Test Report


Test Report

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Test Report:                             2W06114

Applicant:                               PARADOX SECURITY SYSTEMS
                                         780 Industrial Blvd
                                         St-Eustache, Québec
                                         Canada, J7R 5V3

Equipment Under Test:                    1759EX

In Accordance With:                      FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B: 1999
                                         Class B Certification, Including FCC ET Dockets 98-80

Tested By:                               Nemko Canada Inc.
                                         303 River Road, R.R. 5
                                         Ottawa, Ontario K1V 1H2

Authorized By:
                                         G. Westwell, Wireless Technologist

Date:                                    22 August 2002

Total Number of Pages:                   26

Master: PT15BBC Date: January 25, 2002

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                  FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                               CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                                 PROJECT NO.:2W06114

                                            Table Of Contents

Section 1.   Summary of Test Results......................................................................................3

Section 2.   Equipment Under Test (EUT)..............................................................................6

Section 3.   Equipment Configuration ....................................................................................9

Section 4.   Conducted Emissions..........................................................................................11

Section 5.   Radiated Emissions.............................................................................................20

Section 6.   Sample Calculations............................................................................................23

Section 7.   Block Diagrams...................................................................................................24

Section 8.   Test Equipment List ...........................................................................................26

Annex A      Prescans For Engineering Evaluation Only...................................................... A1

                                                                                                              Page 2 of 26

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                 FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                                              CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                                                PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Section 1.                        Summary of Test Results

All measurements are traceable to national standards.

These tests were conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of demonstrating
compliance with FCC Part 15, Subpart B for Class B Digital Devices.

These tests were conducted using measurement procedures of ANSI C63.4-1992.

The equipment was tested for conducted emissions from 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz using a 50
microhenry line impedance stabilization network (L.I.S.N.) as described in ANSI C63.4-1992.
Peripheral equipment was also operated through a 50 microhenry L.I.S.N.

Name Of Test                                               Para. No.                                                    Results
Conducted Emissions                              FCC ET Dockets 98-80 (FCC-02-                                         Complied
Radiated Emissions                                          15.109                                                     Complied


   SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. The EUT is not sold with a AC/AC adapter. Refer to
       Equipment Configuration for details regarding the AC/AC adapter used during testing.

Test Performed By: ________________________________                                                     Date: 22 August 2002
                               Kevin Carr, EMC Specialist
Nemko Canada Inc., a testing laboratory, is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. The tests included in this report are within the scope of
this accreditation.

Nemko Canada Inc. authorizes the above named company to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for use by the
company’s employees only.

Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties.
Nemko Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this
report. This report applies only to the items tested.

                                                                                                                                   Page 3 of 26

Nemko Canada Inc.                                FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                             CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                               PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Measurement Uncertainty
Accuracy of Measurement

The measurement uncertainty was calculated using the methods described in NAMAS document
NIS81 May 1994, with the confidence level of 95%.

Radiated Measurements
                                                            OATS #1 (A) 3 meter [UN9902B]
       Contribution         Distribution                 Uncertainty (+/-)
Field Strength Variation   Random                                          0.2089 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Normal                                          0.3275 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Rectangular                                     0.4167 dBµV^2
Total Combined Uncertainty                                                 0.9762 dBµV^2
Expanded Uncertainty @ 95% Confidence = ± 2.0013 dBµ

                                                           OATS #1 (B) 10 meter [UN9906B]
       Contribution         Distribution                 Uncertainty (+/-)
Field Strength Variation   Random                                          0.1388 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Normal                                          0.3275 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Rectangular                                     0.4167 dBµV^2
Total Combined Uncertainty                                                 0.9694 dBµV^2
Expanded Uncertainty @ 95% Confidence = ± 1.926 dBµ

                                                            OATS #2 (B) 3 meter [UN9912B]
       Contribution         Distribution                 Uncertainty (+/-)
Field Strength Variation   Random                                          0.4516 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Normal                                          0.3275 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Rectangular                                     0.4167 dBµV^2
Total Combined Uncertainty                                                 1.0935 dBµV^2
Expanded Uncertainty @ 95% Confidence = ± 2.2417 dBµ

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                             CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                               PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Radiated Measurements, continued

                                                          OATS #2 (C) 10 meter [UN9917B]
       Contribution         Distribution                Uncertainty (+/-)
Field Strength Variation   Random                                         0.1211 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Normal                                         0.3275 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Rectangular                                    0.4167 dBµV^2
Total Combined Uncertainty                                                0.9302 dBµV^2
Expanded Uncertainty @ 95% Confidence = ± 1.9069 dBµ

Conducted Measurements
                                                                Shielded Room #1 [UN9920]
       Contribution         Distribution                Uncertainty (+/-)
Amplitude Variation        Random                                           0.0400 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Normal                                           0.7500 dBµV^2
Measurement Equipment      Rectangular                                      0.2500 dBµV^2
Total Combined Uncertainty                                                  1.0198 dBµV^2
Expanded Uncertainty @ 95% Confidence = ± 2.0396 dBµ

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                   FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                  PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Section 2.             Equipment Under Test (EUT)

Brand Name:                         SPECTRA

Manufacturer:                       PARADOX SECURITY SYSTEMS

Model No.:                          1759EX

Serial No.:                         None

Primary Power:                      120VAC, 60Hz with 12VDC battery back-up

Receive Frequency:                  433.92MHz-Fixed

Crystal Frequencies:                8, 16 and 70.536MHz

Date Received In Laboratory:        5 July 2002

Nemko Identification No.:           2R06113, Item 2

                                    Production Unit       Pre-Production Unit

Description of EUT
The 1759(EX) Is a control card for a burglar Alarm Panel. It incorporates a 433MHz receiver.

Modifications Incorporated in EUT

The EUT was not modified from what is described by the brand name and unique type
identification stated above.

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                             CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                               PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Theory of Operation
The SPECTRA 1759EX is a control panel for a burglar and fire warning systems with built-in
wireless remote control receiver. The SPECTRA 1759EX can be programmed with access
keypads or by software through direct or telephone connection to a personal computer.

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                     FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                  CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                    PROJECT NO.:2W06114


The EUT was configured for testing as per typical installation. Position and bundling of cables
were investigated to establish maximum amplitude of emissions.

The following combinations were investigated to establish worst case configuration:

(1) The EUT was tested a per a typical installation

Exercise Program

The EUT exercise program used during radiated and conducted testing was designed to exercise
the various system components in a manner similar to typical use. Test S/W Ver. was not supplied
by client.

Exercise Mode:

(1) Away Mode

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                    FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                 CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                   PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Section 3.              Equipment Configuration

Equipment Configuration List:
Item      Description                  FCC ID         Model No.     Serial No.        Rev.
  (A)     Control Board                               1759EX        None
  (B)     DC Feed and Ring-up unit                    CLI-043       FA000194
  (C)     Keypad                                      1641ENG       None
  (D)     AC/AC Converter (lab.                       ATC-Frost,    None
          Supplied)                                   FTC3716

Equipment Ports:
Item      Description                                               Number
   (i)    POT S                                                     1
  (ii)    AC input                                                  1
  (iii)   Com Buss                                                  1
  (iv)    Bell                                                      1
  (v)     Zone                                                      1
  (vi)    Zone                                                      1

Inter-Connection Cables:
Item      Description                                               Length (m)
  (1)     22 AWG, 4C, UTP                                           3
  (2)     Std North American Power Cord                             2
  (3)     22 AWG, 4C, UTP, 1K ohm Bell Resistor                     10
  (4)     22 AWG, 4C, UTP, 2X 1K ohm zone resistor                  10
  (5)     22 AWG, 4C, UTP, 2X 1K ohm zone resistor                  10

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Nemko Canada Inc.                            FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                         CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                           PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Configuration of the Equipment Under Test (EUT)



                                   iii            iv       4
                                                   v       5
      B             1    i         A (EUT)        vi       5

          2                        ii

120VAC/60Hz                        2

                         120VAC, 60Hz

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                         FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                      CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                        PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Section 4.              Conducted Emissions

Para. No.: FCC ET Dockets 98-80 (FCC-02-157)

 Test Performed By: Kevin Carr                                        Date of Test: 5 July 2002

Test Conditions:                Test Voltage: 120VAC
                                Temperature: 23°C
                                Humidity:     36%

Minimum Standard:

  Frequency Range               Limits for Conducted Disturbance at a Mains Ports of Class B
       MHz                Quasi-Peak Limits dB           Average Limits dB (µV/m)                   Required
     0.15 to 0.5                66 to 56                           56 to 46
       0.5 to 5                    56                                 46
       5 to 30                     60                                 50
  Frequency Range               Limits for Conducted Disturbance at a Mains Ports of Class A
        MHz             Quasi-Peak Limits dB          Average Limits dB (µV/m)                      Required
      0.15 to 0.5                  79                                  66
       0.5 to 30                   73                                  60
FCC R&) 898-80
The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequency.
The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 MHz to 0.5 MHz for Class B

Test Results:                   Complied. See attached graphs and table.

Measurement Data:               See attached graphs and table.

Method Of Measurement: (Procedure CISPR-22)

Measurements were made using a spectrum analyzer with 10 kHz RBW, Peak detector. Any
emissions that were close to the limit were measured using a test receiver with 10 kHz bandwidth,
CISPR Quasi-Peak detector.

All emissions within 10 dB of limit have been recorded.

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                      FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                   CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                     PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Measurement Data

Tested as per Table Top                                Tested as per Floor Standing
The top six emissions have been recorded/plotted.
No. Conductor Frequency (MHz)             Detector       Level (dBµV)    Limit (dBµV)   Margin (dB)
1      Phase        0.15                  Quasi-Peak     51.6            66             14.4
       Phase        0.15                  Average        1               56             55
2      Phase        0.2                   Quasi-Peak     43              63.6           20.6
       Phase        0.2                   Average        20.3            53.6           33.3
3      Phase        16                    Quasi-Peak     45.4            60             14.6
       Phase        16                    Average        43.2            50             6.8
4      Neutral      0.15                  Quasi-Peak     51.4            66             14.6
       Neutral      0.15                  Average        0.3             56             55.7
5      Neutral      0.2                   Quasi-Peak     43.3            63.6           20.3
       Neutral      0.2                   Average        20.3            53.6           33.3
6      Neutral      16                    Quasi-Peak     44.3            60             15.7
       Neutral      16                    Average        42.7            50             7.3

                                                                                 Page 12 of 26


                                                CISPR 22 Conducted Emissions, Class B— Neutral

Stort Freq thlts)
       9 ase
Stop Freq (Mie]           #
       9 n.soo            .
                 naw. $BW 102
        gromro            o.                *)
        5yooune           a.                                                  x"vmmv‘ Ervohbard
                          ul:                                                                                      ronh

       Attenuation          E

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 10:47:23 AM                                                        FrequenoIMitel
                     Project number                                          Tested By                       ClearWrite,
                      2006114                                                 Kevin Carr
                                                                             File                            Mex Hold .
                     saved data comments
                     euri7s0eX                                                N—tstle00k
                     Temp: 23°C                                                                                View       .|
                     Humdity: 36%                                             Date M/D/Y
                     1048 Transient Limiter Used                              name                             pbone

                                                                                                  aupe ce vese

                                                      CISPR 22 Conducted Emissions, Class B— Neutral

Stort Freq thlts)                   ;
       3 n.son                   m
Stop Frea (Mi]                   ®
       9 5.000                   a
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        Egrome         10        sE

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 fearanam                   c         o                                   Frequence itc
                            roject number                                           Tested By                   clearwrite
                            2006114                                               Kevin Carr
                                                                                   ;                             MexcHold .
                            saved data comments                                  pie
                            gurirsoex                                          Mitk®                                      1
                            Temp: 23                                                                              View
                            Aomns*                                               Date M/D/Y
                            1048 Transient Limiter Used                          zame                             pone.

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                                                CISPR 22 Conducted Emissions, Class B— Neutral

Stort Freq thlts)              ;
       9 s.o00              m
Stop Frea (Mi]              ®
       9 30 oo              a
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        igrome 10     sE                                                |
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 reamseam              o_        =                                      Frequenn Mitel
                       roject number                                             Tested By                            clearwrite
                       2006114                                                        Kevin Carr
                                                                                       ;                               MexcHold .
                       saved data comments                                        ple
                       gurirsoex                                            g         Mwm*"                             View     1
                       Temp: 23
                       Humdity: 36%                                               Date M/DJY
                       1048 Transient Limiter Used                                zame                                  pone.

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                                                 CISPR 22 Conducted Emissions, Class B— Phase

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       9 nase               m
Stop Freq Mi]                  :
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         cmiie                               |—|~TVipinheg

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                      2006114                                                        Kevin Carr
                                                                                      ;                               MexcHold .
                      saved data comments                                        Ple
                      gurirsoex                                            g         Fimes®                             View     1
                      Temp: 23
                      Humdity: 36%                                                   Date M/DJY
                      1048 Transient Limiter Used                                    zame                              pone.

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                                              CISPR 22 Conducted Emissions, Class B— Phase

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                     2006114                                            Kevin Carr
                                                                         ;                        MexcHold .
                     saved data comments                                ple
                     gurirsoex                                       FAtkiy                                1
                     Temp: 23                                                                       View
                     Aomns*                                             Date M/D/Y
                     1048 Transient Limiter Used                        zame                       pone.

