RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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MPE Calculation Method
E (V/m) = (30*P*G)         /d
Power Density: Pd (W/m2) = E2/377
E = Electric Field (V/m)
P = Peak RF output Power (W)
G = EUT Antenna numeric gain (numeric)
d = Separation distance between radiator and human body (m)
The formula can be changed to
Pd = (30*P*G) / (377*d2)
From the peak EUT RF output power, the minimum mobile separation distance,
d=0.2m, as well
as the gain of the used antenna, the RF power density can be obtained.

Calculated Result and Limit(WORSE CASE IS AS BELOW) 26.09dBm@ 2452MHz
Antenna       Peak Output        Power Density   Limit of Power     Test
Gain          Power (mW)         (S) (mW/cm2)    Density (S)        Result
(Numeric)                                        (mW/cm2)
1.995(3dBi)   406.4( 26.09dBm)    0.16           1                  Compiles

Document Created: 2015-03-16 10:24:45
Document Modified: 2015-03-16 10:24:45

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