Test report 3


Test Report

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                                     EXHIBIT VI

                                    Test Report 3

                      FCC ID: KBCIX300GC82WLBT

                            IX300 GoBook Tablet PC

                                    This Report For

                         The Bluetooth Intentional Radiator

                              Under Part 15.247 FHSS

                                     Co-located with

   Test Report 1.) SONY ERICSSON GSM 850/1900 radio modem under Parts 22H & 24E

Test Report 2.) WM168B-MOLEX 802.11(b) WLAN, DTS Intentional Radiator under Part 15.247

                        (see separate reports for each transmitter)

                                 Prepared On Behalf Of

                               ITRONIX, Corporation
                                801 South Stevens Street
                                  Spokane, WA 99204


                                Spectrum Technology, Inc.
                                209 Dayton Street, Suite 205
                                   Edmonds, WA 98020
                                      425 771-4482

                                      May 10, 2004

                                        Exhibit VI

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                     FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT
                         Bluetooth Test Report Table of Contents

                                                Section 2.1033(b)6
Cover Page                                                                                    1

Table Of Contents                                                                             2

Twelve Common Items to Bluetooth Device’s                                                     3-5
(Incorporated by reference, copied verbatim from FCC list)

Test Report - Six Bluetooth Tests Required

                  1) The 20 dB Bandwidth Section 15.247(a)2                                   6

                  2) Conducted Peak Output Power Section 15.247(b)1                           7

                  3) De facto EIRP Limit Section 15.247(b)1                                   7

                  4) RF Safety Section 15.247(b)5                                        Please Refer to Exhibit XII

                  5) Spurious RF Conducted Emissions Section 15.247 (c)

                  Band-edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions                              8
                  Spurious Radiated Emissions in Restricted Bands                             9
                  Spurious Radiated Emissions At Upper Restricted Band-edge                   10

                  6) Power Spectral Density in Acquisition Mode Section 15.247 (d)            *


        Appendix 1 Table of Contents

        Plots   1 to 3    20 dB Bandwidth
        Plot    4         79 Hopping Frequencies Occupied Band
        Plots   5 to 7    Conducted Output Power
        Plot     8        240 MHz Span ( high, mid & low channel transmit )
        Plots   9         Spurious RF Conducted Emissions
        Plot    10        Lower Band-edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions
        Plot    11        Upper Band-edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions

        * Not applicable under the FHSS rules, applies to DTS modulation

                                                    Exhibit VI                                                     2

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                               FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

                              BLUETOOTH APPROVALS

The following exhibit indicates the FCC Spread Spectrum requirements in Section 15.247(only) for devices
meeting the Bluetooth Specifications for devices operating in the USA. The purpose of this exhibit is to help
expedite the approval process for Bluetooth devices. This exhibit provides items that vary for each device
and also provides a list of items that are common to Bluetooth devices that explains the remaining
requirements. The list of common items can be submitted for each application for equipment authorization.
This Bluetooth transmitter is a Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum(FHSS) transmitter in the data mode
and a Hybrid transmitter in the acquisition mode.

For each individual device, the following items, 1-6, will vary from one device to another and must be
1) The occupied bandwidth in Section 15.247(a)1ii .
2) Conducted output power specified in Section 15.247(b)1.
3) EIRP limit in Section 15.247(b)3.
4) RF safety requirement in Section 15.247(b)4
5) Spurious emission limits in Section 15.247(c).
6) Power spectral density in the acquisition mode.

For all devices, the following items, 1-12, are common to all Bluetooth devices and will not vary from one
device to another. The list can be copied and pasted into the filing.

