted for Assessment............................................................................................................4
    1.3        Technical Specifications of the EUT..........................................................................................................5
Section 2: Test Conditions.......................................................................................................................... 6
    2.1        Specifications .............................................................................................................................................6
    2.2        Deviations From Laboratory Test Procedures ............................................................................................6
    2.3        Test Environment .......................................................................................................................................6
    2.4        Test Equipment...........................................................................................................................................6
Section 3: Observations .............................................................................................................................. 7
    3.1        Modifications Performed During Assessment ............................................................................................7
    3.2        Record Of Technical Judgements...............................................................................................................7
    3.3        EUT Parameters Affecting Compliance .....................................................................................................7
    3.4        Test Deleted................................................................................................................................................7
    3.5        Additional Observations .............................................................................................................................7
Section 4: Results Summary ...................................................................................................................... 8
    4.1        FCC Part 15 Subpart C: Test Results .........................................................................................................9
Appendix A: Test Results ......................................................................................................................... 10
Appendix B: Setup Photographs ............................................................................................................. 19
Appendix C : Block Diagram of Test Setups .......................................................................................... 21

                                                                                                                                                         Page 3 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                         SECTION 1: EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST
                                                                    Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                        Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Section 1: Equipment Under Test

1.1    Product Identification

The Equipment Under Test was identified as follows:

MG6160 433MHz Control Panel

1.2    Samples Submitted for Assessment

The following samples of the apparatus have been submitted for type assessment:

Sample No.     Description                                        Serial No.

      13       MG6160 433MHz Control Panel                        None

The first samples were received on:   Mar. 5, 2007

                                                                                        Page 4 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                  SECTION 1: EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST
                                                             Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

1.3   Technical Specifications of the EUT

Manufacturer:                        Paradox Security Systems

Operating Frequency:                 433.92MHz

Emission Designator:                 L1D

Modulation:                          Pulse Width Modulated

Antenna Data:                        Integral

Power Source:                        120VAC

                                                                                Page 5 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                     SECTION 2: TEST CONDITIONS
                                                                        Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                           Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Section 2: Test Conditions

2.1     Specifications

The apparatus was assessed against the following specifications:

FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231
      Periodic operation in the band 40.66-40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz.

2.2     Deviations From Laboratory Test Procedures

No deviations were made from laboratory test procedures.

2.3     Test Environment

All tests were performed under the following environmental conditions:

Temperature range                    :    15 – 30 oC
Humidity range                       :    20 - 75 %
Pressure range                       :    86 - 106 kPa
Power supply range                   :    +/- 5% of rated voltages

2.4     Test Equipment

Equipment                    Manufacturer       Model No.            Asset/Serial No.   Next Cal.
Spectrum Analyzer            Rohde & Schwarz    FSU                  FA001877           Jan 16/08
Biconical (2) Antenna        EMCO               3109                 FA000904           Sept. 12/07
Log Periodic Antenna #2      EMCO               3148                 FA001355           May 16/07
Horn Antenna #1              EMCO               3115                 FA000649           Feb 26/08
1.0 – 2.0 GHz Amplifier      JCA                12-400               FA001498           Aug. 02/07
2.0 – 4.0 GHz Amplifier      JCA                24-600               FA001496           Aug. 02/07
4.0 – 8.0 GHz Amplifier      JCA                48-600               FA001497           Aug. 02/07
LISN                         Rohde & Schwarz    ENV216               FA002023           Aug. 28/07
Receiver/Spectrum Analyzer   Rohde & Schwarz    ESU                  FA002043           Oct. 24/07
International Power Supply   California Inst.   3001i                FA001021           Jan. 09/08

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                                      SECTION 3: OBSERVATIONS
                                                                      Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                          Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Section 3: Observations

3.1    Modifications Performed During Assessment

2.2Kohm at R438 was changed to 150Kohm in order to meet the radiation emission requirement.

3.2    Record Of Technical Judgements

MG6160 is all in one control transceiver at 433MHz and having an FM radio and dialler. The
MG6130 has same design as MG6160 with less feature (no FM radio, no two voice
documentation, no hand free speaker phone). Therefore, no extra test is required for MG6130.

