RF Exposure Info

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Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                  FCC ID: KBCIX300GC82WLBT

                   EXHIBIT 11 - MPE CALCULATION DATA
       Model: IX300 with the three co-located transmitters listed below.

1 . ) Sony Ericsson GC82, (WAN)

       S (mw/cm^2) at 20cm = 0.249034415
       Tx Freq: 848.80 MHz                                   Antenna Gain: -1.8 dBi
       Max Peak Power @ antenna terminal input:              32.78 dBm

       S (mw/cm^2) at 20cm = 0.084773354
       Tx Freq: 1880 MHz                                     Antenna Gain: -3.3 dBi
       Max Peak Power @ antenna terminal input:              29.60 dBm

             Channel #           Frequency (MHz)      Peak Power (Watts)         Peak Power (dBm)
             (Ch.128)                824.20                     1.730                     32.38
             (Ch.190)                836.60                     1.832                     32.63
             (Ch.251)                848.80                     1.896                     32.78
             (Ch.512)                1850.2                     0.839                     29.24
             (Ch.661)                1880.0                     0.912                     29.60
             (Ch.810)                1909.8                     0.908                     29.58

2.) WM168b-Molex, (WLAN),

       S (mw/cm^2) at 20cm = 0.0039
       Tx Freq: 2412 MHz                                     Antenna Gain: -3.04 dBi
       Max Peak Power @ antenna terminal input:              16.03 dBm

           Frequency             Power             Cable loss           Corrected Level           Ant. Gain         EIRP
              GHz                dBm                                         dBm                    dBi
             2.412               15.45                .58                    16.03                 -3.04            12.99
             2.437               15.30                .58                   15.88                  -3.04            12.84
             2.462               14.97                .58                   15.55                  -3.04            12.51

3 . ) MUBTC2-TH, (Bluetooth)

       S (mw/cm^2) at 20cm = 0.0002
       Tx Freq: 2441MHz                                      Antenna Gain: 0.11 dBi
       Max Peak Power @ antenna terminal input:              0.557dBm

         Channel       Frequency     Measured Peak           Internal          Corrected Peak               Corrected
                         (GHz)          Output                 EUT                 Output                  Peak Output
                                        Power               Cable loss             Power                     Power
                                         (dBm)                  dB                (dBm))                     (mW))
           Low           2.402          -0.932                  1.3                 .368                      1.088
          Middle         2.441           -0.743                 1.3                 .557                      1.137
           High          2.480          -1.273                  1.3                 .027                      1.006

                                              Exhibit 11                                                        1

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                                FCC ID: KBCIX300GC82WLBT

The MPE calculations are submitted for multiple frequency exposure criteria. The ratio of the field strength
or power density to the applicable exposure limit at the exposure location was determined for each
transmitter below. The sum of these ratios does not exceed the 1 mW/cm^2 limit for uncontrolled exposure /
general population exposure limits detailed in CFR 47, Part 1.1310.

                           Multiple Frequency Exposure Requirements

                Ratio 1               Ratio 2           Ratio 3                        Limit
             GC82 Celluar         WM168b MOLEX         Bluetooth
              0.2490/0.57           0.0039 / 1         0.0002 / 1                      <1.0
               = 0.4368              = .0039            = .0002                        <1.0
                                Sum = 0.4409 (mW/cm^2)                                 <1.0

                           Multiple Frequency Exposure Requirements

               Ratio 1               Ratio 2           Ratio 3                         Limit
              GC82 PCS            WM168b MOLEX        Bluetooth
               0.0848/1             0.0039 / 1       0.0002 / 1                        <1.0
                 =.0848              = .0039           = .0002                         <1.0
                                Sum = 0.0889 (mW/cm^2)                                 <1.0

                 Prediction of MPE Limit OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01
                                    S = PG/4π R                 R = √ PG/4π S

=        power density
P=       power input to the antenna
G=       power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
R=       distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

                          General Population/Uncontrolled

Cellular Tx Frequency                                         848.80 MHz
Max. Peak Power Antenna Input Terminal:                        32.78 dBm
Antenna gain:                                                   -1.8 dBi

                                   S=       0.57              (mW/cm^2)
                                   P=       1896.7059         (mW)
                                   G=       0.66              (numeric)
                                   R =      13.28.            (cm)

                                   S (mw/cm^2) at 20cm = 0.249034415

PCS Tx Frequency:                                             1880.00 MHz
Max. Peak Power Antenna Input Terminal:                       29.60   dBm
Antenna gain:                                                 -3.3    dBi

                                   S=       1.00              (mW/cm^2)
                                   P=       912.0108          (mW)
                                   G=       0.47              (numeric)
                                   R =      5.83              (cm)

                                   S (mw/cm^2) at 20cm = 0.084773354

                                                Exhibit 11                                                2

Applicant: ITRONIX, Corp.                                     FCC ID: KBCIX300GC82WLBT

Bluetooth Tx Frequency:                                2412.00 MHz
Max. Peak Power Antenna Input Terminal:                16.03   dBm
Antenna gain:                                          -3.04   dBi

                             S=      1.00              mW/cm^2)
                             P=      40.0867           (mW)
                             G=      0.50              (numeric)
                             R =     1.26              (cm)

                             S (mw/cm^2) at 20cm = 0.003956028

WLAN Tx Frequency:                                     2441.00 MHz
Max. Peak Power Antenna Input Terminal:                0.56    dBm
Antenna gain:                                          0.11    dBi

                             S=      1.00              (mW/cm^2)
                             P=      1.1368            (mW)
                             G=      1.03              (numeric)
                             R =     0.30              (cm)

                             S (mw/cm^2) at 20cm = 0.000231718

                                          Exhibit 11                                3

Document Created: 2019-10-27 22:02:41
Document Modified: 2019-10-27 22:02:41

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