1 Output power and channel separation of a Bluetooth device in the different
operating modes:
The different operating modes (data-mode, acquisition-mode) of a Bluetooth device don’t
influence the output power and the channel spacing. There is only one transmitter which
is driven by identical input parameters concerning these two parameters. Only a different hopping
sequence will be used. For this reason the check of these RF parameters in one op-mode is sufficient.
2 Frequency range of a Bluetooth device:
Hereby we declare that the maximum frequency of this device is: 2402 – 2480 MHz.
This is according the Bluetooth Core Specification V 1.0B (+ critical errata) for devices
which will be operated in the USA. This was checked during the Bluetooth Qualification tests (Test Case:
TRM/CA/04-E). Other frequency ranges ( e.g. for Spain, France, Japan) which are allowed according the
Core Specification are not supported by this device.
3 Co-ordination of the hopping sequence in data mode to avoid simultaneous
occupancy by multiple transmitters:
Bluetooth units which want to communicate with other units must be organized in a
structure called piconet. This piconet consist of max. 8 Bluetooth units. One unit is the
master the other seven are the slaves. The master co-ordinates frequency occupation in
this piconet for all units. As the master hop sequence is derived from it’s BD address
which is unique for every Bluetooth device, additional masters intending to establish new
piconets will always use different hop sequences.
4 Example of a hopping sequence in data mode:
Example of a 79 hopping sequence in data mode:
40, 21, 44, 23, 42, 53, 46, 55, 48, 33, 52, 35, 50, 65, 54, 67,

                                               Exhibit VI                                                    3

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                 FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

56, 37, 60, 39, 58, 69, 62, 71, 64, 25, 68, 27, 66, 57, 70, 59,
72, 29, 76, 31, 74, 61, 78, 63, 01, 41, 05, 43, 03, 73, 07, 75,

09, 45, 13, 47, 11, 77, 15, 00, 64, 49, 66, 53, 68, 02, 70, 06,
01, 51, 03, 55, 05, 04
5 Equally average use of frequencies in data mode and behavior for short
The generation of the hopping sequence in connection mode depends essentially on two
input values:
1. LAP/UAP of the master of the connection
2. Internal master clock
The LAP (lower address part) are the 24 LSB’s of the 48 BD_ADDRESS. The
BD_ADDRESS is an unambiguous number of every Bluetooth unit. The UAP (upper
address part) are the 24 MSB’s of the 48 BD_ADDRESS. The internal clock of a Bluetooth unit is derived
from a free running clock which is never adjusted and is never turned off. For synchronization with other
units only offset are used. It has no relation to the time of the day. Its resolution is at least half the RX/TX
slot length of 312.5 µs. The clock has a cycle of about one day (23h30). In most case it is implemented as
28 bit counter. For the deriving of the hopping sequence the entire LAP (24 bits), 4 LSB’s (4 bits) (Input 1)
and the 27 MSB’s of the clock (Input 2) are used. With this input values different mathematical procedures
(permutations, additions, XOR-operations) are performed to generate the sequence. This will be done at
the beginning of every new transmission.
Regarding short transmissions the Bluetooth system has the following behavior:
The first connection between the two devices is established, a hopping sequence was
generated. For transmitting the wanted data the complete hopping sequence was not
used. The connection ended. The second connection will be established. A new hopping sequence is
generated. Due to the fact that the Bluetooth clock has a different value, because the period between the
two transmission is longer (and it cannot be shorter) than the minimum resolution of the clock (312.5 µs).
The hopping sequence will always differ from the first one.
6 Receiver input bandwidth and behavior for repeated single or multiple
The input bandwidth of the receiver is 1 MHz.In every connection one Bluetooth device is the master and
the other one is the slave.The master determines the hopping sequence (see chapter 5). The slave follows
this sequence. Both devices shift between RX and TX time slot according to the clock of the
master. Additionally the type of connection (e.g. single or multislot packet) is set up at the beginning of the
connection. The master adapts its hopping frequency and its TX/RX timing according to the packet type of
the connection. Also the slave of the connection will use these settings. Repeating of a packet has no
influence on the hopping sequence. The hopping sequence generated by the master of the connection will
be followed in any case. That means, a repeated packet will not be send on the same frequency, it is send
on the next frequency of the hopping sequence
7 Dwell time in data mode
The dwell time of 0.3797s within a 30 second period in data mode is independent from
the packet type (packet length). The calculation for a 30 second period is a follows:
Dwell time = time slot length * hop rate / number of hopping channels *30s
Example for a DH1 packet (with a maximum length of one time slot)
Dwell time = 625 µs * 1600 1/s / 79 * 30s = 0.3797s (in a 30s period)
For multislot packet the hopping is reduced according to the length of the packet.

                                                 Exhibit VI                                                    4

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

Example for a DH5 packet (with a maximum length of five time slots)
Dwell time = 5 * 625 µs * 1600 * 1/5 *1/s / 79 * 30s = 0.3797s (in a 30s period)
This is according the Bluetooth Core Specification V 1.0B (+ critical errata) for all
Bluetooth devices. Therefore all Bluetooth devices comply with the FCC dwell time
requirement in data mode. This was checked during the Bluetooth Qualification tests.
The Dwell time in hybrid mode is approximately 2.6 mS (in a 12.8s period)
8 Channel Separation in hybrid mode
The nominal channel spacing of the Bluetooth system is 1Mhz independent of the
operating mode. The maximum “initial carrier frequency tolerance” which is allowed for Bluetooth is
fcenter = 75 kHz. This was checked during the Bluetooth Qualification tests (Test Case: TRM/CA/07-E) for
three frequencies (2402, 2441, 2480 MHz).
9 Derivation and examples for a hopping sequence in hybrid mode
For the generation of the inquiry and page hop sequences the same procedures as
described for the data mode are used (see item 5), but this time with different input
vectors:**For the inquiry hop sequence, a predefined fixed address is always used. This results
in the same 32 frequencies used by all devices doing an inquiry but every time with a
different start frequency and phase in this sequence. **For the page hop sequence, the device address of
the paged unit is used as input vector. This results in the use of a subset of 32 frequencies which is specific
for that initial state of the connection establishment between the two units. A page to
different devices would result in a different subset of 32 frequencies.
So it is ensured that also in hybrid mode the frequency use equally averaged.
Example of a hopping sequence in inquiry mode:
48, 50, 09, 13, 52, 54,41, 45, 56, 58, 11, 15, 60, 62, 43, 47, 00, 02, 64, 68, 04, 06,
17, 21, 08, 10, 66, 70, 12, 14, 19, 23
Example of a hopping sequence in paging mode:
08, 57, 68, 70, 51, 02, 42, 40, 04, 61, 44, 46, 63, 14, 50, 48, 16, 65, 52, 54, 67, 18,
58, 56, 20, 53, 60, 62, 55, 06, 66, 64
10 Receiver input bandwidth and synchronization in hybrid mode:
The receiver input bandwidth is the same as in the data mode (1 MHz). When two
Bluetooth devices establish contact for the first time, one device sends an inquiry access
code, the other device is scanning for this inquiry access code. If two devices have been
connected previously and want to start a new transmission, a similar procedure takes
place. The only difference is, instead of the inquiry access code, a special access code,
derived from the BD_ADDRESS of the paged device will be, will be sent by the master of this connection.
Due to the fact that both units have been connected before (in the inquiry procedure) the paging unit has
timing and frequency information about the page scan of the paged unit. For this reason the time to
establish the connection is reduced considerable.
11 Spread rate / data rate of the direct sequence signal
The Spread rate / Data rate in inquiry and paging mode can be defined via the access
code. The access code is the only criterion for the system to check if there is a valid
transmission or not. If you regard the presence of a valid access code as one bit of
information, and compare it with the length of the access code of 68 bits, the Spread rate
/ Data rate will be 68/1.
12 Spurious emission in hybrid mode
The Dwell in hybrid mode is shorter than in data mode. For this reason the spurious emissions average
level in data mode is worst case. The spurious emissions peak level is the same for both modes.

                                                Exhibit VI                                                    5

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                  FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

EXHIBIT 6A                              TEST: 20 dB BANDWIDTH

FCC ID:                                  KBCIX300GC82WLBT
Applicant:                              ITRONIX Corp.
Model:                                  IX300 with GC82, WAN & WM168B-MOLEX, WLAN &
                                        MUBTC2-TH, Bluetooth

Minimum Standard Specified:             FCC reply to TCB council 10/08/02, Frequency hoppers in the 2.4 GHz
                                        band are required to use a minimum of 15 non-overlapping channels. The
                                        hopping channel bandwidth can be wider than 1 MHz as long as the
                                        channels do not over lap and all emissions stay within the 2400- 2483.5
                                        MHz band. For example a system that uses the minimum 15 channels
                                        can have hopping channel bandwidth that are up to 5 MHz wide.

Test Results:                           The measured 20 dB bandwidth complies with the non-over lapping
                                        channel requirements of the FCC interpretation referenced above.