3.3    EUT Parameters Affecting Compliance

The user of the apparatus could not alter parameters that would affect compliance.

3.4    Test Deleted

No Tests were deleted from this assessment.

3.5    Additional Observations

There were no additional observations made during this assessment.

                                                                                          Page 7 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                   SECTION 4: RESULTS SUMMARY
                                                                        Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                            Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Section 4: Results Summary

This section contains the following:

FCC Part 15 Subpart C: Test Results

The column headed 'Required' indicates whether the associated clauses were invoked for the
apparatus under test. The following abbreviations are used:

    N       No: not applicable / not relevant.

    Y       Yes: Mandatory i.e. the apparatus shall conform to these tests.

  N/T       Not Tested, mandatory but not assessed. (See section 3.4 Test

The results contained in this section are representative of the operation of the apparatus in its
final modified state.

                                                                                            Page 8 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                              SECTION 4: RESULTS SUMMARY
                                                                                   Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                       Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

4.1      FCC Part 15 Subpart C: Test Results

    Part 15    Test Description                                                    Required    Result

15.31(e)       Variation of Power source                                              Y         PASS
15.207(a)      Powerline Conducted Emissions                                          Y         PASS
15.209(a)      Radiated Emissions within Restricted Bands                             Y         PASS
15.231(a)(1)   Manually operated transmitter                                          N
15.231(a)(2)   Automatically activated transmitter                                    Y         PASS
15.231(a)(3)   Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals              N
15.231(a)(4)   Radiators used in cases of emergency                                   Y         PASS
15.231(a)(5)   Set-up information for security systems                                N
15.231(b)      Radiated Emissions                                                     Y         PASS
15.231(c)      20dB Bandwidth                                                         Y         PASS
15.231(d)      Devices operating within the frequency band 40.66-40.70 MHz            N
15.231(e)      Radiated emissions for Periodic radiators                              N

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                                              APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS
                                                                               Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                   Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Appendix A: Test Results
Clause 15.207(a) Powerline Conducted Emissions

        Frequency of Conducted limit (dBuV)
        Emission (MHz) Quasi-peak        Average
        0.15-0.5        66 to 56*        56 to 46*
        0.5-5           56               46
        5-30            60               50

        * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

Test Conditions:
Sample Number:              13                             Temperature:              23ºC
Date:                       May 9, 2007                    Humidity:                 52%
Modification State:         0                              Tester:                   Xu Jin
                                                           Laboratory:               Shielded Room

Test Results:            Comply
Test Data:               See Attached Plots

                                                                                                  Page 10 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                                             APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS
                                                                                                              Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                                             Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

AC Main Emissions---Neutral




                                                                                                     CISRP 22 Voltage on Mains QP Class B
      Level in dBµV

                                                                                                     CISPR 22 Voltage on Mains AV Class B





                       150k           300 400 500             800 1M            2M      3M    4M 5M 6         8 10M         20M     30M
                                                                           Frequency in Hz

                      CISRP 22 Voltage on Mains QP Class B             CISPR 22 Voltage on Mains AV Class B
                      Preview Measurement Peak Detector                Preview Measurement Average Detector
                      Final Measurement Quasi-Peak Detector

                                                                                                                                Page 11 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                                            APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS
                                                                                                             Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                                            Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

AC Main Emissions---Phase




                                                                                                    CISRP 22 Voltage on Mains QP Class B
     Level in dBµV

                                                                                                    CISPR 22 Voltage on Mains AV Class B





                      150k           300 400 500             800 1M           2M       3M    4M 5M 6         8 10M         20M     30M
                                                                         Frequency in Hz

                     CISRP 22 Voltage on Mains QP Class B             CISPR 22 Voltage on Mains AV Class B
                     Preview Measurement Peak Detector                Preview Measurement Average Detector
                     Final Measurement Quasi_Peak Detector

                                                                                                                               Page 12 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                   APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS
                                                                                    Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                       Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Clause 15.209(a) Radiated Emissions within Restricted Bands

Except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator shall not exceed the field
strength levels specified in the following table:

         Frequency         Field Strength   Measurement Distance
         (MHz)             (microvoltsmeter) (meters)
         0.009-0.490       2400/F (kHz)       300
         0.490-1.705       24000/F (kHz)       30
         1.705-30.0        30                  30
         30-88             100                  3
         88-216            150                  3
         216-960           200                  3
         Above 960         500                  3

Test Conditions:
Sample Number:                13                            Temperature:                   25ºC
Date:                         May 4, 2007                   Humidity:                      52%
Modification State:           1                             Tester:                        Xu Jin
                                                            Laboratory:                    OATS
Test Results:
                  See Attached Table for Results

Additional Observations:

                  The Spectrum was searched from 30MHz to 5GHz.

                  The EUT was measured on three orthogonal axis.

                  All measurements were performed using a Peak Detector with 100kHz
                  RBW/VBW below 1GHz and a 1MHz RBW/VBW above 1GHz at a distance of 3

                  No emission within 20dB below the limit was noticed.

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                    APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS
                                                                                     Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                        Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Clause 15.231(a) Conditions for intentional radiators to comply with periodic operation

The provisions of this section are restricted to periodic operation within the band 40.66-40.70 MHz and above 70
MHz. Except as shown in paragraph (e) of this section, the intentional radiator is restricted to the transmission of a
control signal such as those used with alarm systems, door openers, remote switches, etc. Continuous transmissions,
voice, video and the radio control of toys are not permitted. Data is permitted to be sent with a control signal. The
following conditions shall be met to comply with the provisions for this periodic operation:

(1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the transmitter within
not more than 5 seconds of being released.

(2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after activation.

(3) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted. However, polling or supervision
transmissions, including data, to determine system integrity of transmitters used in security or safety applications are
allowed if the total duration of transmissions does not exceed more than two seconds per hour for each transmitter.
There is no limit on the number of individual transmissions, provided the total transmission time does not exceed
two seconds per hour.

(4) Intentional radiators, which are employed for radio control purposes during emergencies involving fire, security,
and safety of life, when activated to signal an alarm, may operate during the pendency of the alarm condition.

(5) Transmission of set-up information for security systems may exceed the transmission duration limits in
paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, provided such transmissions are under the control of a professional
installer and do not exceed ten seconds after a manually operated switch is released or a transmitter is activated
automatically. Such set-up information may include data.

Test Conditions:
Sample Number:                13                             Temperature:                   25ºC
Date:                         May 8, 2007                    Humidity:                      52%
Modification State:           1                              Tester:                        Xu Jin
                                                             Laboratory:                    Wireless Lab

Test Results:
(1)   The apparatus is not manually triggered.

(2)      See attached plot for the time for transmission.

(3)      The apparatus is not a periodic transmitter.

(4)      The apparatus only transmits a single event for each alarm detected.

(5)      The setup information does not exceed the transmit duration.

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                                      APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS
                                                                       Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                           Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

                                               RBW 3 MHz    Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                               VBW 10 MHz              11.45 dB
         Ref -20 dBm          Att   10 dB      SWT 20 s             1.880000 s
         -20                                                Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                      -62.74 dBm
                                                                  720.000000 ms     A

1 PK *









         Center 433.92 MHz                  2 s/

Date: 8.MAY.2007        16:24:58

                                                                                          Page 15 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                   APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS
                                                                                    Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                        Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Clause 15.231(b) Radiated Emissions

In addition to the provisions of 15.205, the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated under this
section shall not exceed the following:

         Fundamental       Field Strength of          Field Strength of
         Frequency         Fundamental                Spurious Emissions
         (MHz)             (microvolts/meter)         (microvolts/meter)
         40.66-40.70       2,250                      225
         70-130            1,250                      125
         130-174           1,250 to 3,750             125 to 375
         174-260           3,750                      375
         260-470           3,750 to 12,500            375 to 1,250
         Above 470         12,500                     1,250

Test Conditions:
Sample Number:                 13                            Temperature:                  25ºC
Date:                          May 4, 2007                   Humidity:                     52%
Modification State:            1                             Tester:                       Xu Jin
                                                             Laboratory:                   OATS

Test Results:
                  See Attached Table for Results

Additional Observations:
             The Spectrum was searched from 30MHz to 5GHz.

