Users Manual


Users Manual

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Package Contents
          imig      D1B—200 StreamTV                                           Micro—USB
         3i         Adapter                                                    Adapter
                                                                               5V 1.0 A Output

If any of the above items are missing, please contact your reseller.

Minimum Requirements
+ Display with HDMI type A input
+ Wireless router with 802.11b/g/n specification
+ Mobile device with iOS or Android operating systems‘

Download the Apps
Download the One—Touch and SmartPlay apps from the Apple App Store or
Google Play. The One—Touch app will help guide you through the setup process
for your DIB—200, and once set up, the SmartPlay app offers an easy way to stream
your device‘s media content directly to your display using the DIB—200.

                        D App Store

"Itis recommended that your device uses iOversion 4 or higher, or Android version 4.0 or higher. While earlier
versions of these operating systems maystil support the required software, the hardware commonly associated
with these earlier versions may not be sufficient to guarantee satisfactory performance.

DLink                                                                                              DiB—200

About the StreamTV Adapter
The DIB—200 StreamTV Adapteris a small yet powerful device which brings your
favorite high—definition media to life on your big screen. The DIB—200 allows you
to stream media from your mobile device to any HDMI—compatible display over
a wireless network.

                                   Wireless                             -

    Mobile Devices                                TV/Display and StreamTV Adapter

Product Overview
                                              \———HDMI Type A Connector

 WPS/Reset Button

  Micro—USB Power Input —I

DiB—200                                                                DLink

Setting up Your StreamITV Adapter
Download the One—Touch and SmartPlay apps
introduced on page 2 to your mobile device.

Plug your DIB—200 into an available type A HDMI
port on your TV or other display. We recommend
that you use a side—mounted port in order to allow
easy access to the device.

Connect the supplied Micro—USB adapter to the
power input on the DIB—200, and plug the other
end into an available power outlet.

Power on your display and make sure that the
HDMI port which you have connected the DIB—200
to is activated. Follow the on—screen instructions.


If you are using an iPad/iPhone: Using your
mobile device, go to your WiFi settings and connect
to the wireless network ID displayed on the screen.
This willconnect your device directly to the DIB—200.
You can then start the One—Touch app and select
Network Starter to continue the setup process.

                                                           t# Network Stacter

If you are using an Android device: Simply start
                                                                     Nemork Starer
the One—Touch app, select Network Starter and
                                                        neady for Setup
choose the network ID that matches the device ID
shown on your display.                                  dinkctectr                        4

Select Wireless N StreamTV Adapter from the list
of devices available for setup.                                      Network Stater
                                                                   Wreless N StreamTV
                                                               |   adaper

The Network Starter summary page will show the
details for the DIB—200. If you have more than one                   Nework Starer

StreamTV Adapter, it is recommended that you

change the Device Name to makethis particular
dlevice easy to identify. Touch Next to continue.
                                                          Devee Nane tevesstSven

                                                          OpeatonMoce           Repenie


You will then be prompted to select your wireless
                                                                  nemork Surer
network from the list of available networks. Locate
                                                      Aumlable Wrekess Networs
the name of your wireless network and touch Next
                                                       stuinuied                  22
to continue.                                          on.sis                      ar
                                                      diniczant                   as
                                                      n sser                      1#

                                                      s                           a%

If your network uses secure encryption, you will be
prompted to enter the password for the network.
                                                      Sisnoy Password
Once you have entered the password, touch
Connect to continue.

A summary of your network setup will be shown
on the screen. This will also be saved as a picture
in your device‘s photo gallery. After confirming
that the information is correct, close the image to
complete the setup process.

When the setup process has been completed,
your display will show the ‘Ready to Play‘ screen,
and you can start using your mobile device to play
media on your display.


Playing Media From Your Device
Once you have set up your StreamTV Adapter, you will be able to play media on
your HDMI display from any mobile device connected to your wireless network.
The SmartPlay app will automatically detect the DIB—200 on your mobile device
without any additional configuration.
To play media from your mobile device, follow these instructions:

  Switch on your display and make sure that the DIB—200
  poweris on.You shouldseethe"Ready to Play"screen on
  your display. Open the SmartPlay app on your mobile
  Browse your device‘s storage to find the media that
  you wish to play. You can also play media stored on
  a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device on your
  network, provided that your mobile device has the
  appropriate access privileges. Touch the file once;
  a green tick will appear next to the file name.
  Multiple items can be selected to compile a playlist.
  Select Wireless N Stream TV Adapter as the
  playback device. The device will commence
  streaming and the selected media will be
  played on your display. To access the playback
  controls, tap the StreamTV Adapter icon again.
  Use the playback controls to stop, skip to previous
  file, skip to next file, and pause playback. To fast
  forward or rewind the media that is playing, touch
  the progress bar at the top of control panel.
  If you wish to continue using your mobile device,
  simply return to your device‘s home screen. Smart
  Play will continue to run in the background, and an
  icon will be visible in the status bar of your device‘s
  home screen.