Authorization Procedure:                Part 2.1049

                                          Method of Measurement:

1.       The output power level had been preset during production.
2.       The output of the EUT was connected directly via an adapter to the input of the Agilent E7405A spectrum
         analyzer. The setting were RBW of 10 kHz & VBW of 30 kHz.
3.       The measured channels cover the low, middle and high channels of the operational frequency range requested
         for this intentional radiator.
4.       The EUT was modulated but not hopping channels during this test. The data rate is 1mbps per the Bluetooth
         standard. The Payload is PRBS9 data. TxDATA1 Bluecore software selected.
5.       Measurements done according to DA 00-705 Filing and Measurement Guide for FHSS Systems.

      Measurement Results of Modulated Occupied Bandwidth
       Channel                Channel              Measured                  Limit
                             Frequency           Maximum 20 dB          Non-overlapping
                                GHz                   BW                 channels, all
                                                 EUT modulated          emissions within
      Plot 1 Low                2.402                 683 kHz                complies
     Plot 2 Middle              2.441                 698 kHz                complies
      Plot 3 High               2.480                 683 kHz                complies

Plots 1, 2 & 3 of the 20 dB Bandwidth, supporting the above data, are located in Appendix 1 at the end of
this report.

                                                  Exhibit VI                                                     6

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                      FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT


FCC ID:                          KBCIX300GC82WLBT
Applicant:                       ITRONIX Corp.
Model:                           IX300 with GC82, WAN & WM168B-MOLEX, WLAN &
                                 MUBTC2-TH, Bluetooth

Minimum Standard Specified:              Part 15.247(b)1 is 1 Watt Maximum

Test Results:                            The measured output power level of the sample shows compliance with
                                         the maximum permissible 1 Watt limit.

Authorization Procedure:                 Part 2.1046

Manufacturers Rated Output Power: 4dBm typical, - Class II Bluetooth

Measured Maximum Output Power: . 557dBm or 1.137 Watt conducted

Please be advised the conducted power output reported herein includes all associated factors and is representative of the
actual maximum power output for this Intentional Radiator when operating installed in the IX300. The reported level
supersedes any conducted power output reported in the previous OEM filing, a copy of which is uploaded with this filing
for some of the supporting exhibits.
                                              Method of Measurement:
1.)     The output power levels referenced above, had been preset during production.
2.)     The output of the EUT was connected directly via an adapter to the input of the Agilent E7405A spectrum
3.)     The measured channels cover the low, middle and high channels of the operational frequency range requested
        for this intentional radiator. The EUT was modulated and hopping during this measurement. The data rate is
        1mbps per the Bluetooth standard. The Payload is PRBS9 data. TxDATA2 Bluecore software selected.
4.)     Measurements done according to DA 00-705 Filing and Measurement Guide for FHSS Systems.

 Channel        Frequency     Measured Peak       Measured        Internal      Corrected     Corrected
                  (GHz)           Output        Peak Output         EUT        Peak Output Peak Output
                                  Power            Power        Cable loss         Power       Power
                                  (mW)              (dBm)            dB            (dBm))      (mW))
    Low           2.402           0.807             -0.932           1.3            .368        1.088
   Middle         2.441           0.843              -0.743          1.3            .557        1.137
    High          2.480           0.746             -1.273           1.3            .027        1.006
Plots 5, 6 & 7 supporting the above data are located in Appendix 1 at the end of this report.

                         Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power

                         .557 max. conducted power)
                       +. 11___      dBi ( Pifa antenna, peak antenna gain)
                      = . 667        dBm EIRP

This Bluetooth Intentional Radiator complies with the maximum de-facto EIRP limit with the only antenna that can be used
with this device. The antenna is integrated internally within the IX300.

                                                    Exhibit VI                                                         7

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                   FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT


FCC ID:                                  KBCIX300GC82WLBT
Applicant:                              ITRONIX Corp.
Model:                                  IX300 with GC82, WAN & WM168B-MOLEX, WLAN &
                                        MUBTC2-TH, Bluetooth

Minimum Standard Specified:             Part 15.247(c) In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the 2.412 – 2.485 band
                                        RF power shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth
                                        within the band that contains the highest power.

Test Results:                           Equipment complies with standard

Authorization Procedure:                Part 2.1051

Frequency Range Observed:               0 to 25 GHz

Operating Frequencies:                  2.402, 2.441, & 2.480 GHz (2.402 – 2.480 GHz band)

Measured Output Power:                  .557 dBm or 1.137 mWatt conducted

                                           Method of Measurement:

1) The output power level had been preset during production.
2) The output of the EUT was connected directly via an adapter to the input of the Agilent E7405A spectrum analyzer.
     The setting were 1 MHz for both RBW & VBW.
3) The measured channels cover the low, middle and high channels of the operational frequency range requested for
    this intentional radiator.
4) The EUT was modulated but not hopping channels during this test. The data rate is 1mbps per the Bluetooth
    standard. The Payload is PRBS9 data
5.) Measurements done according to DA 00-705 Filing and Measurement Guide for FHSS Systems.

                Highest Conducted Spurious Emission Measured For Each Channel
 Channel                     Frequency            Emission level            Limit in dBm                  dB
                                GHz                   dBm                     20 dBc                  below limit
 Plot 9 - 2Fo, Low              4.804                  - 57.1                   -20.0                    37.1
 Plot 9 - 2Fo, Middle           4.882                  - 61.3                   -20.0                    41.3
 Plot 9 - 2Fo, High             4.960                  - 65.2                   -20.0                    45.2

Note: All three channels displayed max hold collectively on 2 plots to cover the wide frequency range.
       Plot 9, covering 10 – 2900 MHz, (1 MHz RBW & VBW) &
       Plot 10, covering 2.750 – 25 GHz (1 MHz RBW & VBW) are located in Appendix 1.

Please refer to Plots 11 and 12 for the lower and upper band-edge measurements, located in Appendix 1.
       Trace A - Band-edge channel modulated, hopping disabled
       Trace B - All channels modulated, hopping enabled (indication of spreading function evident)
                                                  Exhibit VI                                                        8

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                 FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT


FCC ID:                           KBCIX300GC82WLBT
Applicant:                        ITRONIX Corp.
Model:                            IX300 with GC82, WAN & WM168B-MOLEX, WLAN &
                                  MUBTC2-TH, Bluetooth
Minimum Standard Specified:         Part 15.247(c)
Authorization Procedure:            Part 2.1053
Frequency Range Observed:           0 to 25 GHz                       Date: 2/12/04
Equipment set up at Fluke Park II OATS see block diagram and setup photos in Exhibit 7

Frequency       Max.        Ant.    Peak or    Antenna    Cable &     Amp         Correcte    Limit   Margin
    GHz          SA         Vert.   Average     Factor      filter    Gain            d        74     in dB
                Rdg.         or     Detector     dB       loss dB                 Reading     Peak    below
               dBu/V        Horz.                                                  dBuV/m    54 Avg   LIMIT
 Fo - 2.402
   4.804       39.40          V      Peak       32.83        3.97     23.2          53.00      74        21.00
   4.804       38.12          H      Peak       32.83        3.97     23.2          51.72      74        22.28
   4.804       28.80          V     Average     32.83        3.97     23.2          42.40      54        11.60
   4.804       28.84          H     Average     32.83        3.97     23.2          42.44      54        11.56

 Fo – 2.441
   4.882       38.56          V      Peak       33.33        3.97     23.2          52.66      74        21.34
   4.882       38.65          H      Peak       33.33        3.97     23.2          52.75      74        21.25
   4.882       28.84          V     Average     33.33        3.97     23.2          42.94      54        11.06
   4.882       28.79          H     Average     33.33        3.97     23.2          42.89      54        11.11

 Fo – 2.480
   4.960       37.91          V      Peak       33.33        3.97     23.2          52.01      74        21.99
   4.960       37.81          H      Peak       33.33        3.97     23.2          51.91      74        22.09
   4.960       28.83          V     Average     33.33        3.97     23.2          42.93      54        11.07
   4.960       28.97          H     Average     33.33        3.97     23.2          43.08      54        10.92

      Harmonic emissions on all three channels (low, mid & high) 3Fo – 10Fo at or below noise floor
Channel          Frequency in GHz         Harmonics Observed              Limit     74 dBuV/m Peak &
                                                                                     54 dBuV/m Average
Low Ch.          2.402
3Fo – 10Fo       7.206– 24.020            None -at or < noise floor @3m   All emissions < 54 dBuV/m or 500 uV/m
Mid Ch.          2.441
3Fo – 10Fo       7.323 – 24.410           None -at or < noise floor @3m   All emissions < 54 dBuV/m or 500 uV/m
High Ch.         2.480
3Fo - 10Fo       7440 – 24.800            None -at or < noise floor @3m   All emissions < 54 dBuV/m or 500 uV/m

                                                Exhibit VI                                                       9

 Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                       FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

 FCC ID:                                     KBCIX300GC82WLBT
 Applicant:                                 ITRONIX Corp.
 Model:                                     IX300 with GC82, WAN & WM168B-MOLEX, WLAN &
                                            MUBTC2-TH, Bluetooth

 Minimum Standard Specified:                Part 15.247(c)

 Test Results:                              Equipment complies with standard

 Authorization Procedure:                   Part 2.1053

 Test Equipment Set Up:                     See Block Diagram in Exhibit 7

 Frequency Range Observed:                  2.480 – 2.5GHz

 Location:                                  Spectrum Technology Inc, OATS Fluke Park II

 Test Date:                                 2/12/04

 Note: No significant emissions were observed in the restricted band 2.835 – 2.5 GHz so a band-edge
 measurement was made.

Frequency      SA    Ant.  Peak or Antenna Cable & Amp Corrected Corrected Peak                                   Avg
  GHz          Rdg.  Vert. Average Factor   filter  Gain Reading Reading   Limit                                  Limit
               dBu/V or    Reading dB       loss dB      dBuV/m  uV/m      dBuV                                   dBuV
2.4835          49.70       V       Peak          28.37      3.28      22.3       59.05       896.39        74       ---
2.4835          52.23       H       Peak          28.37      3.28      22.3       60.58      1069.05        74       ---
2.4835          35.64       V      Average        28.37      3.28      22.3       44.99       177.62        ---      54
2.4835          32.89       H      Average        28.37      3.28      22.3       42.24       129.41        ---      54

 Radiated Test Notes

 1.)   All spurious and harmonics in the restricted bands listed in Part 15.205 are below the Part 15.209 limit.
 2.)   No peak emissions above 1 GHz are more than 20 dB above the average limit.
 3.)   Peak measurements made with 1 MHz RBW & VBW, Average made with 1MHz RBW & 10 Hz VBW.
 4.)   During preliminary measurements the EUT was measured in 3 mutually orthogonal planes. The highest level for Fo
       was found with the EUT standing Upright. So this position was used during final measurements at 3 meters.
 5.)   The EUT was AC powered during the testing.
 6.)   The EUT was modulated but not hopping channels during this test. The data rate is 1mbps per the Bluetooth standard.
       The Payload is PRBS9 data.
 7.)   Measurements done according to DA 00-705 Filing and Measurement Guide for FHSS Systems
 8.)   A HP preamplifier and a high pass filter was used during the measurements of the harmonics to reduce the
       fundamental signal and avoid overloading the front end of the analyzer.

                                                      Exhibit VI                                                      10

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                               FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

                                     Appendix 1

            Plots 1 to 12 are located on the following pages.

Plots 1 to 4          20 dB Bandwidth

Plot    4             79 Hopping Frequencies Occupied Band

Plots 5 to 7          Conducted Output Power

Plot    8             240 MHz Span ( high, mid & low channel transmit )

Plots 9 to 10         Spurious RF Conducted Emissions

Plot 11               Lower Band-edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions

Plot 12               Upper Band-edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions

                                        Exhibit VI                                11

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                      FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

       ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth                      Mkr1 ∆ -683 kHz
       Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB                                0.144 dB
                                           1              1R

       M1 S2
       S3 FC

               Marker ∆
               -683.000 kHz
                0.144 dB
       Center 2.402 GHz                                                     Span 3 MHz
       #Res BW 10 kHz                       #VBW 30 kHz        Sweep 31.08 ms (401 pts)

                                             Exhibit VI                                   12

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                      FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

       ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth                      Mkr1 ∆ -698 kHz
       Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB                                0.056 dB
                                           1              1R

       M1 S2
       S3 FC

               Marker ∆
               -698.000 kHz
                0.056 dB
       Center 2.441 GHz                                                     Span 3 MHz
       #Res BW 10 kHz                       #VBW 30 kHz        Sweep 31.08 ms (401 pts)