                  All measurements were performed using a Peak Detector with 100kHz
                  RBW/VBW below 1GHz and a 1MHz RBW/VBW above 1GHz at a distance of 3

                  The EUT was measured on three orthogonal axis. Only worst-case fundamental
                  emission was reported. No spurious emission within 20dB below the limit was

                  The AC mains were varied by +/-15% and there was no change in the field
                                 RCVD         Ant.    Amp.                 Cable
    Freq.               Pol.                                     Cycle                Level           Limit     Margin
                Ant              Signal      Factor   Gain                 Loss
   (MHz)                V/H                                      Corr.              (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                                (dBµV)       (dB/m)   (dB)                 (dB)
   433.92        LP      H        64.7        17.2     N/A        -5.2      2.1        78.8            80.8        2.0
   433.92        LP      V         57         16.6     N/A        -5.2      2.1        70.5            80.8       10.3

Note 1: Antenna Legend: BC = Biconical, BL = Bilog, LP = Log-Periodic, Horn = Horn, ED = EMCO Dipole

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                                          APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS
                                                                           Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                               Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Duty cycle correction factor
=20*log ((27.2+27.8)/100)=-5.19dB

                                                   RBW 1 MHz    Delta 4 [T1 ]
                                                   VBW 3 MHz               -8.45 dB
         Ref -27 dBm             Att   10 dB       SWT 100 ms          94.200000 ms

          -30                                                   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          -52.04 dBm
                                                                        0.000000 s    A
          -40                                                   Delta 2 [T1 ]
1 PK *
                                                                           -0.16 dB
VIEW                                                                                 TRG
                                                                       27.200000 ms
         1 -50               2
                                                                Delta 3 [T1 ]
                                                                           -8.05 dB
                                                            3                   4
          -60                                                          66.400000 ms

                 TRG -73.5 dBm






         Center 433.92 MHz                     10 ms/

Date: 8.MAY.2007        16:26:51

                                                                                              Page 17 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                          APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS
                                                                                           Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                                          Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Clause 15.231(c) 20dB Bandwidth

The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for devices operating above 70
MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the
center frequency. Bandwidth is determined at the points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

Test Conditions:
Sample Number:               13                                 Temperature:                    25ºC
Date:                        May 8, 2007                        Humidity:                       52%
Modification State:          1                                  Tester:                         Xu Jin
                                                                Laboratory:                     OATS

Limit: 0.25% of the center frequency =0.0025×433.92MHz=1084.8KHz

Test Results:

20dB Bandwidth=50KHz
                                               * RBW 10 kHz     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                   VBW 30 kHz             -62.27 dBm
       Ref -17 dBm         * Att   10 dB           SWT 10 ms       433.890000000 MHz

       -20                                                      Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                            0.34 dB
                                                                    50.000000000 kHz   A
1 PK


       -60                                 1   2






       Center 433.92 MHz               100 kHz/                           Span 1 MHz

Date: 8.MAY.2007      15:12:15

                                                                                                          Page 18 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                  APPENDIX B: SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS
                                           Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160               Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Appendix B: Setup Photographs
Spurious Emissions Setup:

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Nemko Canada Inc.                       APPENDIX B: SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS
                                                Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                    Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

AC Power conducted emission Setup:

                                                           Page 20 of 21

Nemko Canada Inc.                           APPENDIX C : BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEST SETUPS
                                                               Report Number: 82588-3TRFWL
FCC ID: KDYMG6160                                   Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.231

Appendix C : Block Diagram of Test Setups
Test Site For Radiated Emissions

                              3 METERS

                              SEARCH ANTENNA

                    EUT                                                  HEIGHT (1 TO 4 m)
    0.8 METER


                                                               TO TEST RECEIVER/SPECTRUM

Conducted Emissions

                EUT                      L.I.S.N.                       ANALYZER OR
                                                                       TEST RECEIVER


                                                                          Page 21 of 21

Document Created: 2007-06-04 12:42:55
Document Modified: 2007-06-04 12:42:55

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