  Connecting With WPS
  The DIB—200 supports Wi—Fi Protected Setup (WPS) for simple, secure
  connection with compatible wireless routers.
  To connect your StreamTV Adapter using WPS:
   Connect the DIB—200 to your display and plug in the Micro—USB power cable.
   Wait for the device to start up.
   Locate the WPS button on your wireless router. Depending on the model,
   this might be a button on the exterior casing, or a software button within the
   router‘s user interface. Press the WPS button on your router.
   Press theWPS button on the DIB—200 within 120 seconds of pressing the button
   on the router. "WPS Connecting" will be displayed on the screen.
   Once the WPS process has been completed successfully, the DIB—200 will be
   ready to use. Connect your mobile device to your wireless router and use the
   SmartPlay app to play your media.

  Firmware Upgrade
  If an updated version of the DIB—200 firmware is available, the One—
  Touch app can be used to perform an upgrade. Follow the instructions
  below to upgrade your device‘s firmware.
  Important: in order to perform an upgrade, both your mobile device and
  StreamTV Adapter must be connected to your wireless router, and the wireless
  router must have an active Internet connection.

   Power on the DIB—200 and turn on your display.
   Ensure that the "Ready to Play" screenis visible before
   Start the One—Touch app and select Software
   Upgrader. The software will detect if your device         & ::#
   is able to be upgraded. Once detected, touch the
   StreamTV Adapter device icon to continue.

H DLink                                                                  D1B—200

+ The One—Touch app will check for available                                  sommrunpade
  firmware upgrades. If there is an upgrade available,                    uk:      Himtsan sveamty
                                                                          ‘[ JI    stise
  the required files will be downloaded (the package
  size should be approximately 45 MB). This process may
  take a few minutes depending on the speed of your
  Internet connection. Once the download has
  completed, touch OK to continue. If your firmware
  is up—to—date, you will see a notification stating that
  there is no update available. Touch OK to confirm.

                                                                          4k       w
+ The One—Touch app will now transfer the upgrade files
  to the DIB—200. This may take a few minutes.

       ADo not disconnectpower to the DIB—200 while the upgrade is being performed.
         Any interruption to the power supply may permanently damage the device.

+ Once the transfer has been completed, touch OK to
  commence the upgrade process, Your display will
  show the process of the upgrade. Once the upgrade
  has been completed, the DIB—200 will restart and
  return to the "Ready to Play"screen.

Factory Reset
You can perform a factory reset on your device to restore all settings to
their defaults.
                       A This will eraseall current settings.
To perform a factory reset on the DIB—200, simply press and hold the WPS/
Factory Reset button on the front of the device for at least 7 seconds. "Factory
Reset"will appear in the top left—hand corner of the screen while the reset is being
performed. Oncethefactory reset has been completed, the device will restart and
the initial configuration process will begin.

DIB—200                                                                                Diink C

   Below is list of solutions to common problems encountered when
   using the DIB—200.
  There is no image displayed on the screen.
  + Ensure that you have the DIB—200 is plugged into a powered USB port or power
    adapter, and that the device is receiving sufficient power.
  + Check that you have selected the correct HDMI input on your display.

   Playback stutters or pauses often.
    Ensure that your wireless router is located as close as possible to both your
    mobile device and the DIB—200. Significant distance or obstades such as walls,
    floors and furniture can degrade the strength of a wireless signal. It is also
    recommended that you have an 802.1 In or faster specification wireless router
    in order to achieve the highest possible data transfer speeds.

  The One—Touch app is not detecting my DIB—200.
    Make sure that your mobile device is connected to the wireless network with
    the same SSID (network name) as the one displayed on the startup screen.If
    you are using an Android device, check that the automatic configuration app
    has connected to the correct network If it has not, you may need to manually
    connect your device to the correct networkusing the Settings > Wi—Fifunction.