                                             Exhibit VI                                   13

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                            FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

             ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth                           Mkr1 ∆ -683 kHz
             Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB                                      0.05 dB
                                                1               1R

             M1 S2
             S3 FC

                     Marker ∆
                     -683.000 kHz
                      0.05 dB
             Center 2.48 GHz                                                           Span 3 MHz
             #Res BW 10 kHz                       #VBW 30 kHz             Sweep 31.08 ms (401 pts)

                                             Exhibit VI                                              14

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                       FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

               ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth            Mkr1 ∆ 78.2 MHz
               Ref 0 dBm          Atten 10 dB                              -0.826 dB
               Peak 1R                                                             1

               S1 V2
               S3 FC

               Start 2.4 GHz                                           Stop 2.483 GHz
               #Res BW 100 kHz               #VBW 300 kHz   Sweep 8.599 ms (401 pts)

                                             Exhibit VI                                   15

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                   FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

         ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth                 Mkr1 2.40200 GHz
         Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB                         -0.932 dBm
         Peak                                          1

         M1 S2
         S3 FC

                 2.402000000 GHz
                 -0.932 dBm
         Center 2.402 GHz                                                 Span 5 MHz
         Res BW 1 MHz                           VBW 3 MHz        Sweep 5 ms (401 pts)

                                              Exhibit VI                                16

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                 FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

       ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth               Mkr1 2.44100 GHz
       Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB                       -0.743 dBm
       Peak                                         1

       M1 S2
       S3 FC

               2.441000000 GHz
               -0.743 dBm
       Center 2.441 GHz                                               Span 5 MHz
       Res BW 1 MHz                          VBW 3 MHz       Sweep 5 ms (401 pts)

                                             Exhibit VI                             17

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                   FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

         ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth                 Mkr1 2.48000 GHz
         Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB                         -1.273 dBm
         Peak                                          1

         M1 S2
         S3 FC

                 2.480000000 GHz
                 -1.273 dBm
         Center 2.48 GHz                                                  Span 5 MHz
         Res BW 1 MHz                           VBW 3 MHz        Sweep 5 ms (401 pts)

                                              Exhibit VI                                18

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                         FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

       ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth
       Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB
       Peak                             1             2       3

       Center 2.441 GHz                                                          Span 240 MHz
       #Res BW 100 kHz                      #VBW 300 kHz                 #Sweep 12 s (401 pts)
         Marker    Trace    Type            X Axis           Amplitude
           1        (1)     Freq         2.4020 GHz        -0.833 dBm
           2        (1)     Freq         2.4410 GHz        -0.849 dBm
           3        (1)     Freq         2.4800 GHz        -1.256 dBm

                                             Exhibit VI                                          19

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                  FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

       ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth                    Mkr1 7.21 GHz
       Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB                          -57.1 dBm
       Log                                                                      *


       S1 V2
       S3 FC

               Display Line
               -20.00 dBm

       Start 32 MHz                                                    Stop 25 GHz
       #Res BW 100 kHz                      #VBW 300 kHz    Sweep 2.587 s (401 pts)

                                             Exhibit VI                               20

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                  FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

       ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth                 Mkr1 ∆ -4.10 MHz
       Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB                           -51.17 dB
       Peak                                                                     1R
       Log                                                                      *


       V1 V2
       S3 FC

               Marker ∆
               -4.100000 MHz
               -51.17 dB
       Center 2.383 GHz                                                Span 40 MHz
       #Res BW 100 kHz                      #VBW 300 kHz   Sweep 4.144 ms (401 pts)

                                             Exhibit VI                               21

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                        FCC ID KBCIX300GC82WLBT

             ITRONIX IX300 GoBook Tablet PC w/Bluetooth                       Mkr1 ∆ 2.50 MHz
             Ref 0 dBm                   Atten 10 dB                                -46.82 dB
             Peak 1R
             Log                                                                           *


             V1 V2
             S3 FC

                     Marker ∆
                     2.500000 MHz
                     -46.82 dB
             Start 2.479 GHz                                                    Stop 2.519 GHz
             #Res BW 100 kHz                      #VBW 300 kHz        Sweep 4.144 ms (401 pts)

                                            End of Report

                                             Exhibit VI                                          22

Document Created: 2004-05-11 15:22:18
Document Modified: 2004-05-11 15:22:18

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