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                                                   CISPR 22 Conducted Emissions, Class B— Phase

Stort Freq thlts)                 ;
       9 s.o00                 m
Stop Frea (Mi]                 ®
       9 30 oo                 s
               now. @00
        gromie        |                                                   |

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 fesussam                 o_        o                                     Frequencets
                          roject number                                           Tested By                         clearwrite
                          2006114                                                       Kevin Carr
                                                                                         ;                           MexcHold .
                          saved data comments                                       ple
                          gurirsoex                                           g         wA#                           View     1
                          Temp: 23
                          Humdity: 36%                                              Date M/DJY
                          1048 Transient Limiter Used                               zame                              pone.

                                                                                                         aupe ce ve se

Nemko Canada Inc.       FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                    CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                      PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Conducted Photographs

Side View

Front View

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Nemko Canada Inc.                            FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                         CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                           PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Section 5.          Radiated Emissions

Para. No.: 15.109

 Test Performed By: Kevin Carr                        Date of Test: 8 July 2002

Test Conditions:         Test Voltage: 120VAC
                         Temperature: 28°C
                         Humidity:     65%

Minimum Standard:

                                 Frequency         Maximum Field Strength at 3m
                                   (MHz)           µ V/m               dBµµ V/m
                                   30 - 88          100                  40.0
                                  88 - 216          150                  43.5
                                 216 - 960          200                  46.0
                                 Above 960          500                  54.0

Test Results:            Complied. The worst-case emission level was 39.2 dBµV/m @ 3m
                         at 423.2 MHz. This was 6.8 dB below the specification limit.

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                           FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                        CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                          PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Measurement Data:
The equipment was prescanned in a shielded room using a spectrum analyzer and broadband
antenna. A list of frequencies was compiled for investigation in the open field. The equipment
was then moved to an open area test site where amplitude measurements were made at a distance
of 3 meters. The bandwidth was set to 120 kHz and the detector function was CISPR Quasi-
Peak. Any emission within 3 dB of the specification limit is re-measured using a reference tuned
dipole antenna per ANSI C63.4.
Emissions detected above 1 GHz were measured with horn antenna and low noise pre-amplifier at
a distance of 3 meters.
The spectrum was investigated from 30MHz up to the frequency shown in the following table.
Highest Frequency Generated or Used in the Device             Upper Frequency of Measurement Range
Which the Device Operates or Tunes (MHz)                      (MHz)
Below 1.075                                                   30
1.705 – 108                                                   1000
108 – 500                                                     2000
500 – 1000                                                    5000
Above 1000                                                    5th harmonic of the highest frequency or 40
                                                              GHz, whichever is lower.
The highest operational frequency used in the EUT was 423.22 MHz.
The top six (6) emissions within 20 dB of the limit have been recorded.
Test Data - Radiated Emissions
Tested as per Table Top                                      Tested as per Floor Standing
The top six emissions within 20 dB of the limit have been recorded.
All pre-scan data can be found at the back of this report.
Test Distance (meters): 3              Receiver: ESVP                           Range: A
Detector: CISPR                    RBW(kHz): 120              Environmental Factors: None
No.   Freq.       Ant.     Pol     RCVD        Ant.     Amp.         Dist.       Field      Limit           Margin
      (MHz)                (V/H)   Signal      Factor   Gain         Corr.       Strength   (dBµV/m)        (dB)
                                   (dBµV/m)    (dB)**   (dB)***      (dB)        (dBµV/m)
1     48.01       B/C1     V       19.9        11.7                              31.6       40              8.4
2     40          B/C1     V       17          12.7                              29.7       40              10.3
3     423.2       L/P1     V       20.2        19                                39.2       46              6.8
4     846.44      L/P1     H       8.6         27                                35.6       46              10.4
5     32          B/C1     V       16.9        13.8                              30.7       40              9.3
6     56          B/C1     V       19.7        10.6                              30.3       40              9.7
B/C =    Biconical, BL = Bilog, L/P = Log-Periodic, H = Horn, D/P = Dipole, E/D = EMCO Dipole
*        Re-measured using dipole antenna.
**       Includes cable loss when amplifier is not used.
***      Includes cable loss.
()       Denotes failing emission level.
N.D. =   Not Detected

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Nemko Canada Inc.      FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                   CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                     PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Radiated Photographs

Front View

Rear View

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                 FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                              CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Section 6.           Sample Calculations

Radiated Emissions

Emissions were measured at a distance of 3 meters and corrected for antenna factor and cable

i.e.   Received Signal = 25 dBµV @ 100 MHz
       Antenna Factor & Cable Loss = 9.8 dB
       Field Intensity = 25 + 9.8 = 34.8 dBµV/m @ 3 m

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Nemko Canada Inc.                           FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                        CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                          PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Section 7.         Block Diagrams

Conducted Emissions


         EUT                     L.I.S.N.                      ANALYZER OR
                                                              TEST RECEIVER


Radiated Prescan


                                                   SPECTRUM ANALYZER
                                                   AND PLOTTER OR TEST



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Nemko Canada Inc.                                       FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                    CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                      PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Outdoor Test Site For Radiated Emissions

                                       3 METERS

                                       SEARCH ANTENNA

                    EUT                                                            HEIGHT (1 TO 4 m)
   0.8 METER


                                                                         TO TEST RECEIVER/SPECTRUM

The spectrum was searched up to 1GHz or the 5th harmonic of the highest oscillator frequency, which ever
was higher, up to a maximum of 40GHz.

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                       FCC 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B: 1999
                                                                    CLASS B CERTIFICATION
                                                                      PROJECT NO.:2W06114

Section 8.             Test Equipment List
Equipment List – Conducted Emissions - Anechoic Chamber
CAL      Equipment                   Manufacturer        Model     Asset/Serial   Last Cal.     Next Cal.
Cycle                                                    No.       No.
1 Year   LISN                        EMCO                4825/2    FA001545       Oct. 09/01    Oct. 09/02
1 Year   Receiver                    Rohde & Schwarz     ESH3      FA000208       Mar. 07/02    Mar. 07/03
1 Year   Spectrum Analyzer           Hewlett-Packard     8566B     FA001309       Nov. 27/01    Nov. 27/02
1 Year   Spectrum Analyzer Display   Hewlett-Packard     85662A    FA001309       Nov. 27/01    Nov. 27/02
1 Year   Quasi-Peak Adapter          Hewlett-Packard     85650A    FA000801       Nov. 27/01    Nov. 27/02
1 Year   Transient Limiter           Hewlett-Packard     1194 7A   FA000975       Oct. 19/01    Oct. 19/02

Equipment List – Prescan for Radiated Emissions - Anechoic Chamber
CAL      Equipment                   Manufacturer      Model No.   Asset/Serial   Last Cal.     Next Cal.
Cycle                                                              No.
1 Year   Spectrum Analyzer           Hewlett-Packard   8565E       FA000981       July. 15/02   July. 15/03
1 Year   Spectrum Analyzer           Hewlett-Packard   8566B       FA001309       Nov. 27/01    Nov. 27/02
1 Year   Spectrum Analyzer Display   Hewlett-Packard   85662A      FA001309       Nov. 27/01    Nov. 27/02
1 Year   Quasi-Peak Adapter          Hewlett-Packard   85650A      FA000801       Nov. 27/01    Nov. 27/02
         Bilog                       Schaffner         CBL6112B    FA001504       NCR           NCR
1 Year   Horn Antenna #2             EMCO              3115        FA000825       Dec. 01/01    Dec. 01/02
NCR      0.1 – 1300 MHz Amplifier    Hewlett Packard   8447D       FA001748       NCR           NCR
1 Year   1.0 – 2.0 GHz Amplifier     JCA               12-400      FA001498       June. 04/02   June. 04/03

Equipment List - Radiated Emissions
CAL      Equipment                   Manufacturer      Model No.   Asset/Serial   Last Cal.     Next Cal.
Cycle                                                              No.
1 Year   Receiver                    Rohde & Schwarz   ESVP        FA000951       May. 02/02    May. 02/03
1 Year   Spectrum Analyzer           Hewlett-Packard   8565E       FA000981       July. 15/02   July. 15/03
1 Year   Biconical (1) Antenna       EMCO              3109        FA000805       Aug. 22/01    Aug. 22/02
1 Year   Horn Antenna #2             EMCO              3115        FA000825       Dec. 01/01    Dec. 01/02
1 Year   Log Periodic Antenna #1     EMCO              LPA-25      FA000477       Aug. 28/01    Aug. 28/02
1 Year   1.0 – 2.0 GHz Amplifier     JCA               12-400      FA001498       June. 04/02   June. 04/03

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Document Created: 2002-09-06 13:13:55
Document Modified: 2002-09-06 13:13:55

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