   I can‘t stop playback after I have minimized the SmartPlayapp.
  + If you wish to stop playback and cannot access the control screen, you should
    select anotherfile for playback and press the Stop button once playback of the
    new file has started.
   1 have changed my wireless router, my router‘s settings have changed,
  or I wish to use a different wireless router with the DIB—200.
  + If you have installed a new router, or you wish to use the DIB—200 with a
    differentrouter, youwill need toperform afactoryreset on the StreamTVAdapter
    and perform the setup process again. Please refer to "Factory Reset" on page9
    of this guide.

n D—Link                                                                   D18—200


You ean ind software updates and user documentation on the D:Link website
Tech Support for customers in
Australia:                                      P Box 18224, Dubai, UAE
Tel 1300.76a50                                  Tol +071—ad0022
247 Technical Support                           Fax +971eens0os / senooso
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Emait support@dlink com au                      GeneraInguiries:info me@d inme com
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Thursdays 9 20AM to 200 PM
Email Support sa@dincme com

D—Link Middle East — Dubal, U.AE.
Plot No $1102,
JebelAl Free Zone South,

Di8—200                                                                            Diiok j


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  Argentine S0.,                                                            Sose w

  o                                                              ausiaeie
  Tehran IRAN                                                          20 omtinn im
   e      21—         4
  w0021 serosssa t                                                           7060 n
  Genera nquiies:o                                   073—796—2707 ysive
  Tech Support supportit@dinicme com                        Info@dinkco.I2i
  Msrsess                                              support@diinkco.f momn
  Route deNovaceurangle RS ot CT 1020 Bureau N* 312
  Casablanca . Marce
  Phone: +212863 72 7924
  Emall support
  Lebanion RMA center
  Po Boxsorsso
  Telsoor a sia971 Barta
  Fax ado1 a 5t 971 Ex t2
  Techrical Support +873 1 3032004

  Technical Support +965 2p4sa090 / 905 22ass0«0
  Tarkiye Merkez Irtibat Ofisi
  Ajszate Mastikyolu
  Eidekil Cevahirlg Markez| No: 5A Ajszaga /Maclak
  Tel +0 212 asessse
  Ueretsiz Misten Destok Hat 0 600 211 00 65
  Webnrw inkcomir
  TeknilcDestelc support b@dlink comir

n D—Link                                                                     D18—200


OBxeeneiita nporsausmoro oBecnevenn i orymrenraun rocrynis wa Mireper—cafre 0.Link
0Link nperocraenrer Becmnariyio nomnepy ann kmentas a revesie rapaiririroro cpora
Kmeis woryr obparmuen s roynny rewsivecvon nomrepm D—Link no rene onww vepen Mrepen
Texinieckan nomziepxa D—Link:
s co0—r00s«es
TexHneckan nomzepx«a yepes Untepmer:
htps iinidinicru
e—mall suppor@dlnicry

Poccun                                        Tpysin
12082c Mociea                                 Ten Aave: +835 99) 90—3210
Fpabenth nep.. 14
Ten: +7 (98) 7ea0080                          Lictua
                                              03120,. Vinge, Zimany 138—303
Yipanna                                       Telfaks: 1370 ) 236—3020
040BD r Kreo .yn, Mexsmroporan,B7—A,opic 18   Email infogndinic
Ter: 38 0) 545840
Email kev@dnkcro                              Eesti
                                              Mustamae 56314
Benapyce                                      10621, Talinn
220114 r Mmcr, npocnert Hesamncumoct,         Temizers o7
169 , U 20Bert                                e—
Ten sar5() 2161305
Emait minskeadnkiu
Kesaxcran                                     Mazk nometyu 4553 (eaja no Niras elas)
050000 . Aman, yn. Kypmanreaw, 143            LV—1002, Riga
r Mparons)                                    Telsori rere.700
Tenlare: 17 727 sresse0                       Fax «ar1 7 518708
Email amaty@dinkcro                           e—pasts info@dinkc
0038, c Epeean, yn. Abonwa,B/1, 4 srax
Ten Aave: + 374 (10) 390.007
Email erevan@dinkro



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eme n edinsst dts ns                           OmRSdim —


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FCC Statement:

Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class 8 digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particularinstallation.If this equipment does cause
harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
* Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
* Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
* Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circultdifferent from that to
which the receiver is connected.
* Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to
operate this equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
For product available in the USA/Canada market, only channel111 can
be operated. Selection of other channels is not possible.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for
an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and
operated with minimum distance 20em between the radiator & your

ver. 1.00(DJ) 2013/04/18. 67eauss1a0kG

Document Created: 2019-11-07 13:20:40
Document Modified: 2019-11-07 13:20:40

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC